2007-06-25 SP MTG28
JUNE 25, 2007 RES. 310
6:30 p.m.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TIM BREWER-Opened the Meeting, announced that all
members are present except for Supervisor Stec who will be a few minutes late.
Sr. Planner Stu Baker-Presented the Town Board with an updated report. Spoke on
applications for Sr. Planner and Land Use Planner position, dead line for submittal was
last Friday at 4:00 P.M. Nine applications for Sr. Planner and twenty three for the Land
Use Planner position. Presented a report to the Board with a recommendation on the
applications that the Board should look at, three applicants for Sr. Planner and Nine for
the Land Use Planner for the Board to review.
Councilman Sanford-Suggested that the Board each review the applications and send in a
short list . Questioned if the Sr. Planner would have supervisory responsibilities or just
technical seniority?
Sr. Planner Baker-Will make a full set for each Board Member. Under the revised
organizational structure for the department that you did the Senior Planner would be
underneath me working on long range planning projects.
Councilman Strough-The kinds of things to look for is grant writing is, see if they have
done any code writing, if they are pro active in nature.
Councilman Sanford-Are you interested in supervisory responsibility?
Sr. Planner Baker-Yes. Define supervisory responsibility, becoming a department head
or just supervising staff as you outlined in the revised ..
Councilman Sanford-We are subdividing the responsibility into three major components,
Craig’s, Dave’s and the Planning function. Dave would head up his, Craig’s his and
there was some discussion at the last meeting we never asked you.
Councilman Boor-That is one scenario.
Councilman Sanford-Not the Executive Director role but within the disciplines.
Councilman Strough-Will be meeting with Craig to discuss what is your take on the
department, what is going on, what needs to go on, also want to talk about the Town
Code I want yours and Dave’s input so we are on the same page. Asked for input from
Dave, Craig and Stu on what is needed for a Planner.
Director of Building and Codes-Dave Hatin-You have had six Directors of Community
Development since I have been here in fifteen years. This is a very politically charged
Department Head position, and that is why you see Senior Planners as Executive
Directors come and go.
Councilman Brewer-What happened to the idea that we were going to have a person that
was going to do projects for the Town Board, set aside from Planning and Zoning?
Councilman Sanford-That would be the responsibility of the new Senior Planner I
assumed. If it can work out, the subdivision of downs stairs made sense and I think the
inclination was not to move toward the replacement of an Executive Director. My
preference is to give this a try to have the three rather than the one.
Councilman Boor-Want to have all of you to have the same understanding as to
definitions in the codes.
Councilman Sanford-Re: electrical concern…
Director Hatin-It is still not corrected but temporarily fixed. Waiting for scheduling for
National Grid to shut off power allowing the situation to be fixed.
(Supervisor Stec-entered the meeting) Re: pools that are left filled, safety problem,
mosquitoes how to remedy this…the problem is getting permission to enter property …
Councilman Sanford-Suggested that Director Hatin write his recommendations for our
review and approval.
Councilman Boor-Re: House on Wagon Trail in disrepair, where are we with that?
Director Hatin-That was boarded up the building is secure, will check it again to see that
it is secured.
Councilman Boor-Re: Long Residences, that it isn’t over 28’ tall on waterfront
Sr. Planner Baker-Not according to the plans that they have submitted.
Zoning Administrator Craig Brown-There is an underlying problem that is going to come
out of this, and hopefully it is addressed in the Code, they have manipulated the final
grade on the site, they raised the grade on the side of the house with landscaping in order
to get the building which normally would have been thirty two feet tall.
Sr. Planner Baker-The plan said exactly that.
Councilman Boor-I want to make sure that it is what they got approval for or as drawn.
Zoning Administrator Brown-When there is a building permit required we require a final
survey at the end and many times where there is an issue with the height we have the
surveyor do the height while he is there and certify the height. There has been some
methods tried; 1. require a foundation survey before you pour the concrete 2. before
you get the framing inspection sign off you confirm the height.
Director Hatin-If you are concerned about the size of homes around the lake, define the
building area as between a road and the shore line, if you are concerned about elevation
shoot to geographical survey elevations instead of heights above grade. I would like to
see in writing those recommendations so we can put them in the code.
Councilman Boor-I am getting complaints about square footage for lot size, which you
have pointed out we should not be counting property across the road where they are
putting septic fields.
Councilman Sanford-We are looking for leadership and your recommendations more and
more and your suggestions.
Councilman Strough-We are going to be a little bit more careful and critical and
protective, I think the word protective in terms of the environment of the lake, protective
in the future by limiting the size of the structures that are going on these postage stamp
lots and the septic systems.
Councilman Sanford-In the terms of the change that I am looking for from when we had
an Executive Director to where we are now, I called up a year or two ago Craig Brown
and talked about the complaints I was receiving, for people who had a junk yard going on
in their front yard, I called you up, you take a look and you say they are all registered
vehicles so it is Code Compliant and that is the end of the story. The new relationship
that I am looking for is for you to do some thinking given your background and say you
know we are limited right now because of the way the Code reads, however here is what
another town is doing to control this by changing the code and I would certainly respect
that the Town Board to entertain such a change. I do not need you to give me the feed
back that it is a problem and nothing can be done about it, I am looking for a solution.
I am looking for from you people within your respective disciplines to be more leaders
than followers.
Supervisor Stec-You have the expertise with our Code where it is weak or isn’t consistent
with what you know the five of us are thinking, now is the time to do it, we are going to
have a pubic hearing on a lot of code changes and what is two or three more like the
definition of new vs reconstruction, you tell us what you think would be easier to enforce
or clearer and communicate that us and Stu so he can incorporating that into the Code.
Councilman Boor-Requested clarity on the twenty percent remainder of clear cutting
buffer in waterfront residential.
Zoning Administrator Brown -The twenty percent applies to the thirty five foot strip back
from the shore that you can cut, anything beyond thirty five is not regulated in the Code,
should it be yes, we have talked about timber harvesting.
Councilman Strough-In the process of drawing up plans that are basically in accord to
what the Lake George Shore Water Shed Conference is saying.
Supervisor Stec-What is going on in the inside of the Dome, whether it is a Boat Show or
Pet Show or Arts and Crafts we don’t care we recognize in your Planning Board approval
from a year or two ago there was language in there that said you were going to have these
kinds of events. You have to go before the Planning Board to wrap up the few
outstanding site plan issues anyway I would suggest on how to handle the Transient
Merchant thing so we do not have to set every single one if they are more or less boiler
plate is that if you can incorporate that in when you go back to the Planning Board. This
needs to be part of an approved site plan.
Councilman Brewer-You have to set standards how many cars..
Councilman Boor-You will probably have to have site plan if you are going to do off site
parking because you don’t own the land you will need permission every time unless you
have a long term contract.
Councilman Sanford-You have to define for the Planning Board’s review those
thresholds of what constitutes a critical mass that would trigger the additional look at it.
Mr. Miller-Noted that the Boat Show uses the Morris Field Parking Lot with a letter of
support from the school, the West Glens Falls Fire Station with a letter from their Board
and a Tech Meadows Industrial Park with a letter from the City of Glens Falls.
Supervisor Stec-Re: Off site parking perhaps your generic boiler plate approval from the
Planning Board for these events spells out that if for an event off site parking is required
that you present to the Town Board with the parking permission letters. You can
demonstrate to the Town Board the parking plan.
Zoning Administrator Brown-What we are talking about is getting a blanket
recommendation from the Planning Board. The Planning Board doesn’t issue approval
on this just a recommendation which you can take or not take. If that recommendation
says if you are in this ball park with your events we will provide you support from the
Planning Board. The Planning Board will have to work out those parameters.
Mr. Miller:
Outstanding Site Plan Issues;
1.Additional Parking area is being constructed, as part of the site plan review
process we asked to move the infiltration trenches twenty five feet so we could
put off pavement parking there. In our site plan in the bottom left hand corner it
says additional parking can be provided off pavement. When it was paved they
had some parts that was not paved adequately and we had water standing against
the Dome, so we put the grindings over there in that area.
Councilman Brewer-So you have 335 feet in length for an additional thirty nine spaces so
your site plan has to be amended.
2.Area on the south side five additional parking spaces – has to be amended.
3.One parking space ..
5.Cross hatching in no parking area not done; not intended to be stripped it is
basically a no parking area, we have the line around the boundary.
6.Maintenance building – east side of Dome not constructed; has to be acted on
with a year…
7.No landscaping installed - want to modify and scale down
8.Area south of athletic field not stabilized; it is part of the off pavement parking
9.-10 Moved Door…need Planning Board approval modification. It is a sight
lighting issue. Planning Board needs to know from staff this will make it Code
Supervisor Stec-Recommended that the site plan be wrapped up and the boiler plate and
work with Craig Brown and staff will be there at the Planning Board and validate what
the Town Board has said to get the generic recommendation.
Mr. Miller-Waiting on Tom Nace for the final drawings…wants to have it on the August
agenda for the Planning Board.
Zoning Administrator Craig Brown-Just make sure where the other phase of the Dome is
going to be that has been created as a field right now just make sure that shows up on the
plans, any changes that have happened, the parking the stripping the lighting.
Supervisor Stec-Parking has traffic flow has got to work.
Mr. Miller-What process would I have to go through to put up an A frame sign for
events, that said residential development no parking.
Zoning Administrator Craig Brown-Not to give an answer right here because I have not
thought about it too much but if it is part of the Transient Merchant application and you
got the permission of the property owner that you want to put the sign up on, it makes
Supervisor Stec-We meet about once a year to with the Seniors, they have a long range
planning committee that gets together regularly and then they meet with me about some
of their hopes or issues that they have got immediately and then longer term things.
Mr. Paul Preuss-Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee-1. Vice President for the
Queensbury Seniors- Lois Clements is our Treasurer who is present tonight. Thanked the
Board and the Town of Queensbury for their cooperation, thanked Chuck Rice and his
crew and the Senior Coordinator is a great help to us. Thanked the Town for the new
bathroom down stairs, the ice maker up stairs and the new lighting over the pool table.
At the present time it is not feasible to have our own building and operate it. We think
we can provide more services for the Seniors of Queensbury if we had our own facility.
Given the present situation in these facilities until the sewer line is hooked up the septic
system just can not handle more. When these facilities are hooked up to a sewer we
would like to work with the town and see what we could add to the kitchen in terms of
more professional facilities, like a dishwasher, ovens that could handle luncheon meals
that would be a benefit to our members. We are into computers and a lot of seniors are
eager students, looking for hand me down computers, we do not have a place to put all
the machines at once. Noted no place to store items for bazaars…we are looking for
more space, questioned if the patio could become a four season room? If there are
building plans for this facility could the senior needs be considered. Also the seniors
have talked about an elevator, it would be a good project for us to raise the funds for that
if the town would approve its location.
Councilman Sanford-Spoke about the required maintenance on an elevator, mandatory
Councilman Strough-Noted that the fire house down the road has a beautiful kitchen and
maybe that can be rented out at a minimum fee it might be worth looking into. Needing
space for your garage sale event, have you looked into renting a tent.
Councilman Sanford-Suggested renting the Harrisena Church facility.
Mr. Paul Preuss-The problem is storage a month in advance for the bazaar.
Director of Building and Ground Chuck Rice-Suggested that the Senior rent a storage
box to have in the parking lot for collection.
Mr. Paul Preuss-Noted discussion on lowering the age for the Senior Membership, age
requirement at present is 55. Spoke on the work of the Finance Committee, and the
Membership Committee.
Supervisor Stec-We have an annual contract with your group, it has been requested more
time in the building such as on weekends, one of the hold up is if you have an event on a
weekend that requires support staff from Chuck and there is a fee associated with that.
Mr. Paul Preuss-We would be looking at a maximum of two Saturdays a month.
Councilman Sanford-Questioned what would be required of the Town, and is there a
more cost effective way of handling it.
Director Rice-Noted he would be very reluctant to turn over the security and operation of
the building to weekend functions where people are not familiar with the building.
There is a set up and lockdown procedure and clean up, that is where my staff comes into
play, there is a security concern.
Supervisor Stec-Noted that DEC is contemplating improving their own law. If we are to
move forward we can have a public hearing for the next time. We have a question as to
who would enforce this, the Code Enforcement Officer or the Animal Control Officer?
Board agreed to have the Code Enforcement Officer as enforcing the law.
Supervisor Stec-I will inform the Attorneys about that change and we will have a
resolution at the next meeting to set the public hearing.
Supervisor Stec-There are two components, Grant Writing and Administrative
Councilman Brewer-In the past if they wrote a grant and we did not get it they were not
Councilman Sanford-I want to look at the terms of their agreement.
Councilman Boor-Question was raised as to the inspection of the work that was done.
RESOLUTION NO. 310. 2007
SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Town
Board Meeting.
Duly adopted this 25 day of June, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
Respectfully submitted,
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk-Queensbury