1992-04-27 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 27,1992 7:00 P.M. DISCUSSION OF THE HIRING OF RICHARD MORSE ENGINEERING FIRM FOR LANDFILL CLOSURE Supervisor Brandt-I would like to recommend that we hire Richard Morse Associates to take on the closure investigation report and prepare all of the engineering work that we need for the landfill closure. I've talked to the large firms the small firms, I think our best chance of being cost effective is with a small firm where principals are available to us. The one thing that Morse has got he is a local, in Town, he's got experience and I think that will work best for us. Councilman Caimano-Let's go with it then as long as we have an out. If he is screwing up, not doing the job we can, can him. Supervisor Brandt-We can always do that. Councilman Tucker-Anyone remember what his... Supervisor Brandt-His figure was a firm figure and it was nine thousand some dollars. All the other figures were estimated the other best contender was slightly less money, but it was an estimate it wasn't a hard figure. Councilman Monahan-Mike, on that print out he gave us Pliney, it's got $9880.00. Supervisor Brandt-That's it. Councilman Tucker-For the report and the other stuff was... Councilman Monahan-It says total CIR beside it. Supervisor Brandt -Closure investigation report. Councilman Tucker-Yeah, but your giving him the whole job right? Supervisor Brandt-That's right. Councilman Tucker-What did he give on the whole job Betty? Councilman Monahan-That was it that was a lump sum for that. Supervisor Brandt-The rest it per hour basis beyond that all they can do is estimate it. Councilman Tucker-Under our control. Supervisor Brandt-Under our control. Councilman Tucker-What do you have to have a motion? Supervisor Brandt-I think so. Attorney Dusek-Actually you should probably do two resolutions. One should be to terminate the Malcolm Pirnie Contract then, right? Supervisor Brandt-Yep. Attorney Dusek -So we give them proper notice and get rid of that contract. Dictated resolutions into record. Discussion after resolutions passed. Councilman Tucker-You had a resolution on the floor did you not, that you were going to hire this man to do this and anything else related to the landfill. Supervisor Brandt-What your point is that once the landfill closure report is made if we want to move on, well then we extend the contract Of... Attorney Dusek-At this point you've only authorized the $9880.00, which would be just a closure report. If you wanted to authorize more we could put it in the resolution or you could wait and do another resolution it's really up to you. Councilman Monahan-I wonder if we can authorize more when apparently they were only asked to give a price on a certain amount including, you know the rates for the principal and engineer. I'm not sure if we could interpret it to go further. Attorney Dusek -Your saying the request for proposals were limited just to the closure reports? Supervisor Brandt-No. Everybody bid first a quote on the closure investigation report beyond that they gave us hourly fees all the rest of the work. Attorney Dusek-Oh, then you did do that then. Supervisor Brandt-We asked for that and the hourly fees are shown in that schedule. Councilman Caimano-But, all we're going to approve now is the CIR right? Councilman Monahan-I wouldn't want to go any further frankly to see how this pans out. Supervisor Brandt-I think that's fair. Let's go that far and see how it works out. Councilman Tucker-Fine, but when you were talking you said you wanted to do it all. Supervisor Brandt-I like the idea of a small firm to do it all, but let's get some history and see it, I'm very comfortable with that. Resolution introduced, seconded, passed. Councilman Monahan-Just for the record, I'm assuming Morse Engineering will be given our closure consent order so he knows what we've consented to and any other documentation we may have that might have an impact on any work that he may be doing. Councilman Caimano-Good point. Councilman Monahan-It's definitely necessary that he has that closure consent order cause we've already specified that we will do certain things as far as DEC is concerned. I would put that as part of the official record.