Staff Notes SUB (F) 10-2017 Hughes_5 18 17 et Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes May 18, 2017 Subdivision Final 10-2017 JOHN M. HUGHES TRUST Oxbow Hill Rd. & Glen Lake Rd/RR-3A-Rural Residential-3 Acres /Wardl SEQR Unlisted Material Review: Parcel History: SUB Sketch PZ 79-2016, SUB Prel. PZ 154-2016, AV PZ 155-2016, Requested Action Planning Board review and approval for a 5-lot subdivision of a 19.73 acre parcel with associated work including private road onto Oxbow Hill Road, installation of septic and wells, lot clearing and stormwater management. Resolutions 1. SEQR 2. Planning Board decision Prosect Description Applicant proposes final stage for a 5-lot subdivision of a 19.73 acre parcel with associated work including private road onto Oxbow Hill Road, installation of septic and wells, lot clearing and stormwater management. Site includes slopes greater than 15%. Lot sizes are: Lot 1 —3 acres; Lot 2—3.2 acres; Lot 3 —3.6 acres; Lot 4 —4.1 acres and Lot 5 —5.5 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments The applicant proposes to a five lot subdivision of a 19.73 ac parcel located in the Rural Residential Three Acre zoning. The project is located along Route149 and Glen Lake Road with the access to be On Oxbow Hill Rd. Sketch Plan review: The applicant completed sketch plan in March of 2016. Preliminary Review: Preliminary plat subdivision lot layout shows the five lot arrangement. Layout plans — shows the overall proposed lots, and then each individual lot. The individual lots detail the well and septic systems to be installed along with the driveway and house locations. Construction details and Landscape plans, are not applicable as no physical change to the site is proposed. Clearing plan —the applicant has shown disturbance limits for each lot. Grading and erosion plans plans show information for each lot as related to the steep slopes on each site. The Environmental report — the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review. A deed has been submitted with the application. Stormwater management —a swppp has been prepared and under review. Fees per application. Waivers no waivers have been requested. Completed SEQRA and Preliminary stage 6/23/16 Final Stage—Final Plat-subdivision for 5 lots. State/County agency Planning and Zoning Board is the only agency for five lot proposed subdivision. Other plans reports no additional information provided. Protected open space none proposed. Nature of Variance Granted 6/22/16. The project as proposed requires relief from density where the parcel contains steep slopes and 10.41 ac of the 19.73 ac site is a buildable area; three of the parcels require lot width relief where 400 ft is required and Lot 1 is proposed to have 255 ft, Lot 2 proposed to have 245 ft, and Lot 3 proposed to have 257 ft. Relief is also requested for Road frontage where required is 400 ft and on the private drive proposed for Lot 2 is 306.3 ft and Lot 3 proposed is 336.7 ft. Summary The applicant has previously completed the preliminary stage and the environmental assessment in June of 2016. The applicant has completed the final subdivision stage for review and decision. Meeting Hg istory: PB 1st for Final Stage; PB Prel. Stage 6/21/16, 6/23/16; ZBA Prel. Stage 6/22/17