2000-03-13 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 13, 2000 7:05 P.M. Mtg. #15 RES. #131-133 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN JAMES MARTIN COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN COUNSEL TOWN OFFICIALS Chris Round, Executive Director of Community Development Ralph VanDusen, Water & Wastewater Superintendent Mike Shaw, Deputy Wastewater Superintendent Harry Hansen, Director of Parks & Recreation Chris Jones, Fire Marshal Supervisor Brower called meeting to order. . . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN MARTIN TOWN BOARD WORKSHOP DISCUSSIONS ULand Trust Chris Round, Executive Director spoke to the board regarding what a land trust is, how to form one and the role of the land trust in the future as it comes to preserving open space in the town. .. a land trust is a not- for-profit organization whose general mission is to preserve open space, recreational areas within a community or a broader service area... the proposal is to form a not -for-profit corporation, send them forward with the mission of identifying what lands to preserve then seek funding to preserve those lands. . . funding can come from the town, other organizations or through solicitation to individuals and other private corporations. .. would like to see the Rec. Commission playa major role, a lead in the process. Harry Hansen, Director of Parks & Recreation noted that he feels the Rec. Commission is very interested but needs more information ... would recommend that the two roles remain separate. Town Board held discussion, agreed to move forward with the process... Mr. Round noted that he will get some things together within the next two months, organize a mailing, work on a template, and involve the counsel to draft a charter and by-laws. 1.2Engineering Services Mr. Round, Executive Director noted that Rist Frost Associates whose provided engineering review services for the Planning Board, Zoning Board and on occasion, the Town Board as the Board of Health has chosen to no longer provide services to the town.... we developed an RFP for engineering services and we've solicited that and we received responses to that on the 24th of this month and we'll come back with a recommendation for the board on the 27th because we need to bring an engineer on board for April... Would like to know whether the board wants to be involved in the process? Town Board held discussion, Councilman Martin recommended the Zoning Board Chairman, Planning Board Chairman and possibly an additional member of each be involved in the process. .. Supervisor Brower agreed to be involved in the process. l.3Assistant Fire Marshal Mr. Round, Executive Director along with Fire Marshal Chris Jones and former Fire Marshal Kip Grant spoke to the board regarding replacement of a position that was abolished in 1995, the office of Assistant Fire Marshal. . . Mr. Round, Executive Director -The office was historically staffed with two people up until 1995 when Mr. Bodenweiser retired and the assistant, Kip assumed the role of Fire Marshal. . .. The staff wasn't reduced from two to one because of a workload problem or not the ability to support the position, it strictly wasn't re-appointed because of a political decision and not because of a managerial decision on the part of the former Director of Community Development. . .. The most basic function of the Fire Marshal is to enforce the New York State Uniformed Fire Prevention and Building Code which involves several responsibilities. .. We handle in excess of nine hundred building permits a year in and a hundred and fifty of those require Fire Marshal involvement. . . There's over a hundred places of public assembly which the Fire Marshal is required to inspect those on an annual basis, some of those require more then one day of inspection.. . Councilman Brewer question whether there's money in the budget to do this? Mr. Round, Executive Director-No, it was not budgeted for this year... we made a proposal to include the addition of a fire code enforcement person and that was not passed in the year 2000 budget. The point I want to make is the workload is there, we have in excess of nine hundred and twenty commercial businesses in town... Other lower occupancy classifications are recommended to be inspected annually, we're now inspecting those eight hundred other classifications once every three years. The MMA Consulting report that was completed in 1995 was an evaluation of fire protection and prevention services, it included all our fire fighting facilities and included our Fire Marshal's Office. It said, you guys are doing a great job, you've got two people, we feel you should replace the Fire Marshal's Assistant position because you are adding value to the town services. You have a very low instance of fire loss and that's loss of lives, loss of property, loss of jobs because of the quality of your fire fighting services and the quality of you fire prevention mechanism that you have in place and that was the Fire Marshal's Office and his assistant and the inspection process as well as the quality of our Building and Code Enforcement Office which is another function to make sure that communities are constructing facilities according to the code. Not all communities do that. Councilman Martin-This has worked so well and they've done their job so good, it's just something that you just don't hear about and you shouldn't. Councilman Brewer-How do we fund this? Councilman Martin-We have some savings as a result of a purchasing agent salary line item that is now open or we have contingency. I think it rises to that level of importance. Councilman Brewer-How much money is needed? Mr. Round, Executive Director-Around forty thousand dollars to handle training, salary and some other support functions, clothing expenses, ecetera. Mr. Chris Jones, Fire Marshal reviewed some of the other duties and responsibilities of the office with the board. Town Board discussed further and agreed to move forward with re-establishing the position of Assistant Fire Marshal. 1. 4 River Crossing Mr. Ralph VanDusen, Water Superintendent... gave update regarding the discussions, negotiations with the Town of Moreau in reference to the river crossing of the pipes. Noted, we're probably eighteen months away from water flowing through the pipes. I'd like to advise the board that at the next regular board meeting, I will have a resolution authorizing the signing of a contract with CT Male Engineers to do the work necessary to map that route and to assist in our process. What we would need to do as far as Moreau's contract, I'll get together with Mr. Hafner and we'll work out some wording that meets the needs of what we just verbally agreed to... Town Board held discussion regarding the location of the pipe. Mr. VanDusen spoke to the board regarding another engineering proposal that he'll have before the board next week because of some water quality problems in the Greenway North area... Noted, the water pipe there is in the sixty year old range, it's unlined cast iron pipe. We're seeing rusty water problems there. There was money in the budget this year to actually go in and put a new lining on the inside of the pipe which would eliminate that problem. We've done some cost evaluations and for about the same money, we can actually replace that pipe with a new pipe. It will be a little bit larger, have a little bit better fire flows in that area and it will have a hundred year life instead of a fifty year life. So, it seemed to be a very easy decision that if you're going to spend the same amount of money, in one case solve a problem and give you a fifty year life or solve the same problem and give a hundred year life.... Town Board agreed. 1. 5 Sewering Bay Road Mr. Bob Vallero, representing the Homeowner's Association of Baybridge (along with several members of the Homeowner's Association) - gave presentation to the board regarding the possibility of sewering upper Bay Road and more specifically Baybridge... Town Board held discussion regarding proposed site, cost, funding, bonding, special districts, district extensions, legal issues. . . Mr. VanDusen, Water Superintendent noted, if the board is in favor of this concept, then the next step is to develop a map, plan and report for a district extension and at that point you have a very thorough evaluation of the cost allocation, is it appropriate, is it a hundred percent complete, that would be addressed during the creation of that map, plan and report.... Town Board noted their agreement in moving forward with the process... Mr. Vallero questioned whether the board would consider funding the map, plan and report... Mr. VanDusen, Water Superintendent recommended that counsel research that first before making a decision regarding the funding. .. board agreed. 1.6Family Leave Policy Supervisor Brower spoke to the board regarding the family medical leave act, read the following letter from Amtek into the record: In regards to the Town of Queensbury's family and medical leave policies, specifically the section entitled, "Impact on Employee Benefits during family medical leave" the Town Board may wish to loosen the requirement that all vacation leave must be used first. Perhaps a compromise could be reached that stated all but one week of vacation leave must be used. This would address those extenuating circumstances that may occur during the year in which an employee takes a leave under this policy. Supervisor Brower noted, with that advice and with the advice of Kathy Radnear, she felt that that was a reasonable position, we came up with a policy that was drafted by our attorneys. . .. Proposed the following resolution: RESOLUTION AMENDING POLICY REGARDING F AMIL Y AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT RESOLUTION NO.: NO ACTION TAKEN INTRODUCED BY: WHO MOVED FOR IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has adopted a Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3, "Procedures," of the Policy, an employee who is on Worker's Compensation or Disability leave may elect whether or not to use accrued paid leave, and WHEREAS, this Section applies to employees injured while working for the Town, and WHEREAS, all other employees who take FMLA leave are required to exhaust all accumulated paid leave at the beginning of any FMLA leave period, and WHEREAS, the current Policy could be construed to require that an employee with a preexisting Worker's Compensation injury who qualifies for FMLA leave from the Town is required to use accrued paid leave at the beginning of his/her FMLA leave because his or her injury is not treated as a Worker's Compensation injury under the Policy, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to allow an employee who is injured while working for another employer, but is otherwise qualified under FMLA, to elect to reserve up to five (5) days of accrued paid vacation leave but otherwise requiring such employee to exhaust all paid leave at the beginning of a FMLA leave period, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to amend the FMLA Policy accordingly, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby amends the Town's Policy regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act, section "Impact on Employee Benefits during Family/Medical Leave" to read as follows: Accrued paid vacation, personal and compensatory time must be used first and are Part of the maximum twelve (12) weeks. Accrued paid sick leave must be used First for Family Medical Leaves taken due to the employee's own serious health Condition. Employees taking Family Medical Leave for their own health condition And who will receive Worker's Compensation benefits from an employer other Than the Town may elect to reserve up to five (5) days of accrued paid vacation for Use at some time after the employee returns to work from Family/Medical Leave. [The use of accrued paid leave is at the employee's option at the commencement of an employee's own Worker's Compensation or Disability absence.] After all accrued paid leave time has been used, the remaining days of a qualified Family/Medical Leave will be unpaid. And BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this amendment shall be effective immediately and shall apply to employees currently on leave who are qualified for FMLA coverage as well as employees similarly situated in the future. Any employee affected by the amendment to the Policy who has not invoked his or her rights under the FMLA shall have twenty (20) days from the adoption of this Resolution to request FMLA coverage and shall be reimbursed for any health care premiums paid by the employee which are payable by the employer under the FMLA Policy, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor's Office to distribute copies of the amendment of the FMLA Policy to all Town employees and amend the Employee Handbook accordingly. Duly adopted this 13th day of March, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: NO VOTE TAKEN NOES: ABSENT: DISCUSSION: Supervisor Brower-That is the result of the investigation we did. It does differ some from the proposed resolution that Mr. Brewer had proposed which basically did not define a five day being the maximum number of days that could be withheld for vacation after the FMLA policy period of twelve weeks had been accrued. Councilman Brewer-In due respect, I wish I could have seen that resolution, like we all saw the other resolution that was proposed last week and in due respect I will present 3.13 from last week to be introduce. I'll introduce this resolution, if I could have second and I'll give it to you if you want to read it or we can just note it. Supervisor Brower-The difference in that resolution is that the employee doesn't have to use any of their vacation time. Councilman Brewer-The difference in this then that, is what you said is right, what this does is allow an employee to use the FMLA if he chooses. If he doesn't choose, then he doesn't have to and if the employee chooses to use his vacation and sick time or whatever, he doesn't have to use that. Supervisor Brower-He can hold it for a later time. Councilman Brewer-He can hold it for a later date and an employee would have to qualify to be able to use this as we discussed with the attorney and I personally don't think it's a great deal that we're giving away and you agreed with me last week. I don't know where all of that information came from. Supervisor Brower-Well, would you explain to the board members why you feel that they should be entitled to take all their vacation whenever they feel like it. Councilman Brewer-Because they earn it. Supervisor Brower-Okay. Councilman Brewer-To start with. Supervisor Brower-Alright. Councilman Brewer-I think the policy was in question because an employee went out with an injury from compensation on another case which I don't have a problem with. It doesn't cost the town anything, the town's not paying for it. I think the policy said mayor may not and this clarifies or the policy didn't determine whether he had to or didn't have to. Do you see what I'm saying? Supervisor Brower-Yes. Councilman Brewer-This clarifies and says that he mayor may not. It gives the employee the option and I don't think it's a great deal to give your employees an option whether they should have to use their vacation if they become hurt or injured while they're working, whether it be here or another job. I think that's unfair and that's my own personal opinion. Councilman Turner-No, I would agree with Timmy because you know, it's not right to hold the hatchet over his head like that. Councilman Brewer-Absolutely not. Councilman Turner-That's what you're doing. Councilman Brower-Which one now? You mean the, the resolution that I read you mean? Councilman Turner-Resolution 6.10. No I support 6.10, not this one. Councilman Brewer-No, the one I had Supervisor Brower-You want them to use the vacation any time they want to. Councilman Turner-Yea, when they're, yea. Supervisor Brower-Let me just explain to the board why I feel there should be a limit on the number of paid days. FMLA, Family Medical Leave Act was designed to help employees that had a special need. Either they had a family member that was sick and they had to be out in extended length of time to help them or they themselves were going to have a serious medical condition where they needed time to leave work and be able to come back and still retain their employment rights at an employed company. Now that's, that twelve weeks of paid leave or three months is a significant improvement over almost anyone's previous personal vacation time that anyone would generally be able to accrue on their own. So, you've got three months. Now, by invoking a policy where they don't have to take their, now they would have to take under this, either one of these policies, they would have to take accrued sick days as part of this entire twelve weeks and our previous policy said that they would first take their accrued sick days then they would take their accrued vacation weeks and then the town would continue to pay their health insurance until or the portion that we pay until the end of the three month period. And after that, they would have, be forced to go to COBRA and pay COBRA if they wanted to retain health insurance benefits. Councilman Brewer-But Dennis you're assuming that they're going to automatically, all of the employees are going to use the whole twelve weeks. That's not Supervisor Brower-Oh, I'm not assuming that, no. Councilman Brewer-Well, that's what you're saying. Supervisor Brower-But you have a maximum of twelve weeks to be used in anyone calendar year. Councilman Brewer-Right. Supervisor Brower-Like you could go out a month, this month or next month, then you could have a two month delay, you could go out another month but you have a total of three months of twelve weeks in a calendar year. Councilman Brewer-Right and what I think, what I'm feeling though is, if a person gets hurt on the job, he shouldn't be penalized his earned vacation. That is my feeling. I stand by it. I'll introduce the resolution and that is my own reason for this. I think if a person gets hurt, it's unjust he has to lose time. He doesn't make a full weeks pay. So, therefore I think an employee is going to be, it's going to be advantageous for the employee to get back to work. Not try to bleed the system so to speak and that's why I believe in this, Dennis. And I think if were holding a hatchet over our employee's heads thinking that they're always going to try take the most out of everything that's available to them, then I think we're bad employers. Supervisor Brower-I don't think that at all. I think you set employee policies so that you protect the financial exposure of your company. Councilman Brewer-Right and this policy was great. Supervisor Brower-In this case, your town and Councilman Brewer-This policy was great, this would tighten it up. Supervisor Brower-Well, that policy would be, is good generally but my fear of that policy and the only difference between the resolution you have and this resolution that I know of is the fact that this prescribes that they may hold onto five days vacation. Councilman Brewer-Right. Supervisor Brower-And not necessarily use them when the twelve weeks, during the twelve week period. Yours' doesn't given any limit on it so Councilman Brewer-No, it says they can hold onto their vacation that they're entitled to that they've worked for. Supervisor Brower-Right but let's say a guy has been here ten years and maybe he's got four weeks vacation. Councilman Brewer-He's entitled to it. Supervisor Brower-He's been out three months. Councilman Martin-They don't accrue it, though. Supervisor Brower-Plus he gets another, now he can take a vacation of another four weeks. Councilman Brewer-He's going to get the pay anyway so what difference does it make. Councilman Martin-It's not accrued, vacation time doesn't accrue here. Councilman Brewer-Exactly. Supervisor Brower-Right but the existing policy, that all takes place within that twelve week period. Councilman Martin-I understand. Supervisor Brower-All that takes place within that twelve week period and it's up front. In the new policy it's extending the amount of time they could technically be away from the job. Councilman Brewer-Right, I think Supervisor Brower-So, theoretically, you know, you've got someone that could be out an extra month. Councilman Stec-But what happens if they take all their vacation in January? What choice do you have? And then they get hurt. Then you've got nothing. I mean, you're penalizing the guy that takes his vacation at the end of the year. You're rewarding or encouraging somebody to take the vacation up front knowing that they've got this in the back pocket. Supervisor Brower-In either case, they get paid for it. Councilman Brewer-Right. Councilman Stec-Right. Councilman Brewer-So, that's why I want to introduce this if somebody will second it. We don't always have to agree on everything single thing, Dennis. I mean Supervisor Brower-No, no, exactly. Exactly, I just wanted to point out Councilman Brewer-We all, I think we all understand. Supervisor Brower-That I feel it ought to be restricted but if you don't and you want to Councilman Brewer-That's the way I feel. Supervisor Brower-You're making a motion? Councilman Brewer-Yes, I am. Supervisor Brower-That that be passed? Councilman Stec-I'll second it. Councilman Turner-I'll second it. Supervisor Brower-Seconded by Mr. Turner. (vote taken) RESOLUTION AMENDING POLICY REGARDING F AMIL Y AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT RESOLUTION NO.: 131. 2000 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has adopted a Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3, "Procedures," of the Policy, an employee who is on Workers' Compensation or Disability leave may elect whether or not to use accumulated paid leave, and WHEREAS, it was anticipated that this Section would apply to employees injured while working for the Town, and WHEREAS, the current Policy could be construed to require that an employee with a pre-existing Worker's Compensation injury who qualifies for FMLA leave from the Town is required to use accumulated paid leave if his or her injury is not treated as a Workers' Compensation injury under the Policy, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to allow an employee who is injured while working for another employer, but is otherwise qualified under FMLA, to take FMLA leave under the same terms and conditions as any Town employee who is out on Workers' Compensation or disability, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to amend the FMLA Policy accordingly, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby amends Section 3 "Procedures" of the Town's Policy regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act to read as follows: Workers' Compensation and Disability Absences - All leaves taken under Workers' Compensation and Disability will invoke FMLA if the employee meets the eligibility requirements specified in this Policy. For purposes of this Section, the term "Workers' Compensation" shall include any injury covered by the New York State Workers' Compensation Act whether or not the Town of Queensbury is the responsible employer for purposes of the Workers' Compensation Act. and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this amendment shall be effective immediately and shall apply to employees currently on leave who are qualified for FMLA coverage as well as employees similarly situated in the future. Any employee affected by the amendment to the Policy who has not invoked his or her rights under the FMLA shall have twenty (20) days from the adoption of this Resolution to request FMLA coverage and shall be reimbursed for any health care premiums paid by the employee which are payable by the employer under the FMLA Policy, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor's Office to distribute copies of the amendment of the FMLA Policy to all Town employees and amend the Employee Handbook accordingly. Duly adopted this 13th day of March, 2000 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Turner, Mr. Martin NOES Mr. Brower ABSENT: None 1.7Rezoning of Larry Clute's property Counsel Jon Lapper and Surveyor, Matt Steves gave an overview presentation regarding the rezoning of a ninety-eight acre parcel from Light Industrial to SFR 20 zone in the Sherman and Luzerne Road area which he noted is compatible with the other zones. . .. noted further, the proposed subdivision layout gives a vehicle access between Sherman and Luzerne which doesn't exist and the town has been talking about for years on the west side of the Northway.... Town Board reviewed maps presented, held brief discussion and noted concern regarding the deletion of the entire Light Industrial zone and recommended the possibility of a PUD where you retain some mix use, possibly Highway Commercial or Neighborhood Commercial in combination with the housing. Counsel Lapper noted, this issue is on for discussion in two weeks where we'll present a more detailed presentation with the consideration of a PUD approach. 1.8Education Leave to Attend Fire Investigation Conference Supervisor Brower noted, Dave Hatin, the Director of Building and Codes is on an arson team that he's had permission in the past to go to training schools at the expense of the town. He's also able to go out during the week, if there is an arson investigation and a squad wants to investigate a cause of a fire, he's able to leave his job while being paid by the town and investigate it and that's been the policy that he's been under. He's looking to go 3 \12 days to a school, a conference from May 16th to the 19th at the Sheraton Hotel in Saratoga Springs and he'd like permission from the Town Board to attend this school... Town Board held brief discussion and the following resolution was proposed: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DAVID HATIN TO USE PAID EDUCATION LEAVE TO ATTEND FIRE INVESTIGATION CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO.: 132. 2000 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin WHEREAS, David Hatin, Director of Building and Codes Enforcement, has requested Town Board approval to use three and a half (3 \12) days of paid education leave to attend a fire investigation conference in Saratoga Springs from May 16th through May 19th, 2000, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to approve his request, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes David Hatin to use three and a half (3 \12) day of paid education leave to attend a fire investigation conference in Saratoga Springs from May 16th through May 19th, 2000. Duly adopted this 13th day of March, 2000, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Brewer, Mr. Martin, Mr. Stec, Mr. Turner, Mr. Brower NOES None ABSENT: None 1.9Update Status on Sewer District Extensions Mike Shaw, Deputy Wastewater Superintendent referred to South Queensbury and noted, currently Tom Jarrett and CT Male are teamed up to do the engineering for the area, they were supposed to come before the board in March some time with a Map, Plan and Report for a public hearing. They aren't prepared yet and the reason they fell behind, is easement problems along the route, getting the proper permission to do the GO studies for the test borings to prepare the Map, Plan and Report... We have made progress in other areas there, we've checked with some of the people along the way as far as whether they want to use that or not, the Warren County Airport seems to be interested and we're working with them to get them on board. . .. They hope to hear back regarding the easement requests within the next couple of weeks and we'll proceed ahead with test borings, we'll get more accurate costs and proceed with preparing the Map, Plan and Report. .. some time in April. Mr. VanDusen, Water & Wastewater Superintendent referred to Main Street and noted, there's been discussion as Main Street is rebuilt of creating a sewer district. A couple of years ago the Town Board funded a study to determine the cost effectiveness, whether it was cost effective or not. It turns out, certainly the section from the city line to roughly the Northway is very much cost effective. When you get west to the Northway, we looked at running as far as Carey Park, there's currently a lot of vacant land. Kind of similar to Bay Road in the fact that today isn't enough use to justify the expense. It may require some creative funding or the Town Board temporarily funding a portion of that until it becomes developed. The only way it's cost effective, the section on Main Street is if it's done at the same time that the road is rebuilt. We've had some very preliminary conversations with the engineer that the county has hired to do that job, early discussions to say we are interested in, not only creating a sewer district but replacing a water line that's there as well that needs to be replaced. They'll be having a scoping session in the relatively near future with the county, as far as what the project is and we'll be involved in that and once that happens, they'll be coming back to the board to request permission to hire them to do a Map, Plan and Report which would be the first legal step toward creating a sewer district there. Mr. Shaw, Deputy Wastewater Superintendent referred to Route 9 and noted, about a week ago Dennis asked us to take a look at Route 9 feasibility for sewers along Route 9 corridor and basically we're going to go from Wal-Mart area up to Great Escape. What we've done, our first step is compiling a survey letter and that was sent out today. I'll give each board member a copy of that tonight. Once we get that back we'll come to the board with those results and see if we need to do a Map, Plan and Report. They went to the property owners along Route 9 and I included Weeks Road because of Robert Gardens, North and South. They were originally included in a study years ago that was done for that area by Kestner Engineers. RESOLUTION TO ADJOURN MEETING RESOLUTION NO.: 133,2000 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns it's Special Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 13th day of March, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT: None No further action taken. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, DARLEEN M. DOUGHER TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY