1991-03-12 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 12, 1991 4:31 P.M. MTG#lO RES#157-164 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Stephen Borgos Councilman Marilyn Potenza Councilman Ronald Montesi Attorney Paul Dusek TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Councilman George Kurosaka Councilman Betty Monahan Supervisor Borgos-Opened the Meeting-The primary purpose of this meeting is to go into Executive Session to deal with a personnel and labor relations matter and one additional personnel matter, before that we have a few resolutions for the Board to consider... RESOLUTION NO. 157, 1991,Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is authorized to temporarily advance moneys held in any fund to any other fund, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the temporary advance of funds to the accounts or funds indicated, and in the amounts indicated, as set forth below: FROM: TO: $AMOUNT o I-General Fund 87 -Cronin Bridge $ 29,660.78 40-Queensbury Water 76-Quaker Rd. Sewer C 12,600.00 o I-General Fund 76-Quaker Rd. Sewer 700.00 o I-General Fund 89-Hwy Garage Imp 1,000.00 o I-General Fund 89-Hwy Garage Imp 8,000.00 40-Queensbury Water 76-Quaker Rd. Sewer 26,500.00 40-Queensbury Water 32-Qkr Rd. Sewer Dis 483,000.00 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor, as Chief Fiscal Officer, is hereby authorized to arrange for and accomplish the above-authorized transfers, and temporary advances, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor, as Chief Fiscal Officer, shall keep suitable records and arrange for the repayment of the temporary advances as soon as possible, but not later than the close of the 1991 Town Fiscal Year, and the Town Supervisor shall also determine the amount of interest, if any, to be paid, upon repayment in accordance with Section 9-A of the General Municipal Law. Duly adopted this 12 day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION AMENDING 1991 GENERAL & HIGHWAY BUDGETS RESOLUTION NO. 158, 1991,Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of amending the Town of Queensbury 1991 Budget, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby increases the appropriations in the Highway Fund (04), Account NO.:04-5130-2020 (Vehicles) by the amount of $50,000.00. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby decreases appropriations in the General Fund (01), Account No.: 01-9901-9004 (Transfer to Highway Fund) by the amount of $175,000.00, and decreased the Appropriated Fund Balance in the General Fund (01) by the amount of $175,000.00, and decreases estimated revenues in the Highway Fund (04), Account No. :04-5031 (Interfund Revenues), by the amount of $175,000.00, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury 1991 General and Highway Budgets are hereby amended in accordance with the terms and provisions of this resolution. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR FLOODPROOFING CONTRACT FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WATER TREATMENT PLANT INTAKE FACILITY RESOLUTION NO. 159, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of contracting for the equipment floodproofing of the Intake Facility at the Queensbury Water Treatment Plant, which work shall include equipment modifications and relocations, electrical and controls relocations and roof rehabilitation and related construction, the same being more specifically identified in the proposed bid documents and specifications submitted to this meeting, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, it is necessary to advertise for bids and award the said proposed contract to the lowest responsible bidder meeting New York State Statutory requirements, and the requirements set forth in the bid documents presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an advertisement for bids for the said floodproofing of the Intake Facility at the Queensbury Water Treatment Plant, be published in the official newspaper for the Town of Queensbury and that such advertisement indicate that bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury at any time until, but not later than March 29, 1991, at 2:00 p.m., and that the bids will be publicly opened and read at 2:05 p.m. by the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and such advertisement shall indicate that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury shall have the right, at its discretion, to reject all bids and re-advertise for new bids as provided by the laws of the State of New York, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Miss Darleen Dougher, Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized to open all bids received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, at 2:05 p.m. March 29, 1991, read the same aloud and make record of the same as is customarily done, and present the bids to the next regular or special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION REGARDING CHANGE ORDER NO.2 GENERATOR BUILDING RESOLUTION NO. 160, 1991,Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby accepts Change Order NO.2 on the Generator Building in the amount of $327.44 for additional work on the metal building. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 161, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moves for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into Executive Session to discuss a Labor Relation Matter under personnel and an additional personnel matter, and a litigation matter. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan (Executive Session Held) RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENING TOWN BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 162, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Executive Session and moves back into Regular Town Board session. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 163, 1991, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract Dated March 12, 1991 and numbered 91112900 and 9114100-91114200 and totaling $30,275.99 be and hereby is approved. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 164, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby returns to Executive Session as previously listed in Resolution No. 161 of 1991. Duly adopted this 12th day of March, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos Noes: None AbsentMr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Monahan On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury