IM Inspection Worksheet (08-12-2019) (1).pdfINSPECTION WORKSHEET (BINS-004999-2019)
CC-0480-2019Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
08/12/2019 Partial PassInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Building FoundationInspection Type:Inspector:Mark Smith
Job Address:Parcel Number:347 Aviation Rd
Queensbury, NY 12804
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Stephen Licciardi
Contractor Stewart's Shops Corporation
Granted Permission Stewart's Shops Corporation
Primary Owner Stewart's Shops Corporation
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes False 8/12/19 footings approved
Footing Drain Stone - 12 inch width False
PVC / Cast / Copper False
Foundation / Wallpour False
Masonry Wall False
Footing Drain Stone - 6 inches above footing False
Foundation Dampproofing False
Plumbing Under Slab False
Foundation Waterproofing False
Footing Drain Daylight or Sump False
Monolithic Slab False
Footings True 12x30 footing with 3 rows of # 5 rebar horizontal continuous.
Footing Drain stone - 6 mil poly False
Piers False
Backfill Approval False
Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft.False
Foundation Insulation Interior / Exterior False
Reinforcement in Place False 12x30 footing with 3 rows of # 5 rebar horizontal continuous.
Verticals #5 rebar with j hook, 48" on center field
Reinforcement in Place False
Reinforcement in Place False
Poly Under Slab False
Footing Dowels or Keyway in place False
August 12, 2019 Page 1 of 1