PB Staff Notes SUB (P) 22-2018 & (F) 21-2018 Kokoletsos_10 16 18 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes October 16, 2018 Subdivision Prel. Stage 22-2018 JOHN KOKOLETSOS Subdivision Final Stage 21-2018 132 Montray Road / MDR – Moderate Density Residential / Ward 2 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: preliminary and final applications, site plan drawing Parcel History: AV 60-2018; SUB (P) 18-2018 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Requested Action Planning Board review and approval for a two lot subdivision of a 4.28 acre parcel. Resolutions 1. SEQR –reaffirm with new clearing information identified on the drawing 2. PB Decision Project Description Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 4.28 acre parcel. One lot to be 2.28 acres and to maintain existing home and driveway access to Montray Road. The second lot is to be 2.0 acres for a proposed new home to have access from Pinecrest. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments Sketch Plan –requesting waiver from sketch Preliminary Review – Layout plans –the survey shows lot one to be 2.28 ac to have frontage on Montray Rd and Lot two to be 2.0 ac with frontage on Pinecrest. Construction details – The plans show lot one to have an existing house to remain and lot 2 a proposed house location is shown. Lot 2 also shows the location of a septic system and driveway. Landscape plans –the number of lots does not require landscaping. Clearing plan –The applicant has revised the clearing limits from the first preliminary review. The new clearing includes larger portion of the applicant’ back yard of the proposed home and the northern side of the property. The applicant proposes to maintain 10 ft vegetated buffer on the south side. The plans shows areas where vegetation is to remain on the west side of the property. The applicant has explained the clearing opens the lot to sunlight. The applicant is aware dead and down trees may be removed and dying trees will need to be discussed with code compliance officer. The plans show the new clearing area for the house, rear yard area, site septic and well installation for the proposed home. Grading and erosion plans –The plans show site topography of the existing conditions –not of proposed conditions. The applicant has requested a waiver from proposed topography. The Environmental report – the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review for 2 lots. Stormwater management –the applicant has not provided a stormwater management report and has requested a waiver. Fees –per application. Waivers –the applicant has requested waiver from clearing, topography, stormwater and grading, Open Space –there is no proposal for open space . Streets –the plans show no new streets. Final Stage Review – Final Plat-subdivision for 2 lots. State/County agency – Planning and Zoning Board review for two lot proposed subdivision. Other plans reports –no additional information provided. Protected open space –none proposed. Nature of Area Variance Granted 9/19/18. The applicant proposes to subdivide a 4.28 acre lot into 2 lots of 2.28 ac and 2.0 acres. Relief is requested for the second lot in regards to road frontage requirements. The new parcel requires 100 ft of road frontage and proposed is 50 ft. Summary The applicant has completed the preliminary and final stage applications for a two- lot subdivision. The subdivision proposes lot 1 of 2.28 ac to have access from Montray Rd with an existing home and lot 2 of 2.00 ac to have access from Pinecrest Dr. Meeting History: PB: 9/18/18; ZBA: 9/19/18; st Meeting History: 1 meeting for new version - 2 -