BP 2015-419 Cedars Senior Living Community Sign Permit TOtWN OF QUEENSBURY
042 nay Road,Qucrnnbury,NY 12804-5902 (Sl8J 7Gt-8281
Comm[[n3tq Development- Building Sc Coda (518)961-8256
Permit Numb¢r pZ0150419 AppLLcatiou Numbcrc A20150419
Tax Map No: 523400-289-019-0001-015-000-0000
Pccmiszion is hereby granted co: CEDARS I, L_P_
Por property locared ar. 35 EVERGREEN Ln
m doe Town of Queensbury,ro astmct or place
at the above location in a cordance wirh application rogrther with plot plans and other information hereto Sled
and approved and is compliance with the NYS Uttiform Building Codes and the Qneensbury Zorvtag
Ordi::ance. Tvne of Cunat:..crion
Owner Address: CEDARS Z,L.P_ Sign
SEVEN ASPEN Dr .rota]v ma
Coniracror or Builder's Name/Addr�zz Electrical Inspection Agency
Plans 8r SpeciScations
2015-419 CONDITION OF APPROVAL: DowrIIigbting Only i£sign is to be lit,per Craig Brown, ZA
Freestanding Sign 12 s_E
•C¢dars Senior Living Coffafratutity-Evergreen Lane'
$36_00 PERMIT PEE DASD-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,Sept¢mb¢r 23,2016
([£a lovgar period i requireQ a applieaHou Eor a[,csm aiou mua[be mad¢[o[bc cud 8[,fercem�at Oaiee+
of the Tow[,of Queeuebury Hcfm�fLe ecpieavoa da¢.) a
Dared at the To f ! y, S¢pt¢mb¢r 23.2015
SIGNHD BY � � �`!i�'� for doe Town of Quectaebui .
Direcror o E Buildi..c Se Code Enfomemeat