2007-03-09 MTG9
March 12, 2007 RES. 130-133
7:00 p.m.
Sr. Planner Stu Baker
Supervisor Stec-Opened the meeting.
RESOLUTION NO.: 130, 2007
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
, the Town of Queensbury has established a Housing
Rehabilitation Program which provides grants to cover 100% of the cost of
rehabilitation up to a maximum of $20,000, whichever is less, and
, the Town has received grant funds from the New York State
Governor’s Office for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program
(CDBG) to cover of eligible project costs, and
, a single family property Case File has already
received $20,000 in rehabilitation grant assistance through the HOME Program,
and has been determined to be also eligible for rehabilitation grant assistance
through the Community Development Block Grant program and the owner of the
property has requested such assistance, and
the owner of the property is in need of additional
weatherization assistance, and is not eligible for assistance through the Warren
Hamilton Counties Community Action Agency weatherization program, and
, property rehabilitation specifications have been provided to
three (3) qualified contractors for bid, and
, the low bid cost to complete the additional work specified is
Nine thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and no cents ($9,750.00)
, and
, Shelter Planning & Development, Inc. has overseen the grant
process and has verified that it has been followed in this case and recommends
approving this grant, and
, a lien will be filed against the property for the benefit of the
Town for a period of five years from the completion of the rehabilitation,
, that the Town of Queensbury approves
a CDBG Grant for Case File , Queensbury, New York, in the amount not to
Nine thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and no cents ($9,750.00)
and authorizes and directs either the Town Supervisor or Town of Queensbury
Executive Director of Community Development to execute a Grant Award
Agreement and take such other and further action as may be necessary to
effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 12th day of March,, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : Mr. Strough
Discussion held before vote:
Sr. Planner Baker-This is additional work on a property that had received home funding,
there has been a significant amount of work done on this property primarily because it
needed a significant amount of work. This will be the second project, total on the project
will be $38,029. The reason for additional work is at the time we went out to bid on the
first set of work we did have the energy efficient data, we did not know at the time the
property was not eligible for weatherization assistance type of work to seal up the house
further. Councilman Brewer-Did they identify all this and then pick and chose what we
could do with the twenty thousand first? Sr. Planner Baker-Essentially yes. The initial
work was twenty eight thousand, there was a twenty thousand dollar home grant, a five
thousand dollar deferred loan and the balance came from the Office of the Aging in
owner equity. Councilman Sanford-Noted that there were a number of these that were in
excess of the typical award level. At the time the Board made it pretty clear that we were
not interested in awarding A Typical amount of grants what we rather do is see other
people also be the recipient of this money and not have due concentration in a small
number of recipients. We did not care to see situations where what is typically a twenty
thousand dollar award become something much greater than that. Sr. Planner Baker-In
this case it was really an error on the part of both the Town and Shelter Planning that we
didn’t catch that the efficiency work really should have been done up front, we did not
know that the weatherization program wasn’t going to cover this. Part of the initial work
on the property was replacement of the heating system, until the house is tightened up
adequately the new heating system is not going to be affordable for the property owner.
Councilman Sanford-If you have a situation like this you have to explain to the
homeowner that the Town has been here for you, we have previously awarded twenty
thousand dollars on this piece of property we have extended the loan and at this point in
time any additional work is your responsibility. Sr. Planner Baker-This property owner is
in no financial condition to do this work. Councilman Boor-I do not want to see anymore
of them. Councilman Brewer-This will take care of everything that needs to be taken
care of? Sr. Planner Baker-No, but it will make the house more energy efficient. The
house will be up to HUD standards with this. One resident in the house. The house is
approximately 1000 square feet. This is the second or third generation of the family
living there. Councilman Strough-There are a lot of needy people especially in West
Glens Falls, we may be depriving someone else of a twenty thousand dollar that could
use it. Councilman Boor-What is the balance in that grant? Sr. Planner Baker-As of
January 1 we were at a remaining balance of about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars
in CBDG grant which was a four hundred thousand dollar grant. Councilman Strough-
My concern is that we are taking money away from somebody else and this person had
already gotten and probably very thankful for it. Sr. Planner Baker-One of the things that
we have learned is that before we go out to bid we will make sure that we know for
certain if the property is eligible for assistance from Weatherization and what they can
do. Councilman Brewer-Questioned why the weatherization was not available at this
site? Sr. Planner Baker-They had done work there in the prior five years, a new roof.
Councilman Sanford-Fifteen cents on every dollar that is spent goes to Shelter for the
administration of these programs; this is the kind of detail and stuff that they were
supposed to be taking care of. Sr. Planner Baker-Noted he had spoken to Shelter about
this and we will not run into this problem again. Shelter has been working for the Town
since 2001 and to my knowledge this is the first and only error of this type. Vote taken.
Mr. Vic Macri-Requesting that the Town Board consider a rezoning application for the
front parcel of the development as commercial which will fuel for getting us going on
the back portion of property in back as a high tech park. Noted concern over losing
client if this does not start moving. Noted the Comprehensive is not being done quick
enough for this construction season, noted our rezoning application has been in since
Mid. July of last year.
Representative of Quaker Ridge Development –What we have now is commercial zoning
for the first five hundred feet, (using map) portion light industrial the petition asked that
this be rezoned commercial to support the commercial development for the front part of
the project the over all project 130 acres. Noted there is 60% wetlands and because of the
location of that the only usable part in the commercial is a little triangle. This would
support the commercial use which is the engine to finish the road and build out the
industrial part, build a connecting road and the rest of the project.
Mr. Macri-We were asked to go to the PORC Committee to get their acceptance of the
project and come up with a solution to move the project forward. We did that, coming up
with a plan unit development for commercial development. Our problem is timing. PORC
has an Article 12A has accepted the PCDD that allows within the industrial zone a
certain amount of commercial development.
Councilman Sanford-When we were moving into the Comprehensive Lane Use Plan it
was agreed that we would hold off on a number of rezoning requests.
Councilman Boor-Noted when we first went into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan there
were four that we immediately said until we get this straighten out we are not going go
forward with this. Some of these have fit into the rezoning, like on Bay Road there is an
individual that has a residence that wants it to go to professional office which we have
been calling for years now and this individual has not had the opportunity because we
have held to our guns that we are not going to do rezoning. The protocol would be
destroyed if we said yes to you.
Councilman Sanford-I support what you are trying to do here provided you keep off the
wetlands and you don’t create wetland difficulties with the product. The issue is I never
envisioned this PORC process being an never ending PORC process and as a result there
are a lot of people in the Q now that are not getting proper response that they should be
receiving from the Town and you are one of them. The question is if we deviate and we
say we like what you are doing here we are going ahead and work with you on this what
is the explanation that we give to the other people in the Q.
Councilman Strough-There probably will not be much difference in time between you
going thorough the process to get this rezoned and our Comprehensive Land use Plan.
We can put this as part of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and then we would not have
to go through an individual process with you, we will also take a look at the other
rezonings, we may chose not to do anything with most of them. We do not know what
this is going to be rezoned as, this is not set in concrete. The way I read the community
and the Board and the way it should have been originally until Saratoga Assoc. changed it
was that this would be some kind of commercial, highway commercial and lets drop
highway and call it commercial intensive. No member of the public at no time ever
mentioned mixed use for this area, I do not know who came up with it Saratoga Assoc. I
would assume. We have some new members on the Committee and they have asked us
to do some changes well, I think it is their burden what we asked to do was to go back to
commercial so we want to wrap this up. You can see the consensus we want to wrap the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan, I am thinking we can accommodate you there is support
for that here, hopefully by the summer, from what I understand that would be ok with
Mr. Macri-We were hoping by June or July we would have our submission in.
Councilman Strough-We are hoping to have this wrapped up by then.
Councilman Boor-I do not think anybody here wants this to go any longer.
Representative of Quaker Ridge Dev.-What Vic is struggling with is the State is offering
matching funds for shovel ready development and I think with State money it is not there
forever we have to pay close attention to that issue. It has been several months that it has
been sitting there ..
Councilman Strough-If we can wrap this up by June or July it will be ok.
Councilman Boor-The new Community Development Director has made it very clear she
wants to get this done post haste.
Councilman Strough-Spoke about an upcoming meeting on Thursday to go over the
zoning, I think it should run fast we will have to make it clear to Saratoga Assoc. the
zoning format and get them busy on that.
Mr. Macri-Reviewed the proposal for a PUD on the property…describing the variety of
uses that would be allowed.
Supervisor Stec-described changes to the 25 year old PUD..
Eng. Dennis MacElroy-Introduced Mr. Jim Feeney owner of Top of the World Golf
Resort …1300 acres PUD established and approved by the Town of Queensbury 1982/83
There are now 470 Town homes structures with a community building and sewer
system/wastewater and water system and road network. Property is zoned in the
residential development portion by an HOA has taken over certain portions of the
property but the remaining lands owned primarily by Jim Feeney and there is also a
separate water company and sewer company. Property is located off Lockhart Mt. Rd.
which passes from Rt 9L up over the hill and down back to Bay Road. The APA has
permitted this project as well. Mr. Feeney is seeking to clear up one issue related to an
access road, there is a condition in the APA permit that says that prior to Phase IIB an
access road was to be built, and this portion of Top of the World Road down to the
existing intersection would be abandoned. The project was planned to be a time share
and this access and associated gatehouse building and parking lot was to be the access to
that property. Due to the nature of time share they could control the access to the
property by directing traffic up to the access from Bay Road portion of Lockhart Mt. Rd.
when another group took over in 1986 they didn’t get involved with that condition, we
looked at it somewhat but it was never pursued. Mr. Feeney questioned why do we build
that road?
Councilman Sanford-Questioned if it would be used for fire and emergency?
Eng. MacElroy-It is not a secondary access it would be the one and only access. This
does not make sense to the owners.
Councilman Sanford-If they are asking us to eliminate a requirement is that a
Eng. MacElroy-The representatives of APA felt that they wanted to make sure the town
was comfortable with any changes that they would ultimately approve.
Councilman Brewer-It is a change if we eliminate or add something but I do not feel that
it is a rezoning.
Sr. Planner Baker-The process for amending a PUD is the same process for amending
Supervisor Stec-Is the Board comfortable with supporting not moving the road?
Councilman Brewer-I am
Eng. MacElroy-The other element is phasing; as approved is Phase IIB and IIC (using
map showed phasing lines) Mr. Feeney would like to break those phases into separate
phases not showing the access road and showing sub-phasing IIB and IIC broke it up in
logical segments of the same over all phase.
Mr. Feeney-Spoke on phasing of golf course.
Discussion held whether this will have to go back to the Planning Board-Phase II has
already been reviewed by the Planning Board…only modifications to the PUD would
have to go back to Site Plan and APA Review.
Eng. MacElroy-It is a hundred and seventy units on 1300 acres of land, in those terms
density is not an issue it is a matter of whether you like the idea of clustering in that type
of concept. That was good then and its good now, it is favored in certain circles.
Mr. Feeney-I have been there for fifteen years if I am going to build it, I want to build it
over time and let the market dictate.
Councilman Boor-You will be looking for a letter from the Town Board to the APA
saying we have no issues with not building a road as originally proposed and maintaining
a road that is currently serves the facility and we would encourage a more elaborate
Supervisor Stec-Will review the concept with Town Counsel and see if a public hearing
will be necessary on this modification of a PUD. Will need the map and language of the
proposal by Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Feeney-Discussed with the Board sub-lot divisions.
Supervisor Stec-Stu has notified me that Blanche isn’t here we will move forward on the
Eng. Tom Center-Property location Reardon Road we are looking to do a deep test hole
on the area of a proposed system in the front of the house. The existing house Mr.
O’Connor plans to tear down the existing house and build a three bedroom residence
there, it is currently a two bedroom. The lower building is a season cottage with two
bedrooms that will be gutted and become a cabana with a bathroom and changing area
and dining area overlooking the lake. There are two existing seepage pits one for the
lower building and one for the upper building both seepage pits will be decommissioned
and in-filled. He has two wells on the parcel the upper well will be decommissioned
and they will maintain use of the lower well with UV treatment on it into the house. We
hope to dig a deep hole test pit to confirm soils, we did an initial test hole along side of
the building of the existing house about the same elevation where originally we were
looking to put a system and the soils were well drained, deep sands and gravels all the
way down with no indication of modeling or ground water. We did a perk test in the area
where we are looking at and found good soils.
Councilman Boor-What was the rate?
Eng. Center-5 min. 22 seconds. 24 inch deep hole The soils appear to have a little bit
more loam up top vs what we found down in the side. It appears to be a better location
further out. Once we get the information from the deep test hole is apply for a variance
to place a septic system within two feet of the well.
Councilman Boor-Why 200’?
Eng. Center-Because all the wells are down slope of the system and when you have a
system up hill from a well DOH requires two hundred feet of separation. We have a
hundred and ten from where the new system will be and that actually to the 100%
replacement area. The new system we have room for a ten by thirty five system with a
100% replacement area off the garage in the front of the structure. The existing seepage
pit is only sixty six feet from Mr. Schachner’s well on the north side and it is a hundred
and sixteen feet from the well to the lands of Adler. That hundred and sixteen feet will be
maintained to the new system it will be a little bit shorter a hundred and ten point seven if
the 100% replacement area is required in the future.
Councilman Brewer-Do you have any letters from the neighbors?
Eng. Center-We have talked to some of them preliminarily but before we come to the
variance we will talk to all the neighbors and show them the final plans.
Councilman Strough-Questioned where the parking was?
Eng. Center-(using map) showed the area of parking and storm water .. noted the hill
washes into the lake the plan is to build a small berm at the bottom to keep anything from
going into the lake.
Councilman Boor-Is this a conventional leach field?
Eng. Center-Yes.
Councilman Boor-You are eighteen feet above the well head it looks like?
Eng. Center-Yes. In the direct line of path is his well we plan on putting in UV treatment
in the house for his well. We will increase the separation to Schachner, to about hundred
and six feet from the system itself a hundred feet from the 100% replacement area. Mr.
O’Connor’s family also owns the house to the south of this property at the top of the hill
and that has two sources of water currently a well and a line to the lake he plans on
decommissioning the well and going back to lake water for that house.
Councilman Boor-Will we need multiply variances on this two hundred foot thing?
Eng. Center-Yes, three variances.
Councilman Boor-Preferably sign off from the neighbors on those.
Eng. Center-We are trying to get the test pit done so we can apply for the variance and
we would like the engineer in right from the beginning have him review the system and
get his feelings on it.
Councilman Sanford-Are the current septic systems fine?
Eng. Center-They are currently working.
Councilman Boor-You are putting a toilet in the cabana?
Eng. Center-It already has facilities in it, it is going to be renovated to remove the
bedrooms and maintain seasonal style use with a bathroom a changing area and a dining
area. It has a short deck off the front of it. We will decommission the septic system and
hook the bathroom up to a injector pump that would pump up and into the tank.
Councilman Sanford-Are you going to be putting more water into the ground when this is
done than you are now?
Eng. Center-No we are eliminating a bedroom. We have four bedrooms total we are
going to end up with three bedrooms here. The structure is under the allowable square
footage for the lot and under the existing number of bedrooms on the lot currently.
Supervisor Stec-The well that you are closest too will be his own and he is going to be
putting in a UV system.
Eng. Center-yes. Because his well is in a direct line we feel more comfortable …we are
going to talk to the neighbors and get their sign off, we are increasing the separation
distance from Mr. Schachner, we are about the same for the Adler’s but their own
systems are closer to their wells than this system would be and we are taking an existing
seepage pit that is deep eight feet into the ground and we are spreading it out over a
shallow area thereby increasing the amount of separation and treatment we are making
the situation better and we are removing a system that is down here that is thirty feet from
the lake or so.
Mr. O’Connor-Right now on the deed that lower structure is considered a two bedroom
dwelling, seasonal.
Councilman Boor-Is it going to be rebuilt with insulation and stuff?
Eng. Center-No.
Councilman Boor-I do not want it to turn into like a rental unit later on.
Eng. Center-Absolutely not.
Supervisor Stec-Noted they will be coming back to the Board for the variances what you
are looking for tonight is a go, no go from the Town Board for your out of season testing.
Councilman Sanford-When we first started this process we foot the bill for the engineer
witnessing, have we changed that?
Supervisor Stec-We have not changed that.
Councilman Sanford-We really need to change that and maybe even starting here, this is
something that we are being asked to weigh in on, we are willing to do it I do not know if
it makes a whole lot of sense for the town to be paying for that service that our engineer
is providing.
Councilman Brewer-That is a separate issue. We would have to do that separate to this.
Councilman Sanford-Who will do the witnessing, Vision?
Supervisor Stec-Yes. Will look into a local law regarding payment for engineering
services for deep hole tests to be paid by applicants.
Board agreed to have deep test hole done at this site.
Supervisor Stec-Questioned if Sr. Planner Baker had any information regarding the
Sr. Planner Baker-I do not have anything to add, she laid out her rational in her e-mail of
Feb. 16.
Supervisor Stec-Will have Town Counsel here at the next workshop to discuss the
Supervisor Stec-Noted that there was an ad in both the Chronicle and the Post Star as of
today there were no further letters of interest. We had received two letters of interest,
and we received a letter of recommendation from the Rec. Commission.
RESOLUTION NO. 131, 2007
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an
Executive Session to discuss appointment of member to the Recreation Commission.
Duly adopted this 12 day of March, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its
Executive Session.
Duly adopted this 12 day of March, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
No Action Taken in Executive Session
Councilman Brewer-Monday night there will be a resolution to place a light at
VanDusen, that light is in a lighting district.
Councilman Sanford-Questioned if a resolution will be ready for setting a public hearing
for the North Queensbury Fire Dist?
Supervisor Stec-Noted he will contact Town Counsel on where we are in that process.
Councilman Strough-If we want to open a public hearing we will look at all alternatives,
all fire protection alternatives, it will not be just North Q.
Councilman Sanford-At the end of whatever process we go down North Q is requesting a
formation of a district we owe them a no or yes answer as a Town Board. I think what
you are suggesting is something that will ultimately evolve to but before we go into the
complicated philosophical discussion on what the Town should do on a macro basis we
need to tell them in no uncertain terms what we think about their request.
Councilman Strough-I am saying it is illegal, if you look at SEQRA law and you look at
Chapter 14 Public Interest
Councilman Sanford-Then we say no.
Councilman Boor-Then we say no.
Councilman Strough-The public hearing has to be announced …
Supervisor Stec-You are saying you should not set a public hearing on something you
know to be illegal.
Councilman Strough-You know to be segmented.
Councilman Brewer-Why is it segmented?
Councilman Boor-Because you have to look at the whole entire town.
Councilman Sanford-I think if they had any common sense they would realize that they
probably don’t have the support of the Board to move forward with this, but they want
their day in court and I say we give it to them and then we see where sets and then once
we get done with that if there is still an issue to move forward we go forward with the
other issues.
Councilman Strough-All I am saying and maybe we ought to go to Counsel on this one, I
am suggesting we can have a public hearing on fire protection options and if North
Queensbury wants to talk about their…
Councilman Brewer-We can do SEQRA on their request, it is an application to create
Councilman Boor-It would fail on its face, so let them have it because it doesn’t meet the
Councilman Sanford-There are a lot of reasons why I do not think it makes any sense I do
not want to see it as a situation we are not going to give them an answer, I do not have
any problem, I think they know what my answer is going to be I do not think it is a good
idea, I am not going to support it. I do think what you are suggesting is something that I
very much want the Town to do but I see them as two separate issues. One issue is what
should this Town be doing to address the fire protection needs of the town moving
Supervisor Stec-We should be saying no on some of the money.
Councilman Boor-I do not disagree but it is going to be very difficult because Central
will be right behind them and they are going to want paid staffing and if you think it is
expensive now, wait until they have paid staffing with disability and all that other stuff.
Councilman Strough-They are not pushing anymore at North Q and it is just out there in
limbo and my feeling is they want their public hearing
Councilman Brewer-Questioned if everything has been submitted?
Supervisor Stec-I do not know if they have finished everything..
Councilman Boor-I do not just want it out there that we are delaying this.
Councilman Strough-As I understand it ACC and the Airport for example don’t pay any
money for fire protection.
Supervisor Stec-That is correct.
Councilman Boor-Nor does the Municipal Center, School System
Councilman Strough-Probably we don’t either here, all the parks don’t I am just
Supervisor Stec-Your point is a good one the biggies County Campus, the airport.
Councilman Strough-North Queensbury is contributing nothing to the parks, ACC the
airport if they break away that is why I am saying we cannot look at this as an isolated
item Tim.
Councilman Brewer-I understand what you are saying but the action they want to take,
you can legally do SEQRA.
Councilman Sanford-That is the financial well being of the town …it is a safety net issue.
We as a Town Board don’t have to give them anything we can just say no maybe that is
what we should do. What we are going to do is have a public hearing on what is the best
configuration for the town.
Councilman Strough-Well listen I am outvoted anyhow, you know how I feel.
Councilman Boor-My feeling is that as an individual district it will not pass but maybe
one of the SEQRA questions and so it fails on its face.
Councilman Sanford-It doesn’t make it in terms of its impacts on a number of essential
issues of well being of the Town.
Councilman Strough-I am also suggesting, why aren’t we looking at one fire district?
Councilman Sanford-We can. I think we should have a public hearing on that.
Councilman Brewer-I think we should have a meeting and get all kinds of information as
much as you can for everybody in the town. They have submitted an application and said
here is what we want to do can we do it, and what Richard said we owe them a yes or no.
Councilman Sanford-I just as soon give them that answer as soon as possible and then
move on.
Councilman Brewer-We don’t have to go through SEQRA and all the stuff we can say no
right up front and say no fellows you are not going to do a district we are going to look at
the best reason for whatever we do for the whole town not just for North Queensbury.
Councilman Boor-I would like to give them the hearing so that they will understand what
SEQRA is really all about, because it is obvious that it is not in the best interest.
Councilman Sanford-These people have hired a PR firm and everything else and they are
spinning this left and right and I do not want this spun that we are not giving them their
day in court, we are not giving them an answer, I want to give them an answer and you
know what it is.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury herby adjourns its
Special Town Board Meeting.
Duly adopted this 12 day of March, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
Respectfully submitted,
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk-Queensbury