1947-09-19 62
and 1800 feet of 2 inch water pipe for the sum of $4000.00,
whichpipes are now serving certain properties along certain streets
in said proposed extension, and the purchase from the City of
Glens Falls of 4963 feet of 12 inch main for the sum of $11653.00
which main extende along route 9 a>tate highway and within the
proposed extensio and is now serving the water supply for the
North Glens Falls hater District.
Said petition was signed by owners of taxable property
situated in the proposed District, owning in the . aggregate more
than one-half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real
propertyof the proposed District, as shown upon the last completed
assessment roll in said town, it is ,
ORDERED, that pursuant to the 6rovisions of section 193
of the Town Law, the Towm Board will meet at the Town Clerk 's
Office, Ridge Road, in said Town, on the 19th day of September, _
1947, at 7:30 o ' clock P.M. , to consider the said petition and
hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof or
concerning the same and it is further,
ORDERED that the clerk shall cause a copy of the order ss
certified by him, to be published once in the Glens Falls. Times ,
the official newspaper, on the 6th day of September, 1947, and s
shall cause copies of this order to be posted cgnspicuously in
five public�-places within the proposed extension not less than
ten near more than twenty days before the day designated for the
hearing aforesaid.
Duly adopted this 4th day of September,1947, by the following vote.
Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Uir Lampson, Mr Sleight and Air Harris.
Noes : NONE.
'motion n
o meetin g adjourned
Bert D Turner, Town Clerk
Public Hearing September-19th,1947'
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held at the
Town Clerk 's Office, in said Town, on the 19th day of September,
1947 , pursuant to Resolution and order of said Town Board duly
voted and made on the 4th day of 6eptember,1947.
PRESENT :H. RUSSELL Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith B Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Absent; Raymond 'Walkup.
X�ppearances: Beecher S Clother, Esq . for the petitioners
Eldridge Moore Resident of the forth Glens Falls Water
Bert Ransom resident of the proposed extension kdistritP
E1H Meyers-Engineer-
Proof of publication of Notice in the Glens kalls Times Filed.
Rroof of postion notice of public hearing in"five public
places within the proposed extension filed.
Mr Eldridge Moore spoke in favor of the extension
1lir Bert Ransom spoke in favor of the poropsed extension.
Mr Justice Bentley introduced the follow#& .C�ution No 34, which
was seconded by Mr Justice Sleight .
WHEREAS, a petition for the ceeation `of an extension of the North
Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury, 'Warren County,
New 'fork , said petition being dated July 15th,1947,was presented to
this board, together with the necessary maps and plans attached
thereto, and IVHEREAg an order was duly made by the Town
Board on the
4th day of September, 1947, reciting the filing of said petition,
the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed
extension of said North Glens Falls 'plater District , and the
estimated expense thereof and specifying September 19th, 1947 ,.
at 7 :30 P.PYI. ,as the time , and the Town Clerk 's Office on Ridge
Road in said Town as the place where the said Board would meet
to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested
in the subject thereof , concerning the same , and "WHEREAS such
order was duly posted, published and served as required by law,
and `NHEREAS a, hearing in the matter was duly held by the Board
on this 19th day of beptember, 19479 cotumencing at 7 :30 P .M.
at said town clerk ' s office en Ridge Road in said town, and
considerable discussion upo73 t' , matter having been had , and all
persons desiring to be heard ,having been duly heard , including ,
among others , Beecher S Clother, an attorney representing the
petitioners , and various other persons speaking in favor of the
establishment of the proposed district, and no one appearing in
opposition. thereto; Now, upon the evidence given upon such
hearing, it is , ,
RESOLVED and DETERI,iIITED, that (a) the petition nforesaid is
signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, it duly
complies with the requirements of section 191 of the Town Law
as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of
the proposed district as herein provided -and it is otherwise
sufficient ; (b) all property and property owners within the
proposed extension are benefited thereby; (c) all property
and property owners benefited are included within within the
limits of the proposed extension of said district ; and (d) it is
in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought ; ane
it is further
RESOLVED I%ND DETER INED, that the estblishment of the extension
of the North Glens Falls ""later District as proposed in said
petition be approved; that the improvement therein mentioned
be conttriacted upon the required funds being made available
or provided for; and that said extension Shall be designated
and known as the North Glens Falls ',"later District Extension
of the Town of -,;ueensbury , and shall be bounded and described
as follow~ :
1jSG G-at the southwesterly cor pion on a-line parallel with t1�en-
n of the existing North Glens Falls ter line of Romer Avenue so cRlied,
ter'District and running thence"in and''4115 feet distant therefrom, mass-.
a southerly .direction in the same uri at right angles thereto,.a dis-
straigl�t line--is the westerly line of ut r,I, 00 feet to:* point distant
said existing District to a point in in an 0asterly-direction 200 feet from
'lnla with the ,northerly corporation the center line of the Say Read, so
boundary ltne pf'the City of Glens called, measuring: at right angles
Falls; Wane •'County, New York, if thereto; thence running 1n,a norther-
extended in eat New.direction in ly direction on_a line parallel with
the same at fight line; thence run- center line of th Say Road,.so called,
♦ ning tn.:an a terly direction and on and 200 feet distant easterly there-
a'litre which ould be the continu- from, measuring, at right angles'
atioif in 'a-w ° eriy direction in the thereto, ttpp a point175 feet distant In
else atreight., ne..,of .tl4a northerly a northerly direeti'dtt from the Deafer
McQQrl7orption.Sins.of she.City of Glens 4*e of elenwdod Avenue, so call,4da.
k„and-'along said northerly,cor- t .#C canna d is an easterly direction
p`Olittksn boundary Stns, to a point Efo.s , d In the same allsight
206 feet distant in an easterly,direc-x”"- ine; erCCe runrlltig in•s` westerly
tim;from-the center lisle of the Bay di,a�$ion. on a IU* peFailel, with the
Road+ so Called; thence rennin&la.a gentler• litre of t3lenwM4-Avenue, so
northerly direction On a line .par- c
1 ly from the center.line of the Bap alled, and'175 feet 41stgnt.northerly
allel'With and 200 feet dlstarft easter- therefrom, 1t1eaEUlSnQ>t right airgiea
ROad, so called, nregsuring at right thereto,.td the•point.of-interseotl0n
angles thereto, to a * of said.'.last dasGA#bad' line+ q*itll a
point 175' feet i.�e p tsX wit i ''I.75 feet'distattt
distang•in a southerly direction from r a riel�iserlq J5 from thq ddn-
the, line,,0f Homer Avenue, so ter line x'44-lrifte'blsw 1' d, so called,
and measuring.at right eagles n1tlee�ng At ,tghtr angles thereto
tl eret3p thence running in;an east therree running in'% westerly'direc-
ariy direction on a line,parallel with tion og,said e; yarallel with the
the center ling of Fioriler R►enueI so centerline of Aview Road,so cail-
cal}eci 175" feet"`distant southerly ad, and 175'feat,distant northerly
therefrom,measttri fig at right•angles therefrom, msi�sut ng at;right angles
thereto a dtgterset of 400 feet; thence thereto. to the point 6f Intersection
rftning in'a northerly direction'on of salp�,*A 466oribed line with the
A line paroal to the center line of eaaterw ," of the now existarrt
the Say so called end Boo feet North Ar°a}ls Water District;
distant easterly therefrom' measuring ;; theaoe rlirr#ing in a aotltherly disco-
aW-rigs steles thereto, a distance of Lion tg file easterly line"of the
erl few to;a point distant Jul orth- no 't, t North Glens Pails•Water
erly dtreetturr 145 feet-f * cen-
w1 bA fhb sf£heesterly sorrier
ter line`oY homer Avenue, d, the . thence in a i bYly !'
measuring at right an'gw eto; di;e And,e168��� sduthe e
thdnce running !n ;, wester y ec- of the now existal t i"iorth 01 alls
VOabek.;Distriet t6140'60 uth y
aorne i thereo�>,. 30 the Of
iyaa ' -•
and it is further,
RESOLVED, that the proposed improvement, including costs
of rights of way, construction costs, legal fees and all
other expenses, shall be financed as follows: by the
Town Board of said Town of ^ueensbury temporarily borrowing
upon the faith and credit of said Town such sum or sums as
may be necessary and required temporarily, and upon the
issuing of bonds for the payment of such costs as provided
by statute and Local Finance Law. And it is further,
RESOLVED, That the Tpwn Clerk of this Town shall within
ten days after the adoption of this resolution file
certified copies thereof in duplicate in the office of
the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany,
New York, together with an application by this board in
duplic4te for permission to create such extension as
provided for by town law, Section 194; and that such
application sIxall be executed by and in behalf of the
Town Board by the Supervisor of the Towh,
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : MrBentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight andMr. Harris.
Absent:Mr Walkup.
Noes : None.
On motion Meeting Adjourned,
Bert D Turner , Town Clerk
Regular ;Meeting September 27 , 1947
Present :
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond ":walkup Councilman
;':inutes of meetings held on August 23rd , September 4th, and
September 19th were read and approved.
Fred Miller, Fred Field , and Captain Davis called on the
Board and discussed with them the widening of the road lead-
ing from the Country Club property to the properties and
camps located on the East Side of Glen Lake.
Resolution No . 34 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by
It is resolved that Franklin Scoville be and is hereby appoint-
ed caretaker of the Town Cemetery known as the Pine View Cem-
etery, to serve at the pleasure of the board at a weekly sal-
ary of $37.50 payable weekly.
It is further resolved that tale Caretaker be and is hereby
authorized to engage assitants when necessary and the salary
of such assistants be and is hereby fixed at $.65 per hour,
payable weekly upon the presentation of an itemized vbrified
claim for the salary of such atsitant certified by the Care-
taker of such Cemetery prior to audit.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, fir. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and
Mr. Harris.
Noes : None.
esolution No . 35 introduced by Justice Sleight , seconded by
It is resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authoriz-
ed to invest $2,000 of the capital reserve fund in Serial
Bonds Nos. 1 and 2 of the Town of Queensbury issued for the