AD 1-2007 Clute , tarry AD 1 -2007 Big Boom Road 2-lot Administrative Subdivision Tax Map No. 316. 10- 1 -9 Zoning : SR- 1 A / WR- 1 A Year 2007 Use zoning requirements of April 9, 2002 Zoning Ordinance TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 42 Pay homl, Queensbury, W. 12804-5902 January 16, 2007 PON Larry Clute 13 Dawn Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: Two-lot subdivision Tax map parcel: 3.16.10-1-9 Dear Mr. Clute: 1 have reviewed your application for a Two Lot Residential Administrative subdivision and a map entitled "Map of a Survey made for Larry W. Clute" by Van Dusen &Steves, dated June 28, 2006 with a recent revision date of January 16, 2007. 1 find your application and mapping satisfactory with regards to the requirements for such an approval. Attached herewith please find the mylar copy of the subdivision for filing with the Warren County Clerks Office. This subdivision approval will become final upon our receipt of 2 copies of the filed map bearing the County filing stamp. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, De t. Comm. Development Craig B iown Zoning Administrator CB/pw Enc. LACraig Brown\2007 letterATwolotadmin Clute 1_16 07.doc „ 1-14) inv of NaItira 11ea it, Iy ... A Good Place to l. iov ` Two Lot Residential Administrative Subdivision Application Procedure. Form of Mapping and Application - Section 178 7 Subdivisions of parcels into two lots for single-family dwelling unit purposes shall be permitted by the following procedure: 1. An informal plot plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator will review the plan and then, if the same demonstrates compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in 178-6 hereof, the same will be stamped permitted with the following notation: Plot plan meets all criteria: No Planning Board review necessary The applicant may then use the property for single-family dwelling unit purposes consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The plot plan required shall contain the following information: a. Name and address of property owner b. Date of Submission C. Tax Parcel number d. Name of Subdivider e. Approximate location of the proposed structure to ensure setbacks and septic system can be met. f. North arrow g. That final grading of the parcel will slope away from the proposed structure for stormwater drainage and disposal. Required Filing The original plot plan submitted hereunder shall remain on file with the Town of Queensbury and a copy shall be given to the person or entity requesting the subdivision. 1 Review of Plats Showing Two Lot Residential Subdivisio.is (178-6) Subdivision of parcels into two lots for single family dwelling unit residential purposes shall be permitted in the Town of Queensbury, without Planning Board approval and shall not be considered a subdivision under the jurisdiction of the Planning Board provided that the procedures in 178-7 and the following terms and conditions are complied with: 1. Is the parcel to be subdivided located within the Adirondack Park and/or an area determined to be a Critical Environmental (CEA) in accordance with the State of New York Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)? Yes No 2. Does the proposed subdivision comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance? Yes No 3. Will the proposed subdivision require the construction of any new streets or the extension of any improvement districts for the supply of water, sewer or drainage? Yes No 4. Has the parcel to be subdivided been previously illegally subdivided or subdivided with the approval of the Planning Board or the use of this administrative procedure? Yes No 5. Will the proposed sub iv' ion create more than two lots? Yes T No 6. Is more than one single f ily dwelling per lot planned for this subdivision? Yes No Other: 1. Na a and address of property owner: 2. Tax Map Parcel No.: 3. Zoning Classification: Please Note: Payment of applicable Recreation Fees is made at the time a building permit is applied for. 2 8 : A, 0 0 0 LASS hJ F OF FS A co i. EAVU4 • 441 Tr E�N6 PJvD TO'BE REMOVED IPF AND NM;nerve TO BE INSTALLED ALONG' ��G �kTY,i�Ne AD 5HARED 0 NO Q � Iy l�yy[y Q�y�}�4:6JI" ���}�q�{y�*. 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