2003-03-03 SP
MARCH 3RD, 2003
RES. 142-144
7:00 P.M.
Discussion held on building project and possible land purchase. Ms. Boucher-noted they have been here
over the last three and a half years working towards the purchase of property and the building of a new
building. Did all of the homework have met several times with our building committee and have spoken
with our lawyer and have chosen Richard Jones to be the Architect for our building project. Pat has
worked close with Richard on making plans for our building with all the stuff that we have looked at over
the years that we liked and has come up with the size of the building that we're proposing. When we came
back before we had said anywhere between one point four and one point seven million project we have
come up with a figure that were looking at. At this time our reasoning for coming to the board we need a
commitment from the Town that you want our building we need to move to purchase property that we have
been looking at the Fire Department on Veterans Road. Supervisor Brower-you haven't purchased te
property at this time? Ms. Boucher-This was part of our inquiry on our soft cost we have to adjust our
budget for 2003 have spoken to Mr. Hess about it. This was one of the things that we needed to come back
to you on was revising our budget to add the soft cost presented figures of what the soft cost would be
noting this doesn't include the price for our building were in right now. Mr. Jones-The sheet entails all of
the items we have been able to identify as far as potential cost to the project at this point. The first item is
property acquisition including legal fees there is also a small fee in there for some survey work that need to
be done anticipating that to be around forty thousand dollars. The building construction site development
site improvements for approximately a ten thousand square foot building is around one point two million.
We have taken a construction contingency including moveable equipment and some new furniture. The
Rescue Squad has quite a bit of existing equipment and furniure that would be utilized from the existing
building in the new one. We have allocated some monies in that number for purchase of new equipment
and furniture. Architectural engineering fees amount to ninety two thousand five hundred other expenses
and these are a full topographic survey of the property there are three other small parcels adjacent to the
portion that they are looking at purchasing from the fire company that need to be surveyed and included
into that plot. We also need some geo-technical work done on the site we have done work next door at the
fire company, but do need geo-technical report work on that portion of the site then there are some fees for
site plan review that comes to approximately sixty six hundred dollars. Based upon other projects that we
have done this approximate size we've included closing costs which are attorney fees we have monies in
there for Phase I Environmental Assessment of the property which would be a requirement of the lending
institution, title company costs, ttle insurance, Warren County Clerk fees for the mortgage itself, bank
commitment and appraisal fees we're estimating that at about seventy five thousand dollars, which brings
the total budget for the project including construction and soft cost to just a little under one point six
million. The building of approximately ten thousand square feet basically we're looking at three drive-thru
ambulance bays and one wash bay. The facility that they are in right now is approximately thirty four
hundred square feet to give you some indication of what they are in right now. That has three ambulance
bays which are extremely undersized they do not have a wash bay they have to take vehicles out to be able
to wash in there. We want to be able to have enough room so they can open doors and still be able to walk
between the vehicles the building is much to tight at the present time. There is also a need in the new
facility for decontamination room in reference to the OSHA and EP A requirements. There would be two
four-prson bedrooms one for male one for female. They currently have two, two bed bedrooms in the
current facility so we'd be basically doubling the size of that. With that we would have two bathrooms one
male and one female and they would be set up so they would be between the sleeping units themselves.
We would have a small commercial kitchen in the facility. They are in dire need of storage space right now
the storage space in the facility they have is limited some very small closet areas. We are also looking at a
small day room so that on-call staff would have a place to sit with a small kitchenette type unit and a public
meeting room serving a multitude of purposes. In looking at the training for the EMS Squad they need a
fairly good size training room to be able to work with the apparatus and do the training that they need to be
able to have for their credit and updates. The room will probably be in the neighborhood of fourteen
hundred and fifty square feet. With that we would have two public restrooms which would be usable by
the public in that area. We would have a small conference room in the facility for sitting for up to twenty
people. Currently the squad has about forty-five individuals they have a cut off of a maximum of fifty
individuals they feel with the new facility they could naturally increase the size of the response teams that
they would have. We would also have three small offices for two to three persons per office a small radio
room and a centrally located laundry room with washer, dryer, those types offacilities for overnight uses
plus squad uses. The building would be around ten thousand square feet it would be some type of a
masonry exterior. We would be looking at a facility that basically would lend itself to a forty to fifty year
structure not looking at a short -term solution. It would sit on what would be the far east side of the existing
parcel that the West Glens Falls Fire Company currently owns towards the residential side. We would be
looking at trying to keep the builing residential in scale something that would fix the context of the
neighborhood plus take off of some of the architecture of the West Glens Falls Fire Company. The parcel
is over two acres that they are looking at the subdivision so we would have adequate space for both the
building, on site parking, the aprons for the rescue squad vehicles coming out. We would like to be able to
orient it towards Veterans Road but because of the width of the parcel at this point were not sure of
orientation on the site itself. Basically as I indicated before we would want drive-thru bays for the response
vehicle areas. As part of the project there are several things that we have to do one is for the Rescue Squad
to purchase the property contingent upon the subdivision from the fire company parcel. At this point we
have had no discussions with Planning and Zoning in reference to that. I know based upon our experience
with Bay Ridge Fire Company the Town is now looking at site plan review requirements for these facilites
whether that's something that would be required we would have to discuss that with Planning and Zoning.
Supervisor Brower-where are you as far as your efforts towards this building? Mr. Jones-We basically
have just been hired we're doing progranuning right now with the Rescue Squad coming up with an overall
concept of what they need for a building with the size and that type of thing. Supervisor Brower-when you
say you were hired recently what are we talking about? Mr. Brennan-The squad has given him a Letter of
Intent that we intend to hire him based on approval from the Town we have not entered a contract with him.
Ms. Boucher-along with the price of the building we have all the items that we used in our last building we
broke the building down and we auctioned off all the material that was inside the building. We like to see
if the Town is not going to utilize the building the money would all go back into the building usage. Mr.
Brennan-they would be auctioned off. Councilman Brewer-why do we ned an architect noting he doesn't
mean any disrespect to anybody? Ms. Boucher-when we started looking around for those plans that
everybody said to go find they really didn't exist for the type of the building we were looking at. We have
talked to several different people over the last three years. Mr. Brennan-I talked to six architects since our
last meeting none of which have plans that you can buy that can't be done. New York State Building Code
requires you to have an architect. Councilman Brewer-with the amount of Firehouses and EMS Squads
that have been built in this area the Capital District here or further north doesn't understand why you can't
copy somebody else's building that has been built. Ms. Boucher-we tried that with Clifton Park. Mr.
Jones-part of the problem is that every EMS Squad has a different program requirement as far as the spaces
how they layout how they relate to each other within the building. Councilman Brewer-what's the balance
of the other property? Mr. Brennan-a hundre and seventy four thousand. Councilman Brewer-how do we
work this do we buy that from them if we want to put the road in there we would have to have the property
to do it we would have to purchase it from them? Supervisor Brower-would think so. Councilman Brewer-
noted they talked about grants for that construction of that road Chris is that a possibility or not? Executive
Director, Mr. Round-Yes, construction of the roadway itself there are a couple funding sources. Supervisor
Brower-we are going to have to have some discussions with your company noting they have good
preliminary information. Questioned if they shared any budget information with Mr. Hess? Ms. Boucher-
we met with Henry before when we were talking about one point seven million. Mr. Brennan-he had
similar line items at our last meeting. It was a hundred thousand dollars higher last time what he
recommended is that we come back to you with this. Then we need to have a public hearing. Councilman
Brewer-will say that you have my support a far as doing it how we do it is something we need to sit down.
Councilman Stec-a building is going to go on that land comfortable saying let's proceed with buying the
land. After that thinks still need to have discussions as to what the bottom line is. Ms. Boucher-questioned
when they are planning on the road to go through? Councilman Boor-would have it today if possible it is
not us that is holding it up. Councilman Brewer-certainly we talked about it we're not going to let that
happen. If you are going to be out of the building before the other building is built there is no way we
could ever let that happen. Executive Director, Mr. Round-2005 is when the Main Street Project is suppose
to be started it was fall of 2004 that's not going to happen. We haven't seen preliminary plans from Warren
County Public Works Highway Department. It will be a two-year construction cycle that's for the Main
Street Project itself. For the connector road it's flexible. Ideally it would be nice to have an alternativ
traffic route before Main Street construction activity start. How this impacts the operation right now the
Town has hired an engineer to design the roadway and we asked him to look at providing a temporary
connection to allow the building to stay in place. My direction has been to engage in discussions with EMS
Squad to show them how a temporary road might impact operations. There is a road there today we have a
road the idea is that temporarily it would come out to that intersection right there and would impact EMS
Squad property. With any project you have to make plans for alternatives that's the alternative that we need
to look at. We just engaged that engineer six weeks ago and they just started the work the entire corridor
has been surveyed this is where we're at. Unknown-is it safe to say the connector road will be going in there
no matter what at this point? Executive Director, Mr. Round-I don't know what that means. Councilman
Brewer-That's our full intention the connector road will go through here. Unknown-Enough to make a
commitment to buy the building? Supervisor Brower-Possibly. A lot of pieces have to fall together but
this is why we're meeting tonight to get a concept of what the EMS Squad sees as their needs then the
Town Board has to evaluate is this reasonable, is it prudent, does it meet our long term objectives for
emergency services in the Town of Queensbury, there are a number of things that we have to consider.
Executive Director, Mr. Round-Questioned how many people would the meeting room/training room hold?
Mr. Jones-it would hold ninety-five. Ms. Boucher-questioned if there was a long-term plan for EMS in the
Town of Queensbury? Supervisor Brower-No. We haven't devised anything without your input. Ms.
Boucher-Thinks it also needs to be known that our emergency squad West Glens Falls also has had a total
of over fifteen hundred calls last year which averages out to four calls a day and it covers the largest part of
Queensbury. That also includes keeping our people there at ight so the response time is less noting the
State is also coming down on response time. Supervisor Brower-questioned if they are the first responders
to ACC? Ms. Boucher-ACC, The Landing. Supervisor Brower-questioned if it was time to revaluate
districts in the Town? Ms. Boucher-I think you'll find it's very territorial I think you would have a hard
time with that. Supervisor Brower-questioned if the new location near the firehouse would not really
increase the response time that much within the district that you serve currently is that's correct? Ms.
Boucher-That's correct. Where we are right now is really good as you know three or four years we've been
crammed in that building and we really need a new building. Executive Director, Mr. Round-questioned if
their meeting room could be used by the public? Ms. Boucher-noted their meeting room is used by many
different organizations and people from the community. The training issue is a big difference because of
the type of the equipment we have to us it's not really equipment that can be traveled back and forth. Mr.
Jones-questioned if a letter had been received from Attorney David Little regarding subdivision approval?
Executive Director, Mr. Round-hasn't received feedback from David Little. Ms. Boucher- to give copy of
survey and map to Mr. Round. Executive Director, Mr. Round-will have Zoning Administrator give
opinion. Executive Director, Mr. Round-noted two lots are for residential purposes, certain Fire
Companies, Churches, enjoy certain privileges under the Zoning Ordinance whether it's subject to review.
We generally defer it conservatively and say public involvement in this process is good so we defer that
whether we have to go through the whole process. I think it would be a very simple one if we do have to
through the approval process. Supervisor Brower-noted that the Town Board would like to go into
Executive Session with Mr. Jones in the near future over some issues before we would entertain further
action on this particular project. s. Boucher-the members and the rest of us sitting here would really like to
know that we could have something concrete. I know we have come back several times and the thought is
out there for us to purchase the property but we have nothing in writing nothing that guarantees that the
Town is going to back us with soft cost money. Supervisor Brower-I understands your desire. I think at
this point in time we've got enough information to discuss amongst ourselves the concept committing to
soft cost of property acquisition. I don't think I want to put the board on the spot at this evenings meeting
certainly it is fair to say that we will seriously entertain and discuss that commitment and hopefully be able
to have an answer for you in the near future. Ms. Boucher-can we put a time line on it? Supervisor
Brower-I say within a month unless other board members don't think that's enough time to make a decision
of that nature? Councilman Boor-I think it's fine on the soft cost I have some other issues. Councilnm
Brewer-I don't think we would have to come up with the whole two hundred and ten thousand dollars this
year we have to come up with the money to buy the land. We're talking about a commitment for the
purchase I have no problem with that at all only because that money is going to go to the fire company
which in turn they are going to use that money back on another project that we talked about previous to
that. Supervisor Brower-you are assuming that's what they are going to use the money for. Councilman
Brewer-I talked to them they are going to use that money they have too. The only way the bank will let
them sell that land is if they put that money back into the building. Supervisor Brower-my goal is not to
delay you it's just to give you idea that we're seriously interested in seeing you relocate. I think this is a
reasonable location for your squad where you can make good response times in Queensbury. I don't see it
being that much of a delay to hit the Northway when you have to go on the Northway. Thanked everyone
for coming.
Discussion held regarding marina special use permits. Executive Director, Mr. Round-noted the Town
Clerk received sixteen letters you had a half of dozen people speak at the Town Board Meeting. We
proposed a change to the special use permit process that would acknowledge and authorize grandfathering
of marinas that could document their existence prior to a particular calendar year it just laid out what kind
of materials would be provided. I think most of the concern at the public hearing came in response to the
LGA Postcard. It says the Town of Queensbury is examining the proposing changes to the special use
permit requirements for marinas. The LGA goes on to advocate the changes should include phasing in the
requirement that only one boat slip rental be allowed per residential lot. I think that's what generated much
of the concern. My memo that was given last week asked that you move forward at least adopting the
grandfathering clause so that we can at least handle two existing marinas that are in thepipeline right now.
That's not to say we are going to grandfather both of those but I think one of those is probably eligible for
grandfathering the other remains to been seen whether they can provide substantial evidence to allow them
to do that. The larger issue some of the public's concern at least the public that voiced their concern about
increase boat usage on the lake. The Town doesn't regulate boat usage on the lake the Town has a long
history of having dock regulations consistent with the Park Commission Regulations that basically limit the
length up to forty feet. They limit the number of docks based on shore frontage so depending on your shore
frontage you have an incremental number of docks and footage that you are allowed. We did not up until
2002 allow for commercial marinas on the lake. We're not proposing new commercial marinas or
advocating new ones be established there is very little land or opportunity. I think the special use permit
process does allow existing commercial marinas to ntertain expansion and allows the Planning Board to
regulate those activities, which was not allowed to previously. I think there was recognition by the Zoning
Steering Committee and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee that marinas are necessary entities
to allow for the recreational use along the lake. Prior to April 2002 they wanted to come and do some
facility expansion or modification they would have to go through a very cumbersome process. The Town
wants to regulate those activities we said special use permit process is the way to do it. The changes that
we proposed let's get everybody who is out there in the door and give them a permit. In order for them to
get in the door those existing facilities they needed to document how long they have been there. You are
going to hear public concern about how we administer that process. There were a couple of good
suggestions the LGA had offered about how to administer that process and we will entertain those. What
we are looking for tonight is direcion to move forward with the change that we had proposed previously. I
think the board is willing to entertain a dialogue with those entities around the lake about marinas and boat
uses I think we need to involve the Lake George Association, Lake George Park Commission, and other
entities the marinas operators that have a vested interest in the lake. Supervisor Brower-the grandfathering
issue to me seemed reasonable because if someone can prove that they used a piece of property to me that's
pretty significant. I personally think that not only has significance that they have a certain amount of
ownership in having the continuous use for that purpose over the years. For something to come forward
and simply arbitrarily say you are not going to be able to do this anymore seems a little drastic to me.
Councilman Turner-I agree. That's where we got to meet with the LGA and everybody that's involved in it
get our heads together on this issue. Councilman Brewer-who enforces this? Councilman Boor-what
about here property have changed hands say three times since 1981 does the present owner is it incumbent
on him to provide proof that in fact a commercial operation was running since 1981. What criteria is the
planning and zoning it puts a lot of power and authority in his hands and I want to make sure that its fair.
There may be certain instances where its common knowledge that a marina existed, but specific
documentation may not be available to current owners. Is that something we need to work on is that gone
as soon as we give the okay to go ahead and do this? Executive Director, Mr. Round-as we anything we
don't know how a particular landowner might document the existing use. The regulations that are proposed
says, to substantiate the use qualifies for this exemption the property owner shall submit a site plan review
application together with the information demonstrating (I) The structure associated with use for
constructing according to permit procedures which were enforced by the Town at time of construcion.
We're looking for do you have a building permit for those docks. (2) The use of the property and associated
structures have been continuous to date without interruption since prior to 1981 for marinas and prior to
1967 for all other uses. This regulation also applies to other special use permit uses not just marinas. In
1981 it was arbitrary...DEC started issuing permits. If the Zoning Administrator judgment is in question
whoever is in that particular office noted any of these decisions are appeal able to the Zoning Board of
Appeals. Councilman Boor-hopes they can do this in a way that is fair. Executive Director, Mr. Round-
there was a suggestion I think that rather than the Administrator make the decision that a board make the
decision. What we're trying to do is handle some things administratively the LGA had recommendation
rather than put all this burden on the Zoning Administrator why not put in the Planning Board or the
Zoning Board of Appeals noting this is an alternative. Councilman BoorAt first glance when I hear that I
like that better only because you've got more heads. If the Zoning Administrator makes somewhat of an
arbitrary call and its disagreed with sometimes these things get very personal and gets very muddy.
Executive Director, Mr. Round-we can have a discussion with the Planning Board asking them is this a role
that you want to play. Part of this is because the Planning Board is having difficulty accepting this new
role. Generally what the Planning Board does is they are either looking at plans that are devised by an
engineer to create residential subdivisions or they are looking at plans that were devised by an engineer to
create commercial site plans. The couple of projects that came in they are basically a family who has been
renting boat slips on a dock so we're trying to apply the same standard and burden of proof to these
residential facilities it becomes somewhat problematic. Councilman Boor-noted he agreed with
Councilman Turner that they need to get all the agencie on the same page. Executive Director, Mr. Round-
The Park Commission has advocated there is a benefit to local involvement. Generally you see in any kind
of regulatory framework generally there is more responsive at the local level than there is when you get
into a regional organization or state organization there is an advantage with it. Do I hear the consensus to
put this back on and look at the modification to give the Planning Board that authority rather than the
Zoning Administrator? Councilman Turner-I think so. Supervisor Brower-Why would it be the Planning
Board verses the Zoning Board? Executive Director, Mr. Round-The way its written now is the Zoning
Administrator is going to review this information and say, yeah we grandfather you typically that's an
administrative function. The alternative I think that Roger was advocating is lets put it in the Planning
Boards hand and let the Planning Board grandfather the application and issue the application. Councilman
Brewer-If the Planning Board dos it does this fall in the criteria where they have to get on the agenda by the
last Wednesday of the month? Executive Director, Mr. Round-I assume it would. Supervisor Brower-how
we will advertise so everybody knows that they have to fill out an application? Executive Director, Mr.
Round-will do a public outreach. Councilman Brewer-recommended taking three or four people from the
Planning Board and that committee just do this function rather than at the Planning Board Meetings.
Executive Director, Mr. Round-could do it that way. Would recommend thinks reasonable change is to put
the authority the special use permit issue by the Planning Board. For those grandfathered we will put a
group of them all together in front of the Planning Board and they will judge. From that point forward if
you don't obtain a permit by a particular cut off date then you have to go through a review process and
obtain a new permit. Supervisor Brower-everyone feel comfortable with that. Town Board-yes.
Supervisor Brower-This came up on the Town Board agenda last Monday it was a Petition for Change of
Zone. At the time it was defeated sending it to the Planning Board three to two. Valente has since
withdrawn his application for the rezone request with the idea that he'll bring it back in the future in
possibly some other form or the same form don't know that.
Executive Director, Mr. Round-you heard public comment. We did our best to communicate with two the
landowners that were involved in the project and solicit their input on the changes that were proposed to the
residential subdivision on Bayberry Drive. There was some comment where the...1ine should be. We
basically placed an arbitrary line three hundred feet from Bay Road; I think Mr. Hughes proposed that. The
entire parcel be kept in the PO Zone with exception I think there were two smaller lots that might have
been previously approved as part of a subdivision. We are looking for direction from the board on where to
place that line. There is no motivation on the Town Staff part to do anything our concern is the front of be
zoned PO so it is consistent with the Bay Road corridor. Supervisor Brower-I thought they made a good
point up to the top of the hill where the existing house is which I assume would be considered professional
office as well. Richard Hughes, Jr.-that's my Dad's property you are onl seven hundred feet from Bay Road
right back to the back property line that's what he would like the majority of the clientele that's looking and
brokerage is a business Mom & Pop type thing and an in-law apartment type complex attached to the
property. Executive Director, Mr. Round-this is the line this is the property line this is all a single parcel up
front. There may be two lots out here. Mr. Hughes-there are three lots that are actually Brookview Acre
lots here. My Dad wants from Bay Road to right down this line here Bayberry would be the PO Drive.
Executive Director, Mr. Round-this would be PO here...Mr. Hughes-Then your brooks here and then this
lot right down here is also PO which is Bay Road exposure. Councilman Boor-the little one goes to the
three hundred and the other one you want further back. Supervisor Brower-where is the house? Mr.
Hughes-right here. Executive Director, Mr. Round-we don't have a lot of input on that. I think the
Planning Board they were deferring to Town Staff whereto place the line. Councilman Boor-I don't have a
problem with it. Executive Director, Mr. Round-the setback if there is a travel corridor there is a five foot
setback in that area still. It is tough when you look at parcel specific how setbacks are applied to a single
parcel it gets real difficult to craft the Zoning Ordinance to address a single piece of property. Supervisor
Brower-actually we probably shouldn't address just a single piece of property if we can make it contiguous
along that line. Executive Director, Mr. Round-South of that is all PO what you are looking at if that's the
desire of the board we can prepare you a map that will show you that particular PO zone. Councilman
Brewer-we are doing a zone not a piece of property that is what your contention is right Chris? Executive
Director, Mr. Round-there may be two residential lots that exists there it would make sense if the
residential lots to keep them in a residential zone. In the absence of documentation that there are lots one
and tw there and you keep it in a PO zone PO does allow multi-family dwelling. Executive Director, Mr.
Round-if we can get documentation we will prepare a map for showing those two lots and showing those to
stay in a residential designation. The second part of this discussion is the residential designation. Mr.
Coons has been advocating that suburban residential designation be used and lieu of the single-family
residential designation. The single family residential only allow for single-family dwellings it does not
allow for anything else. It does allow for a Church with site plan review. Suburban residential does allow
with site plan review it allows duplexes, multi-family dwellings. Councilman Boor-multi-family to what
extent? Executive Director, Mr. Round-it would be according to the twenty thousand square feet.
Councilman Boor-you are sixteen acres? Mr. Hughes-IO.59 acres according to the deed. Executive
Director, Mr. Round-It does allow Bed & Breakfast, Cemetery, Daycare Center, place of worship,
andSchool with site plan review. Mr. Coon's argument is that there are duplexes on this property there are
a proposed apartment complex on Schermerhorn's property, apartments on here, apartments down the
street. If this area if zoned SFR it wouldn't be consistent with adjoining land uses and SR would allow for
some duplexes or apartments. Councilman Turner-are you going to take a road out of there to
Meadowbrook Road or are you going....to Bayberry? Mr. Hughes-according to deed restrictions you can't
tie Bayberry to Meadowbrook Road that's in the deed restrictions. Executive Director, Mr. Round-we don't
know what the landowner on Meadowbrook Road is proposing. Councilman Boor-how is this zoned now?
Executive Director, Mr. Round-right now it is zoned professional office. PO does allow duplexes with site
plan review and allows multi-family with site plan review. It doesn't allow single-family residences and
there are single-family residences on there you could make the argument that you keep it in PO, butthat
would be the only professional office zone on Meadowbrook Road. It's difficult directly east of and
directly north of that's part of the PUD so that's kind of a mix of a couple different land uses. Councilman
Turner-if you characterize the whole neighborhood you can see what's going there is residential in a
different form. Schermerhorn is in the back if he puts that development in there those are all apartments.
Councilman Boor-do we want to continue the whole thing with apartments or do we want to start looking at
SR zoning asked the board. Executive Director, Mr. Round-what we are trying to do is accommodate and
preserve the single-family residential that are in there that's why we chose the SFR. Thinks Mr. Coons
makes a good argument that end of Meadowbrook is really multi-family for you to impose single-family
residential zoning on that end....Councilman Turner-if he is going to do anything he has to bring in a sketch
showing what he wants to do place the buildings where we wants to put them i he can. Executive Director,
Mr. Round-in the interest of reaching closure we will prepare a map showing the PO zone as proposed by
Mr. Hughes then a map with the SR-20 designation on there or SFR? There is no sense of urgency to move
this forward. Councilman Brewer-if any point in time if he ever wants to come in and try and have it
rezoned he has that option. Councilman Boor-unless he builds on it. Councilman Boor-I think we should
keep it SFR. Councilman Brewer-SFR. Executive Director, Mr. Round-SFR, okay.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and
moves into Executive Session to discuss personnel.
Duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 2003, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower
Noes: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session
and moves back into Regular Session.
Duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 2003, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brower, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Boor
Noes: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board
Duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 2003, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner
Noes: None
No further action taken.
Respectfully Submitted,
Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury