1947-08-23 60
Regular Meeting August 23 1947
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
eredith S Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Minutes of meetings held on theJiily 26th and August 12th were
read and apprgved.
The Clerk ead a letter from lars Edmund Twitchell in reference to
the noise From a loud speaker at the Brenan's Skating rink. The
Supervisor appointed Mr. Walkup and Mr Lampson a committee , to
investigate the matter.
Ernest Milljr. and Franklin Scoville were present and discussed with
the board the matter of the Town taking over the Pine View emetery.
R -snl»t.inn No 31 , Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by Justice
IZ4EREAS , the Pine View Cemetery, Amembership Corp. by a grant dated
July 17, 1947 does thereby convey to the Town of Queensbury, to have
and to hold all that parcel of land or lands describedin said grant,
containing about 90.52 acres of land located east of route 9 and north
of the Pine View.Road toggther with a bill of sale, also dated July
17th, 1947 conveying all tools and implements buldings etc also any max
moneymoneyor grants, to the Town of 2ueensbury.
Whereas this Board considers it to be for the best interests of the
Town of Queensbury to accept the above grant of land and equipment. --
Therefore be it resolved that the above grant of land and equipment
be and the same is hereby accepted by the Town.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight, And Mr Harris
Noes: None.
esolutlon No 32 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice
S1eig ,.
WHEREAS on this date August 23rd91947 , the Town of Queensbury accepted
right and title to lands and equipment of the Pine View Cemetery and
as it will be necessary to sell , lots , receive and expend moneys
from time to time.
There6ore be it resolved ` the supervisors be and is hereby authorized
to establish and set up a fund to be known as the. Pine View "emetery
fund from ahy moneys lawfully received from the sale of lots' in
such cemetery or otherwise lawfully received fm such cemetery and
to pair out from such moneys on properly authenticatedv ouchers
for the purposes of such cemetery.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr "Nalkup, Mir Bentley, mr Lampson, 4r Sleight, and 1,1r Harris.
Noes: NONe,
The Clerk reported th at he had received a list of truck drivers
licensed by the City of G1ensFalls from the City Clerk.
The montley Statement of the Strervisor fro the Month of July
1947 was read and filed.
The Board audited claims as follows:
Amount Amount
No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
61. N.Y.P.&Light Corp Street Lights 35.17 S 35.17
62 Hanry J Hubert Supplies , Election 1950 1 .50
63 Russell & Waite Supplies 1.90 1.90
64 Doris Chadwick inspector 11 .00 11 .00
65 Henry E Clarke Expenses 45..00Disallowed
66Barlow & rerkins 'lames-Honor Roll 3.00 3.00
67Glens Falls Post Co. Advertising 33.60 33.60
68 City of G.F.-`TVater Fund-Ricketts Tap 4 .64 4 .64
69 City of G.F.-`water Fund- Water-WGFI D 199.32 199.32
70 City of G.F.-';later Fund- '�vater- NGF11D 158.35 158.35
On motion `ueeting adjourned ,
Bert D Turner, Town Clerk
Special meeting September 4th, 1947
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held at the clerk's office, in said Town, on the 4th day of
September, 1947.
Russell Harris , Supervisor
enry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
-�u�i?�`��'�i; Pte' �� 'l A iaJ i �r- ►,=R;
Mr Harris1�.lr�e'snted a petition for the extdsion of the North
Glens Falls ater District which was read and placed on file.
Mr Oentley Introduced the following resolution No.33, which was
Seconded by Mr Sleight.
WHEREAS , a petition having been duly presented to this board for
the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District to included
the property described as follows :
NNil fi at the sourcnr y°ZW`
ntr of � t rllie—,f J el AVeiue BO called-; R,the.existing North Oleft 1a11a and 175$est distant therefrom, meal
Water District and running thence in uring fit right'angles thereto, a dis-
a southerly .direction in the same t 0 t to a point dlxtwvt'
straight line as the westerly line of i I' aft Merl?/41rd0tioy 200"it from
said existing District to a point' in I the r 111W Of-the ii Road, so
lne with the northerly corporation called; +measuring at, right angles
boundary line of the City of Glens thereto Ahence running in a norther- �
Falls, Warren County, NeW York, if ly direction on,a line parallel fith
extantied in a westerly direction in conttr-lint of thin .so called,
the same straight Iine; thence run- feet`distant easterly there-
ning in an easterly direction and on from, measuring at right afigles
a line which would be the cimttinu- thereto, to, 195 feet distant In
at'ion in a westerly direction in the w ttlrtherly d paint irection from the center
same straight line Of the northerly trine of Glenwood Avenue, so called,
corporation line of the City of Glens it oontinued'in an easterly direction
Falls, and along said northerly cor- across'Bay Road in the same straight
poration boundary line to a point line; thence'.running in a westerly
20B fast-ail Cant in an easterly. dtM - direction an a line parallel with the
Lion from the center line of the Bay center line,of Glenwood Avenue, so
Road, so called; thence running ip a Called, and,.i75 feet distant northerly
northerly direction on a line, par- therefrom, measuring at right angles
altel with and 200 feet distant easter- thereto, to the paint Of'-We raeattoa
from the center line of the Bay of -said last described°llne,°with a
Road, so called, measuring at right lone parallel with and 175 feet distant
angles thereto.-.to a .point E75 fett frt,s northerly direction from the een-
distant in a southerly direction from ter line'of Pineview Road, so called,
tine center line of Homer Avenue, so measuring"at- right angles thereto;
called, and measuring at right angles 'thence running in a westerly�iirke-
therpto; thence running in an east- Lion on adid line.parallel w the
erly direction on a line parallel with center line of Pinetiew-}load,s .,
the center line of Homer Avenue, ea ed, and l7$ feet distant north
called, 175 feet distant r00herly thertlroin. measuring Wright ant
therefrom., measuring at right'aniles t;herew,' to the point of inter
thereto, a distance of 400 feet, thence e}S said'last described line with r+
ruiwing in a northerly direction on e..tgrly line of the now existent
a line parallel to the center line of North Glens pslis Water District;
tTle Fiat Road, so called, and Wo feet thence running>in a southerly direc-
distant easterly-�therefroln, measuring tion along, the`easterly. t of the
ti'North Glens ;lla Water
ati right angles thereto, a distance of no exist.
35Q feet to a paint distant in a north-, District the southeasterly dgFn�fi
erly direction 175 feet from the ceps► thereof; tllerf�fl#tinnin$,in h 4C !
ter line of Homer Avenue, so called dlredtldia and ador<ff t t lTa
measuring at right angles thereto of ttfe,`iSow exi.talit liori
thence running in A''i�eStarly direES, Water iCt td ttd, 19
llel with the c_en
n on a line para coriieiry � ,',
-- _ 4W
The maximun amount proposed to be expended for the construction
of .the water system for the proposed extension of said North
Glens Falls Water District , including surveys , land and other
expenses , is the sum of $95,000.00. This amount includes the
purchase from Fred Hovey of 2500 feet of six inch water p1p;a..