SIGN-000779-2016 Smart Wash Carwash r Wwl__­�'� z E, 5.� N 0� ....... -7 S q 'N- S_� -,­rg�7 g�- ? J A q F 4, Ld vtiq E N. LANDAU Z 'J. z I�CW J`;#R­d� 4:: it- -A "Oo V) Lli _T % z 0 7, 4 �J, jN"! -s __J Z$ ------------ V, 7 IRS t C) R" i0ft*14 MH ........... 2, 4V ........ 77 mt� M % 75, tvt Lit wo �Wwwl rfm --iz W 2 1 5, Vl� C 0 M F L[ANT N., "M'; LU ——-----------——----- < 01) C 1K, 4.,,t skq� 7 0 R-11 0 T 7: 4 CL F T > __J L L'J -2, lwckV �AW LAW TM pm�50*�- rfK 2�*1 f NAT < OFT, 4cil?lv -.MFCW Hai* 4 W-V 9�_ z6v N.,Wot IV wed VN R 7� t 51 110K Z A­ "oulvir, ---------- Zx 2:2v, 0AM6, (N oalaw-u-s! %am V,"1-7' TV4 4001) C) WV, '6 V&43t SmAd,Fim VAI" J PC*16Fft -W.�W CPA GkJ 156W;bc�hn for 4 OAII!Wlr RWJror AM�Y y OF WA RIGHT SWIM Pale.70 M 0*"M FW llvm Iftis CMM&M- W 0A1 Arntw-Rilum I'm,IDEPA ars 3&T V2. IIA;r j I-R.F. T� 17) J_, is:, 5, 0A1 169 3A 1 tr 'Whop 4aft-F M4*" W� twit i, VACUUM -12' CULVERT 7� 'UUM VA(_ A 'I-0-�Z2�N, MANHOLE .11 01 LAC PAT 7`4 Q 3 CD) N 24053120 TYPE'Al' l,�, ,�� �j y� �_e 2 )ST S E i A, SIGN g 7 L]MANHOLE 471.37 g 2� 0 Lz Z > A Li "3�-Al_��"3�1 -ELE. __0 z", 56.0.3' CATCH BASIN J� z ASPHALT _R 4-4 D S T e T N 1A F 0 F CL) 0 JAM E BARRETT F_ E D -58 675\ 1 E MANHOLE W (U I n MANHOLE A > Ica _3 V ONTROLBOX 166950.3 q ect 3 2016 0: El REA 7� A 3.8 Acres '-'I CATCHI BASIN SPHALT SIGN " 0" 0.64 L-AMP POS'l 800 z < < Cr_1 11,10 GRASS AREA 4-4 0 CATCH BASIN 00 z 0 VACuum U0 At ,g M ft 9N V) co Cf < 0 4 0 SIGN ST CATCH tAMII� I10,' BA$IN 0 110� 0�,ACOOM E SIGN L JA I ----------- ASPHALT Q P6 1.R.F. UJ OPLAG POLE S el Al tGN UA GRASS AREA SIGN A, 0 &,4 oy POS I 1 R,F. LAMP POST A CQ JJ < 71 T C, POST zz, r- C-7 440. Nz- < P Z Z Lp - T W z nL 4Q 51 4 �c Ono (r W z < W 710 2401-53120 Ti E Q �6 0 z in ONE= s Will *4 -MIn"z --2 GRAI L DRIVE -Pic /E < I.R�F./ 3, < �q -1 x co I P7 z C4,j> C", Aj 0), 4,q4 L) 7� ;j; z W 02; '7� -5 0", 7- 21�1�1'�: $k7 gn­' I Wls _7 W 7-_ -p & 2 VJ71 t1l VT D S F 4L:�­��-- J" WITCHCO L sl� "A -7 K g� A v �'g 21 6 J 89 lM I'M A� 0'M 19S_ ...... co 4� F I mMi_ V -Q Cq 303.15­1 -12 SIGN 779-2016 Smart Wash of Queensbury, LLC NT a 708 Quaker Road 0 _'j ; e-�`, �-,�­ 1��,­­� % 0 llla�_4 z 0 PETER J. GARVE z� _5 -z��..L iN _NR .. .. N\F OF LA D 2 45 sq. ft. freestanding sign 160 AI 4- 0 A4� A a K A A F. A%. RECEIVED 0 q *mw W01 4: N 1 10 g- 0A �iE M K JAN 0 6 2019 SITE MAP*,--, (U E A - NSBURY TOWN 0 FICE 6,f--,iF od _jp�, kWk�',iij�J�VVn-VV i1nil linfk� Town of cournal-livi; 742 Bjy Road, Town of Queetlsb—., llmd­,iiiIat! CoFntrll tity 2 ty Development 09ke Ir communi X Arent offlee xlcti 7n J 74;34,Rood-Qawnbury�NY wf"&��w<,nsbulry PlAnnnig Boarii "ag Bortrd D"� ED REFERENICK: ON: PRIOR TO ATTEN171 vw.d ifljwoAi,­k� -.0 - 4, i�w COMMENC24G AN-f sn-E A o", Date: AuIW277,2015 PLEASE READ AND UIZERS T AM 'R i(AN Grant,.S;ne M's, "'I 10�N--(;rsint Sao Plan Apix0val lo� W Nan MiAifx&UM51-201 5 Peril ii4!;l,,,i,­� SFQR RFSOk I unmlNrplivlcDelc�,,­�01, ite Plan 51-2015 Smart Wash ofQM Snart Wvth ofQuc,­sbklr��-H-C LLk GERALD J. & ROGER HEWLETT THIS DOCUMWT' 'i k map ID 1(13-15-1-12 i Property Address�7011 Qiwket Rosl'ZDning:C1 V-W,,"14 lw­twew _�ax MAP ID 30.)�15-1-12 Propffh.Aj&�WL 701 Qua'te! Rg: SitePlan51-2015 lioi�i_",­J 4w ilp'rw�­A J6 Z-ow C, _T 11F!2�"W"'J SWR RF-SOLUMN al-C�36 tit Smart W#A of Queensbury,Uc rili"41W Sne?!=�1-2015SMARI WA,Pl�_ 111iiii D11"val puirsuant to Atuck 9 4fV,fQU(tvvjJ* '-�_tjWlk 4�.Ar_Illoj�-ettilit �ic�Ivlpfkala st'ib;nAw an applicabon to the PlbnniW Board for S j­tJJ'Jj'4, TO C) Tax Map ID 03.15-1-12 Of UIC 7,euj�je(.WdjnxW.-for. Appilicant pmpol%es modiCEadom,nj an existing site Plain for "­44?-8kwamin,,f-K fli4flil`"XV�' 191te sm plan torii­,r beftY hr dw monk lsod�L 1. .4m),aytJ AM - Thcary lc� ta,ArTicit! ROAD STREET CAR IATA H5 INC. Copy tile timpliame lea-and '0 of e ii;�iian of apprc,-vd silt plazi J;a;'ve rib)M to Fkame bmw WWK- Pf,inirg C automa"fac, vAr wask rek,4�,ali7iVL hout are;i and s.vi to compli*OC4 facati _)ffi"for the Zonlrif CW%041ft FlIkCKEIS VOCUO-1 W floet area Nirsumit f 0 Ckspirl�74­9-Mrl.qite pNyi Frq filed:-or djange C)il_U��C- a carnmerinia huRding use VICUVW SYSMM-eKh Uelit!0 COntAin resclution ontc the firtal ftrf­�plan and submit (4)copses la dO autorAsed racifitv f,)t C4"V/M'h Mwi W,imltl&six,"1"W 1��y 14'414��tn . tilk,sixtvll I];-Lx e,;l, tech Usk W contain n i �,,tir TI�A-d for: Aprhuara prvlpil,��l��,angc,E,�V -,imliiy Ujnvwrinp -- I of an amoveii site iii"Wj- ,,v will he returned 10 be X'�a1l J%irsuam to clwtcr J-N_Ct�120 af;he zxnnng Ordinance,"10dification ii-imbo Pros 06 1 ME(4_ VWI slusll tw ta PlAnning Board ieview aid arfroval. vid appmve't DATED FEBRUARY 9' 2, 1988 %F �l �i,,ha�7 iiol P,m 17 _V Sia pma n�)e*is ;ared for a', wc , - 0 1- Quec ry Zol isig Godc Amm 3C I hilocr 179-4-M,the Plartaing 6) Subsequent��tnce of furific(pemiiL�, its is deperMeat tm clonfillian"10h tht The I'liAlaiag �i:, it;x��l I ­� _,jaln ti) rgl);ccl am JIL-­ -W-11211 at Past it,=�Csr& -,,,I%c�qion;�of the ToNkit of asbu -C N project as proposed W a I I othcr conditions�yf .1,ned 1h, M the r Mire. ode nning Off.cz Please i 'Ord h��_ to the Zoning, ex the 20 Contact BWLV-e�-WA_C-I& r,lf,�Lfivf 4 tile Town ot 7 _Chap(er 17iA-9-0.40,th and, ,State Quality Re, CQ orce 1he FWoved*ms ha-been 111b,"J"Cd w the 11(a. ernno plar,11,119 Ile -.Y wcrL is staralL cod li�ALI Ibc Flowag Wwd Ims �_,eJ thist the pTWU-zJ st.,bl, �zx Bosi-d fiw, -,H�prop,�nal satisfie"'k the 7) Final appmed p1mis, in curnplioulce WAL AW Site Plan,nuM IX submiW 10 1 coropiiame Offi=at 761-8226 for a Pre-c*nllructioll l"Wing"efor!!17 Wow so We EA�V--_&-nu As required 13)v(ietwMI MuniCiPW Lzw'Scrtic""2-) s'�`"'A"4Vlistikn wAs i c I ercj he lkamn, Development Dcpwtment tx-fiw anv turl6mr rcview by the YoningAdministmiltw or Buildingwid CodcS fhe proposed"ini cnns�dcrcti by this Mwd is i 15,cj�crns o,,qjesivlas&rise. Nft.ftmi Mca'w it RryieW.A,01, asperwasm ;evelopment should my convmin r- during the site, -Troval, your is, g IkpVrmenI for itq recommcndatwn� per-sonnel; Regulatiom implementing the State Ein-,titmaseellal liancr.'Aith As rwaircii t-, Law S- ll�the Warren counq Ptaurtin Mqp6mam;of so T 4 prejea fts ccMP , ,i_',1, W S the iate devekrpnxezlt ft-isboul I Tba pop=d U&M QMI&Wed b�L_�`S BOW iS UnliStt- C_ l4t 01" 9) Submission of As-buift plans to certi�N,th.11 the site plan is dcveiped aceording to the aMlroved plan,ro Qum C�veviewe'd tile potential envi". 1foll-311A,impecz pr the PmIrLt,pursuluit t",1h,Si.ltc OR 14011 Inust be submined to this office for review and Appirm4i'Cor ic zbc twdimim*%*=mot ft Swx Fnvirony-lental Qualr.;, Kallnimg Bowd it, MAP REFERENCE ar Occupancy- -QRA)and adup"a SH)RA Negadve Declarafion Nxcrminanmi CO gg 4, and'ot a Certif""ft Q008106-1 The 111.,11-miri, �v s Vvi,wef ��l4­, l--.nvin_)nrncnta1 Quality Reyiev,Act(SE approval. Pedend A)tftcl involv* Inx fFiW sign-off firn'Fhc 7,miag D"tutment f NM-SiArnfic*lc- 9) Adhaer"to the izms oudined in the follow-up, d'Am Jettcrsent with thL�NsAmow WR the arsovrd pian proviiJea cell fw V-Z-NIS P109sel ere are no modifiestiom or ChATILK,ft"m 1.-0 Fuum cc otbar sembra"am�M-_ved'. 101 Final plans to 31K)W: If th N i iie eiananit,&,anf tvencd a ruNic hwhigou ttv lite plan,ainAicalkv Oct 12."5�'20 I alk!continued the A", dzsiiw�_ ---d P:-Provide--d S-p-*'C' a. Light poles at the auumusted tiocith ervl ir then are ratitar m aW',,­Plar OF LANDS PROPOSE odWistious fiom.ft qvr, ?a- ;,nbe Shw EAJ has been comp tied by the ilppk�in;_, ;�­�j0l�;7�' -%'--_­'l'�:�lj�jj­_,,1 lfUM JhC pabik heming w IVA5,2015 when it was,di-;Cd- vactuln'P"'"'Ps arlisl MAP 4"n't�­W I � k 4 s.public ttr�, . t F,5_------lffivli, i ges isle ,mx%xhI4 fiorm tm*d desi gnr� Ph T mw b�'-"OU40"'t--s� b. A Sale bar sticiald be shown on Ibc,010 At d)'- Op�ni veview of the hArl-misfinn recorded on tho EA V:1 1 s the conclusion of the Tons di QW=AW%.......... MM certt tt�stiozl that the chan Public Zl 9 when it W" ughting camiewaua@e ofthevnw�uuint unik Board-w,,C*J that this projecA%ill resA in a.!agruftcard ladverw impa--at mob—Mac �om vow%atom x&ciramr-mveconiedon e -,�lihilinurtp lk.�d hxs m.,inled 1. *"i-1—i-6 SUbMill0d bY the appl"lat Inlid-I' Oil) 0'' sk pws T.1 d. irnage of vacuum am widwor a cftnornli�, thmfore.an eirivuonmenuil implact aej�.A be prepared. A"�Adl mips=t I ��-101111 11 �es froto the apprevfti Plan Pmlide revised E If then are major niodift-tions of cluing rt tva Si0fic'un., mvicwcd 01, sihnntnexi by the ap re L, Date. July 14, 2015 101-07 Vmd as ims!apmc%am ass project wili rmuh: plicant w,f d�cil,ni,.7 mad 0i,,rnittW in writing thmugh and inchiding 12fl-5M15. eerlifesnon dW the zhwW._seleeptoe fronn p", om 77w wdilikcIr FcV&vv sw,&zw--.t need ni.,,h,prQP"r zL A— ilmeiow At cervuVamarzal Inipw mada'a L�lrpilbli�healinl;and submi-'s,"J including A-25-2015-, imy atVied this 156day oflDecernbet'615 hy tile f"lloW4 WAe- GERALD J & ROGER HEWIL I F ANT A L mq yk,k _F �1-ne qproval LA valid for one(1)Yew f-M the ilc N,q stl ago _10 't Cf ndeTtls IbC PlaRrAing kWrd(kiCn1liW1`that the ite prio RS 'P 51!�U KAMA& fije Planollkg 80*0,1 pplco6on omptilm 41th the reww MWdelratiM8 AM-tarld"di, jam ef apple,iii. y--, y requm w k1r Felix-,ne,Mr,Ti4vei,ibr�'knd7 M �,d*wwwf wto some*br a abodw W!!r st,forth in Anicle9of�litil�g�()rdinat=fOrS Pima val- Scale V-301 V SIR, W0 DECLARA'ELO At I Ri imd f have not,yet applied for a butkalsi mm" MQ=TO GRAWT A NZIGAIM RILL Ai0,1�9�D'th seconded b%,I Rini; approval.beforr the one(1)ym time r— -P uleluding bulldzi---A"-3 2E :rrtroduced by Paul vlh�-,mc,� ...... 11CATLON, ',SMART AlOVE SR mwgx of fialher zermiN w .1221 N(A-M NONE o.,ocilced lignificalft sile W-L SubmqilerA issuance RW MOm g f%IW nloves-A for its 2dop6W_,;"oodai 1w,1101nu As pet tile rvsolution prepared by 4lity. ASH, INC. of Few 9' V�ASH F�q xd bN-iw K s and all odw j..... IrtrohK dopendwit am Lviripliance vrththi Drct,.: Ford rAk :t- relawi tu Site issues.P t Buildiag C ;—r�� -I his officexill be Perfuming f C_,� th the&,-,J f'l fl�S �J!Qi 11:0 11 afthe Sbor,FAll h;, �­ed aad coexpieu-d b�ft PianniogaM4 D 16, 1988 0,- CA=PIletiOn ofmdenucunled oaraf)(18=wVJ!!ali detwIs and condiflau�e per fh,&;lfi la,,dW hy upnrl the Mlowingwbire the property O-Aua iu wSrL,)fvlihfe`nr Ation ofthe prOjW, IV the dur B Dar-_W 1*1, 1.1s,wh�ile, M-, R"IRI, the,tolinwing: are teliurred regarthng rtm� Luoscaping n YTIS -2 4-761.82%for:heir-c-qui. jr* -aikws l site Water 10" Ferot Please cLoufact thx Building Coks ofike 21 1 141y wiop'vd thk 4�1' kljiAt.',f i p_qo.ed: g ,li, stonn k. A S ghtip&h Itwn p flo"pWas,q i Jogs,r buildingwrrl�t N am a-um-A 5,:z%,t1 triltric-L o.tortivaercilsi'41 w4utionsl cxynWi Mr- Nil. A n---mr 7J'ft wsolution is,0��c(M Iag.c I offilial submur0rd P49n, -Thance to issuarm of i wW with thi-GKk C Offioerifta zppiro�vad and pr&x S.E. R _!i� The aMlicstii onv�, EALTY, LLC Suiiding Permit q- i* -gilujin#oi any site SHEET 2 OF 2 Zoning a OW c:,-,jg l3ro*-r4 Dilrector o'PlAurling; Cr;`iiari Eluial S!r'ci 4) 'the Applimnt mu-,A nmu�ltaill or,tilk ir moieet ibe,rm revkw b%.staff�the M"vcd filiffil phirm have DATED NOVEMBER 26, 1996 Administrator been�r;tfr�(T 6�.Ine Jowi) AdniaiANW 00d All d0culTICTIUdim as pa��"f the Swrinwater D-1998 77"L BY VAN DU'SEN STEVES 44 Lao&QU@effit4jr '7 Q 23,A: 604 pensw JW kY 12 IV Y '13,'444W -2015 DWG. NO. 96184 5:846t-322.4 i Fav 0� 3 0 3.15 y