1946-05-22 IL on �r 10 21") cconAed by
Intr�)duccd by JuAice T3C_o,t,i -,r
U icilman L« i,)
� son
It w-,.S moved t' at the Tovin Board ad,-);Dt a'cid s i-r' the 1, order.
WHEREAS, the irnprovementb propos-
ed consist of the extension of said water
ju s meeting of t,* Town Boarit district to include all the lands of pe-
of the Town bf Queensbury, titioner Charles V. Peters Ismd the lay-
W6rren County, New York, held Ing of water pipes along the Aviation
at 270 Ridge Street, In said Field Road from the present westerly
Town of Queensbury, County of boundary of saidi,Water District to a
Warren, State of New York on new road dedicated by said Charles V.
the 8th day of May, 1946• Peters to the Town of Queensbury, and
Presmt: southerly on said new road for a dis-
14. Russell Harris, Supervisor. tance of approximately twelve hundred
Henry sL Sleight,Justice of the of Pe (1200) feet, and the installation along
Pea ,
Meredith S. ftntley, Justice said pipe line of two ',hydrants as
Peace. § 9 1 shown on the map it ; and
Curtis Lampso*Councilman. WHEREAS, the amount
In the Matter of The Petition for the' PrOPOSed to be expe
extension of the North,Glens Palls provement as stated pezi-
Water District In the Town of Queens-, tion Is the sum sand
bury, Warren County, New York. ($4,000.00) Dollars, I
WHEREAS, a written petition,,dated 04DZRM that a the
April 29,1946, in due form and cqnt*ia7 Town ,Board of the
Ing the required 'signatures has titers ro I tpury, shoal tie Town
presented to and filled with the Tbwn� iftit *a, Ridge Rd., i he Tqwn
Board-of the Town'of Queensbury, War- of Queens I U'"54afWarren,State
rea County, New 'York, for the exten- Of New York, on the: :.day of May,
sion of the North Glens Palls Water 1940, at 7:30 o'clock erring of
District In the sa,�d-town,to be bounded that day to cofisi petition
and described as'follows: and to hear all erested in
BEGINNING in the center line of the the subject eking
Aviation Field Road in the westerly line same, and for such 191l'on the
of the present r th
,joKth Glens Palls Water part of said Town , td 'tb-relation
District; runninj•thehce westerly along to the said petition as may be required
the center of paid road eight hundred by law or as is proper in the premises.,
ON') feet more br less to the westerly Dated:, may 8th, 194,6.
line of the lands of,C. V.Peters; thence H.Russell Harris,
south , ,grees and three minutes Supervisor,'
West,al westerly line of the lands Olith S-4 4- tky,
of,C. V—Peters I teen hundred and yj*_O�-O i Peace.
forty (190) M&Ithe southerly line Bel S14�tyht
of Lot #50 being the southerly line of 'Justf,6e of the :�eace.
the lands of said Peters; thence south Curtis Lampson,
eighty-three degreei forty-five minutes Councilman.
east along the;southerly line of the Members of the-Town Board of
lands of C. V: Deters seventeen hun- the "Town of Queensbury,
dred (1700) feet to the westerly line of WarrenwC;Ounty, New York.
the lands of the New York Power and
Light Corporation, thence north nine- J1
teen degrees and six minutes east-along
the westerly line of lands of said New
York Power and Light Corporation six
hundred twenty-one and seventy-six
hundredths (621-.76) feet; thence north
sixty-eight degrees east along the north-
erly line of lands`of said New York
Power and Light Corporation six hun-
dred and six and thirty-five one hun-
dredths (606.35) feet to the westerly line
of lands of William Miller; thence north
twenty-one degrees east two, hundred
and eighty-two and sixty-three one
hundredths-(282.63) feet to,angle point
in the westerly line of the lands of Mil-
ler; th6gice n%th nine degrees and thir-
ty-seven,minutes west along the west-
erly line of lands of said Miller three
hundred' and ten (310) feet more or
less to the southerly line of the North I
Glens Falls Water District; thence south
eighty-seven degrees and twelve min- 4
Viest west sixteen hundred feet (1600)
more or less to the southwesterly corner
of said Water District; thence north six
degrees.three minutes east
westerly, line of said Watr
seven hundred and fifty
the place of beginning;
Dt',ly ad',00ted o1 o,ai= V 0 t,
nYcs- 1-Ir 3c-,Itley, L1r. 4111r. Sl,.Lrrht and LIr Harris ,
a n e
Absent Er '.Valkup.
O_n -otio-,l e c t7 :i,y ."djourned 3ert D Ti=mer, Town Clerk
Public. Hearin; T
Ublic held 0-� th, ab( V C, d a t e a t t 1)e C I e r'K.' s off icc-
t 1 !.-:emben:; Were Fre.-zent,
Russell H-,.-�rris Suocrvioor
Henry Sleight Justice of the
eredit1l 6entley ty ti
Curtis La=son Councilman
Vinond Couticilman
In Vie matter of '4,4earicir on t-�e a!)i)l
-- - icat on of C. V ",3ters for
the e,",tdrision .of the water :3uppljy 'dit', in the North Gler3 Falls
it ..
VVater District along the Aviation Field Rod and a road . :
leading south from the aviation Field Roadq proof of
publication of notice of public hearing thereon u d proof
of posting notices of hebringte as required by law
were filed.
Mr C. V. Peters , petitioner appeared in person and by his
attorney. Robert Imrie.
P:.r. Murray and Mr Cruickshank residents and taxpayers
within said North Glens Falls eater District appeared
in opposition to the petiton, representing the taxpayers -
within the district and submitted a ^p-etition signed
forty-one taxpayers within said distr1-ct opposing „
granting the relief as for in said request.
Mr Imrie spoke in favor of said petGition.
after descussion Mr Imrie requested that the Board adjourn
the matter.
esc Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded
by councilman Wa 1kup
of C.V Peters
It was resolved that the hearing upon the application/for the
extension of the water supply within the,,North Glen's Falls , {
ater District, held on the 22nd day of "'ay, 1946 be and the
same is hereby4djourned to the 29th day of May, 1946 at 7 :30
O 'clock in theevening of. that day at the Clerk' office.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr Wa; :up, Mr Bentley, mr Lampson, Mr Sleight and
Mr Harris,
Noes: None.
In the .matter of the extension of the boundaries of the
North Glens Falls ater District to include the lands of
C. V. Peters,sole petitioner, adjacent to the boundary
line of the water distrcit-
Proof of Publication of Notice and posting of notice of public
hearing were filed.
Mr Perters appeared in y�
PP person and with his attorney, Robert
Mr Murray and Mr Crucickshank appeared re resentin
within said district opposing the extension of said distractayers
and presented a petition opposing the extension signed by
forty one taxpayers.
Mr Imrie requested after discussion that the hearing be adjourned.
Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded b
-Councilman Walkup,
It was resolved that the public hearing upon the application
of C V Peters for the extension of the North Glens Falls, Water
District held on the 22nd day of May, 1946 be and the same is
d hereby adjourned to the 29th day of ?flay, 1946 at 7 :30 En the
evening of that day at the Clerk's Office.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
MY°EW Mr Walkup* Mr. Bentley, Mr. La son Mr Sle
Mr Harris . �P � ight and
Noes : NOIRe. I
T, Bert D Turner Town Clerk.
Regular -'eeting Town Clerk'Office May 25th, 1941 &•30 P.M.
°. fFpsezit Curtis Lampson and Raymond Walkup. :',.bsen .
As there was not a quorm present it was moved and seconded tha
the meeting be adjourned to June lst, 1946 at the Clerk' t
#q at 7: .30 P.M, Dart D. Turner To Cler1 s office