2008-015 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY oit-q• 7 B ueensbu NY 12804-5902 518 761-8201 42 ap Road,Q ry, ( ) Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20080015 Date Issued: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20080015 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-301-020-0001-011-000-0000 Location: GENEVA Dr Owner: CLUTE ENTERPRISES Applicant: CLUTE ENTERPRISES This structure may be occupied as a: Test Pit/Pere Test Review By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the ` \ r" owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, '� property P ry P �� �� ' �� � '�� Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I ON 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080015 Application Number: A20080015 Tax Map No: 523400-301-020-0001-011-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: CLUTE ENTERPRISES For property located at: GENEVA Dr in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: CLUTE ENTERPRISES Test Pit/Perc Test Review 13 DAWN Rd Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2008-015 GENEVA DR SUBDIVISION APPLICANT'S ENGINEER: TOM CENTER SEVERAL TEST PITS: 301.20-1-28, AND 301.20-1-29 AS WELL $200.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,November 23,2012 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the own Quee °bu , ! Wednesday,November 23,2011 SIGNED BY , �''" r + x for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement o -o&c Town of Queensbury• Building&Codes Enforcement Office■742 Bay Road• Queensbury,NY 12804 DEEP HOLE/PERC TEST Request for Town Engineer Review Property Owner: L-./31r' (/ �r� Phone: lc/3 - / ,2 77 Property Owner's Address: /3 69 wr/ /Pal acceen S /Li i . ,/U y Location of Test: 17414'`Lcr$ ftz f'-ri'6r Cr Nr 5 L7 al Tax ID#: 30/,,2O f/2 5,7 9 *Applicant's Engineer: NA-C- en 5 2 et .S Phone: 79 — Applicant's Agent: /O C'-9,1 Ter Phone: Additional Notes: Cj-ej J v14- gf, 5/,q b Ci'1/,'S 10"- 1. Reason for Request? New Septic System Replacement Septic System Failed Septic System Subdivision Site Plan Review 2.Are Wetlands present? YES NO UNKNOWN *Note: Applicant is required to engage an engineer for design and testing of the system. The Town Enqineer's responsibility is to witness system testing only. PLOT PLAN: Plot plan, to scale, to be submitted with application FEE SCHEDULE: a. $ 200 Flat Fee Date Paid: Check No.: 63) OR Fee to be determined during To Be Determined: Site Plan /Subdivision review process SIGNATURE: In carrying out the provisions of Article IV, the Local Board of Health or the enforcement officer may engage the services of a qualified professional consultant for expert review and recommendation arising from the carrying out of the provisions of Art. IV, including but not limited to the review of plans, specifications and reports, attendance at inspections, dye tests, deep hole test pits, septic related deep hole and percolation tests, system installations, and any other aspect of any matter contained in this Art. IV, and any costs incurred in such review shall be paid to the Town by the owner of the property before any approval can be granted under this Art. IV shall become effective within 30 days of presentment of an invoice for same, whichever is sooner. Such costs shall not exceed $1,500 without prior written notice to the party to be charged with same. My signature below indicates I have thoroughly read and understand the instructions, agree to the submission requirements and have completed the application. I also fully understand that additional engineering fees may be necessary per Town of Queensbury Local Law 136-14D. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: Date: SIGNATURE OF AGENT:4Date: ///&./0' Original (B&C File) Canary (Planning) Pink (Applicant) Gold (Town Clerk) NACE ENGINEERING, P.C. 075 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-792-851 January 16, 2008 Project#46239 Dave Hatin Code Enforcement Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Re: Clute - Geneva Drive Subdivision —Out of Season Test Pit Request Dear Dave: We are currently working with Larry Clute to design a subdivision for his on Geneva Drive in the Town of Queensbury. (See map attached). As you can see on the map provided, the property is located in an existing residential area. We would like to schedule this work as soon as possible so that we can complete our design, submit to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board for Preliminary Subdivision approval. Please feel free to contact me at 796-2515 if you have any questions and that you for your assistance with this request. Sincerely, Thomas R. Center Jr, P.E. Cc w/encl.: Larry Clute MAP REFERENCES: MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR CAROLINE M. ELMORE Q W Q ZO BY: VAN DUSEN do STEVES DATED: DECEMBER 29, 1987 a U � U N U Q V p GENEVA ESTATES BY: MORSE ENGINEERING P.C. O O LAST REVISED: JULY 1, 1992 J J n n to o LANDS N/F OF QUEEN VICTORIA GRANT HOMEOWNERS N Z ASSOGATION, INC. R• a4 ti R -- W z S83°44' 19"E S83°44' 19"E S83°44' 19"E S83 44 19 E ° LOCATION OF EXISTING s. ( ° " S83°44' 19"E " ROADWAY - TO BE w ..�' \ J 100.01 ' 100.01 ' S83 44 19 E S83044- 19"E S83 44 19 E 83°44' 19" ° r ABANDONNED 100.01 ' 100.01 ' 100.01 ' 101.53' S83 44 19 E d 100.07' 100.80' f 53. 15' /150.00' o ( s LOT I q = LOT w w S�x� '` a� 6 0 _ 28 = _ W W F � y 8. � ,b� LANDS N/F OF � • LOT LOT LOT c 00 15,524.47 sq.f .0 27 CoLOT Q - - LOT `� LOT 3 3 ��• o�' 3 SWINTON �. 26 0 LOT co - LOT LOT _ d F °O 7 8 9 cep' ul 'rn 5,417.55 sq.ft rn cO 5 310.60 s ft - "' o 0 24 Co � 23 co - (o - 25 a o co 22 21 io - q, ° u1 CV) o C5 ' q• CWJ N 5,203.65 s ft °� • 5,096. 70 sq.ft rn 5,000.00 sq.ft M 15 000.00 s ft o N 15 000.00 s ft o o m LOT p o � a 0 to q• �0 i ;') Q �M rn q• iM ai q• rn a S32005'41"W ad \ s 12. 17' %" 5 a Z z oT o "' � � � 10 \ cP C a LI L2 2 � con ° moo° S77°17-08"E p, HwNy q J I 9.53 j Lj:: To L L T �• w 100.0 ill 0.00' 100. 0' 1 0.00' 100.0 ' 100.0 100. 7 101.5 49.58' 20\ C 24' s , N84021 ' 5" 84 21 '05"W N84.21 ' 5" 84 21 '05"W N84°21 ' 5" N84°2i ' S" N84°21 ' it r o n s LANDSSEARS � � _ 5 N84 21 N8 21 05 W �,y � _ ENEVA DRIVE _ _ ,> ,2Oo •g2' 19 LOT - S84021 ' S" 84 21 '05"E S84021 ' 5"IF 6 184V21 '05"E S84°21 '05 84 21 '05"E S84°08 44 E •O° ° 100. 1 0.00' S84 30 35 E \ Co 11 / 100. 1110.00' 100. 0' 160.00' 109. 6' 142.31 ' Co( PROPOSED 3 CONVEYANCE TO SWINTON wF F3 �'9`��' o ^ 12,3655.02AI Fsq. ft. in - - _ = 3 3 v h 'a /'o v � 0.28 acres LOT LOT °' a 00 o - o - _ _ = u, LOT o •� �i. ° . rn LOT er ao o - w - - / LOT I 1 10 ao I o °D LOT °i LOT I- `� rn 'n N 0 1E o 3 LOT a' coo 11 10'' 1200 1c`n o LOT cn LOT o� °'. LOT I - rn LOT o Cv ca Co <�e o co 13 ° co 74 M IM o M o *'5 0 V.- 0 19,945.07 sq. OT 2 0 6,09$.45 Sq.ft o 16 098.67 s .f "' -1 097.37 s ,ft, o 15 cO 16 o coCo 2 Co q •o q o 6,097.58 sq.ft. 0 1 097.2 s "' a cn 9 q.ft. 0 6,096.99 sq.ft. o d Co CO) 17,384.95 sq.f _ 1 ( 15" 3.33' 17"W 149.98'100.00 100.01 ' 99.99' 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' 4 84°21 ' 11"W N84°2 ' 11"W N84°21 ' 11"W N84 2 11 W N84 21 11 W N 4 21 11 W 84 N80°15' 11nWo i u o i r o n oS 5°39'01"W 33.41' LANDS N/F OF Z: LANDS N/F OF LANDSGREEN OF PROVOST LANDS N/F OF LANDS N/F OF LANDS N/F OF c m PARKER RUGGIERO MAHAR LANDS N/F OF LANDS N1�F OF LANDS NDS O LANDS /F OF HARRIS BANK CO CQ • ' K • • !!-- • . r Fes/ • raw * • . e ,< Q r• pkw r � e ' ••• r• - r• /a � � 0 • I II r • 1 �y z • . - _.. A Cr A • i w- r J po r r - • C '7' ` - • - ` • • - b Co •i• Co • e• • • . . ! - • • • Cd ' 1 1 • • - - ' ZONING INFORMATION: �, Co � • - m .y ZONED SR-20 "' MIN. LOT SIZE 20,000 SO. FT. Date: JANUARY 2004 • • • w • • • • • s• �• r rt• r r• r• ' w MIN. LOT WIDTH 100' r :• �• - r Scale 1"-60' :• �, m :. - - - _ r: SETBACKS FRONT 30' r SIDES MIN. 10' TOTAL OF 30' rM.r• Yi REAR 10' S_ 1 LOCATION MAP 1 =600 SHEET 1 OF 1 TAX MAP NO. 301.20-1-11,28,29 CLUTE D1328 DWG. NO. 95001-II