1952-05-24 ib 37 � F'i yt Duly adopted by the following vote: ws"Mr...' Bentley, lax'. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris none. C on motion the meeting adjourned. %ner Town Clerk May 249 1952 Regular Meeting Presemt - Supervisor S. aRussell Harris Justice of the Peace; Henry S141ght Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman , Raymond Walkup . The board convened at 7:30 P.M. public -Hearing upon the proposed enactment of ordinances by the Town of Queensbury relating to racing events-; proof of publication of the notice received and placed on file. The following people appeared in_ reference to the ordinances : Emanuel Maine, Joseph Dowd, Earl Maille, Emmett Witherill, Mr. Schenks and Robert Jennings. ` The privilege of the floor was extended to A. Howard Silverman, an attorney present, who represented the above-named and spoke opposition in favor of the enactment of the ordinance. No one appeared to the enactment of the ordinance. ution Not 35 introduced' by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman nps on: ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF"Ta"NSBURY RELATING TO RAGING BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, pursuant to Section 2145 of the Penal Lair of the State of New York, as amended by Cbapter 301 of the Laws of 1952 as follows:: $1 ECTION I: The racing of horses and motor vehicles and the holding of public. events for the racing of horses° andmootor vehicles toethe pro- clock in the afternoon on Sunday, is hereby permitted visiona; and: conditions shall aPP1Y to set allydaysftthe week following pro- visions anal corgi SECTION 2:-. No such racing event either. of horsef or motor vehicles to which ;the public s invited- or an admission fee ie charged. eualeess a� directly 'or indirectly siseissued by the TT� Boaurdeof� Town of liqensa or, permit therefore Queensbury. SECTION 3: Sikh license shall be for t and remainder of fthesu calendar. year in WbUh the said license shall be issued livens-.Or permit shall be the sum of $25.00. , CTIQN 4: No such permit or license shall be granted by Board of the Town of Queensbury until a substantial plank barrier shall be erected- between the racing track or course and the area 438 � in which spectators are invited, to be present,, and such barrier shall be kept and maintained: in good condition at all times.. SECTION 5: Every application for such license or permit shall be made in writing and shall state the nature of the race or event for which permission is requested:,, the location of such race or event,, the- name and address of the applicant, if the same is an individual., or of all partners, .if the applicant shall b&. a partnership and if the appli- cant 19- a corporation,, the date of incorporation,, the law under which the corporation was organized and the names and addresses of the prin- cipal officers> of the corporation, SECTION 6: Any person,. firm or corporation who or which shall hold any such ,raee or racing event in the Town of Queensbury without first obtaining from the Town Board- of the. Town of Queensbury, the aforesaid' license or permit, or who shall otherwise violate any sect- ion or provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00, ,or imprison- ment for a period not to exceed six months or both,; and in addition thereto, or...in the, alternative:, the license or permit of the violator may be revoked. SECTIOX 7: The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance shall not invalidate any other part thereof. SECTION 8: This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication and .posting as required by Town Law. Duly adopted by the following voter. Ayes - Mr. 'Walkup,, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes none Public hearing upon the ordinance regulating the development of sub- divisions in the Town of Queensbury; the proof of publication re- ceived and placed qn file. The following persons appeared and gener- ally discussed with the board the proposed ordinance; Douglas Jackson, Norman Beaty, Hubert R. Jessey, Nicholas Clemens, Herbert Ellsworth, Wilfred Pouliotte, . George Crannell, Joseph Gersten, Tom Rogers, Sidney Van Dusen, R.W. Leavitt, Joseph Dowd. The board generally discussed the proposed, ordinance with the above- captioned parties. The chairman requested whether or not theke was anyone opposing- it;. no one stated that they opposed the enactment of the ord�psncw_* o uti introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Sleight, was adopted: Xt X4" 4ff53rfA MWX cox ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS 0 THE TOWN OF QU BNSBURR'Y: WHEREAS, there have been during the past year or more several developments of subdivisions of areal property in the Town �of Queens- bury which has resulted in the laying out of streets, t*44 wf TAS, the laying of water pipe lines and installation of ,sewaeea facilities without any regulation or control,; and it appears in some cases, the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Queensbury 'm y be: y; endangered, and WHFRRAS 1t is deemed advisable that for the purpose of'pro- , tection- and.promotion'of'the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Queensbury, a definite standard of regulation of such de- velopments, construction and installation, is adopted and, provided.. i ` Town of ueens bur in 3 9 3�ow,. therefore, the Town Board of the Q Y, the County of Marren and State of New York, hereby ordaines and enacts as; follows: ARTICLE l Definitions For the purpose of this ordinance certain terms or words, used herein"shall be interpreted or defined as follows;: 1. The, word "person" shall include an individual, firm, partnership, club, society,; association of persons and corporation and the singular shall include the plural. 20. The words "street" or "highway" shall include any parcel of land conveyed to the Town for highway purposes or which shall have been dip t6d by the owner to public use as a highway for the passage- of persons and vehicles.. 3 The wordy "subdivision" shall mean the division of land into resi- de:ntial building lots. 4. The word "lot" shall mean a parcel of land which is or may bw oc- cupied by a building or use with accessories t1tereto including the: open space w hereon but excluding any part thereof within the bounds of a hghway. 5.. The word "development" shall mean a subdivision containing five- or more lots-,. as herein defined, 6. The words "main" , "lateral main" and "water main" shall mean a con- tinuous closed-pipe,-or -conduit which shall be eonneeted •to �a source of water supply and extend along a street or highway to carry water for the purpose of making taps or connections thereto to furnish water therefrom under pressure to individual buildings and dwellings, 7,, The words "plot plan" or "map" shall mean a drawing or diagram upon durable paper which•,shall delineate thereon the boundary lines of lots streets, highways, and other physical facts of a subdivision or development according to scale. 80. The words "town engineer" shall include a duly qualified engineer employed or,apnointed by the-Town Boar& pursuant to the-provisions of the Town 101 t 9,. .The word "sidewalk" shall mean a portion of the land which is used by the, pubic--for passage on foot and which is adjacent and substan- tially parallel to a public street or highway. 14. The word "curb" shall mean a low wall adjacent to the paved or travelled portion of a street or highway. ARTICLE II Plan of development of subdivision. ` Sec. 1. No persons shall lay out and offer for sale in any de- velopment or subdivision in the Town of Queensbury any lot as a site for a dwelling or other building.which shall have a width of less than fifty feet. Sec. 2. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or- highway- in a development or subdivision in the Town of Queens- buty any piece or parcel or land which shall be less than fifty feet in width, Sec. 3. No person shall" subdivide or develop any parcel of land in the Town of Queensbury into building lots .Ug sell or offer to sell such lots as sitea for five or more dwellings unless such person shall. first have prepared and filed in the office of the Town Clerk a map - or plot plan thereof which shall have clearly delineated thereon, t1W the boundaries of the parcel so subdivided or developed, the boundary lines of each lot laid out therein, the boundary lines of all streets or highways dedicated or proposed to be dedicated to public use, all according to a scale of measurement which shall be indicated thereon, . 440 the general location in the town of such subdivision or' development and thename and address of the person who is the owner thereof at the time of the filing of such map and such map and' plan shall have been approved: by resolution of the Town Board,, and any amended map and plan shall like- wisebe filed and approved. S `Sec. 4. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or highway in any subdivision or development any piece or parcel of land until -all trees , rocket and other obstructions shall have been. removed therefrom by the owner and the same shall have. been filled +or leveled to a rough grade established and approved by the town engineer. ARTICLE III w Regulations relating to water mains. Sec. I. No person shall lay or cause to be laid along any street or highway in a subdivision or development on which five: or more lots have been laid out a water main designed and intended td furnish water supply to such lots unless such water main shall be at least six inches in diameter. Sede 2. No such water main shall be made of any other material than cast iron or asbestos composition and every piece of 'such water main shall be at least of 150 pounds test class.. Sec. 3. Every such water main shall have a shut off and val-io, box installed: at. its connection with the supply main.. Sec. 4. Every such water main shall be laid at a depth of at least five feet under the level of the ground. See. 5. Every such lateral water main shall be furnished, laid, installed and connected at the expense of the owner of such subdivision or development,, and all service connections shall be made by the duly designated employees of the Town of Queensbury. ` ARTICLE IV Regulations relating to sidewalks and curbs. Sec. 1. Before any street or highway in any subdivision or de velopment shall be paved by the Town of Queensbury, there shall first be installed curbs at the location to be designated by the town engin- eer and approved by the Town Board,, and such curbs shall be constructed, laid and installed at the expense of the owners of the lots adjoining the street or highway to be paved in proportion to the width of their respective lots. Sac. Q. No sidewalk shall be constructed or laid.alWig any'public street or highway in any subdivision or development unless such sidewalk, shall be at least four feet in width and at least four inches in thick- ness. `ARTICLE V Violation and Penalties Sec. 1. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty days or both. Sec. 2.. In addition to the foregoing penalties provided for punishment of violations of this ordinance, the Town Board shall have such other remedies as are provided by law to restrain, cortect or abate any violation of this ordinance. ARTICLE VI Validity The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance shall not in- validate any other part thereof. ARTICLE VII 441 Effective Date: This ordinance shall take effect on the date of Its publication and posting as. required by the Town Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ages - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes none , Sidney Van Dusen who was present, generally discussed with the sown Board the care of abandoned cemeteries and was informed that the Mount Herman @emetery was the only abandoned cemetery for which the cemetery commissioners would have to make arrangements for the cutting of grass and weeds. Mr. Harris reported that he had a request to rent ,space a sign on the pine View Cemetery property. The board generally the matter and permission was not granted. Joseph Gersten discussed with the board the acceptance of land laid out for `highvay purposes within Dixon Court, Tom Rogers presented a petition for the extension of the North Glens Falls- Water District. Petition was received and placed on file. cltion No . 37 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman ,Laiep • WHEREAS a petition having been duly presented: to this board for the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District to include prop- erty described as follows: BEGINNING at an 'iron pipe set in the ground marking the south- westerly corner of Glenacres subdivision (formerly land of William Parker) ; running thence N 86 deg. 30' W along the northerly side-. of Miller Road or Aviation Road 252 feet more or less to an iron pipe; thence E 80 deg. 51' W still along the northerly side of Aviation Road 418 feet more or less to an iron pipe; thence N 5 deg. 391 F. along the Westerly line of land formerly of Eva King and the easterly line of. land formerly of Steeves 1247040 feet to. a corner; thence S 84 deg. 34' E along the northerly line of lands formerly of Eva King and Samuel Smith &70 f eet .more or less to the northeasterly corner of lands formerly of Samuel Smith; thence S. 5 deg. 411 E along the easterly line of lands formerly of Samuel Smith, this line also being the westerly boundary line of the North Glens Falls Water District, 1260 foot more or 'less to the place of begimirag.. That no amount is proposed-to be- expended for the construction of the water system within said property extension by the taxpayers of the water district. Said petition having been signed by owners of taxable property situated in the proposed district, owning in the ag- gregato more than 1/2 of the assessed valuation of all the taxable proPerty. of the proposed district as shown upon the last completed assessment roll in said Town.. Order that pursuant to the provisions of Section 193 of the Town Law, the Town Board will meet at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, in said Town on the 7th day of June, 1952 at 7:30 o'clock E.D.T. in the evening of that day to consider said. petition and hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof or concerning the same, and it is further ordered that the Clerk shall cause a copy of this order certified by her to be published once in the Glens Falls Times, the official newspaper, on the 27th day of May, 19520 and shall cause copies of this order to be posted conspicuously in five public places within the proposed extension not less than ten or more than twenty days before the day designated for the hearing aforegaid. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Barris Noes - none 1 S_4 r w �Reso 1„��ti .A� 2445 -introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampson: It is hereby resolved that the Town Clerk shall cause to be published once in Glens Falls Timew on the 27th day of May, 1952, a notice in the following form: NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the 'Town of 'Queensbury, Warren County, New York, after a public hearing thereon,. has adopted and enacted an ordinance as follows, to wit: ORDINANCE d THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RELATING TO RACING EVENTS BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town of Queensbury, Marren --- County, New York, pursuant to Section 2145 of the Penal Ldw of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 301 of the laws of 1952 as follows: SECTION I: The racing of horses and motor vehicles and the holding of public events for the racing of horses and motor vehicles after 2 o' clock in the afternoon on Spnday, is hereby permitted subject to the pro- visions and conditions hereinafter set forth, but the following pro- visions and conditions shall apply to all days of the week. SECTION 2: No such racing event either of horses or motor ve- hicles to which , the. public is invited or an admission fee is charged either directly or indirectly shall be held in the Town of Queensbury unless a license or permit therefore is issued by the Town Soard'` of the Town of Queensbury. SECTION 3: Each license shall be for the remainder of the calen- dar year in which the said license shall be issued and the fee for such license or permit shall be the sum of $25.00. SECTION 4: No such permit or license shall be granted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury until a substantial plank or timber barrier shall be erected between the racing track or course and the areal in -which spectators are invited to be present; and such barrier shall be kept and maintained in good condition at all times. SECTION 5: Every application for such license or ,permit shall be made in writing and shall state the nature of the race or event for which permission Is requested, the location of such race or event, the name and address o� the applicant, if the same is an individual, or of ,all partners, if the applicant shall be a partnership and if the appli- cant is a corporation, the date of incorporation, the law under which the corporation was organized and the names and addresses of the prin-. cipal officers of the corporation. SECTION 6: Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall hold any such race or racing event in the Torn of Queensbury without first obtaining from the Town Board of the. Town of. Queensbury, the aforesaid license or permit, or who shall otherwise violate any sect- ion or provision, of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $50600, or imprison- ment for a period not to exceed six months or both, and in addition thereto, or in the alternative, the license or permit of the violator may be revoked. ` SECTION 7: The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance shall not invalidate any other part thereof. SECTION, 8: This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication.and posting as required by Tawm_IAx* dated:.- Nay 24, 1952 By order of the Town Board FRANCES L. TURNER Town Clerk 4 X443° w R ` It is further resolved that the Town Clerk cause a printed copy of - such ordinance be posted on the sign-board maintained by the, Town Clerk, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris , Noes - none Resolution No. 39 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by, Councilman - Walkup: It is hereby resolved that the Town Clerk cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on the 27th day of Delay, 1952,, a notice in the following form: NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury, Marren County, New York, after a public hearing thereon, has adopted and enacted an ordinance as follows, to wit:. Ordinance Regulating the Development of Subdivisions in the Town of-Queensbury. WHEREAS, there have been during the past year or more several de- velopments of subdivisions of real property in the Town, of, Queensbury which has. resulted in the laying out of streets, the sale of lots, the laying of water pipe lines and installation of sewage facilities without any regulation or control and it appears that in some cases, the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Queensbury may be endangered, and WU RUS it is deemed advisable that for the purpose of protection and promotion of the health, safety .and general welfare of the Town of Queensbury, a definite standard of regulations of such developments, construction and installation be adopted and provided, Now;-therefore,-the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury in the County of'Warren and State. of New York, hereby ordains and enacts as follows ARTICLE' I Definitions For the purpose of that ordinance certain terms or words used here- in shall be interpreted or defined as follows : , 1,.; The word "person" shall include individual, firm, part- ncrship, club, society, association of persons and corporation and the sing�xlar `shall include the plural. 20. The word "street" or "highway" shall include any parcel of land conveyed to the Town for highway purposes or which shall have been dedicated by the owner to public use as a highway for the passage of persons and vehicles. . 3,. The word "subdivision" shall mean the division of land into residential building lots. 4, The word "lot" shall mean a parcel of land which is or may be occupied by a building or use with accessories thereto including the open spaees thereon but excluding any part thereof witbi.n. the bounds of a highway. 50 The word "Development" shall mean a subdivision containing '— five or more lots as herein defined. . 6, The words "main" , "lateral main" or "water main" shall mean,- a continuous closed pipe or conduit which-shall be connected, to a source of water supply and extend along a street or highway to carry water for the purpose of making taps or connections thereto to furnish water therefrom wader pressure to individual buildings and dwellings. 444 ?. The Words "plot plan" or "map" shall mean a drawing or dia- gram upon durable paper which shall..delineate thereon the boundary line of lots, streets, highways and other physical facts of a sub- division or development according to scale, 89. The words "town engineer" shall include a duly qualified en- gineer employed or appointed tby the Town Board pursuant to the pro- visions of the Town Law. 9.. The word ",sidewalk" shall mean a portion of .the land which is used by the public for passage on foot and which is adjacent and sub- stantially parallel to a public street or highway. 10., The word "curb" shall mean a low wall adjacent to the paved or travelled portion of a street or highway. ARTICLE II Flan of development of subdivision. Sec. 1. No person shall lay out and offer for sale in any devel- opment or subdivision in the Town of Queensbury any lot as a site for a dwelling- or other building which shall have a width of less than fifty feet. Spe. e, No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or highway in. a development or subdivision in the Town of Queens- bury any piece or parcel of land which shall be less than fifty feet in width.. 81c. 3. No person shall subdivide or develop any parcel of land in the own of Queensbury into building lotsor sell or offer to sell such lots as sit" for five or more dwellings unless such person shall first have prepared and filed in the office of the Town Clerk a map or plot plan thereof which shall have clearly delineated thereon the bound- aries of the parcel so subdivided or developed, the boundary. lines of each lot laid out O , the boundary lines of all streets or high- ways dedicated Qa gA'41topaae , A t4�$ c a 'me re �i ctbaes rhd �d ted.1:bh pw ., sew- 1,;�e4a iQnn. _ arf, ch s�ubiisicrn .sir:d+e � t sue;;x3 �� J?��i�.and addmsas�e� the f:,p�€rstSn.��ho: 1,�,�-tm�..ser� :tYnf� t the. 3oe �Afj IM, fUing > s c,k c n p.,w n rs3a r.a spTsn4' 11 have`_Amwn:,-w ved art . ro ::the .� .aC►a . . 'arid:any. �amdmdad.' p aanlgnst�sla ,ll likewise be filed and approved. Sec. 4. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or highway in .any .subdivision or development any piece or parcel of land .until all trees, rocks and other obstructions shall have been removed therefrom by the owner and the same ghall havj been filled or leveled to a rough grade established and approved by the town en- gineer. ARTICLE III Regulations relating to water mains. Sec. 1. No person shall lay or cause to be laid along any street or highway in a subdivision or development on which five or more lots have been laid out a water main designed §Lnd intended to fut'nish .water supply to such lots unless such water main shall be at least six in- ches in diameter. Sec. 2, No such water main shall be made of any other material than cast iron or asbestos composition and every piece of such water main shall be at least of 150 pound test class. Sec. 3. Every such water main shall have a shut off hnd valve box installed at its connection with the supply main. Sec,. 4. Every such water main shall be laid at a depth of at least five feet under the level of the ground. See. 5. Every such lateral water main shall be furnished, 445 laid, installed and connected at the expense of the owner of such subdivisi ' subdivision or development and all service connections shall be made by the duly designated employees of the Town of Queensbury. ARTME IV Regulationf Relating to Siditalks and Curbs Sec.kle, Before any street or highway in any subdivision or de- i . velopment shall be paved by the Town of Queensbury, there shall first be installed curbs at the location to be designated by the town en- gineer and approved by the Town Board and such curbs shall be con- . structed, laid and installed at the expense of the owners_ of the lots adjoining the street or highway to be paved in p roportion to the, < width of their respective lots.. I i Y Sec., 2. No sidewalk shall be constructed or laid along any . public street or highway in any subdivision or development unless such sidewalk shall be at least four feet in width and at least four inches . in thickness. ARTICLE V Violation and Penalties Sec.. l. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordin- ante shall- be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment for period not to . exceed thirty days or both. Sec.- 2. In addition to the foregoing penalties provided for - punishment of violations of this ordinance, the Town Board shall have . such otheryremedies as are provided by law to restrain,, correct or } abate any -violation of this ordinance. ARTICLE VI _ Validity The ,invalidity of any provision of this ordinance shall not in- kvalidate any other part thereof. , 4 ARTICLE VII . Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication and posting as required by the Town Law. Dated: May ? 4, 1952 By order of the Town Board . Frances L. Turner Town Clerk It �s further resolved that the Town Clerk cause a printed copy of . such ordii}ance. be posted on the sign board maintained ;by the Town Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Walkup, Yr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The clerk read the statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed during the month of ]icy*',. ' The Tbvzn Beard audited claims as follows: Schedule of Audits for the Town of .�< Queensbury, Warren County, New York fos the month of May, 1951 . Amt Amt., No.. Name of'Claimant Nat6re of Claim Claimed Allowed 140 Riagara-Power-Mobswk Street lighting `60.81 60.81 supplies wn 141 Russell fait -T Clk 4.40 4.40 142 Kathryn E. O'Brien Type.min.for Twn Bd 2.50 2.50 143 G.F. Post Co. Pub notice Ordinance 446 ClAmt. Amt. No.- Name of Claimant Nature of Claim aimed Allowed regguulation;: the De- velopment of subdiv- isions 37.12 37;12 144 G.F. Post Co., Pub.Ordinance Notice_ relating to Racing Events 15,.36 15.36- 145 G.F, Post Co.. Display adv. last day to pay T.- 6,72 6.12 146 Matthew Bender & Co. 1951 Supp.. Morrison's Guide for Justices Peace, M. Bentley, J.P.. 2,50 2.50 147 Dennis & Co.Inc.. Justice Motor Vehicle Docket,. H.J.Sleight,JP 15,31 15.31 148 U.S. Casualty Bond-C.Lam son R J..Hoa n Be O'Brien T pe 8,00 8.00 149 Kathryn ype.min.Twn.Bd. . 4.00 4.00 150 Warren T. Varney Milg-Assr.Chairman 24.80 24.80 151 Hoag's Tire Service 5 gal.#30 Kendall Oil PV Cem. . 4.80 4.80' 152 M.R. Sexton 1-21" cut Savage Power Mower, PVC 137.75 137.75 153 J.E.Sawyer & Co.. 1 #1910 Sprayer lqt.. Dioweed Spray PVC 8.150 8.50 154 Carswell T & T Co,. Gas PV Cem. 9.41 9.41 155 Fred Be Ricketts Mi1g.Chrmn's office & back 19,20 19.20 156 George Stiles 2 days wk Twn dump 128,00 128,00 157 fu0s6`11 & Waite Supplies - 8.,,37 8.37 158 M.rs.Joyce Wilcox Office work 101.00 100.00 159 Atha Sberman Cash rebate-WGFFWDF 4,50 4.50 160 Bert Davignon Cash rebate-WGFWD- Fund 4.50 4.50 161 Lenetta Crannell Cash rebate-WGFWD Fund 3,75 3,/75 162 The Bullard Press Water Bills,Ridge Rd,. W.D. Fund 6.75 6.75 163 The Bullard Press Water bills,NGFWD Fund 11.25 11.25 164 The Bullard Press Water 3ills8WGFWD.,Fund 10,.50 10,50 165 George Kilmer Painting fire hyd.NGFWD Pd. 24.00 24,00 166 Louis Corlew And his helper,NGFWD Fd. 14,00 14.00 167 Howard Wallace Postage stamp & perentg ,,.. NGFWDF 1870.75 187.75 168 City Glens Fails Meter .Water rent,WGFWD fund 422,59 422.59 169 City Glens Falls Meter Water rent,Ridge , Rd. W.D. Fund 65,70 65.70 170 City Glens Falls Meter Water rent,NGFWD Fund 1098.70 . 1098,70 171 City Glens Falls 14 stamps Ridge Rd. W.D. Fund .42 ,42 172 Carl J.Kreiser Ins.add.equip.PVC 781,24 781.24 173 Carl J.Kreiser Ins. Town property 631.17 631.17 $ '37r4 37 $ 337 o j4.. introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by 'Super- or arr s: Resolved that there be installed under the Halfway Brook and Glenwood Ave. the 8" water pipes connecting the two existing mains. Further resolved that water committee be and is hereby author- ised to cause to be installed such 8" water main under the said committee's supervision. Dil.y adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none. On motioh the meeting adjourned. r ` Town Clerk.