Resolutions Harvey,
(Larry Clute - applicant and builder lot A)
Subdivision No. 27-2005
West Mountain Road and Sherman Avenue
Recreation Fee due for lot A ($500)
Tax Map No. 301 . 17- 1 -3 (main tax id for the
combined lots) Lot A will become 3.2
Use Year 2002 Zoning Ordinance (April 9, 2002)
Front setback: 30 ft.
Side setback: sum = 30 ft., min. 10 ft. on one side
Rear setback: 20 ft.
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution
January 17,2006
RESOLUTION NO 27-2005 Introduced by Anthony Metivier who moved for its adoption, seconded by Thomas
WHEREAS,there is presently before the Planning Board an application for:
WHEREAS,this Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to
review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act,
1. No Federal agency appears to be involved.
2. The following agencies are invoived:_NONE
3. The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental
Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of
the Town of Queensbury.
4. An Environmental Assessment Form has been completed by the applicant.
5. Having considered and thoroughly analyzed the relevant areas of environmental concern and
having considered the criteria for determining whether a project has a significant environmental
impact as the same is set forth in Section 617.11 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and
Regulations for the State of New York, this Board finds that the action about to be undertaken by
this Board will have no significant environmental effect and the Chairman of the Planning Board is
hereby authorized to execute and sign and file as may be necessary a statement of non-
significance or a negative declaration that may be required by law.
Duty adopted this 17th day of January 2006 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr.Ford,Mr.Goetz,Mr.Seguljic,Mr.Hunsinger,Mr. Metivier,Mr.Vollaro
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mrs.Steffan
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
Robert Vollaro, Chairman Gretchen Steffan, Secretary
TO: Shirley Harvey RE: SUB 27-2005
489 West Mountain Road Shirley Harvey
Queensbury, NY 12804 Preliminary Stage
DATE: January 17,2006
The Queensbury Planning Board has reviewed the following request at the below stated meeting and has
resolved the following.-
INTRODUCED BY: Anthony Metivier
SECONDED BY: Chris Hunsinger
WHEREAS,an application has been make to this board for the following:
Applicant proposes a subdivision of a 2.46 acre parcel Into two residential lots of 1.15&1.31 acres,one with existing home and one to be
built. Subdivisions of land require review by the Planning Board.
WHEREAS,the application was received on 12/15/2005;and
WHEREAS, the above is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application materials in file of
WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter A183,Subdivision of Land,A183-10C,D of the Code of the Town of Queensbury
a public hearing was advertised and was held on 1/17/06;and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision application
requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning);and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the Town of
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the
Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a modification, the
requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered; and the proposed
modification(s)do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and, therefore, no further
SEQRA review is necessary;and
Preffmf wI A183-10 F(2)(3)(4)11
WHEREAS,the modifications to the preliminary plat are or are not acceptable;and [A-183-10 F(2)]
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
WHEREAS, the character and extent of any required improvement for which waivers may have been requested
and which, in its opinion,may be waived without jeopardy to the public health,safety, morals and general welfare;
and[A183-10 F(2)]
WHEREAS,approval of this preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the subdivision plat but rather, it shall
be deemed an expression of approval of the design submitted on the preliminary plat and as a guide to the
preparation of the subdivision plat. [A183-10 F(3)]
We find the following: The application for Preliminary Stage is hereby Aoproved in accordance with the resolution
prepared by Staff but removing in the resolution
Duly adopted this 17th day of January 2006 by the following vote:
Cc: Van Dusen&Steves
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
Robert Vollaro, Chairman Gretchen Steffan, Secretary
TO: Shirley Harvey RE: SUB 27-2005
489 West Mountain Road Shirley Harvey
Queensbury, NY 12804 Final Stage
DATE: January 17,2006
The Queensbury Planning Board has reviewed the following request at the below stated meeting and has
resolved the following:
INTRODUCED BY: Anthony Metivier
SECONDED BY: Chris Hunsinger
WHEREAS,an application has been make to this board for the following:
Applicant proposes a subdivision of a 2.46 acre parcel Into two residential lots of 1.15&1.31 acres,one with existing home and one to be
built. Subdivisions of land require review by the Planning Board.
WHEREAS,the application was received 12/15/05;and
WHEREAS, the above is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application materials in file of
WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter A183,Subdivision of Land,A183-10C, D of the Code of the Town of Queensbury
a public hearing was advertised and was held on 1/17/06;and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision application
requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning);and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the Town of
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the
Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a modification, the
requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered; and the proposed
modification(s)do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts, and, therefore, no further
SEQRA review is necessary;and
F/na/f A183-13 E(2)(3)(4)1
WHEREAS, upon granting conditional approval of the final plat, the Planning Board shall empower a duly
designated officer to sign the plat upon compliance with such conditions and requirements as may be stated in its
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
resolution of conditional approval.Within five days of such resolution,the plat shall be certified by the Chairman of
the Planning Board as conditionally approved and a copy filed in the Planning Office and a certified copy mailed to
the subdivider. The copy mailed to the subdivider shall include two findings sheets,one of which shall be signed
by the applicant and returned to the Planning Board.Such requirements which,when completed,will authorize the
signing of the conditionally approved final plat Upon completion of such requirements to the satisfaction of the
duly designated office of the Planning Board,the plat shall be deemed to have received final approval,and such
officer shall sign the plat accordingly.Conditional approval of a final plat shall expire 180 days after the date of the
resolution granting such approval unless the requirements have been certified as completed within that time.The
Planning Board may, however, extend the tirne within which a conditionally approved plat may be submitted for
signature if,in its opinion,such extension is warranted in the circumstances,for one or two additional periods of 90
days each.[Amended 6-3-1991] [A-183-13 E(2)]
WHEREAS,final approval of the subdivision plat plan shall be limited to that phase of the development currently
pending before the Planning Board. [A183-13 E(4)] oomment(rouZsla
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that We find the following: The application for Final Stage is hereby
Approved in accordance with the resolution prepared by Staff and is subject to the following conditions which shall
be listed on the final plat submitted for Planning Board Chairman's signature and filing:
1. The driveways that are noted to be removed must be seeded and covered with mulch and grass seed.
2. Identify the location of the septic system on Lot B and note that on the plat,noting that this is an
approximate location for the septic system.
3. A maintenance agreement for the shared driveways be noted on the plat indicating that the shared
driveways shall be maintained by all users over length shared. Each must pay cost of said maintenance
be it plowing or repairing as follows: Lot A is one half and Lot B one half. The owner shall not obstruct
impede,or interfere with other lot owner's reasonable use of such easement area for the purpose of
ingress and egress to and from the perspective lots. Each owner shall have the right to enforce by at law
or in equity all restrictions,conditions,covenants and charges now imposed in the event legal action to
compel enforcement is made by any owner,he shall be entitled to recover court costs and the reasonable
attomey's flees incurred from violating owner or owners.
4. Recreation fees in the amount of $ 500.00 per lot are applicable to this subdivision according to the
requirements of Chapter 124.
5. Waiver requests)are granted: Sketch plan, Stormwater,Grading and Landscaping Plan.
6. All necessary outside agency approvals have been received by the applicant, with a copy sent to and
received by Planning Department Staff within 180 days.
4. The plat must be filed with the County Clerk within 60 days of receipt by Planning Department Staff of
outside agency approvals noted.
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Record of Resolution—Subdivision
SUB 27-2005 Shirley Harvey
5. Final, approved plans in compliance with this subdivision must be submitted to the Community
Development Dept. before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building&Codes personnel.
Subsequent issuance of further permits;including building permits are dependent on receipt
6. All site related improvements,such as but not limited to landscaping and lighting,shown on plans shall be
complete within one year of obtaining a building permit, and no later than 6 months after receiving a
building and odes certificate of occupancy.
Duly adopted this 1 r day of January 2006 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr.Hunsinger, Mr.Seguljic,Mr.Goetz,Mr. Ford,Mr.Metivier,Mr.Vollaro
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mrs.Steffan
Cc: Van Dusan&Staves