PB Staff Notes SUB (P) Tra Tom_8 28 18
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Community Development Department Staff Notes
August 28, 2018
Richmond Hill Drive / MDR – Moderate Density Residential / Ward 3
SEQR Unlisted
Material Review: application, subdivision proposal, previous conservation subdivision, stormwater
and wetlands information.
Parcel History: SUB 4-2003 & FWW 6-2003 (33 lots); Mod. 10/2009 (lots 3-10 & 18 & 19); AV
Requested Action
Application to be tabled to the second Planning Board meeting in October, October 23, 2018 with
information submitted by the deadline in mid-September.
Planning Board review and approval for a five lot subdivision.
2. Planning Board decision
Project Description
Applicant proposes a five lot subdivision. Four lots to be residential – lot 1A to be 1.2 acres, Lob 1B to be 0.70
acres, Lot 1C to be 0.70 acres and lot 1D to be 0.70 acres. Lot 1 remainder of 25.78 acres not to be developed
per previous subdivision. Pursuant to Chapter 183 and Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land
shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Staff Comments
Sketch Plan –requesting waiver from sketch
Preliminary Review –
Layout plans –The plans show the previous subdivision under Barringer Heights for a 25 lot conservation
subdivision. The project included 24 residential lots and a 29.06 acre parcel with 25.78 acres noted no further
development and 3.28 acres for further development. The plans show four proposed lots to have access on
Richmond Hill Drive.
Construction details – The plans show the septic locations with perc tests values. The plans also show the
waterline connection.
Landscape plans –The number of lots proposed is less than 10 lots and does not require landscaping.
Clearing plan –The clearing limits are shown on each of the residential parcels indicating a majority of each
parcel is to be cleared.
Grading and erosion plans –The plans show the existing and proposed topography however, the elevations
should be noted more clearly –there is no elevations noted on the proposed topography. The plans include the
silt fence location and notes for erosion and sediment control.
The Environmental report – A long environmental assessment form has been completed. The applicant has
followed up with the wetland delineator Deb Roberts who has explained the entire subdivision including land
on the east side of the road was evaluated based on the Army Corp and DEC original assessment (note some
assessments were done based on aerial photos) and the only wetlands identified and flagged are the ones noted
on the west side of the road property.
Stormwater management – The applicant has noted on Sheet S4 the requirements of the stormwater pollution
prevention plan.
Fees –per application.
Waivers –The applicant has not requested any waivers.
Open Space –There is no proposal for open space.
Streets –The plans show no new streets.
Nature of Area Variance
Tabled to the first meeting in October, October 17, 2018 –Board provided guidance decreasing the number of
lots requested. The applicant requests relief for subdivision of lots to be less than 2 ac in the MDR zone where 4
lots are to be 0.7 acres. Note the Zoning Administrator denial letter explains subdivision will have to apply the
MDR setbacks –30 ft front, 25 ft side, 30 ft rear - an individual project may request relief for setbacks ie porch
addition. The lots have sufficient size to apply the MDR setbacks – the plan will need to be updated showing
the MDR setbacks.
The application has been tabled at the Zoning Board and is to be tabled at the Planning Board August 28
meeting to an October review.
Meeting History: PB: PBR 8/21/18; ZBA 8/22/18;
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