2.10 2.10 FINANCIAL\2019\Establish Capital Project 230—EMS Study—CGR—Interfund Transfer-7-15 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) STUDY, ESTABLISHMENT OF EMS STUDY CAPITAL PROJECT FUND #230 AND ENGAGEMENT OF CGR RESOLUTION NO.: ,2019 INTRODUCED BY: WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board requested proposals for professional consulting services related to the study and analysis of the Town's Emergency Medical Services(Project), and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and Town EMS Agency representatives reviewed the received proposals for such Project and have recommended that the Town Board authorize engagement of CGR in accordance with CGR's"Revised Proposal for Queensbury EMS Analysis" dated July 8,2019 in the amount of$59,900, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to accordingly establish a Capital Project and establish and fund the Revenue and Expense Accounts for the Capital Project in the amount of $59,900, and WHEREAS, the Town Board needs to authorize a transfer from Fund Balance #005-000- 0909-4981 in the amount of$59,900 to Capital Project Fund#230, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the study/analysis of the Town's Emergency Medical Services (Project) and establishment of EMS Study Capital Project Fund#230 in the amount of$59,900 which will establish funding for expenses associated with the Project, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes the engagement of the services of CGR for an amount not to exceed $59,900 in accordance with CGR's "Revised Proposal for Queensbury EMS Analysis" dated July 8, 2019 substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that funding for such Capital Project shall be by using $59,900 of unappropriated, undesignated Fund Balance (Account No.: 005-0000-0909) and transferring such balance to the Capital Project as follows: • 005-9950-9030 Transfer to Capital Project - $59,900 • 230-0000-55031 Interfund Revenue - $59,900 • 230-3410-4400-4981 Misc. Contractual - $59,900 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to temporarily transfer$59,900 from Fund#005 to Capital Project Fund#230, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer 2 to amend 2019 Fund #005 and Capital Project Fund #230 as needed, keep suitable records and arrange for the repayment of the temporary loan as soon as available,and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to amend the Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers or prepare any documentation necessary to establish such appropriations and estimated revenues, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute any needed agreement with CGR and/or necessary documentation and the Town Supervisor, Purchasing Agent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 15th day of July, 2019, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: • rcgr Promising Solutions Government&Education I Economics&Public Finance I Health&Human Services I Nonprofits&Communities Memorandum To: Supervisor John Strough From: Paul Bishop pbishop@cgr.org Date: July 8, 2019 Re: Revised Proposal for Queensbury EMS Analysis Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and the committee to discuss our proposal to assist the Town of Queensbury and its three ambulance services. Attached to this memo is a revised proposal that eliminates the project website, reduces some of our data analysis efforts based on the ready availability of the information, and combines two of our site visits into one. The result is a proposed project cost of$59,900. If you have any additional questions or need any further information, please contact me at pbishop@cgr.org. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and the EMS services in Queensbury to develop a system that will benefit the residents and visitors in both the short and long term. 1 South Washington Street,Suite 400,Rochester, New York 14614 (585)325-6360 • info@cgr.org • www.cgr.org years CGR•1915-2015 2 Project Approach CGR approaches each project as an opportunity to learn about the individual communities we work with. Our goal is to assist you in developing a thorough understanding of your current situation and identifying realistic opportunities to improve the services in Queensbury. We have outlined our project approach in response to the needs identified in the RFP and look forward to refining the plan in coordination with the town and three local EMS agencies. r 0 Baseline Review Options Review. final e.:or t Phase One — Project Initiation As soon as practical after the notice to proceed, CGR will visit the community to meet with key project personnel and the steering committee. CGR will work with the town and EMS agencies to formalize the entire project plan during the contracting process. The site visit for Phase One will also include many of the interviews necessary to accomplish Phase Two. Phase Two — Establish a Baseline CGR will develop a baseline report of the existing EMS system for the town. Creating the baseline will involve a review of the system characteristics. The review will be conducted through a series of in-person interviews, site visits and data requests. The list of interview participants and focus groups will be developed jointly with the steering committee and is expected to include agency leadership, elected leaders, the county EMS coordinator, agency employees and volunteers, and other key public safety staff (law enforcement, fire service and communications). An initial step will be the development of a standard data request to the agencies, town and Warren County. The data requested will include information that is easily accessible to the agencies from patient care reports, operational records, financial documents and incident reports. We will work with agency staff to gather the information in an efficient process. While we ask that all information be stripped of PHI c cg r Promising Solutions www.cgr.org 3 (personal health information) and other confidential information, we store all information in a secure manner. As part of the information gathering, CGR would suggest that a survey of the workforce, including volunteers and perhaps former workforce members, be conducted to gather responses to specific questions and general concerns related to their experiences and to obtain their suggestions. The survey would be anonymous, but would allow for participants to provide direct feedback to the study team should they wish to do so. The analysis of the current EMS System will include the following tasks: e Develop a profile of the EMS agencies including membership profile, governance structure, and EMS assets (ambulances, other vehicles, key patient care equipment and stations); e Conduct an evaluation of jurisdictions including research into valid operating territories through the Bureau of EMS and the development of a map that identifies the existing primary service areas; ® Gather and evaluate response data for the town for the most recent calendar year, or other time period depending on data quality, using the County's 911 CAD System. We will look at response rate ("scratches") for agencies, EMD code, call received time, unit(s) responding time, unit(s) on scene, transport destination, total time on task and other data points as established in the final project plan; and ® Conduct a high-level overview of the financial situation for the agencies using publicly available information, voluntary responses to survey questions and agency financial statements and budgets (if available). The information will be synthesized into a report that documents the existing conditions of the EMS system and operations using objective measurements, graphics, geographic representations, written findings and interactive web-based data visualizations. The combination of formats will enable stakeholders to understand the current operating environment and inform the development of options for improvement. Key information will be compared to available industry standards and relevant community benchmarks in areas related to response times, dropped calls, staffing, levels of care, 911 call processing times and dispatch procedures. This Baseline Report will serve as a stepping off point for the next stages of the project. The Baseline Report will be presented using an appropriate electronic format, including the use of a webinar format, to enable feedback from the steering committee and other identified key stakeholders. Phase Three — Identify Options for Improvement The third phase of the project will focus on developing recommendations for the town and EMS agencies to consider to improve their EMS response system. Crcgr Promising Solutions www.cgr.org • The recommendations will be presented to the project committee in draft form to allow for refinement and appropriate further exploration. The options will be developed in accordance with the existing regulatory environment and will be informed by current research and consensus standards as well as by community characteristics. Options will also be developed that identify administrative and support functions that the agencies might be able to perform on a collaborative basis. The report will also identify potential sources of funding including state and foundation grants. As part of this phase of the report, CGR will identify best practices around recruitment and retention that could be considered by the town and EMS agencies. Options will be presented in a draft Final Report with an executive summary, detailed findings with supporting information and appropriate graphics. The draft Final Report will be shared with the steering committee electronically, including in webinar format. Phase Four — Develop a Final Report In the final phase of the project, the draft Final Report will be presented to a public meeting. The public meeting, or other forum, will include an opportunity for public input regarding all aspects of the report. The presentation will be made by Paul Bishop. The draft Final Report will also be shared on a public website with an opportunity for people to comment directly to CGR. Any written comments received will be shared with the study team. CGR will prepare a Final Report that includes any substantive changes suggested by the steering committee based on public feedback. The final document will also include comments received as part of the public meeting process. Phase Five — (Optional) Ongoing Support The RFP indicated that there might be a need for support from the selected consultant beyond the initial scope of the project. CGR would be willing to work with the town and agencies to develop a series of deliverables to help improve the functioning of the EMS system in the town that would be part of Ongoing Support. These deliverables will be identified during the course of the study and subject to a separate work agreement. Project Timeline The following project timeline has been developed based on our experience with similar organizations and the need for input at certain junctures. The schedule can be adjusted if there are specific organizational demands such as meeting budget timelines or grant application windows.CGR anticpates three total site visits as part of Phases One to Four. ccg r Promising Solutions www.cg r.org 5 Projected Days Milestone Notes 1 Notice to Proceed 5 Project Kickoff CGR on site to meet with key personnel Meeting and conduct initial interviews. 5 to 45 Baseline Interviews Estimated 3 days on site conducting and Survey interviews, focus groups and site visits. CGR would also conduct a survey for volunteers, employees and other key stakeholder groups. 5 to 60 Baseline Information From the initial visit until completion, Gathering CGR will be working with appropriate staff and contacts to gather objective relevant data. 45 to 90 Baseline Report Based on information from interviews Development and local data. 90 Presentation of Present Baseline Report and begin Baseline Report discussion of initial options. 90 to 150 Development of draft CGR will develop the draft Final Report Final Report based on information from the baseline, discussions with key personnel and industry best practices. 150 Draft Final Report CGR will submit a draft Final Report to Submitted the steering committee and plan seven to ten days for comments and revisions. 160+ Final Report CGR will be ready to present the Final Presentations Report at a time convenient to the town and agencies. 170+ Final Report submitted After the joint public meeting and a period for public comment, CGR will prepare a final version of the report that includes substantive changes and suggestions from the steering committee. 180 + Continuing Support As agreed to in supplemental arrangements ccgr Promising Solutions www.cgr.org 6 Project Budget CGR is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) consulting firm, and as such we use a bundled rate approach to project budgeting. Bundled rates are set for each position title and include direct expense (salary and benefits) as well as other than personal services (rent, insurance, etc.) and administrative and overhead charges (organizational and fiscal oversight). The total proposed cost for the project is $59,900. The estimated breakdown of cost by stage of the project is below. Phase Cost Project Initiation Phase $ 9,500 Baseline Phase $ 27,400 Options Phase $ 8,500 Final Report $ 14,500 Total Project Cost $ 59,900 If the town seeks additional Ongoing Support, CGR would seek to develop an expanded agreement. ccg Promising Solutions www.cgr.org