742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201
Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256
Permit Number: P20090568 Application Number: A20090568
Tax Map No: 523400-266-003-0001-062-000-0000
Permission is hereby granted to: JOSEPH HOGAN
For property located at: 31 CLEMENTS Rd
in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place
at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed
and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning
Ordinance. Type of Construction Value
Owner Address: JOSEPH HOGAN Test Pit/Perc Test Review
44 ELM St Total value
HUDSON FALLS,NY 12839-0000
Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency
2009-568 perc test closed out see 09-604
(If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer
of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.)
Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Tuesday,November 19,2013
SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury.
Director of Building&Code Enforcement
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201
Community Development- Building&Codes 518) 761-8256
Permit Number: P20090604 Application Number: A20090604
Tax Map No: 523400-266-003-0001-062-000-0000
Permission is hereby granted to: JOSEPH HOGAN
For property located at: 31 CLEMENTS Rd
in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place
at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed
and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning
Ordinance. TTne of Construction Value
Owner Address: JOSEPH & ANGELA HOGAN Fireplace
1 WESTON Ave Garage Attached
HUDSON FALLS,NY 12839-0000 Single Family Dwelling $180,000.00
Total Value $180,000.00
Contractor or Builders Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency
1600 sq ft single family dwelling& 576 sq ft garage & 1 fireplace
$249.60 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,January 25,2011
(If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer
of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.)
Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Monday,January 25,2010
SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury.
Director of Building&Code Enforcement
Town of Queensbury- Building&Codes Enforcement Office■742 Bay Road- Queensbury,NY 12804
Request for Town Engineer Review
Property Owner: 3o Se �� L 'O 6 A Phone:
Property Owner's
Location of Test: ���u— �S r`�l Tax ID#: p} F
*Applicant's Engineer: �� ��N S�� Phone: ��U 3 �>
Applicant's Agent: Phone:
Additional Notes:
1. Reason for Request? ❑ New Septic System Replacement Septic System ❑ Failed Septic System
❑ Subdivision ❑ Site Plan Review
2.Are Wetlands present? ❑ YES NO ❑ UNKNOWN
*Note: Applicant is required to enggge an engineer for design and testing of the system. The Town
Engineer's responsibility is to witness system testing only.
PLOT PLAN: Plot plan, to scale, to be submitted with application
a. $200 Flat Fee Date Paid: --�� 1
Check No.:
b. OR Fee to be determined during To Be Determined:
Site Plan /Subdivision review process
In carrying out the provisions of Article IV, the Local Board of Health or the enforcement officer may
engage the services of a qualified professional consultant for expert review and recommendation arising
from the carrying out of the provisions of Art. IV, including but not limited to the review of plans,
specifications and reports, attendance at inspections, dye tests, deep hole test pits, septic related deep
hole and percolation tests, system installations, and any other aspect of any matter contained in this Art.
IV, and any costs incurred in such review shall be paid to the Town by the owner of the property before
any approval can be granted under this Art. IV shall become effective within 30 days of presentment of an
invoice for same, whichever is sooner. Such costs shall not exceed $1,500 without prior written notice to
the party to be charged with same.
My signature below indicates I have thoroughly read and understand the instructions, agree to the
submission requirements and have completed the application. I also fully understand that additional
engineering fees may be necessary per Town of Queensbury Local Law 136-14D.
Original (B&C File) Canary (Planning) Pink(Applicant) Gold (Town Clerk)
Project: 247-TOQ Deep Test Holes Location:
Date: 12103109 Temperature: 50 -F Weather. Judy Test Hod#. 1
Address: 31 Cents Road =-------------------------------,
i Soil Survey Map
Queensbury,NY 12804 ' Designation: 1 2
County: Warren i 1 Soil Series: i
2 Slope Class: i
i n
Remarks: (site description,image,anticipated daily wastewater flaw,etc.) L-------------------------------n
-New single-family dwelling
-3 Bedrooms
Boundary Color Soil Soil Moisture
Depth(in) Condition Matrix Mottling Texture Structure Consistency Stickiness
0-10 topsdl
10-96 yellow-frown -_-- loamy fine sand awgoe-gained kxm none dry
1. Describe and record the average thickness of each horizon.
2. Record each horizon boundary in terns of distinctness. Designate as Very Abrupt(<0.5 cm),Abrupt(0.5-2 cm),Clear(2-5 cm),Gradual(5-15 cm)
or Diffuse(>15 cm).
3. Record the topography of the horizon boundary. Designate as Smooth,Wavy,Irregular(undulating boundary),or Broken(discontinuous or
intermingled horizons or irregular pockets).
4. Indicate the color of each horizon. The matrix color is the majority color within the peds,and the mottle color is the minority color within the peds.
Record ped surface color where colors exist that are associated with an organic coaticlay film/carbonate mass/sto. Record the percent of mottles
as Few(<2%),Common(2-20%),or Marry(>20%). Record the mottle contrast as Faint Distinct,or Prominent.
5. Soil texture:Designate as Sand,Loamy Sand,Sandy Loam,Loam,S&Loam,SIX,Sandy Clay Loam,Clay Loam,Silty Clay Loam,Sandy Clay,
Silty Clay,or Clay. Sand,loamy sand,and sandy loam may be further classified into coarse,medium fine,fine,and very fine.
6. Soil Structure:Designate pods as Gradual,Blocky,Prismatic,Columnar,Platy,Singlte-Grained,or Massive. Structure grade shall be described for
peds as Weak,Moderate,or Strong.
7. Soil Consistency:Designate as Loose,Friable, Firm,or Extremely Firm, Indicated ND for not determinable,if too wet for test.
8. Record stickiness as Non-Sticky(little or no soil adheres to fingers after release of pressure),Slightly Sticky(soil adheres to both fingers with little
stretching upon separation),Moderately Sticky(soil adheres to both fingers and stretches some on separation),or Very Sticky(soil adheres and
stretches greatly).
9. Record the moisture state of each horizon. Designate as Dry or Moist.
10. Roots:Record the quantity,size,and locations of roots. Record quantity as Few,Comrim,or Many. Record size as Very Fine(<1 mm),Fine 0-2
mm),Medium(2-5 mm),Coarse(5-10 mm),or Very Coarse(>10 min). Location shaft be noted to be Between Pods,In Cracks, Throughout,In Met
at Top of Horizon,or Metted Around Rock Fragments.
Boundary Condition Observed at Depth:
Bedrock: N/A ft. Groundwater: N/A ft. Impervious Strata: N/A ft. Mottling: N/A ft
Slope of Site: 0-3 % Ground Cover: JZ Grass ❑Wooded ❑Barren ❑Crops ❑Shrubs
Landscape Position: ❑Depression ❑Hill Top ®Side Slope 0 Foot Slope
Describe Roots: (Quantity, Size, and Location) grasslfmld-no roots observed
16 Pearl Street-Suite 200-Glens Falls,NY-12801 -P:518.792.9264-F: 518.792.9282