OWTS Inventory Worksheet FECEgyER Lawrence M. Stone N P.O. Box 31NOV 2 6 2018 ii kattskill Bay, NY 12844 co-ri,(:-;)!‘1:14_1;11\91F-Fy(nEErteD yoRder4 July 6, 2017 Kathleen S.L. Bozony Town of Queensbury Planning Office 742 Bay Rd. Queensbury,NY 12804 Dear Ms. Bozony, Enclosed is a completed OWTS Inventory Worksheet for 32 Bean Road. The sketch you request is on a separate piece of paper. I have also included the preliminary design for our wastewater system when it was built in 1993. This consists of eight photocopies. To put it together, match the letters—A to A, B to B, etc. Please note that our two 1,000-gallon septic tanks are not by the garage as indicated on the sketch and preliminary design. I have indicated where they are actually located. The location of the Soil Treatment Area is accurate,though. We have the septic tanks pumped out about every five years—most recently on May 5, 2015. Invoice is enclosed. This is a seasonal camp and used only five months per year. Sincerely yours, Lawrence M. Stone 227.10-1-22 RC-0739-2018 Townsend, Penny 32 Bean Rd 672 s.f. Interior Alterations u, • t. s. rI . z • ..DOC : - .. • . .\ - . . ... . .. 1 JNc0/1 y K -----------11 -: . \'1"1 C"AVA4/0 r\ \ \ .W.' \ \ 0 anzrr fy. ,, , )\ 1> O�fixYi�rai✓ rsor.• j a`sC3 - j); -, : • . .. ewutBD L4c.A.TnotJ I .q)li Tth q *pri c..-r;so4--. - -- ----- ... ,- 9q�C /;$,r'E osll t , �T4.4,JGE tl s'tl r.aU.. -�� :: •s'...r.ram -. {� V" / .. CC1/fNu�/lam_ STONE 'k � O / •.�2:.-a;"" __ -.r.�-•+.a'.� •.sEPT/c..-AKA ' '), • IAkl6E /o �� _.: t1 , \ ,) _ . . . ..,., . .. , ,. , ..,,, . . ,: ... . . \ —....-,:,....„-::.....:...,--........._,,,. 1 , . rii.-1: .t. , ki ',0 7-- . ' T.�EA/Ch`. • ..flSG/D P1/C..O,e 3'S' S; U - 9` i. G E 4Ch� ! /�/F! 6Plif/SLgP,f Q �. ... __ ..f cS'7° // = DO"GU 3 ate' I Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) inventory Worksheet This Inventory Worksheet has been designed to collect information on existing Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)within the Town of Queensbury in order to create a database and encourage wastewater pollution reduction through regular maintenance of septic systems. Please complete this worksheet and return it(with the requested attachments)to the Town of Queensbury Planning Office. If you need assistance with filling out this worksheet, have questions regarding the requested information or would like an assessment of your OWTS when the septic tank is being pumped out,please call Kathy Bozony at 518-761-8231. Thank you in advance for participating in this public health initiative. Date Tax Map ID# (Tax Map ID#located on mailing label) Name Address Lake address Lake phone Phone (home) (cell) Email SEPTIC SYSTEM SKETCH _ > On the back of this worksheet,please sketch your onsite wastewater treatment system. If available,include a copy of your property's site plan map showing your septic system design(preferably the'as-built') o Sketch the approximate shape of your house,labeling its front and back o Identify property lines o Indicate the distance of your existing OWTS(tank and field)from your house and adjacent waterbodies o Label driveway,roads,accessory structures,well and distance to lake,streams,tributaries and wetlands FINDINGS • Unknown [check here if you do not know the specifics about wastewater treatment on your property] • Household wastewater flows into: Concrete septic tank y gals(size of tank) t 4.0 A1I.1 Z !,Oittx at k/ki"' Plastic septic tank gals (size of tank)Metal septic tank gals (size of tank) Clarus Fusion or comparable gals (size of tank) Holding Tank gals (size of tank) Cesspool gals (size and construction of cesspool) • Secondary treatment for effluent(partially treated wastewater)from septic tank flows to: Soil Treatment Area(STA) Seepage pit/drywell Eljen ETU Puraflo ETU Other(please describe) OTHER INFORMATION • Age of septic system Distance to lake or stream: septic tank ft I 2nd treatment y ft • Age of home . • It of bedrooms f -• x Garbage disposal? Yes No (please circle) x Water treatment system? Yes No (please circle) x Sump pump to OWTS? Yes No (please circle) DATE of last septic tank pump out Septic hauler ' "' [Please attach a copy of your most recent pump out receipt] Thu form developed by and used with permission from the Lake George CBOH iv*"* : TOWN OF QUEENSBLIRY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Inventory Database June 12,2017 Dear Lake George Property Owner, The Town of Queensbury Town Board is committed to support wastewater pollution reduction by encouraging property owners to recognize the importance of effective wastewater treatment on lands within close proximity to Lake George and other waterbodies within the Town. As you may know, an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS), typically known as a septic system, can be effective for treating wastewater from your home or business when it is properly designed,installed and maintained. However, an undersized septic system with increased seasonal usage, an OWTS installed on land with poor soil conditions,treating wastewater using an antiquated design(a cesspool or a metal septic tank that may be corroded), or lack of routine maintenance can all lead to inadequate wastewater treatment. Polluting septic systems near waterbodies can detrimentally affect our drinking water and recreational enjoyment,specifically swimming,fishing and boating. It has been observed that insufficient treatment of wastewater within close proximity to Lake George or its tributaries negatively impacts water quality. Algal blooms (identified to be the algae genus that grows in sewage)have been documented in recent years adjacent to the lake's shoreline. Completion of the attached OWTS Inventory Worksheet will assist the Town of Queensbury in its database creation, specifically to record the type of wastewater treatment(septic system)and septic system maintenance done on your property. Developed properties being inventoried at this time are located within 500 feet of Lake George and its tributaries,referred to as the Critical Environmental Area(CEA). Information regarding your septic system's location, its age,initial design and installation,overall functionality and necessary routine maintenance is being requested. If you do not have knowledge about your septic system,please check'Unknown'and complete the top portion of the worksheet, including a contact phone number and email. Please note that your Tax Map ID# has been printed on the address label located on the envelope mailed to you. Completed worksheets with attachments and a copy of your most recent pump out receipt can be mailed (or hand delivered)to my attention at the Town of Queensbury Planning Office,742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804. After receiving your completed OWTS Inventory Worksheet, I may contact you to discuss your wastewater treatment or to assist you in scheduling a pump out and inspection. In addition, the Town is asking that a property owner please request that a hired Septic Hauler completes the attached Septic Hauler Worksheet at the time of a septic tank pump out. This worksheet (as well as the OWTS Inventory Worksheet)can be printed from the Queensbury website. Please don't hesitate to call me with questions, or if you would like me to work with you on any issues regarding your septic system. Thank you in advance for cooperating with this important public health initiative. Sincerely, Ka hleen S Lindberg Bozo y Environmental Program anager,Consultant 518.761.8231 Attachments " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " Town of Queensbury Septic Hauler Worksheet for Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWLS) (Septic Hauler to complete during septic tank pump out and inspection) Property owner: Please submit this worksheet with a copy of the septic hauler's paid pump out receipt to the Town of Queensbury Planning Department at 742 Bay Rd,Queensbury,NY 12804 [Questions CALL 518-761-8231j Date Septic Hauler inspector onsite Homeowner Address Number of Bedrooms Phone Age of OWTS SEPTIC SYSTEM SERVICE (please circle Yes/No) Tank uncovered Yes/No Inlet riser to grade Yes/No [if No riser,minutes required to locate and uncover septic tank lid Outlet riser to grade Yes/No [if No riser,minutes required to locate and uncover septic tank lid Inlet Sanitary Tee Yes/No Outlet Baffle Yes/No [if Yes,CONDITION of Baffle/Sanitary Tee Good Failed Liquid Level Acceptable High Liquid below Outlet? Yes/No Scum depth Inches Sludge depth Inches Toilet flushed Yes/No Other components: Effluent Filter Effluent Pump Grinder Pump (please circle if applicable) EVALUATION FINDINGS Household wastewater flows into: Condition of septic tank/primary wastewater treatment Concrete septic tank gals(size of tank) Plastic septic tank gals(size of tank) Metal septic tank gals(size of tank) Holding tank gals(size of tank) Cesspool gals(size of pit) Other (describe OWTS technology or ETU) Effluent from septic tank flows to: (as evidenced by Septic Hauler or noted by homeowner) Absorption field Visual condition of field Drywell Eljen Puraflo Other(please describe) OTHER FINDINGS (use back of worksheet for additional assessed information and sketch of OWTS on property) Signature of Hauler Certification It Signature of Homeowner Thank you for your participation in the Town of Queensbury Septic Inventory Program This form developed by and used with permission from the Lake George CBOH 1 s SEPTIC VARIANCE APPROVAL RESOLUTION RESOLI'TKkN APPROVING PENELOPE TOWNSEND'S APPLICA'1'1ON I dgeAivcsa yT—,apia:t arpolay.and - ' 1'+(- TO SHORE4 FOR SANII'ARVSEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE 2 the t.,nslfloatd aftxcehh find tEwt the grnuieg shr smFcr u-twa'saiary rorFhc j ..1 Yar+ � -, � ` reasmtable uscof ih-laid and is fie miniwum vanarree wquh world aacwraGe the —- ITESOLL I ION NO Boll IU 2014 � nmt fx %dy hmdship fraud mu by it.T—i Bd of 11.1th to affect the ILL— T •��• �11 FINE Iv FROTH annf r 4 U 64 4t r IF— ApWiGmr,ant SITE LQCA710N L®I..4TIO/V MAP W C PF .feu WHO MOVLDnsADOPTION' I! 1 BE t f FLRTHFa. -'I'tNt 117 yECON D4n BY: i1 Jt ferti it' r" a'FINt tS' RFSOLVCD Utst tlw 1Aea1 Boanl o`lirdd;ixreby qMonmditoPIoimFmofPaa6.x Va y INRa / yS•` 1 WHEREAS..Pcrielopr 1 nv+v[(4ppl-nt)fiini an uppLeaaun for a vadioate[nun a tounsetnl im a va i—f It..S.wage U sprain Ordimu to..W o g eeptic �M•I�T.l 81Rp1 Sl`. 1 pm Qy ry wad Di�ns»I UNinami C'iMf Y 15h 4,rrtnnrtalrt bat — d— t t[icM %Mtn stun o[1M.Tow f nshu On-Bice Se 6 y ar knn m wdaY a�nrem r aui�w onhr Pnak y a,rwws I ann,fmgsepiic temmeal Lvscern:hac d—rtn rteet rndav's currvmrrugnttvmrenismherpmperty 1 as tw1ows: . 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RESOLVED.th.ft 1.—{Wed authorizer and directs ft Town Clark tic f—ad by �? 100'FfE1GH80RING N£tJ OFFSET—, xaW.'rRER[E ORE BetT ,H � �k. l�,It a. / mtifwd mail acuiirud rnpy aPthis Resdutautm dw Mtirnalack Park AgdnrYrta is tevietr,-aiat 'OC4- t 2°M1CKaat' QS` NE O.RESLVED.the VtIX«f BE IT iL'R'OlEa, DOCK S'tlfflaR.' 2%NFNk. , t, due to:ko aafure of the th,tan.d Do"of H Ith det s it.the RrSOLVED.that thir w,approval Rehniot shalt not be e0wive umii 30 days aft sa.-er h ..., r/ I 4 vatiaxs wrould clue trsvcrtad:dWr-tamml w the pngsuc d tbiar ar uF'tbts r'nJt � � �� n' / ONinunec m other ad}amng praperue>tau urhem-irr wat3iet weth the{nirpoxe attd F+rh�9.�9F' IPF Boar vfJ� •.'tit.h•:A': V. ' G'TMM1IfGAK. _; I s 5•DAr. !� sI1ED , akitt.u;dbi Adiroadawk PaPk AdersY au:>he9'x.eul�lecl Fo anY lawfal aedtxa by dx,4di k eel ��o Q& srg e W }t F Pae<Apaicy dm �ir4 ad,paL 'V.OAK �� odyaalned thi tdaYtifiabru+uv'N1I9.bY;lrc foRnwitt$ecge: AYES Mr.Femueti Mts.Swin r..Mr:Suoegh,Mr,Ahtiv'Y ROES :Alone.F'•..k' ' _ F 26'PIN, - ' I e'NlcrcRv P \ ABSENT:Mts.Adrerdn; IPF ,�,aF }a•s sxaie r a� � �auNrAdl I p+�J g 359'=ALONG SHORE AM 1 F e y cote tA5DAENT i a 5roNfP11I0 ,.,`N' Mv RFK1: NH.,.uA4ofcnam Q� - F F'O141:R 12 WMER Cx+'2 .fir5RGaT a'5PRI0ct 6°.SPRIKC \l vp~.�u «c"�' ti;t . R5 'RSTONE WAIxa 4�44s 9� / ¢�:�,.f d.as9 , _ 36'9rtUiF au./ C, EX?S71NG SEPTIC _ f/ / �°"� " t ® PUMP STATION GARAGE j �y --- /p -e �.:rntacaav p ±p - i '.rrlNe AREA 81 IxacKTopCRlvtwar 49832t Sq. Feet � r Ga / ' 3 1.14*Acres 19 e t / n irk En I 7 x C 10', TO SHORE ih a�y EXISTING DUAL 1,000- o r`F+a1 GALLON SEP77C TANKS 241.09 - tl I N88-2019"W I .IPF-IPF NF 11 �r'vo ; } ` _ TAX MAP#227.1 a-1-22 - 10 PIPE—IN—STONE ABSORPTION) A NHOLE ROUSE ULTRAVIOLET WATER TRENCHES 035 LF EACH,350 LF 11 EACH PER REFERENCED PLANDfSINFEC7ION UNIT SHALL 8E New vS�afely. - -- 'b' LANDS NI F OF INSTALLED ENTRYY OINT INTO ON THE WTHE RESIDENCE A7ER SUPPLY T New York CKs -- ROBERT WHITEMAN E (WOUA D4 OR EOUIVALEN7) [3 cab Ralore rat,Dig []Wait The Required Time (WATER SUPPLY FROM LAKE) ` I]Dontirm u4NiLr Response 100'NEIGHBORING WELL OFFSET ❑Respact Thu Narks ! ! ODig With Cart 1 ADDED APPROVAL RESOLUTION-ISSUED i0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2/27/2019 ` 800-962.7962 0 ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2/07/2019 vaww.digsaeatTaa wtlrork.nom No. Revisions Date WASTEWATER SYSTEM PLAN } 6IPF MAP REFERENCE: WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXISTING PLAN SCALE: 1"_20' 1. BASE MAP INFORMATION FROM "MAP OF A VARIANCE SUMMARY SURVEY MADE FOR PENELOPE D. TOWNSEND. prepared for SCALE IELD TO WELL—ABSORPTION FIELD IN THE TOWIJ OF QU£ENSBURY, WARREN Penelope D. Townsend c 10 G 5 10 2O 40 10G'REQUIRED COUNTY, NEW YORK. DATED MARCH 5, 2014. 8C'PROPOSED LAST REVISED NOVEMBER 7, 2018. PREPARED 32 Bean Road (IN FEET j BY VAN DUSEN&SIEVES LAND SURVEYORS. Town of QUeensbUr'�Warren County,NY 20'RELIEF REOUESTED 2, WASTEWATER SYSTEM INFORMATION FROM "WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR LAWRENCE M. & Drawn:JRS Checked:GTH Scale:NOTED 'i Date: 112912019 CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCA71ONS AND DISTANCES —APPROVED BY TOWN OF OUEENSBURY LOCAL LOIS V.STONE,"IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, THIS IS NOT A FIELD SURVEY. BOARD OF HEALTH ON FEBRUARY 25,2019 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, DATED AUGUST 169 Havifand Road 9 r�i 1993. LAST REVISED SEPTEMBER 13, 1993. ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY Dueensbury,NY 72804 29 q I t't—V PREPARED BY JAMES E.HUTCHINS,P.E. A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A (578)745-0307 Phone VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. Hutchins Engineering 518 745-0308 Fax