1952-06-23 SP 451 i Xn, a7 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice eight: WHET the property owners, on Assembly Point have. proposed to dedicate lands for highway purposes along the center of Assembly Point which Would be less than .three .rods'an width and not less than ten feet in width, to wit: 33 feet in width,, and WHEREAS the said property owners: have proposed prior to the ded- ication to the Town to rough grade the proposed land to be dedicated for highway purposes, IT IS RESOLVEDthat the Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized and directed to request a certificate of the Super- -- inter dent of Public Works of the necessity of the laying out of such highway less than three rods ,in width and not less than ten feet in width, to wit: 33 feet along the center of Assembly Point. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - ,none t Mr. Ernest L.H. Meyer was present and the board generally discussed the matter of the amount of compensation which he would expect if the Town engaged his services as a civil. engineer. On motin the meeting adjourned. --� Town Clerk Special Meeting June 23, 1952 Present: H, Russell Harris Supervisor 14enry 'Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Laffipson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board 'convened at 7:30 P.I .. A hearing upon the"pe tition for' the extension of the North Glens Falls Water U3.st ct No. 2 was •called. The proof of publication of the notfee,�vas -read and filed; proof of the posting of the notice was f iled Beecher -Clother Esq. was present as attorney for the- proponents of the establishment of the district. No one appeared opposing the es- tablishment of such district. Tom Rogers appeared in favor of estab- lishing of the district. The following order establishing the extension of District No. 2 was signed by members of the board: (Order No. 48) Before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York In the tter ----- "" of The Extension of, the North Glens Falls Water District, Town of Queensbury, • Order Establishing County of Warren, State of New York. Extension District No. 2 4 r A petition in this matter for the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District having, been duly presented to the town board, to- gether with the necessary maps and plans attached thereto, and an- order having been duly adopted by the town board on the 10th day of June, 1952, for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter. on the 23rd. day of June 1952 at 7:30 'P.M. (D.S.T. ) at the Town Clerk's Office on Ridge Road in said Town; that the ' Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbu ry gave due notice of said meeting, as provided by statute, and affidavits &f' publishing and posting were duly filed in the Town Clerk's office as required by said order dated June 10, 1952, and a. . , bearing by the said Town having been duly held at such time and place, said it having been duly resolved and determined following such hearing as petition that the herein signed r quired by lawandotherwisesufffic ent, that all r the propertyaand property owners within the proposed extension of the North Glens-Falls Mater District were benefited thereby,, that all property and property owners benefited were included within the limits of the proposed ex- tension and that it was in public interest to grant in whole the re- lief sought, it having been thek and there duly resolved that the establishment of such proposed extension as proposed be approved,, and the petition showed that the cost of laying water mains w4s- to be done by the petitioners and the order duly adopted on the 10th day of June, 1952, provided that no order or consent is required from the State Comptroller for the reason that there is no money to be expended from public funds. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the said extension of the North Glens Falls Water District be established in the Town of Queensbury as des- cribed in the order made by this Board on the 10th day of June, 1952, to be designated as the Extension No. 2 of the North Glens Falls Water District, Town of Queensbury,, and to be of the following description and boundaries, to wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set in the ground marking the southwesterly corner of Glen Acres subdivision (formerly land of William Parker); running thence M 86 deg. 301 W' along the northerly side of MAller Road or Aviation Road 252 feet more or less to an iron pipe; thence N 80 deg. 51' W still along the northerly side of Aviation Road 418 feet more or less to an iron pipe; — thence N 5 deg. 391 E,along the westerly line of land formerly of Eva King and` the easterly line of land formerly' of Steeves 1247.40 feet to a corner; thence S 84 deg. 341 E along the northerly line of lands formerly of Eva King and Samuel Smith 670 feet more or less to the northeasterly corner of lands formerly of Samuel Smith; thence S. 5 deg. 41' E along the easterly line of lands formerly of Samuel Smith, this line also b41ng the westerly boundary line of the North Glens Falls Water Distriet, 1260 feet more or less to the place of beginn3,ng. Dated: June 23, 1952 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith S. Bentley Henry J. Sleight Justices of the Peace Curtis Lampson Raymond Walkup Councilmen Members of the Town Board of the Town of Qu eensbur Y. Warren County New York. 453 Mr. Lampsoil introduced Resolution No. 49 and seconded by Mr. Walkup: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby is authorized to execute a petition to the Water Power and Control Commission of the State of New York,. and any and all necessary papers in connection with the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District No, 2. Duly adopted this 23rd day of June, 1952, by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsot, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Public Hearing upon the proposed establishment of a Drainage District. Hearing opened at .8 P.M.. The following persons were present: George- Cables Rae Suprenant Henry Donobue R.H. Bainbridge Nelson Vunk Roy Phillips J.H. Derby, Jr. Robert Scales K.C. Warner Howard Congdon. Carl J. Kreiser William Flynn , W.E. Rouillard Ruth Glynn No one appeared opposing the establishment of the district. , The following communication was read by the clerk: Mark H. Peet 250 Glen. St: Glens Falls , N.Y. June 17, 1952 Beecher S. Clother, Esq. Attorney for Drainage District ##1 Town of Queensbury 206 Glen Street Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Clother: On Thursday, June 5, 1952, the Trustees of The Crandall Trust held a meeting at which a quorum was present and acting throughout. The Trustees discussed the request for ,the location of the drain- age pipes on the lands of The Crandall Trust on the south side of Halfway Brook in connection with the drainage district for the Broad- acres, Thompson Park•and Park View areas according to 'a certain plan prepared by Leslie M: Coulter under date of October 9, 1950 and last revised June 2, 1952: After discussion of the question, the following resolution was duly adopted: "Resolved, ,That Robert C. Carter, Vice President of The Crandall Trust, be and he hereby is authorized to exefute an easement in favor of the Town of Queensbury, or the drainage district to be formed, to permit the location of drainage pipes on the lands of The Crandall Trust south of and adjacent to the shores of Halfway Brook as shown on a map of the pro- posed drainage district in the Town of Queensbury prepared by Leslie M. Coulter and revised June 21 1952." Yours very truly, (Signed) Mark H. Peet Secretary L The Crandall Trust 454 . The board generally discussed the proposed establishment. The following resolution was adopted: I-ResW uLi n., No- 50) At a Special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,. New York, held at Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road, it' said Town, on the 23rd day of June, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. r The meeting was called to order by Supervisor, and the roll being called, there were present: H. Russell Barris, Supervisor Curtis Lampsdn Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace' ,, Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace. The following resolution was offered �by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. 'Walkup, to wit: A RESOLUTION ADOPTED `PURSUANT TO SECTION 194 OF THE TOWN LAW IN RELATION TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DRAINAGE DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUrENSBURY, , NEW YORK WHEREAS, a. petition has been heretofore duly presented to this Town Board for the establishment of a drainage district to include the property hereinafter described; and WHERE,AS; ' this Town Board on June 10, 1952, adopted a resolution and order No. 45 calling a public hearing to consider the said petition and hear any and' all persons interested in the subject thereof or concerning the same, such public hearing to be held on June 23, 1952 at 8 o'clock P.M. ; Daylight Saving Time, at the office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road, in said Town; and WHEREAS, at such time and place this Town Board did meet to hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof or, concerning the same; NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED AND DETERMINED by the Town Board of the Town of Qu,eeiisbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: 822tion 1.1L After the holding of said public hearing as hereinabove set forth and upon the evidence given thereat, this Town Board does hereby determine a) That such petition dated April 19520 is signed and ack- nowledged or proved as required by law and is otherwise sufficient; b) That all the property and property 0*ners within the pro- posed district are benefited thereby;: c) That all the property and property owners benefited are in- cltdAed' within the limits of the proposed district; and d) It is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought. Section 2. This Town Board does hereby approve the establishment of the drainage district in the Town of Queensbury, to be designated Drainage District No, of the' TownFof Queensbury, :and including therein the real property bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the *est line of the City of Glens Falls at a point south 6 deg. 4 min west's distance of 680 feet from the northwest corner of the city; running thence south 6 deg. 4" west along the west line of said city 3040 feet to a point in the south line of the Broadacres Subdivision; thence the following five courses along the south edge of said Broadacres, Subdivision south 75 deg. 20" west a distance 'of 225 feet; thence' south 5 deg. 17" west a distance of 50 feet; thence north 85 deg. 2" west a distance of 779:50 feet; thence north 8 deg.. 15" east a distance of 15.90 feet; thence north 85 deg. 2" west a distance of 685 feet to the southwest corner of said Broad- -4 4 y acres Subdivision; thence north 30 deg. 29" west along he west line of said Broadacres 505 feet; thence north 6 deg. 4" east al- ong the west line of said Broadacres 1423 feet to the northwest corner of said Broadacres Subdivision and a.-point in the center line of the Dixon Road; thence north 75 deg, west along the center of said Dixon Road 203 feet to the southwest corner of Lands of George Crannell; thence north 6 deg. 4" east along the west line of said Crannell's land 1085 feet more or less to the north bank of the Halfway Brook;" thence northeasterly down said Brook 70 feet more* or less to the west line of the Crandall Trust; thence south 4 deg. west along the west line of The Crandall Trust land 163 feet more or less ; thence south 83 deg. 56" east along the south line of lands of said Crandall Trust 1355 feet; along the line of lands of said Cran- thence north 6 deg. 4" east dell Trust 150 feet; thence north 82 deg. east along the south line of-lands of said Crandall Trust 800 feet to the place of be- ginning. 0 3. The `Town Board does hereby approve the construction- of a drainage system therein at a maximum amount proposed to be expended for the establishment of said drainage system for the purposes aforesaid, including surveys, land and other expenses, of $1209000. It is fur- ther determined that the expense of the establishment of said drainage system and the construction of a drainage system therein shall be borne by local assessment upon the several lots and parcels of land within said drainage district, which the Town Board shall determine and spec- ify to be especially benefited by the improvement in just proportion to the amount of benefit which the improvement shall confer upon the same. �Sectio 4. Within ten days after the adoption of this resolution the Town lurk is heteebyini thetofficef certified ofcAudit and resolu- tion, in duplica , Control in Albany, New York, together with an application, in dupli- , cate, for permission to create such district, such application to be executed and verifift by the Supervisor and to contain and include as a part thereof the substantive matters required by subdivision 3 of Section 194 of the Town Law. -- o' This resolution and determination shall take effect immed- iately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution and determin- ation was duly put to- a vote on roll call which resulted as follows : RAymond Walkup voting aye H, Russell Harris " aye ' Henry J. Sleight " aye Curtis Lampson " aye Meredith S. Bentley " aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. Mr, Sleight introduced Resolution No. 51 and seconded by fir. LaL,pson: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of queensbury be and hereby is authorized to' execute a petition to the Comptroller of the State of New York and any and all necessary papers in connection with the establishing of a drainage district no. 1 of the Town of queens- bury, N.Y . Duly adopted this 23rd day of June, 1952 by the following votes : Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, fir. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Mr. Roy Phillips was present to make a statement and the privilege of the floor was extended to him. He orally stated that the trees along Dixon Road were disrupting cellar floors. The following people were present in relation to the proposed drainage of the Glendale development: 456 J. Seward Thompson John Hurley Carl Kreiser The board generally discussed the matter with them. In the matter of the limitation of speed along upper Sherman Ave. , the following rpginilitiQn XQ S2 was presented and adopted: The resolution was introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: The Town Board hereby requests the State Traffic Commission,, pursuant to Article 7 of the Vehicle and Traffic law to restrict the speed at which 'vehicles may proceed ,on Upper Sherman Avenue in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, beginning at the westerly 16undary line of the city of Glens Falls on Sherman Ave. and westerly therefrom for a distance of one mile. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mir.` Walkup, Mr. 'Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr., Sleight _and Mr. Harris Noes - none Eldridge M. Moore, 'a member of the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 2 of the Town of Queensbury, was present and pro- posed that the Town acquire for a nominal consideration the school house property fnx of former School District No. 21 located can Pine View Road, Resolution No. 53 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: WHEREAS it is proposed that the school house property of former common school district No. 21 which abuts Pine View Cemetery property be sold, and WHEREAS it is deemed for the best interests of the Town in order ' to protect the cemetery property to acquire such property if the same is directed to be sold, RESOLVED that the town board offer s to acquire from Union Free School District No. 2 of the Town of Queensbury the schoolhouse ,and real property upon which it is located, situated on the Pine View Road, formerly known as school house property of common school district No. 21, for a consideration of a nominal sum if such sale is authorized.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none . The following communication from Ernest L.H. Meyer was read by the clerk to the board: Ernest L.H. Meyer, CE-PE Glens Falls, N.Y. June 20, 1952 To the TOWN BOARD OF QUEENSBURY i Gentlemen: Referring to our recent conference, I hereby agree to make in- vestigations of the availability of a. source of `pater supply for the Town of Queensbury to serve districts within an area of approximately 25 457 square miles adjacent to the City of Glens Falls and extending from the Hudson River on the south to the Country Club road on the north and from the Town line on the east to the West Mountain road- on the west which area includes the Vest Glens Falls, two North Glens Falls and the .Ridge Road water districts, for a fee of from $800 to not exceeding $1000 PLUS the actual costs of the labor and materials required for the installation and maintenance of any measuring weirs on any` stream sources selected for accurately measuring the flow thereof. The fee will include - the investigations, supervision of the installation of any weirs, p eriodical readings at the weirs for a period of a year to obtain a' record of the minimum and maximum' stream flows, and a report of my findings and recommendations thereon. Ppogresk reports will be submitted at times during the year upon which partial payment of the fees are to •be made. Andy `questions of legal rights pertaining to the diversion of water from any stream considered satisfactory for a supply, is to be referred to your Town attorney for opinion. Respectfully submitted for your acceptance. (Signed) Ernest L.H. Meyer CE-PE NYS PE license 7863 On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting June 28, 1952 _ Present: H. Rusell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. J.. Seward Thomson and John Hurley were present in reference to the pro- posed drainage of the Glendale development. After discussion the matter was referred to the committee on drainage. In reference to appointment of the inspectors of election, the following re commendations were read by the clerk: Town Board Town of Queensbury Gentlemen: I would like to recommend Bessie Branch for E lection Inspector. (signed) Leo' Blowers Comm. Dist. 2 P.O. Box 451 Glens Falls , N.Y. June 24, 1952 -- To the Members of the Town Board: I would like to apply for the appointment of inspector on the Election 'Board, in District 1 Queensbury.