Resolution Town of Queensbury Planning Board 6/3/03—Hayes&Hayes,Ridge Rd. T2Esou-kTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY ST.4CjE SLA:F�DIVISION ND. 10-2003 — F+AYES § F+AYE5 RESOL ATIDN NO. SPA 10-03 INTRODL,ICEDgY: Mrs. LagOvvLbard WI-t0 MOVED ITS ADOPTION: SECONDED-FY: Mr. VOLUaro WFtEREA.5, av�,appLLcatLow leas beev,mMze to tk s board for tke foLLowLvug: SUOd V si3Ow No. 10-2003 �ppLLcawt: EtaU�es HaU�es PREUMINATZY STAGE Property Dwv�tr: A. growv�. FI NAL STACiE Agevvt: Vaw Dusev�-�Steves sE2R Type: twLLsted zovt: SR-1-A LoWtLOvL: RLdge Road AppLLcavt proposes su&dMSLow of a 2.37 acre Lot LwtO two Lots of 1.00 acres awd 1.2� acres. Cross Referevze: sg 12�0, sg 10�1 APA TaX Map No. 260.3-1-og Lot sLze: 2.37 +/- acres/SectiOvL: Su0MsLOvA,Begs PubUc I-tearLv�,g: AprU 15, 2003 WI-tEREAS, tke appLLckt ow was rece Ved 3/17/03, avO WI-tEREA,S, the above Ls sLepported wLth tke foUowLvg docuvmvutatLovw, CIVO Lv'cLusLve of aLL wewLU rer,6ved Cwfowu.atiov�, v0t Lv rLuded Ls tk s LLstLwg as of 5/30/03 awd C'/3 staff Notes 5/7 MeetLwg Notice 4/15 New IwformntLovA, 4/15 PLav�.wA, �g Board resoLutLov,: Tabled 4/15 Staff Notes 4/2 NotLce of putLLc htearLvk,g 4/2 MeetLv g NotLOe WHEREAS, pl.crsucIv"t to Chapter A183, s bdLvLsLovu of Laved, SectLoo,A1g3:J avud A123-10C, D of tke Code of tke Towv,. of a pvbUc, k0rLv,,g Ws 2dvertLSed awd was keLd ov\.AprLL 15, 2003 a VOJ u V,.e 3, 2003; a wd Town of Queensbury Planning Board 6/3/03—Hayes&Hayes,Ridge Rd. WffiEREAS, the PLavLVLivLg Board has detervvLLvLed that the proposaL covvLpUes with the SubdLvisiov,,regLcLrev oL is of the code of the TOWVL 0-1/ceevLsburu (Z,ov,,w ); avLd Wt-tET2ER5, the PLawvLiwg Board has cowsidered the evwirOVwRtVb2L factors fORVA Lw the code of the TowvL Of (Zovdvto); avud wl-tETREA,S, the regvu rentevLts of the state Evwv rovLwLewtaL 2uaLLtU T.eview Art have beevL covLsidered avLd the PLavLwivLg Board has adopted a SEQRA Negat'we pecLaratiow; awd/or if appLLcatiovL Ls a vvxdif�catiovL, the regL LrevKevts of the State Evwirovun&6vLtaL QLcaL�tU T.eview Act have been, covLLLdered; awd the proposed V1&0ifLcatiovL(s) do wot resuLt Lw awU vLew or sigALfi,cavLtL� dif ferevAt evwirovLvu.ev�,taL ivvLpacts, avid, therefore, vLo further SEA review is vLeoessa ru; a wd NDW, TI-tEF EFDRE,gE IT, TESOLVED, that we fLvA the fOLLowiv g: The appUcatiow Stave Ls herebU gvavvted awd Ls subject to the foUowiwg oovLditiows: Z. There wUL be a sigv—off b� C. T. MaLe AssocLates. 2. The ovL site septic sustevv<s be at Least 200 feet from the seasov CIL streClm to the south, awd that the boil diwgs meet the 75 foot shoreUm setback from the strom. S. The proposed Leach f�eLd ovu Lot 2g be showw ovL the o ew pLat dated O/S/2005. 4. COwditEovL #2 that Was origiv OLL� prepared b� Staff covLcerwivLg the recreatiovL fees be chavLged from 4:L000.00 to 4,500.00 because credit weeds to be givevL for ovLe Lot that's oLYeadu existiv g S. The referevze to C. T. MaLe's Letter of MCI SO, 200S be COMPLLed with. 6. waiver regLcest(s) are grav,ted: Sketch pLavL, Storvu.water MavzagemevLt avLd LLghtiv g PLa vL. DuL� adopted this Srd dad ofJAVe 200S b� the foUowiwg vote: AYES: Mr. VOLLaYo, MY. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. f tuwsiv ger, Mr. TzivLgeY, Mrs. Lagombard, Mr. MnEwcm NDES: Nove Cc: Fta�es -� Fta u es va w Dusev,�steves Town of Queensbury Planning Board 6/3/03—Hayes&Hayes,Ridge Rd. 1RESOLI,iTIDN APPROVING FINALSTAGE SI.tgDIVISIDN ND. 10-2003 - RtAYES� RAYES RESOLL-MON ND. SU 10-0S I NTRODI kC,ED-FY: Mrs. Lagovvtbard WRD MOVED ITS ADDPTIDN: SECONDED gY: Mr. VoUpro WHEREAS, an appLCcatCov,,bas been ntci�ze to this board for the following: Subdivision No. 10-2003 �Ucant: RaUes� RaU�es PT, ELIMINAR-Y STA61E PropertU owner: A. brown FNALSTAGE Agent: Vao Dusev�,�§Steves SE6z Type: v'V'Listed zone: SR-:LA Location: Ridge Road Applicant proposes subdivision of a 2.3,-acre Lot into two Lots Of 1.02 acres and 1.29 acres. cross ReferevLze: sb 1290, sb 1091 APA TaX Map No. 20O.3-1-o9 Lot size: 2.37 +/- acres /Section: Subdivisiovt,Regs Public Ftearing: ApriL 15, 200S WFtEREAS, the appLication was received 3/17/03, and WFtEREAS, the above is supported with the foLLowing docuvmntkt on, and incLusive of aLL newLU received inforntatiov�,, not inrLuded Ls this Listing as of 513010S and O/3 staff Notes 5/7 Meeting Notice 4/15 New inforwation 4/15 PLavl.ning Board resoLution: Tabled 4/15 Staff Notes 4/8 Notice of Public Rearing 4/2 Meeting Notice WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter A183, Subdivision of Land, Section A1gS� and A:L2s-1oc, D of the code of the Town of QjteensburU a pubLic bearing was advertised and was held ovLAprU 15, 200S a ndj une S, 2003; a nd Town of Queensbury Planning Board 6/3/03—Hayes&Hayes,Ridge Rd. WI+EREAs, the PLawwiwg Board has detervv,ived that the proposaL covvpLies with the su.bdivisiow rec(uirevv,evts of the code of the Towv z eevsburu (Zoviwg); awd v,/H+EREAs, the PLavvivg Board has covLsidered the evvirovwt.ewtnl factors fouvd iv the code of the Towv of aveevsburU (Zovivg); avt,d w�tEREAs, the reL�uirevvt.evts of the state Evvirovvv.evtaL CZ.caLitu Review Aft have been cowsidered avd the PLavvivg Board has adopted a SEQR� Negative DecLoratiovL; avd/or if appLLcatiov is a vvt.odifckt ow, the req drevu.evts of the state Evvirov v'mewtaL cZtaLLtU Tzeview Act have been considered; avLd the proposed modifbcatiov(s) do not resuLt iv avU vLew or sigvfLcantLU AfferevLt evwLrovti.n&evLtaL L pacts, 2oA, therefore, vLo farther sEQP—A revLew is vecess ru; 2 vd NOW, TI tEREFDRE,gE IT, RESOLVED, that we f�wd the foLLowing: The appLicatiow for FivaL stave is hereby granted as per the resoLutiov prepared bU staff with aLL the covditiovs that were stated iv the 2pprovnL for the PreUm arU stage: 1. There wiLL be a sigvL-off bU C. T. WLe associates. 2. The on site septic s�stevws be at Least 200 feet from the seasovaL stream to the south, avd that the bi,cUdivgs meet the 75 foot shoreLLv,,e setbackz from the strecim. S. The proposed Leach f�eLd ow Lot 2g be shown ov the vLew pLat dated o/s/2003. 4. covLditLovL #2 that was origivLaLL� prepared bU staff cowcervLLvLg the recreation fees be changed from .$z000.00 to .$500.00 because credit weeds to be given for one Lot that's aLread� existiwg 5. The referevLce to C. T. m2Le,s Letter of m,2U so, 200s be covupUed with. 0. waiver rec(vicest(s) are granted: sketch pLm,, Stormwater Wvagem6vut avLd Lighting PLa v. ALL vecessr� outside agevcU approvaLs have been received bU the appLicavt, with a copU sent to and received bU PLawwivg DepartmevLt staff within zgo daus. 8. The pLat vu,ust be fled with the Coavwtu CLeyk within oo daus of receipt bu PLavvivg Department st2 f f of ovctside agevcU 2pproV2LS voted. Town of Queensbury Planning Board 6/3/03—Hayes&Hayes,Ridge Rd. adopted th s arc{ dad ofJuwe 2003 b� tine foUoww�O vote: AYES: Mr. voUt2ro, Mr. Strokgh, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Mr. T; i, Oer, Mrs. Lagowtibard, Mr. MacEwaw N0E5: Novae cc: ffa�es '� Hades va vL puseo,�;steves