01 22 2019
Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 / Time 7 – 11 pm
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Old Business
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 1-2019
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type II
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size .70 acre
Location 48 Hillman Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 239.8-1-54 Ordinance Reference 179-13-010
Cross Reference SEP 739-2017 Septic Alt., AV 1-2019; Warren Co. Referral January 2019
Public Hearing Site Information APA, CEA
January 22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes a new bay window feature facing the shoreline. Also included are an addition to the first floor of 623 sq. ft.
which includes front entryway addition, west roadside covered porch, west shoreline expansion of interior space and east side sunroom with patio.
Pursuant to Chapter 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance, expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review
and approval.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 4-2019
Owner (s) William J. Rourke, Sr. SEQR Type Type II
Agent(s) n/a Lot size .29 acre
Location 21 Jay Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 289.10-1-13 Ordinance Reference 179-13-010
Cross Reference SP 40-2017 & AV 38-2017 1,935 sf addition; Warren Co. Referral n/a
93702-3453 septic alt.;
Public Hearing Site Information CEA
January 22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes to remove a 161.60 sq. ft. enclosed porch and to construct a new 161.60 enclosed porch with a 64 sq. ft.
covered balcony above. No other site work or alterations are to occur. The new porch is no closer than existing porch. Pursuant to Chapter 179-13-010
of the Zoning Ordinance, expansion of a non-conforming structure shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 2-2019
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) n/a Lot size 2.87 acres
Location 221 Corinth Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification: CI
Tax ID No. 309.13-2-25 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference SP 5-2001 Stewart’s bldg.; SP 45-2012 bank Warren Co. Referral January 2019
w/drive thrus; SP 20-2013 Freezer addition; many
others; AV 2-2019;
Public Hearing Site Information Travel corridor
January 22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes to build new convenience store with attached 5,139 sq. ft. bank. Existing convenience store and bank, 4,711
sq. ft., will remain open during construction and the existing building and gas canopy will be demolished when the new building is complete. The new
canopy is to be 4,656 sq. ft. and to be constructed when the original building is demolished. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,
new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 64-2018
Owner (s) Theodore Rawson SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) n/a Lot size 135.33 acres total of 3 parcels
Location West Mountain Road Ward: 3 Zoning Classification: -20.2 RR3A; -21 & -22
Tax ID No. 300.-1-20.2, 300.-1-21, 300.-1-22, Ordinance Reference 179-6-010
Cross Reference n/a Warren Co. Referral October 2018
Public Hearing October 16, 2018, November 27, 2018, January Site Information Steep slopes, stream crossing
22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes a timber harvest plan for three parcels. Project includes a selective harvest with main access and header to be
located on parcel 300.-1-20.2. Skid trails have been identified with 50 ft. buffer from stream corridor and only one stream crossing. Harvest is not to
occur in areas with a slope 15% or greater. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-010 of the Zoning Ordinance, timber harvest shall be subject to Planning Board
review and approval.
New Business:
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan Modification 70-2018
Owner (s) DMAR Property Management, LLC SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Michele Colon Lot size .52 acre
Location 343 Corinth Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification: CLI
Tax ID No. 308.16-2-12 Ordinance Reference 179-9-120
Cross Reference Several (91, 92 94), most recent: AV 36-1998; SP Warren Co. Referral January 2019
67-2012 home to office; UV 126-1992 chg. of use;
SP 77-2017;
Public Hearing Site Information Travel Corridor
January 22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes to modify existing site plan to maintain fencing, parking, access driveway, berm areas and gates. Project site
is used for a commercial construction company and material storage – using existing building and site. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning
Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 3-2019
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Jarrett Engineers Lot size 237.6 acres
Location 1172 State Route 9 Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: RC
Tax ID No. 288.20-1-20 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference Warren Co. Referral January 2019
SP PZ 23-2015 Greezed Lightnin ride, SP 5-
2017 Bonzai Pipeline ride; SP 15-2018
Pandemonium ride; Several more
Public Hearing Site Information
January 22, 2019
Project Description: Applicant proposes to update rides in “Kidapalooza” with water related rides. Removing car ride and replace with “Shipwreck
Cove” and “Watermania” – 15,000 +/- sq. ft. of disturbance to include rides, new concrete area, shade structure and new walkway access to main
waterpark. Project also includes new pathway entrance big red planes and a new portal to waterpark area “Hurricane Harbor”. Project includes fencing
to remove access to amphitheater. Project includes stormwater management, grading, and some new plantings at perimeter. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-
040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board