1948-11-27 RESOLVED that the bid of Howard LaRose in the amount of ;1700
based on a footage of approximately* 850 feet or $2.00 per .foot for
the laying of a 6" water main along Ft. Amherst Road- be' and the same
is hereby accepted;and be it further resolved that the Supervisor
be and is hereby authorized to, execute a contract in the name of the
Town for the laying of said pipe in accordance with the plans and
specifications ft,-files"dated How ard LaRose.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. . Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution #81, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded b. Justice
RESOLVED that the New York Power arid. Light Corp. be and is
hereby requested to change the location* of the following street lights :
One from the south east end of the Imperial bridge to the south west
end of said bridge; one from the south side of Lower Warren St. at
Monty*s Bridge to the northerly side of Warren St. at East side of
Highland Ave. `
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight, and Mr. Terris
Noes - none
Curtl.s,7 ampsoni1,�eollector West Glens Falls Water Dist. , submitted state-
ment° shoti�in- unpaid water rents a copy of w)r�'6ces e iv " to the
y - L. urnerSurervisor,,..�_- r '
Town Clerk
On motion,,° meeting adjourned,-
November-27th, 1948 Regular Neeting
Curtis Lampaon Councilman
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H.Russell Harris Supervisor; AbsenteMinutes of Meetings held on Sept 25tY
Oct.4,5,9,23 and 25, Nove lland '23,1948 read and approved', �
Also resent 'Dr=Henry Clarke Health Officer and Ernest L. Meyer.
It was moved by Justice "entley and Seconded by ;Jl4stice
Sleight that Mr Lampson be and is hereby designated. chaitman
pro tem for this meeting.
The motion was duly carried.
` Dr Clarke spoke briefly on the pollution of the' brick yard brook. .
The . Clerk read the following fetter. • '
to the Tows. Board of Queens'btary November- 291948
Gentlemen:- '
I have to report that the contractor for the laying of
6" main'nhte Ft Amherst Road started operations yesterday
and with the close of work on this da; -had °excevated .for and layed
a little intexcess of 450 feet of the main easterlt from the
termin us of`'the existin g main toward Bay Road. There remains
yet on this portion of the work the testing of the .points for
leakage, the strapping of the joints and the back filling. The
branch for 'the hydrant oppas,ite of Woodbury's resi "ce 'to-
gether with the gate valve has been placed: The Hydrant has not
as yet been received.
Anticipating no undue difficulties in pass. Wider the
this main should be in operation by theif:"next
week with the exception of the placing of the hydrant,
I am submitting herewith my statement for serviges
rendered' in the pre i ation of the plans and specifications
for the work which in eludes my- attendance upon the necessary
meetings do connection therewith and the letting of the contract
which I trust will be found acceptable.
Respectfully submitted
Ernest L.H. Meyers,. C.E-PE
Engineer in charge.
31r' Legrande seaver appeared in -person and requexted reappointment
as dbt eAumaratdf1 (.
`Re �romti nn No 82 Introduced by.-Justice Sleight; Seconded by
s'tice-116Ht ey, hereby appointed
dog theeTowndof`�Queensbury at�the compensation
g Y
for such .services as presc ribed by the Agriculture and Markets
Duly aa_dn ted by the follow.i & vote.
Acyes ; Mr 3alkup, Mr Bentley, 14r Sleight and Mr Lampson
Noes. None: n
T1e:. privelege of the floor was extended to Mr Sidney VanDusen
who spoke briefly on the budget for the Pine View Cemtery and
di°aenssed the same with the members of the Town Board.
Ae olution No 83 Introduced by Justice �Bentley, Seconded by
duhc ilma-n--"7_a lkup.
Whereas plolls on election wereok Novemeber 291948 were kept open
until 9 P. M.
. Therefor .be it resolved that , he inspectors of election be and
hereby are allowed $4, 00 additional compensation for electtion
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Aydss,:.Mr Via lkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr Sleight and M r. Lampson.
Noes: N ne.
j The,.mpnEly statement of moneys received and disbursed by the
j supervisor for the month of October,1948 was read and placed on
Thel board audited calicos as follows: Amount Amount
` No Name of Calimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
r 211 N.Y.Power & Light Corp-Street "Lights 35.17 35,.17
212 Glens Falls Post Co Pub Notice 1.56 1.56
213 John Webster Com.Audit prem. 243.31 243.31
214 Jahn Webster P.V.Cem.Comp 57.97 57.97
2,15 Mountainside Grange _ Cemeteries 250.00 250.00
216 Marion Martihdale Services- Elections 49.00 49.00
217 Scott Hopkins Custodian -Voting 65.00 65.00
218 Donald Sullivan 65.00 55.00
219 Irene Howe Comp-Inspector 64.00 64.00
220 J'obn p K 11l1yy Comp-Inspector 12.00 11.00,
221 Clara F_laylbr Salary-Inspector 52.00 49.00
222 Anna E en'ton Salary-Inspector 52.00 49. 00
223 .,g a,gdalO'Sullivan Kelly Salary-Inspector 4 0. 00 38.00
224'Nelen Salary-Inspector 57.00 54.00
.225 Bessie C %&nck Salary-Inspector 49.00 49.00
226 The Bullard
Press-S ulrlies 6100 6.00
227 Elva McDermott Salary-Inspector 49.00 49.00
228)'Doris Chadwick Salary- Inspector 49, 00 49.00
229 Dennis 8c Co Sipplies' 1`5.00 15.00
230 Assn of Towns Dues 38.00 38.00
2,311 Dennis & Co Supplies 4.74 4•'74
2�2 'Mary V Sullivan Salary-Inspector 49.00 49.00
59.00 59.00
233 Minnie E Bidwell
71" 7, �7
234 E.C.Martin Salary-Inspector 64,00 60.00
235 Rose E Bibby Salary-Inspector 49.00 49.00
236 Lura Lord Salary-Inspector 64.00 60.00
237 Evelyn Grant Salary-Inspector 64.00 60. 00
238, Victoria Hubert Salary-Inspector 64.00 60.00
239 Fred Fisher Salary-Inspector 79.00 75.00
240 Ethel Stevens Salary-Inspector 76.90 75.00
241 Mabel Sawn Salary-Inspector 16.40 16.00
242 Julia Gooch - Salary-Inspector 49.40 49.00
fi 243 Hazel Smith Salary-Inspector 60.40 60.00
244 Lillian Sheppard Services-WGFWD 15.,00 15.00 -
245 Lillian Sheppard Services-NGFWD 17.00 17.00
246 Lillian Sheppard Services-RRWD 8.00 8. 00
247 City of Glens Falls Water-WGFWD 378.42 378.41
248City of Glens Falls Water-RRWD 113,00 113. 00
249 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWD 320.00 320.00
250 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWDEX 472.00..;,.472,00
251 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWDEX 94. 60 , 94.00
252 Bert D Turner 'state of- Reg V & S Fees 9. 50 9.50
253 Frances L Turner Reg. V &. S. Fees 48,,00 ,-, 48.00
254 William Janes Preen Bond- Sleight 4.00 4.00
255 Charle sHoughtaling Supplies 3.11 3.11
256 Seward Lampson Rent of polling place 65.00 60.00
257 WEts Glens Fal is
Volunteer Fire Co.Inc •Services'-BCemeteries 200. 00 200.00
258 William Powers Expenses : t 6.38 ` 6.38
259 Edna Ricketts Rebate-WGFWD 11.78 11,75
260 Mary Newcomb Supplies-ZdGF4YD 6.2p 6.20
261 Bullard Press Water Bills WGFWD 9100 9.00
u 262 Dewey Miller ServicesNGFWD 10000 10.00
263 Bullard Press grinting NGFWD 3,75 3.75
264 Legrande Seaver ervices-NGFWD 127.00 D38a11owed
265 Bert Seeholzer Supplies 11GFWD 30.85 30.85
266 Bullard Press Printin g NGFG9D 10,00 10.00
� 267 J E Sawyer Supplies NGFWD 21,`, 21.42
268 Howard Wallace services NGFWD 153.44 Disallowed
269 C G Woodbury & Son Supplies, NGFWD 18.88 18.88
270 E L H Meyer Services NGFWD 85,00 -85.00 a
271 J E Sawyer Supplies PVC 8,10 8.10
272 Earl Carswell Supplies PVC 9. , 34 9. 34.
On motion Meeting Adjourned' f
an ec s� ` Turne :Clerx,
f: Special Meeting December llth,1948
t$ x' ;ff., Russell Harris Superfisor
: S -ei ht
MJ�ZStic of the Peace '
. s meson ounc n _
Ba,yaond Hal.kizp Couhcilmsh
' Meredith S H'entley- Justice of the- beace -abseDt',.. ;
Also presenf Malcolm Mannis , Ernest Hills, Edwin Be 11, John,, Dunn:, Ben
Brower Lnd Yr Baker.
Mr; aii`anis spoke briefly in reference to the installation of a fire ;
hydrant at the coroner of Bay Road and Homer Avenue:
Hillis and Ivr Bell spoke brrefly or) the acquisisti�n o.fr'an
adding machine for the use of the assessors and 'recomexicleA thLit
the town purchase a 'victor ad-lihk machine .
dal» i n„N,- 84 Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman
p. +
It' was= resolved thatthe Tcwn purchase from the Typewriter exchange
a victor adding adding machine motel numeber 522' S12 tt a price r
,:3f 1'272.50 for use of the Assessors.