2001-05-14 SP
MAY 14,2001
MTG. #21
RES. 212-213
7:00 p.m.
Discussion held regarding Aviation Mall
ATTORNEY LAPPER-This is not a Supplemental GElS it is the same submission that we had last time
with some minor changes and improvements. I just want to make a few statements, we appreciate that the
Board was willing to go forward, schedule a public hearing but after we went home and thought about what
all of you had said, and I talked to Chris and talked to Mark Schachner we decided that the best thing to do
would be to repackage our submittal and call it an addendum to the draft EIS, and get the thirty day public
comment period started as you guys had indicated that you wanted to do. The only real difference is what
we call the thing. It was always going to be open to public scrutiny because you had already scheduled a
public hearing. We were never trying to avoid public scrutiny we were just trying to have that public
scrutiny happen as fast as possible because we do have a tenant that is interested in getting going. This
seemed like a good procedural compromise with the full thirty day period just strting as soon as possible.
We did a proposed resolution that Chris had asked us to move things along and Chris and Mark Schachner
looked at it today and we are ready to get going and be prepared for the public hearing on the 21st and
prepare to respond to the comments as soon as the comment period ends.
SUPERVISOR BROWER-The comment period is going to go to June 18th 2001 and I do not know if you
are aware of that.
ATTORNEY LAPPER-Mark called me and talked about it.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-How come it goes to June 18th?
COUNCILMAN STEC- That is a Monday a Regular Meeting.
SUPERVISOR BROWER-Chris needed some time to ...
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHRIS ROUND-It is thirty days I think the 14th was proposed so instead of
being on Thursday afternoon it is on Monday afternoon.
ATTORNEY LAPPER-We are hoping to have that weekend to put together our response but we
SUPERVISOR BROWER-Any questions for John at this time?
COUNCILMAN STEC-Not for John, but, Chris would you say that concerns that you and Mark Schachner
had as far as the questions that were raised at the last meeting we adequately addressed?
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Yes, it does. The applicant has indicated that there was always going
to be a public hearing component on the project the public hearing was going to be conducted Monday
night is not the SEQRA public hearing but they will be receiving comments on this SEQRA document.
COUNCILMAN STEC-Will we have a SEQRA public hearing as well?
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-It is not necessary it satisfies the intent of the Environmental Quality
Review regulations.
COUNCILMAN STEC- The public comment period will satisfy SEQRA questions as well.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Correct. A public hearing on a EIS is not a requirement of SEQRA so
what the resolution does for you tonight is it indicates that this addendum is complete for purposes of
starting the comment period and receiving and commencing public review and establishes that thirty day
plus two day time period. What we will start doing now is we passed it on to our technical consultant and
we will start looking at it and providing comment on the actual issues that are identified in the EIS.
ATTORNEY LAPPER-I guess just for clarification for the sake of the newspaper, it is a thirty-day public
comment period and there will be a public hearing next week as scheduled. We will be responding to the
public and that is what the Town Board was looking for last time.
COUNCILMAN STEC-Noted that we could keep the public hearing open following next weeks meeting so
that we could be receiving public comment for what ever means we have between now and the 18th of
ATTORNEY LAPPER-Well essentially the public comment period is open for thirty days anyway.
SUPERVISOR BROWER-Anymore questions, ifnot, ...
SECONDED BY : Mr. Daniel Stec
WHEREAS, in April of 1998, the Pyramid Company of Glens Falls (Pyramid) submitted a
Petition for Change of Zone application to Amend the Town of Queensbury Zoning Map and Ordinance, a
Full Environmental Assessment Form in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law
and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR Part 617) known collectively as the New York State
Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and an application for site plan approval including site plans
(collectively, the "Petition") to the Queensbury Town Board, and
WHEREAS, on April 20th, 1998, the Town Board by Resolution No.: 160.98, forwarded
Pyramid's application for rezoning and zoning amendments to the Town Planning Staff, indicated its wish
to be designated as SEQRA Lead Agency for environmental review of the proposed expansion project,
authorized the Town Clerk to submit Pyramid's application to the Town Planning Board for report and
recommendation, and authorized and directed the Executive Director to notify all SEQRA involved
agencies of the Town Board's wish to be Lead Agency and request their consent or objections within thirty
(30) days, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board acting as SEQRA Lead Agency received consent from the two (2)
SEQRA involved agencies, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and the Town of
Queensbury Planning Board (Planning Board), and
WHEREAS, on April 24th, 1998, Pyramid submitted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(DEIS) for review by the Town Board, The Sear-Brown Group, the engineering firm retained for purposes
of assisting the Town in connection with the SEQRA review (Sear-Brown), NYSDOT, Town Planning
Staff and Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, on May 4th, 1998, by Resolution No.: 189.98, the Town Board made a SEQRA
Positive Declaration, accepted the DEIS as complete with respect to its scope, content and adequacy for the
purpose of commencing public review and commenced the public comment period, and
WHEREAS, on June 8th, 1998, the Town Board conducted a public hearing on the Project and
DEIS at a joint session with the Planning Board and on June 19th, 1998, the public comment period
concluded, and
WHEREAS, on May 7th, 2001, Pyramid presented a modified proposal to reduce the size of the
prior proposal to authorize construction and operation of a 125,000 SF GLA department store, which
results in a net expansion of the existing Aviation Mall by HOO,OOO SF GLA, associated parking and other
site improvements (Modified Project) and requested the Town Board to resume its consideration of the
Petition and Modified Project as submitted, and
WHEREAS, Pyramid submitted a proposed Addendum to the DEIS (Addendum) to the Town
Board for review and consideration, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the implementing regulations of SEQRA (6 NYCRR Part 617),
the Town Board may now decide whether to accept the Addendum as satisfactory with respect to scope,
content and adequacy for the purpose of commencing public review,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby determines that the Addendum to the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) submitted by Pyramid Company of Glens Falls (Pyramid) in
connection with the proposed renovation and expansion of Aviation Mall is satisfactory with respect to its
scope, content and adequacy for purposes of commencing public review, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby establishes a public comment period to commence
immediately and to terminate on June 18th, 2001, and
RESOLVED, that in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 and other applicable statutes and
regulations, the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director of Community
Development to file, circulate and make available for public review, copies of the Addendum as follows:
1. Queensbury Town Clerk's Office;
2. Queensbury Planning Department;
3. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs, 50 Wolf
Road, Albany, New York 12233-1750;
4. New York State Department of Transportation, 84 Holland Avenue, Albany, New York 12208; and
5. Any person requesting a copy of this Addendum;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Executive Director of
Community Development to file and publish the Notice of Completion of Addendum to the DEIS presented
at this meeting in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 and other applicable statutes and regulations.
Duly adopted this 14th day of May, 2001, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Turner, Mr. Brower
ABSTAIN: Mr. Martin
MR. GARY MALE OF c.T. MALE - Introduced the feasibility study for the Route 9 Sewer from Weeks
Road - Sweet Road to 149 Sewers on both sides of Route 9 to a pumping station, one hundred and twenty
parcels involved. The average flow estimated is two hundred and eight thousand gallons a day. The main
pumping station would be eight hundred gallons a minute with the ability to go as high as a thousand
gallons a minute. Noted that there would be a large turn up in the sununer and turn down in the winter as
relates to the Great Escape and other businesses along the corridor. We are sensitive to that particularly in
terms of the residents time and the sewer force main and the sewer pumping station during the winter. We
want to make sure that we maintain aerobic conditions in the sewage. The sewage pumping station
proposal is going to include provision for chemical addition so that we can use chemicals if necessary in
the winter time. Noted a ten and twelve inch force main was looked at, we chose a twelve beause the ten
inch force the head got too high at the flow rates that were necessary. Noted another problem was initially
we were looking at flowing into the Quaker Road Sewer District the size of the existing pipe lines in
portions of the Quaker Road Sewer District were problematic and we used some computer programming to
model those and we actually had a flow meter in place measuring the existing flows. It turns out that
eighteen hundred feet of sewer would have to be changed out and enlarged. What you see before you as
part of the proposal would be to install a twelve inch main down Sweet Road to Country Club Road to get
to Quaker Road to accept the discharge from the sewer district. That is not to say that any of the homes
along the Sweet or Country Club Road would necessarily have to have service or be in the district. The
view that we took was it was better to provide the ability to service a new area simply change our pipe lines
along existing routing. Whether there is wisdom in that or not I donot know, that is obviously for you to
consider but that is what we chose to propose rather than to change out pipelines in front of existing
businesses and so on along Route 9 and Quaker Road. Midway through the feasibility study period we
were contacted by Robert Gardens Apartments and we may be making a change there in ownership so they
have requested to be considered for inclusion.
COUNCILMAN TURNER-Questioned which Robert Gardens?
MR. MALE-North. There would be a second pumping station at the end of Weeks Road a smaller station
that would lift the sewer back up to Route 9 and that particular portion of flow we probably would put into
the existing sewers, that would be looked at in the final design. The final package ends up being four point
three million dollar project is our estimate. The Town staff has been in contact with the FC and I guess
what is being recommended is a thirty-year bond though EFC and they have the low interest bonding. That
results in an annual payment of two hundred and thirty seven thousand per year for capital cost recovery for
over thirty years. The way the user charge system works out for residential users within the district would
be one hundred and fifty six dollars per year for debt service recovery.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned how that would compare Mike to a typical restaurant in Central
Qsby. Dist.?
DEPUTY SEWER SUPT. MIKE SHAW -A good comparison would be instead of looking at a restaurant is
to look at the unit costs, in Quaker Road it is ninety-nine dollars, I think in the proposal it is like fifty-two
dollars per unit.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned what the peak flow would be in the summer time?
MR. MALE-The pump will pump eight hundred gallons a minute. The peak flow is about eight hundred
thousand a day.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-This is all going to Glens Falls via Meadow brook Road pump station.
MR. MALE-Correct.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Isn't that the knot in the rope potentially, that has limited capacity ...Meadow
brook pumping station.
DEPUTY W ASTEW A TER SUPT. MIKE SHAW-The Meadowbrook pump station has limited capacity
but it seems that the up grade that we are currently working on doing now will handle that.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-re: Proposal of Sewering the Glen Lake Basin talked about going down Glen
Lake Road by the Trading Post Restaurant and embarking off in that direction is that a wise idea or a whole
other matter?
MR. MALE-That is something to be looked at separately.
DEPUTY W ASTEW A TER SUPT. MIKE SHAW-Another scenario for that would be the bike trail.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-If that is the cost, the early projection is a bargain.
COUNCILMAN TURNER-Is that going all the way down Country Club Road to Quaker Road?
MR. MALE-Yes. That is an assumption on our part that, that is do-able, it appears to be do-able physically
but maybe that is not do-able in the last analysis and maybe we would go down the highway.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned if there were areas to be run through like de-watering, are their
contingencies built in?
MR. MALE-We have contingencies built into the project.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-What do you think of the numbers so far?
COMPTROLLER HESS-I am encouraged by the numbers, we are going to be able to finance at around
three percent.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Questioned odor problems?
MR. MALE-We did have a discussion about that and we may want to put in a vapor phase.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-The Municipal Center would pay their fair share?
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. MIKE SHAW-Noted that there has been some discussions with Great
Escape and they were interested.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-DOT just resurfaced this road they are going to go crazy that you are
looking at examining this all together.
MR. MALE-Again, that will be tough part of it a little bit. If you look at the way the ground lies at the east
side of the road a number of the properties it comes off from Route 9 and dips down into the parking lots
and the parking lots are actually lower. In order for the mains to be as shallow as possible I guess what I
would like to try to do is get back a little bit behind the front property line into the dip. I have the feeling
that the zoning and the set backs on the zoning will keep them from developing too close out to the road so
we should not really be encumbering the properties by doing that, we would be cutting across their parking
COUNCILMAN STEC-Questioned if there would be lands to be acquired or easements?
MR. MALE-We are assuming a certain number of easements, about half of the properties.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-How much ofa time frame ...how long ofa project.
MR. MALE-Maybe we could start construction next spring or summer...a full construction season.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-How do we secure not know what the money market is going to be a year from
now, we do our financing now?
COMPTROLLER HESS-You go into a EFC pool which is an environmental facility corporation and we
make an application to fund this next spring, we need an application filed by October 1st. then we can get
into the pool in February. It is pretty much a sure thing that this would be funded. It would be funded in
February and draw the money down in March on a permanent basis, the interest rate is set at the time of the
closing date. We will do the number there quoted or better.
MR. PLINEY TUCKER-Noted that the paper has indicated the that Great Escape was going to build their
own are they going to have any money for this if we build it for them?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-We are not building for them Pliney we are building it for the whole corridor,
they will pay their fair share which is a big chunk.
DEPUTY W ASTEW A TER SUPT. SHAW-They are in there as a commercial property and they have seen
those numbers and felt comfortable with them.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Spoke about the environmental benefit to the Glen Lake Basin. I want to go on
the record as formally stating that this is not an attempt to extend the sewer to Lake George either.
COMPTROLLER HESS-I just want to mentioned the financing and it mayor may not be important, but it
is important to hear all the implications. The financing package also qualifies us for a one-year interest free
construction ..but we are not sure we would opt into that because the interest rates would probably increase
during that year and that is something we will measure at the time. You do not want to lock into a higher
rate you would rather lock in at a lower rate and pay the interest for the year then to take free interest and
end up at a higher rate. We will do a break even analysis as that time comes by.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-In a construction loan you only pay on your draws anyway, right?
COMPTROLLER HESS-They would fund this thing up front.
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. SHAW -We did look at this as an District extension of Quaker Road
currently it is proposed as district to stand by itself. We felt that the bonding of this for thirty years and
Quaker Road having seven years left on their bond...we decided it should be on its own.
UNKNOWN-RE: infrastructure If you put the sewer in and it is determined that the bridge has to be
made bigger or additional lane have to be put in near the Warren County Municipal Center would that be
more difficult with the sewer already in. Would the sewer be put in with the thought that we might have to
make the traffic lanes wider here?
MR. MALE-Typically, DOT is in a planning cycle and they have a pretty good idea of what is going on. If
it is the feeling we are going to have additional lanes there lets get the thing far enough back initially so we
do not have to worry about it. It would always be more difficult to move it.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Questioned if expansion of business are accommodated in the project?
MR. MALE-That is one reason why we are a twelve-inch line.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned if they looked at the Zoning to see what could be developed there
with sewer?
MR. MALE-Yes. What is there now and we took numbers for all the land from the Northway a lot is not
as heavily utilized as it might be so we did not just use the water use...
SUPERVISOR BROWER-We will keep proceeding with our sewer discussions and go from there.
WATER/WASTEWATER SUPT. RALPH VANDUSEN-As far as the Board is concerned the next formal
step would be to if you decide this is a project you want to do after you have reviewed it, would be to hire
CT MALE to continue this. To take this from a feasibility stage to the map, plan and report stage for the
creation of a district.
MR. MALE-After the district is created then you go to the final design survey and final design with an eye
toward finding exactly what you have got in developing plans and specs.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-If the intention is to keep a spring two thousand two or summer two thousand
two construction date as you talked about what would be the last drop dead date for our map, plan and
MR. MALE-We would have to come back with a number but in order to make the schedule we would have
to keep moving. Noted if we have to get fifty or sixty easements that is a process that takes awhile
normally, two, three, four months.
SUPERVISOR BROWER-How much would we be talking to go to the next step, map, plan and report,
without going to final construction?
MR. MALE-It is not a lot of money, most of it is done. Four of five thousand dollars...
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I would suggest that we go that one step further. As we precede all these
properties we are going to have connect what is the connection fee for them?
MR. MALE-For a home a lateral hook would run in the range of fifteen hundred to twenty five hundred
dollars. With regard to business, many of them are restaurants I do not know if the already have grease
traps I assume their septic systems are protected by grease traps so there are all those issues with regard to
the type of business they are and if they are a food service business obviously they have to be upgraded to
meet the town sewer ordinance.
COUNCILMAN TURNER-A private home you have to come out four inch to six inch out to the
MR. MALE-I would go with six inch all the way, but again whatever the wastewater department needs.
COUNCILMAN TURNER-Are we going to mandate tapping the main as we go by and run the line to the
property line?
MR. MALE-Yes. I would believe that the lines would be installed and the six-inch pipe would be installed
to the right of way line in the front. Then it would be the property owners responsibility to go from there
back to, and then there is a whole procedure where we would have to discuss the specifics of this, but there
will be some procedure so that the construction crew will know where to locate the wide branches, where
the residents or property owner wishes to have the service?
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-That is where your heartburn is going to be you will hear property
owners complain about the connection costs. The long-term costs is hidden in their operating costs but this
is a one time cost.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-That and the buy in.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-That is a concern that I have because when you start going to these people and
say, and we went through it with Quaker Road, you will have a year or whatever the time is to hook and it
is going to cost you two thousand dollars ...
COUNCILMAN TURNER-If I heard it right I do not think they are mandating that they have to hook up
on this one...
COUNCILMAN BREWER-How will we pay for it if they people do not hook up to it?
MR. MALE-They will be charged the debt service whether they hook up or not.
DEPUTY W ASTEW A TER SUPT. SHAW-The other mandate is mandated through our financing.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-The will be in the district and taxed but they do not have to hook up. What did
the survey result say?
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. SHAW-The people were favorable, the ones they were questioning
were costs and they did not want their driveways torn up. If they have septic systems that is taking up a
part of their parcel, the larger the business the larger parcel that is being taken up so it is going to free that
up, so there are some different ways of looking at that. I think you will have most commercial people down
their willing to hookup to it. You will have few that won't.
MR. MALE-There are always people in differing circumstances and they are not ready for it at the time but
who know.
MR. TUCKER-Anything new will be required to hook up to it.
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. SHAW -Once they are in the district and the service is there they need
to connect.
COUNCILMAN STEC-How long would you need to prepare a resolution if we wanted to go to map, plan
and report.
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. SHAW -We need something from Gary a proposal...
MR. MALE-I can get it out to you by next Monday...
COUNCILMAN STEC-Our first meeting in June would be the 4th.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Noted for financing there is a drop-dead date to get into the financing is October
1st. I do not know what level of engineering needs to be done for that.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-If we authorize on June 4th for the map, plan and report what are we looking at
MR. MALE-Probably a month.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Suggested an information meeting on the project and a public
hearing. ..
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Suggested an informational mailing to the parcels involved.
(Already covered at the beginning of the meeting)
SUPERVISOR BROWER-We have added an item to the plan since we last spoke, the possibility of having
Greenway North property if the voters if we put it to referendum and the voters were to pass it.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned if the money could come from Recreation?
MR. ROGER BOOR-If it goes to referendum is there going to be a price tag on it?
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-You have to negotiate a price and have a purchase agreement before
you go to referendum.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Reviewed with the Board other financing plans for the acquisition of the
property. Passed out to the Board the revised CIP, also a current list of fifty-seven capital projects. Need
to come up with language for a CIP, you need to adopt a list of projects, and you need to adopt an
evaluation form that is the components you need to do, that will require a public hearing. Once it is
adopted you can set aside the money and put it in to fund the plan. We are talking about three million
dollars for the general fund and we need to do an evaluation on what you want to do for water, actually the
Quaker Road Sewer is going to be I think hard pressed to do anything right now because of the Bay Bridge
project that was added on to here. I think we need to appropriate that money before this thing gets adopted.
You have got somewhere between three and three and a half million dollars that you can set aside which
will make your financial statement healthier and more reasonable.
COUNCIMAN MARTIN-You and Chris have done a great job on this and I think this is one of the most
important things that has happened in the Town in a long time.
COUNCILMAN STEC- The wastewater and water dept. are district users where we have talked about that
is something that is supposed to by design be paid for by the people that benefit from it, how does that in
that context how does those kinds of projects fall into this Capital Improvement Plan.
COMPTROLLER HESS-We talked about doing in the accounting section of the CIP is establishing the
required breakdown of Capital funds. You might have one plan town wide but the funding for it would be
specific as to what Ralph contributes would be separate from what Mike contributes from what the Town
contributes for its other purposes. Even though you are adopting one plan to rank and evaluate them the
accounting form would follow the uniform system of accounts.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Just so I am clear this was distributed to every department head and everyone
got a chance to contribute?
COMPTROLLER HESS-Yes. The last input was from Bob Hafner last week...
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned if there was any discussion in terms of Exit 18 Corridor in terms of
sewer line extension...was there any discussions on street scape enhancements and those types of things
that give visual...
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-We did include those specific projects on there.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Noted that once a year the Town Board is obligated to review, modify this list of
projects and re-rank them and when that is done to hold a public hearing on the priority list and then as a
project comes off the list and into execution that would take a public hearing to take one off and execute it.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-You need to move this program then forward to a point where we pass a
resolution that establishes a frame work for review and then the actual review or ranking is there to follow.
COMPTROLLER HESS-I think that is the appropriate way to do it.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-This is supposed to be a community vision and a community goal
setting exercise and that is why we have public involvement.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I would like to see Route 9 street scape improvements right though the
commercial district because if we make our commercial districts better and the best place to be in the entire
region if not the state then that is going to attract more people, more business, more real property tax
revenue, more sales tax revenue, it begins to spiral. If you do things and establish a quality of make it a
quality community a place to be in then you will have even more revenue to work with in the future years.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-Some of the things we are going to look at in the future under the
draft policy under critical components is forecast and demand, level of service standards, right now do we
have adequate recreational facilities? We do not have a measure so that is what we are going to be
developing, level of service measures. How many acres of open space per capita in the town, how much do
we spend per student, we know we spend eight thousand dollars a year per student on the order of that,
there are ways to measure how we are delivering services to the public. What do we spend per capita on
transportation or highway improvements? Those are the kind of things that we are going to be developing
on the future years. Where are we today and where do we want to go that is the way to justify
expenditures. We want to improve the amount of square footage of indoor recreation facilities which we
need in the Town to a certain standard, and so that is what we are going to be looking at.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Spoke about the value to the community of the Warren County Bike Trail.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Reviewed the document changes; Under purpose we are talking about planning
for the next six years is used to say five to seven, changed to comply with General Municipal Law 99G
which gives us a legislative frame work for this policy. Under purpose the first line; the estimating capital
requirements and we put in including the capital needs of our emergency services providers and that is a
new line and you may want to debate that or talk about it. We think it is important even though those
projects are not included in there now we really see probably if you approve the purpose of the
reconstruction of the building of the new Bay Ridge building you will not have kind of construction project
in the foreseeable future. But the fact is that is your fastest growing tax rate a ten percent increase in that
tax rate is equalivant to a seventy percent increase in the general-purpose tax rate. So, you cannot ignore it.
I think keeping that in focus and scheduling out the maintenance of the fleet of vehicles, which are going to
be the major component over the year is a good exercise in this plan, simply because of the significance of
the taxes it could draw. That was not in there before I wrote it in and you can strike it but I really think it is
good to keep it in there. ...projects need to go through a Council person, evaluation and ranking is by
committee we talked about the Supervisor, the Executive Director of Community Development, the
Comptroller, the Superintendent of Water and Wastewater the Highway Superintendent and if applicable a
CIP coordinating official. Depending on how you if the coordinating official ends up being one of these
people and that would be a member of the committee or you could appoint someone else to generate this. I
have been working the phone on this if you will, but if somebody else is a coordinator they should also
serve on that committee.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-The only other person I would suggest for that is there any thought about the
Recreation Director being on there? Would that make any sense?
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-We have talked about that...
MR. TUCKER-The sewers on Main Street up to Carey Park, if you were to take the money and put the
sewer in is it possible as people tie into this sewer line or buy into this sewer line that the money be
returned to this fund?
COMPTROLLER HESS-What would happen in a case like that is I think there are two things, one is you
do it under a Capital Project fund but somebody has to have ownership of it and imagine the general fund
would have ownership and then sewer fund would have to pay that back.
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. MIKE SHAW-Normally in special districts the special districts fund
the project that is the normal course of business.
MR. TUCKER-With Exit 18 you are not going to have a special district.
DEPUTY WASTEWATER SUPT. SHAW -Yes they are. The only way the Town can spend general funds
for special district is for future capacity.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUND-We are not going to be generating any additional revenue, any
revenue that is generated is going to pay for the construction of the project.
COMPTROLLER HESS-This is a plan to accomplish the capital improvements you need to get done. We
are putting seed money in that will be used to start it but most of the funding sources will not be that three
million dollars of this money anyway.
MR. TUCKER-Can you fund a special district and not get the money back?
COMPTROLLER HESS-No, you cannot. There are three reserves to be set up, as we need them, a general
fund reserve, a water fund reserve and sewer fund reserve. Even though they are all in one capital plan as
authorized by the board the accounting and the funding for those will be in separate pools.
MR. TUCKER-The twelve-inch water connection to Moreau, that was part of the project when it was put
WATER SUPT. RALPH VANDUSEN-The concept originally was they were going to give Queensbury
cash upfront and a buy in for the balance of the capacity and it was envisioned that, that money would be
used to help defray the cost of that line.
MR. TUCKER-You are not going to go any further up Big Boom Road to the service area, right?
WATER SUPT. RALPH VANDUSEN-Right, not at this time.
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-When this is established you will have separate accounting on the reserve funds
so we can track those.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Mr. Hess if you could find out for me the money that we talked about last year
for Queensbury Forest we are getting real close to the end of that I need to know where that money is and
how we are going to pay for it.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Noted he will get that ...
SUPERVISOR BROWER-So we are not going to prioritize any at all?
COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Not until we adopt it.
SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted July is a five Monday month, suggested that the Regular Town Board
Meetings on the 9th and 23rd. and have scheduled workshops if needed on the 16th and 30th.
Discussion held regarding meetings in August and September - 1st and 3rd Mondays in August, and
Second and Fourth Mondays in September 10th and 24th..
Town Board Members agreed.
COMPTROLLER HESS-Discussed the upcoming budget meetings for the 2002 budget... RESOLUTION
RESOLUTION NO. 213. 2001
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Session.
Duly adopted this 14th day of May, 2001 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Brower
NOES: None
Respectfully submitted,
Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury