1946-11-23 89 Regular meeting November 23rd,1946 crest H.Russell. Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Rentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Minutes of Meetings Held October )ctober 26th,1946 and November 7-th, 1946 and November15 1fith1946 were read aid approved:. A petition. for Street lights w,, s read and -placed on file. The Board audited claims as follwos : _ Amount -Amount p Name of Claimant Nature of C-.a-im i d Ar, ed 111 N..Y..P.& Light Corp Street Lights 37.66 37.66 112 Dennis .& Cc Supplies 15.00 15.00 113 Glens Fells Post Co. Pub. .-'.Notice 7.60 7.60 114 Glens Falls Post Co Pub Notice 2.40 2.40 115 Association of Towns Dues 27.00 27.00 116 Chas K Burke Reports . 50 .50 117 1'utnam's Elec Supplies 1.56 1.56 lie W eell,4 Waite Supplies 1.56 1.56 119 tl6ns Falls Post ,,Co Pub Notice 2.16 2.16 120 Magdol en Ke .l.v Services 12.00 - 10.00 121 Ann Kellar 0 3,00 122 14arian, Martindale Servicaa p• 52.BO :51.48 123 xvs,''MCDa=Mme±+. Services 41 .00 41.00 1919 Rlnnia E Bidwell rv-ices 41.00 41.00 125 $essie .Cronkhite Services= 41.00 41.00 126 Theresa Dimick Services 21 .00 21 .00 J2'X.'Rose E Servi4l 41..,00: 41.00 128 Irene Howe Serv;ibes 51.00 51 ..00 12'9 Julia Gooch Sergi Ces 41.00 41 ,00 130 Hazel Smith Services 5; 131 Ft1he,I St,omcne Service: >6 ,C0 `» . C)0 132 Mabel .Sswn Services 11.00 =11.00 133 Victoria Hubert Services 41.00 • 41.00 134 Fred Fisher Services 51 .00 51.00. 135 Nettie LaPoint Services 41.40 41.00 136 Lura Lord. Services: 41.00 41.00 137 Ruel Hopkins = Custodian 500,00 50.00 158 -James, J Sullivan Services 62.:08 51.00 119 Clara Taylor Services 49.00 41.00 x"40 William Suprenant Servicem 49.00 41.00 141 Donald -Sullivan Custodian 50.00 50.00 1.49 'Bert D•Turner Reg &f V.t 55.75 55.75 143 Seward •Lampson Rent 60:00 60.00 1:44 Mrs Gordon Saville Rebate II.G.F.W.D. 2050 2.50 145' Bullard Press Printing I"I.G.F.TI.D. 9.75 9.75 146 .Cit,ir of. Glens Fa,l.ls Water Fii.rr F-?rah« re of I.Ia.tor 16,4 ,90 1 147 ^ •SavI.IIe, R�bate ':7.G.F.T.T.D 35 .911 7., a1 143 Charles Nicholson. Rebate W,G.F.W.D. 3.91. 3.91 149 City of Glens Fa,;ls - Purchaseof Water 186.92 186.92 150 Artlur .Hillis Services ?2.00 22.00 _151 Arthur •IilIis ?ost(a ,6 .10 ;`')'; .10 f . On motion Meeting Adjourns Bert D Turner Town Clerk