HVAC EMS Calculator Page 1 of 14 EMS HVAC Load Calculator www.hvacloadcalculator.com Date: Mon May 13 Loaded Document: clute Welcome - GFOIL 2019 08:40am L T Y'1 r5 Dr. -yam \ Company Info Client Information Company GF HEATING OIL LLC Name Clute Enterprises Preparer BRIAN NELSON Addressl 6 holden ave queensbury Phone (518) 792-2220 Address2 12 TIMMONS DR Email brian@gfheatingoil.com Address3 Phone ( ) - Email Date 13-May-2019 This HVAC load calculation has been performed using sound engineering principles as prescribed by Manual J eighth edition and ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. Duct sizing has been performed as prescribed by Manual D. 1. Design Conditions(Temp. F) Check If Using Cetcius INDOOR OUTDOOR TEMP Front of South DIFF Building is Facing WINTER 75 -20 95 Total 2300 Sq.Ft SUMMER 65 95 30 Conditioned Area https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 2 of 14 2. Summer Humidity Moderately v 40 Grains Difference 3. How Tight is Structure Average-over 1500 Sq. Ft. v Winter Summer Air/Changes/Hr. 0.7 0.35 4. Fireplace Evaluation Number Evaluation CFM none V Tight v 0 5. Number of Occupants generally equals number of bedrooms + 4 1 Overhang Characteristics Enter an measurements decimally / 1 1 7°= b 5 fl is 2 .2 8'_.7 5' _.4 iI"=.c „a K3,9vr ... 7:rf:iE£ra:st..aanxxxrpr,`.hesirnws Example-2 ft.8 in__2.7€t. EAST WEST S/SE/SW N/NE/NW https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 A EMS Calculator Page 3 of 14 Distance of OH from top of 1.6 1.6 0 0 window (A) Length of overhang (B) 1.6 1.6 0 0 Total linear ft. across top 8 0 11 8 of windows located below overhang Solar GainThrough Glass E Check this box if using manufacturer specifications and enter the latitude, U-value and SHGC Latitude 45 U-Value SHGC Facing Area(sq ft) Type Glass HTM Unshaded Shaded BTUH North or 40 Double v 24.00 0 40 960 Shaded NE/NW 0 v 0.00 0 0 0 South 60 E Double v 40.00 60 0 2,400 SE/SW 0 v 0.00 0 0 0 East 30 Double v 75.00 30 0 2,250 West 0 Double v 75.00 0 0 0 Does glass have reflective No .., 1 5,610 coating? Skylight 0 v__ 0 0 Total 5,610 Solar Gain https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 4 of 14 DUCTS OR PIPES Location(Heating) Conditioned ar v Duct 0.00 Loss Location(Cooling) Conditioned ar v Duct 0.00 Gain Duct/Pipe v Insulation Duct Leakage sealed v Area of Attic or 0 Floor Where Duct is Located Attic Temperature (If ducts located in attic) Load Calculation Elements of Area Insulation/R-value U-Value Heat Heat Latent Load or Lin. Loss Gain Btuh Ft Btuh Btuh Solar Gain 5,610 from Glass Gross Wall 1121 Glass 1 130 Double v 0.56 6,916 Skylight 0 0.00 0 Doors 42 Insulated or'v 0.40 1,596 504 Net Wall 948 R-19 v 0.07 6,124 1,934 Ceiling 117( R-30 v 0.03 3,575 1,693 https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 5 of 14 Floor Over Crawl 0 0.00 0 0 or Unheated Basement Open-Beach 0 v 0.00 0 0 House Above Carport Slab On 0 v 0.00 0 0 Grade enter-linear ft Infiltration- 0 0 0 Enter cubic-ft of building People 920 800 Appliances 1...... 3 Enter Value Sub Total 18,211 10,664 Duct Loss/Gain 0 0 846 Total Sensible Load 18,211 10,664 Latent Load 0 Total Latent Load 1,646 SUMMARY Heating Load Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Load *Nominal Tons 18,211 10,664 1,646 12,310 1.18 OUTDOOR AIR FLOW RATE 53 * CAUTION - The cooling capacity of the air conditioner must meet both, sensible and latent loads. It is recommended a Manual 5 https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 6 of 14 calculation be performed. Using manufacturer's specs. The nominal tons assume .75 S/T ratio at the chosen outdoor design temperature. Summary Including Basement Heating Load Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Load Nominal Tons 32,683 15,724 4,272 19,996 1.75 Whole House (Block Load) Completed Scroll to top For Additional Options -► Solar Gain Through Glass Es Check if Using Manufacturer specs Latitude 40 U-Value SHGC Facing Area(sq ft) Type Glass HTM BTUH North or ,-,...._._,.,.Y_._.....�._...._.....�_....._.�_..._, _.__.._._.___._..._......................._, 0.00 0 Shaded 6 .. ....... . ..... v NE/NW v 0 0.00 0 South 12 Double v 40.00 480 SE/SW 0 0.00 0 East 0 0.00 0 West 12 Double v 75.00 900 Does glass have reflective coating? No v 1,380 Total Solar 1,380 Gain https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 7 of 14 Basement Load Calculation Elements of Area Insulation/R-value U-Value Heat Heat Gain Latent Load or Lin. Loss Btuh Btuh Ft Btuh Solar Gain 1,380.00 From Glass Gross Wall 280 Above Grade Glass 1 30 Double v 0.56 1,596 Doors 0 v 0.00 0 0 Net Wall- 250 „ 0.00 0 0 Above Grade Wall Below 980 R-19 v 0.03 2,793 882 Grade Ceiling 0 No Insulation v 0.41 0 0 Floor 117 0.02 2,681 2,681 Infiltration- 170 7,402 2,338 Enter cubic-ft of building People 2 460 400 Appliances 0 Total Sensible Load 14,472 5,060 Latent Load 1,927 Total Latent Load 2,627 Basement Summary https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 8 of 14 • Heating Load Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Load *Nominal Tons 14,472 5,060 2,627 6,986 0.56 * CAUTION - The cooling capacity of the air conditioner must meet both, sensible and latent loads. It is recommended a Manual S calculation be performed. Using manufacturer's specs. The nominal tons assume .75 S/T ratio at the chosen outdoor design temperature. Room by Room Load Calculation Total House Total House System CFM Cooling Heating Heat Loss Sensible Heat 0 0 Gain 32,683 15,724 +Add-Room Room HeatLoss HeatGain CFM_Heat CFM_Cool :::Check-Calculations-When-Completed ) auto- 14,472 5,060 0 0 basement Totals: 14,472 5,060 0 0 Percent Of Original: 44% 32% r _ Round to Rectangle Conversion Calculator(Optional) ° Enter Round Side A (Inches) Side B (Inches) Diameter 0 0 Duct Sizing https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 9 of 14 Use heating or cooling Type of duct material cfm v v Determine Friction Rate (see instructions) Total measured length of duct 0 Total equivalent length of fittings 0 Available static pressure for duct 0 Enter Friction Rate: 0 Calculate Friction Rate Supply Trunk or branch cfm duct air dia vel First section off AH 0 1st reduction or branch 0 2nd reduction or branch 0 3rd reduction or branch 0 4th reduction or branch 0 5th reduction or branch 0 Return Trunk or branch cfm duct air dia vet First section off AH 0 1st reduction or branch 0 2nd reduction or branch 0 3rd reduction or branch 0 4th reduction or branch 0 https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 gluts Calculator Page 10 of 14 5th reduction or branch 0 Basement supply and return 0 trunk Room Runs cfm no of outlet duct air outlets cfm dia vel auto-basement 0 0 Duct Sizing Completed Scroll to top For Additional Options Equipment selection as per Manual S Instructions: enter load, weather and manufacture's data in white cells I Auto Complete BTUH Total Heat Loss 32683 Design Outdoor Indoor Conditions Total Heat Gain 19296 -20 75 Sensible Heat 15724 95 65 Gain Latent Heat Gain 3,572 ID Design RH 50%, 63F WB Sensible/Total 0.81 Altitude 0 Ratio target clg Temp. 19 Predominantly \, Drop Manufactures Equipment Specifications https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 11 of 14 Equipment Manufacturer Model BTUH Total Sensible Latent No output cooling BTUH BTUH (heating) BTUH @ OD design temp Furnace Ruud r9! 70000 Boiler 0 0 Herd Ruud ra' 24000 2400 0 or Air Conditioner x i. t) 4_ 1) Evaporator ruud rci Coil " C" 4i tr—A VNe Air Handler Total 70000 24000 24000 0 Capacity with Altitude Correction Selected OVERSIZED OVERSIZED OK UNDERSIZED Equipment Size Heating CFM Cooling CFM External Static Pressure of (recommended) Blower 0 1,148 0 Available static presure for Supplemental heat needed for heat duct system pump Blower ext. 0 HP capacity @ 47F 0 static press Coil press HP capacity @ 17F 0 0 drop* https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 12 of 14 .. Filter press 0.v....__.___....a . HP capacity @ 0 drop* ODDT Register press = 0 BTUH 32,683 drop supplemental heat Grille Pressure 0 t t KW supplemental 10 Drop heat Other 0 Other 0 Other _..-n.....,�.__ 0 Available SP 0 for duct Equipment Size Limits Air conditioner- Furnace Boiler heat Pump Coot Climate Heat output output Climate Maximum Size 22,191 24,120 45,757 45,757 Selected OVERSIZED OK OVERSIZED OVERSIZED Size Energy Cost Analysis Heat Loss 32,683.48 Heating Degree Days 7000 Heat Gain 19,296.35 Cooling Degree Days 500 Summer Design 95 Summer Design Temp 30 Temp Diff https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 13 of 14 Winter Design -20 Winter Design Temp 95 Temp Diff System #1 (Old or less efficient system) Efficiency Fuel Cost Air Conditioning 13 0 0.00 Heating 95 0 0.00 Natural Gas v Total annual operating cost of 0.00 system 1 System #2 (Old or less efficient system) Efficiency Fuel Cost Air Conditioning 0 0 Heating 0 0 0.00 Total annual operating cost of system 1 PAYBACK AND ROI Cost of new or more efficient system 0 Cost of less efficient system 0 Rebates or credits 0 Additional Investment 0.00 Yearly Savings https://ems--residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 EMS Calculator Page 14 of 14 Payback(Years) Return on Investment (ROI ) https://ems-residential.hvacloadcalculator.com/app/ 5/13/2019 si,rer s -Hs° LIFFO:a s r INDOOR AIR SYSTEMS 6 Sizing and Selecting a Lifebreath HRV or ERV Step 1:Follow these general guidelines to determine the best HRV or ERV for your application • . Option 1:Size your Residential unit by Air Exchange (ac/hr) Method Step 1 Step 2 'h c -) e. 2400sqft (L x W)with 9' (H) ceiling ac/hr=(Total Cubic Volume x.35)/60 2 d5 .L<Y "y Cubic volume=(L x W x H) or(2400 x 9)x.35/60min =126cfm i 2-SC,---4 in all cases local and all other codes requirements must be followed Option 2:Size your Residential unit using ASHRAE 62.2(Minimum requirement) Residential Ventilation Air Requirements(CFM/Bedrooms) Sizing A9i24EQ.2TABLE 4.1a 1 12) 3 4 5 Floor Area Sq.ft. <500 30 38 45 - 53 60 • 501-1000 45 53 60 68 75 1001-1500 60 68 75 - 83 90 1501-2000 75 83 i 90 98 105 C2001-2500 _ 90 _ 98 105 113 120 2501-3000 105 113 120 128 135 3001-3500 120 128 135 143 150 3501-4000 135 143 150 158 165 4001-5000 150 159 165 173 180 5000-5001 165 173 180 188 195 *In all cases local and all other codes requirements must be followed Size your Commercial unit—Note it's recommended a mechanical engineer always be consulted. Application Occupant CFM/Person CFM/SQFT Comments Density/1000sqft Retail Stores 15 10 Classroom 25-35 15 Varies with age Offices 5 10 Conference Rooms 50 15 Hair/Nail Salons 25 20 Do not Undersize Pet Shops 1 Physical Therapy 20 15 Bars/Lounges 100 10 Non-Smoking Health Clubs 40 20 Only 10/1000 in weight room *Swimming Pools 1-10 Varies greatly with temperature Places of Religion 120 5