GRANTS\\Warren Cty Soil Water–Cemetery Projects-Lake Champlain Stormwater-Authorize Participation–5-6-19
RESOLUTION NO.: _________________________________________________, 2019
INTRODUCED BY: _________________________________________________
SECONDED BY: _________________________________________________
WHEREAS, the Warren County Soil & Water Conservation District (WCSWCD) applied
for and obtained certain grants from the Lake Champlain Basin Program to deal with drainage and
stormwater issues including Route 9, the Pine View Cemetery and Cemetery Brook referred to as
the Quaker Road MS4 Stormwater and Habitat Improvement Project as detailed in the Lake
Champlain Basin Program Application Form, a copy of which is presented at this meeting, and
WHEREAS, as part of these grants, the Town would contribute toward a match for each of
two portions of this Project, and
WHEREAS, the Town would provide certain labor and equipment toward the installation
of a pollinator/habitat garden in the Pine View Cemetery, and
WHEREAS, the Town Highway Department would assist with the hauling of materials for
the roadway culvert portion of the Project,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby supports and approves these Projects
and agrees to provide such above detailed contributions not to exceed $1,500 for such force account
services to be paid for from Drainage Account No.: 01-8540-4400, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to
amend the Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers or prepare any
documentation necessary to provide payment and effectuate all terms of this Resolution, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to
execute any needed Agreement between the Town and the Warren County Soil and Water
Conservation District and/or any other needed documentation and the Town Supervisor, Town
Counsel and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action necessary to effectuate the
terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 6 day of May, 2019, by the following vote:
2018 Pollution Prevention & Habitat
Lake Champlain Conservation Grants
Basin Program
A. Summary Page
Project Name/Title: Quaker Road MS4 Stormwater and Habitat Improvement Project
Project Category: Pollution Prevention& Habitat Conservation
Contact Information:
Name of Contact Person: Robert Bombard
Authorized Signatory and Title: Jim Lieberum District Manager
Organization: Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District
Mailing Address: 394 Schroon River Road Warrensburg,NY 12885
Phone and FAX numbers: 518-623-3119 (P) 518-623-3519(F)
E-mail Address: rbombard123@nycap.rr.com
1. Wetland Identification and Delineation Certification Training: NEI Job Code: 0993-004-
001, Project Code: 12556, Close out: December 2018.
2. Warren County Green Infrastructure Feasibility Assessments: NEI Job Code: 0100-319-
004 Project Code: 12519, Closeout: December 2018
Amount of LCBP Request: $19,995
Organization Mission Statement: The District's mission is to plan and implement projects
and programs to protect and improve the lakes, streams and other natural resources of
Warren County.
Brief Project Summary: Stormwater from a large section of Route 9 in Queensbury outlets
to a roadside ditch on Quaker Road in this heavily urbanized section of the town. The runoff
is conveyed by roadside drainage swale along Quaker Road to Cemetery Brook AA (T), a
tributary to Halfway Brook AA (T). There have been incremental improvements made to
this system in an effort to reduce downstream impacts. This project proposes replacing two
large failing and poorly placed culverts that allow access to the Pine View Cemetery and
improve habitat while reducing routine maintenance at the cemetery. The project will remove
the existing culverts, embed the new culverts, reshape and stabilize failing sections of the
existing swale and install a 1,000 square foot pollinator garden in an effort to reduce the
urban impacts on this MS4 designated section of the Town of Queensbury.
X I have read the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) guidelines and expect that this
proposed task
o will require a QAPP
X will not require a QAPP
B. Proposal Requirements
1. Describe your project and document the need for this work to be accomplished.
This project is focused on Pine View Cemetery in Queensbury to (1) improve drainage
characteristics of the roadside ditch, (2) reduce sediment and nutrient loading from
stormwater and erosion of the ditch and (3) undertake a reduction of maintenance
activities at the cemetery. The final results will be an improvement in water quality and
an expansion of wildlife habitat in this MS4 area. Stormwater runoff velocity in the
channel will be mitigated through the replacement of two degraded culverts which had
been installed improperly. The existing stormwater culverts have been causing issues
both upstream and downstream of each crossing. Condition improvements will be
achieved through proper pipe placement and stabilization of the inlet channel from Route
9 by various stabilization methods including stone check dams,permanent erosion
control blankets and routine planned maintenance. The affected area to be repaired is
approximately 700 feet long; each of the two culverts are 45' long and there are several
areas that will need to be re-established in order to produce an efficient and non-
impacting stormwater conveyance system. The current culverts are leading to runoff
waters ponding on the inlet side and increased water velocities on the outlet side of each
of the two culverts. The upstream ponding at each culvert is leading to the slumping of
the swale banks and the loss of vegetation within the swale; both of which adds
additional sediment loading to the stormwater runoff and reduces nutrient uptake. The
current culvert configurations are causing increased runoff velocities exiting the pipes
and sizeable scour pools have formed at both of the outflow inverts. With each storm
event,the scour pool sediments are re-suspended and transported downstream; this causes
a change in flow characteristic within the swale and reduces vegetative cover. Proper
placement of the culverts will lessen the formation of upstream ponding, allow for
reduced water velocities exiting the pipes which are causing the tail pool scours.
Regrading/shaping the swale, stabilizing with stone where necessary and re-vegetating
the worked areas will improve the stoiiirwater quality being directed to the Halfway
Brook tributary.
A second component of this proposal is to improve biodiversity and reduce maintenance
in this heavily used corridor by constructing a pollinator garden within the Pine View
Cemetery. The cemetery is very excited and willing to have this project as it will not
only improve habitat, but would be looked at as a phasing in of gardens and a phasing out
of mowed locations. The cemetery association utilizes volunteers for some of the
maintenance and they would be an integral part of this project. The initial area size to be
planted will between 1,000— 1,250 sq feet and will be comprised of New York native
plant species for reduction of lawn maintenance and to become a pollinator friendly
location. This is an extremely popular location for individuals and groups to walk, so the
educational benefits will be tremendous as well.
2. Explain how your project addresses the appropriate priorities in Opportunities for Action.
I.C. Reduce Nutrient Loading; reduce nutrient loading from all land use sectors,
including agricultural lands, developed lands, forested lands, and streambanks.
I.C.3.c: Fund design and implementation of GSI/LID projects in critical areas.
Support a grant program targeting design and installation of green stormwater
infrastructure (GSI)projects in critical watersheds.
II.B.1.c: Protect and restore native species: Protect and restore habitat areas that
support native species.
III.B.3: Support working landscapes that help protect water quality: Provide
financial and technical assistance to support practices that help protect water quality.
Support producers' efforts to promote their actions to protect water quality.
3. Project Objective,Task, Deliverable and Timeline Table Format
Task Task Title Objective Deliverable or Timeline
# output
1 Final Meet again with County DPW Develop May 2019
determination of and cemetery staff, determine materials list
appropriate size final dimensions. for stormwater
of two proposed portion of
culvert project
2 Plan planting(s) Develop planting plan and Planting plan, May 2019
for spring volunteer participants list. Volunteer list
3 Develop RFQ's Submit RFQ's for competitive Receipt of June 2019
bidding for both projects quotes
4 Implementation Implement plantings with Reshape, June -
of projects volunteers, replace culverts armor and re- October 2019
and stabilize swale. Contact vegetate swale,
local media and provide press replace
releases with credit to funding culverts,plant
source(s). new vegetated
5 Complete Compile quarterly project Quarterly June,
quarterly reports updates reports September
6 Complete final Compile project summary, Final report December
report plans, maps, articles, 2019
4. Techniques/Methods and Partners
For the swale/ditch improvement, the Warren County DPW is the owner of the
conveyance system and the crossings. They have committed to conducting the work that
includes culvert removal and replacement and the stabilization of the swale. The
Queensbury Highway Department would provide assistance as requested for hauling of
materials and cleanup activities; municipal personnel hours will be the source of the grant
match dollars. Warren County SWCD will provide planning and design with DPW for
culverts and BMP's and grant management.
For the pollinator garden, the Queensbury Cemetery is the owner and will provide labor
and equipment for the construction of the garden and organic planting volunteers. Pine
View Cemetery Association members and the general public will be coordinated to assist
with the garden preparation and planting and the media will be involved through the
process. This is intended to be a public volunteer/assistance project. The Warren County
SWCD will provide planning and design, labor, oversight of project and grant
No permits will be required for either project and both landowners are working on their
respective sites.
5. Project Experience: The District has extensive experience with the successful
installation of stormwater and habitat projects within Warren County. District staff,
Warren County DPW, Town of Queensbury staff and local organizations (volunteers)
will participate at sites within this project. Multiple projects have been funded through
programs with the NYSDEC,NYSDOS and the Lake Champlain Basin Program and run
by the District in co-operation with the local municipal departments of public works.
Culvert replacements with the County DPW have been completed in the Champlain
Watershed in the Towns of Hague and Lake George; along with numerous stormwater
projects in the Towns of Queensbury, Lake George, Bolton and Hague. Habitat
improvement projects funded by the LCBP include works completed on Halfway Brook,
West Brook, English Brook, Hovey, Crandall and Rush Ponds.
C. Budget Table and Justification
o Personnel: 3.5 hrs @$35.00, Initial project planning&outreach for site ID (Task 1), 8 hrs
@ $35.00, Develop planting plan and procuring volunteer participant list. (Task 2), 5
hrs @$35.00, Submitting RFQ's for competitive bidding for both projects(Task 3),24
hrs @$35.00. Implement plantings with volunteers, replace culverts and stabilize,
Swale, Contact local media and provide press releases with credit to funding
source(s). (Task 4), 5 hrs @$35.00, Compile quarterly project updates(Task 5), 5 hrs @
$35.00, Compile project summary,plans, maps, articles,photographs.(Task 6)
o Fringe: (Task 1-6). Rate on a per hour basis is $5.00 per hour(14%)
o Supplies: $14,000 for the culvert replacement supplies and materials include: 2-45'
metal culverts, rolled erosion mats, sediment sox, stone, filter fabric, scour protection
mats, seed and mulch; $4,000 for supplies and materials for the Pollinator Garden to
include: native plants, topsoil, mulch, etc.
Project Budget Table
Project Budget: Line Item by Task
Line Item Proposed
Totals for All Match*(if Line Item Totals+
Line Item Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Tasks any) Proposed Match
Personnel $105 $280 $175 $840 $175 $175 $1,750 $2,200 $3,950
Fringe $15 $39 $25 $118 $25 $25 $247 $0 $247
Travel $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Supplies $0 $0 $0 $16,000 $0 $2000 $18,000 $0 $18,000
Professional $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Direct $120 $319 $200 $16,958 $200 $2200 $19,997 $2,200 $22,197
Indirect $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTAL BUDGET $120 $319 $200 $16,958 $200 $2200 $19,997 $2,200 $22,197
.sgAggEN COpNZ,
soil&WATEg Y 394 Schroon River Road, Warrensburg, NY, 12885
.�33- ==k-i Phone:518-623-3119
f; 44 Fax:518-623-3519
z jim99@nvcap.rr.com
n- www.warrenswcd.orci
April 24,2019
John Strough
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury NY 12804
Dear John,
As per our discussion, I am drafting this letter to you in regards to funding for stormwater management
projects within the Champlain Basin of the Town of Queensbury. This spring the SWCD was awarded a Lake
Champlain Basin Program (LCBP)grant that addresses two items in the town, both located at the Pine View
Cemetery. This grant was to continue to address stormwater runoff/impacts in the MS4 area.
Project#1—We will be working with Connie Goedert at the Pine View Cemetery,to install a pollinator/habitat
garden in the cemetery. This meets goals of the LCBP through an increase in habitat diversity,and begins to
reduce the mowing footprint within the cemetery. These two projects can be counted as improvements in the
2019-2020 MS4 annual report. The SWCD will be purchasing the materials and have partnered with the
Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners to install the project. The town will need to assist with the
preparation of the site and possibly hauling some materials. The force labor and equipment use are eligible to
be used as match for the grant, and we would request that it be allowed as such.
Project#2—The second project at the site addresses the roadside culverts. The SWCD,Warren County DPW
and the Town of Queensbury Highway will be working together to replace the culverts that are becoming
unsound due to corrosion,and to reshape/rebuild the roadside drainage'swale in an attempt to reduce
sediment and nutrients that are reaching Cemetery Brook. The Town HWD has been requested to assist with
the hauling of materials for this project,and again any force time or equipment use can be used as match.
Please let me know what questions you may have and what other information you would need.
Jim Lieberum, CPESC
District Manager