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129 firm or corporation, or cart and transport the same through or upon any street, avenue, parkway or highway within the Town of Queensbury except in trucks, wagons or other vehicle securely covered having water tight metal bodies , or covered water tight containers, unless such person, firm or corporation shall have first =obtained the required permit pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Law. 3. No person, firm or corporation shall clean any cess pool and remove the contents thereof, or cart or transport the same upon or through the street , avenue, parkway or highway in the Town of Queensbury unless such person, firm or corporation shall have first have obtained the required permit pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Law. :4. No person, firm or corporation shall dump or deposit any offal, -garbage or refuse of any kind upon any lands in the Town of Queensbury unless the same is covered with soil at least four inches thick within thirty-six hours after the same is dumped or deposited. Stable manures are excepted from these provisions. 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance; or fail to comply therewith, or with any-- of the provisions thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and therefore liable to a fine in the sum of not more than $100.00. 6' This ordinance shall take effect immediately. 7. That the Town Clerk give notice of a Public Hearing on the enactment and adoption of this ordinance, to be held at the Town CleAacls office in the Town of Queensbury on the 7th day of August, 194. at. 7.;30 P.M. Duly -adapted by t_ he following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion meeting adjourned. •uwctt. Frances ._*rn't or, Town Clerk Public ,Hearing ' August ,7, 1948 Present H.� Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis La;mpson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 P.M. Proof of publication of notice .1 .toi,:h61d a:=ppbli_c Tearing upon the enactment- of an ordinance was read and placed on -file. The following persons appeared and expressed themselves as being in favor of the enactment of the ordinance: -James Rozelle, Ray Simmond, Bert D. Granger, Harry Chandler, Neri Ripley, Royce Remington, Franklyn Ch4dw ek,, -Tames Powers, .Lewis Center,, Oliver A. Deguire, Wilbur Griffin, Seward Thompson, Charles Trombley; Clarence Smith, Rolland Mandigo, Frank Harris, Scott Hopkins, Eldridgie Moore, Stanley Granger, Winifred Granger, Frank Rozelle. The Supervisor reported that the Mohican Grange were in favor of the ordinance also. After due discussion, the Board adopted the following ordinance: introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lames©n 130 WHEREAS a public hearing has been had upon the following ordi- nance and regulations the 7th day of August, 1948, pursuant to law., WHEREAS all persons appearing and deserving to be heard thereon were in favor of the adoption and enactment of such ordinances, rules and regulations and no one appeared opposing the enactment and adoption of an ordinance, rules and regulations, and it appears that it is in the public interests to enact and adopt such ordinances, rules and regulations, therefore be it resolved and ordained that pursuant to the powers granted by section 130 of the Town Law, the following ordinances , rules and regulations be and the same hereby are enacted and adopted. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall leave or deposit any offal, garbage, dead animals, cess pool contents, reftse- or -rubbish of any kind upon any street, avenue, highway, parkway oi,. public plalte within the Town of Queensbury, except that householders-10a" garbage and refuse in properly covered containers in fr tiff their premises for authorized collection and removal. , a a ' 2. No person, firm or corporation shall remove any&04NV .1, garbage, refuse or rubbish of any kind from the .premises 0 any per- son, firm or corporation or cart and transport the same 't"Ibu& ,or upon ,any street, avenue, parkway or highway within the T6*iia of C�ueens- bury except in tr !� w n �yj e �u ely ,covered hav- , ing water tight` ��1 y� n,` or corporation shall have first .obtained the required permit pursuant to the pro visions of the Public Health Law. 3. No person, firm or corporation shall clean am ,e s pool and remove the contents thereof, or cart or transport the same upon or through the `street, avenue, parkway or ,highway in the Torn of Queensbury unless such perso-ft, firm or corporation shah fir. st obtained the required permit pursuant to the provisions af, e 'Public yx . Health Law. :. 4. No person, firm or corporation shall dump or deoftit many offal, garbage or refuse of any kind. upon ,any lands in the Town of ., Queensbury unless, the same is covered with 'sbi at' 144, 16th 'inches thick within thirty=six hours after the same is dumped `deposited. stable manures are excepted from these provisions, 5. Any person, ,firm or corporation who glhniall "vl any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or fail to cCV nth, or with ate? of the provisions thereof, shall be gui isde - meanor and therefore liable to a fine in the '.!s' oaf'F" ; than $100.00. 6. This Ordinance shall take effect imm l.ia:tel ,, ,P! � 7. It is further resolved that the Clerk be hereby authorized and directed to cause to be publ=ished :. a " :. Glens Falls Times on the 11th day of August, 1948, notice 'ef t +enact- • went and adopting ,of these ordinances , rules and 1 and r . cause to be posted in _3 public places in the 'Town 6 � 'y copies of these ordinances , rules and regulations, -Duly adopted -by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr; ' Bentl'ey Mr,, z Lamp son, -l�r�° 0141g- W4kid Mr. Harris. Noes - none t _solution #588 introduced by Councilman Lar_1psoh, ; seco Irby Coun- oilman Walkup: p: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests the• County of Warren to install .:an automaticd. go . traffic light at the intersection of Richardson Street an -Cgrinth Road in West Glens Falls in the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: ' * Ayes: - Mr. p, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. w . Noes - none. Resolution #59: introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Super- visor Harris: IT IS RE;>OLVED that the Water District Committee comprised of Messrs. Lampson, Sleight and Bentley, be and are hereby authorized to cause to be constructed a meter vault for the Ridge Road 'Nater District at a cost not to exceed $1,000. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris, Noes -- none On motion meeting adjourned. ,,r,,�4 j, � rances L. J rner, Town Clerk. Regular Meeting August 17, 1948 `Present: .j H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Absent: Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace The board convened at 7:30 P.M. cation introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley: <a IT IS RESOLVED that the following places be and are hereby designated polling places for the election districts of the Town of I Queensbury as follows: Election District #1 - King's Sales Building, -Boulevard 2 - Mohican Grange Hall 3 - Pine View School House - Dist.- #21 4 - Town Storehouse, Aviation_ Field Road. 5 Seward Lampson's garage, West Glens Falls. ► It is further resolved that rent of said polling places except for election district #4 is hereby fixed at $40 per year, to include lights and heat. Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and Mr. Harris x Noes ,�none, On motion meeting adjourned. Frances L. ,Town Clerk Regular Meeting August 28, '1948 Present: t H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis• Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 P.M. P,sinutes of regular meeting held on July 27th and of special meeting:% held on August, 'xth :and of regular meeting held on August 17th, were read and approved. Dr. Henry Clarke..spoke to reference to the request of George Davis to connect on the storm sewer After a discussion, Mr. Clarke withdrew the request addressed to him. � - Joseph Dunkley and Edward *6r0ni pr4$e tad a petition signed by tax t ` b eta}K 3. .. r ''R ;., ...F }.•. ,J3.":� 4,