Subdivision Final Stage Application TOWN F QUEENSBURY
Review Process:
Applicant,and/or agent shall meet with Zoning Administrator to determine type of reviews weeded.
Pre-submission meeting with std is required to determine genneral, completeness of application materials
to be held,no later,fl= I week prior to deadline submittal all 761-9220 for an appointment.
Application submittal: one 1original application package, one 1. deed and 14 copies of the application,
package with application fee*
In Addition electronic d of the entire li ati n package is,also required,
Determination ofapplieation completeness and placement on an agenda
Planning Board, meetings are generally the third& fob Tuesday's of each month,. You will be advised in,
writing as to which meeting to attend
Following the meeting your will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the 's decision on
your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit. If your
application was denied your,project cannot proceed as submitted.
'epee. 100 application fee plus 0 per lot
Staff& Contact Information;
Craig Brown, Director off'Pl ' g/Zoning a;p Q) eeosbuT
on g Administrator
Laura Moore, Land Use Planner, lmoore@-queensburynot
Sunny Sweet, Office Specialist—Planning suann s �e uue nsbor .�y
Fmial Stage Subdivision application
'Town of Queensbury Playing Office-742 Bay Road-Queembury,NY 12904
Final aW90 ReVi e April 20,10
General Information
Zoning (District: D �� � ePd
Appligation Stage, hecLtame':.
Sketch Pian Stage
Preliminary Stage
Ini Ih flirt
Number cvf Ms proposed
Re-Wdenttal gar Commercial
Total Loot acreage
Proposed lot pec -�'.W fes.
Project location 1� o I
Dataid Description of Pr°cct [irrcicada current&propered use)' y �'
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Town of Queensbury Planning , 742 Bay Road .Queensbury,sbury,N 1 . 51&761-8220 1
Fined Stage'l e M wed April 2010
You:should use this page for guidance when dmfting your application, howevef. it will be completed by a staff member,.
Submittal of a preliminary pleat depicting existing and proposed conditi ns shall include the items as noted below.
Faffure include reoluu . o-n-nna ores may MEN 16 5 ZIMPffilfiNtroh o inmm e yF in M6
processing of your appl on,.
l83-1S. IP'Iat details and req uuireme nts.
The applicant is requited to subm-lt one 0) original and fourteen (14) copies of the final plat application. Such
application shall Include the following documents and/or inforxu;Wom.
A, FINAL PLAT. The final plat shall be laid out by a licensed professional engineer with a properly +eaaecuted New
York State Education Department Exemption N or a licensed land surveyor. Such final plat shall be prepared at a
scale of one inch equals So feet,zero Inches, clearly showing:
(1)The bearing and length of all straight limes and the radil,, lengths and central angles of all curves Wong all
property auwa
(2)The area of each lot in square feet or in acres„iif such tot is larger than one acre.
'A;,, ( )The connection by prosper measurement between stred center limes where such streets are not straight gross
an int ectirng skeet, both vwrlthin this subdivision and where opposite existing streets or subdivisions,
4)A systern of monimmots to be located at all comers of Intersections and angle jpoints.
( )The building setback lines foar each lot,.,
(6) Fire and school disM boundaries nwritthin the subdivision area.
Ewdsting zoning,with the location sof any district boundaries within 2010 feat of the property to be sup lbdivided.
The boundaries of the property, the lines of proposed W streets and parks, and the lines of all adjoining
streets,their names and exact survey,locations.
(g)The names of all subdivisions,immaedi tely adjacent auurlMd apposite or, if not subdivided, the names dthe owners
of record of adjacent and opposite property.
(10)A statement#tat the plan is in compliance with the Torn of Queensbury Zoning Law.
(1r1)A statement ireading as k4lowwrs: 11fiwpproved under authority of a resolution adopted
by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury,New York.
(1 title bloc showua ling the name of the subdivision, the owwuner, the scale,the date and North point,.
13)A certificate of the 11 engineer andlor land surveyor ma'icing such platin to the effect that the platin is
correct and made from an actual survey®the license number and sural of the engineer and land surveyor shall be
affixed to,the drawing.
B. ENDORSEMENT EM1<NT O F STATE AND COUNTY AGENCIES. Evidence shall be supplied that any proposed water
supply and sewage disposal facilities associated+with the subdivision plat requiring appraval by the Department
oaf' Pnvironmenlal Con5ervadon and/or New York State Department of health have receival at least p inary
approval(p) of such fac itles and that any special distr'uct extensions required have been, authorized by the
Qensbury 'Town Board. Any propped water supply and sewage dispo Ifacility shall meet the Town, of
lrueensbury design and construction standards foT such facility. Eofitoes Dote, 'See SCh. 136, Servers and image
Disposal, and Ch. 17'3,'Water.'The plat,shall not be stamped approved until all stat&!or county-required approvals
for each lot of the subdiwri ioun have beenreceived in writing!by the Planning Board.
Torn of Queensbury Planning Off- 742 Bray road °Queensbury,14Y 1 r 6M761-8220 1
Final Stage Revised April 2010:
OTHER PLANS AND REPORTS. Other plans and reports shat be submftted as follows,
(1)A planting plan Illustrating specles,and location of proposed tree planting.
(2)A tree dearing plan illustrating areas and methods 10 protection of existing trees to remain.
(3) An erosion control plan illustrating methods and locabion of erosion control devices end schedule of
mair"nonce of such devices and other actions to reduce erosion.
(4)A stormwater management plan and a pollution prevenfibn plan consistent with the requirements of Town of
Queensbury Stormwater Management Local Law,and with the terms of prelliminary plat approval.
(5) Construction plans showing grading and other site Improvements and details of diose site improvements,
D. If ft subdivision Is to include any PROTECTED OPEN SPACE, all appropriate easements, deed covenants,
conditions and' restrictions approved by the Planning Board and/or the, Town Attorney related to s txh "ected
E. HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENTS. If the subdivision is to be rnarwged by a
hone eowners'association or cwWommium, copies of their regulations and agreements, indicating any restrictions
required by the Planning Board, shall be submilted. If the subdivision is to be sold fee simple, copies of deeds
indicating any restrictions,required by the Ptanning Board shall be submitted.
(1)The plat shall he endorsed with the:necessary agreem,ents in connection with required easernerds; or releases,.
Offers of,dedication to the Town shall be presented prior to plat approval. Formal offers of dedication to the Tmn
of d0streets, and parks, not marked on the plat with notation to the effect that such dedication will not be offered,
shall be fried with the Planning Board prior to plat approval. If the owner of the land or his went who fts the plat
does not add as part of the plat a notation, to the effect ftt no offer of dedication of such streets, highways or
parks, or anyof thern, is made to,the public, the filing of ft plat In the office of the County Cie*or register shall
constitute a oWihuing offer of dedication,of the streets, highways or parks,or any of them, to the pubfic, and said
offer of dedication may be accepted by the Town Board at,any time prior to revocation of said offer by ftowner
of ft landi or his agent
(21) The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or Imply the
acceptance by, the Town of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on said plat. The Planning
B=d may require said plat to be endorsed with,appropriate notes to this effect If the Tom Board dedermbies that
a sukabde park or parks of adeqtmte:size cannot be property located in any such plat or Is otherwise not practical,
the Board may require, as a condition to approval of any such plat, a payment to the: Town of a sum to be
detennined by the Town, which sum shall constitute a, trust fund to be used by the Town Board exclosively for
neighborhood park, playgmund or recreation,purposes, I'nrl)ud'hV the acquisition of property. The PlIanning Board
may require the filing of a written agreement between the applicant and the: Town Board" covering future tide,
deftation and provision for the cost of grading. dbwlopment, equipment and maintenance of any park or
playground area.
(11) The application for final plat approval shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the 'T Board by
resolution and,as,listed on the correct schedule of fees for the Town of Queensbuiry posted In the Planning Office,
(2) In, addition to the,fee listed on the schedule of fees, the Planning Board may charge a fee to developers, of
projects requir-ing legal and technkal review,, provilded that the fee charged reflects the actual cost.of tine legal and
technical assistance to the Planning Board.
Tom of Queembury Planning Office-742 Bay Road*Queenabury...NY 12804-5,18-761-6220 �3
Final Stege Reifted April 2010
1. Tax Map Ili tl �,..-
. Zoning Classification
Reason for Review
4. Ordinance Section M
S. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes-,Outstanding Items To Be Addressed �� ra
1. Deed Yes No
2. General Information yes NO
. Final Plat Details&Requirements 7 'es No
4. Final PW
5. Endorsement of State:&County AgencJes 2A
Yes No
6. Other Plans& Reports A Ayes No
7. Protected Open cpm documents 'des No
8. Homeowners ac, or Condominium Agreements Yes _Odra
.9» Streets, Recreation Landor Open Spars s Nara
'lid. Fees 'des No
11. Signature page Yes NO
SW Representafive: jet")
Applicant I Agent.
'QOM of Queerksbury Planning OtGr • 742Say R •Queensborry„ NY" 1 „518-761-8,220
Final Stage hi ed,April 2010
Signature Page
Thi� �page� t�lll,o�rdP srnrit Responsibilities; Official Meetingthorization to Actas Agent Fr Disclosure and 6.) Agreement �,�roovijde Authorization
�mnu for Site
Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not,the same as dans applicant
As agent regarding-. � arl noa�Site flan — ubdWision
For Tax Map No.: —Section 'RloocR �Lot
Deed Reference. Book �Page Dew
AwppucANVs AGENT Pow:
Complete the following if the APPLICANT A,NT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another
agent regarding,, Valiance Site Plarn_Subdivision
For base Map No,,. Section Slo0 k Lost
Deed Reference: Book Page Date
7.1 gNG IEE IhI r LUE _ Applicatio ns,may be referred to the Town consulting lting engineer fir r feW Of eePtla dersigri,
storm drainage,eW. as determined by the Zoning or Manning Dep t. Fees for engI neertrng review serAces s writs be charged
dfrectly W the appUcant Fees for engineering review,wHI not exceed$1,000 wkhcKA notification to the appOcant
D,,} 691MMUM EM MM 1NIM, By signing this page and surbmitling ft applicabon materials attached Weln. the
Owner, Applicant, and histheritheir agent(s) herby anrthorke the Zoning Board or Planning (Board stud Town 'Staff to anter the
subjed properties,for bre purpose of mviewing the application s it d.
OTHER PE E_SP0t_SI1BIUTt . Other, permits may be required for construction or alteration activity stftequent to
approval by the Zonkq Board or Planning Board!. It Is tine applicarWs responsiblilttr to obtain additional l permits. 0 'f tA_ EEIR2, MOM PIACLOSURD: it Is the pr of the Cou`nrrnnrnitlr Development C pin rrt to havea.
designated stenographer tape record the prooee4ings of meetings tesuftg from applicatlorn, and minutes transcribe�d from those
tapes constitutes the official record of all:proceedings.
6.a ENT TO PROVIDE DO CtUMEN'Tar4k E Uitl : t, the orndersigned, have thoroughty read and understand the
Irnstrudons for submission and agree to the so brWssion requirernents,I e no consbuction activities,shall be commenced
per to fssooanee of a wild permt t cerlifyr that the appiloallon, plans and supporting materials are a true and =npleta
slaterneffl/descripfion of the existing mWitions and the work proposed', and that all work veill be performed in acoordanoe with tN
approved playas and in nrnfhrrnar a with local zoning regu latfcrns. I acknoMedge that prior to o r,Wng the T itles propos, I or
my agents. arnnrlll"In oertificatee of occupancy as necessary. I also a nde stand that Ill,We may be required to provide an as-built.
sur yr by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constmcW facilities prior to issuance of a cerlificateof occupancy
have read and ag'T/47"to the above.
� a- - 4/)7
me-JAp '
_ DatSignature _ _ Printep ig ed
Signature:[Agent] Ri t Name(Age r] late sighed,
Town of Queensbury Planning Office-ce•742 IBay Road.Queensbury,U'tr 12&M - 518-7 "l o