elevation letter Clute Enterprises, Inc*
6 Holden Avenue,Queensbury,NY 12804
(518)793-7277 Fax:743-0955
Email: clrrteenterprises(:.mail.corn
June 12,2019 --- _.
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Town of Queensbury 6
Building Dept -,EO�'�l' O`= O!i�_ _➢�;:=..
742 Bay Rd t' �:;` tw ` '.._.
Queensbury,NY 12804
Ref to: 171 Cronin Rd, Queensbury NY 12804
To Whom it may concern,
It is understood that all elevations and locations will be deteiniined and controlled by Van Dusen and
Steves with the oversight of Queensbury Bldg Dept. Best efforts from Clute Enterprises is assured in the
coordination of this effort.
The framing will not commence until Van Dusen and Steves marks the finished basement floor elevation
of 304.00' on the inside of the basement foundation wall. Once the elevation is verified and approved
framing may commence.
Sincefely q.:
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