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Haz Mat reports
P.0.Box 1024 Schenectady,AT 12301 _..‘ specTRvin (518)346-6374(Phone) Environmental l associates, inc. (518)346-4062(Fax) 'EXcIEvrxc Ova Craws Exrecrdrroxs or Excricf.vcr.•• www4spectrum com June 6, 2019 Mr. Gregg Youmans FILE COPY BBL Construction Services, LLC 302 Washington Ave. Ext. Albany, New York 12203 Phone (518)452-8200 Ext 4185 Email: gyoumansQbblinc.com TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: ACCA of Queensbury, 79 Glenwood Ave Queensbury,NY Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as Spectrum Project Number: 19-406 indicating the plans and specifications are in Asbestos Air Sampling Report full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. Dear Mr. Youmans: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. (Spectrum) is providing this final report and attached documentation for the above referenced asbestos project. The scope of work performed by the abatement contractor involved the removal of asbestos containing materials from the following area(s): • '1400sf of floor tile in multiple work areas (5/22/19& 5/30/19) New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56.4-11(a)states"The PCM clearance air sample results shall be considered satisfactory when every clearance air sample demonstrates an airborne concentration of fibers of less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter, or the established background level(s), whichever is greater." New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56-9.1(d)(1) requires a final visual inspection be performed by a New York State Certified Asbestos Project Monitor who is appropriately trained and independent of the asbestos abatement contractor prior to the collection of the Clearance Samples. This was performed by Spectrum and the associated documentation is attached. The final visual inspection is to confirm that all have been removed and that the work area has been properly cleaned. Therefore, based on the final visual inspection(s) passing and the final air samples that were collected and analyzed on this project having met the New York State requirements,the scheduled removal area(s)are considered clear and may be re-occupied. Attached you will find the following documents: • Final Report(s) of Analysis with Air Sampling Chain of Custody(s) • Sample Location Drawing(s) • Project Monitor Final Visual Inspection(s) • Licensing and Certification(s) • Site Specific Variance (if applicable) Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services The following Exceptions should be noted as related to this project: • No Exceptions noted on this project. This report, if duplicated, should only be done so in its entirety including all attached documents and only with permission from the client. Spectrum is required to provide a copy of any project related documentation to the NYSDOL or other enforcement agency if requested. If you have any questions concerning this report or the analytical results presented, please do not hesitate to contact our office at(518) 346-6374. Respectfully Submitted, fe t jpekt ►tir Robert J DeRuyter VP of Operations Cc: file Attachments: Final Report(s) of Analysis with Air Sampling Chain of Custody(s) Sample Location Drawing(s) Project Monitor Final Visual Inspection(s) Licensing and Certification(s) Site Specific Variance (if applicable) SPECTRVIIJ P.O.Box 1024 Schenectady.XV 12301 _.4 ,,,ii (518)348-4 (F) Environmental Rssociates.Inc. (518)348-4062062(F) 'EXCEEDING OCR CLIENTS EXPECT,ITIONS Of EXCELLENCE.' www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH P.#11540 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS / /NIOIOSH Method thud 7400(A Rules) Page l of 10 CLIENT: BBL Construction Services,LLC PROJECT NAME:ACCA of Queensbury PROJECT#:19-406 302 Washington Ave Ext Albany,NY 12203 Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (f/mm21 05523 I Ist floor tiled rooms Field Blank 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.0 05524 2 2nd floor tiled rooms Field Blank 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.0 05525 3 3rd floor tiled rooms 1WA conference rm. Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 4.5 Rear 05526 4 4th floor tiled rooms IWA con rm.Center Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 05527 5 5th floor tiled rooms IWA con rm.Front Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 0.006 19.7 05528 6 6th floor tiled rooms IWA boiler rm. Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 0.003 8.9 05529 7 7th floor tiled rooms IWA entry closet Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 05530 8 8th floor tiled rooms OWA main lobby rt. Phase 1B 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 05531 9 9th floor tiled rooms OWA main lobby center Phase IB 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 bficrosoopm Olympus CX43 Phase Conran Field Arm 0.00185 mm' (nun'-fibers per Square Millimera foe-fibers pa cubic mvinera L.OD.-Limit of Detection(7 fmm') I.OQ.-Limit of Quantification OVL-O.vkadednith particulate ofrbers OVLUL-Fibas exceeds QC Isms Analyst: Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, �y'L NOSH Method 74t10 is used(A,enirmtirp*atoms oo..orni0m.but cannot differentiate between a.benm and other fibs. i "R�� MOM!Method 7400 Ins an cnablahod now of 100 to 1300 Cmm'.any resuhs outside this tango ate potentially biased. Laboratory Precision(S): Reported Analytical Results arc Based on Sampk Data Provided by the Cl..... Analytical Results Depenient on Fold Blanks Submitted'0tb Sample. James A.Capasso II St 0 401 S.13 b501: S.if blot- Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPECTRUM Schenectady. 1024 Schenectady,NV 12301 Environmental associates.inc. (518)346-4362(P) (S 18)346-4062(F) 'EXCEEDING OUR CLIENTS Exorcrdrfoxs or Excotcr.rcr' twww.4spectrum.com NYS DOH E.L.A.P.#11540 6/5/2019 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page 2 of 10 Client Date Date I Date Result Density Lab1.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (flee) (f/mmr) 05532 10 10th floor tiled rooms OWA main lobby left Phase IB 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 0.002 BDL 1.3 05533 11 I lth floor tiled rooms OWA rear hallway - Phase IB 05/16/19 05/16/19 ' 0• 5/16/19 0.002 0.005 16.6 05534 12 12th floor tiled rooms OWA center hallway Phase IB 05/16/19 05/16/19 0• 5/16/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06110 13 1st floor Field Blank 05/21/19 05/22/19 0• 5/22/19 0.0 06111 14 1st floor Field Blank 05/21/19 05/22/19 0• 5/22/19 0.0 06112 15 1st floor Ambient Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 - 0• 5/22/19 0.002 0.002 8.3 06113 16 1st floor Decon I Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 0• 5/22/19 0.001 0.002 13.4 06114 17 1st floor Decon 2 Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 05/22/19 0.001 0.002 14.0 06115 18 1st floor Crit 1 Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 0• 5/22/19 0.001 0.005 27.4 06116 19 1st floor Crit 2 Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 - 0• 5/22/19 0.001 BDL 5.1 06117 20 1st floor Air lock l Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 05/22/19 0.001 0.009 49.7 Microscope Olympus OW Phase Contrast Feld Atm 0.00783 nun' (mull-fibers per Square h50imekx fee-fibers per cubic ammeta LO.D.-Lisa of Detection(7 fnm) 1.O.Q.-Limn of Quantification OVL-Owtlaaded with particulate ot fibers OVLBL-Fibers meals QC limit Analyst: Disclaimers Laboratory Director, ^y, ,(04jjre9 MUCHMethod 7400 is used for estimating asbestos concentrations.but cannot differentiate between asbestos d other fibers -15::)w*" `-"J NIOSII Method 7400 has an established nrye of Ilal to 1300 fmm':any results outride the range are pct.181MB timed. �J 0 - Labootary Recision ISl' Reported Analytical Results as Based on Sample ILta Provided by the Chen. S Anal,o.l Results Dependent on Field(flanks Submtted with Samples James A.Capasso II 15o,S. r111.5m. St,51•lo)i Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPECTRUM Schenectady. 1301 Schenectady.Affr 12301 Environmental Rssociates. inc.-4€ (5l8)346-6374(P) (518)346-4062(P) 'EXCEEDING OCR CLIENTS Expecreno.vs or EXCELLENCE' www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH P.#11 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Pa 6/5/2019 NIOSH Method 7 a 3 of 10400(A Rules) g Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (f/mm2) 06118 21 1st floor Air lock stairs Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 05/22/19 0.001 0.006 31.8 06119 22 1st floor Air lock 2+3 Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 05/22/19 0.001 0.005 28.0 06120 23 1st floor NegAir Phase IIB 05/21/19 05/22/19 05/22/19 0.001 BDL 1.9 06153 24 1st floor Air Lick I+ Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 4 06154 25 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 4 06155 26 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Ambient Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.005 7.6 4 06156 27 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Decon 1 Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 BDL 5.1 4 06157 28 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Decon 2 Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.007 9.6 4 06158 29 1st floor Air Lick I+ Crit 1 Phase 11B 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.012 17.8 4 06159 30 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Crit 2 Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.009 12.7 4 06160 31 1st floor Air Lick 1+ Air Lock 1 Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.017 24.8 4 Miaocope:Olympus CX43 Piss Contra Field Ara--000735 nm' Cmm'-fibers pa Square ALllimeta Cm-fibers pa cubic o Rmeta L.O.D.-Limit of Detection(7 Cnun') L.O.Q.=Limit of Qu.mdiation OVL-Overlodad with patkdae or fibers OVLBL-Fibers exceeds QC limit Analyst: � Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, �.eGori.e , N)OSII Method 7407 is used for arinmmp ukases aseanl shuns.bur area differentiae between..bean s d other fibers. `1� MOSII Mahal 7.100 hen m established raw of lSI to I Y7(1 From':any rnulta otanide this mime are potmt.IIs biased. JJ L.bombry Rai.ion(S,). Reported Analytical Results are lased on S.nmk Dam Pr ovided oved by the Clam !!// Amity-ilea!Remits Mittman,on Fad Blanks Subnntted wth Samples James A.Capasso II Sru.m1 Sr121.501- Srt)I.Iln, Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services ..%__ SPECTRUA P.O.Box 1024 Schenectady,W 12301 Environmental Rssociates.Inc. (518)346-406 (518)346-4062(F) (F) •E.CCeED/Xc OUR CLIENTS EXIfCrdTION.S OF EXCELLENCC• www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH E.L.A.P.#11540 6/5/2019 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page 4 of 10 Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab 1.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (Umm=) 06161 32 I st floor Air Lick I+ Neg Air Phase IIB 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.005 0.014 20.4 4 06162 33 Air Lock 2+3 Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06163 34 Air Lock 2+3 Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06164 35 Air Lock 2+3 OWA I Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06165 36 Air Lock 2+3 OWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.002 7.0 06166 37 Air Lock 2+3 OWA 3 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 06167 38 Air Lock 2+3 OWA 4 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.007 22.9 06168 39 Air Lock 2+3 OWA 5 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 06169 40 Air Lock 2+3 IWA I Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 3.2 06170 41 Air Lock 2+3 IWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.004 13.4 06171 42 Air Lock 2+3 IWA 3 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 Mieroaeopc Olympus CX43 PMs Cawr.a Field Arai 000785 ran' fmm'-fibers per Square Millimeter fa-fibers pa cubic centimeter L.O.D.-Limit ofDaalim(7 Pmm') I.O.Q.-Limit of Quantification OVI.-Omlodod with particulate or fibers OVLBL-Fib o exceeds QC limit Analyst: Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, /`,<1 Mall Method 7400 is used for minabrg asbestos mrcenb m tauten alte atiW .but canna differentiate ta.e asbestos and abem '�Y'J""' MQSII Method 740o ha an enaMished ranee of 100 to 1300 fmm',any results outside this rage are potenaly biased. Laboratory Pmrieion(&Y Reposled AnaytkaI Resoll>are limed on Sample Data Provided by the Chem. C Analytical ResortsDeren7rr4 (ielBIad,Submitted.ithSempki James A.CapassoII S.1Y301 Sr I,1.501• 5151.1011 Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services SI'I'C1'Rl, iIJ F.O.Box 1024 Schenectady.NV 12301 --4f Environmental Gssociates.Inc. (518)346-4 62(F) (5l8)346-4062(F) 'EXCEEDING OUR CLIENTS Ex/ecr4TIONs OF EXFLII.e.vice' www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH P.#1150 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS / NIOSH Method thud 7 400(A Rules) Page 5 of 10 Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed LO.D. (Vcc) I (f/mm23 06172 43 Air Lock 2+3 IWA 4 Phase IIC - 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 06173 44 Air Lock 2+3 IWA 5 P- hase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.008 24.2 06174 45 Air Lock stairs Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06175 46 Air Lock stairs Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06176 47 Air Lock stairs OWA I P- hase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06177 48 Air Lock stairs OWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 06178 49 Air Lock stairs OWA 3 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06179 50 Air Lock stairs IWA I Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.007 20.4 06180 51 Air Lock stairs IWA 2 P- hase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.004 14.0 06181 52 Air Lock stairs 1WA 3 - P- hase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.003 8.9 06182 53 Air Lock I Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 Microscope:Olympus CM)Rue Cecilia.' Feld A .0.00785 nun' f rail-fibers per Square Millimeter C«-fibers pa cubic centimeter L O.D.-Limit of Detection(7 Cairn') L.O.Q.-Limd Di-Quantification OVL-tMrlad<d ulth paneul1e or fibers OVLBL-Fibers exceeds QC lime Analyst: Disclaimers Y Laboratory Director, 2( .(,X-P MOM'Method 7400 is used for estimating asbestos concentrations.but cud ditT euum bm.«n asbenos and other libels_ — MOSn Method 7400).s an established ng range of 100 to I MO Imin':am•taut...I k this mnnt<are potentially buret t.b«r«y Recision IS.)'. Reported Analytical Results my Based on Sampk Data Provided In the Cbem. !!�� An.Miml Results Dependent on Field Blanks Submittedmule Sangks James A.Capasso II ls S. .fi) Sr align S.I)I.tm) Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services sL EcT Rv P.O.Box 1024 Schenectady.NV 12301 _41+ 0,:i (518)346-6374(P) Environmental Rssociates.Inc. (518)346-4062(F) 'EXCEEDING OUR Ccrcxrs ExrecrdrroNs or EXcELLe.vee' tvww.4spectrum.com NYSIO DOH E.L.7 P.#11 40 6FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page/6/2019 of 10 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/ce) (f/mm2) 06183 54 Air Lock 1 Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06184 55 Air Lock 1 OWA I Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.002 7.6 06185 56 Air Lock I OWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 0.6 06186 57 Air Lock 1 OWA 3 Phase[IC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 06187 58 Air Lock I OWA 4 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 06188 59 Air Lock I OWA 5 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06189 60 Air Lock I IWA 1 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06190 61 Air Lock I IWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06191 62 Air Lock 1 IWA 3 Phase[IC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 06192 63 Air Lock I IWA 4 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06193 64 Air Lock I IWA 5 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 Miaoacope:Olympias CX43 Phan Consul Field Area 0.00785 runt fn&-fibers per Square h5llinaa fee-fibas pa cubic oent nets LO.D.-Limit of Detection(7 times) L.O.Q.-Limit ofQur.ifienion OVL-Ocerbd.dwith panieubue a fibers OVLBL•Film aoseeda QC bind Analyst: �,, Disclaimers Laboratory Director, ,f YLl/�..���"�j' mom Melted 7aau i...n for atim.rrip asbestos 000anlr.tiom.but canna mlraa.lb.bmwaa.#go,end ouw fibers. _l]� MOSH Method 7r03Ira an aaaMia cd nape of 100 r I SW tmrn.any rewlta ourik this rape ate paerinity bind GJ/� Repond AmMial Rauh,arc lased on S.mp1e Dar Rorided by the Chen. Labaarry Premien(S.y An id al Results Dependent on Field Planks submitted web S.mpke. James A.Capasso II Sr15.20 Sr Q1401 Sr 01400l: Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPECTRUM P.O. V 11301 Schenectady.A'f'12301 -4€ Environmental associates,Inc. (518)346-4062(P) (518)34tS-4062(F) •EXCEEDING OOL CLIENTS EXPECTdT/ONS of EXCELLENCE' WWW.4spectrum.com NYS DOH E.L.7 P.#11 40 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page6/5/20197 of 0 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (f/mm2) 06194 65 Air Lock 4 Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06195 66 Air Lock 4 Field Blank 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.0 06196 67 Air Lock 4 OWA 1 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06197 68 Air Lock 4 OWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06198 69 Air Lock 4 OWA 3 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 06199 70 Air Lock 4 IWA 1 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 0.002 7.6 06200 71 Air Lock 4 IWA 2 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 06201 72 Air Lock 4 IWA 3 Phase IIC 05/22/19 05/23/19 05/23/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 06389 73 1st floor Field Blank 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.0 06390 74 1st floor Field Blank 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.0 06391 75 1st floor Ambient Phase LIB 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 2.5 Microarope:OMngus CX43 Max Contrast Field Ala:0.007115 mm' Clem'-Men per Spare Millimekr r«-liken per cubic mtimeter L.O.D.-(AIM orDelen.0.(7 Dan') 4O.Q.-Unlit ofQuantification OVL-Overloaded with particulate or liken OVI.BI.-Fibers exceed.QC limit Analyst: Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, s M0 Method 7400 is u for estimating asbestos co04m io .bat f n canal Aline between a and d alter fibers GsG1� Kj-/j/l_ 50 ad rcem N10611 Method 74001as an eaabli.kd range or 100 to 1300 rmn.any results outwit the rage re pstentW ly bard. lab«al«y Rceiston(S,1 Reported Anlyuul Results an limed on Sanpk Den provided by the Client. C Anaytiol Results Dependent on Field Blank.Snbnrned with Sample.. James A.Capasso II Sr u.lfi: Sa1.no SOI.1001 Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health Jr Safety Training • Laboratory Services • ,\~ SPECTRUM Schenectady, Bo1024 Wx 12301 / Schenectady, Environmental Rssociates.Inc. (S 18)34F) (518)346-41S-4062(tS2(F) 'EXCEEDING Due CLIENTS EXPECT4TION.S Of EXCELLENCE' www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH P.#11 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS6/5/2019 NIOSH Methodtod 7 8 of 10400(A Rules) Page Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (Umm2) 06392 76 1st floor Decon I Phase 11B 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 0.007 40.1 06393 77 1st floor Decon 2 Phase 11B 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 0.008 45.9 06394 78 1st floor Crit I Phase IIB 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 1.3 06395 79 1st Floor Crit 2 Phase❑B 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 1.3 06396 80 1st floor Air Lock Phase 1IB 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 1.9 06397 81 ' 1st floor Waste out Phase 1IB 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 2.5 06398 82 1st floor Neg Air Phase 1IB 05/28/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.001 BDL 3.8 06431 83 1st floor Field Blank 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.0 06432 84 1st floor Field Blank 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.0 06433 85 1st floor Ambient Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 1.3 06434 86 1st floor Decon 1 Phase 11B 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 Miceo..ope:OI.npm CX43 Phase Comtar Field Ara:0.00785 tnt& Cam'-fiber per Square MIRimeter Coe-fiber par cubic amnneae L.O.D.-Limit of Detection(7 Cnun') L.O.Q.-Limit ofQt.nlifrenion OVL-Overbde0 trill particulate or fiber OVLBL-Fibee exceeds QC limn Analyst: Disdaimen: Laboratory Director, ^y,f-�G�7 gyp N1OSI)Method 7400 u o.n for estimating ira range of1asbestos conmvrobm.b t cannot diutaaglia baamr uhna and lase fibre _ :�>ida�x11.. ✓i mosii Method 7400 has a for es established Hoge IMI to I300 pmm':ul muMromddeire Ilia range are bestoa n Maher ��—+� Laborarory Precision(Sit Reported Anoishonl Rook,are/laud on Sample Irt.Provided by the Clime. Analytical Recalls Depend.on Feld Wank.Subsnnl d web Samples. James A.Capasso II S.ly.20)- S. 5 a2l.Sm: ,01.I0) Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPECTRUM P°.�X'U24 Schenectady. Bo 11024 -.+ Environmental elssociates.Inc. 2.301 (518)346-4364(F) (Sl8)346-4062(F) *EXCEEDING OUR CLIENT'S Ex/rCrdrfoNs of EXCELLENCE* www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH N 1150 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS6/9/2019 of 10 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) Page Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type , Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (f/mmr) 06435 87 1st floor Decon 2 Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06436 88 1st floor Crit I Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06437 89 1st floor Crit 2 Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 06438 90 1st floor Air Lock Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 0.003 11.5 06439 91 1st floor Waste out Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 0.002 8.3 06440 92 1st floor Neg Air Phase IIB 05/29/19 05/29/19 05/29/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 06482 93 1st floor Field Blank 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.0 06483 94 1st floor Field Blank 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.0 06484 95 1st floor OWA I Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 0.002 7.6 06485 96 1st floor OWA 2 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 6.4 06486 97 lst floor OWA 3 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 5.1 Miawoope:Olympus CX43 Plum Contrast Fold Are.-000785 mat: Pam;-fibers per Square Millimeter fee-fibaa per cubic meimeter LO.D.-Lint et Detection(7 emme) L.O.Q.-Limit ofQww&nion OVL-Overloaded with p.rtieWate or from OVLBL-Fibers mad,QC limit Analyst: � Disclaimers Laboratory Director, `,f i?////f; MOSII Method 74ai is used for o4inwtinp asbestos mreentration,but urns differentiae between asbestos d ar other fibers. �) mil. MOSI1 Method d 7400 lass sn en)Mod range ed rae of 100 to 1300 firm',m',any results outside this mac are poladWW biased. � Laboratory Recision(S.): Reported Amhtical Rexulls are trued on Sample Data Provided by the Chan. C Aruhtkal RewR Fw B.Dependent on relood.,Submitted with Samples James A.Capasso II S t!-lm Sr rol.ror S01.t1.1 Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services I /~ SPECTRUM P.0.6ox1024 Schenectady.ANY12301 _4i, EnvironmentalRssociates.Inc. (518)346-4 (518)346-40662(P) (F) 'EXCEEDING OCR CLIENTS E.rrccr,rioxs or EXCELLENCE' www.4spectrum.com NYS DOH t od 7 0#11 40Ras FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page10 of 10 /5/2019 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area I Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D. (f/cc) (f/mm2) 06487 98 1st floor OWA 4 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 2.5 06488 99 1st floor OWA 5 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 0.003 8.9 06489 100 1st floor . IWA I Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 1.9 06490 101 1st floor IWA 2 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 06491 102 1st floor IWA 3 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 0.002 7.6 06492 103 1st floor IWA 4 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 0.003 10.2 06493 104 1st floor IWA 5 Phase IIC 05/30/19 05/30/19 05/30/19 0.002 BDL 3.8 MGeraoope:Olyotpa CX43 Phase Canteen Feld Ares.000785 mme Fars'-fibers per Square Millimeter tcc-fibers per cubic saunter LO.D.-Unit of Gelation(7 Pnm') L.O.Q.-Limed ofQasaificafon OVL-Oterbdai ugh particulate a Filson OVLBI.-Fibers exceeds QC bat Analyst: Disclaimers: Y Laboratory Director, "�_( ,4OO, mOSII Method 7400 n used fur a for esliting asbestos anro eram,but cannot can differentiate between between asbestos n alter fibers. �t�s�e- - NOSH Method 7400 ha en eaableshed range of lOo to 130D tam':any results outside this range are potentially biased. Laboratory Precision IS,) Reported Analytical Results arse Based oet Sanpe Dees Peooded by the Cberd Analytical Results Dependent on Feld Blanks Submitted with Sample. James A.Capasso 11 &%aOI: Sr info,: SUl.lml' Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training • Laboratory Services • P.0.&m 1024 .Schenectady,AV 12301 -4 (518)34B 83T4(Pho ne) R Environmental flssociates. inc. (518).s4(i 4002(Far) '6.reccoire Ova Ctrs,vrs E.rvccr r rro.vs or 6.rceee exec• wwuc4apecfrum.com AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv 06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: /9. 4'Ot Date Collected: .(4•t? to Phase TB(Background)XPCM-NIOSH 7400 O RUSH Job Site/Building: A/'C A mr (i eery;h pry O Phase HA(Prep) O TEM-NIOSH 7402 O 12 Hour Room/Work Area: Pi floor J;,lei Foe in S O Phase UB(Removal) O TEM-AHERA 024 Hour Rotameter#:11 ..24 Calibration Date: y• I.19 O Phase IIC(Clearance) O Other O 48 Hour Collected By(Print): ( r:c k. gt 0 Air Quality O Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Location Pump Pump Rate Rate Time Air L.O.D. Adjust Result F/mm2 No. No. No. On Off (LPM) (LPM) Volume Count NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr:mn hr:mn On Off Min Liters /100 F/cc Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O� . 0 oZ Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.O y a l w., //))'')) � CC 3 CeszC'e«r,;_e Zn. P.ear 0g.3i 1031 /0 iO !.2(� %.?D0 ,W Z 5,6 W� 'I^/j its it- I3fi!I- 3.3 `i io . P.M. �«��{ oast la�i l C ICS ,90 lq.7 Z S Ca Q,�., Fcon\- 0a32 1032 r l � g . 1O? VI 5S7$ 6 e�.ie- Rom. aa�s lo.3s `WN L,5 1L (,9 cSL� 7 �rk\ C\ose� G837 1(�37 553a 8 ttaZA ��� 0.. 0ait.3 1093 6 (o•L) oJk � �' �L -J t I 5��� q Man In�b cz�\e� o�4y lo�ty . ! 5TT2 Jo t14;r \„bb`f \ell- 084y /oily oatr Rcgr \� ! ' OO5 1(0.6 SS3' f f r�,\\wad (�ES 4"J 104�7 1 ��. 1.� Cen\ec t\a\\W1� CS48 ►048' Y y y VZ BR- �' ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: - ate:,r/6''/ Time: Phone/Fax: Received: ate: -eime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:Sped zmEnv/ranmenla/9ssot/a/es./n<utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety paining • Laboratory Services P.0.Bar 1024 Schenectady.NV 12301 t. -6374(Phone) f.55)3 8 6-406 (nu) Envinvnmental Rssociates. Mc. { `r `CXcztoisc OUt CL/Bkas Cxpicrrrw,,s or b�XCLLLLkcL' www4specir m.eom AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REY06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19.406 Date Collected: 5/21/2019 O Phase IB(Background) A PCM-NIOSH 7400 O RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase IIA(Prep) O TEM-NIOSH 7402 0 12 Hour Room/Work Area: 1st Floor El Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA B 24 Hour Rotameter#: H5Q Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 0 Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other 0 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust z No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.D. Count Result /mm NAE=Neµativo Air Exhaust hrmn hr.mn On Off Min Liters /100 P/cc 6d0 13 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- O O pi 14 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0 --- 0'. 0 6117 15 Ambient 1250 1500 10 10 130 go ,00Z ,.6 j 1 D.3 (45 16 Decon 1 0746 1501 5 5 1' 5 206 ,01 Jo6 iiig 151q g 17 Decon 2 0747 1502 5 5 I I ,�Z iqo4 / //6 18 Crit 1 0748 1503 5 5 ` jj 5 ,g 0 (0//s 19 Crit 2 0749 1504 5 5 1/ JpL 6. 1 /l1 20 Air Lock 1 0750 1505 5 5 3'c ,Ni i)q.7 /plfg 21 Air Lock Stairs 0751 1506 5 5 . 2 I62!0 �1�� 22 Air Lock 2+3 0752 1507 5 5 �,/ i2--1��J ID //, 23 Neg Air 0753 1507 5 5 II311 ZIT \J 1.6 -Fa i c/ ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: Date: _____/_ Time: Phone/Fax: Received: ate: ZZ— 'ime: ` E Comments: _ Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:..feniitrariW ,vnmgn/a/Nsxraaa/ems,/nc.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameterr are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Llie Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services 1 P v.eox roan Schenectady.My 12301 8� (518)346-6374(Phone) /. Environme a f ssec/ates. rnc. ($16)346-4062(him) 'Cxcerviec Ove CLlttft£xeicrdr10Ns or excetteecz www4sperrreun Am AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv 06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19.406 Date Collected: 5/22/2019 l Phase IB(Background) El PCM-NIOSH 7400 O RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase HA(Prep) O TEM-NIOSH 7402 O 12 Hour Room/Work Area: 1st Floor A,—LA ic, 1 r y A Phase IIB(Removal) O TEM-AHERA El 24 Hour Rotameter#: H50 Calibration Date: 4/1/ o1s l Phase IIC(Clearance) O Other O 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter Ei Air Quality O Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust Z No. No. No. Location On Oil (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.D. Count Result P/men NAE a Negative Air Exhaust hr::n n hr:mn On Off Min Likrs /100 F/cc 4,55 24 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --_ 00 to 25 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- i 0 41 26 Ambient 0705 0 5 5 116 06 ,QO6 (40 ,06 14 11J6 27 Decon 1 0706 5 5 ll1 0 ' 41 ga ‘. j (1y1 28 Decon 2 0707 5 5 113 6(o 1 ' dO1 c.4 1q) 29 Crit 1 0708 5 5 112 “61 /4" .012 I10 41/0 30 Crit 2 0709 5 5 11 666 p , 121 GIGO 31 Air Lock 1 0710 5 5 \\O 6O 35 ,011 2!{IS (dIoI 32 Neg Air 0711 \. 5 5 101 q5 v / Co ,01' 20.1 ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTOD Report Results to: Relinquished: f ate: Ime: Phone/Fax: Received: ate: '^� ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:Sped,wotArvimnonvala///,fc ia/es;/ae.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameters are calibrated against a I)ry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services 1 P.O.Bar 1024 Sdrevredadp.W 12301 t (e18)Sae-B3T4(Phone) Environment iRssoctates, inc. (518)346-4062OW) WC6l1BLXC pox C&men£xPvcrArwvs or BXCtLL vat' www 4spledr mr-elom AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REY06-is-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19-406 Date Collected: 5/22/2019 C Phase IB(Background) A PCM-NIOSH 7400 El RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave El Phase IIA(Prep) El TEM-NIOSH 7402 El 12 Hour Room/Work Area: Air Lock 2+3 CI Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA El 24 Hour Rotameter#: H5o Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 El Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other 0 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael oeRuyter Ci Air Quality O Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust 2 Location Time L.O.D. Result F/mm2 No. No. On Off (LPM) (LPM) Volume Count NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr:mn hr:mn On Off Min Liters /100 F/cc 42 33 Field Blank -� Og34 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- 0.0 4J i 35 OWA 1 0720 0920 10 10 V0jjOO ,o Z Li pl, 6.1 610 36 OWA 2 0720 0920 10 10 5.6 ,6 i 7,e 41111437 OWA 3 0720 0920 10 10 (.6 /a i 4110 38 OWA 4 0720 0920 10 10 l G a 001 ZZ,1 /4)81 39 OWA 5 0720 0920 10 10 c BR_tog 611,1 40 . IWA 1 0720 0920 10 10 Z,5 1pL 3.Z hS1Q 41 IWA 2 0720 0920 10 10 10.6 .00 1 J31LJ f l7f 42 IWA 3 0720 0920 10 10 4 '•PL (,Li G/?z 43 IWA 4 0720 0920 10 10 6. 'I 44 IWA 5 0720 0920 10 10 `� ?)r)L6 lq 108 4'11 ____ ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY / Report Results to: Relinquished: ate: /2)/ e: Phone/Fax: Received: te: �/ 7me: { Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: _ Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:Sper/rraa1',Wre'rouevfaigs.i 'afes,fnc.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(i1). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services I P.O.Bar 104 Schenectad NV Sa (618 r 4 ,O. E,�,Inmen g ates. . (518)346-4062(fox) 'Excaanrivc Om CLr6NTs BxerersrroNS or IhYeRLLenel' iwww4spectrwn.cmn AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 79-406 Date Collected: 5/22/2019 0 Phase IB(Background) El PCM-NIOSH 7400 El RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase IIA(Prep) 0 TEM-NIOSH 7402 0 12 Hour Room/Work Area: Air Lock Stairs O Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA 0 24 Hour Rotameter#: H50 Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 a Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other 0 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust 2 No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.D. Count Result Flmm NAE'Negative Air Exhawt hr:mn hr:mn On Off !Ain Liters /100 F/cc U 45 Field Blank --- -- - D 0. i7c 46 Field Blank D �176 47 OWA 1 0940 1140 10 10 IZO / OO .00 jig Li Vi I 177 48 OWA 2 0940 1140 10 10 J 3 . vfir g &I-7g49 OWA 3 0940 1140 10 10 LI 3PL 5r I 4,i-71 50 IWA 1 0940 1140 10 10 110 ,or) ri t18a 51 IWA 2 0940 1140 10 10 i'1 ► Nil t •o 101 52 IWA 3 0940 1140 10 10 4 \✓ -1 AZ 8 r9 ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY ! C Report Results to: Relinquished: • at :5/ i ime: Phone/Fax: Received: e: ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:.Fjora'nemBr:h vaineY rao' .comb/ea;Du:utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AIIERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services • ._ . . • • • •.. .. .. SPECTR-VM . P.O.Bar 1024 • ` Schenedadr.NV 12301 (518)346-8374(Phone) /. Emvli vnmental Rssoclates, lnc. (518)348 4062(nix) 'EXCEEDING Our CLIENTS 8xpicrdrioxs or ExcateNc6' wIVW.4S(h9ClnIm AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REvo6-15-2o17) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19-406 Date Collected: 5/22/2019 0 Phase IB(Background) El PCM-NIOSH 7400 El RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave Ei Phase IIA(Prep) 0 TEM-NIOSH 7402 0 12 Hour Room/Work Area: Air Lock 1 Ei Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA 0 24 Hour Rotameter#: H50 Calibration Date: 4/1/201s A Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other 0 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust 2 No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.D. Count Result Plmm NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr:nm hymn On Off Alin Liters /100 Fitt GYz 53 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- 0,0 ‘,13 54 Field Blank --- --- --- --- nl 0(1 (Q1g7i 55 OWA 1 1300 1500 10 10 tiO 1213 ,O31/ .E. 1, 67 ‘0R6 56 OWA 2 1300 1500 10 10 16VL , !p (PIY 57 OWA 3 1300 1500 10 10 3 Spi. 5p ) 1187 58 OWA 4 1300 1500 10 10 3 1311 Mi ,1r 59 OWA 5 1300 1500 10 10 EPA 6., 1 4,18eq 60 IWA 1 1300 1500 10 10 y pi_ 6. 14gq 61 IWA 2 1300 1500 10 10 2 Bpi. Z5g 1,11 62 IWA 3 1300 1500 10 10 1 .5 EDL 1 .9 Az 63 IWA 4 1300 1500 10 10 Li EPL 6. I avtu 64 IWA 5 1300 1500 10 10 \/ \/ 4 Bpi. 6 .1/ . _____ ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: `_ �� te: JJ ime: Phone/Fax: Received: ate: L% `lAime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:.NOTE:4sistrizate nits u>renla ssaia/es,bu:utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by A HERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotateeterr are calibrated against a Dry cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&'Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services i . .. : . . _ _ P.O.Bar 1024 #- SPEC TRVA1.111sabseeet ft4'.NE (518)346-8374(Phone) /. EnvinVintental associates. inc. (518)345-4062(tin) 'E'xcrtoeme Ova Calms BxPLcrsreoxs or Extru.ZAca' www.4spectrum.com AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv 06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: i9.406 Date Collected: 5/22/2019 O Phase IB(Background) I3 PCM-NIOSH 7400 0 RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase IIA(Prep) 0 TEM-NIOSH 7402 0 12 Hour Room/Work Area: Air Lock 4 0 Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA 0 24 Hour Rotameter#: H50 Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 liii Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other 0 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust 2 No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.D. Count Result F/mrn NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr.mn hr:mn On Off Min Liters /100 F/cc 12jgy65 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.0 friti 66 Field Blank --- --- --- --- 6t/L 67 OWA 1 1415 1615 10 10 120 I0 .W/. 4 BR 5-, 1 1117 68 OWA 2 1415 1615 10 10 r Z. $pL Z. /g8 69 OWA 3 1415 1615 10 10 fT ggL /,i/ (pigq 70 IWA 1 1415 1615 10 10 119 ,0014 (0 10zad 71 IWA 2 1415 1615 10 10L /.� 72 IWA 3 1415 1615 10 10 �b V lY �� � 9 EpL S. I ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: = Relinquished: ate: � ime: Phone/Fax: Received: ate: / ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:Spec/rum1:17trinnirmeal'a/Nssai a/es,ere.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(n). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting& Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services : i P O.8ox 1024 Schenectady.NV 12301 (S18)348-63T4(Phone) 4SPECTRVM 8mtf�ronmerttal associates. inc. (518)34e-4082(mot) Wei ionic Dve Curers Exptcrer,oxs or Exccacece* www.4spednvm-Con1 AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19-406 Date Collected: 5/28/2019 0 Phase lB(Background)IR PCM-NIOSH 7400 O RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave 0 Phase HA(Prep) 0 TEM-NIOSH 7402 0 12 Hour Room/Work Area: 1st Floor A Phase IIB(Removal) 0 TEM-AHERA PI 24 Hour Rotameter#: H50 Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 0 Phase IIC(Clearance) ID Other O 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Location Pump Pump Rate Rate Time Air L.O.D. Adjust Result F/mm2 No. No. No. On Off (LPM) (LPM) Volume Count NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr:mn hr.mn On Off Min Liters /100 F/ec /_gip 73 Field Blank //D ggy 74 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- 0 DU oy 75 Ambient 0710 1500 5 5189 /0 , 0 a Z6 76 Decon 1 0711 1501 5 5 '31.6 xw270.f 09.1 77 Decon 2 0712 1502 5 5 3(0 a 1yf/ 1 78 Crit 1 0713 1503 5 5 / 1319L 13 it 79 Crit 2 0714 1504 5 5 /1 AM / 7 l0 t /_ / 80 Air Lock 0715 1505 5 5 tc &2 / 9 EP +v (,3781 Waste Out 0716 1506 5 5 2 g17L2 6, 42 82 Neg Air 0717 1507 5 5 Ns/ / \✓ 3 Bpi. y.Q ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: / e: S o2 , ime: Phone/Fax: Received: te:� ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NO7E:Sptet73TIM1 iw ',a/ilsr a/as/nr:utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 90 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Life Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services 1 s SPITR11hlP.aBox 1021 Sdteneetadl;NV 12301 ,� - (518)3413-0374(Phone) R Environmental tissociates. inc. (518)34O-4082(Fax) 'EXCEEDING OUR CLIENTS EXPtCTi1 r1At'Y or EXCELLENCE' www.4specdrum.com AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REV 06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19-406 Date Collected: 5/29/2019 O Phase IB(Background)El PCM-NIOSH 7400 O RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase IIA(Prep) O TEM-NIOSH 7402 O 12 Hour Room/Work Area: 1st Floor A Phase IIB(Removal) O TEM-AHERA El 24 Hour Rotameter#: H5o Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 O Phase IIC(Clearance) O Other O 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter El Air Quality O Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust 2 No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) Time Volume L.O.11. Count Result Flmm NAE=Negative Air Exhaust hr:mn hr.mn On Ott Min Liters /100 F/cc OV 83 Field Blank --- o0 iz 84 Field Blank --- --- --- --- --- --- O O Gy3. 85 Ambient 0700 1200 5 5 500 le ,00Z I gp /, 3' ey 86 Decon 1 0701 1201 5 5 SPL � 87 Decon 2 0702 1202 5 5 � Di- z.C) % 88 Crit 1 0703 1203 5 5 j B Z,5 w 89 Crit 2 0704 1204 5 5 I H 3r 90 Air Lock 0705 1205 5 5 J N.? 11,6 AI91 Waste Out 0706 1206 5 5 6.5 Q 3 92 NegAir 0707 1207 5 5 '�i' �V G��a 115 ga �.9 ADDITIONAL INFO CHAIN OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: / ate:-S/A9/(' Time: _ Phone/Fax: Received: te: Z9 5?ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:Spies/rumEhvironmerzla/dsuulales,/ae.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(ii). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services +' SPECRUM! an.o.NB 1024 T SalleneNP O rBo 1102l B (�r8)346-8374(Phone) 4. Environmental Rssociates. inc. (518)346-4062(Fax) •L'XCCCDING OUR CLICNTS CXPCCT,ITIO.vS Or CXCCLLCA'CC• www.4spedrum.eom AIR SAMPLING CHAIN OF CUSTODY (REv06-15-2017) PROJECT INFORMATION SAMPLE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TURNAROUND Project#: 19-406 Date Collected: 5/30/2019 El Phase 1B(Background) 9 PCM-NIOSH 7400 ®RUSH Job Site/Building: 79 Glenwood Ave O Phase IIA(Prep) O TEM-NIOSH 7402 O 12 Hour Room/Work Area: 1st Floor O Phase IIB(Removal) El TEM-AHERA 0 24 Hour Rotameter#: R50 Calibration Date: 4/1/2019 B Phase IIC(Clearance) 0 Other El 48 Hour Collected By(Print): Michael DeRuyter 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust a No. No. No. Location On Off (LPM) (LPM) rime Volume L.O.D. Count Result F/mm2 =Negative Air Exhaust hymn hr:mn On Off Mir, Liters /100 F/ce 42 93 Field Blank --- --- --- -- --- --- --- _--- O.0 - e3 94 Field Blank --- --- --- --- 0 O A 95 OWA 1 0710 0910 10 10 IZO { j ,OQZ (p , 7. 1 0 96 OWA 2 0710 0910 10 10 / S J7G (oA lfis 97 OWA 3 0710 0910 10 10 q PPLCsl 69,7 98 OWA 4 0710 0910 10 10 1. L. Z y 69S1 99 OWA 5 0710 0910 10 10 0..s8 7 . •9 0/y9 100 !WA 1 0715 0915 10 10 /•S PL. 1? p 101 IWA 2 0715 0915 10 1 0 I /9 3 RPL '.g 102 IWA 3 0715 0915 10 10 (0 ,02 716 6,92 103 IWA 4 0715 0915 10 10 O P3 ltZ • 6ffi104 IWA 5 0715 0915 10 10 \i/\/ S Dnz y g' 1�' ADDITIONAL INFO _ " CHAIN OF CUSTODY i Report Results to:��`�C, "�r r ' L Relinquished: e:S �� ime: Phone/Fax: S. s`iS — (01 '1 Received: e: ime: Comments: Sample Log-in: Date: Time: Sample Prep: Date: Time: Analyzed: Date: Time: QA/QC Review: Date: Time: NOTE:SprdrurEimi-aa neala/9ssaclo%s.Inc.utilizes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth by AHERA 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(i1). Rotameters are calibrated against a Dry Cal DC-Lite Primary Flow Meter manufactured by BIOS International Corporation. Environmental Consulting&illanagement Services • health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services r 19-M6 79 elwrwood Ave lq Mot Muse le M$-vicarial Representation O O O =.— r=l L .... .... f ♦ '^u� r�l J ( ]] J ,n .AA A, , [ _i l_, y -l____, , f '�- FIIIIIIIIIII 1•461t .“•.11 „ •..A. \.] i 1 - U i F-11- ---Tr.a.. —__ _I 4 o 1 , r____ ! - IIII I J o ..... n . ww.*4.rr.r wn 0 O iJ z Li I►IYS • MSIu�w�M 1111StSSUY�IIiIIr� O IRS Gf `� • 1 r- 1' 111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII i + � 1 r , 1 h l to i-� } O Q LO _� 19400 10&DSPI Owe Iblal f�lMr��C Mn [ . IIIIIIIIIIIIV�:�. o n1 • TI ..a tors xL„ 111 gemmed lbw l 0 O C^I u a • . 1IIIIIIII .A- SP!JCTIWfrJ PO.Bo 1024 .Srfienedadr.NY 12.301 ....4fi (.SIB)348.6374(Phone) Environmental Associates.inc. (518)346-4002(1•as) '1scernr.vc Owe Curr.vry£.vrcrr,rnn.v.v or C.vcrrr.r.vcr.' rvrvlv.4sperirani.conr Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 2+3 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile I(0 ,r. f Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 - Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed _ Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) • "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 0700 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance J Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation(1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: M i c h a el Digitally signed by Michael DoRuyter Date: DN.cn=Michael DeRuyter.o.Spectrum Envrironmenlal,ou, DeRuyter email-mderuyter0_'4speclrum.com.c-US Date:2019.05.24 12:24.41•041)0' Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPECTRVIIJ P.O.Boy 1024 Sdrenetladlt NV 12301 (518)340-0374(Phone) Environmental Rssociates,inc. (518)340.4002(Pam) V.'.rrrrnrxc 0n&Ci.n:.rr.s 1,',rrrrnrr1 m.,or 1:xcrr.crxer.' rvww.4spednrm.tom Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock Stairs 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile Z_ /de-- 5-F Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ 1 Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed ✓ Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos I abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 0910 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance ✓ Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation( 1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: M i C h a el Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN cn-Michael DeRuyter.o=Spectrum Envrironmental,ou. De R u yte r email.ntderuyter@4spectrum.com,c-US Date 2019 05 24 12 24 41-04'00' Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services SPI3CTRVfrl PO.Box 107. .Schenerhrdr NY 12301 (.S18)340-0374(Phone) Environmental Rssociates. Inc. (518)340-4002(Mx) 4,'xrrrnrxc 0ea Cl.raxr.s 1:xerrvdnexs or excrrcrxce tvwtv.4spedn1m.row Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 1 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile i/;c 5 f Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 i Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ _ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed ✓ Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 1230 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance Pre-Sampling Agitation (5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation(1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) 1/ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: Michael Digitally signed by Michael OeRuyter Date: DN:cn-Michael DeRuytor,o-Spectrum Envrironmental.ou, DeRuyter email.mderuyter(?4speclrum.com.c-US Date:2019.05 24 12:24:41•04'00' Environmental Consulting&Management Services • health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services s pEcTRvig P.0.BOX 1021 &Ismer104 NV 12301 _. .44:_ (S(8)340-0374(Phan) Environmental Rssociates.inc. (S18)340.4002(Pax) 'l;.rrrrnrxr.One Crrrxrs l II:rnrno*,or t'xrrr.r.rxer.' www.4spedn1m.roln Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 4 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile / c. S -f Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact Negative Air Machines Running / I All Gross Material Removed From Work Area �/ Length of Waiting Period Observed Visible Debris Present All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams, ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 1400 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) Supervisor Logbook Signed Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance J Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) On Going Agitation( 1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: M I C h a e I Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DI*cn-Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum Envrironmental,ou. DeRuyter email.mderuyterV44spectrum.com.c=US Date 2019 05 24 12 24 41-04'00' Environmental Consulting&'Management Services • Health&Safely Training • laboratory Services iSpECTRVA1 P.O.Box 1024 Schenedndr.NY 1301 (518)340-0374(Phone) Environmental Rssociates.Inc. (518)340.4002(Pax) 'E.rcrrnrec One CLIENTS Ixecrr,rno,rs or l.ten.r.cxCE' 1vww..4aperlrum.ronr Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/30/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile -� /6c 5 .F Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed I Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/30/2019 0700 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance ✓ Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation(1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: Michael Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: ON:cn-Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum Envrironmental,ou. DeRuyter email uyleK14spectrum.com,c=US 2019 Date:2019 05 30 15:28 29-04'00' Environmental Consulting&Management Services • !Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services I'.O.Bur l024 - SPI3CTRViIJ m8 34 6 Elphone) Environmental associates.Inc. (ele)346.4062(Pax) 'E'xrrrnl.tc UIR CL)r.Yr.4 I.Xormill0.Y9 or L.rcru.r.Yer' mvle4spetlrl/m.runl Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 2+3 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile i 1`0 S c • Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ ) Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed ✓ Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 0700 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed . ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance ✓ Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation(1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) I Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: !Michael Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN cn=MichaeI DeRuyter.o=Spectrum Envrironmenlal.ou. DeRuyter email.rnderuytere4speclrum.conl.c=US Dale:2019.05.24 12:24:41•0400" Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services �_ 5PI3CTVqIJ P.0.Bar 1024 .Schenectady.NV 12301 (.518)3404374(Phone) Environmental associates, Inc. (518)340.4062(Par) 'l r,rnrxc 0N:C,.a:xrs 1xerrrdrro.r.,or 1.'.rrrrrrerr' u'ww.4spednmr.rom Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock Stairs 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile Z_ j 6 f 5.F Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact 1 Negative Air Machines Running 1 All Gross Material Removed From Work Area 1 Length of Waiting Period Observed 1 Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 0910 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed 1 Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance ✓ Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation( 1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) r/ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: (Michael Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN co-Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum Envrironmental,ou. DeRuyter emaDate 2019r05t24 12 24 4t1.04'00'm.c-US Environmental Consulting&Management Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services pi; SPECTRUM! P.O.Box 1024 Schenectady.NE 11.301 (518)340-0374(Phone) OR Environmental Rssociates. inc. (518)346-4002(Ins) '1Lrrrrnrxe Os',Curtis 1Lrrrrrano.rs or nee tux re Ivrvrv.4sperfrurn.ro1u Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 1 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile Ez rF Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes I No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ I Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed , 1 Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 1230 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ ll Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance ✓ Pre-Sampling Agitation (5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation( 1-20" Fan per 10,000 ft3) ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: 'Michael Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN.cn•Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum Envrironmental.ou, DeRuyter email'mderuyter0P4spectrum.corn.aUS Date:2019.05 24 12:24:41.04'00' Environmental Consulting&Management Services • health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services 102!'.U.Um �1 SPECTRVIq Schenectady Sr 12301 (.SIB)l46 63744(Phone) Environmental dissociates.inc. (SIB)346.4062(Par) 'txrccnrac Coe 04r.41.5 h'.rrrerorrvxs rrr t:xcclathee rvtwv.4spectru r.rom Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/22/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor Air Lock 4 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile / j c_, S Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No 1 N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area 1 Length of Waiting Period Observed 1 Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos ✓ abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/22/2019 1400 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ I Supervisor Logbook Signed I if Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation( 1-20"Fan per 10,000 ft3) ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: /l I C ha el Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN:cn-Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum Envrironmental.ou. DeRuyter email rnderuyterO4spectrum.com.c=US Date 2019 05 24 12 24 41-04'00' Environmental Consulting&i'lanagenlent Services •Health&Safely Training • Laboratory Services �_ spEcTRviii n O.sox 1024 &bonedndr.NY 12301 (518)340-U374(Phone) Environmental Rssoclates.inc. (518)340-4002(14x4 'Lxerrnrec 0,,,C,.uxrr 1::sorer'snex.t or r,.rcrILrxcr.' tvww.4epedrunr.corn Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ACCA of Queensbury 5/30/2019 Work Area: Project Number: 1st Floor 19-406 Material Removed: Quantity Removed: Floor Tile Project Monitor: Certificate Number: Michael DeRuyter 17-27607 Procedure or Activity Yes No N/A Critical Barriers Intact ✓ Negative Air Machines Running ✓ All Gross Material Removed From Work Area ✓ Length of Waiting Period Observed ✓ I Visible Debris Present ✓ All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1(d) "In accordance with ICR 56-9.1(d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos I abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 5/30/2019 0700 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) ✓ Supervisor Logbook Signed ✓ Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance Pre-Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) ✓ On Going Agitation( 1-20" Fan per 10,000 ft') ✓ Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: M i C h a e I Digitally signed by Michael DeRuyter Date: DN:cn-Michael DeRuyter.o-Spectrum [nvrironmental.ou. De R u yte r email=ntderuyter@4spectrum.com,c=US Date 2019.05.30 15:28 29-04'00' Environmental Consulting&Management Services •Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services P.0.&rx 1024 SPECTRVAISchenectady,KY 12301 8\ (518)348-6374(Phone) ,Environmental flssociates, inc. (518)346-4062(Fax) A 'EXCEEDING OUR Occurs ExPEcrArio,rs Of EXCLILESCE' www.4spectrum.com State of New York — Department of Labor Asbestos Certification S TATE OF NEW YORK•DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 1— -_ ASBESTOS CERTIFICATE I t' ' ERIC K RATH CLASS(EXPIRES) 'J C ATEC(04/20) 0 INSP(04/20) H PM (04/20) 4%, t CENT*o6 O8842 o p1,1hi 720.818750 MUST BE CARRIED ON ASBESTOS PROJECTS rIHllnniI NN Mui III 11111111 IIIIIIIIII1I III IF FOUND RETURN TO: r EYES BLU NYSDOL - L&C UNIT P 7-1`o HAIR SAL ROOM 161A BUILDING 12 rxx 8 HOT 5' 08" STATE OFFICE CAMPUS r _=8 ALBANY NY 12240 2. r1 o State of New York — Department of Labor Codes Certification A Asbestos Handler B Restricted Handler - Allied Trades +� C Air Sampling Technician D Inspector E Management Planner _ F -_ Operations and Maintenance G Supervisor H Project Monitor I Project Designer Environmental Consulting&glianagement Services • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services 24 B\ P.o.BOY13 Schenectady,NY 12301 01 (518)346-6374(Phone) Environmental fissociates, inc. (518)346-4062(Fax) A 'EXCEEDING Ovi CLIENTS EXPECTATIONS OF EXCELLENCE' www.4spectrum.com State of New York — Department of Labor Asbestos Certification STATE OF NEW YORK•DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ASBESTOS CERTIFICATE I MICHAEL S DERUYTER CLASS(EXPIRES) jw C ATEC(11/19) D INSP(11/19) t' HPM (11/19) CERrs 114160 WV 59111 II FL? MUST BE CARRIED ON ASBESTOS PROJECTS 1111111111M IM11iM1PI IIIi III III III 11111111111 I III IF FOUND RETURN TO: o EYES BRO NYSDOL - LCi UNIT HAIR BRO ROOM 161A BUILDING 12 o• HOT 6' 00" STATE OFFICE CAMPUS — ALBANY NY 12240 =n C State of New York — Department of Labor Codes Certification A _ Asbestos Handler B Restricted Handler- Allied Trades C Air Sampling Technician D Inspector E Management Planner F Operations and Maintenance G Supervisor H Project Monitor 1 Project Designer E„vironmentul Consulting/&Management Services • Hewitt? Safely/Minim • Luhorutorl'Services • New York State—Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. FILE NUMBER: 99-0129 LICENSE NUMBER: 29081 P.O. Box 1024 LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED DATE OF ISSUE: 02/27/2019 Schenectady, NY 12301 EXPIRATION DATE: 02/29/2020 Duly Authorized Representative—William L Massmann: This license has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It is subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state,federal or local laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos material. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01, 2020 s Issued April 01, 2019 0411 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JAMES A. CAPASSO II NY Lab Id No: 11540 SPECTRUM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES INC 2539 ALBANY STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12304 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES AIR AND EMISSIONS All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellaneous Fibers NIOSH 7400 A RULES Serial No.: 59696 Property of the New York State Department of Health Certificates are valid only at the address shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to verify the laboratorys accreditation status. Page 1 of 1 A TLA l •�-►`1 1l Cie- BORA TORTES bat" Albany 2019 22 Corporate Drive MAY 06 Clifton Park,NY 12065 518-383-9144(T) WBE certified company atlantictesting.com TOBUILD NG C DE JRY December 20, 2018 The Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc. 90 McCarty Avenue FILE COPY Albany, New York 12202 Attn: Mr. Keith Stack Executive Director TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Re: Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Based on our limited examination,compliance 79 Glenwood Avenue with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in Queensbury, New York full compliance with the Building Codes of ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 New York State. Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the Limited Hazardous Materials Survey report prepared for the referenced site. This project was completed in accordance with the scope of work outlined in our contract (ATL No. AT5998-817X-12-18), dated December 12, 2018, and authorized by Keith Stack on December 12, 2018. Please contact our office should you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance. Sincerely. ATLANTIC TESTING LABORATORIES, Limited j,1 -IA S. ` ) Tina M. Prouty Environmental Specialist TMP/JDG/tp Enclosures 296.19-1-42 CC-0282-2019 Addictions Care Center of Albany 79 Glenwood Ave Interior Alterations 8400 s.f. Binghamton • Canton • Elmira • Plattsburgh • Poughkeepsie • Rochester♦ Syracuse • Utica ♦ Watertown LIMITED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY 79 GLENWOOD AVENUE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK WBE certified company PREPARED BY: ATLANTIC TESTING LABORATORIES, LIMITED 22 Corporate Dive Clifton Park, New York 12065 PREPARED FOR: The Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc. 90 McCarty Avenue Albany, New York 12202 ATL REPORT No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 December 20, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Project Team and Certifications 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1 2.1 Project Description 1 2.2 Inaccessible Areas 1 2.3 Document Review 2 2.4 Limitations 2 3.0 ASBESTOS 2 3.1 Methodology 2 3.2 Regulatory Compliance 3 3.3 Summary of Findings 3 4.0 LEAD-CONTAINING MATERIAL 4 4.1 Methodology 4 4.2 Regulatory Compliance 4 4.3 Summary of Findings 4 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 5.1 General 5 5.2 Asbestos-Containing Materials 5 5.3 Lead-Containing Materials 5 APPENDICES Licenses and Certifications A Sample Location Plans B Laboratory Reports and Custody Documentation C Summary Tables D Summary of XRF Results and Calibration Checks E 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited (ATL) was retained by The Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc., to perform a limited hazardous materials survey of the building located at 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York. The limited survey was performed on December 13, through 16, 2018. The purpose of the limited hazardous materials survey was to identify asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP) that are present on exposed surfaces within the subject areas, and may have a significant impact on planned renovation/demolition activities. The limited hazardous materials survey procedures and report format that follow are in general compliance with applicable local, state, and federal rules and regulations. 1.2 Project Team and Certifications Members of the ATL project team included Tina Prouty, Environmental Specialist and Alexandra Miller, Environmental Scientist. Certifications of ATL's field survey team members and a copy of applicable company licenses maintained by ATL are included in Appendix A. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Project Description The project site is located at 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, Warren County, New York.. The intent of the limited hazardous materials survey was to identify suspect ACM and LBP that are located within assessable areas of the subject building and may be impacted during a proposed renovation/demolition project. The limited hazardous materials survey was conducted for the subject building, as directed by Keith Stack, representing The Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc. The subject building was not occupied or operational at the time of the sampling event. 2.2 Inaccessible Areas The extent of inaccessible areas is dependent upon the building type, construction materials, history of renovations and repairs, and project scope. Concealed materials may exist in areas that are not readily exposed to view. Although this limited hazardous materials survey was performed to identify ACM and LBP within the subject areas, potential ACM and LBP may have escaped detection that could be encountered during future building demolition and/or renovation activities. Wall, ceiling, floor, roofing, and/or other component systems may contain concealed suspect ACM and LBP. If any suspect ACM and/or LBP are encountered during demolition and/or renovation activities, the activities disturbing the suspect ACM and/or LBP must stop and the material must be sampled and laboratory analyzed in accordance with applicable regulations. The attic area was inaccessible at the time of the survey event.. The underside of the attic floor was visually observed from the 2nd floor and was determined to be non-suspect wood construction. If any suspect ACM and/or LBP materials are found within the attic during 1 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 proposed renovation/demolition activities, the suspect materials need to be assumed ACM and/or bulk sampled and laboratory analyzed for asbestos and lead, as applicable. 2.3 Document Review Documents that were provided to ATL for review during the limited hazardous materials survey included: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared by ATL (ATL Report No. AT5529CE-01-10-18), dated October 19, 2018. 2.4 Limitations This report has been prepared in accordance with the scope of work outlined in ATL's contract (ATL No. AT5998-817X-12-18), dated December 12, 2018, and should not be used as abatement specifications or design documents. The findings. conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on the field observations made by representatives of ATL and the information provided by representatives of The Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc. Quantities and locations of sampled materials are approximate, and should be verified by the abatement contractor(s) prior to providing actual cost quotations and/or initiating abatement activities. Variations in reported quantities and locations for sampled materials, in addition to the discovery of suspect materials not identified in this report, is possible due to the presence of inaccessible areas, as described in Section 2.2 of this report. The findings and opinions are relevant to the dates of our site work and should not be relied on to represent conditions at substantially later dates. 3.0 ASBESTOS 3.1 Methodology A visual examination of the subject areas was conducted by an Asbestos Building Inspector to identify suspect ACM. Functional spaces were identified to assist while locating suspect ACM. A functional space is defined as a spatially distinct area within a building that contains identifiable populations of building occupants. A functional space may include a room, a group of rooms, or other defined area, and several functional spaces may comprise a single homogeneous sampling area. A homogeneous sampling area is defined as an area that is uniform by color, texture, construction/application, and general appearance. Each identified functional space was visually examined to determine the locations of suspect ACM. These materials were then delineated into homogeneous sampling areas. Samples of each accessible homogeneous area were collected and placed in clean, labeled containers. The appropriate custody documentation was completed and the suspect ACM samples were submitted to AmeriSci New York (AmeriSci), located in New York, New York. The samples were laboratory analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methodologies, as applicable. AmeriSci is a New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) certified laboratory for PLM and TEM analysis under Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) No. 11480. AmeriSci is also accredited by 2 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). 3.2 Regulatory Compliance In New York State, there are multiple regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction over ACM in buildings. Asbestos survey requirements are primarily regulated or specified by the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL), the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The NYSDOL established Part 56 of The Official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations (cited as 12 NYCRR, Part 56) to address the proper identification, handling, removal, and disposal of ACM in buildings. Asbestos survey requirements are specified in Subpart 56-5.1 "Asbestos Survey Requirements for Building/Structure Demolition, Renovation, Remodeling and Repair." The NYSDOL also works in conjunction with the NYSDOH to establish and maintain asbestos safety training program requirements, and enforce personnel certifications and licensing protocol for asbestos contractors. The OSHA defines requirements for asbestos surveys and identification of ACM and presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACM) in 29 CFR 1926.1101 (k) "Communication of Hazards." Under this regulation, OSHA makes reference to conducting inspections according to 1926.1101 (k)(5)(ii)(B) and 1926.1101 (k)(5)(iii) or pursuant to the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E "Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools." The AHERA is regulated by the EPA, and applies to primary and secondary schools only; however, the procedures mandated under AHERA are generally considered the industry standards for surveys, as these are typically the most stringent. 3.3 Summary of Findings A total of 71 homogeneous areas of suspect ACM were identified during the visual examination, from which 159 bulk samples were collected and subsequently submitted to a NYSDOH approved laboratory for analysis. Approximate sample locations are depicted on the Sample Location Plans, contained in Appendix B. A copy of laboratory reports and sample custody documentation are contained in Appendix C. Table D-I contained in Appendix D, provides a summary of the identified suspect ACM and associated analytical results. The EPA, NYSDOL, and other regulatory agencies define ACM as any material containing greater than 1% of asbestos. Materials listed in bold font in Table D-I of Appendix D were determined or assumed to be ACM. Other materials that were observed, but are not considered suspect ACM, include the following; • Glass • Nylon-Coated Wire Jacket • Wood • Metal • Ceramic Tile • Solid Wood Doors 3 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 4.0 LEAD-BASED PAINT 4.1 Methodology A visual examination of the subject building was conducted by a Lead Inspector to identify visible and accessible painted surfaces. The painted surfaces were categorized into homogeneous areas from which tests could be conducted. Each homogeneous area was tested using a Heuresis Pb200i XRF Analyzer. This equipment provides instantaneous measurements for lead concentration in mg/cm2, and displays readings that are positive or negative indications for LCM. Calibration checks for the XRF equipment were performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 4.2 Regulatory Compliance Although New York State has established Title X, Part 67 of The Official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations (cited as NYCRR Title X, Part 67) for "Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control," LBP inspections and risk assessments are generally subject to the requirements of federal regulations. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), EPA, and OSHA are the primary federal regulatory agencies responsible for the establishment and enforcement of such regulations. On a state level, the NYSDOH does require laboratories to be certified to perform lead analysis under the ELAP. The HUD "Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing" include details pertaining to sampling and analysis of suspect LBP, in addition to the identification and control of LBP hazards. The HUD guidelines pertain to federally owned or assisted housing; however, these are commonly referenced and made mandatory by other regulatory agencies. The EPA requirements for LBP activities, specified in 40 CFR Part 745, apply to targeted housing and child-occupied facilities, and are similar to HUD guideline requirements. The OSHA Construction Standard for Lead (29 CFR 1926.62) applies to employees of an employer who may or will be exposed to occupational levels of lead. OSHA requires employees to maintain, at a minimum. awareness. respiratory protection, and hazard communication training. 4.3 Summary of Findings A total of 232 locations were tested using the XRF spectrometer. Approximate sample locations are depicted on the Sample Location Plan/Plans, contained in Appendix B. A summary of the XRF results and calibration checks are provided in Appendix E. The XRF results provided in Table E-I of Appendix E represent painted surfaces that were determined to be LBP, per HUD criteria. Table E-II of Appendix E identifies painted surfaces that contain detectable concentrations of lead, but are not considered LBP, as compared to HUD criteria. Painted surfaces that did not contain lead at a concentration above the method detection limits are summarized in Table E-III of Appendix E. Calibration checks for the XRF spectrometer are provided in Table E-IV of Appendix E. 4 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No.AT5534CE-02-12-18 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are prepared from ATL's understanding that the subject building may be subject to renovation/demolition projects. Should the management of the building areas change, it is recommended that the findings be revisited to reflect appropriate operations and management practices for hazardous materials containing items. 5.1 General 1. Concealed regulated hazardous materials may exist at the site that could be encountered during future building renovation/demolition activities. Wall, ceiling, floor, roofing, and/or other component systems may contain concealed suspect hazardous materials. If any suspect hazardous materials or hazardous materials-containing items are encountered during demolition and/or renovation activities, the activities disturbing the suspect material must stop and the material must be sampled and laboratory analyzed or otherwise managed pursuant to in accordance with applicable regulations. 5.2 Asbestos-Containing Materials 1. The materials listed in bold in Table D-I of Appendix D were determined or assumed to be ACM. 2. Subpart 56-5(h) of 12 NYCRR Part 56 requires that no demolition, renovation, remodeling, or repair work be commenced by any owner or the owner's agent prior to the completion of asbestos abatement. Asbestos abatement must be performed by an asbestos abatement contractor that maintains a current asbestos handling license, and employs NYSDOL certified asbestos handlers and supervisors. It is recommended that a 12 NYCRR 56 certified Project Monitor oversee abatement activities. 3. Subpart 56-5(g) of 12 NYCRR Part 56 specifies requirements for transmittal of asbestos survey information by the owner or owner's agent. One copy of the asbestos survey report shall be sent to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition, renovation, remodeling, or repair work under applicable State or local laws. If controlled demolition or pre-demolition activities will be performed, one copy of the asbestos survey report shall be submitted to the appropriate Asbestos Control Bureau district office. One copy of the asbestos survey report must be kept on the construction site throughout the duration of the asbestos project and any associated demolition, renovation, remodeling, or repair project. 5.3 Lead-Containing Materials 1. The materials listed in Table E-I of Appendix E were determined to be LCM per HUD criteria. Table E-II of Appendix E lists materials that are not considered LCM per HUD criteria, but contain detectable concentrations of lead and are regulated under OSHA. 2. Identified LCM or paint with a detectable concentration of lead should be managed in accordance with applicable EPA and OSHA requirements prior to or during demolition, renovation, remodeling, or repair work. 3. Demolition/renovation contractors are required to conduct exposure monitoring or use historical objective data to ensure that employee exposures do not exceed the action level of 30 pg/m3. 5 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No, AT5534CE-02-12-18 APPENDIX A LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS A 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 Asbestos Certificate Code Classifications The following letter codes shown on the enclosed asbestos certificates represent the corresponding asbestos classifications: A - Asbestos Handler F - Operations & Maintenance B - Allied Trades G - Asbestos Supervisor C - Air Sampling Technician H - Asbestos Project Monitor D - Building Inspector I - Asbestos Project Designer E - Management Planner A New York State—Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE ��— -.._�` c.-ter ,,. =n' ?Cilsting ' - ones, Limited ' : 1 -FILE NUMBER: 99-0911 `4 `' LICENSE NUMBER: 29276 Bo 9 AYam. LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED i DATE OF ISSUE: 10/31/2018 ,,i a Y 617 .<h EXPIRATION DATE: 10/31/2019 ii t '' y \ .Ztr: - '' /al i .../z ill. i ,t, i,: ,11 ii.:_ty„_ .:- r_:;, f . ::( .„„,:i, , kta) ‘ t, v:://.; , i Duly Authorized Representativ , ,, arijea { ' ,,, ;... gt�r..;,,, ;,, ." :::;.. _ �� ;l, 1 _ IF1 ! .:( :1 C4 This license has been issued in ac ,,,: ce with'applical le provisions`of Article` I of the 'r Law of New York a e.,'4,4 o the New York State Codes,Rules t t egulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It is subject to sui , sion or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state,federal s' t laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos pros ",or(2)demonstrated lacks► responsibility in the conduct of an involving asbestos or asbestos matel~ . 21, <i:. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photdopy must_he;, '.6miv_, tly displa at,, asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project „ Y 'irk State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York t Department of Labor. Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor hl U C (6 coI 164 I L C Cl- co L fB tit ° fx co C.) a)tIgiimmi rn0 • , . ) O aS L ,_ .i. •Ez > U >, I., 4,4 W.° .s. a) ,-- CD i tg _ar; :3- :t v4=. :'-' z CC v ; •L U_ (o 1.01.4 �t J a�� i GI fn O• E. ^T�'a � N vilik ♦4"► 'L w v ♦: O coi• w t a- w .�0N3Jb,y0 .0 tri '5. a) 47 CO 'IN-'- 1.4 cti CO CL O al x -0, 4 tm iimit Q 0 us % ec t N CO O FNVIRO14,° ai N C 'lump _ O t3—t It) e� C co o w UIii c f N N E U 13 N tk < a w Q ItIol O CD cow O -a li f •c = g; m U Q 2 • NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01, 2019 ,. Issued April 01, 2018 ER rwrb CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. PAUL J. MUCHA NY Lab Id No: 11480 AMERICA SCIENCE TEAM NEW YORK, INC 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10016 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellaneous Asbestos in Fnable Material ;tern 198.1 of Manual EPA 60C'M4/82/020 Asbestos in Non-Friable Matenal-PLM Item 198.6 of Manual(NOB by PLM) Asbestos in Non-Friable Material-TEM Item 198.4 of Manual • Serial No.: 57809 Property of the New Yorx State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address shown.must be conspicuously posted and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to venty the'aborator/s accreditation status. Page 1of1 E , O 0 o CVN o — `° `n a ■U . pO Q N in Urorn Wcor c O cy 0 ����, 00) Rem' a� >.0 Tr3 dl t) ° 0 4 Q CD o la o 76 E � O E o � � Op o .co oa ° � o i( La • et w V ,� '� C cA �c �0 CE Ll'" � O C L►� o N4Q C " = u_"a) -. C .N++ N › a .tt c -5 Cm QC — Qj U O p � t�E • ►J E iy E � C A U ccj 0 0 ,-' --4‘ �. � o .,4 i. o 0. vial Cs) L o �� y.. Q o V) 3 4 c -0'3o t utt`.(11 Co o :::) 14.0a N O a c, . WI o 0 L■. o0 o � � N z • , b o a) C C C L a.) CO ON h co Q .co - cti N co Z 03 o o � cl °�° a w a) 1. U L O x 4 ♦ + U a) 0.2o lz ._.. W V_ co 4-• .— ,. cco 0 ■NE■ 1.-- y oo Ar ._ N W 0 for OF [INIVon ' ® National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program ' ' _ ' ............ ‘ i 17ATES M SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION TO ISO/IEC 17025:2005 AmeriSci New York 117 E. 30th Street New York,NY 10016 Mr.Paul Mucha Phone: 212-679-8600 Fax: 212-679-2711 Email:pmucha@amerisci.com http://www.amerisci.com ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS NVLAP LAB CODE 200546-0 Bulk Asbestos Analysis Code Description 18/A01 EPA--40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763,Interim Method of the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples 18/A03 EPA 600/R-93/116:Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials Airborne Asbestos Analysis Code Description 18/A02 U.S.EPA's"Interim Transmission Electron Microscopy Analytical Methods-Mandatory and Nonmandatory-and Mandatory Section to Determine Completion of Response Actions"as found in 40 CFR,Part 763,Subpart E,Appendix A. • 11111 For the Natty Volunta L borat ccreditation Program Effective 2018-07-01 through 2019-06-30 Page 1 of 1 ,a, f' r . , _{; ` I °'4` NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH F"' M �; WADSWORTFI CENTER "' .- ; l ._ ,� - 1.�,, �, Expires 12:01 AM April 01, 2019 4 f �r, '`• t` �" ' 1} f.g.h., Issued April 01, 2018 t► • „i - ..Rif ,. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE irc4p� Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 t ,., is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category . .. 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE 1, All approved analytes are listed below: _ ittof ' ' .fy.ayi...;: :4 • -z.;r .,tin Acrylates Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides 441' yo ' .{; A,F Acrolein(Propenal) EPA 8260C 4,4'-ODD EPA 8081B Acrylonitrile EPA 8260C 4,4'-ODE EPA 8081B r; Ethyl methacrylate EPA 8260C 4,4'-DDT EPA 8081B _ ' Aldrin EPA 8081B .i.'I`, Amines e alpha-BHC EPA 80818 1,2-Oiphenylhydrazine EPA 8270D trams alpha-Chlordane EPA 80818 2-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D ^°t i Atrazine EPA 8270D • ' ' d�- 3-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D ' "' w , beta-BHC EPA 80818 • 4-Chtoroaniline EPA 8270D '' , d-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D Chlordane Total EPA 80818 ram. ' delta-BHC EPA 8081B Aniline EPA 82700 Dioldrin EPA 8081 B Carhazole EPA 82700 Endosulfan I EPA 8081 B Dlphenylamine EPA 82700 ;. ..eg* Endosulfan II EPA 80818 Benzidines Endosulfan sulfate EPA 8081E 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine EPA 8270D Endrin EPA 80818 Benzidine EPA 8270D Endrin aldehyde EPA 8081 B - it ,,. Characteristic Testing Endrin Ketone EPA 80818 gt, ,, + Corrosivity EPA 9040C gamma-Chlordane EPA 80816 741 T$ `601R Heptachlor EPA 8081E "�` -�` a ,, EPA 9045D ' Free Liquids EPA 90958 Heptachlor epoxide EPA 8081 B Ignitability EPA 1030 Lindane EPA 80818 EPA 1010A Methoxychlor EPA 8081B Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Proc. EPA 1312 Pentachloronitrobenzene EPA 82700 TCLP EPA 1311 Toxaphono EPA 80818 Serial No.: 57686 Property of the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address +,r shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends � -< on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to -- verify the laboratorys accreditation status. RnoM Page 1 of 6 - mas k 4 .. _ 'Mtn , 'NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER - Expires 12:01 AM Apr 01,20I . f ii �R Issued April 01, 2018 s.-- a�r„1,4'-." CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE_ Allapproved analytes are listed below: Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Low Level Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene EPA 826CC Acenaphthene Low Level EPA 8270D SIM 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene EPA 8270D Acenaphthylene Low Level EPA 8270D SIM 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8270D Anthracene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM 2-Chloronaphthalene 'a ' EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene Low Level =- EPA 8270D SIM Hexachlorobenzene EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM -lexachlorobutadiene EPA 82701) Benzo(b)fluoranthene Low Level EPA 8270D SiM Hexachlorocycbpentadiene- EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM Hexachloroethane EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene Low Level -EPA 8270D SIM ChlorophenoxyAcid Pesticides Chrysene Low Level EPA 8270D SIM Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene tow Level EPA 8270D SIM ` -. 2,4,5-T EPA8151A 2,4,5 TP(Silvex) EPA 8151A Fluoranthene Low Level EPA 8270D SIM 2,4•0 • EPA 8151A Fluorene Low Level EPA 8270D SIM 2,4-DB EPA 8151A Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Low Level, EPA 82700 SIM =' - Naphthalene Low Level EPA 8270D'SIT41 _-- Dalapon EPA 8151A .. Dicamba- EPA 8151A Phenanthrene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM'= --Dlchloroprop EPA 8151A Pyrene Low Level EPA 827C0 SIM _____ pinoseb EPA 8151A Metals II MCPA EPA 8151A Chromium VI EPA 7196A MCPP EPA 8151A Minerals Haloethers Chloride EPA 9251 t'*,- 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) EPA 82700 Sulfate(as SO4) EPA 9038 4-Bromophenylphenyt ether EPA 8270D Miscellaneous 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether EPA 8270D Cyanide, Total EPA 9014 Bis(2-chloroelhoxy)methane EPA 8270D EPA 9012B Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether EPA 8270D . „r Serial No.: 57686 ' , ' '� tfii Property of the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address !� shown,must bo conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends ' „ on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to -` i if verify the laboratory's accreditation statue. r 44 Page 2 of 6 l � -tx 4d t sA •ps , w ,V4 y 3 6. . : t . r „ , .' NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH '-- ' , =` 'l tP N., t WADSWORTH CENTER ......_ - 4 I"I ' ;' fgt : . ,, Expires 12:01 AM April 01, 2019 %�, , 4 '' `` ' ,s Issued April 01, 2018 • ': CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL a 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 Wiz, - , is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved analytes are listed below: St-,i1 ,c- .f r .sin •cam Miscellaneous - ef�.,' s' �: Phthalate Esters Extractable Organic Halides EPA 9023 Dimethyt phthalate EPA 8270D Phenols EPA 9065 Di-n-butyl phthalate EPA 8270D Specific Conductance EPA 9050A Di-n-octyl phthalate EPA 82700 Nitroaromatics and Isophorone Polychlorinated Biphenyis 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 82700 PCB-1016 EPA 8082A 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 82700 PCB-1221 EPA 8082A Isophorone EPA 8270D PCB-1232 EPA 8082A Nitrobenzene EPA 8270D PCB-1242 EPA 8082A Pyridine EPA 8270D PCB-1248 EPA 8082A Nitrosoamines PCB-1254 EPA 8082A PCB-1260 EPA 8082A N-Nitrosodimethylamine EPA 8270D PCB-1262 EPA 8082A N-Nitrosodl-n-propylamine EPA 8270D N-Nitrosodiphenylamine EPA 8270D PCB-1268 EPA 8082A PCBs in Oil EPA 8082A Organophosphate Pesticides Polynuciear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Parathion ethyl EPA 8270D Acenaphthene EPA 82700 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Acenaphthylene EPA 8270D Diesel Range Organics EPA 8015C Anthracene EPA 82700 Gasoline Range Organics EPA 8015C Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 8270D Oil and Grease Total Recoverable(HEM) EPA 9071 B(Solvent:Hexane) Benzo(a)pyrene EPA 8270D Phthalate Esters Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 8270D Benzyl butyl phthalate EPA 8270D Benzo(ghi)peryiene EPA 8270D Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate EPA 8270D Benzo(k)tluoranthene EPA 8270D Diethyl phthalate EPA 8270D Chrysene EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene EPA 8270D Serial No.: 57686 .,,--;; .-,- Property of the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address _ .: 11fY shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are punted on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends ..:,1 on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485.5570 to ,')! r verify the laboratory's accreditation status. IF. ;.'' Page 3 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER `s, Expires 12:01 AM April 01, 2019 • s• Issued April 01, 2018 s;._ �/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved analytes are listed below: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Semi-Volatile Organics Fluoranthene EPA 8270D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene,Semi-volatile EPA 8270D Fluorene EPA 8270D 1,3-Dichtorobenzene,Semi-volatile EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 8270D 1,4•Dichlorobonzone,Semi-volatile EPA 8270D Naphthalene EPA 8270D 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 8270D Phenanthrene EPA 8270D Acetophenone EPA 8270D Pyrene EPA 8270D Benzaldehyde EPA 8270D Priority Pollutant Phenols Benzoic Acid EPA 8270D 2,3,4,6 Tetrachlorophenol EPA 8270D Benzyl alcohol EPA 8270D 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270D Caprolactam EPA 8270D Dibenzofuran EPA 8270D 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270D 2,4-Dichiorophenol EPA 8270D Volatile Aromatics 2,4-Dimethylphenol EPA 82700 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene,Volatile EPA 8260C 2,4-Dinitrophenol EPA 82700 1,2.4-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C 2-Chlorophenol EPA 8270D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260C 2-Methyl-4,6-dlnitrophenol EPA 8270D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C 2-Methylphenol EPA 8270D 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260C 2-Nltrophcnol EPA 8270D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260C 3-Methylphenol EPA 8270D 2-Chlorotoluene EPA 8260C 4-Chioro-3-methylphenoi EPA 8270D 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 8260C 4-Methylphenol EPA 8270D Benzene EPA 0260C 4-Nitrophunol EPA 8270D Brornobenzene EPA 8260C Pentachlorophenol EPA 8270D Chlorobenzene EPA 8260C Phenol EPA 8270D Ethyl benzene EPA 8260C Semi-Volatile Organics Isopropylbenzene EPA 8260C 1,1'-Biphenyl EPA 82700 mlp-Xylenes EPA 8260C Serial No.: 57686 ; � Property of the New York State Department of Health. Cart ficates are valid only at the address +',.r: ': %'. shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485.5570 to �- verify the laboratory's accreditation status. '',1`' : Page 4 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER " -- Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2019 - ,.1's Issued April 01, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York Stele MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the ` --- _' National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category t -44. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved analytes are listed below: Volatile Aromatics Volatile Haiocarbons Naphthalene,Volatile EPA 8260C 2,2-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C n-Butylbenzene EPA 8260C 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 8260C n-Propylbonzene EPA 826CC Bromochloromethane EPA 8260C o-Xylene EPA 826CC Bromodichloromethane EPA 8260C p-lsopropyltoluene(P-Cymene) EPA 826CC Brornoform EPA 8260C sec-Butylbenzene EPA 8260C Bromomethane EPA 8260C 4 ' Styrene EPA 8260C Carbon tetrachloride EPA 8260C tert-Butylbenzene EPA 826CC Chloroethane EPA 8260C Toluene EPA 826CC Chloroform EPA 8260C Total Xylenes EPA 8260C Chloromethane EPA 8260C Volatile Halocarbons cis-1.2-Dichloroethene EPA 8260C 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 8260C cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 8260C 1,1,1-Trichioroethane EPA 826CC Dibromochlcromethane EPA 8260C Dibromomethane EPA 8260C 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 8260C 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifiuoroethane EPA 8260C Dichlorodifiuoromethane EPA 826CC 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 8260C Hexachlorobutedrene,Volatile EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichioroethane EPA 8260C Methylene chloride EPA 826CC Tetrachloroethene EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichloropropene EPA 8260C trans-1.2 Dichiuroethena EPA 8260C 1,2,3-Trichloropropane EPA 826CC trans-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 8260C 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 8260C trans-1.4-Dichloro 2-butane EPA 826CC 1,2-Dibromoethane EPA 8260C Trichloroethene EPA 826CC Trichlornfluoromethane EPA 8260C 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 826CC 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride EPA 826CC 1,3-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C Serial No.: 57686 �.. ,a-..., Property of the Now York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address pj snows,must be conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accredltatIon depends- :�_ 't, on successful ongoing participation in the Program-Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to ';; 1:rf the laccre;rry s accre t�u2r'ota;:;:r. Page 5ar6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER "we-. Expires 12:0-1 AM April 01,2019 • f.I 17 Issued April 01, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. JOSEPH L. WATKINS NY Lab Id No: 11148 ALPHA ANALYTICAL 8 WALKUP DR WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581-1019 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Al!approved analytes are listed below: Volatile Organics 1, Dioxane PA8260C 2-Butanone(Methylethyl ketone) PA 8260C Hexanone PA 8260C 4-Methyl- Pentano EPA 8260C Acetone EPA 8260C Carbon Disulfide EPA 8260C yclohexane EPA 8260C thyl ethe PA 8260C Ethyl Acetate EPA 8260C Methyl acetate EPA 8260C M by yclohexane 260C Meth), ert-butyl ether EPA 8260C n-Butanol EPA 8260C. tert-butyl alcoho EPA 8260C inyl acetate EPA 8260C Sample Preparation Methods EPA 5035A-1_ EPA 5035A H EPA 3580A EPA 3540C . • ;.41. EPA 3546 414'. EPA 3060A EPA 901 CC c Serial No.: 57686 Property of the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address + Pbco shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to verify the laboratory's accreditation status. s' Page 6 of 6 . ..Ave x-, Erkc - ' k : rig•.. fi . 0 Igyp.. > wn per+.. k "-,I 1011 3 I .i.: go Cri ne Cimo CD 0 4,4 1411 z lui.m. 0 ci:t , emeqk Ec,.. . ift,....k. Imes .4,4_ 0 ce CI ,i _ ,�.�., U r xD. • ----...-- . . • • . . • • • . . . . . I co '-',.... . .--.4.:-.....,... ...„t . . . ,.. I ... g w — . . . ..- a - e•-•• 1.= M 1••• .• . V .....--,...,......, t 0 C,) . > OA= • ----• . • o 8 r.-7). - al 1—. . g. >(.7).-..- 0 g • . "a &ace . a 4. u.) . * 6 c4 . 0 c, ....„..... Ts.a. 0: . . x N It N I' i t 1 z . 2 . A• .g >, •,..?.' 2 1 v ,,, ?...., El aa ii, c> . 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Ili \ , , O O O 2 Z u i i i a A' U nl P. - C ® ®71 6 <I ¢ i s r m o Palh 1 I '.__.) i - - -A --/\ ® — . ci C _ • ail $ Z ® g a Q O G T 5 O � ' � m t YYYY J I o _.) z ag a m (--- • a.) 0 sx 8 E _ :—.) alaNiNN, as a O 2 e m o'l a�, Gil TO I 7 .1 o \ u , . . . d ilIl XI �hi ! 11111 UJi !!! muu J` Q g LIJ i J V ! co 4 � |} } � !! � . | Yy - k � b { i iA CC , !: 5 m : < / `, k / 7 U a. fl : 1 _...\\ / ) I . % ■ ! % � § a /1 ; 111111 / | ) k -\ § � #\ \ j)\ | � | % q aoo \ \ t G -o 7 m q - \ co kE d! , | Ji ! 11 " f ® ! « 1 t liii \ I. .. ! _ 7 | 2e \ § ; \ \ � � § e 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 APPENDIX C LABORATORY REPORTS AND CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION C "06"4-4 AmeriSci New York • 117 EAST 30TH ST. AMERI SCI NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600•FAX: (212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited Date Received 12/18/18 AmeriSci Job# 218122716 Attn: Tina Prouty Date Examined 12/18/18 P.O. # P.O. Box 29 ELAP # 11480 Page 1 of 27 RE:AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Canton, NY 13617 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A101A 218122716-01 No NAD 1 01 Location: 1A-Row 1: White 2'x 2'Fissured&Pinholed Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 50.4 % AT5534A101B 218122716-02 No NAD 01 Location: 1A-Row 1:White 2'x 2'Fissured&Pinholed Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 43.9% AT5534A102A 218122716-03 No NAD 02 Location: 1A-Row 2: Beige Pattern Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.7% AT5534A102B 218122716-04 No NAD 02 Location: 1A-Row 2:Beige Pattern Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.6% AT5534A103A 218122716-05 No NAD 03 Location: 1B-Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 12%, Non-fibrous 88 See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job #: 218122716 Page 2 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A103B 218122716-06 No NAD 03 Location: 1D-Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% AT5534A103C 218122716-07 No NAD 03 Location: 1J-Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% AT5534A103D 218122716-08 No NAD 03 Location: 1 L-Row 3:Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Non-fibrous 85 AT5534A103E 218122716-09 No NAD 03 Location: 2A- Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Non-fibrous 85 AT5534A103F 218122716-10 No NAD 03 Location: 2K-Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% AT5534A103G 218122716-11 No NAD 03 Location: 1 P- Row 3:Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90 See Reporting notes on last page • AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 3 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A103H 218122716-12 No NAD 03 Location: 2C-Row 3:Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 20%, Non-fibrous 80% AT5534A1031 218122716-13 No NAD 03 Location: 2E-Row 3: Gypsum Wallboard (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 20%, Non-fibrous 80 AT5534A104A 218122716-14 No NAD 04 Location: 1A-Row 4: CFT Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Purple, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1000/0 AT5534A104B 218122716-15 No NAD 04 Location: 1A-Row 4:CFT Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Purple, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A105A 218122716-16 No NAD 05 Location: 1 C-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A105B 218122716-17 No NAD 05 Location: 1C-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 4 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A105C 218122716-18 No NAD 05 Location: 1B-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A105D 218122716-19 No NAD 05 Location: 1E-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A105E 218122716-20 No NAD 05 Location: 1K-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A105F 218122716-21 No NAD 05 Location: 1 P-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A105G 218122716-22 No NAD 05 Location: 2E-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A105H 218122716-23 No NAD 05 Location: 2C-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 5 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534AI05I 218122716-24 No NAD 05 Location: 2A-Row 5: Gypsum Board Assoc. W/White Joint Compound(Row 4/Row (by NYS FLAP 198.1) 3) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A106A 218122716-25 No NAD 06 Location: 1 B-Row 6: Gypsum Board Assoc.W/Tan Seam Tape (by NYS FLAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 99%, Non-fibrous 1 AT5534A106B 218122716-26 No NAD 06 Location: 1C-Row 6:Gypsum Board Assoc.W/Tan Seam Tape (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 95%, Non-fibrous 5% AT5534A107A 218122716-27 No NAD 07 Location: 1 B- Row 7:Tan Marbled Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 5.4 AT5534A107B 218122716-28 No NAD 07 Location: 18-Row 7:Tan Marbled Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 5.6 AT5534A108A 218122716-29 No NAD 08 Location: 18-Row 8:White 2'x 4'Pinhole Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 37.1 % See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 6 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A108B 218122716-30 No NAD 08 Location: 1 F-Row 8:White 2'x 4'Pinhole Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 47.3 AT5534A110A 218122716-31 Yes 5.1 % 10 Location: 1 C-Row 10:Tan 12"x 12"Mottled Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Chrysotile 5.1 % Other Material: Non-fibrous 34.7% AT5534A110B 218122716-32 NA/PS 10 Location: 1P- Row 10:Tan 12"x 12"Mottled Floor Tile Analyst Description: Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: AT5534A111A 218122716-33 No NAD 11 Location: 1 C-Row 11: Floor Tile Assoc.W/Yellow Mastic(Row 10) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 32.2 AT5534A111B 218122716-34 No NAD 11 Location: 1 P-Row 11: Floor Tile Assoc.W/Yellow Mastic(Row 10) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 37.7% AT5534A112A 218122716-35 No NAD 12 Location: 1 D- Row 12: Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 36.2% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 7 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A112B 218122716-36 No NAD 12 Location: 1 F-Row 12:Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 33.2 AT5534A113A 218122716-37 No NAD 13 Location: 1K-Row 13: Beige Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 21.6% AT5534A113B 218122716-38 No NAD 13 Location: 1K-Row 13: Beige Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous. Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 24.6% AT5534A114A 218122716-39 No NAD 14 Location: 1A-Row 14: CFT Mortar(Row 4) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A114B 218122716-40 No NAD 14 Location: 1A- Row 14: CFT Mortar(Row 4) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A115A 218122716-41 No NAD 15 Location: 1R- Row 15:White Fixture Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 23.8% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 8 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A115B 218122716-42 No NAD 15 Location: 1 S-Row 15:White Fixture Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 27.2% AT5534A116A 218122716-43 No NAD 16 Location: 11 -Row 16: Brown 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.9% AT5534A116B 218122716-44 No NAD 16 Location: 1P-Row 16: Brown 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.5% AT5534A117A 218122716-45 No NAD 17 Location: 11 -Row 17:Cove Base Assoc.W/Black Adhesive(Row 16) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Dark Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 42.9% AT5534A117B 218122716-46 No NAD 17 Location: 1 P-Row 17: Cove Base Assoc.W/Black Adhesive(Row 16) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Dark Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 39.9% AT5534A118A 218122716-47 No NAD 18 Location: 11 - Row 18:Stone Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 9 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A118B 218122716-48 No NAD 18 Location: 11 - Row 18: Stone Mortar (by NYS FLAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A119A 218122716-49 No NAD 19 Location: 1K-Row 19: Beige Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous. Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.8% AT5534A119B 218122716-50 No NAD 19 Location: 1K- Row 19:Beige Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.3% AT5534A120A 218122716-51 No NAD 20 Location: 1 N-Row 20:Yellow 2'x 2'Pattern Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow/Tan/Grey, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 25.9% AT5534A120B 218122716-52 No NAD 20 Location: 1L- Row 20:Yellow 2'x 2'Pattern Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 39% A15534A121 A 218122716-53 No NAD 21 Location: 1Q-Row 21: Beige 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.6% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 10 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A1216 218122716-54 No NAD 21 Location: 1L-Row 21: Beige 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.4% AT5534A122A 218122716-55 No NAD 22 Location: 10- Row 22: Cove Base Assoc.W/Tan Adhesive(Row 21) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Cream, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.5% AT5534A122B 218122716-56 No NAD 22 Location: 1L - Row 22: Cove Base Assoc.W/Tan Adhesive(Row 21) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Cream, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.9% AT5534A123A 218122716-57 No NAD 23 Location: 1M-Row 23: Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Penne on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 38% AT5534A123B 218122716-58 No NAD 23 Location: 1M-Row 23:Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 35.7 AT5534A124A 218122716-59 No NAD 24 Location: 1M-Row 24: Black 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 0.9% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 11 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. 1 HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A124B 218122716-60 No NAD 24 Location: 2A-Row 24: Black 4"Cove Base (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1 % AT5534A125A 218122716-61 No NAD 25 Location: 1 M - Row 25: Cove Base Assoc.W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 28.3 AT5534A125B 218122716-62 No NAD 25 Location: 2A- Row 25:Cove Base Assoc.W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 18% AT5534A126A 218122716-63 No NAD 26 Location: 1 L-Row 26: Off-White Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 25.2 AT5534A126B 218122716-64 No NAD 26 Location: 1 N-Row 26:Off-White Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 26.2 % AT5534A127A 218122716-65 No NAD 27 Location: 1 M-Row 27:White 2'x 4'Textured Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 30%, Non-fibrous 17.9% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 12 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. ! HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A127B 218122716-66 No NAD 27 Location: 1 M-Row 27:White 2'x 4'Textured Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 34%, Non-fibrous 20.9% AT5534A128A 218122716-67 No NAD 28 Location: 1C-Row 28:Gypsum Ceiling Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Penne on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Non-fibrous 85% AT5534A128B 218122716-68 No NAD 28 Location: 1C-Row 28: Gypsum Ceiling Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% AT5534A128C 218122716-69 No NAD 28 Location: 1P-Row 28: Gypsum Ceiling Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% AT5534A128D 218122716-70 No NAD 28 Location: 1C-Row 28: Gypsum Ceiling Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Non-fibrous 85% AT5534A128E 218122716-71 No NAD 28 Location: 1K-Row 28: Gypsum Ceiling Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90 See Reporting notes on last page • AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 13 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A129A 218122716-72 No NAD 29 Location: 1C-Row 29:Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 28) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A1298 218122716-73 No NAD 29 Location: 1C-Row 29: Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 28) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A129C 218122716-74 No NAD 29 Location: 1 P-Row 29: Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 28) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A129D 218122716-75 No NAD 29 Location: 1C- Row 29: Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 28) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A129E 218122716-76 No NAD 29 Location: 1K- Row 29: Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/White Joint Compound(Row (by NYS ELAP 198.1) 28) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A130A 218122716-77 No NAD 30 Location: 1C- Row 30: Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/Tan Seam Tape(Row 28) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 100%, Non-fibrous Trace See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 14 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos AT5534A130B 218122716-78 No NAD 30 Location: 1P-Row 30:Gypsum Ceiling Board Assoc.W/Tan Seam Tape(Row 28) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 100%, Non-fibrous Trace AT5534A131 A 218122716-79 No NAD 31 Location: 1P-Row 31:Silver HVAC Seam Sealant (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% A15534A131 B 218122716-80 No NAD 31 Location: 1P-Row 31:Silver HVAC Seam Sealant (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W.Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534AI31 C 218122716-81 No NAD 31 Location: 1P-Row 31:Silver HVAC Seam Sealant (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A132A 218122716-82 No NAD 32 Location: 1P-Row 32: Silver HVAC TSI Jacket (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver/Brown/Yellow, Heterogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 35%, Fibrous glass 25%, Non-fibrous 40% AT5534A132B 218122716-83 No NAD 32 Location: 1P-Row 32:Silver HVAC TSI Jacket (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver/Brown/Yellow,Heterogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 45%, Fibrous glass 25%, Non-fibrous 30% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 15 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. 1 HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A132C 218122716-84 No NAD 32 Location: 1 P- Row 32: Silver HVAC TSI Jacket (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Silver/Brown/Yellow, Heterogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 35%, Fibrous glass 30%, Non-fibrous 35 AT5534A133A 218122716-85 No NAD 33 Location: 10- Row 33: Yellow 2'x 2'Pattern Carpet Adhesive(Row 34) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 28.7 AT5534A133B 218122716-86 No NAD 33 Location: 10-Row 33:Yellow 2'x 2'Pattern Carpet Adhesive(Row 34) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 30% AT5534A135A 218122716-87 No NAD 35 Location: 1 S-Row 35:Yellow Mastic Assoc.W/Row 36 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow/Grey, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.2 AT5534A135B 218122716-88 No NAD 35 Location: 1 R-Row 35:Yellow Mastic Assoc.W/Row 36 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow/Grey, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 4.5% AT5534A136A 218122716-89 No NAD 36 Location: 1R-Row 36: Brown Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Brown/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 5.1 See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 16 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A136B 218122716-90 No NAD 36 Location: 1S-Row 36:Brown Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Brown/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.5% AT5534A137A 218122716-91 No NAD 37 Location: 1R-Row 37:Off-White CFT Grout(Row 38) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A137B 218122716-92 No NAD 37 Location: 1S- Row 37: Off-White CFT Grout(Row 38) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A138A 218122716-93 No NAD 38 Location: 1R-Row 38:CFT Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A138B 218122716-94 No NAD 38 Location: 1S-Row 38:CFT Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A139A 218122716-95 No NAD 39 Location: 1R-Row 39: Lt. Green Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Green, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 19.7% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 17 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A139B 218122716-96 No NAD 39 Location: 1S-Row 39: Lt.Green Textured Wallpaper (by NYS FLAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Green, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 19.8 AT5534A140A 218122716-97 No NAD 40 Location: 1T-Row 40:Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 33.8 AT5534A140B 218122716-98 No NAD 40 Location: 1T-Row 40:Yellow Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 17.2 % A15534A141 A 218122716-99 No NAD 41 Location: 1U-Row 41:Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 37.1 % AT5534A141 B 218122716-100 No NAD 41 Location: 2J-Row 41:Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 31 % AT5534A142A 218122716-101 No NAD 42 Location: 1 U-Row 42:White 2'x 4'Fissured&Pinholed Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perne on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 43.6% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 18 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A142B 218122716-102 No NAD 42 Location: 2J-Row 42:White 2'x 4'Fissured&Pinholed Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 33.9% AT5534A143A 218122716-103 Yes 1.6 % 43 Location: 1 U-Row 43: Lt. Gray Window Butyl (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Chrysotile 1.6% Other Material: Non-fibrous 12.1 % AT5534A143B 218122716-104 NA/PS 43 Location: 1 U-Row 43:Lt. Gray Window Butyl Analyst Description: Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: AT5534A144A 218122716-105 No NAD 44 Location: 1V-Row 44:4"Cove Base Assoc.W/Brown Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Dark Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 44.4% AT5534A144B 218122716-106 No NAD 44 Location: 1W-Row 44:4"Cove Base Assoc.W/Brown Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Dark Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 44.9 AT5534A145A 218122716-107 No NAD 45 Location: 1W-Row 45: Pattern Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 36.3% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 19 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A145B 218122716-108 No NAD 45 Location: 1V-Row 45: Pattern Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 33.1 % AT5534A146A 218122716-109 No NAD 46 Location: 28-Row 46:White Window Butyl (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 30.4% AT5534A146B 218122716-110 No NAD 46 Location: 1W - Row 46:White Window Butyl (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 32.3% AT5534A148A 218122716-111 No NAD 48 Location: 1W - Row 48:Yellow Wallboard Adhesive(Row 47) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 34.4 AT5534A148B 218122716-112 No NAD 48 Location: 1W-Row 48:Yellow Wallboard Adhesive(Row 47) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 35.8% AT5534A149A 218122716-113 No NAD 49 Location: 1Q-Row 49:Yellow Wallboard Adhesive(Row 9) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 29.9 See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 20 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A149B 218122716-114 No NAD 49 Location: 1 V-Row 49:Yellow Wallboard Adhesive(Row 9) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaatid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 29.2% AT5534A150A 218122716-115 No NAD 50 Location: 2A-Row 50:Yellow Mottled Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 33.3% AT5534A150B 218122716-116 No NAD 50 Location: 2B-Row 50:Yellow Mottled Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 29.2% AT5534A151A 218122716-117 No NAD 51 Location: 2A-Row 51:Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 21.1 % AT5534A151 B 218122716-118 No NAD 51 Location: 2C-Row 51:Textured Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.2% AT5534A152A 218122716-119 No NAD 52 Location: 2K- Row 52:Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 30% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 21 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A152B 218122716-120 No NAD 52 Location: 2K-Row 52:Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 34.3% AT5534A153A 218122716-121 No NAD 53 Location: 2N-Row 53:Cove Base Assoc.W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Cream, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 4.5% AT5534A153B 218122716-122 No NAD 53 Location: 2N-Row 53: Cove Base Assoc.W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Cream, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 9.1 % AT5534A154A 218122716-123 No NAD 54 Location: 2N-Row 54:White Rough Sink Coating (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 36.9% AT5534A154B 218122716-124 No NAD 54 Location: 2N- Row 54:White Rough Sink Coating (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 32.7% AT5534A155A 218122716-125 No NAD 55 Location: 2N-Row 55:Tan Marbled Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 6.5% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 22 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A155B 218122716-126 No NAD 55 Location: 2N-Row 55: Tan Marbled Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 4.2 AT5534A156A 218122716-127 No NAD 56 Location: 2N-Row 56: Yellow Adhesive Assoc.W/Row 55 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 11.6% AT5534A156B 218122716-128 No NAD 56 Location: 2N- Row 56:Yellow Adhesive Assoc.W/Row 55 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 13.5 AT5534A157A 218122716-129 No NAD 57 Location: 2N-Row 57:Yellow Countertop (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.2% AT5534A157B 218122716-130 No NAD 57 Location: 2N-Row 57:Yellow Countertop (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: White/Brown, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.4% AT5534A158A 218122716-131 No NAD 58 Location: 2N-Row 58: Off-White Countertop Comingled W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow/Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.9 See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 23 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A158B 218122716-132 No NAD 58 Location: 2N-Row 58: Off-White Countertop Comingled W/Yellow Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Yellow/Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 0.9°A) AT5534A159A 218122716-133 No NAD 59 Location: 20-Row 59: Off-White 12"x 12"Textured CFT Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 AT5534A159B 218122716-134 No NAD 59 Location: 1G-Row 59: Off-White 12"x 12"Textured CFT Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A160A 218122716-135 No NAD 60 Location: 20-Row 60:Gray Textured CFT Mortar(Row 59) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A160B 218122716-136 No NAD 60 Location: 1G-Row 60: Gray Textured CFT Mortar(Row 59) (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Beige, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A161 A 218122716-137 No NAD 61 Location: Portico Roof-Row 61:Dark Gray Asphalt Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 3%, Non-fibrous 16.3% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 24 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A161 B 218122716-138 No NAD 61 Location: Portico Roof-Row 61: Dark Gray Asphalt Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 6%, Non-fibrous 23.2 % AT5534A162A 218122716-139 No NAD 62 Location: Portico Roof-Row 62:Black Roof Tar Comingled W/Shingles (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 8%, Non-fibrous 30.1 % AT5534A162B 218122716-140 No NAD 62 Location: Portico Roof- Row 62:Black Roof Tar Comingled W/Shingles (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 8%, Non-fibrous 30.9% AT5534A163A 218122716-141 No NAD 63 Location: Portico Roof-Row 63: Off-White EPDM Sealant (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 17.4% AT5534A163B 218122716-142 No NAD 63 Location: Portico Roof-Row 63: Off-White EPDM Sealant (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite/Grey,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 26.8 AT5534A164A 218122716-143 No NAD 64 Location: Portico Roof-Row 64:Gray Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 25 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A164B 218122716-144 No NAD 64 Location: Portico Roof-Row 64: Gray Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A165A 218122716-145 No NAD 65 Location: Back Wall-Row 65:Gray Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A165B 218122716-146 No NAD 65 Location: Back Wall-Row 65:Gray Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% AT5534A166A 218122716-147 No NAD 66 Location: 1 B-Row 66: Brown Insulation Backing Paper Assoc. W/Pink Fiberglass (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Brown/Pink, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 1 %, Non-fibrous 7.9% AT5534A166B 218122716-148 No NAD 66 Location: 1 L-Row 66: Brown Insulation Backing Paper Assoc.W/Pink Fiberglass (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Brown/Pink, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 3.8% AT5534A166C 218122716-149 No NAD 66 Location: 2A-Row 66:Brown Insulation Backing Paper Assoc.W/Pink Fiberglass (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black/Brown/Pink, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 3.6% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 26 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A167A 218122716-150 No NAD 67 Location: Sidewalk-Row 67: Black Expansion Joint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.4% AT5534A167B 218122716-151 No NAD 67 Location: Sidewalk-Row 67: Black Expansion Joint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.5 AT5534A168A 218122716-152 No NAD 68 Location: Back Stair-Row 68: Lt. Gray Expansion Joint Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 16.8 AT5534A168B 218122716-153 No NAD 68 Location: Back Stair-Row 68: Lt. Gray Expansion Joint Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Light Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.9% AT5534A169A 218122716-154 Yes 6 % 69 Location: Exhaust Pipe- Row 69: Brown Seam Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Brown/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Chrysotile 6.0 Other Material: Non-fibrous 36.1 AT5534A169B 218122716-155 NA/PS 69 Location: Exhaust Pipe-Row 69: Brown Seam Caulk Analyst Description: Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 218122716 Page 27 of 27 Client Name: Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited PLM Bulk Asbestos Report AT5534; Phase II - Environmental Site Assesment; 79 Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos AT5534A170A 218122716-156 No NAD 70 Location: 2R-Row 70: Off-White Mottled Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 14.7% AT5534A170B 218122716-157 No NAD 70 Location: 2R-Row 70: Off-White Mottled Linoleum (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: OffWhite, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 11.9% AT5534A171 A 218122716-158 No NAD 71 Location: 2R-Row 71: Gray Adhesive Assoc.W/Row 70 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 12.2 AT5534AI71 B 218122716-159 No NAD 71 Location: 2R-Row 71: Gray Adhesive Assoc.W/Row 70 (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Khaalid W. Perine on 12/18/18 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 10.1 % Reporting Notes: (1) This job was-Analyzed usin EP Pol Scope S/N I Analyzed by:Khaalid W.Perine 'NAD/NSD=no asbestos detected; A nalyzed;NAPS=not analyzed/positive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite; (SM-V)=Surfacing Material contai g V iculite;PLM Bulk Asbestos Analysis by Appd E to Subpt E,40 CFR 763(NVLAP 200546-0),ELAP PLM Method 198.1 for NY friable sampl s,whi includes the identification and quantitation of vermiculite or 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by Appd E to Subpt E,40 CFR 763(NY E Lab 11480);Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-friable organically bound materials. AD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non asbestos-containing in NY State(also see EPA Advisory for floor tile,FR 59,146,38970,8/1/94) National Institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the Iab.This PLM report relates ONLY to the items tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH-0186, Mass Cert AA000054. Reviewed By: ,•e � END OF REPORT 0 0 w ° o y0a 0 0 0 2, ZZlla a Z Z a < < < < < < < 1- Z Z Z Z Z 2 Z V Cl. a T .0 0 ° N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 pQ Q0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a0 C N 74 a Z Z Z Z Z Z < < < < < < < < Z Z N too a) ' V C a) E a r 0 0 a) CL 0 } a r Z to G e 7 3 n u V) �` = A 'E v, rn p co I i i I i I I I i IX -Ow °a 01 Eo v c.i ri I i to Cc) C C z c9 Q Q a d _ N o p �� �, I I ! i i I O Coa35 0) o I C to 3 Q O N N C 0 O CO .CI N Q 0 L M 0 " c 0 a m m r . 0 0 �n � I I v " E to co N N i I i ! I i ! I I o O y = d a et N Q a E It) _0 _0 E ro j= j= 0 � � Fd � � � � �' I I I I 1 I I I i � a�i Cl) y 3 a o U o U o o P: J 2 c .0 A 3 CD c m - � a N N CI r> Col of a� VI ch r) c+> v v of 'C W = .t o et) 044 O a 0 08. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i6 - 2 n a 9 v E v v P P. v P. co (13 01 CO CO CO V. m S .6 0 (0 10 , 2 2 2 $ v co N it- ii $ $ $ — — — — 0 = E E 10 �o m m �o m m �a �o co n daXmXaim = < CO (-) 0 wu. 0I —< CD '' < g C N t0 N f7 C. 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J \1 r `� " m co E -� -�4:1 o v, v, Q g ri a a E E _o c : ri cn1- HHNNUUvd V) L a)g O CdJ U U c� c.) >. > O o > >NF" a a a a L N N c C Y 01a>.°o y C 2 2 > 2 c c Si J =1 U a T a N u J O c Z m M w 3 3 3 3 c c a Z D co N M N = a Q) a a) O O 0 ar d• d Q .O 0 a) in cn fn [n y y y Y m m co CO ' Q in in p .. m a) L.. �/� oo OO(aj (a l/1 N N N M M !1 U) a) 'al a al a N y� M J L m M M M M M M M M M 0 Ec c c Q o a r �""�0. O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �a (a cf.) co a) 0 a) o' a a o: o: cc cc o: o: o: o- cc o: J Z (7 (Q Z V) Z N N E L m r N N T.n-- o a!v.LL^..U' E 5V A^ C ''J C 3MOoN y a0 N Hz O t r t`3 a Q Q) h �' Z o c 2Z7 u.- 0 CC 0 RI fn COO ao� .� N mF. d w fO E 92 o I o. r r C' 5 40 coo N a o_ a a o a w cn U a) `J ?�v'Q • .>- s� EQyzm c4 IA m°; n � o ) E � m E c E (a ,c C Q a a' U < m U a m a m a ,if,' 0 I-. 0 H o ff N ,c N O n P. 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CN`OFv�E' E j h N H CO.0 t Cr Z�N § N m - Z > 3m r 4,2c Z O t`t\ O- } 6 C mWm 1 N N -C mZ O o �+ w om x x x x x x x x x x o a Z m�� .S N ov CO >,LO C0 ON CV N C co0 m 0 N v y ✓ �N aJ Vic° L y q.. o x x x x x x x x x x � a D_Z M▪ Q m mn- - N6 u.)@ N E Mf'(-I? Q 41 o -D - cc p O. 0 3 a) �, o O:oN 0, d to O N a)�• ,-vy 0 w -D O /)Y u 0) O 0in Z• NMin m I� kO p'a c Q 4- J N O`On A C 0 m�, � `m >. mcn • y U �000LL 0 0 U) CIE cn . U t Z z a)N�� W �' % H u. c 0l w //��// 41 co V •Q Ol H LL. 0 N CYNN y Q. d T O W OZ0,pO, L 1] p .0 .A A c N N I- vJ U 3 �NN'a I\ N T �� ro Ce U C00� co ` tic, .....'- CO � Mg ) cr a — m n �. O LL Z0a N N N O jN O E 0 al al O OQZ n m° �" � o 0, CC m Jt 03 rnNai Cl_ a a E >tl > ai ci ei c ei Q Qi ^ m U Jo ail E m !E A cE z,9,9 N a H O - 1-YZ Q > m Z C.) _c v mm 0 U a s a+ a7 ` C C Ca i 01° � q0 CO W > >L al vl @J CO t acoi Z CU a' a, H H a) a) a) a) (n .J O m i «o U m w a 0 m m a v 'u>i "6 m m w a Q. 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E 2 a m C Co m CO CO m CO CO m CO CO CO p m cr2 % Z C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i daalmm _ _ N N N N N N N N N N N �' �0 v j O Q Oa Cnm U U < C v K v v V e t N C d W d. d co aJ f0 U oD m dj Ql 'V O \ 11 N 10'Q Q O = cu d N N a s N a N N �1 01 f�0 O1 U a a H- V) Cl) Z CO V) Z V) z v) E M.- u W co a. O vro��c E 3 Tj�NN y N-0 O O� YcoN a L.•E It cc Z h N O O o c,b,h Z cu Z 00NNu n �O "' m virt)d-)@.) $_ m M M L -ItD N m } O Z E z• Wom x x x x x x x x1 0 a� u 7 H.Z �u o (nO c (n �N O.N y c co C CO O v w a) O:Mr- , Q) m U L Y M i O x x x x x x x x IP 7 y = QmMM�' a °'Z x o_al4,a y E ,_ > ( c. �IM a y oM D LI 2 cx ° °o a )t �c Z E 3 v o 0co o p p C ,O v L ((5 O �N�.'± to O 0 to ",-1-'Cr a C7 v.. -_. _,:, 7 `,YNM a% Or._i `o (Q v)Zto )=) 1- u) J O (C C ti o`o` '0 7 hTO•- c CC NU �thth(a o `° O .. m .mmr~i, " N u U m 2/3 U- O E m LL /W E J 7 z M o « Z W >- ._ g 1-LL o ate) w w LL O CO CYNN a'�i a. CO T O O ZOO V L 1' L c n q rs) V 3 N N N > A/ ix •.) o u")t co un et U m m a .o H c.'t' O 6L ci Z ay o o K co a) � o8 a f i o cc cc a, , cNmrna) a) 0 >. E ai a, E m E ill- E Q d C`�O)rn m y 0 ci) L Co r t co S Y Z Z .c ) j N Q Q 0 P 0 i= 0 H Y Y Z U 17; to HW = G L to 4,@J N O L C, a, a, m m W N J O = ma�ovma Ti U co c m m m ao4-1\ ('' .., /^t w o. n W LL N= 32 2 C C = Y Y 4, d ,a la N W . E E U U U U y H v Q O O C �1n N 3, L t fA y N N a1a x x y o o w c YnN u ii LL c c ro m ~ a �+ al J c co M^' W a, a� a a, w m Z = n _ 3 3 c c o, o, o CQ ti `i `i '1 V) ,pz.O N A - L .E O O O O P. O C) C, m }+ Uo,o L. a) 3 m m ci c.) (n (n m m « 7 y > V Q 7 to CO�a' cT CO o m ao ao a L tii tri .o .o t� r� Co Co a: a: Co E C E a) C a7 C I. O a �° n n N O O O O O O O O O o N N CO N IT coE _A a A ¢ c c c c c c c c c J Z (N (1) Z (n Z fn N E \. _L- W _N aJ y N m • >..-Hu_ o t a,o_,_ E E t n " a 43 0, R o < Om i to O , Z io Y v « OCxZkr U _ (4 n CaauN Co > J �. lie UoMM ,o- O i v c al al d W n �. O v U M M N Q a 1� ✓1 .�„.., i U A u s� �I 0- v o ` '- CO c m _ a _ a _ _ x O �o'vvs .>•_ �� ++ a0i—N U.- L ;N y Eil) y E cu - E E ¢'Zaom2 - N C m E •CO E m E N. (o _ve--. Q a d a m a m a m ¢ m a m o ff 0 0 i= N t `m o n n m � E to to .o .o N N CO CO rn CT, �°' ENNA l l = a a a a a a a a a a N c_ No mCr)G v a: Z v v v v v v v v v v CON O,.00 so I- Cl) a, CO CO CO CO CO CO M CO CO CO • W ^ Q d to N to to to ,n In t<) In Ln . CO (n to ,n to to to to to 10 to to CO ~ Z m Q Q I- Q Q Q Q Q I- Q a �" a H y E c 7 (Li_) u a) o czt ikii 13 �,,,a� ,,rc a�i w Q o v < o v v` v v v v` v Q ci («a n a) Co v CO N �a o o v a a a a a a a a a a E E m E E o) E o, o m a. a. I- (n v) z v) in CO v� Z U) co - E a ma u a CN`apv=' E co = 3 SymN ate, COa N= O Z > C co co q f0 N z o m m- O Z hn O- co N M M L J Al7. m } O E W O X X X X X X X X .... F- Z Porn 2 ino 6 (i) 03 >'')a.N in C Q-M N v m V Y z M Q: O a.O X X X X X X X X !/7 = c 2 M M q a a Z Y Q co n^�- N U Le)6 @) 6 41 =0-,M Q au M m O d rx X X m,a o 3 -o r 0 CC ON)--tea' CU u 0 f` 0 m,-,-V 0 V- .0 N y m h v 0 n m UinZ�ce, = N V J Q L J co0%7. C Cr N3 � @ c o mmMF `N � a vd C...) a 22 o O E m it J UJ 0 ( aYZ Zw W > L 4 �_l UcU Q w avo F- 01 Na0 ~ m IIM p N C?No u a a t >. oZo a.� N N O F- ttV (" U NNN4 ! ^ r �\ a 0 � m o co�� ri `°7,2 o ) C q m O. \ O LL A C O U 0 0 U ZZ w Q O 41 732 m V E L C O O J . N c°N b c (,)) E a a v v .. C. ai ci -ma` 0 . .N N Y E Y E " E C7 < Y Z'z.9� Q c o o 2 2 o o i= o 3 3 F-- L1J = %L in @) Cn a) L a, W d y v U) —i rnveF iu m c o o > > > > W d d �=mma m 2 2 d �) v y F. N A n L .c _ _ L . VF— Q Q Q v v 3 ��E E o o a o o v Mo u C y N w a) m m cc cc (, ° �� 2 Cl a a a a > L Q^"� .0 a a v U U m m r U Z J .a oZkr)) 9 w - - F. . o o v v f U m o 0 0 0 rn H r- c QQ y 0: `i ai Qco N L m N = — W O O u N N G) LL l L 0 y m = a m m N ct F- F- LL cr Y Y m m U U N r d • r ,_,J (fl o �' O o H N (V m m v v C) �p a 0) l6 47 l9 Q O CI M N' a n" .41 O O OO f0 OI /0 19 O g0 0/ O O O O O O a H a o c J Z en 0Z in V) L LU ,-n______u U I) N CO >.z Y F-vim' CO c 3�mN_w y O Q O o+`-.�n o Z q V „ U C =Z 4, `�' y J Plig (O (A C co m la N N U c h n @� d W a CO Q Of o v 0 co in y Q m �, � 'Yl sc, �' 00 . U a U Q. 0 L,. Y Y < a '�`+ a jMpva • > r r — �� N N N N �O v>.N1A.y _ L N a) E a; E E m >Zppm=) J c-i 0 )a N fa Yc--- ` Q a a m a m a m a m a m o i= o ff o L m o n E o o c� ^ ^ v v , 0aE^^� ' a s a a a a a a a a ' N C .F�ri© g d Z v v o v v a v . v o �. M N L O o M a, M M M M M M M M M M y m W r- O.O.O w to Q v) v) Cr) CO U) v) v) u) v) !� C m Lc)I- Z a LA to LA LA LA LA LA u) N LO E E F- H H H 1-- F- H F- I-- F- 0 al Q a a a a a a a a a a L E E c `n )n W 0 �-) QOf C! !4!f E crfi Q) yR1� m m m m m m m m m m '.. j�i Z C CC O O O O O O O O O O N�� NW N N N N N N N N N N � � �o a M r) c"i u Q 'MI m v v v v v v v v v v n v m a ai m a :.ai: No ao m @� a) a) c or+ c� c� cJ iv c� c� l E E c E c.r N lA Q o o n �p o) A rn c..) q a` a F- V) V) Z V) (q Z U) z E M- o a mo u n C ym���) E )jrnN w tna 0 00Z�o� >.E n No v) c,b t Ti"p z 4' Z0NNa" o- 3 �a hth@ t- tn mc�,rn a`i J N 3 a } L m Z O E m _ W o v �ii6 �Z � x x x m >on O.Nin c as nV r}m uc a) _r co03p,t� O< �:° az aeX X h - oa coo , a) E N7 a) QL v�)ii Q O �m "* �' "�� X X X X X X X 12 o aO .a, o '° o L o°N y vOm ) r_ u y a in 0iZc../cn.. ON O I--. C') LLN U UN th@J O COco _IC-0 Oco �Hm c _a) C.) cp N A o E m i. W E . = Z d N o V Z W � L U b v U ,° 41 w (n M M th _ al m-o c • co C E. Co Co w d a. T O O O O O a oZ�P - ce m = c, O F- C r n = N a, a d O n > 3 3 3 F— U 3 Co N a O rnL th Ng C C cr cr cx 0 _ ce U )C V o to to C c0 O -0 -0 -0 C 3 ) mCC n m O J J J J a a aamoO LL a_ C 0 Ua O. t CO a, ? w EEEEQ Z •— ON^vU U, 0 0 0 )E - - U U Ea m K m to c m E d n c c C c co co a a -J ii L m as a 0 T E O O O O c C Q7 a) a) a) Q aUt a,v to U . 43 -3 -1 -3 to 0 a E m E a E O Zo Z o o rn CU N a m v m C C C iz O I- C H a _ ZU L a 75 = Q - L L L L a a .a .a _ corn asp° :; rn 3 3 3 3 O. o 0 0 }-- W n t to`n:u CT) .c aa, v aL, w �i o o °1 w 7 (n J 0 �=a)(Cia <0 U a C u a) u V. « a) a F 0 W n- a es) VI C C 0 0 0 o a a n n -° °, c0 — Si) 4) n 0) m •.a n. a m n n Q M E E m x a a a a a 0 m m o 0 1� II V o C — a 72 '2 -o m m 3 3 tL It y aFca. O m l Y �a>,_m)-` > m0 to m m 3 3 a - .0 v ZJ = Czm(V)« Lu E E E E E E co m N N 01 = N L a = to 0) H H ut to v L. w aJ QCO m N % a, ' 5 >. >. >. >. >. C C r L 0 co COm a J to n�, v, O C O cp c� O 3 3 m . °' «. .., mo-0mao@� mi ca a a) m .. CO (n m _I L tii to tii in �O .D n t< Coa ao O C C C Q O n o to n a Cl- '9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m cfl o) to m Of (a rn a m m m m m cc cc m ar m J Z C/) cn Z C/) Z (I) V) E ti4 r W n.-..�. 01 N Co m >.,-Hu. rn r mso—— E C 3MmN f, to N o < O rn'-vnio u Z y '� Y u r Q U al N,- o t7 cn N E y a U C to•-•r- a` a. I Co )c\ ao m E U) a. LL1 C)N N N en U en m cou_ ` c) a a C a f•)�IT:O, N , N. 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(� M H N M M M M M M M M M W ,- O+.O O W (n Q .- In (n 'n (n (n N N In in (n '` CO C In a ig N 0 Ln In In `n to (n (n .Yii . m `' H Z E Q Q a Q Q Q I- Q Q Q QI W Q H vi (n L o .. E y ^ E '5 z �\V' /� i. r ~ 2 E m mmmmmmmmmm.,(:,cr m z O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0mmY N N N N N N N N N N ] j \ \\ •= d O N f� N N (' N N N01 Q, 01 a a` a. H- u� in z in (n z �n z in E co,- O W C a`O N 6E 3 ; I-Na cn_a ceZmo " Z E to c t�N ,b,p c Z r Y 0 Z CO n m o- in W M M W N a } 'C A Z O E co o Wo v r a a . z fo O . >, O.N N c co CMOv N a V L}M Q m D _i m JO 41 D a m��W 0 a z Y OM Q X X X X X X X X X XCC 12 o a Z v,o u 3 co «O co o .._ n n -0 7 �YNn) 0, O CO 0 inZv)m" N '- -J CO rn e c -p Q 7 o,O,O.1O C T O n`D.O m C co 0 Haproo, y y U � o = m LL W -J O Cr) = E4, z o z Z W >,, N a ar ar m-4~mac O, al N a -O-H r. CO F- LIE- O oZ��� a a . O I— s ^A� N Q� VJ U 3 NN- NJ T Q �L u).Gd C C W W 1� Li. (� v 0�co fl o rn rn W O m C . _ m a C C M O C Z " .c W a1 Z W U U Q r mm § E i 0 W W v Z 't4 a N ; .2 N E a a LTD r al Gl v o ai ci ai Q aJ C^rnrn v N 0 '� E c c C' = NZZoo� w o, cu 'I) a. 0 E E E 4? Q , > a s 0 H CO CO H Z 0 .0 a�rnrn W a) '7. C co.o'Q'm " o,al �/�- W L�h�n Gd N :1 L m w m al CA W �. N m c m LL Er- Cl.a a 7 -0 -0 U U 7 / F- O O io m ro CO io m m m i / ✓ o u TB' X LL LL 3 3 m° m m° m° m° m° y _ L W N.~..v o, .2 N N N W ,a co co to co al Y a> oo -H > W ( 3 3 3 3 3 3 a) ....1 -• cZcoocn•-•• W N N CO aQ E E E E 3 E O) ao) Z ^ .0 O 1!1, V _ y, W Ql N N V, N v) co L cp `J cr N N Q J VI N M N. - O O. O. O. O. a n O CO ,O,Q m y L L W W T T T T T T m a) m m J i . N CU m H cv m cad .0 h N N •• C Cc) i•i ri CO 0 N E C C 6 C a) C O d m`n`n o. n" -Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m co , W Q' E Of Q a L. ` cc cc cc m ce cc cc cc cc m -i Z U) U) Z U) Z U) v/ E L an ,- u a) m N W T._vva P. (1) i0'O ^�-, E 7 C < 3-m N W X O Q O L ^ W Z r •o� nod o C Zuo,om w _ o A O fCvicmao 5.oc�m , O E > d U n)1,aa d w n ats d�jr,m . Q w =. O __ f. c= Cn o 1 0 u 6/ C %MPv gg cc > v N. G -"- C •N y EE d E al } 0 •f0 N E f0 E CZoo a.t myc�- Qa a m a m a m U O w LL o ff o ff a F C\/ L O N N • L N N m cD M (�, o cc;) }.. E^r- E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ter a !� a a a a a a a a a a N .omAr:a Ø. z v v v v v v v v v v M N W _W ,, CO M m M In M m Ct) CC) �` W Q In In LO lA In h LO In In .1 m t� C l-. C. LO In LO LO LO N LO N I Ly m Z E ,- F i-- i- 1- E- 1- H t- t- A a a a a a a a a a a CZ a, ram E Q iii H C yr IA. w 0 S 11.... >• NPLL,a a`, " _ av,o m Da f' n - '1/ Zo�oU E c v a. co m rn rn - m co C co co m co co co m co m m mIt L 0 Y r.,c±,'� Z 2 m C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• E CO d `1 Q.N m m A +-+ - C-O W N N N N N N N N N N N m a) m a �a m omb @,) Uoi w Q .-6 o e_ a ,- a < a o o a _`v a •a)• m Q •a) m a) m N,.zunL,a o 0 o n a a N N N a a rn o) o, U O. a ►— Z <n cn z in z Cl) a).- E a, m O U -a C `'' °Fvd' E h N in (n �ZCOOO �o UI C N.N c O Z } bb 3 co co A m m °',hH.@ J J In amm3 N m _C>Z O E m W O X X X X X w V Z H Z N c y Tln CI,N a C ' (a Cm0 V N N U t} Q j O X X X X X U) •_ CZ mm a p, Z Y ti m m� Q at m m O M X X CC 0 d Ls m,n u c .0 -0 - ct�Pvc a) O O N v, mny 0 0 —1 . Z N m u O' ..D J (,) v)Z inmy. r, o'o' 2 'D CD r yrnrn 1D C 0 07'o.n ,� C a7 CC in U ,L4'h'h @j p . H . O m i+chmv> N G) U co v) A 0 E m ii 0 �/� w s Jo - W >. &-. 0'o H u. on a) a w - 0 N v �. 0 rn F- O `o'zoo a a r O L cvnNA N N Q D 0 O'L Cs4cu j, a ct O 5 -L .� C O Ica ? '^ K CO N cc m Q1 w 'a m U E G 0 O 0 Z ing G a ) E a a N. N 3 3 y C y E y E Q d -rnoo",o 0 00 � m - CC CC -' E m E E C7 = Y Z Z�� e. a o) > y y )1 t O H- O f= O i= Z U L yyarn 10 a) @ U E E 3 3 Q'a.O.�A C y 7 7 'O J a,a v U L a) 0 0 'J l� m m a a �2mm� 10 — c `J C Cl u .0 W N .2 J J N y I ' E E m IIt : flI 4.V ^ o' o @J cu I Y " >m N 7 C (A (� V U Z CU .0 0 -,0`r= — t 3 3 11 n,t A Cczt o' 2 2 3 3 m m 0 NO a) N a) Q m =}+ ,.,o - a) _l m m C 0 0 0 7 N m 0 F/ Q 7 N'n,a CO —J � cV o„ .r_,ci,_ a c t"1 ' ' ' N N N N `p E c E E c E c O Q u�n a E. �Q 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 m O) O) ip tat Q a \ m° cc cc cc ¢ ¢ cc J Z (, V) Z U) Z U) U _cw E N,.-. °CO u a) Cl) N T r-H LL rn _' 'p,?co,4 t; 03 0 ), L COVI C �m N y y O 1...) Q ..>1 O Y -.RI cr g N« q 2 E y J °1 a CU a • U Ti m m cn M� a w co E a a co a0 so Y V V w Q N N y y �- N n Y 'a m .r.- P" CO al X % N CC N C ��. M o N CO w W N N N N r C a, vv� Q 7 N-s L Cl a) a) a/ a, al C >> m u N .0 N E f0 E f0 E_ 1��y C 4Zcom - J a vV L " o-- Q n m rn am' o a Q m O H• 0 H O H• N n_ E 'o 'n 'o N. N N. N. CA E^^, n 7 a a Q a a a a ,- . tvr,�@, v a: z v v v c v v v v >, C\f m ,O'43 w In Q m 'C vmi 'C vmi vmi vmi vm m CB' D ~Ul Z Q H H Q Q Q QCU �` Q L 'n. ^ CO o Gi C y co') N�" `m a E Q ji •1".' a>v o c a « au 6 C Z -- u j cc0 c Cl) m m m m m m m •• L"' tv O m m Z L = C O O 0 O O O 0 " ��� y '5 A E a, N N N N N N N �" N n o m m 4 Q oamM C i.) < 1O v v v o v v v a ai a a) m ar m 0 ommr a, a, c E E C EEC E c N•Vln In Q 2 2 d N N N 01 N L71 01 IC, a a 1-- cn Cl) z Cl) co Z in z in 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 APPENDIX D SUMMARY TABLES D 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 KEY FOR SUMMARY TABLES Acronyms for the Known or Assumed ACM: CFT= Ceramic Floor Tile HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning CWT= Ceramic Wall Tile TSI =Thermal System Insulation EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Abbreviations for Friable/ACM Type: Y = Yes N= No M = Miscellaneous S= Surfacing T =Thermal System Insulation Descriptions for Conditions: The listed conditions of Good, Fair, and Poor generally correspond with the AHERA descriptions of Good, Damaged, and Significantly Damaged for different types of materials. The following summarizes additional details relative to the listed conditions. Surfacing (Surf.)and Miscellaneous (Misc.) Materials • Good: Material with no visible damage or deterioration, or showing only very limited damage or deterioration • Fair: Material with characteristics of surface crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred, or otherwise abraded over less than one tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed or one quarter if the damage is localized. • Poor: Material with one or more of the following characteristics: - Surface crumbling or blistering is present over at least one tenth of the surface, if the damage is evenly distributed or one quarter if the damage is localized. - One tenth (or one quarter, if localized) of material hanging from the surface, deteriorated, or showing adhesive failure. - Water stains, gouges, or mars over at least one tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed or one quarter if the damage is localized. Thermal System Insulation (TSI) Materials • Good: Material with no visible damage or deterioration, or showing only very limited damage or deterioration • Fair: Material with one or more of the following characteristics: - A few water stains or less than one tenth of insulation with missing jackets. - Crushed insulation or water stains, gouges, punctures, or mars on up to one tenth of the insulation if the damage is evenly distributed or up to one quarter if the damage is localized. • Poor: Material with one or more of the following characteristics: - Missing jackets on at least one tenth of the piping or equipment. - Crushed or heavily gouged or punctured insulation on at least one tenth of the component(pipe runs/risers, boiler, tank, duct, etc.) if the damage is evenly distributed or one quarter if the damage is localized. Notes: 1 Sample Location Plan(s)is/are enclosed in Appendix B.Areas of the structure were alphabetically labeled at the time of the survey event. 2a NAD= No Asbestos Detected/2b ND= Not detected above the laboratory method detection limit. 3 Quantities and locations are approximate and must be verified by asbestos abatement contractors prior to providing actual cost quotations and/or initiating abatement activities. NA=Not Applicable b Elevator Brakes and Fire Doors were assumed ACM based on inaccessibility and/or loss of fire rating due to destructive survey techniques that would be required to sample the referenced materials. D • Table D-I Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Locations ACM Type %Asbestoszn Condition Sample Numbers 34 Yp Quantity White 2-by 2-Foot Fissured and Pinholed Room No.lA Y/M NAD Fair AT5534AIO1A NA Ceiling Tile AT5534A101B Beige Pattern Wallpaper Room No.1A N/M NAD Fair AT5534A102A NA AT5534A102B Room Nos. AT5534A103A AT5534A103B 1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F, AT5534A103C 1G, 1H, 1J, 1K, 1L, 1M, AT5534A103D Gray Gypsum Wall 1N,1P, 1R,1S,1T,1U, Board 10, 1V,1W,2A,2B,2C, Y/M NAD Fair AT5534A103E NA AT5534A103F 2D,2E,2F,2G,2H,21, AT5534A103G 2J,2K,2L,2M,2N,20, AT5534A103H 2P,2Q,2R,2S AT5534A1031 Gray Grout Associated Room Nos. AT5534A104A with Off-White 12-by 12 Y/M NAD Fair NA Inch CFT 1A,1G, 1H AT5534A104B Room Nos. AT5534A105A AT5534A10SB 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E,1F, AT5534AIOSC 1G, 1H,1J, 1K,1L,1M, White Joint Compound AT5534A105D 1N, 1P, 1R, 1S,1T,lU, Associated with Gray Y/M NAD Fair AT5534A105E NA 10, 1V, 1W,2A,2B,2C, Gypsum Wall Board AT5534A105F 2D,2E,2F,2G,2H,21, 21,2K,2L,2M,2N,20, AT5534AIO5G AT5534A105H 2P,2Q 2R,2S AT5534A1051 Room Nos. 1A, 1B, 1C,1D,1E,1F, 1G, 1H,11, 1K,1L, 1M, Tan Seam Tape 1N, 1P, 1R, 1S,1T,1U, AT5534A106A Associated wih Gray N/M NAD Fair NA 10, 1V,1W,2A,2B,2C, AT5534A106B Gypsum Wall Board 2D,2E,2F,2G,2H,21, 2J,2K,2L,2M,2N,20, 2P,2Q,2R,2S Tan Marbled Wallpaper Room Nos. Y/M NAD Fair AT5534A107A NA 1B, 1J AT5534A107B White 2-by 4-Foot Room Nos. AT5534A108A Pinhole Ceiling Tile 1B, 1D, 1E,1F,1G, 1H, Y/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A108B 11,1K,1L,1N Tan 12-by 12-Inch Room Nos. AT5534A110A 640 Mottled Floor Tile 1C,11,1P,10,11 N/M 5.1 Fair AT5534A110B Square Feet Yellow Mastic Associated with Tan 12- Room Nos. AT5534A111A by 12-Inch Mottled 1C,11, 1P, 10, 1J N/M NAD Fair AT5534A111B NA Floor Tile Yellow Adhesive Associated with Room Nos. AT5534A112A N/M NAD Fair NA Tan/Brown Carpet 1B, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1J AT5534A112B 1 Table D-I Continued Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Locations %Asbestos2A Condition Sample Numbers 3, ACM Type Quantity ' Room Nos. AT5534A113A Beige Wallpaper NA 1E, iF, 1K N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI136 Gray Mortar Associated Room Nos. AT5534A114A with Off-White 12-by 12• N/M NAD Fair NA Inch CFT 1A, 1G, 1H AT5534A114B Room Nos. AT5534A115A White Fixture Caulk N/M NAD Fair NA 1H, 1R, 1S, 20 AT5534A115B Room Nos. AT5534A116A Brown 4-Inch Cove Base N/ M NAD Fair NA 11, 1P, 10, 2N AT5534A116B Black Adhesive Room Nos. AT5534A117A Associated with 4-Inch N/M NAD Fair NA 11, 1P, 10, 2N AT5534A117B Brown Cove Base CMU Stone Mortar Room No. 11 N/M NAD Fair AT5534A118A NA AT5534A118B Beige Textured AT5534A119A Room No. 1K N/M NAD Fair NA Wallpaper AT5534A119B Yellow Adhesive Room Nos. AT5534A120A Associated with 2-by 2- N/M NAD Fair NA Foot Grey/Black Carpet 11_, 1N AT5534A1206 Room Nos. AT5534A121A Beige 4-Inch Cove Base N/M NAD Fair NA 1L, 1N, 1Q, 1R, 1S AT5534A121B Tan Adhesive Associated Room Nos. AT5534A122A with Beige 4-Inch Cove NA 11., 1N, 1Q 1R, 1S N/M NAD Fair AT5534A122B Base Yellow Adhesive AT5534A123A Associated with Brown Room No. 1M N /M NAD Fair NA AT5534A1238 Carpet Room Nos. Black 4-Inch Cove Base 1M, 1T,2A,2B, 2C,2D, AT5534A124A N/M NAD Fair NA 2E,2G, 2H,21,2K,2L, AT5534A124B 2M,2Q,2R,2S Yellow Adhesive Room Nos. 1M, 1T,2A,2B, 2C,2D, AT5534A125A Associated with Black N/M NAD Fair NA 2E,2G,2H,21, 2K,2L, AT5534A125B Cove Base 2M,2Q,2R,2S Off-White Textured Room Nos. AT5534A126A Wallpaper 1L, 1M, 1N, 1U,2B, 2Q N/M NAD Fair AT5534A126B NA 2 Table D-I Continued Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Locations %Asbestos2A Condition Sample Numbers 34 ACM Type Quantity3'4 White 2-by 4-Foot AT5534A127A Room No. 1M Y/M NAD Fair NA Textured Ceiling Tile AT5534A127B AT5534AI28A AT5534A128B Gray Gypsum Ceiling Room Nos. Board 1C, 1P, 1K N/M NAD Fair AT5534A128C NA AT5534A128D AT5534A128E AT5534A129A White Joint Compound AT5534A129B Associated with Gray Room Nos. N /M NAD Fair AT5534A129C NA 1C, 1P, 1K Gypsum Ceiling Board AT5534AI29D AT5534A129 E Tan Seam Tape Room Nos. AT5534A130A Associated wih Gray N/M NAD Fair NA Gypsum Ceiling Board 1C, 1P, 1K AT5534A130B AT5534A131A Silver HVAC Seam Tape Room No. 1A,1P N /T NAD Fair AT5534A131B NA AT5534AI31C Silver HVAC TSI Jacket AT5534AI32A Associated with Yellow Room No. 1P N /T NAD Fair AT5534A132B NA Fiberglass Insulation AT5534A132C Yellow Adhesive Associated with AT5534A133A Room No. 1Q N/M NAD Fair NA Green/Tan 2-by 2-Foot AT5534A133B Pattern Carpet Yellow Mastic Room Nos. AT5534A135A Associated with Brown N/M NAD Fair NA 1R, 1S AT5534A135B Linoleum Room Nos. AT5534A136A Brown Linoleum NA 1R, 1S N/M NAD Fair AT5534A136B Off-White Grout Room Nos. AT5534AI37A Associated with 1-by 1- N/ M NAD Fair NA Inch CFT 1R, 1S AT5534A137B Gray Mortar Associated Room Nos. AT5534A138A N/M NAD Fair NA with 1-by 1-Inch CFT 1R, 1S AT5534A138B Light Green Circle Room Nos. AT5534A139A Pattern Textured N/M NAD Fair NA Wallpaper 1R, 1S AT5534A139B 3 Table D-I Continued Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Location' %Asbestos' Condition Sample Numbers 34 ACM Type Quantity3'4 Yellow Adhesive AT5534AI40A Associated with Blue Room No.1T N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A140B Carpet Yellow Adhesive Associated with Gray Room Nos. N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI41A NA 1U,21,2Q AT5534AI41B Carpet White 2-by 4-Foot Room Nos. 1U,2A,2B,2C,2D,2E, AT5534A142A Fissured and Pinholed N/M NAD Fair NA 2F,2G,2H,21,2K,21, AT5534A142B Ceiling Tile 2M,2N,20,2P,2R,2S Light Gray Window Butyl Room No.1U N/M 1.6 Fair AT5534AI43A 2 AT5534A143B Square Feet Brown Adhesive Room Nos. AT5534A144A Associated with 4-Inch N/M NAD Fair NA Carpet Cove Base 1U,1V,1W AT5534A144B Yellow Adhesive Associated with AT5534A145A Room No.1V N/M NAD Fair NA Green/Tan/Purple AT5534A145B Pattern Carpet Room Nos. AT5534A146A White Window Butyl 1V,1W,2B,2C,2E,2G, N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534AI46B 2H,21,2L,2M,2R,25 Yellow Adhesive Associated with AT5534A148A Patterned Wood Room No.1W N/M NAD Fair AT5534A148B NA Paneling Room Nos. Yellow Adhesive 1B, 1E,1F, 1K,1L,1N, AT5534A149A Associated with Striped 1Q, 1R,1S,1V,2A,2B, N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534AI496 Wood Paneling 2C,2E,2G,2H,21,2L, 2M.2R.25 Yellow Adhesive Room Nos. 2A,2B,2C,2D,2E,2F, AT5534A150A Associated with N/M NAD Fair NA Gray/Black Carpet 2G,2H,21,2L,2M,2R, AT5534A150B 25 Room Nos. Vertical Stripe Pattern 2A,2B,2C,2E,2F,2G, AT5534AI51A N/M NAD Fair NA Textured Wallpaper 2H,21,2L,2M,20,2R, AT5534AI51B 2S Yellow Carpet Adhesive Associated with Room No.2K N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI52A NA Blue/Gray Carpet AT5534AI526 Yellow Adhesive AT5534A153A Associated with 4-Inch Room No.2N N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A153B Brown Cove Base 4 Table D-I Continued Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Location' %Asbestosis Condition Sample Numbers 34 ACM Type Quantity' White Rough Sink AT5534A154A Coating Room No.2N Y/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A154B Tan Marbled Linoleum Room No.2N N/M NAD Fair AT5534A155A NA AT5534A155B Yellow Adhesive Associated with Tan Room No.2N N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI56A NA Marbled Linoleum AT5534AI56B Yellow Laminate AT5534A157A Room No.2N N/M NAD Fair NA Countertop AT5534AI57B Off-White Laminate Countertop Comingled with Yellow Adhesive Room No.2N N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI58A NA Associated with Yellow AT5534A158B Laminate Countertop Gray Grout Associated with Off-White 12-by 12. Room Nos. AT5534A159A N/M NAD Fair NA Inch Textured CFT and 20,2P,1G,1H AT5534A159B Cove Base Gray Mortar Associated with Off-White 12-by 12 Room Nos. AT5534A160A N/M NAD Fair NA Inch Textured CFT and 20,2P, 1G, 1H AT5534A160B Cove Base Dark Gray Asphalt AT5534A161A Shingle Roofing N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A161B Black Roof Tar AT5534A162A Comingled with Dark Roofing N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A162B Gray Asphalt Shingle Off-White Sealant Associated with Roof Roofing N/N1 NAD Fair AT5534AI63A NA Ridge Penetrations AT5534A163B AT5534A164A Gray Brick Mortar Patch Roofing Patch N/M NAD Fair NA gT5534A164B Gray Brick Mortar Exterior N/M NAD Fair AT5534AI65A NA AT5534A165B 5 Table D-I Continued Summary of Suspect ACM and Analytical Results Friable/ Estimated Material General Locations %Asbestos2A Condition Sample Numbers 34 ACM Type Quantity ' Brown Insulation AT5534A166A Backing Paper Above Drop Ceiling Y/T NAD Fair AT5534A166B NA Associated with Pink AT5534A166C Fiberglass Black Expansion Joint AT5534A167A Caulk Sidewalk N/M NAD Fair NA AT5534A167B Light Gray Expansion AT5534A168A Concrete Walkway N/M NAD Fair NA Joint Caulk AT5534A168B Brown Pipe Penetration AT5534A169A Exterior-South Back Wall N/M 6.0 Fair AT5534AI696 1 Square Feet Sealant Off-White Mottled Room Nos. AT5534A170A N/ M NAD Fair NA Linoleum 2N,2R AT5534A170B Gray Adhesive Room Nos. AT5534AI71A Associated with Off- N/M NAD Fair NA 2N, 2R AT5534A171B White Mottled Linoleum Room Nos. 175 Fire Doors 1C, 11,1M,1P,1U,20, Y/M Assumed5 Fair AT5534A172 Square Feet 2P,2Q 5 Elevator Brakes Elevator Room N/M Assumed5 Fair AT5534AI73 Square Feet 6 79 Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York December 20, 2018 ATL Report No. AT5534CE-02-12-18 APPENDIX E SUMMARY OF XRF RESULTS AND CALIBRATION CHECKS E y v.. E N U ., d c) Q' E E • O < E O O Q' 2 a) L_ V 7 O F— co Q a) U) N >. Y L co 0 O u O (5 O 0 E 0 L C) CD CD i--I J N O O CD (a C 0 0 C- ++ U Q w -p c0 C C -0 O 0 C as c U s (a c_ _c I-.1 L. a) a) 7 QU C n co a) 0 a) L a-- O 0 a) a) u L. 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