PT-0065-2019 Property Transfer Sewage Disposal Information Form Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net I Date: �! r To: L- 0 , 4 Cji1/ (Name of Applicant) Re: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Inspection Information Request for: (Site Address) Thank you for requesting an inspection for the onsite wastewater treatment system located on the property referenced above. We look forward to completing a thorough inspection for you. You can help us do the best job possible by providing some advance information to us about the site. Prior to our inspection, we request information regarding the property and the onsite wastewater treatment system (septic system) on that property. We also would like to confirm property access and that pre-inspection system preparation will be completed prior to our arrival. Enclosed is a Septic System Inspection Information form, which must be completed, signed and returned to this office prior to scheduling an inspection. Following completion of the inspection,you will be sent a System Inspection Site Report. The System Inspection Information Request and the System Inspection Site Report are standardized forms used by the Town of Queensbury. Please note the Town of Queensbury's fee for this service is$250. Be advised that all fees for services must be paid prior to the site inspection. If you have any questions, please call. You may FAX or email the completed Septic System Inspection Information form back to us. Phone: (518) 761-8256 Fax: (518) 745-4437 Email: kated@queensbury.net Thank you. D M U Sincerely, FEB 0 8 2019 JJ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Jd BUILDING&CODES Dave Hatin Director of Building and Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement January 2019 Office Use Only Permit#:Town Of '..W(4w. 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Fee: ��� P:518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 www.gueensbury.net Invoice#: 1221 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION INFORMATION Individual Residential Wastewater Treatment System Property and Owner Information: (Please attach property survey or tax parcel map) Property address: 2-jq /7 L2 Tax map number: '3�'j,8—f f Property owner: Nko *414 Mailing Address(c/s/z): 46 1vpx l3 1 NGt7/✓!, d/Z S� Cell#: I/�—7 (7" I /a Land Line#: !✓/� _ Email: Household Information: #Bedrooms -7— #Bathrooms__] #Kitchens Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: How many systems are on the property? Year system(s)installed: Tank YVIA, Size of Se tic Tank /t->M Type of Absorption System: (., //✓� J��✓ C7j' CB Are all system components wholly within the property boundaries? Yes _No Are system plans available? Yes - , o Does the system(s) serve multiple properties? Yes -2<No If yes,describe Maintenance: Service agreement? _Yes &No If yes,vendor name Date of last inspection N/A Date tank last pumped N/A Frequency of pumping /A Building&Code Enforcement January 2019 List known repairs/replacements, with dates: Date Type of Repair/Replacement Operation: AV V LVX&/Z. �� r� m 7"r System problems? Yes No Sewage odors? Yes No Direct surface discharge(s)? Yes No Back-up of toilets? Yes No Back-up of any other fixtures? (e.g. slow drains) Yes No Seasonal ponding or breakout of leach field? Yes No Statement of Acceptance of Conditions: I agree to: • Ensure that the septic tank(s), distribution box(es),and/or seepage pit(s), if any,will be uncovered prior to the requested inspection time; • Have a septage hauler on site(to pump the tank after*the inspector verifies flow from fixtures); ➢ Tank must be pumped in presence of inspector • Have an authorized representative present at the site; • Allow the inspector to verify information provided above, and to conduct an inspection of the indicated onsite wastewater treatment system(s), including all system components and interior plumbing in crawl spaces and basements. To the best of my knowledge,the information provided above is accurate. I agree to be responsible for inspection fee payment. Signature of property owner or authorized agent Please print name: &4�/ EFkAma Affiliation. �u agent Signatur Date: f Prior to scheduling with the Town of Oueensbury,You MUST: 1. Schedule a sewage hauler to be on site to pump tank while inspector is on site. Hauler should arrive 30-45 minutes after scheduled time with the Town of Queensbury's Code Enforcement Officer. 2. Expose inlet and outlet of tank, expose d-box, expose any seepage covers. Building&Code Enforcement January 2019 DEED REFERENCES: rl mMlYAACP m JOIA'Y XRG,H3!L LYNN N/mINS BY I pPD RPOOFDB➢fX TYP YIMPN OOUN1'Y CL8RK8 OPPICP IY WEAR RIO Olv D8864 PIO[IYD. ,• Y)WMBYAACd m JOHN Y HR]:IN3 R 8 LYNN NIm/A5 BY D86D RdmRDBD IN TM IARA[N COUNTY CLeAR-s DPP,CP,N I I •. �OAY jqAfZRWBBR/Y88 OP➢eeR4 PAO[p. a e \ Y'IS J)COAT[YAICf m JMN Y HIL1C/M4!6.LYNN HRCEN3 BY I Nr*�-rr D8[D Aapunen,Y}Y[iARArX ca/xrY CWRK8 OIRA`l IN I `r'�° I Ln.c>aft�Yiu1YwY A wTr ��� - RUSS uLlex m/o!n[[cT PAcr m. u ramrt or Ter Rmr AOAunp i1f Amf rW IAO!N '\ MAP REFERENCES: I 3 /)'YAP OF A 3URI8Y p LAX64 OP PRANCI3 J.!lRAM•C3 Y. �'. ��C�F Y BR pTATS PRdPIRPD BY OY,LTdR t YY.9RIfACI I LR:IA9d0 LAND SVRVdmA3,➢A![D FABY/ARY A.18dr.LAST �� � � \ I AY8MD8D NLY/d,mR PRYl P'PARID YAP pBY A sU—WDP mA AxU/Y!LYNN R)CCIN3' m vI YAN A,BIN!ST8PA8 WND JURYBmRP.GC. ' AREA = 10.2817 ACRES RF m,T`i:ASJ'Tnu.J u Tr _ r.�: �F � V TIOBntl OP TYr 88Tn OpWPrPD LAMM y/F y .�F �\ P SAL SUM[TIIOdT 80dWhPA�6i/� � y� CIRF R\ � I /M0.06-NP M c�F- LAKE GEORGE (Harris Bay) / YAP OF A SURVEY YAD6 FOR LEGEND 20 BRAYTON, LLC — C R3 CAPPBD IRON Rp 38T NOTES: AF. ,pN ROD HIUND VF. HDN PlPB PORNO /)RASA YIP PA[PARlD JINUARY m18 IHPLn 3URYPf: mIN OP WEdNSBURY.CWMY OP WARREN,STATE OF XEV YORE C CAPP[D/AON Ap mUXD PROP A BARDIN LAND SURVEYING, P.C. 1tl1"' [)xoRTH oR/PxrATNrx 9A3en ax YAP RPPrxexcP/. XDII OR mAYBRLY 97 WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD LARF CMME,NY.12805 _ mum mW 91 ONLY noWA3 lRDY»u OIPIC/XAL a TRf3[UBYPY YAAAPD YPJA AX oRAx/rAL IR➢N PPACI M Y8f LINO 3URYdYDR3 3pL BAAW RA m1131@A8D m Bl IWD f9PUf L9M8S. PROJECT NO.'19010I SHEET:1 OF 1 SCALE r-20' ---�— SmCI D8 F8M[ OI8IIN8AO Y/RPS )UIYU}YOA(PPD AI.T[IIINOM OR ADOTOR m A SIIRYPY YAP BPARWC A DRAIN BY.'RBB APPROVED BY IUB LR'EN98n LAND 3/RlRIOAS 3LAL L4 A YlDIATRNJ 0/SYCNON nDA SUBOfYAAW SEALED BY RANDOLPH E BARDIN,J,US 051008 D118/2019 GRAPHIC SCALE _ *�^°'roAa ATATB eDUGTPoN W.. -1 U 100 d)T,RS SURYPY WAS PABPAR[D YIfHOUT TN8 pNBPR OP AN AB3TAACY OF fffE6 WRREN A COUNTY TAX PARCEL'E99.8-f-15 AND is XfPRPmnP 3U8lBCl m AXY r/3rYrAT3 mYPXAXI4 p RPS1R/CTNN/3 N RJmRD ANY 3TIlEYPM OP PACIB 9UCH DOCUYSNT YOULD DISCIASB. DATE D//D8/2019 February 2 2019 Dear Mr Hatin Please be advised I am the buyer of 20 Brayton Rd and assume all financial and contstruction costs associated with the installation of a new 3 bedroom septic system to be located on the property. I have enclosed a check for$2000 to be held in escrow until all septic work has been completed. The owner of record upon completion of sale will be 20 Brayton LLC 308 Lenox Rd Richmond MA 01254 413-717-1010 Regards } Don Bernard 20 Brayton LLC 1