02-26-2019 (Queenshury Planning Board 02/26/2019) QUEENSBURYPLANNING BOARD MEETING SECOND REGULAR MEETING FESRUARY26, 2019 INDEX Site Plan No. 7-2019 Stewart's Shops Corp. 1. Tax Map No. 301.8-1-33 THESE ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ADOPTED MINUTES AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD AND STAFF REVISIONS. REVISIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING MONTH'S MINUTES (IF ANY) AND WILL STATE SUCH APPROVAL OF SAID MINUTES. 1 (Queensbury Planning Board 2/26/21 ) QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING SECOND REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2019 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT STEPHEN TRAVER, CHAIRMAN CHRIS HUNSINGER, VICE CHAIRMAN BRAD MAGOWAN MICHAEL VALENTINE STEVEN JACKOSKI, ALTERNATE MICHAEL DIXON, ALTERNATE MEMBERS ABSENT JAMIE WHITE LAND USE PLANNER-LAURA MOORE STENOGRAPHER-MARIA GAGLIARDI MR. TRAVER-Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, February 26t", 2019. This is our second meeting for February and our fourth meeting for 2019. Please observe the illuminated exit signs. In the event of an emergency, that's your evacuation route. If you have an electronic device or a cell phone, please either turn it off or turn off the ringer for us so we're able to enjoy our meeting in relative peace. We have but one item on the agenda this evening and then we're going to be going into committee work. I'd also like to announce, too, that we have an upcoming workshop that will be providing some training to us on low impact development, and that will be a workshop training session from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on April 16" here at the Activities Center on environmental impacts and low impact development, and that will be presented by Chris Navitsky, the Lake George Water Keeper and some other support staff. So please make a note of that. We have but one item on our regular agenda this evening, Laura, and that is the Stewart's Shop Corporation, Site Plan 7-2019. Correct? SITE PLAN NO. 7-2019 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. STEWART'S SHOPS CORP. OWNER(S): SAME AS APPLICANT. ZONING: NC. LOCATION: 347 AVIATION ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO TEAR DOWN THE 4,935 SQ. FT. BUILDING TO CONSTRUCT A NEW 3,855 SQ. FT. BUILDING FOR A NEW CONVENIENCE STORE. PROJECT INCLUDES REMOVAL OF THE FUEL CANOPY AND INSTALLATION OF A NEW 6,160 SQ. FT. FUEL CANOPY. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE NEW COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE: AV 92-1993, SP 22-043, SP 17- 93, SP 20-94, SP 24-99, SP 5-2006, SP 72-2010; SEVERAL PERMITS & SIGNS; AV 5-2019, SV 1-2019. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: N/A. LOT SIZE: 1.03 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 301.8-1-33. SECTION: 179-3-040. CHRIS POTTER, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MRS. MOORE-Yes. So this applicant met with the Zoning Board of Appeals last week and was asked to review items on the setback request for the property line and permeability on the site, and so they tabled the application to their first meeting in April which means the Board will need to open the public hearing and table the application to the second Planning Board meeting. The representative is here if you still have any additional questions of him. 2 (C ueensbury Planning Board 02/26/2019) MR. TRAVER-So that would be April 23"d. Okay. So everyone has heard from Laura's report we'll be tabling this application this evening, pending some additional input to the ZBA. Does anyone have any questions? There is an applicant representative here. Does anyone have any questions prior to entertaining the tabling motion? Okay. I guess we're ready for the motion. MRS. MOORE-I'm sorry. You have to open your public hearing. MR. TRAVER-So we'll open the public hearing and ask, is there anyone in the audience that wanted to comment on this application this evening? Bearing in mind that it will be tabled and maybe subject to some changes. Okay. So we'll close the hearing for tonight but we will leave it open and we'll be reviewing it on the 23"d when we anticipate this application will be before us again. RESOLUTION TABLING SP # 7-2019 STEWART'S SHOPS CORP. The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board: Applicant proposes to tear down the 4,935 sq. ft. building to construct a new 3,855 sq. ft. building for a new convenience store. Project includes removal of the fuel canopy and installation of a new 6,160 sq. ft. fuel canopy. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance new commercial construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN 7-2019 STEWART'S SHOPS CORPORATION. Introduced by Chris Hunsinger who moved for its adoption, seconded by Michael Valentine: Tabled until the second Planning Board meeting in April, April 23 2019, with information due by March 15, 2019. Duly adopted this 26" day of February, 2019 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Hunsinger, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Ms. White MR. TRAVER-All right. Do we have any other business before the Planning Board this evening? None that I'm aware of, I guess. I read the announcement already on the workshop. Then we will adjourn for this evening. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2019, Introduced by Chris Hunsinger who moved for its adoption, seconded by Brad Magowan: Duly adopted this 26" day of February, 2019, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Hunsinger, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Ms. White On motion meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Stephen Traver, Chairman 3