2007-08-27 SP MTG38
AUGUST 27, 2007 RES. 386-390
6:30 p.m.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an
Executive Session to conduct personnel interviews for the Assessor’s position.
Duly adopted this 27 day of August, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its
Executive Session.
Duly adopted this 27 day of August, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
Town Engineer Dan Ryan-Reviewed for the Board the drainage on Michaels Drive – We
discussed with the residents, underground drainage, a feasibility study
to see what would be possible to mitigate groundwater problems, seasonal high water
table which has been exacerbated in resent years. Noted the site had been walked,
easements have to be acquired on two properties to the south. We would like to propose
to them two, thirty foot easements, from Michaels Drive to Luzerne Road. (showed map)
We have plenty of pitch in the survey I did myself we have fourteen feet of drop from
Sherman to end of Michaels and an additional ten to twelve to Luzerne Road, I think that
will be adequate depending how deep the system ends up in the ground. Proposed to
install observation wells, to monitor exactly where it is to make sure we are deep enough
and verify the direction of ground water flow. Town can install the wells, with the town
doing the digging.
Councilman Sanford-Are there cost estimates?
Engineer Ryan-No cost estimates to date as far as the system itself. There would be
twenty eight hundred feet of liner total trench that would be required.
Councilman Sanford-Questioned if there had been discussions with the developers who
contributed to the increased problems of ground water for a form of a participatory cost
Engineer Ryan-Noted he met with Craig Brown, Tom Nace and the owner of the
development to the east at the site, they offered to Craig and myself as part of mitigating
ground water issues in the area to lower their system to provide another underground
drainage area that will help reduce sever conditions of water table.
Councilman Sanford-At some point we need to know the costs to do the remedy.
Engineer Ryan-Noted data had been supplied to Mike regarding perforated pipe lengths,
solid pipe lengths.
Councilman Sanford-Would like to have a meeting with the interested parties to talk
about their participation and the cost sharing for the remedies since they reap the benefits
of it. If legally we have no ground on it, no standing then we need to know that as well.
Supervisor Stec-Questioned if Engineer Ryan had talked to the Hayes regarding the thirty
foot easement?
Councilman Brewer-I have.
Councilman Sanford-When did you first notice this problem?
Unknown-Roughly three years ago. West of Michael Drive, development started first,
the last development was the big circle that they put in east of Michaels Drive.
Engineer Ryan-I am basing ground water flow determination on what I have as far as the
analysis goes based on test hole data from 1979, 1995 and more recent.
test hole data which is farther to the east. Ground flow works similar to topography it
may not exactly follow the slope of the land but in general it is a common occurrence.
Without these observation wells I cannot tell you exactly where ground water flowing
what direction. If there is a hydraulic gradient that goes from West to East it is nearly
impossible for development to the east to impact anything up gradient of that. We do not
know that for my general analysis states that it is probably a west to east ground water
flow with a little bit of a north and south divide depending on how close you are to the
Clendon Brook or the stream to the north.
Councilman Sanford-Are you saying that this is a phenomenon that is not tied into the
Engineer Ryan-I am saying in my report I have fifteen pages here that show why and we
are talking about a ground water budget, we have got a ground water budget that has
recharge and discharge and you have to prove where the recharge variables are and if
they are not there as a sudden occurrence in the last three years then how can you say
that, that is any different then something that was twenty years ago?
Councilman Boor-They just said it had occurred in the last three years.
Engineer Ryan-It has and let me show you another piece of the puzzle that you have got
to take into consideration, again this is all based on preliminary data, the other part of
this is annual precipitation. I know that you have heard this since 1980 there are two
almost record rain falls, 2005 and 2006 coincidentally perfect timing with all the
problems that we are having locally. People installed sumps in 1989 why did that do
that? It is not the first time the high water table has ever occurred, the reality is, it is a
give and take process and every year is different depending on the amount of saturation
from the previous year. Every previous extreme condition of excessive rain fall was
followed by a very low amount that following year, that has not happened in the last
couple of years it has actually two or three consecutive years of high rain fall amounts to
that makes a big difference in the amount of total water with in the budgets.
Supervisor Stec-The test holes that you want to do, they will establish what for us?
Engineer Ryan-They will establish the actual depth of ground water and the gradient
ground water which direction it is flowing because it always flows from high to low
Supervisor Stec-You will need that data to design the system.
Councilman Boor-Is there any advantage to three or four test wells?
Engineer Ryan-I think ten to twelve would be preferred.
Supervisor Stec-You will need ten to twelve with the Highway Dept. doing the work,
what else will you need, permission from landowners?
Engineer Ryan-Landowner agreement.
Engineer Ryan-I would like to walk the site to figure out which ones are accessible, some
need to be up gradient on the west side some need to be on the east side a little bit farther
down. I am talking a four inch vertical perforated pipe that might be eight to ten feet in
the ground.
Councilman Brewer-How long will you have them there Dan?
Engineer Ryan-Basically I would like to see the reaction of ground water change in
relationship to precipitation. I cannot find data that says this development contributed
and it is all because of subsurface flow.
Councilman Strough-I say go ahead and do the test holes.
Engineer Ryan-I need to set a datum which is a standard reference that will measure the
elevation of ground water in the entire area that is how you determine whether the
gradients going from one direction to the other it is based on a bench mark not individual
… based on it generally follows topography and the fact that I have these water table
elevations these are back in 1975 and 1995 so maybe they have changed that is what the
analysis of my report is based on.
Supervisor Stec-If we find out that the twenty eight hundred foot trench that is going to
be dug and pipes installed at a depth that you got a ball park idea, how long will this take
you to do?
Engineer Ryan-Unknown. Ideally we would do it in low ground water conditions.
Board agreed to do the test sites.
Supervisor Stec-Requested a list from Engineer Ryan on those properties that will be
affected by this proposal.
Engineer Ryan-Will give you the names and tax map numbers of the property involved.
Councilman Boor-We we need to get DEC approval to run water into Clendon Brook?
Engineer Ryan-Part of my action list is dealing with Army Corp. and DEC the system
will clip a corner of Army Corp. the excavation will occur in a wetland.
Engineer Ryan-That area is commonly known for drainage problems, the Homer Avenue
culvert is part of that drainage tributary area so basically over the last few months I have
looked at the area pretty extensively. Their complaints were semi two fold here, 1.
increase ground water; met with homeowners and gotten statements from them. Over all
drainage in the area a lot of water comes from Glens Falls, Crandall Park Pond which is
almost entirely ground water fed, flowing to Garrison and north through Duke Concrete
…how the ground water flows I have a general idea that it is south to north there toward
Halfway Brook, again I do not know that for sure without observation wells. One thing I
do know from Crandall Pond to Quaker Road that is a gaining stream that is constantly
drawing ground water from that entire area. There is no question there are no other
tributaries streams to that stream. When I am looking at a stream in the dead of summer
it has been as dry as it has it has got water in it with no tributary areas contribution then I
know it is ground water. Part of the problem is the conveyance of that water in this four
stream channel, it has sedimentation its culverts are collapsing that has an impact and
builds up enough water to possibly impact the area because it is so flat. Ultimately it may
require further study of the steam and culverts and maybe potential mitigation there.
Councilman Sanford-The stream bed throughout that area has it been impacted for when
the so called accident took place in Cole’s Woods and all that silt that came flowing in, it
had to end up somewhere and probably ended up in the brook itself which probably
raised the elevation of that brook by a few inches. If that theory holds true it bates the
question is there anyway in which that brook to be dredged?
Engineer Ryan-There are grants, some programs that might be available that might give
you leeway to improve the channel itself.
Councilman Sanford-The solution is going to be difficult here but a finding paper would
be helpful, spoke on a maintenance program. I would like some form of an action plan
put together so at least kick off to see if it makes a difference.
Engineer Ryan-That is certainly something that is obtainable. Part is the pond at the end
of Garrison, that level could be lowered. Will finalize the report in a few days, I do not
have an action plan if you want that I will try to come up with something for you.
Councilman Sanford-I would like to find out from our Attorneys what we can do, it is up
to the applicant, in this case Michaels on whether or not they are going to call it a day or
not. There is no way they can build that project on that site after looking at it lately, no
room for it with the wetland. It is up to them to decide to do it.
Engineer Ryan-I had heard that they wanted to see where the Town Board or SEQRA
review is headed. Because of the shoreline set back that I have recommended based on
the new wetland delineation from DEC that would almost prevent the project from
occurring, it eliminates all their parking.
Councilman Sanford-What I would like to do, what I think we need to do with the
SEQRA is we are going to find the PUD being as expansive as it is that there are going to
be certain areas that are fine and certain areas that have tremendous wetland problems.
All I think we really need to do is officially, basically pass a resolution amending the
PUD and give specifications that every application that takes place within the PUD is
subject to probably long form SEQRA Review before it can proceed forward rather than
relying on a 1980 some odd determination when there was not an awareness of these
concerns. That should be that way for every PUD. We need to address the Michaels
deal, are you going to withdraw if not get in front of us and we will deal with it that way.
I think we need to probably give them a time line in order to do it so we can close a
chapter on that one and then if they want to do the SEQRA thing I need to talk to the
Attorneys in terms of sequencing.
Engineer Ryan-Reviewed for the Board by using a map the Meadowbrook Area. Spoke
to the Board on possible grant funding for projects in wetland areas.
Councilman Sanford-Regarding Waverly II, it is not a wetland but it goes into a valley
similar to the south where you have a trench and wet areas that causes a lot of water there
I think we need to have a handle on for future anticipation of the project is what run off
problems will that create?
Engineer Ryan-It does drop off quickly so there is an embankment there so the wetlands
are limited on how far they travel onto this lot, noted Meadowbrook is being re-aligned
so some of that will change but the culvert has had some washouts and voids underneath
it so I do not know what else is going on, there is flow going on.
Councilman Sanford-Does it look like a Waverly II project can be done without major
impacts, noted there is no application in front of us.
Councilman Boor-We do not know what size Waverly II would be and that would be a
Planning Board issue.
Engineer Ryan-As part of the analysis that I am doing I am including these different
areas, now one thing I could certainly do is plug in numbers assuming a density of
housing and percentage impervious and see how it is. It is hard to say what the impact
would be because it basically comes down to what size and contribution does that have to
the over all …
Councilman Sanford-The one question is financial and I would like you to think about I
read your proposal and basically you get a fixed amount of sixteen grand for doing the
administrative of the grant itself and then there is a variable fee that you have per project
and you specify two thousand dollars, what I was wondering if we could somehow
instead of using the two thousand if you would be agreeable to use something like ten
percent. The thinking is if it is twenty thousand dollar project which a lot of them are.
What I am concerned about is the over head load on the smaller projects.
Mr. Murray-I understand what you are saying and we will look at that option, but the
problem with that is generally speaking you do not take a percentage of a project,
basically you budget line items with the State and Governor’s Office would put a
..delivery cost per unit or deal, the other fact is that the smaller projects probably take
more time and effort than the bigger ones.
Councilman Sanford-What constitutes a normal admin. function when you are dealing
with the goal and intention of the Town of Queensbury is to get every possible dollar to
do good for the people who need it and also paying you a fair compensation? If we did
ten percent of the project cost plus the fix component of sixteen thousand dollars then on
a four hundred thousand dollar grant level that we are talking about that would equate a
thirteen point six percent overhead factor for your work. That to me seems that that
should be satisfactory as an overhead factor.
Mr. Murray-HUD will give you twenty percent to a program, HUD gives the State twenty
percent the State takes two percent off the top and says it is eighteen percent for the
recipients, when you are looking at a program of four hundred thousand dollars they are
looking at a maximum for admin and product delivery of eighteen percent. That is within
the range of acceptability. When we set our fees we are less than eighteen percent, we
are doing the programs for less than what is an acceptable range of costs for the four
hundred thousand dollar program. In this case the proposal I gave you we are going to
have to do some things in addition to amend things and strengthen things around. I have
a proposal that says these are my costs, the same ones I used two years ago.
Councilman Sanford-The thirteen point six number that I am using is for your
component, keep in mind that the Town presumably incurs overhead as well through our
inspectors and things of that nature which is really dollars that we are expending add that
to yours and we are knocking at the eighteen.
Mr. Murray-They expect the communities to contribute, that is not part of the eighteen.
Supervisor Stec-If we went Richard’s way we would not be penalized on smaller
projects, what Bob is pointing out and I think we all agree is that that hasn’t historically
been our problem, our problem is that we have been twenty thousand and we have been
yelling at Stu for bring us twenty five or thirty. If that is the case then the bigger dollar
amount work to our disadvantage.
Councilman Sanford-If someone had a need for a septic system or roof I am going to say
gees this isn’t really translated into good value because a small project like that is going
to have such a high overhead that it is not representing good value and the intent of the
grant program, if it was a straight ten percent I would almost encourage more of the these
types of projects.
Mr. Murray-I cannot write a contact like that, the State…is not going to let me take a
Councilman Sanford-Can you put a cap on the grant?
Mr. Murray-They look at pre unit costs so all your calculations show your pre unit costs
and we come in with the admin budgets at sixteen thousand for certain administration
costs and two thousand dollars per unit we should at a target of twenty or eighteen units if
you do less units we get less money.
Councilman Sanford-Your process with a fifty six thousand dollar cap. When the four
hundred thousand dollar grant money is expended the total remittance to Shelter Planning
will not exceed lets say fifty six or fifty five thousand which essentially we bill out
according to your program but it cannot exceed that amount.
Mr. Murray-No because the amount of work that goes into a project the process is the
same the effort is the same if the bids come back at eighteen thousand or twenty two
thousand or twelve thousand it does not change how much work Charlie and I have to do.
Councilman Boor-It changes how much work our Building Dept. has to do and our staff.
Councilman Sanford-Less money goes to the actual community.
Mr. Murray-You have a per unit cost that went into your application and we are not
exceeding those per unit admin. costs. If you say you are doing twenty one and you do
eighteen I do not get as much money, if say you are doing twenty one and you do twenty
five I get paid for doing the extra three that is the system.
I need to look a lot harder at this.
Councilman Brewer-Being familiar with the things that they have done over the last four
or five years or six years, is a project of thirty six thousand and he only
gets two thousand too little?
Supervisor Stec-I am going to ask Stu to get us a distribution of what the project amount
Councilman Boor-I want to thank you both for coming with the Attorneys, we have been
told since the litigation has been filed that is was unwise to meet with us..I appreciate
your coming to this. As you know this is the second time we have met I am assuming we
are going to talk about perhaps some kind of agreement or something. We met in 2006,
our Counsel was present, Mr Stanahan’s Counsel was present, your Counsel was present
but I guess there was mix up because I know Dan had to talk to you on the phone, and I
guess you were unaware you could be at it or something to that effect. This will be our
second opportunity to try and come to some resolution or talk about ways we could go. I
also wanted to say it has come to my attention that maybe there is a misunderstanding,
about this Board’s involvement. There are only three things that the Town Board has
done with respect to where we are today and one is that we hired an outside Attorney
sitting here because we had a conflict, the Planning Board had a conflict relative to our
previous Attorney who represented Lake George and Queensbury. Then we hired a new
Attorney this year and they apparently had had a dealing with your or an LLC or
somebody involved and they had to also abstain. It was wise that we hired somebody
that we did. What I would hope is because after our first meeting in 2006, your media
consultants had made some statements that I think were somewhat offensive to some of
us on the Town Board because like I say really all we have done is choose an Attorney
and try to negotiate with lawyers present. What I would hope that moving forward that
we are going to go into an Executive Session that in the spirit of cooperation and to try to
resolve this thing that no more media be used. If that is agreeable that would be great
because to negotiate in good faith and to be in meetings like this and then to go read
something in the paper that in my opinion has little merit or truth is kind of counter
productive. You know we try to leave personalities out of this and I would hope that we
can handle this professionally and try to get some resolution without playing it out in the
paper or any other type of media source. That is all I have to say and if anybody else
wants to say something.
Councilman Sanford-I just think to clarify it, I think what you are basically saying is we
are acceptable and willing to have these discussions provided what is said stays in this
room and doesn’t become part and parcel of a public relations campaign. That means on
both sides that when we are done we keep it to ourselves. Is that agreeable to everybody?
Representative of Macchio-I think that is the understanding that we come here with and
that’s, without that understanding I think we would also have difficulty with respect to
this particular proceeding and why we talked about from the beginning of doing this in
executive session because the purpose is to see if we can put aside anything that has to do
with the political arena and see if we can solve this problem on its merits. I think that
works well for you guys or should and I think it works well for us. I think therefore we
have come to this meeting with the intention that this stuff that you know as they say for
Las Vegas that stuff that happens in this room stays in this room. I agree with both of
you Roger, Rich that it has to be mutual as in both ways.
Councilman Sanford-That is fine and I appreciate that and I guess we could probably
move into Executive Session as long as we have that understanding.
Representative of Macchio-If I may let me just add this, there is a lawsuit that you filed
and because there is a lawsuit there are rules of evidence to say if we are having
settlement discussions which I believe that is what we are doing that those discussions
can not be used during the course of the Trail for any purpose. It is our understanding
that is what we are doing, we are having settlement negotiations settlement discussions
that are covered by those rules.
Councilman Sanford-That is fine.
Councilman Boor-That is excellent.
Representative of Macchio-As long as everybody understands that.
Councilman Sanford-But that is not the end, that is involved in my concerns but it is
certainly not my necessarily my, all of my concerns. To be honest with you I just met
Mr. Macchio, I presume you to be his wife, for the first time, never had any discussions
at all yet. I have been referenced by Behan Communications in a few articles in a less
than flattering way and quite honestly to me that might not have anything to do with what
you just mentioned in terms of whether it would prejudice any legal situation but it is
certainly being used in an ancillary manner in some form of a political manner and I want
to make sure that we are of the professional understanding that what we talk about here is
going to stay here and not find its way in one of the local publications, as many
comments have over the year or so.
Representative of Macchio-I think we are answering on two levels, we are saying that
because of the rules that exist and the lawsuit that is presently filed what conversations,
settlement conversations sustentative conversations happen here cannot be used
otherwise and we are also are saying that as far as the media use is any of these
conversations we will not do that.
Councilman Boor-I do not want any media conversations, I do not want to hear about this
in the paper while we are in these talks in any way, shape or form. I do not care if it is
something that wasn’t talked about in this room. I just do not want to read about any
more stuff with regard to what has happened up there. Because, again, you guys you do
not have to represent what may take place in here because quite frankly I do not think
you have represented what has taken place here and that is my concern. It is not what we
have done, it is what we haven’t done, is what you have represented and that is what I
want to cease, because in the spirit of coming to minds and coming to an agreement I do
not want to read things that are patently false in the paper. I just do not want it played in
the media anymore.
Representative of Macchio-There are certain things that we can control and certain things
that we can’t control and in terms of the content of any kind of settlement discussion that
we have in this room that is not going to be part of the media process. We can tell you
Councilman Boor-That is understandable.
Representative of Macchio-Whether the Post Star or the Chronicle runs an article for
example, this is an election year, whether they run an article with respect to this project
over the next month and a half or two months we have no control over that necessary. If
you are concerned about Mark Behan instigating that kind of an article you know, Mark
has a job to do in terms of this process.
Councilman Boor-You are exactly right.
Councilman Sanford-You are making my case here to a large degree and here is what it is
ok, to some degree at your request you guys have requested this meeting and we have
agreed to have it and I am scratching my head through part of this process wondering
where is the incentive here is. It seems to be that if we all want to act in good faith to try
to find common ground it is a little bit of a disincentive for me to feel to comfortable
doing that when you have got some spin doctor out there spinning this is a way that to
make certain Board Members on this Board look bad. In other words that is not a very
effective way to persuade or to encourage people to want to work with you. So, I guess I
just want you to know up front I think when we go into executive session I am going to
ask about that, I am going to ask about what the style has been and what the thinking
processes are because you know you are basically saying you know you are getting out
all this information of a derogatory nature and then you reach out a hand lets have a
friendly conversation and try to resolve things. There is incongruence there?
Representative of Macchio-Don’t you see you can wear that shoe either way though?
What we see is just a reverse of what you just described, what we see is statements to the
press and statements with respect to meetings and things like that that we do not think
have a factual basis and aren’t based on anything that we believe is the reality of what is
going on, on French Mountain. So, that I think if we dwell on this, if we dwell on these
issues then I am not, both of us have a reason potentially, apparently you guys obviously
feel mistreated here, Ralph and Rosalie definitely feel mistreated. That is why we are
having this discussion to try to get beyond that if we can. We can tell you that the things
that are talked about in this room are not going to be talked about anywhere else.
Councilman Boor-That is fine but I don’t think that is what we requested. We requested
that if you are here in earnest to find resolution to the problems and the issues with regard
to the mountain then we request that we will say nothing to the media and you or your
agents will say nothing to the media. It does not have anything to do with what takes
place in here, nothing, nothing gets said to the media. I think it is a very responsible way
to approach this. If you are not comfortable if you want to say no we won’t talk about
what the executive session materials but we will continue to portray Mr. Strough who has
never even been on the property as one of the zealots, I mean I do not how to respond to
something like that.
Representative of Macchio-Lets say two other things about that, the first thing is we are
not aware that this was going to be an issue tonight the only thing we were aware of
being an issue tonight was the Las Vegas stuff is what happens here stays here. We are
definitely prepared to do that. This other concern about there not being any media
coverage going forward is something that we have not heard it was not related to us as
something that we needed to be concerned about we are hearing it for the first time right
Councilman Boor-Are you concerned about it?
Representative of Macchio-I am concerned about having entering into an agreement that
we may not be able to keep because the Chronicle and the Post Star may run articles on
this. (end of tape)
RESOLUTION NO. 388. 2007
SECONDED BY: Mr Tim Brewer
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby calls for an
Executive Session to discuss litigation discussion and potential hiring of Assessor
Duly adopted this 28 day of August, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its
Executive Session.
Duly adopted this 28 day of August, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Town
Board Meeting.
Duly adopted this 28 day of August, 2007 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk-Queensbury