1952-06-28 . 45.7 .
square miles adjacent to the City of Glens Falls and extending from
the .Hudson River on the south to the Country Club road on the north
and from the Town line on the east to the West Mountain road- on the
west which area includes the West Glens Falls, two North Glens Falls
and the Ridge Road water districts, for a fee of from $800 to not
exceeding $1000 PLUS the actual costs of the labor and materials
required for the installation and maintenance of any measuring
weirs on any ' stream sources selected for accurately measuring the
flow thereof.
The fee will include - the investigations, supervislon of the
installation of any weirs, p eriodical readings at the weirs for a
period of a year to obtain a record of the minimum and maximum' stream
flows, and a report of my findings and recommendations thereon.
Progresso reports will be submitted at times during the year upon
which partial payment of the fees are to -be made.
AY `questions of legal rights pertaining to the diversion of
water from any stream considered satisfactory for a supply, is to
be referred to your Town attorney for opinion.
Respectfully submitted for your acceptance.
(Signed) Ernest L.H. Meyer CE-PE
NYS PE license 7863
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting June 28, 1952
H. Rusell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
J.. Seward Thomson and John Hurley were present in reference to the pro-
posed drainage of the Glendale development. After discussion the matter
was referred to the committee on drainage,
In reference to appointment of the inspectors of election, the
following re commendations were read by the clerk:
Town Board Town of queensbury
I would like to recommend Bessie Branch for E lection Inspector.
(signed) Leo ' Blowers
Comm. Dist. 2
P.O. Bog 451
Glens Falls, N.Y.
June 24, 1952
To the Members of the Town Board:
I would like to apply for the appointment of inspector on the
Election 'Board, in District 1 Queensbury.
I am an enrolled Democrat, and have been a resident of this
district all my life, now residing at 5 Phillips Ave. , and I am a tax-
I would appreciate it very much if you could give me this appoint-
Very truly yours,
(signed) Marjorie Taylor Murray
June 4, 1952
Dear Mrs. Turner,
I wish to recommend the following thange, in personnel for
election district #4.
Please replace Mrs. Laura Goldman with Mrs. Viola A# Gooch.
(signed) Carlyle J. Gooch
Glens Falls, N.Y. , June 24, 1952
To the members of the Town Board,
We wish to recommend Clara F. ' Taylor and Gladys ' LaFountaine for in -
spectors of election for Dist. no. 1 Queensbury.
(signed) Anna McCaghey
Arthur Suprenant
June 24, 1952
To the Town Board of Queensbury,
As Democratic Committeeman I would like to recommend Elva Mc-
Dermott as inspector of elections for District no. 2. '
(signed) Bessie C. Branch
The clerk reported that she had talked with other committeemen of
the Republican and Democratic parties in the respective' districts
and their inspectors to be appointed' are to be the same.
Resolution No..-" introduced by Justice Bentley and seconded by• Coun-
Gilman Lampson:
Whereas the board has received written recommendations as follows
for inspectors of election:
E.D. 1 - Clara F. Taylor and Gladys LaFountaine, Repdblicans; by
Anna McCaghey and Arthur Suprenant.
E.D. 2 - Elva McDermott, Democrat, by Bessie C. Branch.'
E.D. 3 - Viola A. Gooch, Democrat, in place of Laura Goldman by Car-
lyle J. Gooch, and
WHEREAS no other written recommendations have been received,
Resolved that the following be and are hereby appointed inspect-
ors of election for the party and the election districts as follows:
E.D. 1
Republican Democratic
Clara F. Taylor Joseph Sullivan
Gladys LaFountain Helen J. Sullivan
E .D. 2
Minnie Bidwell Elva McDermott
Marion Martindale Bessie Branch
E.D. 3
Irene Lowe Rose Bibbey
Doris Chadwick Bury Sullivan
E.D. 4
Ethel Stevens - Mabel Sawn
Hazel Smith Viola A. Gooch
-E-D, 5
Fred Fisher Evelyn Grant
Lora Lord Victoria Hubert
It is further resolved that the salary' of each inspector for
each primary, registration and general election day be and the same
is hereby fixed at $12.00 per day. t
Duly adopted by the following vote:
ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Bar. Lampson, Bar. Sleight and Mr. Harris
i k
Aloes - none
Mr. Sidney Van Dusen, filed an amended map,of the Cottage Hill
section- and amended the first, second, third and fourth sections ' in
the subdivision and graded lot no. 27 of the Qucensbury district.
Mr, Van Dusen requested that the clerk insert in the record that
in the areas referred- to on the first, second and third, sections re -
ferred to on such map, that there was installed by him 3900 feet of 6"
cast iron main.
The clerk read the report of
inDr, Bernard ere ordr, health offi-
cer, a copy of which is herewith
. Bernard Sellinger, M'D.
x 38 Harrison Avenue .
- Glens Falls, N.Y'
June 27, 1952
Town Clerk
Town of• Queensbury
Dear -Sir:
As Health Officer of the Town of Queensbury, I wish to submit the
following report.
There were no unusual communicable diseases reported during the
There were the usual number of nuisance complaints mostly con -
-cerning water in cellars or the neighbors smelly septic tanks, about
which I have been advised by the Albany office of the State Health
•Dept. , •the Health Officer has no authority to take action.
I attended the Public Health Conference of Lake Placid from
June 4th to 6th inclusive as a requisite of the Extension Course I am
taking. Respectfully submitted,
A (signed) Bernard Sellinger, MD
In the -matter of ,the proposed contract of ,Ernest L.H. Meyer, CE, duly
•licensed engineer for the purpose ofh ersscertai suitable water a
sources for the Town of Queensburys t
suitable contract was referred to Mr. Bentley.
The board audited claims as follows :
Schedule of Audits for the Town of
Queensbury, Warren County, New York
for the month of June, 1952
Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant
Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
174 Frances L. Turner Postage stamps, off $ 3.00 3.00
175 Union Free School Dist.
No. 2 Town Queensbury Rental PV Schoolhouse
stotage 2 yrs, 80600 80,00
176 G.F. Post Co. Pub.Not. petition
draining 18.08 18.08
177 G.F. Post Co. Pub.not.pe tition
water supply ' 16.32 16:32
178 Kathryn E. O'Brien Typ:min.Twn,Bd. 5,50 5,50
179 G.F. Post Co. Pub.not,ordinance
racing 14;40 14:40
180 Niag-Mohawk Power Corp. Street ltng.May/52 68.01 68.01
181 H.F. Post Co. Legals for water'dist.
Drainage list. 4:96 40' 96
182 Sterling Miller ; Labor laying water main 2667 26:67
183 Byron Purinton Labor laying water main 26.67 26.67
184 John A. Miller .Labor laying,wator main
and backfill 46;98 46;98
185 Lawrence Corlew Labor laying water main 26.67 260- 67
186 G.F; Post Co; Pub;meeting Twn Bd. 12996 12,96
187 G.F. Post Co. Pub,not.ordinance rag.,
development 3b;84 35;84
188 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Minute b6ok-300 page 28.38 28.38
189 Marion Martindale Inspector spring pri-
190Chas.E. Hoiaghtaling mary 12:00 12:00
Pad law blanks .92 ,92
191 Arthur J. Hillis Erecting & taking down
booths 120' 00 12;00
192 George Kilmer Labor NGFW Dist. 63.80 63.80
193 Howard Wallace S§rv.Apr. , May, June
NGF Water Dist, 136;50 136:50
194 Mrs. Claire Wilson Refd.Water rent,NGFWD 13;50 ` 13,50
195 Clifford Hartman ' Refd' NGFW Dist. 7;18 7;18
196 Millfrank'Restaurant Refd. 2 month off. 20:84 200'84
197 Kathryn E.- O'Brien . Typ, 'min. Twn B&. 6:00 6;00
198 William L. Powers Serv.-Dog warden 34.20 34.20
199 Fred E. Ricketts Mileage tray. to chair-
man's office' 22;80 2 ;80
200 Curtis Lampson Pctg.on coll.WGFWD 151;83 151:83
201 Edward Eggleston Labor worked-NGFWD 12;00 12;00
202 Harold F. Dean Street light 246;91 246;91
203 Mountainside Free .Library-Annual gift to library 100;00 100.00
204 G.F.Elect.Suppl.Co.Inc, Elect.suppls.traf.,lt, 54.97 Not aud.
205 John Kubricky Shovel & truck sere.
NGF Ext, 323.00 323.00
206 Carl J. Kreiser MFC6155-C Audit 2/28/52
to 5/28/52 (Cemetery) 40.41 40.91
207 Carl J. Kreiser MFC 6155-C Audit 2/28/52 -
to 5/28/52 69.03 69.03
208 Clarence Stevenson Trucking-2/12,16,17,20,27 -
1 1952-NGFWD- Ext. ' 103;50103;50
209 Floyd Martindale 2 hrs.labor NGFWD Ext. ' 2;'I0" 270
210 Maurice DeLtaria 31 hrs;labor NGFWD Ext. ' 3:85 385
211 Floyd Smith 21 hrs. labor NGFWD Ext. 2.75 2.75
212 Bernard Codner Labor &' grading-NGFWD
Ext. 23;10 23,10
213 John Wrye Labor worked-NGFWD Ext. 23;10 23010
214 Carswell ,T & T Co. Gas & oil PV Cem. 600 6 000
215 C.G.Woodbury & son 2 bags cement-PV Cem. 2,40 2.40
216 Adirondack Glass Co. 1 lt. 7/32 HIS del. & in-
stal.replace broken win-
down in vault-PV Cem. 17,844 172884 -
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk