MAY 18,1992
7:00 P.M.
RES. 280-293
Supervisor Brandt-I'm suppose to check if this was properly advertised.
Deputy Town Clerk Mitchell-Yes, it was.
Supervisor Brandt-I'm going to declare the hearing open. This is a public hearing on several changes in the
zoning ordinance.
Attorney Dusek-I can outline it briefly if you like.
Supervisor Brandt-Please do.
Attorney Dusek-What has been propose and is before the Board is a Local Law which would amend, the
zoning ordinance of the Town of Queensbury and it would amend it in a few different places. The first area
that it would amend is the definition of subdivision. It would say, a subdivision of land into two parcels,
basically it describes the subdivision as it always has. but then an exception has been added which says, a
subdivision of land into two parcels located out of a critical environmental area that complies with the
zoning ordinance in all other respects, requires no new streets nor the creation or extension of
improvements, districts such as water, sewer, drainage, will not be considered a subdivision. What in
essence this does is, those special types of subdivisions would no longer need to come to the Planning
Board for approval under this amendment to the zoning ordinance,
but, it's very restrictive in terms of what lots are allowed. In addition to that change, another change is
being proposed to the zoning ordinance dealing with swimming pools. Basically the full law set forth in
the local law, but the amendment actually concerns more than anything else, above ground swimming
pools. Saying, that when you have an above ground swimming pool it won't be necessary to enclose it by a
fence as long as there is a distance between the top rail of the swimming pool and the ground or the grade
of four feet, I'm sorry, at least forty six inches, so two inches less than four feet. In addition, it's making a
slight change for in-ground swimming pools to indicate that the traditional four foot fence may also be put
not just around the pool itself, but you could enclose the whole backyard with the fence and that would
satisfy the zoning ordinance. Finally, the last change that is being proposed is a part of three separate
changes basically to the ordinance. The ordinance previously required fences over three foot in height, said
that no fence could be erected over three feet in height within twenty feet of any property line. That height
is being changed to four feet instead of three feet at the recommendation of the Zoning Administrator. I
guess it's a practical situation more than anything else.
Supervisor Brandt -So on this propose law the public hearing is now opened. Anybody that would like to
speak to the Board about any part of that law your welcome to do so right now. Come on up, use the
microphone so we can create a public record, tell us who you are, tell us what you think.
Mr. Schroeder-What happens to the existing fences that are there today?
Attorney Dusek-The law actually in terms of the fencing, is giving you a break, so to speak. It traditionally
allowed up to three foot, you'll now be able to put up the four foot. So if you have a three foot fence that
will be fine, it's the four foot fence they are allowing twenty feet off the property line. This is not, though
the fencing for the pool, this is just ordinary fencing for a backyard. In other words, you'll now be able to
go up to four feet instead of three. It's my understanding, the fencing required for pools has always been
four feet, so there won't be any change in that.
Supervisor Brandt-Anyone else?
Councilman Goetz-I'd like to hear from the staff on the definition of subdivisions because we've had input
from them, I think we need to hear that. So could the staff that's given us the input put that on the record
for the public hearing?
Lee York-Senior Planner. I've provided the Board with some comments on the two lot subdivision.
Basically my concern was, I think first, I submitted some suggestions on the propose change. I basically
outlined in the past why two lot subdivisions or four lot subdivisions at that time were decided to have
some review. There were concerns at that time in 1987 and 1988, that the minor subdivisions were creating
haphazard development in accompanying drainage and traffic problems. Because of the review process
that had been instituted and that I had seen, we had been able to acquire some drainage easements that
successfully negated a lot of problems for the Town and also look at better traffic routing because of review
of these minor subdivisions. At any rate, I also stated that if we didn't review subdivisions, we would have
no mechanism to collect our recreation fees. Another concern is that we mayor there may be created
substandard lots because of the non-review of subdivisions. In fact, I had a case in point that came before
the Planning Board, in fact it was a three lot subdivision that just last week had to be reduced to a two lot
subdivision because of the very steep slopes and the inability to put a septic system on that particular lot.
So in fact, there are some considerations as far as creating unbuildable lots which I realize may not be
within the town realm of policing everything, but I just want you to be aware of that. Also, if you look at
having two lot subdivisions outside of the AP A jurisdiction and then reviewing two lot subdivisions in the
APAjurisdiction or in critical environmental areas, your creating a conflict within the ordinance, that's
going to be difficult for the staff to keep track of at times. Basically those were my comments and then
after, that I did send some suggestions to the Town Board about another mechanism that you might want to
consider in taking care of what you perceive is this problem.
Councilman Goetz-Was that a one step review?
Mrs. Y ork- What my suggestions were, were a modification of our subdivision ordinance to basically have a
minor subdivision for residential lots only. Basically have it be a one step review process with a lot of the
purpose indicating that it would have, it would be considered a minor subdivision along the lines of
thinking of this original subdivision definition but, that it would have limited criteria. For example, you
would not have to do ten foot contours a hundred feet off site you could do ten foot contours instead of two
foot contours. An applicant wouldn't have to have a grading and erosion control plan that was done by a
licensed landscape architect you could just conform to the erosion and grading control indicated in Section
179-60 of our ordinance. Things like that would minimize the cost, but still provide a review for the
individual and for the Town.
Councilman Goetz-In one of your memos, you also mentioned that lot width that we require on arterial
roads which has caused problems.
Mrs. York-My suggestion was and maybe there is some other people here that would like to address that. I
think that when we created the double the lot width alternative, it was a very positive thing and has been a
very positive thing for traffic management in the Town. However, for people trying to create these two lot
subdivisions it has been hell because a lot of them don't have that much road frontage. A way to potentially
accommodate the philosophy of that and yet allow them to subdivide maybe to consider having one single
access point providing two driveways to two separate lots. It would meet the goal of that section of the
ordinance in only allowing one access way and still allow these people to subdivide and give land to their
children without the three hundred feet per lot road frontage required on some arterials.
Councilman Goetz-So the goal would be to make it easier for people, but still keep the basic philosophy?
Mrs. York-The intent of the ordinance.
Councilman Goetz-It has caused some trouble, you know I've seen it on the Zoning Board where people
haven't been allowed to do things that might of made sense if it was a lesser requirement.
Supervisor Brandt-Lee, do I remember in your memos that in a minor subdivision, the one step process
would still be handled by the Planning Board?
Mrs. York-Yes.
Supervisor Brandt-Why couldn't we do that with staff?
Mrs. York-Well, I think that's a legal question. I don't know if the Planning Board can give their authority
to staff people or if the Town Board would have to specifically indicate that.
Attorney Dusek-Under the way the Town Law, not the local Town Law, but the State Town Law that we
are governed under, is set up in that once a matter is sent to the Planning Board, a subdivision matter, site
plans, as soon as they are qualified as one of those, they have to go to the Planning Board. You cannot take
them back from the Planning Board and give them to staff. There has been difficulties in the past in trying
to set up other boards, agencies of review, to take the place of the Planning Board. That is essentially what
you would want to do. There are two possibilities to deal with that, though, and maybe come up close to
what you want. One way is to take the two lot subdivision or whatever number of lot of subdivision you
want, presumably two lot out, but set up the criteria which is what this was an attempt to do, but maybe
even set up more of a criteria and let somebody go down with a checklist to see if it qualifies, then if it
doesn't, you might want to add more restrictions. Another possibility is to look into the possibility of
superceding Town Law with the Municipal Home Rule Legislation. Those are always very tricky and a
number of them have been shot down by the courts, but that is another possibility where you actually set up
a discretionary review in the hands of the Planning Department as oppose to the Planning Board. But, the
only thing there is, of course, you are putting a discretionary review in the hands of a department and taking
it away from a seven member board which has it's own set of problems. Those are the only two ideas that I
have on that, but to simply say, we're going to let the Planning Department do it, and the Planning Board
not do it you really can't under the current Town Law. Some other thing would have to be done.
Councilman Monahan-Paul, can the Planning Board itself give up that power?
Attorney Dusek-No.
Councilman Monahan-They can't say we're not going to review two lot subdivisions?
Attorney Dusek-No. It's the way the law is set up. It has to at least run through their Board, in other words,
they could rely heavily on staff. In fact, that was a procedure that was in fact, adopted over this past year,
where staff was reviewing them and they had an expedited review. I think Mr. Caimano maybe somewhat
familiar with that process, that was another attempt to deal with this same type of issue.
Councilman Caimano- That's how I thought this was going to end up anyway. I thought this was going to
be a checklist item which was rubber stamped, if you will, by the Planning Board. Always with the idea
that the Planning Board had oversight on the whole thing and could at any given time, grab one and go
through the full process.
Councilman Monahan-The way this is set up, there is no review at all, I'm saying what's in front of us
Councilman Goetz-The definitions, I don't have it in front of me. I know it's subdivision, but would we
have to get into minor and major subdivision definitions?
Mrs. York-In the propose definition that your using now, please Paul step in at any time. What it is, is the
definition with an exclusion for that two lot subdivision saying basically a subdivision that the Town
reviews or we have any interest in, as three lots or more.
Supervisor Brandt-What we're saying, it would no more be a subdivision and would not come to the
Planning Board. All of things that you pointed out, could be handled by staff.
Mrs. Y ork- They could be.
Councilman Monahan-They wouldn't have to be Mike with the way this is written, nobody would be
reviewing it at all, people would just go and do it.
Supervisor Brandt-We could certainly make provisions within our rules and regulations to require a staff
review, couldn't we?
Councilman Monahan-Well you would have to alter this.
Attorney Dusek-In order to do that it would have to be strictly ministerial and no discretion. In other
words, it's just a matter of, are all these items there and if they are there, I think it's an automatic approval. I
think you could set up something of that nature.
Supervisor Brandt -One other weakness, I see in what's proposed is, if someone has a large parcel of land
and they do a two lot subdivision and they take one acre off of forty acres and then later on they can do it
again, and later on they do it again, and later on they do it again, somehow we've got to restrict that because
then that defects the whole subdivision ordinance.
Councilman Tucker-Just put in here, Mr. Chairman, that it can happen but once.
Supervisor Brandt-I have no problem with that.
Mrs. Y ork- The Adirondack Park Agency has a clause in their legislation that allows for a division of land
to provide for a family member. You are limited in doing that to once in every three years. That kind of
situation might also take care of it if that is a concern.
Supervisor Brandt-The problem with that is, today's family definition might be pretty broad.
Mrs. York-That's true.
Supervisor Brandt -So I think, you know let it be the whole family of man kind, but once though. Thank
you very much, Lee. Pat, do you have comment?
Mrs. Crayford-Yes, I do. Patricia Crayford, Zoning Administrator. You might want to consider limiting
this to parcels of five acres or less and parcels on streets, not collector or arterial such as your streets Main,
Indiana, Big Bay, Big Boom.
Supervisor Brandt-However, in the collector streets, you could restrict it to one driveway, couldn't you?
Mrs. Crayford-Sure. But, I thought if you really wanted to make this a restrictive ordinance, you could
limit it to the five acres.
Supervisor Brandt-Any other comments or questions here?
Charlie Adamson-Assembly Point. I just had a question Mike. The fences, I think Paul said that the four
foot applies to front and side yard with nothing higher within twenty feet of the boundaries.
Attorney Dusek -Correct.
Mr. Adamson-And it does not apply to the backyard?
Attorney Dusek-Correct. The backyard would still be able to have a six foot fence.
Mr. Adamson-The side yards could have a six foot fence after you meet the twenty foot limit?
Attorney Dusek-Pat would know that better than I would.
Mrs. Crayford- The sideyards would not be allowed six feet. The side yards are four feet.
Mr. Adamson-Well that's why I was raising the question cause Paul said, I thought it was side and front
yards within twenty feet of the sideline?
Mrs. Crayford-It's twenty feet from the front property line and that extends to the back of the house four
feet. Then at the back of the house begins six feet, it's confusing.
Councilman Goetz-Pat, isn't that something that we're going to work on because it is confusing?
Mrs. Crayford-Definitely.
Attorney Dusek-I think what it is there, are two separate sections here and that's maybe causing the
confusion. There is one section that is being amended that says, no fence in height over four feet will be
erected or maintained within twenty feet of the property line, that's one section. There is another section
that is being amended that says, no fence in height over ...feet in height shall be erected or maintained in
any front or side yard, so from the back it will be six. In other words, everything is going to stay the same
as it always was. There is six feet in the back, it used to be three feet every where else, now it will be four,
you can go up till four in the front. Your gaining a foot here on the side and the front over what you used to
Councilman Monahan-Between what your saying and Pat's saying, I'm really confused now. It sounds like,
if your on the side, I've got a square lot, front and back, we know what we're doing, side lot it sounds like
Pat is saying, that you can be four feet on the side, only four feet on the side until you come to the rear line
of your house itself and then you can go to six feet. We've got it divided a staggered fence on the side yard.
Attorney Dusek-Right.
Councilman Monahan-Where does that say that more concisely in this ordinance? Cause boy, this doesn't
sound it here.
Councilman Goetz-It's the section that needs work.
Attorney Dusek-If you consider the fact that the front yard is considered everything from the front of the
building over and the side yard is only considered on the side of the house then the rear yard starts the back
of the house and goes back. In terms of defining the terms, if you think in terms of that, then that would
explain what fences you could have where.
Councilman Tucker-Does that say that in the ordinance?
Attorney Dusek-Yes.
Councilman Tucker-It does say from the back of the house?
Councilman Monahan-People are interpreting it that way.
Councilman Tucker-Hold it a second. I got into a lot of trouble because of that. Wouldn't it be very simple
to put it right in there so when a jerk like me picks up the book and reads it, he knows what he's reading.
Councilman Monahan-Not only that Pliney, but I think it should have a diagram of a house on a lot that
says, this is the front, this is the side.
Councilman Tucker-I can figure that out.
Councilman Monahan-I'm talking about, if your going to go from four to six on a side yard, I'm talking
Mrs. Crayford- The committee that is currently working to revise sections of the ordinance is also going to
revise the wording in the fence ordinance, it will be taken care of.
Councilman Goetz-Pat, the reason we went from three to four feet, isn't it because that's a standard size of a
Mrs. Crayford-Yes, it is.
Supervisor Brandt-Anyone else that would like to speak on these proposed changes? Then I will declare
the public hearing closed.
Attorney Dusek-Noted that the Warren County Planning Board won't be able to consider this matter until
May 20th, 1992 and that action cannot be taken until after the Warren County Planning Board has given
their recommendation. Attorney Dusek recommended to hold this matter for one week until the decision
has been made.
After further discussion it was the consensus of the Town Board to keep the subdivision section as a
ministerial act, a checklist in which criteria is listed for a two lot subdivision which no longer comes before
the Planning Board. If the Building and Codes Administrator and Zoning Administrator go through the
checklist and it doesn't pass then it goes back to the Planning Board. Mr. Hatin recommended that this be
directed to the new person who would be in charge of the Building and Zoning Departments.
Attorney Dusek-On May 12th, the Town Board adopted a resolution making a determination with reference
to certain property over on Mannis Road that a unsafe structure existed and that there was a need for
fencing in the area to make it safe. The resolution was relatively lengthy, but a copy of it was served upon
the Attorney for Mr. Flynn, Mr. Sterling Goodspeed. I have an affidavit of service here indicating on May
13th, also indicating personal service. Then on May 14th, I have a statement it's not an affidavit because it
hasn't been sworn to, indicating service on John Flynn on May 14th. This evening the objective before the
Board, if you will is to, I think Mr. Hatin should probably give a report concerning the property while Mr.
Flynn is present, if he is present or his Attorney. Then to hear from Mr. Flynn, then you can make a
decision as to whether or not your going to require a fence, how much time to require that, if that's your
decision and whether or not the Town will do it, if Mr. Flynn doesn't. So that's kind of where your at.
Supervisor Brandt-You want to lead us right on through?
Mr. Hatin-Do you want a brief statement on what's been transpired over the last few days?
Supervisor Brandt-Sure, please.
Mr. Hatin-Ijust visited the property about half an hour ago or forty five minutes ago. The fence on the
Mannis Road side was established in it's rickety condition and basically does not stop anyone from entering
the property. In fact, there are two places where a person could walk right through the fence with no
problem at all. The fence on the lakeside does not appear to have been altered at all, if it was, then it fell
back down again. So basically the pictures, I showed the Board the another night is pretty much it's present
condition other than the fences standing up on the Mannis Road side, but does not preclude somebody from
entering the property and it does have a couple signs, no trespassing signs posted on it.
Attorney Dusek-Mr. Hatin, can you just state for the record what your concern is about people entering the
Mr. Hatin-My biggest concern is that children, especially with the sununer approaching, will use this as a
place to play. Dirt naturally attracts children, it look nice to climb on. The wall has collapsed as of two
years ago this July or August and it continues to move, although not at a fast pace, it is continuing to roll
under and start to move. If it should collapse while somebody is on that property, you'll never know that
the people were there, they will be buried alive or seriously injured if they are on top of the pile. This was
also brought to my attention by a letter from an engineer for the insurance company following basically, a
complaint about this condition.
Supervisor Brandt-Is there an Attorney here for the Flynns or are the Flynns here and any of them present
Attorney Dusek-If the Board would like, maybe you could wait a half hour to see if they do show up?
Supervisor Brandt -Sure, we can leave it open and move on with some other things in the mean time.
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano
SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the minutes of April 27th
29th, 1992 and May 1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th, 1992.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
All Those in Favor: Ayes
All Those Opposed: None
Absent: None
Abstain: (May 1st, Supervisor Brandt, Councilman Tucker)
Correction to May 4th, 1992 minutes. Page 7, Discussion Hovey Pond. Supervisor Brandt-second line
should read; Econ's representatives were on the site for an inspection.
RESOLUTION NO. 281, 92, Introduced by Mr. Nick Caimano who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Susan Goetz.
WHEREAS, certain departments have requested transfers of funds for the 1992 Budget, and
WHEREAS, said requests have been approved by the Town of Queensbury Accounting Office and
the Chief Fiscal Officer,
RESOLVED, that the funds be transferred as follows, for the 1992 budget:
001-1355-4140 001-1355-4410 $ 2,000.00
(Travel) (Gasoline)
001-1355-4400 001-1355-4110 $ 300.00
(Misc. Contractual) (Vehicle Repair &
$ 3,832.60
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker,
Mr. Brandt
NOES : None
RESOLUTION NO. 282, 92, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mr. Pliney Tucker.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of selling, by advertisement
for and receipt of bids, a 1988 Dodge - 600 Series K Car, with Town rights to turn down all bids, and "AS
RESOLVED, that an advertisement for bids for the said 1988 Dodge - 600 Series K Car, be
published in the official newspaper for the Town of Queensbury and that such advertisement indicate that
bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury at any time until, but not
later than June 1st, 1992, at 2:00 p.m., and that the bids will be publicly opened and read at 2:05 p.m. by the
Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and such advertisement shall indicate that the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury shall have the right, at its discretion, to reject all bids and re-advertise for new bids as
provided by the laws of the State of New York, and that if a bid is accepted, that full payment for the
automobile must be made in cash or certified check or bank cashier's check and delivery must be taken
within 10 days of the opening of bids, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk or her designated Deputy, is hereby authorized to open all bids
received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, at 2:05 p.m., June 1st, 1992, read the
same aloud and make record of the same as is customarily done, and present the bids to the next regular or
special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Brandt
ABSTAIN: Mr. Caimano
RESOLUTION NO. 283, 92, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Susan Goetz.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury previously authorized the purchase of
five (5) sets of the Town Law, on April 29, 1992, and
WHEREAS, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing has advised that a subscription has been entered to
allow the Town to automatically receive any future shipments for New York CLS Volumes 34 and 34A as
they are published, on 30-day approval, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to confirm said subscription with Lawyers Cooperative Publishing,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Supervisor to execute the form necessary to accept the subscription referenced above, and further
authorizes that said subscription be paid for from the Books, Publications & Subscriptions Account No.:
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz,
Mr. Brandt
NOES : None
RESOLUTION NO. 284, 92, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Susan Goetz.
WHEREAS, the Town has received from Finch Pruyn & Co., Inc., the free use of labor and
machinery to help assist in the grading and development of Hovey Pond Park, and
WHEREAS, the use of the free equipment and labor will result in significant savings to the Town
in the development of the Hovey Pond Park project, but some monies are also needed to fund materials and
supply additional labor in conjunction with the labor and equipment furnished by Finch Pruyn & Co., Inc.,
WHEREAS, as an interim measure, the Town wishes to provide limited funding to pay for the
additional labor and material and to develop the site to a certain extent, such that some regrading is
accomplished and water drainage altered, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has previously established the
Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund (Fund #61) and a Hovey Pond Capital Project Fund #82, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of transferring $13,500.00
from the aforesaid Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #61 into the Hovey Pond Capital Project Fund #82
to pay for the aforesaid additional labor and materials,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes a withdrawal
and expenditure from the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #61 in the total amount of $13,500.00 to be
deposited in the Hovey Pond Capital Project Fund #82 to pay for the expenses and improvements to be
made in conjunction with the free labor and equipment furnished by Finch Pruyn & Co., Inc., and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby further finds that the
withdrawal and expenditure for the previously identified recreation project and improvements at Hovey
Pond Park is an expenditure for improvements or items of equipment for which the Reserve Fund #61 was
established, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby finds that the sum of
$13,500.00 amount transferred from the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #61 shall be used to improve
Hovey Pond Park and that it will generally serve the Town's residential neighborhoods, subdivisions, and
multi-family dwellings, the developers of which have heretofore contributed fees in lieu of developing
recreational areas, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby further directs that in the
event that any funds are remaining in said Hovey Pond Capital Project Fund after completion of the project
or in the event that said project is not undertaken, the money in the said account shall be returned to the
Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #61, and
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, this
resolution shall be subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the
Town Law, and the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized and directed to publish
and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law, indicating that this resolution
is subject to a permissive referendum.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano,
Mr. Brandt
NOES : None
Supervisor Brandt-Noted that the agenda was moved up when Finch and Pruyn offered their machines and
equipment and people. To take advantage of this, they didn't have time to move any money through the
legal process to that account to cover some of the expenses. When money is moved to that project it is
subject to a permissive referendum which you have to wait thirty days before the money is spent. Noted,
they don't know how much is going to get done while they are there. When they see how much gets done,
then they can make a plan and a budget and move on with it... Councilman Caimano noted he has received a
call from Roger Marcy, from Queensbury Schools who has talked to his people and they are prepared to do
the carpentry work that is necessary to make the time line for the historical people.
RESOLUTION NO. 285, 92, Introduced by Mr. Nick Caimano who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mr. Michel Brandt.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is considering the acceptance of
Lancestire Drive, offered for dedication by Michael 1. Vasiliou, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is duly qualified to act as lead agency
with respect to compliance with SEQRA which required environmental review of certain actions
undertaken by local governments, and
WHEREAS, the proposed action is an unlisted action pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, after considering the action
proposed herein, reviewing the Environmental Assessment Form, reviewing the criteria contained in
Section 617.11, and thoroughly analyzing the project with respect to potential environmental concerns,
determines that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby finds that the proposed
responses inserted in Part 11 of the said Environmental Assessment Form are satisfactory and approved,
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to complete and execute
Part III of the said Environmental Assessment Form and to check the box thereon indicating that the
proposed action will not result in any significant adverse impacts, and
RESOLVED, that the annexed Negative Declaration is hereby approved and the Town Clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to file the same in accordance with the provisions of the general regulations
of the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker
Mr. Brandt
Councilman Tucker-Asked if there was anyone present representing Michael Vasiliou?
Michael O'Connor-Law Firm of Little and O'Connor, representing the developer present and Mr. Vasiliou
Councilman Tucker-Noted that he toured this road and found several lots below grade, asked if the lots will
be brought up to grade?
Mr. Vasiliou-Noted that the higher lots, the fill will be taken off and put into the lower lots to bring them up
to grade.
Attorney Dusek-Noted the certification on the subdivision map was not on the map, but a survey reading
was in the abstract of title, noted he feels the Town is fully protected...Councilman Caimano stated it
should be noted in the resolution that Paul Naylor, Superintendent of Highways and Tom Flaherty,
Superintendent of the Water Department both concur in the acceptance of this.
RESOLUTION NO. 286, 92, Introduced by Mr. Nick Caimano who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Susan Goetz.
WHEREAS, Michael 1. Vasiliou has offered a deed to dedicate to the Town of Queensbury
Lancestire Drive, which is more particularly described in the survey map presented at this meeting and the
original deed being presented to this meeting, and
WHEREAS, Paul H. Naylor, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has advised
that he has looked at Lancestire Drive and found it meets with the Town specifications and with his
approval, therefore he recommends to the Town Board that the road be accepted with final approval, and
WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent of Water of the Town of Queensbury, has
advised that he has made an inspection of water mains and appurtenances along said road proposed for
dedication and finds that the installation is in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Queensbury
Water Department, and
WHEREAS, the form of the deed and title to the road offered for dedication have been reviewed
and approved by Paul B. Dusek, Town Attorney for the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has considered the environmental
effects of the proposed action by previous resolution and issued a Negative Declaration pursuant to the
State Environmental Quality Review Act,
RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed for dedication of the said road be and the same is
hereby accepted and approved, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute, sign and affix the
Town seal to any and all documents necessary to complete the transaction, and that the Town Clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, after
which said deed shall be properly filed and maintained in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of
Queensbury, and
RESOLVED, that the road be hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, to be
described as follows:
Road Number: 481
Description: Woodmere Subdivision - West of
Heresford Lane, Queensbury, New York
(Connects to Heresford Lane in two
places. )
Name: Lancestire Drive
Feet: 1,315
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan,
Mr. Brandt
RESOLUTION NO. 287, 92, Introduced by Mr. Nick Caimano who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Betty Monahan.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury previously established a five member Board of Assessment
Review, and
WHEREAS, since the time of the establishment of the five member Board of Assessment Review,
members have resigned and/or have been appointed or reappointed, or new members appointed, and
WHEREAS, it was recently brought to the attention of the Town Clerk of the Town of
Queensbury that some of the terms of current members of the current Board of Assessment Review are not
staggered as required, so that only one term expires each year, and
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney for the Town of Queensbury has advised that this situation should
be addressed and has also provided the Town Board with copies of various resolutions and copies of the
appointment cards, and offered certain advice concerning this matter,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, afterreview of the resolutions and
appointment cards and discussion with the Town Attorney, directs and authorizes terms as follows:
Term of Matthew Ludemann
Term of Jane Carusone
Term of Paul 1. Davidson -
Term of C. Matthew Yasko
Term of Dr. Charles Hauser
Expires 9/30/93
Expires 9/30/94
Expires 9/30/95
Expires 9/30/96
Expires 9/30/92
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized to notify the New York State Division of
Equalization and Assessment of this resolution, and to take such other and further steps as may be
necessary to indicate the authorized terms on the records of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz,
Mr. Brandt
NOES : None
Supervisor Brandt-Is there anyone here representing the Flynn's or are the Flynn's here themselves?
Declared the public hearing on the Flynn's closed.
Councilman Goetz-What's the next step?
Attorney Dusek-At this point, your ready for a recommendation from Dave Hatin.
Mr. Hatin-What I would recommend to the Board, that the two sides of the property be properly fenced
possible by our maintenance department and that we purchase some adequate orange fencing that we
normally use during most construction operations. I don't know cost. I didn't look into that today, I didn't
even have a change to think about it, but that would be the most logical way to handle this.
Attorney Dusek-If the Board wanted to you could give for instance, I think you could give the Flynn's so
many hours to get a fence up of a suitable nature. If not, that would give Mr. Hatin time enough to go out
and get the prices that he needs for the fences. Then he could report back to you on the selection of fence
and the pricing so that you could pass on something that you know what the cost was.
Supervisor Brandt-I visited that property on several occasions. I think the two sides your talking about is
the lake side and the road side. Probably we have to go up the sides a little bit, I think.
Mr. Hatin-We weren't sure how far we could go on private property with the neighbors and didn't know if
they would give consent or not.
Supervisor Brandt-We should look into that. I have to agree with you, I think it's a terrible hazard. I did go
on the property and I'll tell you, you don't want to get near that wall because it could rupture anytime and if
it did, it would bury you. I think we have a public obligation to fence it off. If the Town ends up getting
stuck for the fence so be it, but I certainly want to be prepared to litigate that.
Councilman Caimano-How much time do you think it will take you to get prices?
Mr. Hatin-Wednesday morning, I can definitely work on that.
Councilman Monahan-Dave, I'm concerned that, that orange construction fence isn't going to hold any kid
Supervisor Brandt-It's got to be more than that.
Mr. Hatin-I was thinking heavy plastic orange fence. Not similar to what was at Hovey Pond, the cloth. I
was thinking the heavy plastic. I can tell you right now, I don't care what you put up there, if a person
wants to get in, they will get in. Orange sticks out, it identifies it as a hazard. A person can walk around
the fence, walk on the neighbors property and be right on the property, you can't stop it.
Supervisor Brandt-Some of it's pretty rugged. It's a matter of putting in enough posts.
Mr. Hatin- That's the thing, you have to put them every six feet or so or ten feet, whatever it takes.
Supervisor Brandt-How long before we may be in litigation over this?
Attorney Dusek-I just got a notice in the mail. There are several cases involved in this so it's not only the
Town's case. The Town's case doesn't have a trial date yet, but the other case that is pending does have a
trial date which was originally in May, but has been moved to September now. My idea here would be that
the Town's case might be in a position to catch up and tried the same time that other case or shortly
thereafter. The goal, of course, would be to have everything tried at once, but we'll have to see where we
go during the course of the summer.
Councilman Monahan-Paul, when it's such a hazard out there, is there no way of getting these court dates
shoved up to recognize the fact that we've got such a hazard to the community out there on that piece of
Attorney Dusek-Part of the problem is, that everybody is pointing the finger at everybody else in terms of
whose responsibility it is, that's one of the problems.
Supervisor Brandt-We ought to tell a Judge that it is dangerous. If kids go in there and play around, it
could rupture the wall because it's a wooden structure, that is barely holding together and I don't know why.
It could spring loose with just people playing around it.
Councilman Monahan-Mike, it isn't only going on, on that piece of property, it puts the neighbors on each
side in a terrible bind.
Attorney Dusek-Another idea is, in addition to getting the fence put up, you can look at other mechanisms
that you want to take, to address the situation and then try to make a recovery later. That is another
Supervisor Brandt -First of all, we know that we have to have a fence from here to September, a good
plastic fence with enough posts would do it in my estimation and some signs. If someone wants to get
around, certainly they can, there is no question of that. Then, I think we have to hope that the courts see the
wisdom of moving rapidly and getting on with it.
The following resolution was passed.
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt
SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano
To notify the Flynn's that they have 36 hours in which to erect a fence and if they don't, that the Town will
buy the fence, put it up and assess it against their property as part of their taxes.
Duly adopted this 18th of May, 1992, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr.
Noes: None
Tim Welch, Welch Communications-Made a presentation to the Board in regard to a solid waste project for
disposal of paper sludge in the Saratoga area. Requested support from the community in trying to make
this solid waste project become a reality.
Donna Dingman, President of Stamber Association-Made presentation to the Board regarding their
company's service of utility bill reduction and energy management savings.
Mark Lebowitz, Crandall Library. Presented copies to the Board with the revised legislation concerning
the library district. Requested the Board to consider passage of the Home Rule Legislation Law.
RESOLUTION NO. 289, 92, Introduced by Mr. Nick Caimano who moved for it's adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Susan Goetz.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 9 of the Constitution of the State of New York, the Town of
Queensbury may request the enactment of special legislation, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is specifically desirous of requesting
enactment of a bill by the title of "An Act to Authorize the Establishment of a Public Library District for
the Town of Moreau, in the County of Saratoga, the City of Glens Falls, in the County of Warren, and the
Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren", and
WHEREAS, it is determined that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation and that
the facts establishing the necessity are that the Town Board, as the local government, does not have the
power to enact such legislation by Local Law, and
WHEREAS, a Municipal Home Rule Request Form must be completed and the same has been
presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, on behalf of the Town of
Queensbury, hereby, pursuant to Article 9 of the Constitution of the State of New York, requests the
enactment of Senate Bill No. 7542, entitled "An Act to Authorize the Establishment of a Public Library
District for the Town of Moreau, in the County of Saratoga, the City of Glens Falls, in the County of
Warren, and the Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby declares that a necessity
exists for the enactment of such legislation and that the facts establishing such necessity are that the local
government does not have power to enact such legislation by Local Law, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor and Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury are hereby
authorized to complete the Municipal Home Rule Request Form, which has been presented at this meeting,
in a manner consistent with the terms and provisions of this Resolution and consistent with the vote taken
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker,
Mr. Brandt
Councilman Monahan-Spoke to the Board about the new regulation from the State regarding lifeguards at
all pools. Suggested to the Board the possibility of passing a resolution supporting motel owners regarding
this situation. It was the decision of the Town Board to look into this further and address this at a later
Lou Gagliano representing Aviation Mall. Discussion held regarding the sale ofproperty...Councilman
Goetz questioned the provision about the exchange of sand in lieu of money.. .Mr. Gagliano noted that they
came before the Board last year and negotiated with the Town to purchase the vacant parcel to expand the
shopping center that was approved by the Planning Board last January. The final contract was negotiated
and approved by resolution by the Town Board last May of 1991. It basically called for us to pay the Town
$100,000 and to provide 100,000 cubic yards of sandy loom sand from that hill when excavated to be
delivered to a site of the Town's choice in the Town of Queensbury...Mr. Gagliano noted at that time the
Highway Superintendent indicated that the sand could be used for the Town's purposes in sanding the
roads... Supervisor Brandt questioned the payment of the $100,000...Mr. Gagliano noted it was structured at
$50,000.00 at closing and $50,000.00 a year from closing.
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano
SECONDED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt
Authorizing Supervisor to execute contract with the Pyramid Company of Glens Falls on behalf of the
Town with the approval of the closing date on or before January 20th, 1993.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan Mr.
Noes: None
Councilman Goetz-Noted that there is an opening on the Recreation Commission. Requested to have ad in
the paper noting this vacancy....Councilman Goetz received letter from QEDC questioning the amount in
the budget...Town Board to discuss this at the QEDC regular meeting...Councilman Goetz noted that a
neighborhood meeting was held in South Queensbury about the sidewalk situation. Neighbors had
indicated that they would have a volunteer committee that could possibly put in the sidewalks
themselves...Councilman Goetz noted the permit process has been started with DOT, but volunteers have
now said they cannot do the job... Councilman Goetz noted she told residents that this would have to be
researched further. It was the decision of the Town Board to hold a special workshop regarding sidewalks
with the date to be decided later.
Supervisor Brandt-Noted he has received a request from the Planning Board to meet with the Town Board
as soon as possible to discuss Diehl matters. A workshop was scheduled for May 26th, at 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Tucker-Noted he has received a phone call from Jim Coughlin, Superintendent of Landfill
regarding the contract for sludge coming from Lake George, stated that Mr. Coughlin is ready to go
ahead...Attorney Dusek to have something ready regarding this matter by tomorrow.
DOT Letter - Regarding Gurney Lane. Letter on file in Town Clerk's Office.
Attorney Dusek-Spoke to the Town Board regarding the Peggy Ann Road Water District. Noted that the
Town has a situation where the developer owes some funds on the contract. Noted he has met with the
developers Attorney, Robert Stewart today. Stated the concern is that we thought we we're going to be able
to come to terms with the proper numbers that were suppose to be used in connection with the calculations
of the contract, but have not yet been able to reach a final conclusion as to what recommendation to make.
Noted that there are a number of different ways that this could be calculated and there are other problems
with the contract in addition to the calculations. Asked to have one more day in order to finish up the
review on this...Town Board in agreement.
Attorney Dusek-Received a letter from Jeffrey McMorris regarding the Flynn's property...Noted that he is
now the Attorney who will be representing the Flynns. Read the following letter into the record:
I have just received the above entitled file from Sterling Goodspeed, Esq., and will be representing the
Flynns with regard to the Town. I understand that the Town Board will be discussing the matter at tonight's
meeting. Due to a prior commitment, I cannot attend the meeting and wish this letter to express my client's
The Flynns have erected a fence identical to fences used by the Town in similar situations to block access
to the property. At some point in the last few weeks, someone, possibly another litigant, drove over the
fence and knocked it down. The Flynns were just made aware of the problem and immediately began their
efforts to replace the fence. As you can see from the enclosed photographs, the fence has been
substantially restored. Mr. Flynn will be completing the restoration this week and we would certainly keep
the Town informed of the progress.
If you or the members of the Board have any specific concerns or questions, please contact me as soon as
possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
Attorney Dusek-Presented photographs to Board members. Photographs taken on May 18th.
Lillian Adamson-Spoke to the Town Board regarding grievance day. Questioned the Board about the form
used for grievance day if the members of the Board of Assessment Review could fill in the portion for their
Supervisor Brandt-Town Board to send letter to Board of Assessment Review requesting them to fill out
this portion of the form.
Mrs. Adamson-Asked the Town Board if the Board of Assessment Review is allowed to discuss a case that
is presented on grievance day with the Town Assessor in the time that they are suppose to be making their
decision? Stated if the case is discussed after grievance day with the Assessor she feels the person who has
presented the case should be given the opportunity to be there to rebut.
Attorney Dusek-Noted that if the Board wanted to pursue this he could look at the statue that sets up the
Board and then render an opinion as to a logical way to perceive to set it up.
Mrs. Adamson-Questioned the Town Attorney about the following statement, she received from the
hearing officer. "I should note that whatever the final assessments were established to be after grievance or
by hearing would have the same effect for purposes of comparison as if the Town had initially placed those
assessments on the properties during it's 1987 revaluation of the Town." Asked the Town Attorney if he
found this to be a correct legal statement?
Attorney Dusek-Noted certainly they could be used as proof, but the problem you have is that they are still
subject to attack in the event the decision was not the correct one for that particular case.
Mrs. Adamson-Noted her concern that the team of assessors doing assessments around the lake are not
going in houses even when invited in to do assessments. Spoke to the Board about the possibility of
assessors signing and dating a card stating that they have been in the house.. .Mrs. Adamson noted her
objection as a taxpayer to the spraying of chemicals on the Queensbury Central Firehouse lawn or on any
other lawns in the Town...Noted she had talked to members of the fire company and they mentioned the
possibility of the Town maintaining their lawns.
Helen & Andrew Cordiale- Ward 4, Massachusetts Avenue, Queensbury. Requested that the Town Board
consider enacting an ordinance concerning recreational fires...Asked Councilman Tucker to keep them
informed on the progress of this matter... Questioned the Board if someone can burn rubbish in an outdoor
George Stec-Queensbury. Noted the State of New York has a permit system and the Town of Queensbury
has an ordinance, which both are similar, with the exception the State Law burning of garbage, is a
misdemeanor and the Town Law, it's a violation. Stated the State of New York has never required a permit
for a recreational fire. Noted it should be addressed as to what constitutes a recreational fire.
Karl Schroeder-54 Old Forge Road, Queensbury. Spoke to the Board about the illegal dumping of garbage
on Old Forge Road. Questioned why the courts are being lenient with the fines?
Mr. Stec-Noted the reason could be what section of the law the officer sited the individual.
Mr. Schroeder-Spoke to the Board about his concern for the speed limit on Old Forge Road. Requested a
three way stop sign on the corner of Lupine and Old Forge Roads. Presented pictures to board.
George Stec-Butler Pond Road, Queensbury. Spoke to the Board regarding Traver Road. Requested that
the Town Board request that the Highway Department bring this road up to standards...Town Board to look
at this road on their annual road tour on May 21 st.
John Salvador, Queensbury-Questioned the board on the status of the request for the abandonment of the
road in his area.
Attorney Dusek-Noted that he is still working on this. Will move this up on the priority list.
Mr. Salvador-Questioned the Board on the library district. Asked if the library board is the proper
organization to make public comment to.
Supervisor Brandt-Noted if Mr. Salvador wanted to form an organization opposing the library district the
Town would be willing to provide the facilities for both parties.
Mr. Salvador-Questioned the Board on the purpose of the meeting with Lake George Park Commission
regarding stormwater regulations.
Supervisor Brandt-Noted it is an informational meeting for discussion of stormwater regulations.
Mr. Salvador-Questioned the Board on property owners taking care of their own sidewalks.
Supervisor Brandt-Noted the law has to be changed and that the Board is working on this, it's a complicated
Mr. Salvador-Noted that the form used for grievance day does not satisfy his concerns. Has been trying
with the Assessor's office since last October to get a meaningful approach for a fair assessment...Mr.
Salvador spoke to the Board regarding an accident on Rte 9L. Noted that the fire department had washed
down the road from a gasoline spill from a vehicle being overturned. Stated the next morning at his marina
he had twenty boats engulfed in an oil slick....
Councilman Caimano-Noted that the answer to his question has already been started and will be addressed
at the meeting for stormwater regulation.
Mr. Salvador-Noted that on March 16th, he appeared before the Board with a proposal regarding waste
utility. Noted he feels his proposal solves the problems regarding waste.
Attorney Dusek-Noted that there are contracts that the Town has to deal with first before something can be
Supervisor Brandt-Noted that he doesn't know the answer regarding this.
INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz
SECONDED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the Audit of Bills
appearing Abstract May 18th, 1992 numbering 92194800 through 92222900 and totaling $200,012.19 is
hereby approved.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr.
Noes: None
Abstain:Mr. Caimano (vendor #000127) Mrs. Monahan (vendor
#00453 due to contractual relationship)
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt
SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and
enters Executive Session to discuss one personnel matter, one litigation matter, and
two matters of attorney/client privilege.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
All Those in Favor: Ayes
All Those Opposed: None
Absent: None
INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz
SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session to
enter Regular Session of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote:
All Those In Favor: Ayes
All Those Opposed: None
No further action taken.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury