Staff Notes SUB (P) 6-2017 (F) 9-2017 FWW 2-2017 Poirier_5 16 17 et
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Community Development Department Staff Notes
May 16, 2017
Subdivision Prel. 6-2017 PAUL POIRIER
Subdivision Final 9-2017 End of Island View & Riverside Drives /WR—Waterfront Residential/Ward 4
Freshwater Wetlands 2-2017
SEQR Unlisted
Material Review: application, narrative, maps
Parcel History: SUB 1-2010 sketch, AV 34-2010, AV 16-2017
Requested Action
Planning Board review and approval for a four lot subdivision —lots 1, 2, & 3 access is from Island View Drive
and Lot 4 access is from Riverside Drive. Lot 1 — 4.9 acres, Lot 2 - 2.1 acres, Lot 3 — 2.1 acres, Lot 4 — 9.4
2. Planning Board decision
Prosect Description
Applicant proposes a four lot subdivision —lots 1, 2, & 3 access is from Island View Drive and Lot 4 access is
from Riverside Drive. Lot 1 —4.9 acres, Lot 2 - 2.1 acres, Lot 3 —2.1 acres, Lot 4 —9.4 acres. Project includes
easement for access and maintenance — will be included as conditions of subdivision. Applicant requests
stormwater and site plan for each lot as they are sold. Waiver is requested from sketch plan for 4 lot proposal.
Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review
and approval.
Staff Comments
Sketch plan—The applicant completed a sketch plan in 2010 for a 7 seven lot subdivision and has asked for a
waiver from further sketch review.
Preliminary Review—
Layout plans —the plans show the existing conditions on the site including the topography, setbacks and a
clearing area. The clearing area shows the location of the home, well, septic and driveway area.
Construction details —The plans show the locations of the new homes and driveway areas. The Riverside Drive
lot will have a driveway that connects to Riverside Drive. Island View Drive is a private drive where the new
access drive extension is to be a shared driveway for the three of the lots. .
Landscape plans the number of lots does not require landscaping.
Clearing plan—The applicant has indicated each an estimated clearing area for each house site Lot 1 —4.9 acres,
Lot 2 - 2.1 acres, Lot 3 —2.1 acres, Lot 4—9.4 acres
Grading and erosion plans —The plans do not show site grading and the applicant is requesting a waiver from
stormwater management. The applicant has proposed each house lot will be required to complete a site plan
application for each lot.
The Environmental report—the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review for 4 lots.
Stormwater management—the applicant has not provided a stormwater management report and has requested a
waiver. The plans indicated 3 + acres is the land disturbance that is proposed on the project site.
Fees per application.
Waivers —the applicant has requested waiver from stormwater and grading,
Open Space—there is no proposal for open space .
Streets —the plans show Grand Island View will be extended as a shared driveway to the three lots.
Freshwater Wetlands
The applicant has indicated there are two stream crossing proposed with one on Lot 1 and the other on Lot 2.
Lot 44 proposed to be 9.4 ac also contains an army corp. wetland area. The plans show the wetland or provide
and note a stream crossing will need to occur.
Final Review—
The applicant has requested the project is conditioned upon all the lots requiring site plan review specifically for
stormwater on each parcel. The applicant has included notes on the plans indicating site plan review for each
lot in regards to stormwater and easements for the private drive for lot access.
Nature of Variance:
Granted 3/29/17. The applicant is requesting relief from physical road frontage from Grand Island View where
50 ft is required and road frontage dimensional requirement of road frontage less than 150 ft where 50 ft is
The applicant has provided preliminary and final stage application for a 4-lot subdivision and a freshwater
wetlands permit. The applicant has requested waivers from providing stormwater management preparation,
grading details and wetland details for each of the four parcels where the applicant has requested a condition to
be on the final plans where each lot would be subject to site plan review for stormwater management
preparation The board may consider including lot grading, wetland detail and stream crossing detail as part of
site plan for each lot.
MeetingHistory PB: 3/28/17; ZBA: 3/29/17