Deed WARREN M CLERK RECORDING COVER SHEET EMP. INITIALS INSTRUMENT # PAL No- of PAGES TY'FE OF DOC ADIDTL. FEE TOWN rrlt DTL. NAMES TRANSFER TAX AMT. $ /S MORTGAGE AMT. $ MORTGAGE T : TRANSFER TAX STAMP MORTGAGE TAX STA14P RECEIVED REAL ESTATE' 1999JUL 27 TRANSFER TAS WARREN + LST ' Please fill in blanks belaw before submitting for recording. PARTY OE THE FIRST PART �J84 ", �� e— PART OF' THE SECOND :E, RECORDED BY; ew z RETURN TO: M,Iaam�, RECORDING STAMP PAC ND E A r 99 JUL 7P2o- 35 Upon recording, this page be aces a part of the document ($3.00) RECORDS �w THIS MENTURE, made on, Julyliz, 1999. Bien, JAAMS CONNELLY and JO ANN CONNELLY, of R.D. Burch Load, Queensbury, New York parties of'the first part, and �— NUCHAEL LE BLA4 and KEN LE BLANC,, gal'Warren Lane, Queensbu,ry, New York, parties the send part, NOW, the parties ofthe first part, in consideration of ne Dollar($1.00)lawful money o the United, States, and other good and,valuable consideration paid by the party of the send part, t do hereby ,grant and release unto the parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, SEE SCHEDULE A.ATTACIEED TOGETHER with the appurtenances .and all the estate and rights, of the parties of the first pert in and to said premises, TO TFIAVE AND HOLD the premises herein ,granted, unto the parties of the second pan, their heirs and assigns forever. AND d ies of the first part covert as follows. T', that the parties of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said preunise , SECOND, that the said parties of the first park will forever WARRANT the tithe to the said prenm ses. , than in compliance with Section 13 of the'Lien Law, the grantors will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the tights to receive such consideration as a trust. fund to, be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before fusing any part of the Metal of'the same for any other purpose. IN WITNESS, WBEREOF, the parties of the first part have set their hands and serifs the day and year first above written, INPRESENCE F darn nnelly `. Jo Connelly � COUNTY F , n J 1 z'F f before me the subscriber appeared James Connelly to me pemnafly known and no wn to me to bthe a person described in and who executed the foregoing I strumeK and duly acknowledged to me that be owcuted the same, I N tary Public Comm.. Exp. 1/ 1/00 MATTM ' A, M OW + E TA �":'' OFNEW YORK Otory 6111;3&&U a7P C N'W York COUNTY OF WARREN ss.: 572588"0 W. n July 1999 byre me the subscriber appeared Jo Ann, Connelly to me personally known and .kno n to, me to be the same person described in, and who executed the foregoing Instrument and duly acknowledged to me that she exerted the same. otary Public o.mm, E.xp„ 1/3.1/00 Rg I'M win. %ty CommWeiah ai"m 572538140 All certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and 'being,in the Town of Queensbury, County of Wa rrenn, State of New York, more,particularly bounded and described as follows.- BEGINNING ollo s.BEG at a capped iron rod at the northeast corner of lands conveyed to James M. . JoAnn Connelly by deed dated April .5, 1995 5 annd recorded in tine Warren County Clerk's Office _ in Brack 944 of Deeds., at Page 80, said point being the northeast corner of the parcel rnf lanad herein. described, ung thence South 03 degrees, 30minutes and 20 seconds, West, along, the easterly boa unds of lands ef"'saidConnelly for a distance of'122,00 feet to a capped iron rod at the Southeast corner thereof, said point also being the northeast corner of lands now or fbrrrnerly of Douglas & ''bendy 'ranee thence North 84 degrees,, 3 3 nnananites and. 20 seconds ''west, alon,;g, the , southerly bounds, of said Connelly and the northerly bounds of said Vance and lands now or +' ftirrne rly of Wilbur & Nina Deana, for a distanee of 800.40 feet to a poinrt fear a corner thence North degrees, 5,0 minutes and 10 seconds Est, through the lands of said Connelly for a distance of 127.37 feet to, a point in the northerly behinds of lands of said Corunelly and the Southerly bounds of lands now or fbrmerly of Joan Combs, thence South degrees, 09 rainutes and 50 seconds Est, alon& the northerly bounds of said Connelly and the Southerly bounds of lands now or fomedy ofJoan Combs, Michael LeBlanc, Maurice& Cathy Am Combs, l' Gilford & Loraine & Palmer and Henry & Patricia Steves, for a distance of 795. 2 feet to the point and place of beginning. Containing 2-213 s of'W being the sarnne more or less. Bearings givens is the above description refer to the magnetic meridian. SUBJECT EASE NTS AND RIGHTS, OF WAYS OF RECORD, . Subject to whatever facts,an updated.survey may show. It is understood, by and between the parties hem4o, that the premises as set forth in a deed filed in the Warren County Clerk's Office at Boob 627 of Deeds at Page 5 standing in the natne of Michael LeBlanitand Karen Leal is adjacent to the premises herein conveyed, and, is to be made a part of the premises herein conveyed. Being ,a portion of the same premises conveyed by Lawrence Blaclanan and Robbie 'Blaekm,an, to Jaanes ConneHy and .Jo Ann Connelly by Dewed, dated April 5, 1995 and recorded is the: Warren County Clerk's Office April 7. 199.5 in Book 944 of Deeds at page'gfN, . ,. JLam: f"JI ral ' 2z , u 0 a t ------------ I I FORM 45S334 N, Y.. DEED_wkEtRANTy with Ljeft C:qrm mt TUT89ANX --m"wwro two �p Made the day Mneteen Himdred and seventy-aine wre" RICHARD, HOAG and DONNA HOAG, his 'wife, both res,iding at Bakers Mills, Warren County, *147 New York, parties of the first p'art, and MICHAEL Le LAT and KAREN LeBLANIC, his wife, both residing at VanDusen Road, Glen$ Falls,, 'Warren County, New York, as tenants by the entirety , parties of the socond.part, IlUtWomt4 that the parties of the first part, in, consid.eratio7w of——————— ---------ONE---------------_-___--,-_-_______-_--_-Dollar (91. 00--'--- , lawftj mOneY Of the United Stat�e.9, and, other good and valaable consideration paid by the PFt ies, 9fthe sewnd art,do hereby frant and release,-unt,o the co part ies 4 the send part, thpeir heirs and assf ns forever, all THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in the Town 01 Queensbury, County of Warren, and State of New York., approximately Two, Hundred Twenty-five feet (225) by One: Hundred feet (100) , bounded and des- cribed. as followson, the South by lands usd 'by Wade la 'l' � on the Narth by Warren Lane, on the East by Joe Cutter and on the West by Joan mbs. BEING part of a conveyance from Allan B. Bellew to Warr8n. Burch, S . and Una Burch, his wife, by conveyance dated the 29th day cif ,june, 1951 and recorded on the 5th day of July, 1951, in Lof iber 300 _L1 Deeds at 'Page 524. BEING the same premise,s conveyed by Warren Burch, Sr. and Una Burch, his, wife, to he: parties of the first part hereto by deed bearing date February 15 , 1572 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s office February 22, 1972 in hooa 547 of Deeds at Page 519. with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the ; art fags of the,fly-st part in and to said premises, Mai r the premises heretn framedunto the part ier, of th eeoaa:d part, their heirs and ssifns forever, $'aid prtke s of the funs p�art covenant ant ass follows. frot, "hat the partie8 of the secondpart shall quietly eiVoy the said premises; rraank That said parties of 'the first pa.ar . will forever ' the title to said promises, 010, That, in, '"'Bance with 'ee. 13, of the Lien Law, the grantor s, will receive the consideration for this conveyance and ai l favi the right to receive euch consideration as a trust fund to be applied ftrst for the ,purpose of payinj the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to, the payment of the, cost of the improvement Uqfbre usinj any part of the total off' the same for any other purpose,, . the parties of the first part aha vas hereunto set' their hand,5 and weal s the day and year first above written. presma of RICHARDHOAT— DONNA H A � II y Bob of New ,vark arra' me, the subscriber, personally appeared'. �_. ,� a�ta3a�'r�. �r�rrdred-,;�� ._:..�� -a�� ��.� —RICHARD, HOAG and DONNA HOAG----- to me personallyknown and known to 7ne to be the same persowq a e cribed in and who executed than within" Instrument, and the Y acknowledfed to me that t he Y executed the same, s C Aa tary Public a Iii, a, OCTS TRANSPM Tib)(