2003-03-17 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 17, 2003 MTG.#14 Res. 170-172 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR-Absent COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER Supervisor Dennis Brower-Opened the meeting. Introduced a Scout from Troup 16 and three students from Queensbury High School who are representing Mr. Kennys Government Class and Mr. Strough's Government Class and welcomed them to the meeting. 1.0 RESOLUTIONS NONE 2.0 DISCUSSIONS 2.1 West Glens Falls Fire Company Contract Supervisor Brower-Introduced Mr. John Wells from the West Glens Falls Fire Company Noted he had met with the Fire Company on the 9th and urged the fire company to sign the contract, I have reviewed the history of the fire company funding for the last twelve years and basically we talked about contract language. Representative of West Glens Falls Fire Company Mr. John Wells- Noted he wished to speak to the Board regarding some contract language that the company has reservations on. Supervisor Brower-Noted the language that was referred to was, the fire company hereby acknowledges the joint intention to open the contract prior to the expiration for possible negotiations regarding application of underutilized operating budgets and the employment of an independent accountant as bookkeeper for all companies. What is your worst fear with that language? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-A lack of understanding on why it was added. Starting with the first half where it says revising the application of underutilized operating budgets it is covered under page 4 of the proposed contract and the previous contract, that provides that any money left over in a particular budget line shall be used a. as an off set against expenses for the next year or if requested by the fire company and approved by the Town Board to reduce any debt. So in our opinion it is already liberally covered the utilization of unutilized operating funds. The second part of employment of an independent accountant as a bookkeeper, again we do not have the understanding of the reason why that is added. Noted the language of the contract adequately covers any scenario that could arise. Page 5 we are required by July 15th to provide to the Town Board in the annual audit in a format prescribed by the Town Board. On Page 7 the Town has the option of doing an independent audit...all fre company books and records shall be subject to an independent audit by certified public accountant selected by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury and paid for by the Town at such times as the Town Board shall determine appropriate. With language in the current contract that address these issue that we see maybe an issue for the Town I do not understand why the current language that is in there? Councilman Turner-Noted that we are not going to take anything away from you, that we already given you, we are not taking the fund money or anything. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-We are not worried about taking away funds this is administrative stuff that we feel is going to erode our independence away as a company. Councilman Turner-We understand that you are independent and as far as I am concerned that is where you are and that is where you stand. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-Why are we adding the language in there? There has to be some scenario or impetus that caused the Town Board or a Member of the Board to introduce the language into the contract? Supervisor Brower-It was proposed, I believe, by Bay Ridge Fire Company that language and I believe we mentioned it to every company and several of the companies thought it was a great idea. It would alleviate them of some work that they currently do. This gives us the opportunity to set down with all the fire companies and talk about it. Councilman Stec-It does not obligate you to anything other than a potential discussion between now and the end of the contract. There is no ulterior motive on my part and I am sure not on the Board's part, we do five contracts and aim to get all five to be the same other than the dollars and cents. The hardest part about negotiating the contracts is understanding the dollars and cents and some companies are very good at not doing this, others are very much, tend to say look at what they do and in the end we are looking at five different financial formats and we are trying to make an apples to oranges comparison. What we were thinking, if one person was doing the books then if we said how much does each department spend on hoses and if one department has a line or hoses and another department has one big line for small equipment then you get into the look it up and report back, if we had it so they were identical kind of lines then, maybe we could do that without a bookkeeper if maybe we all sat down and ageed to one format. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-Noted that was addressed in the contact where it is presented in a Town accepted format. Supervisor Brower-Your company specifically requested we pay for a bookkeeper. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-We asked for three thousand dollars as a stipend for the bookkeeper because it is allowed under law. Supervisor Brower-Questioned if non town funds are used to pay the bookkeeper? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-Noted the bookkeeper is not paid. Councilman Stec- What would come out of this? The bookkeeper would be the same set of eyes that say we paid two dollars a foot for hose here and this company is getting it for...we could consolidate buying, noted this was how it evolved with the language that is here. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-Noted that this would be another level of bureaucracy the next level will be commissioners that is where we fear this is going which we do not want. Noted the issues lean toward a purchasing agent not a bookkeeper. We are having the discussion because one company wanted it in there. Councilman Turner-The only time the fire company ever had a problem with the previous board was when they took the fire truck money away and they put it in one account we gave it back 1996-97. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-That is when they took it. Councilman Turner-They took it and kept it for a year or so. Representative ofW.G. F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-We were supposed to get it back last year we had a verbal promise...we did not get it. Councilman Turner-We gave the promise that, that money was your money and you were going to get it back. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-It was not included in the budget. We came up here again and talked and Henry Hess said oh I forgot to put it in and we did not get it. Councilman Turner -You did not get it at all? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-No. Councilman Stec- They did not get it that year. Fire Co. Representative-Just to clarify something else we had to come up here and fight for the ten thousand dollars in cost overruns with the Town Board. Henry made us jump through hoops to prove otherwise which was already promised us with delays going into winter how many meetings we sat down for it and then... was just getting you guys to just sign off as to not being liable for the loan on the tower when we wanted it. Councilman Turner-You did not get that insurance money I know that Pete and I went to Henry and you got your insurance money. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-But look what it took to get it. Every step of the way it seems like we are butting heads. We are looking to do something for the community here we are not looking to profit from this in any way, all the money is going right back into the fire house. Councilman Turner-You have the idea that we are looking to take something away from you, we are not looking to do anything. There is no ulterior motive as far as this board goes I will tell you that right now. Councilman Stec-I understand your point and I am just trying to facilitate the discussion here tonight but I, it does not obligate you. I do not see that there is a risk. It obligates you to talk about it which is what we are doing right now. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-In the first sentence the Town Board and Fire Company hereby acknowledges the joint intention to open the contract then we sign it that obligates us. Supervisor Brower-It obligates you to sit down and talk with us sure. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-We are telling you right now there is no reason to have that in there because we have no intention of entertaining either one of these ideas. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-Ifwe sign it what happens if you say you want to talk about and then we say we do not want to the contract has been open, you could draw down the money and say well until you guys come talk to us we are not paying you. Supervisor Brower-That would be a likely scenario. That would be a likely scenario if you do not sign the contract. Representative ofW.G. F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-We go on with one twelfth of the money for however long it takes. Supervisor Brower-No, that doesn't happen only when you are negotiating in good faith when the company tells us we are not signing the contract period after all our discussions then it changes.. Councilman Brewer-Why would we want to go there? Supervisor Brower-I do not want to go there. Councilman Turner-That is what I am trying to tell them we are not going to go there, we have gone there. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co. Mr. Wells-There is so much language in here that is just, we are not disagreeing with any of the stuff, how you can say we are not negotiating in good faith when it comes to one issue is, if we stood up and walked out that is not in good faith but we are meeting here we asked to meet with you guys, I do not know what more good faith you want. We are still fighting fires no matter what happens. Supervisor Brower-I think it is a minor issue personally. I know the Board adopted the contract four of the five fire companies signed it and we are here talking to you to try and alleviated your concerns but I did tell John that I do not believe that the Board is going to open the contract to change the language. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-It does not have to be open there is a provision in there where it can be either strike sentences with your initial on it and adopt it as it is written. Having said that we float a proposal to you, you asked us in the past to accept verbal agreements with no written policy the most recent one is the repair of our roof. We asked for an addendum on that to cover that and you said no our verbal word, we verbally agreed that we will take care of that when it comes up. We propose to you to strike this, Dennis signs it, eliminate it completely and I will verbally agree as the President of the Company that should it come down to it we will sit down and talk to you but not be by the ... Councilman Turner-By the same token lets go back over it, you guys came to us you wanted a ladder truck Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-We bought it ourselves. Councilman Turner-I know you did but we backed you, we said if, we would give you the money if something happens... Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-No. we got the sign off by not being responsible for the loan so there was not a backing on that truck. Councilman Turner-I took it as a backing. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-The bank did not take it that way and neither did we, we pay for ourselves and that was part of the fight for you guys to say that you would not be responsible for this loan if we would go to fault which was not going to happen. We had to fight to get a signature on that. So, as far as backing goes I personally do not see that as backing. Councilman Brewer-Could we do something that would make everybody happy? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-I could propose a one word change in that. Councilman Brewer-What is that? This to me says we are going to do it. In my mind we talked about it and I would think that if all of us agree that we have an intention that we may discuss it. It does not say that we are going to open the contact and do it. I do not see why it has to be in the contract anyways because I cannot honestly remember me as a Town Board Member going to any department in any squad or fire company or department in this town and asking them to talk about something and not be able to talk about it. I think that is the way we should do business and I do not think that every time we want to do something, they want to do something we have to be bound by paragraphs and whereas's and thou r's and that nonsense. Councilman Turner-We have never been bound by paragraphs. We have always given them everything that they wanted. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-This is about a perception that we have that is not in our best interests it is not current, it is future. Supervisor Brower-Why isn't it in your best interest, I do not quite understand that stuff. What are you concerned about with having an independent bookkeeper in your company? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-We as a company have no problem with our books but then why you refused us three thousand dollars in a stipend for a ...which is by law is allowed, but you are going to pay thirty five or forty thousand dollars for an accountant bookkeeper to do it for all five companies. Councilman Brewer-I understand what they are saying every company gives us an audit and if there is a problem with the audits then we ought to be saying hey fellows there is a problem with the audits this is what we want to do to rectify it but we have never done that. I have never looked at their audits. We have a comptroller and he has not to my knowledge the last three years ever brought an audit to me as a Town Board Member and said we have a problem with this, lets take care of it. I think we are making a big to-do over this over nothing. I think we have better things to do and worry about than arguing over the joint intention to open a contract to talk about something we mayor may not do. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-This whole thing is addressed in many ways in here, talking about the Town Board can send someone in to do an audit...we are required to file a 9-90 which is a public record...by law that is all we need to provide anybody is the 9-90. The whole audit and the management letter and everything else that we have to pay for is because of this and you requested it and that is what we are giving you. All of sudden what are you guys doing with money on such and such and next thing we know we have an independent auditor coming in from outside. That is what our guy is, independent, he has to provide you with what he sees. I do not know how much more of an independent audit that you are going to get. What you see as putting somebody in side our house every day of the week going to do because that is what he is going to have to be, because every time we need a check is this guy going to be available for that, I doubt it. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-Are we going to be able to call him 9 to 5 Monday through Friday? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-Being a fire fighter we are not getting paid for this, ok, everything else that requires the fire company to survive and run is above and beyond what we have to do. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-I would offer a compromise in the language the first sentence in saying this, Dennis has already told me on the phone that the Board has no intention of changing the language of this, but I will present it as negotiating in good faith. The way it currently reads now, the Town Board and the Fire Company hereby acknowledges the joint intention to open the contract prior to expiration. The proposed change to read the Town Board hereby acknowledges its intention to open the contract. Eliminate the word Fire Company and the word joint. Because as a Board you have that right to do it whether it is in there or not. There does not have to be language in there you can do this without it being in there because that is your right as a board. Representative of W. G.F. Fire Co. -Two parties either one can request the opening of a contract for negotiations anyway. Councilman Brewer-That is fine with me. Councilman Stec- I do not think that the paragraph is critical to the contract. If it makes everybody feel better, because John you are exactly right, whether it is in there or not in there how it is written it doesn't matter, and it doesn't, I do not think that has a whole lot of teeth anyways. That is why, I gees, it does not obligate you but if it makes you guys feel better I think we have wasted enough time on it. I really think we are splitting hairs but I do not sit in your shoes so I just do not get how this is that big a deal because no more could you interpret that, that you are obligated. To do anything than show up at a meeting talk for five minutes and say no this is not going to work for us and then you have fulfilled that clause. But, if it is going to make the difference between, you know, walking out of here with rotten feelings and then I am willing to let it go. The concern that is out there, is that we do try to keep these uniform, I will be sending the message to the other four so yu guys signed too quick. That is the concern, that we do try to keep the contract language the same so that no one feels that they got a better deal than the other company or whatever and that's my only hesitation in changing that and I think that is a big chunk of the board that we get nervous about negotiating something a little bit different than you, we try to keep the language the same. Councilman Brewer-The main part of the contract Dan is one guy gets better than the other because it is dollar and cents... Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Dept.-Again, if that was all brought up in the negotiations in the beginning that you wanted to change the...instead of just mentioning one or two companies maybe everybody would have had an opinion but it wasn't. It was just mentioned to one or two companies... Councilman Stec-It got into this after you guys took the first swing, I do not fault you for saying hey, no one asked us. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-Just to alleviate Dennis's concerns page 13 section 16 no waiver or modification to any provision of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing, and signed by an authorized representative of the party against ..in charge so. So this could be stricken with you initial and be signed and be valid. It does not have to be reopened it does not have to go to another resolution. Supervisor Brower-You got a question forty two, what have you against the fire district? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-I do not understand the question. Supervisor Brower-Fire commissioners, fire district? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-The Charters is going to prevent it from happening, number two it's a step where we go from being a private volunteer fire company to having a quasi municipal arm that is now over looking everything we do. Telling us that we do not know what the hell we are doing and we have got to be watched. Unknown-Or it could be protecting the taxpayers interest in the whole deal with the four companies, three ems, you guys spend a petty good chunk of change. The volunteers I think it is great that we have volunteers because there are not a lot of people left to do that anymore but if you move toward a board of commissioners I am not advocating that you do. Certainly it would protect my interests as a tax payer in town. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-But don't you think that is already covered with a? Unknown-No, for a couple of reasons one is that it brings too much political arm twisting into the negotiations sessions when you guys start talking about budgets it is much like a union deal. The fire companies should all be in here at the same time not negotiating separate contracts you guys should be negotiating the same contract dollar and cents could be different but the language in the contract should be the same for every one of you. That is the way that should go. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-I would disagree because we are five separate individual companies. Unknown-But there is one tax district for this entire town. There is separate tax districts for each one of your compames. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-We get paid differently. But if we are going to have the same exact contract we should have the same exact dollars which that does not make any sense. Councilman Brewer-You couldn't do that. Basically Doug that is what has tried to be done and maybe we should have a representative from each company when we do these contracts, maybe we have been doing it wrong. We are doing it as has been done in the past. Nobody here is saying we couldn't leam something from this but the reason why we have all the companies individually is because the bulk of the contract like we said before is dollars and cents. We all have different needs and so that is what you try to hammer out when we sit in these rooms and talk about those things. Maybe that is a great idea that we should have a representative from each one of the companies. Unknown-But you are addressing a different issue here right now you are not talking about dollars and cents. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-If you do go to districts you are going to put two companies right out of business, the one you just spent almost three million dollars on the building, for out of business. South Queensbury, out of business. Unknown-Does that mean we don't need those two companies to begin with? Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-Absolutely not. Unknown-Why spend three million on a building if... Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-Dennis said what have you got against them, we are looking out for our fellow fire fighters also. You put two other companies out of business then what happens. Supervisor Brower-How would you put them out of business? Representative of W. G.F. Fire Co. -The tax base. If we go to a Board of Commissioners with districts the entitlement for fire companies increases enormously as far as the tax base. I believe it is four percent of the tax base you are entitled to which we do not get four percent now. We are off the path here we will sign it, take our fire company out and make its instead of.... Councilman Brewer-I can live with it. Supervisor Brower-I am opposed to having a different contract but that is just my feeling, I think every company should have the same contract. Councilman Stec-I understand that concern but I just think right now there is more to be lost and less to be gained by digging in. It is not worth digging in to me. I do think there is a lot of value in having one set of language. Hopefully if we do this it will not come back to bite us with the other four companies two years from now when it is time to negotiate the next contract. I am willing to take the risk that it will work out ok. Councilman Brewer-Why don't we change it with the other four? Councilman Stec-Maybe we could do that. We can tell them what we did for you and if the others... What we were looking for was notice that we wanted to talk about this and I think we have accomplished that. I do not think it has to be in the contract. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-Quite honestly it could have been said verbally during the whole process and never added in here. You would never thought twice about it, you would called us up and look this is what we are looking to do, would you come down and sit and say what you have to say. But you put it in language that binds us to some kind of agreement as a result of that meeting. Councilman Stec-My only point before, I do not think the language is that strong but I do not sit in your shoes so it is not worth arguing. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-If you want a representative deal what you should do is wait about two years from now and have a representative from each one of the companies one or two come to a meeting in a workshop and come up with some sort of understanding on language and then it is one contact. Unknown-Spoke to the Board about the former Fire Protection Committee if you wanted to buy a fire truck they had to approve it to the Town Board. Supervisor Brower-My greatest concern is that each company comes in and has a plan of their own and yet the over all needs of the town may not be addressed. I personally think we have plenty of ladder trucks in the town between us and the City of Glens Falls and yet I have heard some companies say they feel they need a ladder truck with them in the next three years or so. Representative of W. G.F. Fire Co. -the company that says that is why this under utilized operating budget is in there so they can take and give you their operating budget, spend ten percent of that less than what they propose and put it into a truck fund, so in three years they can buy that truck. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-We have had a study done on what we need in the Town. Councilman Stec- Y ou have heard from all four of us now on your suggestion, Roger is not here, I know how he felt. He has reservations about changing the contract for the reason that I threw out, that there is I think a valid train of thought in saying the language should be identical if at all possible but again speaking for myself it is not that important. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-Could you at least acknowledge that it was not negotiated? Councilman Stec-To my knowledge it wasn't. We never sat in this room. You and I and said we are going to put this in the contract. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-Having said that, it wasn't negotiated it was added in there, take out obligation to that, out of there and leave your intention in there and that is fine. Councilman Stec- Tim and Ted, and saying that they can live with it, Dennis has an issue with it and it is a valid issue but I am not going to fault them for feeling that way, for me it is not worth fighting over. I can live with asking Dennis to make that change. We should let Roger know what we are doing before, I do not think we should do it tonight. Roger needs to be in the loop and I am sure you will want to double check with Counsel as far as if it is legal to do, apparently there are three of us to say make the change. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire CO.-If you make the change I will sign the contract tomorrow. Councilman Stec-Noted Mr. Boor is out of town for two weeks, I do not think there is any harm in waiting two weeks. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-My fear is Roger comes back and he is against it, and it doesn't get agreed upon and we are right back where we started. Councilman Brewer-Three of us agree on it. Councilman Stec-For the purpose of the record and Roger's ears he would feel a little, and I am not saying he would be raising a big stink I mean, maybe after hearing the discussion that he would say fine, like I did. I came in here and just changing the language for one company and setting a little bit of a precedent here we opened a can of worms, I will take the risk that everyone understands how we got here and the other four will understand how we got here and they will forgive us if we say ok we are going to make this mod, maybe the way to make it right by them is to offer the same mod to them and maybe they will take it. Requested that Town Counsel be contacted tomorrow to see if this can be done. Supervisor Brower-Ted are you for this change? Councilman Turner-Yes Supervisor Brower-Dan? Councilman Stec- Yes. Supervisor Brower-Tim? Councilman Brewer-Yes. Representative ofW.G.F. Fire Co.-So we are leaving with a majority board vote. 2.2 SOUTH QUEENSBURY FIRE COMPANY LEASE BUYOUT Supervisor Brower-Recognized Bill Duell of the So. Qsby. Fire Department. Questioned what car was to be bought out? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-The Black Jimmy Supervisor Brower-When did you lease that? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Three years ago. Supervisor Brower-How many miles do you have on it? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Twenty five or twenty six. Supervisor Brower-You want to buy the lease out? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Yes. Supervisor Brower-How much is it to buy the lease out? Councilman Turner-Twelve thousand nine hundred. Supervisor Brower-How many vehicles do you have over there? So. Qsby, Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-The Chiefs Vehicle and this vehicle, two. Supervisor Brower-Who drives it? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-It is shared amongst the Chiefs, we use it as an ems ... Supervisor Brower-Is this car going to be going home with someone every night? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Yes. Supervisor Brower-You are using the fund raising ... So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-It is strictly fund raising no town money pays for that. All we are asking for is permission to secure a loan for that amount of money that we will pay for out of our fund raising account every month. Councilman Brewer-How much money do you have in fund raising. So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Right now we have six thousand dollars, in that area. Noted they cleared seven hundred on a breakfast... we may have a car wash every couple of months that net us usually two to six hundred dollars. Noted there will be a dinner coming up soon. Supervisor Brower-If we tell you, you cannot do this you will only have one vehicle, and you will have to turn in the lease? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Yes Supervisor Brower-Were you aware that our intent was to have one vehicle per company? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Yes. When we did that we had two for the price of one... Unknown-When is the lease up on the Chiefs vehicle? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-We just got that one, last fall. I do not think they will buy that one out, I think they will turn it back in and get a new one. This one is the ems fly car to get there .. Supervisor Brower-Who is your Chief now? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Kevin LaPoint. Supervisor Brower-So, he is driving the Chiefs car, who is driving this car? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-I do, Eric Lettus, Ron Dufour has it and Chris... Supervisor Brower-When they have it, they are on call? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-If they have the vehicle they are so to speak on call. If an ems call goes they have to go. Supervisor Brower-They respond before the ambulance gets there? So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-Yes. Supervisor Brower-What is the status of the other companies? Councilman Turner-I have heard that Qsby. Central has a van, So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-West has a van, Qsby. Central got a van, North Qsby. has a van... Councilman Brewer-Is this a situation where they had a van or bought a van? Councilman Turner-I will not say yes or nO...it must have been fund raising money... Unknown-If the Town is trying to get back to one vehicle, who is responsible for gas, oil, grease, maintenance all that stuff on one that is purchased out of fund raising? If you are going to continue to fund it through a lease program for the Chiefs? Supervisor Brower-They are responsible through their fund raising for that vehicle. Mr. Tucker-Questioned if they have to come in front of the Board for any vehicle purchase? Supervisor Brower-Yes. So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-How did they get these vans that you people don't know about? Everybody has two vehicles anyway. We are using ours for a ems fly car, theirs are sitting in the station until they have a call that the auxiliary goes out on or they go to a school somewheres. Ours goes to Syracuse and Montour Falls fire academy... Councilman Brewer-Before we did this with the Chiefs car the Town did not fund any cars, now we fund it two or two and a half years ago and the intent was one car for the Chief because that is what was asked for when we did the contract. Mr. Tucker-Noted that some of the squads had fly cars. Supervisor Brower-Qsby. Central came to us on board first and asked us for, six thousand dollars so they could lease a vehicle for the chief, and that is what we started with, one vehicle, and you guys said we can get two for six thousand dollars and that is what happened. So. Qsby. Fire Co. Representative Bill Duell-We are not asking the Town to buy it, we are willing to pay for that out of our fund raiser, it is that useful to the company. Councilman Brewer-I do not know how we can say no if they are using their own money to pay for it. Supervisor Brower-I guess I do not have a problem with it. Councilman Brewer-So we need a resolution next Monday? Supervisor Brower-Yes I think so. Thanked the Representative of So. Qsby. Fire Company for coming to the meeting. Councilman Turner-Questioned if the Supervisor saw the letter from the Cemetery Commission on hiring a person. Supervisor Brower-I am opposed to them hiring another person. Councilman Turner-Noted that they are down two men. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 170.2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an Executive Session regarding assessment litigation. Duly adopted this 17th day of March, 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Boor RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 171.2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns it's Executive Session. Duly adopted this 17th day of March, 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Boor RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 172.2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Session. Duly adopted this 17th day of March, 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Boor Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury