1948-10-05 1-4n The following statement was added.: If possible, this equipment to be left on the premises. . I' The Board enerall discussed the matter and the Supervisor appointed g Y Mr. Lampson and Justice Bentley a committee of two to ascertain the �i equipment -necessary to properly furnish the election polling places. On motion, meeting adjourned. -? Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk I i Regular meeting October 5, 1948 Present : Su ervisor H. Russell Harris P Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7 :30 P- l. Also present Ernest L.H. Meyer, Beecher S. Clother, Ernest Hillis , Edwin Bell, Fred Ricketts, I. Ernest L.H. Meyer discussed with the board the proposition of the -in - stallation of a meter vault in the hole dug in the Ridge Road by the City of Glens Falls just outside of the district limits. In the matter of the establishment of the fire protection .district the following order was signed : BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOEJN OF QUEENSBURYI WARREN COUNTY, NEIN YORK IN THE 11ATTER OF ORDER ESTABLISHING The Establishment of a fire Protection DISTRICT District in the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY At a Regular Meeting of the town board of the Town of Queens bury held at the office of the town clerk on Ridge Road in said town on the 28th day of August, 1948, it duly passed .a resolution as follows : "RESOLVED that the town board -of the town of Queensbur;T .on its own motion, and without Petition, pursuant to subdivisions Section 170 of the Town Law, will meet at the town clerk's office oi . Ridge Road in said town on the 20th day of September, .1948,. at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering the establishment of a fire protection district for all of the territory in said town of 'Queensburym which fire protection district will be bounded as follows: on the'r-nth by the 'Hiidson River ; on the east by the Washington County line; on the north by the town of Fort Ann, town of -Bolton, .the waters of Lake George and town of Caldwell; and on the west by' the town of Caldwell and town of Luzern, excepting the territory within the city of Glens 'Falls , and to hear any and all persons interested: in the subject thereof, or concerning the same. FURTHER RESOLVED that the town clerk give public notice of said hearing pursuant to the provisions - of law." . AND WHEREAS notice of said hearing was duly,published and posted as required by law, and proof thereof duly filed in.the town clerk' s office of said town. ` AND WHEREAS a hearing on said matter was duly held by' the said town board pursuant to said notice and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard, and all persons speaking� in favor of the establish- ,, .g been the proposed fire protection d°strict, and no one appeared k. rt 141 in opposition thereof, and the said meeting was duly adjourned to the 4th-day of October, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. at which time further dis- cussion-was had and all persons appearing were in favor thereof, and no one in opposition thereto ; { NOW, upon the evidence given upon said hearings , and upon motion of Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight, it is j RESOLVED AND DETERI,iINED that a?_ 1 the property and property pwners within the proposed fire protection district are benefited there- by; that all the property and property owners benefited are included 1 ?within the limits of the proposed fire protection district; and it is in the public interest to establish said fire protection district; that the toivn of Queensbury is partly within the Adirondack Park and has within the town boundaries State lands assessed at less than ten per cent of the total assessed valuation of the town as determined from the last assessment roll of the town, as completed from time to time, and the consent of the State Comptroller is not necessary pur- suant to sub-division 3 of Section 170 of the Town Law; and it is further RESOLVED AND DETERI, INED that the fire protection district be and hereby is established in the Town of Queensbury and is bounded and described as above set forth in resolution adopted by said town board on the •28th day of August, 1948. The boundaries herein described are intended to coincide with the present boundaries of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. Dated October 4th, 1948. (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor " Henry J. Sleight Meredith S. Bentley Justices of the Peace " Raymond Walkup Curtis Lampson Councilmen Members of the Town Board of Mae Town of �Queensbury, ATTEST Warren County, N.Y. (signed) Frances L. Turner Town Clerk SEAL • The clerk read and presented the following estimates Annual Estimate Submitted by Supervisor Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 Expenditures-General Fund TOWN BOARD _ Town Hall and Town Offices Rentals (board room,offices ,elections,etc. ) 19 200.00 Purchase of -furniture and equipment 150.00 Repairs ,light,hea.t,telephone 50.00 Elections -Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 1350.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 110.00 Voting machines, -purchase and repair 200.00 -- Rent of polling place 160.00 Storage 70.00 Misc.election exp. 100.00 Insurance Compensation insurnace 100.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 1500.00 Other insurance 500.00 Printing and advertisin (all departments) 250.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 Employees ' Retirement System(tozwn sr)ar(-) 3500.00 TOTAL . 8640.00 3: t 142 SUPERVISOR Salary, of Supervisor Postage 25.00 Telephone 25.00" 1V1ileage exp. 350.00" TOTAL � 4p2380.00 POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS (where police department leas not been established) Compensation '400.00 Yileage 00 00 TOTAL 3 500.00 LOCKUP (where police dept.has not been established) Rent and meals 100.00 100.00 TRAFFIC Signs, signals and highway lighting TOTAL Q"1000.00 DOG 1d7ARDEN Compensation X440.00 Travel 150.00 TOTAL 590.00 ATTENDANCE OFFICERS; Compensations%` X220.00 J 22,0.00 HISTORIAN Compensation1 11?150.00 100.00 TOTAL 250.00 Public Library r1ouptaintide 100.00 TOTAL 100.00 PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL 9"200.00 CEMETERIES TOTAL 1400.00 REVENUES - GENERAL -FUND Unexpended balances (sec.115 ,Town Law ) 4p'12,500.00 Mortgage taxes 11000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 900.00 Penalties on taxes - 100.00 Fees Justice 500.00 Shared taxes 16,641.36 Town. Clerk __ 900.00 TOTAL �$3P,541.36 (signed) Hr. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of the Peace Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary of Justice X1500.00 Postage 10.00 Association Neeting 100.00 Office equipment & supplies 125.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES A1735.00 REVENUES Fines , penalties and forfeitures 100.0'0 11otor vehicle fees (received from State) 400.00 Civil fees 20.00 TOTAL REVENUES 520.00 Dated: September 15, 1948 (signed) Henry Jr ,Sleight Justice of the Peace -- Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of the Peace Torun of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary of Justice 41500.00. Rent of court rooms 25.00 Postage 6.00 Bonds 5.00 i Exnenditures, continued 411 Law books 50.00 Stationery and forms 20.00 Expenses Association of Towns and Justices ' schools 100.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES X1706.00 REVENUES Fines , penalties and forfeitures 50,00 .Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 100.00 Criminal. fees-Indictable cases (rcd.from Co. ) 25.00 Civil fees 25.00 Civil fees-dog(rcd.from Co. ) 25.00 TOTAL REVENUES 22.5.00 Dated: September 23, 1948 (Signed) Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCI12AN � Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1.949 EXPENDITURES 1 Salaries 660.00 Office and other expenses 125.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9735.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 25, 1948 (Signed) Raymond Walkup Councilman Annual Estimate Submitted bit Councilman Town of Queensbury For -fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salaries 660.00 Office and other expenses Utemize) 125.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4785.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 30, 1948 (signed) Curtis Lampson C ounc i.lman ANNUAL ESTIVATE SUBMITTED BY T07iN CLERK Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary of Town Clerk $2200.00 Postage 50.00 Mileage 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES X2300.00 REVENUES -Fees of Town Clerk 178.75 Dog tags < 165.00 Delinquent -dog list 2.00 14arriage licenses 80.00 -- Huntin and fishing licenses 400.00 Filing�cond. sales contract & chattel mtgs. ) 195.75 Lost license cert. 3.75 Junk dealer license 15.00 Explosive license 1.50 TOTAL REVENUES 41041.75 Dated: September 24, 1948 (Signed) Frances L. Turner Town Clerk 144 Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors $2000.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES X2075.00 REVENUES Dog damage cases (red.from County) 3;00 TOTAL REVENUES 3.00 Dated: September 30, 1948 (Signed) Fred Ricketts Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 i EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors 42000.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 72060.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 25, 1948 (signed) Edwin W. Bell, Assessor i Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors $2000.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 75.00 Adding machine 250.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2325.00 REVENUES Dog damage cases (rcd.from County) 6.00 TOTAL REVENUES 6100 Dated : September 23, 1948 I (signed) Ernest Hillis Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted bNr Receiver of Taxes (Tax Collector) Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary $1980.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 75.00 Postage '75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES p2130.00 REVENUES Interest and penalties on taxes 1.50 TOTAL REVENUES 1.50 i Dated: September 25, 1948 (signed) Arthur J. Hillis, Receiver of.Taxes. Annual Estimate Submitted by Town Service Officer Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1948 EXPEIyD I TURES Salary yo 200.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 50.00 Home relief 400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURESp 650.00 145 Dated: September• 25, 1948 REVENUES None (signed) Anna L,cCaghey, Town Service- Officer Annual- Estimate Submitted by Registrar of Vital Statistics Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949 x i EXPENDITURES Compensation 60.00 Other expenses: 15.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 75.00 REVENUES None Dated: September. 22, 1948 ; (signed) Frances L. Turner, Registrar of. Vital Statistics Annual Estimate Submitted by Board of Health Town of Queensbury, N.Y. For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1948 EXPENDITURES Salary Health Officer $1.800.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 75.00 Postage and stationery 10.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES x1,885.00 Dated: September 16, 1948 (signed) Henry E. Clarke, P .D. Health Officer i ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY CEJNMTERY COMMISSION � 1949 EXPENDITURES Cost of Improvement Permanent surfacing of drives tiu 300.00 Grading and seeding of new areas 150.00 Ne-v�J equipment- - 325.00 Material for monument foundations 100.00 TOTAL 1875.00 Maintenance: Personal services "a,5$000.00 Repairs to existing equipment 300.00 Materials for ground maintenance 150.00 Gas , oil & garage rental 200.00 Compensation insurance 200.00 Bond for Commissioner & Superintendent 50.00 Heat 50.00 Ilisc. expenses 50.00 n • TOTAL X6.000.00 Redemption Y)f Indebtedness & Int. Bond r 1 563.75_ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,438.75 REVENUES Sale of buria•1 lots less perpetual care fund • C51,800.00 Fees for opening graves 300.00 Fees for sett-ing markers & monuments 300.00 'Rental of vault 100.00 TOTAL REVENUES w3,000.00 Dated : September 30, 1948 (signed) Joseph F. Regan • Commissioner .(Chai..r. ) Frank L. Cowles, Comzn_i.ssioner Sidney Van Dusen Commissioner Ridge Road ti"late.. District Appropriations Cost of improvement Construction of improvement � X80.00 Maintenance Personal service v7 50.00 Office and other expenses 50.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 500.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS �1080.00 Estimated Revenues Water rents � 600.00 Unexpended balance 300.00 TOTAL REVEIME,S y 900.00 Amount to be raised for Ridge Road "later district 180.00 --' (signed) H;Llussell Harris , Supervisor Annual Estimate for `W. Glens Falls 'i'later District EXPENDITURES Cost of Improvement r" Bond principal y�1000.00 Bond interest 200.00 TOTAL X1200.00 lira int enanc e Personal services y 200.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 Repairs 200.00 Purchase of -vTater 1.750.00 j Purchase of equipment 200.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 50.00 TOTAL 2600.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3800.00 REVENUES Water rents X3,500.00 Penalties 10.00 Sale of water 4 0 ' 00 Unexpended balance , ; TOTAL REVEIT ITES $8026.0' Dated-: September 30, 1948 (signed) H. Russell Harris. Supervisor, or Board Commissioner Annual Estimate for North Glens Falls 'vJater District Expenditures Cost of Improvement Band principal 500.00 Bond interest 120.00 TOTAL ; 620.00 14aintenance : Personal servicew 150.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Repairs 250.00 } Purchase of water 100x.00 a Purchase of equipment 150,00 _ TOTAL 1650.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES X2270.00 REVENUES i 'later rents ;p2,000.00 ` Tax 27000 TOTAL REVENUES 4'2270.00 Dated: September 30, 1948 1 (signed) H. Russell Harris j Supervisor,or Board. of Commissioners { i 147 Annual Estimate for N.G.F. Water extension District EXPENDITURES Cost of Improvement Interest on,note 500,00 TOTAL ' 500.00 Paintenance: Personal services 200.00 Office and other expenses 150.00 Repairs 200.00 Purchase of ,water 2500.00 Purchase of equipment 250.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 50.00 TOTAL ` 3350.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3850.00 { REVENUES 1 Water rents $4000.00 Penalties 15.00 TOTAL REVENUES $4015.00 (signed) H: . Russell Harris , {� Supervisor, or Board of Commissioners ANNUAL HIGIMAY ESTIL14TE AND BUDGET Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1949, pursuant to Section 141 and 267 of the Highway Law and Sections. 111,112 and 113 of the Town Law. HI GH101AY FUND (I Thi M 1) Expenditures General Repairs $27,500.00 Special improvements 12 .500.00 Total Expenditures X40,000.00 Revenues: State Aid 4,500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGIT,7AY FUND (ITEM 1) p35,500.00 f BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) Expenditures : Labor and rental of equipment for repair and maintenance of bridges p 250.00. Materials for repair and maintenance of bridges 250.00 Total Expenditures 500.00 Revenues : • None AivZOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) p 500.00 MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) Expenditures : Redemption of Obligations for machinery and interest 4 3,833.00 Purchase of 11achinery, tools and imple- ments 8,167.00 Repair . of TvIachinery, tools and implements 3,000.00 Neel--.,qic 3.000.00 Total Expenditures $18,000.00 Revenues : None AMOUNT TO BE RAKED BY TAX FOR MAC HINIERX FUND (Item 3) 418,000.00 SNIOW AND Id'ISCELLANEOUS FUND_ (Item 4) Expenditures : Removing obstructions caused, by snow $10,500.00 Cutting noxious weeds and brush 21800.00 I 48 Salary of Town Superintendent 5p 3,000.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 100.00 Other Miscellaneous purposes : 2.600.00 Total Expenditures P192000.00 Reven-aes : Piscellaneous revenues : 32375.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR SNOW AND TUSCELLANEOUS FUND (Item 4) t$15,625.00 (signed) Ernest B. Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways. f R introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice entley: I RESOLVED that, Ernest Hillis, Chairman of the Board of Assessors , be and is hereby authorized to purchase for use of the Board of Assessors an adding machine. Such purchase is subject to the approval of the To1F.m. Board as to cost of, such machine. Duly adopted by the following vote: �I Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and 11r. Harris Noes - none. On motion meeting adjourned. � �- Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk. I C Regular Meeting October 9, 1948 Present : H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace 3 Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent : Raymond Walkup Councilman I The Board convened at 7:30 P.M. The Clerk read the following letter: City of Glens Falls, N.Y. dater Department October 8-1948 To the Town Board of Queensbury c/o 11rs. Frances Turner, Clerk Ridge Road Glens Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: That the record may be kept intact, this is to notify you that the 8 lengths of 8" cast iron pipe ordered by me with your approval to replace 8 lengths borrowed from the City of Troy to complete the extension of the main on Bay Street to the intersection of- Homer Ave. , have been received by us with a carload of pipe which we had ordered. t These should be picked up by truck at our storeyard on Cooper Street and returned. to the Troy water works storeyard in North Troy at the earliest possible moment and a receipt taken from the store - keeper for the lengths returned. The billing for this material will go forward in the neap nature at the price billed to us plus the unloading charges, together with the bill for numerous supplies obtained by the No. G.F. Water District from our storehouse, for; the completion of this Bay Street main. Yours very truly, (signed) Ernest L.H. Meyer, Ernest L.H. 14eyer, Supt.