2003-06-09 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 9TH, 2003 MTG#25 RES# 281-281A 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DAN STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR TOWN OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CHRIS ROUND SUPERVISOR BROWER-Opened meeting. REZONING REQUEST LI TO PUD-LUZERNE ROAD - CLUTE ATTORNEY JOHN LAPPER, TOM NACE PRESENT Supervisor Brower-Reminded the Town Board they are trying to preserve as much light industrial property as possible in Town where it is appropriate. We are in the process of sewering and getting water lines and communications to a lot of the sites. Attorney Lapper-All these projects are very specific and separate and stand on their own. Since the Comprehensive Plan in 1988 preserving industrial land the Town has created the Queensbury Industrial Park over on Queensbury Avenue now there is Veterans Field Industrial Park. There have been new industrial parks created that are in more appropriate locations in terms of both truck traffic and also in terms of the neighbors. Obviously, loss of light industrial is an issue; I think these owners have properties that they are trying to do something with. The first one Larry Clute DKC (map presented to board). Executive Director, Mr. Round-What we're trying to do tonight is manage these rezoning. The purpose of looking at these on a quarterly basis is to heighte your awareness of what you are doing. Attorney Lapper- The Larry Clute property between Luzerne and Sherman south of the Burnt Hills Subdivision this is the adjoining property that he owns south of there because it's next to the trailer park on the east side of this which is very high density and not the most desirable land use. We have proposed some high density residential along the boundary of the trailer park going to single family with some nice amenities. We met with Chris and his staff before this was presented Chris is interested in bringing the sewer down Luzerne and Larry is willing to go along with that the cost of the sewer can in part be borne by this project. What we have done is ask for some higher density that would justify the cost of the sewer line to a certain extent. What we have asked for is density similar to MR-5, which is across the street. Along the trailer park boundary would be some four-plexes, then duplexes, then single family. There is a neighborhood commercial piece. Ther is a park that is proposed and there is a connection to the bike path. The Town is asking Rich Schermerhorn who has a project pending for a subdivision on the next parcel to the west asked Rich to do a bike path on a portion of the parcel he is going to donate to the Town. We proposed a road interconnection to Rich's piece and also a road interconnection between Sherman and Luzerne right here with Larry's parcel. This would also accomplish two interconnections between Sherman and Luzerne, which is something the Town, has wanted to do for a while. Executive Director, Mr. Round- We looked at this property and Luzerne Road not that we advocated a residential development of this property noting Rich Schermerhorn and another developer came in proposing another residential subdivision wondered if this would be potential for a sewer district extension. One of our goals Town wide is to provide for diversity of housing types. We need to provide housing for our workforce if we are trying to attract and retain a worforce we need to provide housing. It's a dilemma it is something you have to weigh you have to weigh the loss of an industrial land reserved against potentially a project that is going to fill another communities need in lieu of the light industrial. This is a PUD as opposed to the other applications. Attorney Lapper-This is a mix use. Mixed residential and commercial. Councilman Brewer-Questioned why PUD? Attorney Lapper-The technical answer is the different densities would be in different residential zones. Rather than asking for three different zones the high- density residential, single family residential, and a neighborhood commercial PUD is the way to go with the mix. Executive Director, Mr. Round-If this does go further one of the things were going to look to include is how do we measure affordable how do we hit a target price. Attorney Lapper-What we're proposing in terms of the exact site plan density all this stuff is just a concept to be work with the Town this is just the first proposal the concept is what Larry is interested in after meeting with Chris and talking about sewers. Councilman Stec-What's the total acreage involved? Tom Nace-Mid nineties not exactly sure. Councilman Stec-It's all currently light industrial? Attorney Lapper-Yes. Councilman Stec-What's our total limit towards undeveloped light industrial? Attorney Lapper-There is the Carey Idustrial Park, which still has most of the lots available. There is Veterans Field. Councilman Stec-I think it has enough merit to go to the Planning Board noting he still has concerns. After further discussion it was the decision of the board to have Executive Director, Mr. Round prepare a resolution for Mondays meeting of the Town Board to send to the Planning Board. Councilman Brewer noted he would like a copy of the application. REZONING REQUEST LI TO HC-QUAKER ROAD- AL BOYCHUCK ATTORNEY JOHN LAPPER, AL BOYCUCK & BOB SEARS PRESENT (MAP PRESENTED TO BOARD) Attorney Lapper-Noted this is on Quaker Road. We came and spoke at the time of the rezoning it was just at the tail end. The Town Board was receptive to this and sent us to the rezoning committee but they already had their last meeting it was to late so it didn't get done at the time of the rezoning. This is the first piece after Rick's Bike Shop on Quaker Road. It is the only up land piece in an area where there are a lot of wetlands it's just south of the great Cedar Swamp. Alex had this for sale zoned, as light industrial for years with nothing going on Quaker Road is one of the two main commercial hubs of the Town. This is just a way to get something moving he doesn't have a project, user, tenant, or purchaser. He just wants to be able to market it for highway commercial so that something could happen here. The Comp Plan recognizes Quaker Road as the main commercial hub. It talks about protecting the wetlands this is buffered to the north by wetlands so there is nothing this is sort of an island. Next door to it are Garvey and Rick's Bike Shop. Councilman Brewer-Separate parcels? Attorney Lapper-All one tax map just cut by the Nimo power line. Mr. Sears-Explained to board location of property. Councilman Stec-Would you subdivide this to an east and west is that the intent? Attorney Lapper-Would you have two different uses? Mr. Boychuck- There maybe because you are separated with the wetlands. Councilman Brewer-How big are the wetlands? Attorney Lapper-What's on here, but it connects to the much larger wetlands. Councilman Brewer-Is it governed by Army Core? Attorney Lapper-And DEC. This is State and Federal wetlands. Supervisor Brower-Is this all wooded property? Mr. Sears-Most of this is wetlands behind here so there is a natural buffer already created. Councilman Stec-I don't have any problem sending this to the Planning Board. Supervisor Brower-Is this all one piece of property? Attorney Lapper-It is two tax map parcels. Councilman Brewer-Doesn't have a problem with this, noted he oesn't know what is going to happen here. Attorney Lapper-We can talk about that as the process goes forward. Supervisor Brower-Whether it is developed light industrial or commercial expect some development in the future. Supervisor Brower-I don't see a problem with it. Councilman Turner-Either do L After further discussion it was the decision of the board to forward this to the Planning Board. REZONING REQUEST LI TO RC -SHERMAN AVENUE - DOUG MILLER ATTORNEY JOHN LAPPER, DOUG MILLER PRESENT (PLANS PRESENTED TO BOARD) Mr. Miller-Explained to the board the concept of his project. The concept is a multi-use sport facility. It would incorporate a full size outdoor size soccer field and lacrosse field. The soccer field can be subdivided into three cross-fields similar to the Town of Malta. There would be four to six batting cages. This area would be a multi-sport area it has to be adjusted it's eighty five foot square for one full length basketball court or two courts going that way, two volleyball courts, two tennis courts. The primary entrance area would house multi-sport pro shop, soccer lacrosse, and golf. It would have a beverage, food concession type area. Spoke to the board regarding the article in the Post Star regarding Hoyt's Cinema we are proposing to put in one full size indoor field twenty thousand square feet. On the plans there is a possible future indoor tennis facility. The demand for soccer is increasing with a tremendous amount of kids that go south. Parents ship their kids to Albany or Clifton Park for soccer. They would much rather go to a more advanced facility fewer problems with injuries fewer problems with the safety of the facility. This would allow the ability to have full field soccer, full field lacrosse, and field hockey, noting it would be a great benefit to this area. We have no facility when you get into the end of the soccer season teams can play indoors this would give them the opportunity to play indoors. It will also be capable of fielding two indoor softball fields back to back. These boxes here are driving mates for driving ranges. Councilman Brewer-Where is this on Sherman Avenue? Attorney Lapper-Right at the bridge right along the Northway. What's nice about this site because of the topography there are a lot of trees it provides a nice wooded buffer that would remain along the Northway so this is protected. Councilman BrewerAsked if this would back up to Arrowhead? Attorney Lapper-Yes. Mr. Miller-This side of the Town is lacking in recreational facilities. Supervisor Brower-Is this a privately funded project? Mr. Miller-Yes. Executive Director, Mr. Round-What kind of cost numbers are you looking at? Mr. Miller-Three point two to three point four million. This is a hundred and twelve thousand square foot facility. Councilman Brewer-Noted they just rezoned this light industrial last year. Mr. Miller-I was looking at doing this last year and the zoning last year fit this use. (Presented pictures to board of similar facilities) Supervisor Brower-If we were looking at this in a favorable manner and wanted to restrict it saying if this plan doesn't come to fruition does the land go back to light industrial? Executive Director, Mr. Round-If this is the concern there is some way to address that. Mr. Miller-My time frame was trying to get something started this fall. The proposed schedule I got from Chris for this phase and te Planning Board is putting me behind to get it up and operational for this indoor soccer season. Attorney Lapper-Dennis this is one that would be with site plan. Councilman Stec- This is worthy of passing it on to the Planning Board. After further discussion it was the decision of the Town Board to pass forward this to the Planning Board. REZONING REQUEST LI/SR/WR TO MU - BIG BOOM/MAIN ST. - JIM O'CONNOR Attorney Lapper- This is land that is owned by Jim and his cousin Russ at Exit 18. We have been in discussion with Executive Director, Chris Round, and Rick Missita, Highway Superintendent for a year and a half to conceptualize this. We think that this meets the Town needs to help address the traffic issue. The Comp Plan talks about the traffic problem on Big Boom Road at the Northway interchange. This is a project to both address the Town needs it is directly across the street from the Emergency Squad slash connector road. This would allow four ways signalize intersection. Right now you have all the UPS trucks and all the other light industrial traffic coming out you can't make left turns no traffic light and there can't be a traffic light at the existing entrance to Big Boom Road the stacking distance isn't enough to the traffic light at the Northway. What this does and this is a deal that we had to work out because the O'Connor's own all the land here but this is where the Mobile building is. In orde to get Mobile to relocate their building to make this possible we've agreed on behalf of the O'Connor's that approximately a one acre piece of property would be conveyed to Mobile from the O'Connor's, which is valuable property on a Northway interchange to allow them to move their building so that they can do a new mobile station. That's not part of this project it is anticipated that they will come in with a Mobile Station we did this to show them that it could fit. In accordance with the design guidelines for that corridor now which Chris has tried to get everyone to focus on Mobile has agreed that they will do a building with a streetscape and pedestrian look What we're then asking for on behalf of the O'Connor's is a subdivision and a rezoning so that we could create commercial lots which would be conceivable any of the Northway interchange type uses. It would create these commercial lots and a commercial piece in the back a lot of which is ravine. This if is, of course, the site that Target was inerested in a long time ago. This would preclude a Target type project because we're splitting it up into commercial lots of two to three acres actually one and a half to two and a half acres. Councilman Stec- Y ou said you have spoken with the Highway Superintendent, Mr. Missita what does he express? Attorney Lapper-He is in favor of this. Councilman Stec- The four way intersection with the connector road that is what we would like to have. Supervisor Brower-It looks like a great concept. After further discussion it was the decision of the Town Board to forward this to the Planning Board. BRUSH TRUCK REPLACEMENT BY SOUTH QUEENSBURY FIRE COMPANY Discussion held regarding replacement of brush truck with South Queensbury Fire Company. Representative from South Queensbury spoke to Town Board regarding prices on trucks. Councilman Stec-Questioned the price of the Humvee? Representative from S. Queensbury-Twenty nine five refurbished. Councilman Stec- What were you comparing that too? Representative S. Queensbury- Thirty grand or so for a Chevy or a Ford that's brand new. Supervisor Brower-How much is the skid unit? Representative S. Queensbury-Skid unit is going to be the same. The skid unit you are looking at sixteen thousand. This particular skid unit was eighteen six forty nine it had a brush garden winch that we didn't need. Councilman Brewer-These are privately owned? Representative S. Queensbury- They are surplus military Hummers. The pickup trucks have about nine inches of ground clearance the Hummers have eighteen inches of ground clearance. Supervisor Brower-Do you have enough money is your equipment fund for this vehicle? Representative S. Queensbury-We have more than enough in our truck fund to buy the vehicle and the skid unit. Comptroller Hess-What would be your total budget because you'll have to paint it. Representative S. Queensbury-About forty seven five I'm guessing. Supervisor Brower-Do you know any other fire companies that are using this type of scenerio. Representative S. Queensbury-On the Internet talked to a guy in Virginia they said the mobilty to get back into a fire is increased tremendously with a Hummer. Councilman Brewer-Asked before they purchase the vehicle he would like to see all the specs before it is all put together and ordered. Representative S. Queensbury- This is just preliminary for now still have to locate one. Councilman Brewer-When you get the specs on the truck will you find out what refurbish means. After further discussion it was the decision of the board to give conceptual approval until they bring back further information. MARRIAGE OFFICER FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - FRANK ANTOS Supervisor Brower spoke to the board regarding Mr. Antos approaching him regarding being a Marriage Office for the Town. Mr. Antos sent a letter asking to be considered for this. Councilman Turner spoke to Attorney Hafner regarding this the Town Board can appoint a Marriage Officer noting he wants to do weddings on the lake on the Queensbury side the first fifteen hundred feet he is the Captain of one of the boats. Attorney Hafner researched this noting he believes he has to get a license from New York State Department of Health. Attorney Hafner needs to do more research. Supervisor Brower-doesn't see any reason not to consider him for this. RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 281, 2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Dan Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns Regular Session and moves into Executive Session to discuss an Article 7- Aviation Mall. Duly adopted this 9th day of June, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower Noes: None AbsentMr. Boor RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION AND SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 281A, 2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Dan Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 9th day of June, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brower, Mr. Brewer Noes: None AbsentMr. Boor No further action taken. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury