1948-12-11 SP 234 E.C.Martin Salary-Inspector 64,00 60.00
. 235 Rose E Bibby Salary-Inspector 49.00 49.00
236 Lura Lord Salary-Inspector 64,.00 60.00
237 Evelyn Grant Salary-Inspector 64,00_ 60. 00
238 Victoria Hubert Salary-Inspector 64.00. 60.00
239 Fred Fisher Salary-Inspector 79,00 75,00
240 Ethel Stevens Salary-Inspector 76.90 75.00
241 Mabel Sawn Salary-Inspector 16.40 16.00
242 Julia Gooch , Selary-Inspector 49,40 49.00
�. 243 Hazel Smith Salary-Inspector 60,40 60.00
244 Lillian Sheppard Services-WGFWD 15.00 15.00
245 Lillian Sheppard Services-NGFWD 17.00 17.00
246 Lillian Sheppard Services-RRWD 8,00 8. 00
247 City of Glens Falls Water-WGM 378..41 378.41
248City of Glens Falls Water-RRWD 113.00 113. 00
' 249 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWD 320.00 320.00
Z 254 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWDEX 472.174.. ,472,00
251 City of Glens Falls Water-NGFWDEX 94, 00 94.00
,.252 ,Bert D Turner Estate of- Reg V & S Fees 9. 50 9.50
X53 ,Frances L Turner leg. V & 5. Fees 48,.40 48.00
254 William Jones Preis Bond- Sleight 4.00 4.00
255 Charle s Ioughtaling Supplies 3.11 3,11 '
256 Seward Lampson Rent of polling place 65.00 .60.00
257 WEts Glens Fal is
Volunteer Fire Co.Inc -Services-ECemeteries 200. 00 200,00
258 William Powers Expenses t t 6.3$': " 6.38
259 Edna Ricketts Rebate-WGFffD 11178 11.78
260 Fury Newcomb Supplies-WGF4'YD 6.2+0 6,20
261 Bullard Press Water Bills WGFWD 9.00 9.00
5i 262 Dewey Miller ServicesNGFWD 10„00 10.00
263 Bullard Press grintin NGFWD 3,75 3.75
264 Legrande Seaver ervice'6-NGFVD 127,00 DUA116wed,
265 Bert Seeholzer SupD ?s NGFWD 30.85 30.85
266 Bullard Press Printing NN ,.0 0C 13.00
267 J E Sawyer Supplies NGFWD ..2 - i, 21..42
268 Howard Wallace services NGFWD 153.44 Disallowed i
269 C G Woodbury & Son Supplies. NGFWD 18.881 18.88
270 E L H Meyer Services NGFWD 85,00 '85.00
271 J E Sawyer Supplies PVC 8.10 8.10
272 Earl Carswell S�uppiies PVC 9. ° 34 9. 34.
On motion Meeting Adjourned'
rances Turner, ovn:Clerk
Special Meeting December 11th,1948
¢` Pr4sent
Russell Ilarris Supexotiap r
;;nnry S ei ht Jstio '_. the Peace
s Lamps on ounC n
Raymond Ealkup Couhcilina
Meredith S Bentley- Justice of the beace -absent,.. ;
Also present Malcolm Mannis , Ernest Hills, Edwin.. . .ell t ' John Dunn, Ben
Brower __,nd LTr Baker.
Ur; Uai±Lnis Sgoke briefly in refer.-once to the ins tl`lation of :s fire
hydrant at the coroner of Bay Road and Homer Avenue
M Hillis arld Mr Bell spoke brrefly or) the acquis:istlb �.f, an
adding machine for the use of- the assessors and recome ded that
the town purchase a 'victor `addir.°g,_ machine .
`, ti nn 1�tn � Introduced` by -J�stice Sleight, seconde&,by Councilman
Zt was= resolved thAtthe Town purehase ,from the Typewriter exchan4e
e' victor adtling adding machine -model numeber 522' SIP. iot- a price >1
f $272,50 for ,use of the Asses
Duly ado pted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr Walkup, Mr Sleight, Mr Laml;son and Mr Harris. �
Noesz None .
RPSn1.ution No85 Introduced by seconded by Justice Sleight , seconded
by Counctima.n 17ampson. t
Resolved that the supervisor be and is' hereb authorized an,1 directed
to cause to be installed one light ( sodium for streeti lighting
on the west side of the Imperial Brighge .nd cause to be chamged
the location of the light at Monty,'s Bridge from the south side
of the boulevard. to the north side -of- the boulevard
Dul y P ado te& by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr Wakkup, Mr Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr Harris
Noes : None
86 Introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by
Justice Slbigh
It is resolved that the supervisro be and is hereby directedd
to invest twelve hundred- Fifty Dollars, of thh capital reserve fund
in seal bond number of -the Town
of Queensbury issued for the
purpose of financing the cost ,of Ridge. Road Pater District Water
Deter Vault,
bul:y.adopted by the following voter
Ayes; Ar= Walkup. Mr Lampson, Mr Slright and Mr Farris..
Noes: None .
t _
Teh Board Audited claims es follows:
! 273 H6war& llac!e L>7:bor-NGF7 Fund' L45.44 145.44
274 -` 1erG"rand7 Seaver "' — " ", 127.00 127.00
275 Loui's Gorlew Rep-AGat =Boxe-sNGFW FD 4000 4..00>
t 276 V.W...Weeks Copper Tubih-NGFVPD FD 9118 9..18'
9771- ," G66rge W..DotYr Refuud on W-B NGF�ITD• Fd 1200' 12.00
278 ml & Steverrson Water- M" Vault RRWd FD 5-00'.'00 804 100
279 City of Glens- Falls Mi' - Fd 350'.70 Z19..46:
28th Curtis Lampsorr Ser Pnt_ �'JGF�PD FD 187..41 137..41
281 Arthur J.Hillis Postage us-ed by- Coll. 66y00 66-.00
282 Arthur J.. Hi'llfs Serv, Moving Booths 30.00 30.00
283 Ernest Hillis- 1`><Zilage as- Assessor- . 55.44 55.44
284 W.R.Jones Bond )U 89-B tley) 4.00 4..00
285" N.Y. P.Light Corp Street Lighting 35.17 35.17
286 Edward' Thompson Book 36 & 1948
Pocket Parts 7.50 7.50
287 Howard' LaRosa Services performed
under contract for
laying of water main NGFW Fd
1700.00 1700.00
On motion meeting
ra ceswL..Turner.Town Clerk