2007-10-03 SP MTG43 1 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-03-2007 MTG. #43 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #43 OCTOBER 3, 2007 RES. 442 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN RICHARD SANFORD COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER Fiscal Manager Barbara Tierney Wastewater Supt. Mike Shaw Water Supt. Bruce Ostrander (It was noted that Councilman Boor was not present at the opening of the meeting but will be attending) BUDGET WORKSHOP WASTEWATER BUDGET Mike Shaw Wastewater Supt. Mike Shaw-Lower budget due to no capital projects planned for 2008, belt tightening and in other districts, we have admin. fees we charge back to other districts as the larger district grow, the smaller districts pay less … Discussion held on fleet Supervisor Stec-Of the six vehicles requested, two of the vehicles are candidates for purchase in this year budget, one in the Wastewater Dept. replacing a jeep, the other is in Highway Dept. a one ton truck. Mike Shaw-The Jeep can be replaced this year. Supervisor Stec-General consensus that the budget is ok and to replace vehicle this year. WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET Bruce Ostrander Water Supt. Bruce Ostrander-Lower budget – once we have a number we will be doing capital projects from the fund balance – Councilman Strough-Questioned when the Capital Projects on Bullard, Northup, Linden Avenue would be started? Superintendent Ostrander-Next spring. Supervisor Stec-Spoke about adding a gas tank on the West side of town, for highway and water. Where would it be located? Superintendent Ostrander-The Highway Supt wants diesel, this proposal is for gasoline, would have to put in a fuel management system in if the Highway Dept. wishes to use the diesel at the water dept. site. Noted that a hundred and fifty thousand is listed as a capital construction money for an energy audit, that will not be enough Board agreed to leave that amount in the budget. Councilman Brewer-Questioned the fuel management program Superintendent Ostrander-That is a software program… 2 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-03-2007 MTG. #43 BUILDING AND GROUNDS BUDGET Chuck Rice Building and Grounds Supt. Supervisor Stec-When Building and Grounds does a capital project we take it out of CIP. This budget is up 1.7% equipment and contractual are all down in general. Superintendent Rice-My budget is pretty much flat line or under last year the increases that I am experiencing is power and fuel. LEGAL BUDGET Councilman Sanford-I want to hear from them if they can do the contract for $200,000 for next year or if they can’t to what degree would there be an increase. I am not comfortable putting in $250,000 in the budget, until we speak with them. That will have to be dealt with before we finalize the budget. Fiscal Manager Barbara Tierney-The $250,000 also includes the Counsel that is outside. Discussion followed indicating a percentage change in the proposed budget. (Councilman Boor-entered meeting) INSURANCE HEALTH Supervisor Stec-Discussed the figure that was placed in the budget, also spoke on co-pay being changed which would again change the figures. Councilman Sanford-Noted that the Town could go direct instead of thorough an agency. I want an understanding that we will hold the percentage or commission identical to what it was last year which I believe it was at 1.2 percent. Discussion held in regard to rebating, it is an enhancement to get the business. In your insurance contact with Blue Cross and Blue Shield it has to specify that. The commission exists for sales and sales only, for placing the business. For that commission they have to make sure that we have a good product lineup, make sure it meets the needs of the town, make sure it is priced competitively and make sure there is no another product out there from another competitor that might represent different value, and that constitutes legitimate services for the sales commission. Supervisor Stec-The purpose of this meeting we are trying what is a good budget number for next year. Will leave the Health Insurance budget figure as is. PROPERTY AND CAUSALITY Board agreed to leave figure as presented. WAGES Supervisor Stec-Noted that the union has not negotiated their contract as of yet. The only salaries to be set at the time of the budget is elected officials. All non union employees are set by separate resolution. 3% has been set for elected officials. Discussion held regarding Highway Supt to be kept at 3%. and (2) Jr. Clerk’s at Court Office second half of increase due this year. RETIREMENT Supervisor Stec-Number was obtained from the State Retirement. Disability and Comp to be as set by Tentative Budget. 3 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-03-2007 MTG. #43 VEHICLES HIGHWAY Councilman Sanford-Would like to know what the mileage is on the eighteen years old truck from Highway. Supervisor Stec-The one ton in the Highway Dept. request can be purchased this year if you prefer. Will ask highway next week about the one ton. CEMETERY Councilman Sanford-Will speak to Mike Genier about his needs at Pine View. Fiscal Officer Barbary Tierney-He is requesting a 350 with a dump NON PROFITS Councilman Sanford-We need a decision criteria in place on how we make these decisions, rather than working off last years numbers and dealing with requests. Supervisor Stec-Noted that in the proposed budget there are no increases in Non profits expenditure the one exception is paying for one more band concert. Need to review Glen Lake, Lake Sunnyside and Land Conservancy… Councilman Brewer-Questioned how much in bed tax money is left? Fiscal Manager Barbara Tierney-Noted Bed tax runs behind, you receive the money a year later, One hundred and ten thousand has been received. Supervisor Stec-Expended between fifty and a hundred thousand. Councilman Brewer-Noted he will be asking for money for the Soap Box Derby. Supervisor Stec-We have budgeted more revenue in Bed Tax than we have in expenses. Councilman Sanford-For budget purposes put in a hundred and forty thousand and we will deal with the allocation. Supervisor Stec-If we are dealing with one forty unless we are talking about more than modest reductions elsewhere I do not know if we are going to cover half of a hundred and fifty thousand for Glen Lake. Councilman Boor-Something like seventy five thousand for Glen Lake should not be a non for profit type expenditure. Noted at an August meeting he attended for Glen Lake they did not know what direction they were going to go in. Board agreed to establish the non profit budget at a hundred and forty thousand. Glen Lake not to be part of non profit. FIRE DEPARTMENTS Supervisor Stec-Amount budgeted 1.94 million Councilman Boor-Questioned if the Supervisor took into account when North Queensbury Fire Co. debt came off the building? Supervisor Stec-Yes. Councilman Sanford-Requested information from Barbara Tierney using his algorithm. 4 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-03-2007 MTG. #43 Supervisor Stec-What is left in the fire budgets is for Service Awards a known figure and Worker compensation. We have got the report from the consultant for eighty thousand, if we budget for it, it does not mean that we are signing the contract, do you want to budget for it or not? Board agreed to not budget for it, but it does not mean we can’t do it. Councilman Boor-Questioned if fifty thousand was placed in North Queensbury for a truck fund? Supervisor Stec-No. Councilman Sanford-Regarding the budget it was a conservative budget. CRANDALL LIBRARY Discussion held regarding procedure for Crandall Library Budget being placed on the ballot…questioned raised if a resolution from the Town Board is necessary in order to Crandall Library budget to be placed on the ballot? Noted Glens Falls passed a resolution to forward the Crandall Library Budget onto the County Board of Elections… Supervisor Stec-We do not have an answer to that question. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 442, 2007 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board Meeting. rd Duly adopted this 3 day of October, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury