2003-02-03 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 3RD, 2003 MTG#7 RES#1Ol-102 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CHRIS ROUND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, CRAIG BROWN COMPTROLLER, HENRY HESS STORMW ATER REMEDIATION IN LAFAYETTE A VE/ROUTE 9/ QUAKER ROADS BASIN - JOHN STROUGH MR. STROUGH-Presented plans and maps to board members regarding area spoke to the board regarding the Warren Tire Application on Lafayette Street noted he has spoken to Tom Nace regarding this. Asked Mr. Nace what was the twenty-four inch corrugated pipes noting Mr. Nace said it was storm water questioned if the storm water was on site, no. Asked where the storm water was going, it goes into the twenty-four inch pipes and dumps in over by Hovey Pond noting it will go directly with no treatment. Asked if storm water could be done on site Mr. Nace noting he couldn't with the nature of the soil the depth the groundwater. Mr. Strough visited the site noting that it will not go directly into Hovey Pond there is a trench where some of these twenty-four corrugated pipes are dumping out into a trench which runs about a hundred and fifty yards along side of Hovey Pond and then connects with the outlet of Hovey Pond and then it goes underneath the intersection with Layfayette, Glenwood and Quaker Road and then conncts with Halfway Brook. Noted there is a thirty-inch line in this, questioned Dave Wicks where is the thirty-inch line coming from. The Old Woodbury's, which is now Warren Tire all these lots tie into the twenty-four inch, drain system in the Queensbury Plaza we think that it dumps in here there is a thirty-inch corrugated coming out into here. Here is Dunkin Donut's here is the stream there is another thirty inch pipe here remember I showed you the back of that thirty inch pipe running in this direction and ties into the twenty- four and goes on down we think that's the thirty inch pipe that's going in back here, but there is also another thirty inch pipe over here noted this is a mess and Mr. Wicks agreed noting Mr. Wicks didn't know where those drain lines go Mr. Strough noted he took pictures of the area. Spoke with Mr. Wicks asking if there is anyway we could map the pipes out to see where they are flowing then and only then would we be able to start thinking about some kind of storm water remedy mesures but first need to know where they are noting he would see about funding. As it turns out they do have up to thirty thousand dollars. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, MR. ROUND-The Soil and Water Conservation District this is the result of their work they mapped all the catch basins and drop inlets. They did the watershed assessment and identified some problem areas they had some money as a result of this for some habitat restoration projects the Town partnered with them and they did some improvements. They did a number of projects habitat improvement put boulders in certain locations they do have money left over we met with them two weeks ago regarding where are some more habitat improvement projects or do we want to look at a storm water improvement project that would improve the habitat. They just found out in the last several weeks that they could use this money not just for in the stream work but out of the stream work that will provide a benefit noting Mr. Strough brought this to our attention so we brought this to Mr. Wick's attention they would like to look at this as a project. Mr. Round noting it requires a Town matchthe first step would be to match any cash expenditures by them. The first one would be to refine the mapping and do some layout order while the drainage structure is going how they interconnect. You guys mentioned the Nimo property is a possibility to use the Nimo property as a discharge basin and allow some treatment before it gets back into the brook. Most all of Aviation Road area and anything west of Route 9 comes down and drains through here. Highway Superintendent whether its on the Town level or State level one of their rules is the ability to drain the road it will drain into an existing drainage pattern. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Questioned if the Town has any resource? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It is the State's responsibility to enforce whether it's the Hazardous Waste Law, whether it's a petroleum bulk storage regulations. Dave Wick had indicated they looked at Fire Stone they tested it they couldn't get anything. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Noted it is a concern of his you have Warren Tire, Meineke we have a lot of businesses over there that deal on a petroleum products. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-They are suppose to have contained systems they are not suppose to have a flow drain going into a floor. MR. STROUGH-If you read the report not only with the pollutants being added you have the quantity of water during a major storm event which causes erosion down stream as well as the water quality. We are talking about the pollutants all this pervious material now is running out directly to a stream there is thermal pollution they address this in the Halfway Brook Watershed it is hindering the spawning abilities of the fish. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-I think there is also money at the Transportation Council for planning and I think we can make an argument that a lot of this drainage is a result of Route 9 draining into the systems maybe there is another funding source maybe DOT can partner with us because these are both state roads. SUPERVISOR BROWER-What is Dave Wick looking at, a retention pond? MR. STROUGH-We have to get everything mapped out then Dave Wick had mention it and mentioned it in his Halfway Brook Assessment Report the one done in 1999 of making this a working wetland. There is possibility of draining Queensbury Plaza into the area but draining these others possibly into that and then allowing that drainage to go treated into Halfway Brook. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Treated in what respect? MR. STROUGH-A wetland is natures filter system. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I look at this today it's terrible. MR. STROUGH-He would have to recreate it dig it out and recreate the wetland. COUNCILMAN TURNER-They cleaned this out last fall they had booms in there they had a contractor in there cleaning this whole area. MR. STROUGH-If you go up to the Northway Plaza where the Home Depot is going in we've got the northern part of that storm water drainage taken care of now. The northern part goes into a retention basin and the middle part of it behind Travelers goes into a CDS System. This corner we could address the storm water issue as we address the reconfiguration of the corner, too. The only part that hasn't been addressed is the southern part, which is tied into the drainage of this whole corner. Asking for general support from the board looking for an estimate about how much money to do the first part of this to locate and identify the storm water structures and then some tentative plans of possible remediation would like to go at least as far as getting the storm water structures mapped out. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Do we need permission to go forward with this? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-A majority are within public lands but you need permission of the private property owners to go on their property. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Do we do this by resolution? COUNCILMAN STEC-When you spend the money we will do the resolution. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Recommended finding out much it is going to cost before they do anything. If it were a reasonable amount would say up to ten thousand dollars, which means five to us five to them. JOHN SALVADOR-Recommended creating a drainage district. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The Town owns a number of drainage systems and we're under mandate by the EP A to adopt a plan of how to deal with those and talk about the issues. The problem with drainage it has always been seen as a supplement to the Highway Department works so that's where the trouble is there is nobody to manage those systems. ZONING ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE RECOMMENDATIONS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-There are two public hearings that are set one from a week from Monday and one three weeks from Monday. Talk about the two map changes or zoning changes. This is the first that we're going to be talking about the area of the Boulevard this is the Boulevard right here is F.W. Webb, Kmart, for reference purposes. A large portion of this area in April of 2002 we zoned mixed use in hopes of acknowledging a mixture of uses this red classification is a commercial use this is from the Real Property Tax Assessment so you can see Kmart's commercial use. We looked at this and said this area it is residential and commercial mix and is in transition so we took a broad use at it so we said lets mix use for this particular area. We included a number of industrial properties this area was largely zoned industrial on this side and this area was zoned Urban Residential or Neighborhood Commercial. We are coming back to you with a change to four or five properties this is the old Boulevard Bow that's now occupied by Independence Appliance Repair. There are two facilities owned by Stone Cast and there is Hunt's Pest Control. We are recommending that we convert these back to light industrial to allow those facilities to continue to maintain their operation and also allow for expansion without a use variance. I know Stone Cast was looking at Empire Zone status this is a particular interest. I know Hunt's has expressed an interest to continue do to business under the current conditions they would have to come to us with a use variance. Basically we are correcting a mistake that we did when we took a broad-brush approach with the rezoning. These are just some similar maps these are the maps that we use we will go through a similar type of presentation during the public hearing. I had George Hilton look at some of these properties would they be suitable for light industrial use it's a real difficult thing to do. This is the nursery that's out here and this would be allowed under the mix use righ now in light industrial some of these are questionable. What we want to do is at least get the ones we knew we had to deal with immediately back into the proper zoning. If longer term if the Town wants to look at with the addition of sewer over here or if there is a larger plan for heavy industrial sites along Ciba-Geigy we can even look at those other properties. COUNCILMAN TURNER-The front where the residential use is that should stay residential. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-This area here they are all residential uses that's why I think this proposal is consistent with what Ted is recommending. This is what the existing land use plan looks like what we're looking at is to put this back into an industrial designation. We mentioned to Dennis another option is commercial industrial, which would allow either commercial or industrial uses it's not consistent with the residential use, but it would allow a greater flexibility. Our concern there is you would see another strict commercial zone. The whole section of Town is difficult it's Kingsbury moving west and it's Queensbury moving east it's a mix. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Where is everything sewered now? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Ciba-Geigy Hercules has a pump station and they feed over to the plant. There is a line this goes into the Tech Park there is always the potential that sewer could come in this direction. The Planning Board made a positive recommendation to move this forward this is something the planning staff brought to the table and they provided the recommendations. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I just don't want the industrial to go out to the roadway because the houses are they're on both sides of the street and that looks kind of residential it should be kept residential. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The second one. This is Bay Road running north, south, there is ACC this is the Bay Road Office Park. It was the former Hughes Subdivision and I think Mr. Hughes actually owns this house the house has been for sale for several years out on Bay Road. This whole area was Zoned to Professional Office it was largely MR5. These are the RPS classifications the yellow coating is residential so you can see this whole area is residential there are a couple of residences in the back that are vacant because they are a separate tax parcel. What we did when we did this broad-brush zoning we missed the fact that there are residential properties within that area. What we are looking to do is correct that and zone this particular area SFR 20, which is single family residential it's our most strict residential zone and would allow twenty thousand square foot lots. This whole property was part of the subdivision and the lots on there are twenty thousand square feet so the zoning is consistent with what the existing lot sizes are. We had difficulty I know the property owner here would like to do a number of things to maximize his value of the property but it, real difficult to satisfy all of the property owners concerns. We would like to keep this portion in the professional office zonebecause we don't think it's going to be appropriate to mix the residence out in the front in order to maintain this. It does enhance the value to a certain extent. COUNCILMAN BOOR-How deep is that office professional? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-I think we were looking between two and three hundred feet. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Questioned if they are going for the other side of the Old Maids Brook? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-We just have it on the east side of the brook right there so it would cause this property to be split...this whole property is on both sides of this Bayberry Drive and it's on both sides of the proposed zone line. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It's already residential. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-We struggled where to put this line you could put it all right up to the residential line where there is existing residences there would be a residence in here. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I don't know if you could put a residence in there it's kind of wet in there. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It's subject to survey and location of wetlands and stream setbacks, etc. This is what is proposed that's the second rezoning. The third one that was on front of the Planning Board that we have not set a public hearing on is one that was coming into you by a property owner application. That third one again, there is not a public hearing set after receiving a negative Planning Board recommendation and after discussions with Dennis rezoning's are completely discretionary what we did not want to do was give something that had broad community support and put it in front of the Town Board unless the Town Board felt strongly about bringing it to a public hearing. It was this property the O'Connor's they own this property and own this property as well. This is Route 149 and this is Ridge Road it is a sand and gravel pit Queensbury Landfill and Finch Pruyn Landfill the property in question is vacant right now. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It's that the one they were going to put the chipper on? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-This is the one that they actually proposed to do right now it is zoned SRl-A you have a block of land that zoned SRl-A you have some on the opposite side the north side of Route 149 SRI-A. They had originally come in and said they would like to zone this industrial we think that's the only zone that would allow this chipper plant. We had looked at this area when we did the Town wide rezoning in April and we had looked at light industrial because I think part of it was.... it said look at the sand and gravel pits and look at a zoning that might allow redevelopment of those properties to some other use besides sand and gravel pit. The Steering Committee did come out with a suggestion for that. We did dismiss light industrial because this is located within the Adirondack Park and its not consistent with our land use plan so light industrial would be an arduous process all we took care of was this neighborhood commercial area. This is the George Ryan property over here we expaned the neighborhood commercial area to be consistent. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Are you recommending the one with the chipper is going to stay single family residential? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The Planning Board it wasn't unanimous. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The only problem I have with it who would want to build a house there. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-We made the recommendation the Planning Staff I wrote the notes for this particular application. We encourage the applicant to make application for LC-1O because LC-1O would allow the particular land use they are involved with it is consistent with the adjourning land uses. I think the Planning Board struggled with the fact that they use what the end use was and that they didn't like the end use. That's okay to look at you need to look at all the potential land uses and if you think something is so inconsistent with the land use pattern you shouldn't use that zoning for that particular area. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Would tend to think that single family residential is inconsistent. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Made that argument in that this is more consistent with LC-1O. The other option is to use NC-lA you have to look at they did not recommend this they said let's keep this SR -1 A. There is a single-family residence on this property there is a restaurant here and I think this property is vacant. COUNCILMAN TURNER-LC-1O is a hundred foot setback isn't it? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The particular proposal is a good thing to be putting in this area. I think the Planning Board felt that there are other opportunities for other locations. COUNCILMAN BREWER-How big is that parcel? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It's about three acres. COUNCILMAN BOOR-What were the Planning Board thoughts? MR. STROUGH-Our thoughts were that being in back of a restaurant was inappropriate being next to a residence was inappropriate if they do get Planning Board approval which might be doubtful seeing the way they ran with what the rezoning was you would have noise issues knowing what was being proposed there we had problem with that. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The change of our zoning policy what we tried to do is have to look at these on a quarterly basis. We requested the Planning Board not to conduct public hearings during.... we wanted this to be a staff report and analysis by the Planning Board that is consistent with the Land Use Plan. Then if necessary either conduct a joint public hearing or just have a public hearing by the Town Board to hear the issues that are affecting the residence in the community with a particular proposal trying to limit the times being have to come out. We haven't set a public hearing for this particular project not knowing what the Town Board desires are. We left it with the applicant we said Planning Board had recommended no change it's really the Town Board's decision do we want to conduct a public hearing at all? Do we want to look at this particular issue at all? COUNCILMAN BOOR-Just this particular one? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Just this particular one. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I'm confused. Previous to this the applicant would submit an application and they would always be heard.... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It hasn't been that case. Some of the rezoning's I'll go back to Cracker Barrel never was a public hearing by the Town Board on it you heard a lot of controversy but there was never a hearing and never action you never voted any of those actions down it never got that far recommended that this not go to public hearing. We hate to see people spend energy on things when there is not a lot of support for it so we rather get some feedback from you. We said we'll inform the applicant that we haven't scheduled the public hearing if he wants to lobby like any particular piece of legislation if he wants to lobby the legislatures to have this heard they have the ability to do so this is where we're at with the particular application. COUNCILMAN BREWER-When would we have a public hearing if we decided we wanted too? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Whenever you'd like it wouldn't be with the rest of those because of notification requirements. The third thing that you are having a public hearing on which is next Monday is the mix use setback you have it in your package for Main Street. When we adopted the Zoning Ordinance in April 2002 we expected that we would have had an adopted street section and engineered street section in it by Clough Harbour and Warren County. We left the front setback where the built to line blank on our chart that we published with the Zoning Ordinance. All we're asking for you to do in this particular case is establish the setback. This is what we expect to be constructed is three lanes with a center turning lane. This doesn't show a drain strip there will be a two and a halffoot strip in a five-foot sidewalk. The built to line that we're asking to establish is forty- two and a halffeet. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Like a porch or... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Any part of the structure. If we wanted a street canopy or canvas canopy that would be exempted. COUNCILMAN BOOR-What about signs that stick out the building can that be within forty-two feet? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-In our design guidelines we don't want overhanging signs we wanted them all to be wall mounted. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Would the lighting go between the curb and the sidewalk? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Don't know yet. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Hopes not. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The last thing while Craig is here is the Marina Special Use Permits. April 2002 we adopted after considerable debate and public input special use permit process. It is a basically site plan review you can do a little bit more you can say no to particular projects you can impose standards it's a little bit broader in scope than a particular site plan review. Those are applied to marina's, gas stations in particular zones, restaurants without outdoor entertainment areas, dog kennels. With that the marina regulations we adopted basically we refer to the Lake George Park Commission Regulations and say the standards for marina's shall apply to marina's in the Town and we will use those for as a guidance for establishing particular permit conditions. The Planning Board had two applications in front of it and instance came up is what do we do with preexisting facilities? Do you make them go through the permit process or do we look at grand fathering those? After a Planning BoardWorkshop the Planning Board recommended that they include those and that we provide a provision to grandfather them. The regulation in front of you basically includes provision to acknowledge that if an individual or an organization can demonstrate that they have been operating a marina and they can document that through valid proof on the basis of the Zoning Administrator decision that they have been doing so for a particular period of time then the Town would look at it and give them a special use permit. The only modification is adoption of a provision to allow for grandfathering. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Obviously it's discretionary on Craig's part in other words what constitutes proof of marina. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-What we always strive for is consistency you have to pick a particular standard. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MR. BROWN-You ask somebody to come and apply for a use variance there are a lot of different ways to can substantiate the need for a use variance and I think there is going to be fifty different ways you can substantiate the operation of a marina. I don't know if there is a standard we can certainly look into developing a standard. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Read what was in the regulations to board members. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Let's say we adopt this and now somebody sells a property that has been used as a marina does that grand fathering go to the new... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The use stays. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Some properties will have acquire value through the grandfathering. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The Lake George Association did a mailing and indicated this public hearing that has been set up is that they recommended that all residential land uses only be allowed one....for non-resident or non-occupant of a property. The public is going to come out and think that something else is being entertained during the public hearing rather than what we're proposing. Class B Marina's this is not applicable to Class B the regulation we're talking about applies to Class A's Marina's. Asked Mr. Brown how many Class A Marina's? ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MR. BROWN-The 2000 schedule seventeen Class A Marina's in Queensbury. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The difficulty I think the Planning Board has had with this is as soon as you use marina it implies that you are providing service. The definition can be with or without provisions for gas, rest rooms any number of services that are complimentary to the use of boats on the lake. What we're talking about we haven't seen any new commercial marina's offering gas facilities in Queensbury in some time. What the rule was meant to do was acknowledge basically the commercial operation so if a Dunham's Bay Boat Company if an operation like that wanted to come in and add dock slips or add a gas they already had in use prior to this adoption they would have to obtain a use variance. They don't have to get a use variance right now and they would be acknowledged as grandfather uses. What we're trying to deal with we're not focusing on the commercial operation the problem we've had are those things that don't provide gas and that fall somewhere between a residential use and over use of residential property. The Park Commission hasn't always consistently dealt with how somebody parks on their property, how they provide for solid waste disposal, how they provide for pump out facility etc., it has a potential to have negative impact on adjacent residential uses. What we're trying to do is deal with that through the regulations and the modification is just meant to deal with those preexisting facilities. We're not trying to broaden our reach with the modification we're not trying to limit our reach we're only trying to acknowledge those facilities that are out there. It's going to be a controversial issue because the LGA is looking to take this as an opportunity advocate for something else and that's basically elimination multiple slips. Our enforcement abilities and authority don't give up the police powers that the Park Commission has. We don't have the facilities the staffing to go out there and police these kinds of things. All we're trying to do is allow for a greater ability for te Planning Board to comment when facilities are proposed and we think the regulation does that. There was a split on the Planning Board there were two members that would like the Town not to be involved whatsoever in the marina regulations and just leave it to the Park Commission to do this. That's the way it has been done historical I think there is a lot of people who think there is value for the Town to maintain its ability to comment and stay involved I think the Park Commission would rather the municipality stay involved. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The Lake George Park Commission does not have anything to say about parking right? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-When you provide an application for marina you have to provide for those support facilities. One of the reasons were trying to take this on is that you see people parking on the side of the road that might cause a traffic hazard or they might be parking in areas that might not be suitable for parking. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Does it allow us to take care of the parking if it has nothing to do with marina use. The assumptions being that these cars are using a marina what if people just decide they are going to park? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-That's another issue. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Do we have to identify that these people are actually using the marina? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-If the Town has a local road and they want to ban parking on it it's within your authority to do that with the Highway Superintendent's involvement. This is not what's in front of the board right now this is just acknowledging that the LGA has a proposal. Would like to make a presentation to the board on February 10th, to report on some of the things that we're working on some of our accomplishments during the past year. DISCUSSION HELD COUNCILMAN STEC-Asked for an update regarding the Gamer Street situation. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The water was shut off on Friday about twelve thirty had a couple phone calls from contractors interested in doing something but no concrete plans for what's to be done had a conversation with Dave this morning he was going to be meeting with one of those contractors didn't speak to him before the end of the day. SUPERVISOR BROWER- Spoke to the board regarding a comprehensive analysis study of the Towns fund balance situation. Thinks its important to have Henry evaluate a proposal to possibly leave money at the County, but at the same time is concerned about the fiscal ramifications to the Town of doing it want to know for a fact that if they do consider doing something like that were not exposing ourselves in the short term to having to implement a Town tax again. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Need to establish an appropriate reserve. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Asked Mr. Hess what his projection would be to do a study of this type? COMPTROLLER, MR. HESS-Need to know what you are really looking to get out of it. How do you want to allocate fund balance? What do you see as a reserve? What do you see as expendable? What you see as expendable how do you want to spend it thinks this is a key issue. COUNCILMAN BREWER-There used to be a magic number for whatever reason the State did away with that the Comptroller Office must have some kind of an idea of what a reasonable balance is. COMPTROLLER, MR. HESS-The Comptroller manages the finances of municipalities that's why they take the restriction off. COUNCILMAN STEC-Noted all in agreement that this is worthy of further study need to come up with suggestions for Henry as to what we would hope to gain from this. (Tape ran out) RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 101,2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and enters into Executive Session to discuss personnel. Duly adopted this 3rd day of February, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower Noes: None Absent:None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 102, 2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board adjourns its Special Town Board meeting. Duly adopted this 3rd day of February, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Boor Noes: None Absent:None No further action taken. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury