1952-09-26 481 B"-Q._on No 70 lntroducwl 10V *C J LeElie RESOLVE'D that tl*� Tol,,_c (, ' �-- * I '' ' I I - -�, I,(­j,� Coulter gas en�ineer whose duty es are to perform exigineering services. in connection with the laying and installation of the drainage system in Drainage District No, 1 in the Town of Queensbury. The compensation for such services is 'hereby fixed at 3 % of the total cost of the in stallation of such drainag6 system. ' It is further resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby Author- ized to cause to be prepared a. contract ,for such engineering services containing among other things the compensation and purposes for such services above set forth. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr., Bentley, Mr. Lampson,, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none, On :Motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting September 26, 1952 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren CouhtY# New York,, held- on the above date at 7:30 p.M.. at the Clerk's offices the following persons were present: H,, Russell- Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley justice of the 'Peac.e Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Ernest Lackey,, Town Superintendent of Highways also present* Messrs*l. KaYse" and Donohue were also present* The proof of publication advertising for the purchase of pipe for use in*Drainage District ,No. ,l was filed. 4 1 The I following proposals were received and read: Mott-Manbeck Machinery Co. , Inc* Latham, New York 'Sept* 279 1952 Toin Board ' * I - Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: In' reply to y6ur advO-rtisement for the purchase of Corrugated Pip e$ we are submitting our bid in tite different proposals for your convenience in y anal zing our bid* t Our proposals cover both galvanized and coated pipes shipped railroad to Glens Falls, or delivered via our tractor trucks to jobsite and are as follows *- I I 'Pro-p'osal No. 1 .. 0orruVated Galvanized M etal Pipe, Perforated, Asphalt Coated, Standard Gauges* obtaining ..99 Railroad f,osb*, GlenF, Falls* New Yor obtk Delivery Start 10 days,, p late 50 days depending on , rallizoad cars* Price - $65s;L19,72 Jobsite delivery via our trucks Delivery - Start 10 days , complete 120 days. e. Perforated, Uncoated, Proposal—N—O..L-2 Corrugated Galvanized Metal Pip c� 482 Standard Gauges. Railroad - f.o:b. Glens Falls , New York Price '- $ 57$,578.48 Delivery Start 10 days, complete 90 days depending on obtaining railroad cars. Jobside delivery,, via our trucks Price $ 53,594.20 Delivery - Start 10 days, complete 60 days.. To expedite delivery all pipe offered is in 16 'ft, lengths and the number of bands figured is based on 16 ft. lengths. Tabulations of these proposals are attached showing quantities , diameters, gauges$ item prices and totals. On all the above proposals we will schedule delivery of the various sizes to meet your requirements. Terms are 1/2% discount for payment 'in 10 days w 30 days net., We trust we may have the pleasure of serving you.' Very truly yours , MOTT - MANBEGK MACHINERY CO. INC. (Signed) F.R. Mott, President Proposal No. 1 CORRUGATED GALVANIZED METAL PIPE - PERFORATED - ASPHALT COATED STANDARD GUAGES Railroad Delivery Jobsite Delivery Quantity Diae. : Gauge Price ft.. Total Price ft. Total 2690 ft, 10" 16 - $ 1..76 $&.97340.40 $ 1`..66 $40,465.40 167 10" Bands 1.67 - 278..89 1..58 263.86 1830 ft.. 12" 16 2.04 39,733.20 10.90 31,477.00 113 120 Bands 1.92 216.96 1181 204053 2265_. ft*. 15" 16 2946 5-,571,,.90 211.31 5-$232,15 141 - 15" Bands 2.34 324.94 2.19 308.19 e 1590 ft.. 18" 16_ 2.90 49,611..00 2.71 4$308.90 98 18" Bands; 2,,73 269050 2..57 '251,.86 1464 ft,. 21" 16 3.33 4$,375„12 3012 42,5674,68 91 21" Bands': 3.15 286a65 2095 268.45 1080 ft. 24" 14 4, .39 4,553.40 4.15 4$,399400 65 24" Bands;, 4.21 273.65 3..97 258.05 875- ft.. 30" 14 5.48 `4,,794.00 5.10 4$;462'..50 54 30" Bands-, 5.24 2820.96_- 4..87; 262.98 1385 f t.. 36" 12 8.34 110,950.90 7..91 10,,955,35 86 36" Bands 8004 691.44 7,64 657.04 1390 ft.. 42" 12 9.92 13,788.80 99.38 ' 13,038..20 86 42" Bands, 9..56 822, 16 946. 779.16 NOT PERFORATED 500 ft. 30" 14 24 2,620:00 4.87 2,,435.00 30 30" Bands:: 5.24 157920 4..87 146.10 540 ft. 36" 12 8.04 4„341.60 7.614 4 l2%, 60 33 360 Bands, 8.04 265, 32 7.64 252.12 --' $ 69$,149w99 $ 65 1,119.72'Delivery Railroad fob Glens Falls - Start 10 days 0 Complete 90 days depending on `obtaining rai'lr'oad cars;.. t 483 Delivery .. Via truck to jobside - Start 10 days after receipt of order, complete 120 days. Will deliver sizes as required.- Terms - 1/2%01 Discount for payment in 10 days - 30 days net.. PROPOSAL NO' 2 k CORRUGATED GALVANIZED,METAL PIPE - PERFORATED . UNCOATED - STANDARD GUAGES Railroad Delivery Jobsite Delivery r ' f y Quantity.Dia.. Gauge Prig/ft,, Total Price ft . Total 2690 ft. , 10" 16. ",43' $39846,70 1,33 $39577.70 167 10" Bands 1..37 228.79 1.28 213.76 i 1830 ft*_ 12" 16.1 1.64 30001.20 1.51 20763.30 113 12" Bands; 1.56 176„28 1.45 163.85 2265 ft, , 15" 16, 4971 49462.05; 1.82 49122.30 141 15" Bands:: 1189 266.49 1..74 245.34 1590 ft, 18" 16 20.31 39,672.90 2.12 39370.80 98 18" Bands; 2,21 216.58 2.03 .1981.94 1464 ft.. 21" 16, 2,.64 39.864,96 2043 30,557.52' 91 21" Bands; 2.52 229,32 2.32 .211.12 1060 ft,. 24" t - 14 3161 30826x60 3.37 4572;.20 65- 24" Bands 3.49 226..85; 3,25 211,.25 875: ft... 30" 14' 4.50 39937.50 4.12 39605,.00 54 30" Banda 4,.34 234..3-6 ' 307, .214.38 1385 ft*, 36" 1;' 7,16 999164-60 6,74: 90334.90 86 36" Bands 6,96 598..56 6,56 .564,16; 1390 ft,. 42" r 12 8,54 119,870..66 8.01 110 133,90 86 42" Bands: 8.30 713..80 7,80 670,80 NOT PERFORATED 500 ft*. 30" 14 4.34 20170.00 3,97 4 985,,00 30 30" Bands 4..34 130.20 3,97 119,10 C 540 f t.. 36" 12 6,96.. 397589.40 6,56 3;,542.40 33 36" Bands 6.96: _ 229068 6.56 216.48 $ 579578 .48 530594:.20 Delivery - Railroad fob Glens Falls , Start shipment 10 days - Complete 90 days depending on obtaining railroad cars. Delivery - Via truck to jobsite - Start 10 days after receipt of order, complete 60 days. Will deliver sizes as required. Terms - 1/2%' Discount for payment in 10 days 30 days net.. - t . . 0 .0 r INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 244 Ontario St. ,_ Cohoes, N.Y. Sept. 27, 1952 Town Board Town of Queensbury -- Glens Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: We respectfully submit the attached bid for corrugated, galvanized ouoe. Very truly yours, Industrial Supply, Inc. (Signed) R.S. Haviland, Pres, j, 484 Sept. 27, 1952 CORRUGATED GALVANIZED (Copper steel) Pipe Perforated Pie No. of Dia., Gauge Max, Feet Length Uncoated - Asphalt Coated 2690 10" 16 A 22! $3910.07 $5063.40 1830 12" 164 221 3062.40 4000.26 2265 151-- l&_1 # - 221 - 4617*60 608507& 1590 18" 16 * 20, 3774.20 50101.00 1464 21" 16 A 201 4106.46_ 5429..14. 106.0 241.11 14 fit 201 3862011 4952.85 875) 30" 14 * 1� 1 4121.04" 52664BO 1385_ 36CI ,12 * 15t K 11010'050 13282.75, 1390 42" 12 * 131, 13299.00 15996,0-00 - $51,763„38 $65*08-6u96 Not Perforated 500 30" 14 * 18V 2196,48 2892.80 540 t 360 ,12 * 1 ! 407(4.84. 4746.06 6271..32 $ 7438.86, $ Standard Highway Gauges`, Note:: 1, This price includes connecting bands. 2,. This price is delivered R.R. siding W Glens Falls, N.Y.. 31 Price is net. k 4. Delivery will be ,prior to A-4gust 1, . 19 53. 5. Pipe will be guaranteed to be Armco or equal. M 6,�. The 30" .pipe can .be 4hipped ,in 16' lengths - Standard.length. _ is 1810.. 7. Seven inch bands are standard for all sizes up to and including 30" . Twelve inch bands will be furnished with 36 and .42" pipe.. 8.. The foregoing prices are guaranteed against advances except in the event of R.R.. freeight rate advancing;: such advance would r be reflected' in .addition to .above delivered prices-. 9. This quotation is for prompt acceptance, t p Very truly yours,. i Industrial Supply, Inc. (Signed) R.S. Haviland, Pr.es, After consideration,, the following resolution was introduced and adopted&: t r RLsn1ution No- 71 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley; RESOLVED that Proposal #2 outlining the bid of Mott-Manbeck Ma- chinery Co. , Inc. , dated September 27, 1952,. Jobsite delivery,. be and the same is hereby accepted,. Be it further resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to order the pipe and fittings -in accordance with the proposal. I Duly adopted by the, following vote: - Ayes - Yx. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. .Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none Lee Swett, George Savale and Joseph Werblow were present and requested that the highway in Glenacres known as Greenway North be fixed up and placed in better condition. The following letter was read to the Board by the Clerk: { ELLSWORTH & WOODS Builders r i J w Aviation Road 485 Glens Falls, New York September 17, 1952: Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, New York. Dear Sir: Please send me three (3) copies of resolution of acceptance for personnel and bank files.. Thank you. Sincerely yours, (signed) Floyd K. Ellsworth : �- 72 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Walkup: IT IS RESOLVED that the premises. described in a deed from Floyd K. Ellsworth and Mabel C. Ellsworth to the Town of Queensbury, dated September 1952 which is not yet recorded,. be and is hereby accepted as &_public highway.. And be it further resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to cause the instkument of conveyance to be recorded upon the County Attorney's approval as to form and sufficiency of conveyance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes none. The clerk read to the Board the following communication: (COPY) TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY: Y ou are hereby requested to forthwith remove the following named Inspectors of Elections: BESSIE BRANCH, Inspector of Election of District No:-2 ROSE BIBBY, Tnqp ector of Election of District No, 3 EVELYN GRANT, Inspector of Election. of District No. 5-. r You are further requested to fill the vacancies from the list of Inspectors of Election fil0d by me with' the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury on June 309 1952. Very truly yours, D. Frank Sullivan Chairman of the Warren County Democratic Committee. 1 Dated: September 12, 1952 Resolution No. 73 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice en ey: RESOLVED that the matter of the notice dated September 129 1952 requesting the removal of certain inspectors of election be referred to the County Attorney on the question of legality. t Be it further resolved that the matter be referred to the committee on elections and confer with the County Attorney in reference to the same* Duly adopted by the following Grote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Mr,, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none 486 The Board recessed as. Town Board and convened as Town Board of Health. t The clerk read the following communication from the Health Officer: Bernard Sellinger, M.D. 38 Harrison Avenue Glens Falls , N.Y.. September 25, 1952 Town Board of Health Town of Queensbury, New York, Dear Sirs: During the month of September I received a verbal complaint from the secretary of the Glen Lake Assn. concerning the improper handling of kitchen waste and human excretes at the Bancroft Camp on the East Side of Glen Lake. Attempts were made by j:e to achieve voluntary abatement of the Sanitary Code violation. I inspected the camp in the presence of Mr. Bancroft on Sept. 21, 1952 at which time I discovered that the disposal of kitchen waste had been corrected. However the out-house sets on top of the ground and since no hole is present., human waste falls upon the surface of the ground. This building is located approx. 100 ft, from the lake, the land sloping at a steep grade towards the lake. It is obvious that after heavy rains there will be definite surface contamination of the lake. The Bancrofts intend to sell their camp and are not anxious to , invest any further in it. They do not inhabit it during winter, C I hereby recommend that Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Bancroft residing at'. Phillips Avenue, Glens Falls , be informed by the Town Board- of Health that this condition is a violation of the Sanitary Code punishable by a fine and that it be corrected before it is inhabited again next spring. Very truly yours, (signed) Bernard Sellinger Health Officer-Queensbury,N.Y. A%- y The following resolution introduced by Justice 'Sleight and seconded b y -- Councilman Walkup.1- RESOLVED that the letter of the Health Officer be and is hereby referred to the Health Committee for appropriate action.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. . Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none C The following letter was read to the Board by the clerk: 25 August 52 Mr. William Brown Clinton Heights, New York Dear Mr. Brown: On August 14 a sanitary survey was made by myself of the shoreline of Lake Sunnyside for possible sources of pollution. This survey was made because of the great number of people that use the lake water for one reason or another in their homes. j As a result of this survey I found an overflow pipe from a cesspool,.. which I understand is on your property, extending out from the Lake- shore the distance of one length of four inch farm tile. This the had a rock placed against, the end and when removed was found to be almost full of cesspool sludge with a terrifi5 odor ensuing.. - I I would like to call this matter to your attention and receive your cooperation in abating this pollution. This is a direct violation of the Public Health Law. Very truly yours, (signed) W.R.L, William R. Lee Warren County Department of Health cc : Mr. Bernard Selinger Mr. Russell Harris The Town Board of Health adjourned and re-convened as Town Board, - Ernest Lackey spoke briefly on the grader and John Stranahan stated that the grader lacked power and kad generally bad frame cracked on both sides on rear of frame; hydraulic hose broken. He stated that the blade drops in about three minutes due to leaks; bushings worn in steering shaft, spindles loose on front wheels ; leaning wheel cylinder lets wheel fall over; water pump leaks ; radiator in generally poor condition,. The matter was referred to the highway committee for immediate action._ The monthly statement of the Supervisor for the month of August was read by the clerk and placed on file, The board audited claims as follows : Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y.. For the month of September, 1952 Amt. Amt,. -X4.. N.-am* of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 263 Mabel N. Sawn Snspector of Elect.Priw Mary Day 12.00 12,00 264 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Street lighting 72,06 72.0& 265- Frances L. Turner Postage 3100 31.00 266 Wm. L. Powers Serv, as Dog Warden 18.54 18,54 267 Kathryn E. O'Brien Typ,min.Twn.Bd. 4,50 4.50 268 Glencraft Prntg. Co. Supplies-Town Clerk 14,25 14,25 269 Automatic Vot,Mch. Supplies-voting mchns. 6.51 6,51 270 Carswell T & T C o.. Gasoline-PV Cem. 5.17 5.17 j 271 Call Hardware Corp. Parts lawnmower-PV Cen;, 10..90 10..90 II 272 Franklin Scoville Mileage tray.-Supt.PV j Cemetery 36.88 36.88 273 N.Y. Tel. Co. Tel.at obsv.post-C.D, 14.65 14,65 276 N.Y. Tel, Co. " " " " " " 29.79 29,79 275- Warren T. Varney Mileage trav-assessing 27,20 27.20 276 Arthur J. Hillis Setting up booths ,& tak- ing down booths at Cen- tral Fire `House & King"s Station 12,00 12,100 277 George Kelmer Misc.work-NGFWD Find 88.00 88.00 278 Glencraft Letter Serv.1000 env.-NGFWD Fd. 10000 10.00 279 Howard 'Nallace Serv,as Supt.NGFWD Fd. 111,67 111.67 280 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.; filing- complet- ed Assessment roll 9/16/52 .6,97. 6,27 281 City Glens Fatl.ls Misc.NGFWD Fd, 11,60 11.60 282 City Glens Falls Misc,North Rd,NGFWD Fd, 6.27 6.27 283 City Glex}s Falls " Ext.2 Serv,NGFWD-Fd,. 23.22 23,22 ►� I 284 City Glens Falls Storehouse-NGFWD 18.05 18.05. -- 28,5 City Glens Falls " Glenwood Ave,NGFWD 59.45 59,45 286 City Glens Falls " " " " 42,12 42,12 287 City Glens Falls " Montray Rd.NGFV0 5.83 5,83 288 City Glens Falls Renew tap & Conn,G,lep wood Ave,NGFWD 158.00 158,00 807,93 807,93; 488 t RuplutJon 75 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice entley: RESOLVED that a meeting of this Board be held on the 6th day of October, 1952, at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's office for the presentation of estimates and consideration thereof, and adoption of preliminary budget- unless the matter is, deferred to another meeting and such other busi - ness as may come before the meeting at such time„ Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned„ < Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Special Meeting October 3, 1952 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the above date at the Clerk's office in said Town at 7:30 P.M. , the following members were present: - H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The following communication from Beecher S. Clother was read by the Clerk: Beecher S. Clother Attorney at Law Colvin Building - Glens Falls, New York x October 3, 1952 To the Town Board . Town of Queensbury - Town Clerk's Offic4e, Ridge, Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. - Gentlemen: I have been requested to write you in reference to notice• dated September 12, 1952, signed by D. Frank Sullivan, Chairman -of the Warren County Democratic Committee, requesting that Bessie Brand, Inspector of Election District No. 2-, Rose Bibby, Inspector of Election of District No. 3 and Evelyn Grant, Inspector of Election of District No. 5 be re- moved. I have examined this notice and it is my opinion that the same complies with the statute. I hav& also examined Section 45 of the Election Law which in part provides as follows:- u . .. . It shall be the duty of the Board making the appointment of an election officer, to remove forthwith such officer, without preferring any charges and without notice to such officer, upon the written request of the official of the political party who certified the name of such election officer, -- or ,his successor. All such vacancies so created shall - be filed in the same manner as the original appointment was made.- . ."