historical information •
9P/a. /V 19 I/
This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 931702
has been completed.
This structure may be used as a — septic system — _v
Location Jay Road
Owner Jean Lauroesch
43-1-14 By Order of Town Board
• Director of Buildin & Code Enforcement
169 Haviland Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Hutchins Engineering Phone:(518)745-0307
g g Fax:(518)745-0308
May 22, 2017
Mr. Craig Brown
Town of Queensbury Buildings and Codes
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Reference: 21 Jay Road; Septic System Certification
Parcel ID#: 289.10-1-13
William J Rourke
Dear Mr. Brown:
I have reviewed available documentation describing the installation of the septic system at the above-
referenced property. This documentation from Queensbury Building Permit file #93-702 includes the
• Town of Queensbury Application for Septic Disposal Permit, signed and dated 11/16/1993.
• A sketch drawing entitled "Plot Plan for Bill and Jean Lauroesch", dated received by Queensbury
Building Department, November 17, 1993.
• Town of Queensbury Building Permit dated November 18, 1993 for installation of a septic system
for Jean Lauroesch,.
• Certificate of Compliance from Town of Queensbury certifying that the work shown on Permit
Application 93-702 has been completed.
I have also reviewed a map entitled"Map of Survey of Lands of William and Tori Rourke" prepared by WJ
Rouke Associates, Licensed Land Surveyors, revision dated April 24, 2017.
It is proposed to renovate the existing 3-bedroom residence and the number of bedrooms will remain three.
Based upon the documentation referenced, the existing system consists of a pump station and force main
to a 1,000-gallon septic tank, a distribution box and two 8' diameter by 8' deep precast concrete seepage
pits installed in crushed stone. The system was reportedly installed by Wayne Underwood in 1994.
Horizontal setbacks to the shoreline and wells(neighboring and on-site)are maintained to current standards
(150' seepage pit to lake and well; 50' tanks to lake and well). The seepage pits as documented have
appropriate absorptive area for a three-bedroom house at the current standard of 110 gpd/bedroom (330
gpd total).
Based upon my review of the above documentation, it is my opinion that the existing septic system was
sized and installed in a manner that is compliant with the current Town standard for septic systems(Chapter
I trust this information is sufficient for your immediate needs, however, please contact me if you wish to
discuss this.
Best Regards,
G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E.
Cc: Mr.William Rourke
G.Thomas Hutchins,P.E. thutchins@hutchinsengineering.com