347 Scoville Application Binder SS VISION Engineering CIVIL-STRUCTURAL- MUNICIPAL January 13, 2017 Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Laura Moore, Town Planner RE: 294 Quaker Road—Subdivision and Site Plan for Scoville Mini-Storage Project VISION Engineering represents the applicant Steven Scoville, who has entered into contract to conditionally purchase a portion of land currently owned by Little Tree Properties 11, LLC, in regards to obtaining the project approvals for a planned self-storage facility. The project will consist of subdividing the current parcel into three lots, with the proposed project being upon Lot 2 which will consist of approximately 3.26 acres of land and access from a strip of land along Everts Avenue. As we understand the Town's regulations pertaining to the project the following approvals are required; - Preliminary and Final Stage Subdivision - Planning Board Site Plan Review - Special Use Permit - Freshwater Wetland Permit The following waivers are requested in regards to submission and approval requirements; Waiver from sketch stage subdivision review Waiver from required buffer requirements between uses(alternate buffer proposed) Enclosed please find the following documents in support of the project; 1. Deed 2. Survey 3. Agent Authorization 4. SEQRA Long EAF 5. Site &Aerial Photos 6. Army Corp of Engineers Correspondence (Wetlands) 7. NYSDEC Correspondence (Wetlands) 8. OPRHP Correspondence (Cultural Resources) 9. NYSDEC NY Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species/Habitat) 10. Town Application for Freshwater Wetland Permit 11. Town Application for Site Plan Review 12. Town Application for Preliminary Stage Subdivision 13. Town Application for Final Stage Subdivision 14. Site Plan Drawings C-1 thru C-8 15. Lighting Fixture Product Data 16. Project Narrative 17. Fire Marshal Correspondence 18. Parking Schematic 19. SWPPP/Stormwater Report © ® 206 Glen Street-Suite 56*Glens Falls,NY-12801 -P:518-792-9264 F:518-792-9282 www.visionengirweringllc.com We request that the applicant be placed upon the planning board agenda for the February 2017 meeting dates if possible. Upon your review of the documentation, please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require additional information. Si rel anie Ryan,, P.E.,LL VISI© Engineering, LLC Daniel W.Ryan P.E. 2017.01.19 04:48:19-05'00' VISION Engineering CIVIL • STRUCTURAL • MUNICIPAL January 13, 2017 Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Laura Moore, Town Planner RE: 294 Quaker Road — Subdivision and Site Plan for Scoville Mini-Storage Project Project Summary and Narrative This summary and project narrative is provided in support of the above project and provides additional information pertaining to the project. A. Project Summary The project includes both a three lot subdivision and site plan review for a proposed commercial use on one of the three lots. The existing parcel consists of 11.2 acres of land with multiple uses, a commercial retail establishment for lawn and garden/nursery supplies and an existing rental property which is believed to be a single family dwelling. The subdivision plan LS-1 depicts three lots proposed such that the two existing uses can remain. Lot 1 located at the existing commercial use on the corner of Everts Avenue and Quaker Road will consist of 3.02 acres of land. Lot 2 will be a 3.26 acre parcel generally lying between the existing commercial and residential uses. Lot 3 will consist of the existing dwelling and 4.93 acres of land. Lot 2 is proposed to be developed for a self-storage facility consisting of five buildings of varying sizes in order to comply with setback requirements. The project as proposed is compliant with zoning requirements for the commercial intensive zone. Self-storage is a permitted use with a special use permit required. The property is surrounded by wetlands which have been field delineated by their respective regulatory agencies. Because development is proposed within the 100ft wetland adjacent area a freshwater wetland permit is required of both the Town of Queensbury and NYSDEC. The applicant has met with the NYSDEC and implemented several changes to the project to satisfy the agency's review comments and concerns regarding wetland adjacent area disturbance. No site utilities are proposed for the planned development other than electric service and onsite stormwater mitigation (no onsite water, sewer, refuse/garbage, or gas utilities/services are planned). Site improvements planned include; paved entrance driveway approximately 200 feet in length, gravel driving area (to be paved in the future) at the perimeter and for interior aisles between the storage unit buildings, two pole mounted lights for the entrance drive and building mounted lighting for the interior area, landscaping, a stormwater wetland/pond and outlet control structure, land grading, fencing, and designated parking. Exhibits A— Site and Aerial Photos B — Lighting Product Data Specifications C — Fire Marshal Review Letter D — Parking Schematic E —Army Corp of Engineers letter indicating no permit required for wetlands F — NYSDEC letter regarding wetland permit and adjacent area disturbance G — OPRHP letter indicating no cultural resources on the property ® ® 206 Glen Street•Suite 56•Glens Falls, NY• 12801 •P: 518-792-9264• F: 518-792-9282 www.visionengineeringlic.com H — NY Natural Heritage Program letter indicating no threatened or endangered species onsite I — Depiction of typical storage building B. Waiver Requests Two waivers have been requested as follows; 1. Waiver from sketch stage subdivision — The project review includes consideration for a three lot subdivision. The application documents submitted include application for preliminary and final stage subdivision. Because the project proposes only three lots in total, and considering the current parcel is limited in the number of alternatives which can be considered for the creation of additional developable lots (due to configuration of existing parcel and limiting natural resources), the applicant has request a waiver from the required sketch plan/stage subdivision review requirements. 2. Waiver from buffer requirements between uses (179-8-060) — The parcel being subdivided consists of existing improvements which include both a commercial use (Hewitt's) and a residential rental property (single family dwelling at 100 Everts Ave, proposed Lot 3). Lot 2 is the proposed development for the Scoville self-storage facility which lies between the existing commercial and residential uses. Code sections 179-8-060 and 179-8-070 state that a Type C buffer shall be provided between residential and commercial uses with a minimum buffer yard of 50 feet and with a minimum of 5 trees per 100 linear feet 10 feet in height. The proposed storage facility on Lot 2 adjoins the residential use located on parcel Lot 3 at two locations, the north/side and east/rear of Lot 3. The buffer required along the property lines of lot 2 at these two locations is 50 feet. Alternate buffers are proposed and included in the current project design. As designed the project proposes a 30ft natural vegetated buffer on the north side of the residence, with a distance of 100 feet from the proposed storage facility entrance driveway to the existing home, and a 6ft height fence with privacy screening along the east or rear of the residence, with a distance of 130 feet from the proposed fence to the rear of the home (see the attached buffer schematic Exhibit J for further clarification). C. Special Use Permit Criteria 179-10-060: Before issuing any special use permit, the Planning Board shall consider the public health, safety and general welfare as well as potential environmental impacts. A special use permit shall not be granted until the Planning Board finds that the following criteria have been met: A. Harmony with Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use shall be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and this chapter and the health, welfare and safety of the Town and its residents. - Self-storage facilities are a permitted use in the commercial intensive district. The location of the development is adjacent to an intensely developed commercial area inclusive of large and moderately sized retail stores, convenient stores, banks, restaurants, vehicle report shops, gas stations, and professional offices. The area of the project consists of substantial infrastructure including municipal water, municipal sewer, gas and electric utilities, and also has significant transportation facilities to support the heavy traffic in the local area and along arterial Quaker Road. B. Compatibility. The proposed use shall be compatible with the character of neighborhood, the area, the zoning district and the community surrounding the location of the proposed use and will not unduly prohibit or discourage future planned growth in the area. 2 Self-storage facilities are passive in nature and do not generate significant levels of traffic, noise, odors, or regular activity. The parcel is located adjacent to intense commercial uses along Quaker Road and more recent commercial development along Evert Avenue. While there are two single family dwellings nearby further south along Everts Avenue the zoning of the parcel promotes intense commercial development. Considering the proximity of the project to the nearby two dwellings and also considering the intense commercial area of Quaker Road, a passive commercial use such as self-storage provides a reasonable and desirable transition use to mitigate impacts on the nearby residences from more intense commercial alternatives. C. Access, circulation and parking. The proposed use shall have safe and efficient access for pedestrians and vehicles, and shall provide for appropriate off-road parking and loading areas. The interior circulation system must be adequate to provide safe accessibility to all parking spaces and ensure that adequate and safe integration of pedestrian and vehicular movement is provided. - The self-storage project as designed provides proper and adequate access, vehicular circulation and maneuvering, and off-street parking. D. Infrastructure and services. There shall be sufficient infrastructure and services, including utilities, public facilities and services, available for the proposed use or the project shall extend or provide infrastructure and services for the area where the proposed use is located. There shall also be facilities and services implemented by the applicant to appropriately control any potential nuisances from the operation of the use, such as control of litter or trash, loitering and crime prevention, and any other features or aspects of the operation of the proposed use that may affect the public safety, health and general welfare. - The self-storage project as designed provides sufficient operational needs, amenities, and security to ensure minimal impact on the area. Public services and utilities demanded by the proposed project are minimal and sufficient capacity exists to support the project without mitigation. E. Environment and natural features. The proposed use shall be compatible with and appropriately protect environmental and natural resources, including the environmental and physical suitability of the site for development, and the general landscaping, screening and buffering shall be in character with the surrounding areas, and the risk of fire, flood or erosion and impacts such as emissions of electrical charges, dust, light, vibration or noise detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. - The self-storage project as designed provides for adequate mitigation of impacts on surrounding natural resources and neighboring properties. Measures to provide buffering to adjoining properties are incorporated into the design and project modifications have been implemented to minimize impacts on and to protect nearby wetlands. The passive nature of storage facilities provides for lesser impact or hazards as would be realized with alternative intense commercial uses allows in the district. F. Long-term effects. The proposed use shall provide positive or beneficial effects on the long- term economic stability, environmental integrity and community character of the Town and surrounding properties, districts and uses - The proposed self-storage project demands minimal infrastructure, minimal public services, minimal utility services, and the passive nature of the use creates minimal impact on the surrounding community. The development will allow expansion of the commercial district without causing any detriment to the character of the Town. The project is well suited to the location as the site is vacant land and the proposed use provides a reasonable transition use between an intense commercial zone to nearby residential dwellings, all while furthering economic growth within the Town. 3 179-10-070-X: Self-storage. All lots used for self-storage facilities must have fencing along any property line visible from nearby public streets. - The project as designed provides chain link fencing with screening inserts along the west property line nearest Everts Avenue. Visibility of the storage facility is limited from any roadway since most of the parcel is inset behind existing uses and parcels with road frontage. The nearest storage building to Everts Avenue is more than 255 feet from the road and is also buffered by existing vegetation to remain. D. Site Plan Review Standards A. The proposed project furthers or is consistent with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. The project is in the commercial intensive district and is consistent with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed project complies with all other requirements of this chapter, including the site plan review standards as set forth in Paragraph F of this section, the dimensional, bulk, and density regulations of the zoning district in which it is proposed to be located (Article 3 and Table 1), the applicable requirements of all other articles that apply. The project complies with the zoning for the parcel and Town's policies regarding the requirements listed above. C. The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally and, if practicable, to and from the site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks connected to adjacent areas. Because the project is a storage facility on an inset parcel of land distant from any public right of way, and considering there are no sidewalks along Everts Avenue, it is not practical to install walking paths or sidewalks. D. The site plan must conform to Chapter 136, Sewage and Sewage Disposal, Chapter 147, Stormwater Management, and other applicable local laws. The site plan conforms to the Town's ordinances and in particular the stormwater management regulations. No sewage facilities are proposed. E. The proposed use shall be in harmony with the general purpose or intent of this chapter, specifically taking into account the location, character and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the district in which such use is proposed, the nature and intensity of the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public services and facilities which will follow the approval of the proposed use. Self-storage facilities are a permitted use in the commercial intensive district. The location of the development is adjacent to an intensely developed commercial area inclusive of large and moderately sized retail stores, convenient stores, banks, restaurants, vehicle report shops, gas stations, and professional offices. The area of the project consists of substantial infrastructure including municipal water, municipal sewer, gas and electric utilities, and also has significant transportation facilities to support the heavy traffic in the local area and along arterial Quaker Road. Self-storage facilities are 4 passive in nature and do not generate significant levels of traffic, noise, odors, or regular activity. The parcel is located adjacent to intense commercial uses along Quaker Road and more recent commercial development along Evert Avenue. While there are two single family dwellings nearby further south along Everts Avenue the zoning of the parcel promotes intense commercial development. Considering the proximity of the project to the nearby two dwellings and also considering the intense commercial area of Quaker Road, a passive commercial use such as self-storage provides a reasonable and desirable transition use to mitigate impacts on the nearby residences from more intense commercial alternatives. F. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed use will not create public hazards from traffic, traffic congestion or the parking of vehicles and/or equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town. Traffic access and circulation, road intersections, road and driveway widths, and traffic controls will be adequate. The project will produce periodic random light traffic, however is supported by a substantial public transportation network of local collector roads and arterial highways. Safe access to the facility is provided from a road entrance off Everts Avenue. G. Off-street parking and loading facilities will appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to be generated by the new use. The establishment of vehicle links between parking areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible. This furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion. A twenty-foot-wide connection is required. If adjacent properties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for future linkage, then a future connection must be identified and provided for in the site plan under review for such future linkage when the time arises. The Planning Board may require proof that the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners for purposes of coordinating linkages with adjacent properties. The Town's parking ordinance requires substantial parking for self-storage uses at a rate of 1 space per 5 units. This results in 45 spaces required. The project proposes 13 designated parking spaces for convenience. A parking schematic has been provided showing how the code required parking could be achieved and that adequate space has been provided to meet the standard. Most users of the facility would park at or near their storage unit, therefore parking throughout the facility would be available including adjacent to, in between, and at the perimeter of the proposed storage buildings. H. The project shall not have an undue adverse impact upon the natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources of the Town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision of supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project, taking into account the commercial, industrial, residential, recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project. In making the determination hereunder, the Planning Board shall consider those factors pertinent to the project contained in the development considerations set forth herein under § 179-9-080 of this chapter, and in so doing, the Planning Board shall make a net overall evaluation of the project in relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set forth in § 179-9-080 of this article. The project does not have an undue adverse impact upon any cultural, natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources within the Town. 5 1_ The provision for and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation, walkway structures, control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate for pedestrian movement. Pedestrian connections between adjacent sites shall be provided to encourage pedestrian use. Because the project is a storage facility on an inset parcel of land distant from any public right of way, and considering there are no sidewalks along Everts Avenue, it is not practical to install walking connections or sidewalks for pedestrian use on the parcel. J. Stormwater drainage facilities will prevent an increase of post-development drainage flows as compared to predevelopment drainage flows. Drainage of the site shall recharge groundwater to the extent practical. Surface waters flowing off-site shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties or public roads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards of Chapter 147 of the Town Code and the Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulations where applicable. The proposed stormwater management designed and included in the project development plans meet the requirements listed above. K. The water supply and sewage disposal facilities will be adequate and will meet all applicable and current requirements set forth by Department of Health regulations and Chapter 136 of the Town Code. There are no onsite water or sewage services required or planned for the project. L. The adequacy, type and arrangement of trees, shrubs and other suitable plantings, landscaping and screening shall effectively provide a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands, including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and maintenance, including replacement of dead or diseased plants. The project proposes substantial landscaping and buffers along adjoining parcels and also includes provisions to maintain existing natural vegetation at the periphery of the site. M. Fire lanes, emergency zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet the needs and requirements of emergency service providers. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the project and finds the design satisfactory. N. The design of structures, roadways and landscaping in areas susceptible to ponding, flooding and/or erosion will minimize or avoid such impacts to the maximum extent practicable. The design complies with the requirements listed above. O. The site plan conforms to the design standards, landscaping standards and performance standards of this chapter. The design complies with the requirements listed above with exception of any waivers requested. 6 EXHIBIT A r y h -Al r _ - AV vpv LL i -M■ � Li `� r R .I _ i. �i�. �� _ � `�'� fir• rr 0 LU y.t.r !. O 7 k Z W k� f - Y*•�- - 1 fir e' ,!`�, s.;is�,.•_, ya 0 LU QOS .. •- - - •*' f� LU 0- Q LLI :r � oil, r. w Ilk �� ti 2013 AERIAL OF PROPERTY ` xr• � _ y� 7 I '� -04 �^'2� + •-ir~r r � � J�, t�� -jt1- ` fir � �� �.j , � WMI 's pit 2001 AERIAL OF PROPERTY h � ,i t K - •"• '9+�- �.1��'�.. � r'� 111 . T +.r { �. I��*ar - +,T - .;. ti. t . � tea- �, � � -- •r. � �`'t•"- !• i" -r �yy 1• * � V1-moi} y , + +� ; `R -� al Irg%, 1: r:I - � � X77.4 a'�. .. b. ��i'�• y. __��"�y,� if VAk tj n Al RIAM 3.. � �' ,►€�?ff6y��`��`�p,y. X36'-;�, ��'• � a` -LSC'� Al.;.,., •� . .�, ',�tier«�!-..j'='�� � � -. •�i.'��• _ rR:'' e.x -� � .. 4� . .. � .. 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Height: (22.9 cm) ® The TWR1 LED luminaire is powerful yet energy Depth: 7-1/2"" F1 efficient,capable of replacing up to a 320W metal (19 cm) Weight: 11.95 lbs LE halide luminaire while saving up to 80%in energy(s.42kgW) D costs.Offering an expected service life of more than 20 years,the TWR1 LED eliminates frequent lamp and ballast replacements associated with traditional technologies. • • ' OF EXAMPLE: TWR1 LED 2 50K MVOLT TWR7 LED Mill Voltage Controls Series Performance Package Color TWR1 LED 1 2,500 lumens 40K 4000 KMVOLT z (blank) No controls (blank) Dark bronze 2 3,600 lumens 50K 5000 K' PE' MVOLT photo control 3 4,900 lumens NOTES 1 Correlated color temperature(CCT)shown is nominal per ANSI C78, 377-2008. 2 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V(50/60 Hz). 3 Photo control not available with 4000 K. FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE INSTALLATION The TWRl LED combines traditional wall pack design with high-output LEDsto provide an energy- Designed for wall mounting above four feet from ground.Housing is configured for efficient,low maintenance LED wall packsuitable for replacing up to 320W MH fixtures.The traditional mounting directly over a standard 4"outlet box(by others)or for surface wiring via any of shape helps maintain building aesthetics when replacing only a portion of your building's wall packs. three convenient 1/2"threaded conduit entry hubs. TWR1 LED is ideal for outdoor applications such as carports,loading areas,driveways and LISTINGS parking areas. UL Listed to U.S.and Canadian safety standards for wet locations.Tested in accordance with CONSTRUCTION IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. Rugged cast-aluminum housing with bronze polyester powder paint for lasting durability.Door DesignUghts Consortium®(DLC)qualified product.Not all versions of this product may is hinged on the side so door swings out of the way during installation and service.Castings are be DLC qualified.Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org to sealed with a one-piece gasket to inhibit the entrance of external contaminants.MVOLT driver confirm which versions are qualified.Note:TWR1 LED 1 40K/50K MVOLT qualified only for operates on any line voltage from 120-277V(50/60Hz).TWR1 LED 1 has 6kV surge protection. 120V applications. TWR1 LED 2 and 3 have 10kV protection.Rated for outdoor installations,-40'C minimum ambient. WARRANTY OPTICS Five-year limited warranty.Full warranty terms located at High-performance LEDs maintain up to 87%of light output at 100,000 hours of service life www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx. (L87/100,000 hours).Prismatic glass lens designed for superior lighting distribution,uniformity and fixture spacing.See Lighting Facts label and photometry reports for specific fixture performance. Note:Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values,measured under laboratory conditions at 25'C. Specifications subject to change without notice. OFA L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • Fax:770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com L/GHT/NG 0 2013-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Lumen Output Lumen Ambient Temperature(LAT) Multipliers Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures of the configurations shown,within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. from 0-400C(32-1040F). ■ 01C 32'F 1.03 ® TWRI LED 140 K MVOLT 32 2,533 1 3 3 80 72 101C 501F 1.01 20'C 68'F 1.00 TWR1 LED 150K WILT 31 2,553 1 3 3 82 66 25^c »"F 1.00 TWRILED 240KWILT 39 3,633 1 3 3 93 74 30'C 86'F 0.99 40'C 104'F 0.98 TWR1 LED 2 50K WILT 39 3,555 1 3 3 92 80 TWRILED 340KWILT 54 1 4,939 1 1 3 3 92 73 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance TWRI LED 3 50K WILT 54 1 4,963 1 1 3 3 93 78 Data references the extrapolated performance projections in a 40°C ambient,based on 10,000 hours of LED testing(tested per IESNA LM-80-08 and projected per IESNA TM-21-11). Electrical LoadCurrent ' To calculate LLF,use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number t 120V 208V 240V of operating hours below.For other lumen maintenance values,contact factory. 0"10TWR1 LED 140KMVOLT 960mA 33W 0.31 0.18 0.15 0.13 ® ' 25,000 0" 100,000 TWR1 LED 150K WILT 960mA 35W 0.34 0.20 0.17 0.15 LM Factor TWRI r 1 1.0 .93 .88 .86 .79 TWRILED 240KWILT 530mA 39W 0.36 0.21 0.18 0.16 LM Factor 1.0 .94 .91 .90 .86 TWRILED 250KWILT 530mA 41W 0.40 0.23 0.20 0.17 TWRI LED TWRILED 340KWILT 530mA 55W 0.510.29 0.25 0.22 LM Factor 1.0 .94 .92 91 .87 TWR1 LED 3 50K WILT 530mA 59W 0.56 0.32 1 0.28 0.24 • • , • To see complete photometric reports or download.ies files for this product,visit the Lithonia Lighting TWR1 LED homepage.Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards TWR1 LED 1 50K MVOLT.Mounting height-15' TWR1 LED 2 50K MVOLT.Mounting height-15' TWR1 LED 3 50K MVOLT.Mounting height-15' LEGEND ■ 0.2 fc ■■ ■■ ■■. ■ 0.5fc ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ 1.0 fc ■ 2.00fc ■■r� ■I ■A -w 120 120 ■■1 Is ■■l Test No.LTL22697 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. Test No.LTL22696 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. Test No.LTL22695 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. LitM1onia LigM1ting LitM1onia LigM1ting D titM1onia LigM1ting lighting facts® lighting facts® lighting facts® Light Output(Lumens) 2553 Light Output(Lumens) 3555 Light Output(Lumens) 4963 Watts 31 Watts 39 Watts 54 Lumens per Watt(Efficacy) 82.35 Lumens per Watt(Efficacy) 91.15 Lumens per Watt(Efficacy) 91.91 Color Accuracy Color Accuracy Color Accuracy Color Rendering Index(CRI) 66 Color Rendering Index(CRI) 80 Color Rendering Index(CRI) 78 I. 5131(Daylight) 2700K 3000K 4500K 65o0K 2700K 3000K 4500K 6500K 2700K 3000K 4500K 6500K to111-,sT eo.s. p mamo(E pY(ooE)ve le to LgnlMg,sT eo.s, p -.mold gY(111)ave le to LgnlMg,sT Us P memorE py'-)ve n Visit-.lightingfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. Visit-.lightingfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. Visit-.lig htingfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. ion um er. - pe(Kevisee((mngtz) ion um er. -....L(aev-ttrzsrzotzi a is ra ion um er. - .1(Kevlxe(1rze1-a FLlr"jaJVIA One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone-800.279.8041 • Fax-770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com TWR1 LED LAGHT/NG 0 2013-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Rev.12/07/15 Calog L/THON/A L/CHT/NG® Number Notes FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Type Idea I for parking areas,street lighting,walkways and car lots. CONSTRUCTION Rugged,die-cast,soft corner aluminum housingwith 0.12"nominal wall thickness.Die-cast door frame • • has impact-resistant,tempered,flat glass lensthat isfully gasketedwith one-piece tubular silicone. Finish:Finish is darkbronze(DDB)polyester powder. Night-time Friendly/Full Cutoff Lighting OPTICS Anodized,aluminum reflectors:IES full cutoff distributions:R3(asymmetric)or R4(forward throw). Optional houseside shield(HS)available. KADROLE ELECTRICAL Ballast:Super CWA pulse start ballasts,88%efficient and EISA legislation compliant,are required for 250-40OW(must order SCWA option)for shipments in the US. Socket:Porcelain,horizontally oriented mogul base socket with copper alloy,nickel-plated screw shell COMBO and center contact.UL listed 150OW,600Y. Lamp included. LISTINGS UL Listed(standard).UL listed for 25°C ambient and wet locations.IP65 rated. METAL HALIDE WARRANTY 250W,40OW 1-year limited warranty.Complete warranty terms located at Specifications www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms and conditions.asp EPA: 1.2ft� 16'to25'Mounting Note:Specifications subject to change without notice. Weight: 41 lbs(18.6 kg) _T Length: 17-1/2(44.5) 7-1/8 118.11 Width: 17-1/2(44.5) Depth: 7-1/8(18.1) 4 17-1/2 (10.2) (44.5) All dimensions are inches(centimeters)unless otherwise indicated. FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS Anchor Base Poles CONSTRUCTION Weldable-grade,hot-rolled,commercial-quality carbon steel tubing with a minimum yield of55,000 psi (11-gauge).Uniform wall thickness of.125".Shafts are one-piece with a longitudinal electric resistance weld.U niformly square in cross-section with flat sides,small corner radii and excel lent torsion.Available Specifications SISS shaft width iso". Pole Weight Anchor base is fabricated from hot-rolled carbon steel plate that meets or exceeds a minimum yield strength of 36,000 psi.The anchor base is provided with slotted holes. SSS 16 4C 115 lbs(51.8 kg) SQUARE STRAIG HT STE EL A handhole having nominal dimensions of3"x 5"forall shafts.Included is a coverwith attachment screw. SSS 204C 140 lbs(63.0 kg) 16'to25'Mounting Weatherproof,high-strength plastictop cap provided. SSS 25 4C 170 lbs(76.5 kg) Automotive-grade ABS plastic full base cover is finished to match pole. A Finish:Dark bronze(DDB)polyester powder. Grounding:A nut holder located immediately inside the handhole rim is provided(ground bolt and nut by others). Anchor bolts:Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A-153.Made of steel rod(3/4"x 18"x 3")having a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi.Includes 4 anchor bolts,8 hex nuts with washers, IIi and template. Note:Specifications subject to change without notice. C dl IMPORTANT: HANDHOLE BASE DETAIL These specifications are intendedforgeneralpurposesonly.Lithoniareservestherighttochange material ORIENTATION or design,without prior notice,in a continuing effortto upgrade its products. Installation requires grout to be packed under base to ensure full contact with foundation. D B Bolt Bolt Base Shaft base Anchor bolts Template circle projection square size A B C (w/template in carton) number a^ 4"C 8-1/2" 2-3/4"-4" 8" ABSSS-4C P150004 A Handhole OUTDOOR KC-COMBO KAD Pole Combo All configurations of this product are considered"standard"and have short lead times. Example:KC240OM25C R3 4C SCWA 4C Series Polelengt Distributi Pole diameter Arm len Option KC1 1fixture Metal halide 16C 16-foot"C"pole R3 Type III asymmetric 4C (blank) 4inches HS Housesideshieldz KC2 2 fixtures 250M20C 20-foot"C"pole R4 Type IYforward throw Pu/seStart O 400M' 25C 25-foot"C"pole "'° SCWA Super CWA pulse start ballast Note:For shipments to US territories,SCWA must be specified to complywith EISA. KC240OM25C R3 4C SCWA Consists of: Qty Cicode description Maximum ni wind load with 1.3 gusts 1 SSS 254CDM28PLDDBSHAFT Pole KCl single KC2 single 2 KAD 400M R3 TB SCWA SPD04 LPI 1 SBC4 DDB U 114"arm 100 100 1 ABSSS-4C 214"arm 100 100 1 STC-4 U Notes 25'4C4"arm 90 90 1 These wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. 2 Ships separately. PHOTOMETRICS KC 400M R4 TEST NO: 1191110101 P KC 400M R3 TEST NO: 1192040902P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) _3 -3 (D 0.25 (D -2 w 0.5 -2 w 0.25 = 1 = 0,5 (D 1.5 IL z 2.5 -1 F z 5 z p2 02N 0 0 0 1J Z Z 7 E 2Z 2Z W Lu Z Z 3F 3F Ln rn 0 0 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Unclassified(Type III,Very Short),Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type I,Very Short),Full Cutoff Mounting Height Correction Factor Existing Mounting Height 2 i1 (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) ( Correction Factor NIGHTTIME 161=1.56 25ft.=0.64 \ New Mounting Height FRIENDLY Consistent with LEED®goals &Green Globes'"criteria far light pollution reduction Note Actual performance may differ as a result ofend-user environment and application. IA L/THON/A L/GHT/NG® KC-COMBO An S�.cuityerands Company OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way,Conyers,GA 30012 Phone:800-279-8041 Fax:770-918-1209 www.lithonia.com ©2007-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved.Rev.06/19/14 EXHIBIT C FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 (Z)w "Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW Scoville Mini Storage 294 Quaker Road Rd Site Plan review based on submittal: • 1/9/2017 — After meeting with the Dan Ryan and Laura , FM has no issues with this site plan. Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fi r e M a r s h a l's Off i c e • P h o n e: 518-761-8206 • F a x: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@queensburey.net • www.gueensburey.net + , 1 , I , , I , F I I• I � , 1 1 I w w w•>.� , 1 3 z•m � 1 1 , , 1 -------------- m ti 1 I 1 N 1 XI , 1 W _ , I 1 , , ,T LLI > I LL LL W Z , 1 ,.. ' zoo W Q w w> CO Q zw I 0U QZ �QU) , I z LU N C� < W m N Z Z W U) W V Q LU 0_ LLI N m Z Q CJ 1 •1 —_-- W Z LL Q iY Q < � U) < 0 , � 0- 0 - - , D Z cn L - 0 0 0 0 w - -i Q ~ o 0� J Z Lu U) Y W Z � Q OfW� Z Q H � � OC� WfA � OWp � Q Q � ~ 0 � O0O � mow0 O � ti � ,,- mwm ,OQ W Z EXHIBIT E DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY \\� If U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,ATTN:GENAN-OP-RU Upstate Regulatory Field Office 1 Buffington St.,Building 10,31 FI.North Watervliet,New York 12189-4000 Upstate New York Section December 16, 2016 SUBJECT: Permit Application Number NAN-2016-01683-UBR by Steve Scoville Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York t I Daniel W. Ryan, P.E. Vision Engineering, PLLC 206 Glen Street, Suite 56 I' Glens Falls, New York 12801 Dear Mr. Ryan: This office has reviewed your request for a Department of the Army jurisdictional determination and authorization, dated November 18, 2016. On December 16, 2016, E I additional information was provided, which included the drawings entitled "Scoville Mini- I Storage, 294 Quaker Road-Proposed Site Plan" and "Scoville Mini-Storage, 294 Quaker I' Road-Grading and Utility Plan", prepared by Vision Engineering, PLLC, and dated December 1, 2016. The submitted information describes a proposal that would consist of the following: { The construction of a storage unit facility. None of the work associated with the construction of the facility, nor any of the other activities described in the above referenced drawing would be conducted in a manner that is within the jurisdiction of this office. i Based solely on a review of the information provided, and on a site visit conducted by a representative of this office on December 1, 2016, it appears that a Department of the Army permit, in accordance with 33 CFR 320-332, will not be required for your proposal. Care should be taken so that any fill or other construction materials, including debris, do not enter any waterbody or wetland to become a drift or pollution hazard. The Department of the Army regulates construction activities in and over navigable waterways and discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including intermittent and perennial streams and coastal and inland wetlands regardless of their size. If your proposal would involve such work, and has not been portrayed as such in the drawing you provided, you should contact this office immediately so that a project-specific determination can be made as to whether a Department of the Army permit will be required. Please note that this determination does not eliminate the need to obtain any other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law for the above-described work, including any required permit from the NYSDEC. PLEASE USE THE ABOVE 18-CHARACTER FILE NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE WITH THIS OFFICE -2- In order for us to better serve you, please complete our Customer Service Survey located at: http://www.nan.usace.armV.mil/Missions/Regulatory/CustomerSurvey.aspx Any inquiries can be directed to the undersigned at (518) 266-6358. Sincerely, Kevin Bruce Project Manager Upstate New York Section i N Cf: NYSDEC Region 5, Warrensburg Steve Scoville Town of Queensbury ' I� ii it it i EXHIBIT F From: Bliss, Kevin (DEC) <kevin.bliss@dec.ny.gov> Sent: Thursday,January 12, 2017 4:00 PM To: Daniel W. Ryan, PE; Hayden,Jed M (DEC) Cc: Post, Tim (DEC) Subject: RE: Everts Ave Project - Scoville Storage Facility Department staff reviewed your most recent submission and believe permit issuance can be tentatively supported, pending formal application submission and the required public comment period, provided the following modifications to the plans: 1. In the area of the southeast corner: Remove two units from the new building end and eliminate the five parking spaces at this building end. After doing so, the compacted gravel surface should then be reduced at this corner to the minimum needed for a travel lane around the adjoining 25'x 200' building. 2. Relocate the split rail fence closer to the edge of the compacted gravel surface. Where it is now 18 feet from the edge, we would request 3 or 4 feet. With submission of these changes, along with the joint application form and other materials discussed earlier--SHPO sign off, local government SEQRA approval (our assumption being the Town will seek Lead Agency Status)your application should be complete for public noticing. An application fee of$200 via check to NYSDEC is also required. Thank you for your cooperation. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Likewise, within a day or two after your final submission, feel free to call or email me so I know to put your application at the front of the queue, our review already being largely completed. Kind Regards, Kevi n Kevin R. Bliss, Ph.D. Deputy Regional Permit Administrator Division of Environmental Permits New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 232 Golf Course Road,Warrensburg, NY 12885 Ph: 518-623-1286 1 FAX: 518-623-3603 Kevin.bliss@dec.ny.gov http://www.dec.ny.gov From: Bliss, Kevin (DEC) Sent:Thursday,January 12, 2017 1:51 PM To: 'Daniel W. Ryan, PE' <dryan@visioneng.email>; Hayden,Jed M (DEC) <jed.hayden@dec.ny.gov> Cc: Post,Tim (DEC) <tim.post@dec.ny.gov> Subject: RE: Everts Ave Project-Scoville Storage Facility 1 Thanks, Daniel. We'll try to look over your attachments today or tomorrow, and respond in time for your January 15 submission to the Town. Kevi n Kevin R. Bliss Deputy Regional Permit Administrator Division of Environmental Permits New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 232 Golf Course Road, Warrensburg, NY 12885 Ph: 518-623-1286 1 FAX: 518-623-3603 Kevin.bliss@dec.nv.gov http://www.dec.ny.gov From: Daniel W. Ryan, PE [mailto:dryan@visioneng.email] Sent:Thursday,January 12, 2017 1:24 PM To: Bliss, Kevin (DEC) <kevin.bliss@dec.nv.gov>; Hayden,Jed M (DEC) <led.hayden@dec.nv.gov> Cc: Post,Tim (DEC) <tim.post@dec.ny.gov> Subject: RE: Everts Ave Project-Scoville Storage Facility ATTENTION: Io notopen attachments orclick on finksfrom unknown senders unexpected Attached are latest plans with stormwater wetland shown. Please feel free to give me a call with any questions or to send any additional comments. Thank you, Daniel W. Ryan, P.E. (NY, VT, MA,NH, CT, ME, PA, OH, GA, FL) VISION Engineering, LLC 206 Glen Street, Suite 56 Glens Falls, NY 12801 P: 518-792-9264, ext. 117 F: 518-792-9282 www.visionengineeringllc.com D ® From: Daniel W. Ryan, PE Sent: Monday,January 09, 2017 9:32 AM To: 'Bliss, Kevin (DEC)' <kevin.bliss@dec.ny.gov>; Hayden,Jed M (DEC) <led.hayden@dec.nv.gov> Cc: Post,Tim (DEC) <tim.post@dec.ny.gov> Subject: RE: Everts Ave Project-Scoville Storage Facility Kevin, attached is a revised layout from what we discussed previously which hopefully accommodates the requested changes to mitigate wetland concerns. 2 A couple of key points; 1. We removed the "parking" area along the east side as requested which previously projected outward 18ft into the adjacent area. 2. We removed the "parking" area along the south side as requested which previously projected outward 18ft into the adjacent area. 3. While I have not finalized the stormwater design, which I plan to analyze and engineer this week, we plan to make the stormwater basin along the north edge as small as permissible while still complying with the SW Design Manual, and will also plan for it to be designed as a wet pool or stormwater wetland with proper plantings and benches. I will provide the details of that on the final site plan drawings when we file the joint permit. 4. We also reduced the longer 220ft buildings in length by ten feet to further shrink the project limits along the east side and to provide less disturbance in the adjacent area. 5. We added a half building to offset the loss of units in the larger buildings, which will be along the south edge and accessed only from one side on the north side of the building. However with reduced isle widths and shorter buildings were able to reduce the overall footprint and project limits in/near the wetland adjacent area by 10,432 square feet. 6. We show a split-rail fence along the south and east edges to protect the wetland adjacent areas. 7. We show landscaping to further enhance the buffers. Attached are revised site plans (only item outstanding is updating the details and information for the stormwater wetland). I also attach a plan showing the outline of the previous design and the currently proposed to help you identify the change in project limits.The previous outline is shown in red. We believe these revisions are in tune with what was discussed. If you have any further comments I welcome those so that we can continue to move forward with project approvals. As discussed we have an extensive list of approvals required from the Town of Queensbury and plan to submit the project for their consideration and approval on January 15th for a February review meeting. It would be helpful for that process if I could obtain a letter from you generally stating however possible;we have been working/consulting with your office, have made project changes to accommodate your concerns,that the current design includes measures to mitigate wetland concerns, and that the final approved design would require a permit from your office. If you prefer I send you the stormwater wetland info before any correspondence can be sent out, I will plan to send that additional information this week as soon as it is done. Please feel free to give me a call with any questions. My cell is 518-742-9569. Thank you, Daniel W. Ryan, P.E. (NY, VT, MA,NH, CT, ME, PA, OH, GA, FL) VISION Engineering, LLC 206 Glen Street, Suite 56 Glens Falls, NY 12801 P: 518-792-9264, ext. 117 F: 518-792-9282 www.visionengineeringllc.com Ulm 3 EXHIBIT G NEW YORK Parks, Recreation STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. and Historic Preservation ANDREW M. CUOMO ROSE HARVEY Governor Commissioner November 22, 2016 Daniel Ryan VISION Engineering, LLC 206 Glen St., Suite 56 Glens Falls, NY 12801 Re: SEQRA Scoville Mini-Storage Facility 294 Quaker Rd., Queensbury, NY 16PRO8013 Dear Mr. Ryan: Thank you for requesting the comments of the Division for Historic Preservation of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) as part of your SEQRA process. These comments are those of OPRHP and relate only to Historic/Cultural resources. They do not include potential environmental impacts to New York State Parkland that may be involved in or near your project. Such impacts must be considered as part of the environmental review of the project pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (New York Environmental Conservation Law Article 8) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR Part 617). There are no known historic properties wholly or partially within, or substantially contiguous to the project area that are recommended for listing or listed in the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places (S/NRHP). Therefore, under SEQRA we have no comments regarding potential impacts to architectural or archaeological resources. However, our review does not include potential impacts to architectural or archaeological resources that may be eligible for the registers. If the lead agency concludes that additional studies would be beneficial to identify and/or assess potential impacts to archeological and historic resources eligible for the registers, the OPRHP would be pleased to provide additional guidance. If this project will involve state or federal permitting, funding or licensing, it may require a more rigorous review for potential impacts to architectural and archaeological resources, in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act or Section 14.09 of NYS Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation Law. Sincerely, Ruth L. Pierpont Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation cc: Laura Moore, Land Use Planner, Town of Queensbury Planning Board Division for Historic Preservation P.O. Box 189,Waterford, New York 12188-0189•(518)237-8643•www.nysparks.com EXHIBIT H NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Am Division of Fish & Wildlife New York Natural Heritage Program Imboa 625 Broadway, 5t" Floor, Albany, New York 12233-4757 Phone: (518) 402-8935 • Fax: (518) 402-8925 Website: www.dec.ny.gov December 19, 2016 Daniel Ryan Vision Engineering 206 Glen Street, Suite 56 Glens Falls,NY 12801 Re: Scoville Mini-Storage Facility, 294 Quaker Road Town/City: Queensbury. County: Warren. Dear Mr. Ryan: In response to your recent request,we have reviewed the New York Natural Heritage Program database with respect to the above project. We have no records of rare or state-listed animals or plants, or significant natural communities at the project site or in its immediate vicinity. The absence of data does not necessarily mean that rare or state-listed species, significant natural communities, or other significant habitats do not exist on or adjacent to the proposed site. Rather, our files currently do not contain information that indicates their presence. For most sites, comprehensive field surveys have not been conducted. We cannot provide a definitive statement on the presence or absence of all rare or state-listed species or significant natural communities. Depending on the nature of the project and the conditions at the project site, further information from on-site surveys or other resources may be required to fully assess impacts on biological resources. This response applies only to known occurrences of rare or state-listed animals and plants, significant natural communities, and other significant habitats maintained in the Natural Heritage Database. Your project may require additional review or permits; for information regarding other permits that may be required under state law for regulated areas or activities(e.g.,regulated wetlands),please contact the NYS DEC Region 5 Office,Division of Environmental Permits, as listed at www.dec.ny.gov/about/3938l.html. Sincerely, - n Nicholas Conrad Information Resources Coordinator 1398 New York Natural Heritage Program f _ co W :^ ) W N U Z D W O W x z U) z O o � J Z W W 00 } W Q LLI m Q O Z _ 0O wo Q x coO L LI U (n w O �' LLI � p z � U L Z O d � CO U Cl) W Q O LL W CD Z LL U md U � � O x W � - W LL o ( U C) N U co Zce) U O x x L m Q Lo o O Z Cl) U' (n (n Q OU LLJ 2 Z_ 00 Z Q Q O Z w f m J J U J m W m m O m U W W J J 2 Z Z O J >- Q O O U Q - �I C) C) C\j CD ui Vv 1 V-4- Lu 0 IA q LW 40 61 17 CD Lq tA- C�i L(�) LL- CA ' /51 10' lb- p- Everts Avenue SELF STORAGE a 518-792-1234 0 N EXHIBIT J BUFFER BETWEEN USES PROPOSED � I - I ° I 30 ft natural vegetated buffer to WETLAND 100 FT / remain ,ADJACENT AREA , I / 75 FT SHORELINE / I SETBACK(FROM / LOW-LYING HRUB AND WETLAND HW) PERENNIAL AISED BED POLE MOUNTED ( _ _ WETLANDS SURROUN NG SIGN LIGHT FIXTURES SEE I 31' _ _ AS_DELI_NNOVEATED N_ 201 DETAIL(2 LOC'S) BY ALOE_ --_- I STOP SI N — �Qa o - - ' _e __ I c� 70 i 20' ❑ —����---- (41 SPACES _ — STORM WATER {�}i,Q'dZe ------ ----- 16:TYP CONCRETE STORM WA 1 1 �11 A pHALi PAVED --- -- SIDEWALK WITH INTEGRAL CURB GRASSILAWIJ I, SECURITY/UTRASSTURBE ROOM(10'X15') 1 II P 6•\ � i O�NEW P� �. . . . . . : . . : . . : . . . . . . . . . .� :�. 1 �p .= mac 1 aC 210 1YP UN BUILDINx� 1 FREE-STANDING ti II O: BUSINESS SIGN 25 KEEP RIGHT a COMPACTED GRAN 9ME30FT NATURAL - - SIGN ` , ! �� BUFFER TO REMAIN I \ �* (NO-CUT AREA)E ..255' BUILDING#2 30'X21( CONFIGURATED. '7 2 I PIPE BOLLWAGTEO GRAVE 6FT HIGH CHAIN_ K TYP EACH LINK FENCE N CORNER __— WITH PRIVACY I = 1 __ _ SCREENING AS g30'7 --�--` RESIDENTIAL I BUELDENIG# BUFFER Z II (D CONFIGUR _ (255±FT) T, I � U COMP ACIE WETLANDS - - 1 I 1 1 100 ft from edge of AS DELI BY ACOE NOV 2016 proposed entrance BU`D�o driveway to I 6 ft chain link fence residence I with privacy inserts along proposed 130 ft from fence to ro ert line 01, 3A p p Y1 (4)SPACES \ :BUILDG rear of residence o v WETL0 NO-CU ZONE JO AI OS I WV N 6FT HIGH CHAIN LINK _ FENCE(66±FT) J►A'� �n w WARREN COUN�LUOCUMENT, 00008392 PAMELA J. VO ;gME; 4.3-66 PAGE-' 292 COUNTY CLERK Lake George, NY 12845 ��� 11M1111111 Volm-4366 Pg-292 Instrument Number: 2011-00008392 As Recorded On: November 15,2011 Deed Commercial or Vacant Parties: LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES LLC To LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II LLC Billable Pages: 3 Recorded By: SMPR Num Of Pages: 4 Comment: **Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Deed Commercial or Vacant 57.00 Cover Page 5.00 RP-5217 Commercial 250.00 TP-584 5.00 Recording Charge: 317.00 Consideration Amount Amount RS#/CS# Transfer Tax 0.00 0.00 17 688 Basic 0.00 QUEENSBURY Local 0.00 Special Additional 0.00 Additional 0.00 Transfer 0.00 Tax Charge: 0.00 RECORDED Counts Clerks Office Nov M2011 11:13A Pamela J. Vosel Warren Counts Clerk **THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: WARREN COUNTY, NY File Information: Record and Return To: Document Number: 2011-00008392 SMPR Receipt Number: 233585 50 CHAPEL ST Recorded Date/Time: November 15, 2011 11:13:28A ALBANY NY 12207 Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-RP VI-4366 Pg-292 Cashier/Station: C Latham / Cash Station 3 LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II LLC, with an office at 14 Corporate Woods Blvd., Albany, New York 1221],party of the second part, Ido'. WltheSSeth that the party of the first part, inconsideration of One and 00/100 Dollar ($1.00) lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever, All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and the State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly bounds of Everts Avenue at the northwest corner of lands of Gustaf and Helen Myherberg, as described in book 482 of deeds at page 607; running thence North 06 deg. 25 min. and 53 sec. East, along said Everts Avenue a distance of 752.95 feet to an angled point therein for a corner; thence running North 17 deg. 55 min. and 48 sec. East, still along said Everts Avenue a distance of 79.53 feet to its intersection with the southerly bounds of Quaker Road; thence running South 69 deg. 18 min. and 32 sec. East, along said Quaker Road a distance of 475.27 feet; thence through the lands of Evergreen Bank,N.A. the following three courses and distances: 1) South 06 deg. 20 min. and 35 sec.West, a distance of 31.22 feet; 2) South 18 deg. 34 min. and 17 sec.West, a distance of 287.96 feet; 3) South 82 deg. 43 min. and 17 sec. East, a distance of 123.00 feet to a point in the westerly bounds of lands now or formerly of Glencol Properties, Inc.; running thence along said Glencol Properties, Inc. the following two courses and distances: 1) South 06 deg. 21 min. and 29 sec.West, a distance of 48.81 feet; 2) South 83 deg. 35 min. and 54 sec. East, a distance of 75.00 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof in the southwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly of Framis Development Corp.; running thence along said lands of Franmis Development Corp. the following three courses and distances: 1) South 83 deg.36 min. and 09 sec. East, a distance of 40.93 feet; 2) South 05 deg. 35 min. and 35 sec. West, a distance of 159.45 feet; 3) South 85 deg. 16 min. and 57 sec. East, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point in the westerly bounds of lands now or formerly of R& I Realty Corporation; thence running South 35 deg. 56 min. and 50 sec. West along said lands and along the lands of Cline Meadow Development a distance of 386.75 feet; thence continuing along said lands of Cline Meadow Development, South 38 deg. 20 min. and 17 sec. West, a distance of 329.14 feet; thence running South 72 deg. 52 min. and 52 sec. West, still along lands of Cline Meadow Development, a distance of 454.09 feet to a point in the easterly bounds of said Everts Avenue; thence running North 06 deg. 18 min. and 49 sec. East, along said Everts Avenue a distance of 119.31 feet to the southwest corner of lands of Vincent and Virginia Borgese as conveyed to them by deed dated November 12, 1993 and recorded in Book 899 of deeds at page 243; running thence along said lands the following two courses and distances: 1) North 72 deg. 52 min. and 52 sec. East, a distance of 370.67 feet; 2) North 37 deg. 26 min. and 52 sec. East, a distance of 294.92 feet to the Record and Return to: Nicholas M.Ihnatolya,Esq. SMPR Title Agency,Inc. 50 Chapel Street Albanv.NY 12207 4342-11 Recorded On-2011-Nov-15 As-8392 northeasterly corner thereof, thence running North 37 deg. 25 min. 43 sec. East, along the easterly bounds of lands of said Myherberg, a distance of 105.97 feet to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running North 84 deg. 26 min. and 58 sec. West, along the northerly bounds of lands of said Myherberg, a distance of 547.58 feet to the place and point of beginning, containing 11.22 acres of land to be the same more or less. Bearings given in the above description refer to thgMPW ffn 1§g a#)-W - 294 Excepting and reserving therefrom premises described in deed from James T. Cullinan to Darren M. Manzari and Nancy A. Manzari, his wife, dated August 2, 1999 recorded August 3, 1999 in Liber 1126 cp 54. This conveyance is made subject to all enforceable covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements of record and to any state of facts an accurate survey may show. BEING a part of the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 1/29/10 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on 3/1/10 in Liber 3974 of Deeds, at cp 221. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to an indebtedness secured by the following mortgage upon said premises on which there is an unpaid principal of and 00 ($ ) Dollars, which said mortgage debt the party of the second part hereby assumes and agrees to pay, as part of the consideration for this conveyance: MORTGAGE Mortgage for$825,000.00 made by James T. Cullinan to Evergreen Bank,N.A., dated March 31, 1999 recorded March 31, 1999 in Liber 1443 mp 239 in the Office of the County Clerk, Warren County,New York. MORTGAGE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT Mortgage Modification Agreement between James T. Cullinan and TD Bank,N.A., dated April 23, 2009 recorded May 8, 2009 in Liber 3768 mp 214 in the Office of the County Clerk, Warren County,New York which modifies the above mortgage. Assignment of Mortgage Assignment of Mortgage from TD Bank N.A. to Pioneer Savings Bank dated January 28, 2010 recorded March 1, 2010 in Book 3974 page 234 in the Office of the County Clerk of Warren. Mortgage and Security Agreement Mortgage for$1,138,209.14 made by Little Tree Properties LLC to Pioneer Savings Bank, dated January 29, 2010 recorded March 1, 2010 in Book 3974 page 231 in the Office of the County Clerk, Warren County,New York CONSOLIDATION,MODIFICATION, ASSUMPTION AND EXTENSION AGREEMENT Consolidation,Modification,Assumption, and Extension Agreement between Little Tree Properties LLC to Pioneer Savings Bank, dated January 29, 2010 recorded March 1, 2010 in Book 3974 page 254 in the Office of the County Clerk, Warren County,New York,which Consolidation, Modification, Assumption, and Extension Agreement was recorded in the Albany County Clerk's Office on February 16, 2010 in Book 6005 page 907 in the Office of the County Clerk, Albany' County,New York as the above mortgages in addition to those referenced in the Consolidation, heirs and assigns forever. And said party of the first part covenants as follows: First, That the parry of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Second, That said party of the first part will forever Warrant the title to said premises. Third, Subject to the trust fund provisions of Sec. 13 of the Lien Law. The word "party"shall be construed as if it read "parties"and the word "its"shall be construed as if it read "his", "her"or "their"wherever the sense of this indenture so requires. In Witness Whereof, the party of the first part has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF ITTL TRE PERT I LLC By: Daniel C. n Its: Managing Member LITTLE REE ERT II LLC By: Daniel C. ' Its: Managing Member State of New York } }ss. County of q\\)A\( } On the k day of November in the year 2011, before me, the undersigned,personally appeared Daniel C. O'Brien personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), an that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf f wh c e ' dividual(s) acted, executed the instrument. No c Tax Map No. 302.8-2-66.1 NICHOLAS IHNATOYLA Notary Public, State of New York Qualified in Albany County No.01 IH6114004 Commission Expires August 9,20 V72 _ Record and Return to: Nicholas M.Ihnatolya,Esq. SMPR Title Agency,Inc. 50 Chapel Street Albanv.NY 12207 4342-11 ACOE WETLANDSwoos 31a1' ,0. N8 Army Corp of Englneers —T (ACQE) Wetland Boundary 1 •3fa2' existing Stockpile •310.3' 310.6' � y orp of Eng/n, ( CQE) Wetland Boum EDG \ _ — AT nME 311--1 \A (partially aru h d) 3os s't vInsers / LOT I AREA = 1 1\2 1 ± acres\ ioundory COE WETLANDS 311 I I \ 31, II \ rmy Corp of Engineers 1 313 1 :CE) Wetland Boundary \ I 1 I 313 ♦ \ 314 �\ oo 5"W 313314 315 58 � 12 1 . . 54.7 ,�13 Lands N/F of Myhrberg (3696/99) 14 / �•i e - - - - - - - 19. . . . . . �ti 0) N VISION Engineering CIVIL • STRUCTURAL • MUNICIPAL PURPOSE—AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM When various municipalities are asked to process application(s) for land use or construction, the property owner and applicant need to give permission to perform the development activity. This permission is alternatively referred to as "consent," or knowledge, that the development activity is being requested or performed on the property. The property owner is the party who holds the recorded deed for the subject property and the applicant may be the owner or a third party planning to purchase or lease the property or portions of the property. I/We, the undersigned ❑ Owner ® Applicant, hereby certify that I/we plan to initiate review and approval applications with the Town of Queensbury for the purposes of developing land inclusive of and limited to the subject property, which is located at 294 Quaker Road, Queensbury, NY 12804; also known in the records of Warren County as the parcel with Tax Map Number(s) 302.8-2-66.1. I/We, the undersigned, hereby certify that I/we hereby authorize VISION Engineering, LLC to act and appear as my agent in regard to the following proceedings (check all that apply to project): ® Building/Plumbing/Electrical/Wastewater/Water/Utility Permits ® Conditional or Special Use Permit ® Land Subdivision/PUD ® Use or Area Variance ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ® Site Plan Review ® Stormwater Management/SWPPP ® Freshwater Wetland Permit Dated this 2a day of tiY � 2016. Signature: Print Name: eh,e� ��-uY ;ks, 8112206 Glen Street•Suite 56•Glens Falls, NY• 12801 •P: 518-792-9264• F: 518-792-9282 0www.visionengineeringlic.com r -I�-e_ x" 5�re�K Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 Subdivision Review Application Preliminary Stage REVIEW PROCESS: 1) Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline day, Call (518)761-8220 for an appointment 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been submitted. 5) Planning Board meeting, generally the third &fourth Tuesday of each month. You Will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) Please submit I original & 14 copies of the completed application package to include: Completed Application: signed &dated Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed: 1 Survey Fee: $50.00 ZONING STAFF &CONTACT INFORMATION: • Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator craigb0mueensbury.net • Laura Moore, Land Use Planner Imoore(a-queensbury.net • Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 gueensbury.net Visit our website at www.gueensbury.net for further information and forms Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury,NY 12804. 518-761-8220 0 Preliminary=Stage Revised April 2010 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 30 2, $ — Zoning District: G- Application Stade tcheck one]: Sketch Plan Stage Preliminary Stage " Final Stage Indicate the foltowina: Number of lots proposed Residential or Commercial M . r „ Total Lot acreage tA C Proposed lot sizes .2 -c>._,,l4, Project location '2 Avf" Detailed Description of Project[include current&proposed use]: 14ev, -r<y P/U M7t.T Y T-o f er' w7©ae/,J^ 3 4-473 , HJT s 7'� mrrrnl Dr-' A-c eA4 c,Fc.. . P�t.+vPoS�o S;rn/li4t ir.T�i rJ� Z Applicant Name- Address: Home Phone Goll: Work Phone Fax Agent's Name: Address: G=tAl Home Phone Cell: rho' Worts Phone Fax 1 ML -7`72-017,&y E-mail C41" f a0w Owner's NameAddress s t.4V .e T�`f'"f�"oP-ff UC, Home Phone Cell nl r Z f LA/orkPhone Fax -E-rail Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury,NY 12804• 518-761-8220 1 Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING. You should use this page for cuidance ,-;hen drafting your application; however. itwill be completed by a staff member. Submittal of a preliminary plat depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. Failure to include all required information may result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. §A183-13.Plat details and requirements. The applicant is required to submit one H)original and 14 co-pies,of the preliminary plat application.Such application shall include the following documents andfor information: A. PRELIMINARY PLAT. The preliminary plat shall be laid out by a licensed professional engineer and/or a licensed professional land surveyor with a properly executed New York State Education Department Exemption N. Such preliminary plat shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches, clearly showing: I) The location of all existing and proposed property lines, buildings, .,;atercourses and other important 5L) topographic features. It 2) Existing and proposed contours showing elevations at tveo-fbot contour intervals and extending at least 100 feet off site. 3) The location, names and widths of all existing and proposed streets, easements, lots and building lines, wells and septic tanks and fields and similar facts regarding property immediately adjacent or opposite the proposed subdivision. �LA 0ZL,( 4) A location map showing: which the land to be subdivided is located, and W co�)'&5.a)The zoning district or districts in � (b) The property included in the proposed subdivision and all contiguous properties of the proposed subdivision and all properties within 500 feet in each direction from the boundary fine of the proposed subdivision along any contiguous street or high-,,ay. All properties shall be identified by lot and parcel number and names of owners. 5) The location and size of any existing sewers, water mains, culverts and drain pipes, electric, telephone and cable television lines and proposed sewers. water mains, culverts and drain pipes on the property or immediately adjacent to the property to be subdivided. 6) The proposed arrangement and approximate area, .#.,idth and length of street frontage and setback requirements of each lot for the purpose of demonstrating to the Planning Board that the proposed location of streets makes possible a layout of lots in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Law for the district or districts in which the subdivision is located. A)* 7) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to the public use. 8) The date,North arrow and scale. 9) The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with the names of the owner and the re engineer or land surveyor who prepared the preliminary plat-,the license number and seal of the engineer or land surveyor shall be affixed to the drawing- B. LAYOUT PLANS Layout plans shall be prepared by a professional licensed engineer or professional licensed land surveyor with a properly executed New York State Education Department Exemption N. Such layout plans shall be incorporated on the preliminary plat and shall show the following: 1) The exact layout and dimensions of proposed streets, including stationing and tie-in to the center-line distances of existing streets with monuments and other points, as required. Town of Oueensbury Planning Office.742 Bay Road-Queensbury.NY 12604.518-761-8220 2 Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 3) Plans and details of any site improvements related to park or recreation planning, including layout. grading,planting and details�f any improvements. 4) Plans and details of any other public amenities provided in the subdivision. 51 The date and scale. 6) The title number which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, -with the names of the owner and landscape architect who prepared the landscape plan;the license number and seal of the landscape architect shag be affixed to the drawing. E. CLEARING PLAN. A clearing plan shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches.Such —TIplan shall show the following detaft: 1) Existing vegetation prior to any clearing of the site for site investigation purposes. ved from the site for investgation purposes. 2) Areas of vegetation remo 3) The location or roadways.. underground or averhead utilities not in roadways, limits of grading, proposed location of any buildings. septic systems, wells and driveways and any other improvements which might require clearing. 4) Areas where slopes are greater than 20%,as per§A183-26. 5) Limits of proposed clearing of trees. 6) Measures to be taken to protect remaining trees,including details. F. GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS A grading plan and erosion control plan shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches.Such plan shalt show the following: 1) A generalized grading and drainage plan(does not require spot grades or slope designation). 0_�"A5 2) Any phasing of tree removal andtor construction. G* ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT. A long environmental assessment form shall be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Ouality Review Act describing the potential environmental impact of the proposed subdivision. H. STATEMENT OF INTENT. A statement of intent shall be submitted by the applicant. Such statement shall include: 1) Proof of ownership of the land to be subdivided.. in a form approved by the Town Attorney- 2) The nature and extent of proposed street improvements- 3) The nature and extent of any recreational features,. parks, playgrounds, water supply, sewerage and drainage rights-of-way and easements, retention basins and other land to be dedicated to public use and the conditions under which dedication of these features is to be made to the Town. 4) A statement that the applicant will install all improvements in accordance with the standards prescribed by the departments of the Town having jurisdiction, and set all monuments as shown on the final plat thereof in such manner as the Board may designate. 1. A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN and a STORLA)UATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN consistent with the requirements of Chapter 147,Stormwater Management Town of clueenoury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road .Queensbury,NY 12804-518-761-8220 4 Preliminary{Stage Revised April 2010 J. FEES. 1! The application for preliminary plat approval shall be accompanied by a fee listed on the current schedule of fees for the Town of Oueensbury posted in the Planning Office. 2) In addition to the fee listed on the schedule of fees,the Planning Board mai`charge a fee to developers of projects requiring legal and technical review, provided that the fee charged reflects the actual cost of the legal and technical assistance to the Planning Board. K. WAIVERS. if the Planning Board finds that any of the information requirements as set forth above are inappropriate or not necessary to conduct an informed review, it may waive such information requirements as it deems appropriate. Any such waiver shall be made in writing, and shall contain statements of the reasons .why the waived information requirements are not Necessary for an informed review under the circumstances. The Planning Board may grant such waivers on its own initiat'rae or at the written request(that sets forth the specific requirements that are requested to be vlaived and the reasons for the requested waiver) of an applicant. §A183-14. Submission and Review procedure—Subdivision Sign Posting Requirements D. Notice. The subdivider shall display prominently on the subject{property,for 10 days preceding the date of the public hearing, at least one sign, two feet by three feet in size and carrying a legend prescribed by the Town Planning Board, announcing the public hearing. The sign shall be in full public view from the street pavement and shall be legible from the street. if the property is bounded by more than one street,a sign shall be placed on each street that bounds the property. Tovm of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury,AY 12804. 518-751-8220 Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 Pre-Stibmissloii Conference Form 1. Tax Map ID: N -Z-,F- 2- -&0 2. Zoning Classification: 3. Reason for Revie-.-;: 2, (I(J'Ac 4. Ordinance Section: t I 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes;Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: 1� Deed C,-/Yes No 2. GeneTal Information -t—,/Yes. No 3 Preliminary Plat tX yes No 4. Layout Plans ]—Izyes No 6. Construction Details /Yes No 6. Landscape Plan -es No 7. Clearing Plan No & Grading& Erosion Control Iyy:ss No 9. Environmental Report Yes No 10. Statement of Intent Yes No 11. Stormwater Plan 1 SWPPP V,Yes No 12. Fees ��Yes No 13. WaJvers es No 14. Subdivision Sign Posting s No 15. Signature Page b�es NO A It 4V 2 ? JV AA- ,,L LA4, 10AC- eyo�-'hLu L Q c., s-- 4i�> -s-- §L� L�0 s-c- IL c1>1 ol- 4Aes %-k-C, It C LO-C-) w tA-j re r L�ZQ- Staff Representative: Applicant/Agent: Date: Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road QueensWry,NY 12894 518-761-8220 6 Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 Signature Page This page includes: 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II,LLC Designates: STEVEN SCOVILLE As agent r r : Var. e X Site Plan X Subdivision For Tax ap N .. Sec'o 7—Block -661—Lot Geed Re Brei e: Book 7A2 Pagel 1/1511,L Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: L o szO nTvxE APPLICANT's AGENT FORM: Complete the following If the APPLICANT is unable to.attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party' Owner: SEE ATTACHED AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR Designates: APPLICANT As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.1 ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage. etc.as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department_ Fees for engineering review services v.48 be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering revie M11 not exceed S 1;000 without notification to the applicant. 3.1 AUTHORIZATION LQR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and hislherltheir agent(s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviev;ing the application submitted. 4.1 OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It Is the applicants responsP)Ility to obtain any additional permits. 5.1 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.1 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMEN16TION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the Instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements,I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I cer0j that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statementldescriptlon or the existing conditions and the Lark proposed, and that all vork will be performed In accordance with the approved plans and In conformance with local zoning reguiatlons. i acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or my agents,v411 obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessar{. I also understand that 11-we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all neeily constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read an4 agree tot bove. 12- i [Applicant] Print Name[Applicant] gate signed PFLIC SIGN Signature[Agent] Print Name Agent] gate sign d Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804- 518-761-8220 7 V ! 544 r"A Final Stage Revised April 2010 Subdivision Review Application Final Stage REVIEW PROCESS: 1) Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline day. Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s)paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missinq information has been submitted 5) Planning Board meeting,generally the third& fourth Tuesday of each month. You wilt be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) Please submit 1 original & 14 copies of the completed application package to include: Completed Application: pages 1-5 completed, signed &dated Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed: 1 Survey Fee: $100+ $50 per lot ZONING STAFF&CONTACT INFORMATION: • Craig Brown,Zoning Administrator craigb(a')gueensburv:net • Laura Moore, Ladd Use Planner lmoore6a ciueensbury.net • Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 pamwCa7gueensburv.net Visit our website at www.aueensbury.net for further information and forms Town of Queensbury Planning Office~742 Bay Road-Queensbury,NY 12804-'518-761-8220 0 1 WA(Stage Revised April 2010 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number.- Zoning umber:Zoning District: C; Awlication Staae fcheck onei- Sketch Plan Stage Preliminary Stage Final Stage Indicate the following- Number of lots proposed Residential or Commercial t✓l' Total Lot acreageC Proposed lot sizes Project location -2qy V&tr&vr CU'A(/f- Detailed Description of Project[include current&proposed use]: f2g ezyt-T Y 7,0 136 „ /-J^ 3 �•� Or' 2i A-�. �ta.cz,c.F� 1'tLa(o5� jd°E"E-;r"1'rJlL7� rJ7J l.��Z Applicant Name: r Address: 33. 3 w , n! Home Phone Cell: (Z j Work Phone Fax E-Mail Agent's Name: Address: Home Phone Cell: Work PhoneFax `c,f -7'11-012( y E-mail hw-Gill I a0w Owner's Name Address Horne Phone cell_ , ' 12-2, 11 Work Phone Fax E-mail. Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road•Queensbury,NY 12804-518,751-8220 1 Final Stage Revised April 2010 ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING You should use this page for guidance when drafting your application; however, it will be completed by a staff member. Submittal of a preliminary plat depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. Failure to include all required information may result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay,in the processing of your application. §A183=16.Plat details and requirements. The applicant is required to submit one (1) original and fourteen (14) copies of the final plat application. Such application shall include the following documents and/or information: A. FINAL PLAT. The final plat shall be laid out by a licensed professional engineer with a properly executed New York State Education Department Exemption N or a licensed land surveyor. Such final plat shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches, clearly showing: 1)The bearing and length of all straight lines and the radii, lengths and central angles of all curves along all roperty and street lines: (2)The area of each lot in square feet or in acres,if such lot is larger than one acre. L' (3) The connection by proper measurement between street center lines where such streets are not straight across an intersecting street, both within the subdivision and where opposite existing streets or subdivisions. (4)A system of monuments to be located at all comers of intersections and angle points. (5)The building setback lines for each lot. (6)Fire and school district boundaries within the subdivision area. (7)Existing zoning,with the location of any district boundaries within 200 feet of the property to be subdivided. (8) The boundaries of the property, the lines of proposed lots, streets and parks, and the lines of all adjoining streets,their names and exact survey locations. (9)The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and opposite or, if not subdivided,the names of the owners of record'of adjacent and opposite property. (10)A statement that the plan is in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Zoning Law. (11)A statement reading as follows; "Approved under authority of a resolution adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York. Chairman." , (12)A title block, showing the name of the subdivision,the owner, the scale,the date and North point. (13)A certificate of the licensed'engineer and/or land surveyor making such plan to the effect that the plan is correct and made from an actual survey;the license number and seal of the engineer and land surveyor shall be affixed to the drawing. B. ENDORSEMENT OF STATE AND COUNTY'AGENCIES. Evidence shall be supplied that any proposed water supply and I sewage disposal facilities associated with the subdivision plat requiring approval by the Department of Environmental Conservation and/or New York State Department of Health have received at least preliminary approval(s) of such facilities and that any special district extensions required have been authorized by the Queensbury Town Board. Any proposed water supply and sewage disposal facility shall meet the Town of Queensbury design and construction standards for such facility. Editors Note: See Ch. 136, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, and Ch. 173, Water.The plat shall not be stamped approved until all state-or 0ounty-required approvals for each lot of the subdivision have been received in writing by the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury;NY 12804•518-761-8220 2 Final Stage Revised April 2010 C. OTHER PLANS AND REPORTS. Other plans and reports shall be submitted as follows: (1)A planting plan illustrating species and location of proposed tree planting. (2)'A tree clearing plan illustrating areas and methods of protection of existing trees to remain. (3) An erosion control plan illustrating methods and location of erosion control devices and schedule of maintenance of such devices and other actions to reduce erosion. (4)A stormwater management plan and'a pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Town of Queensbury Stormwater Management Focal Law,and with the termsof preliminary plat approval. (5)Construction plans showing grading'and ether site improvements and details of those site improvements. D. If the subdivision is to include any PROTECTED OPEN SPACE, all appropriate easements, 'deed covenants, conditions and restrictions approved by the Planning Board and/or the Town Attorney related to such protected lands. E. HOMEOWNERS"ASSOCIATION OR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENTS. If the subdivision is to be managed by a homeowners'association or condominium,copies of their regulations and agreements, indicating any restrictions required by the Planning Board, shall be submitted If the subdivision is to be sold fee simple, copies of deeds indicating any restrictions required by the Planning Board shall be submitted. F. STREETS,RECREATION LAND OR OPEN SPACE. (1)The plat shall be endorsed with the necessary agreements in connection with required easements or releases. Offers of dedication to the Town shall be presented prior to plat approval.Formal offers of dedication to the Town of all streets and parks, not marked on the plat with notation to the effect that such dedication will not be offered, shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to plat approval.If the owner of the land or his agent who files the plat does not add as part of the plat a notation to the effect that no offer of dedication of such streets, highways or parks, or any of them, is made to the public,the filing'of the plat in the office of the County Clerk or register shall constitute a continuing offer of dedication of the streets,highways or parks, or any of them; to the public; and said offer of dedication may be accepted by the Town Board at any time prior to revocation of said offer by the owner of the land or his agent. (2) The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Town of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on said plat. The Planning Board may require said plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. If the Town Board determines that a suitable park or parks of adequate size cannot be properly located in any such plat or is otherwise not practical, the Board may require, as a condition to approval of any such plat, a payment to the Town of a sum to be determined by the Town, which sum shall constitute a trust fund to be used by the Town Board exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes, including the acquisition of property. The Planning Board may require the filing of a written agreement between the applicant and the Town Board covering future title, dedication and provision for the cost"of grading, development,,equipment and maintenance' of any park' or playground area. G. FEES (1) The application for final plat approval shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the Town Board by resolution and as listed on the correct schedule of fees for the Town of Queensbury posted in the Planning Office. (2) in addition to the fee listed on the schedule of fees, the Planning Board may charge a fee to developers of projects requiring legal and technical review, provided that the fee charged reflects the actual cost of the legal and technical assistance to the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury, NY 12804' 518-761-8220 3 Final Stage Revised April 2010 Pre-Submission Conference Form 1. Tax Map ID0 2.g 2. Zoning Classification 3. Reason for Review: 4. Ordinance Section#: 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: 1. Deed Yes No 2. General Information ✓ Yes No 3. Final Plat Details&Requirements L// Yes No 4. Final Plat v Yes No 5. Endorsement of State&County Agencies V Yes No 6, Other Plans&Reports A Yes No 7. Protected Open space documents fM Yes No 8. Homeowners Assoc. or Condominium Agreements Yes No 9. Streets, Recreation Landor Open Space A/71 Yes No 10. Fees Yes No 11. Signature Page Yes No orc;v-C-C- [? " �� r n CP� � f P,�2Ct i,✓� ,,, c� s4 1 r - C y,4 /C kr n rtt -'1 Staff Representative: Applicant/Agent: Date: Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 518-761-8220 4 Final Stage Revised April 2010 Signature Page This page includes: 1.)Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 6.) Official Meeting Disclosure and B.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: LITT . .TRRR PROPERTIES TT,lJ,C. Designates: STEVEN SCOVILLE As agent re ng: V is e X Site Plan X Subdivision For Tax ap 02.8 S on 2 Block 66.1 Lot Deed Refers 366 Boo 292 Page 11/15/1 Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: l ?. Z• 1 APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following If the APPLICANT Is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party' SEE ATTACHED AGENT Owner: AUTHORIZATION FOR Designates: APPLICANT As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3,) AUTHORIZAIQN ,FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.1QTHgR PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read ind agree to he above. E ISC-t\f�tC gn U Applicant) Print Name [Applicant] Date signed lgnature [Agent) Print Name [Agent] Date signed Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road-Queensbury,NY 12804 -518-761-8220 5 Site Plan Review Application Review Process: Applicant and/or agent shall meet with Zoning Administrator to determine type of review needed Pre-submission meeting with staff is required to determine general completeness of application materials (to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline submittal - Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment). Application submittal: one (1) original application package, one (1) deed and 14 copies of the application package with the application fee* Determination of application completeness and placement on an agenda Planning Board meetings are generally the third & fourth Tuesday's of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. *Fee: $100.00 (0 to 10,000 sf); $250.00 (10,001 to 30,000 sf); $500.00 (30,001 to 100,000 sf); $1,000.00 (100,000+sf) Zoning Staff&Contact Information: Craig Brown, Director of Planning,Zoning& Code Compliance craigb@ queen sbury.net Laura Moore, Land Use Planner Imoore@ queensbury.net Sunny Sweet, Office Specialist (518-761-8220) sunnys@queensbury.net Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office. 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804,518-761-8220 General Information Tax Parcel ID: 3024 — Zoning District: Cc>*-x Lot size: 3 . 2 16 A Current Use: RST Proposed Use: Project Location: OVAJ&GYZ P—P Z019-15 Ayr Applicant Name5;�I � :56,OUILL42'"', Address: L414C VI EV . , '/c1€—, &,11W Home Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax E-Mail: Agent's Name: Address: Home Phone Cell: Work PhoneFax E-mail Owner's Name: itF JW9 109DAW-W-5-1r, Address 40114w/ Home Phone CellJ Work Phone Fax E-mail Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town ofQueensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury, NY 12804-518-761-8220 Additional Project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? Al c> 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): AIA 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit Program? YDS 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date WRA, 2V1 7 End Date 207 5. Estimated total cost of projects 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: ►. A-c- Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO(FAR)--The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio[FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.29 Commercial Moderate/Commercial Intensive CM/Cl 0.3 Main Street MS 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See"FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the projectsite. A. Parcel Area 3. 2 4 Are— sq.ft. 142,011 S+ B. Existing Floor Area n sq.ft. (see definition above) C. Proposed Additional Floor Area 27100 sq.ft. D. Proposed Total Floor Area 27100 sq.ft. E. Total Allowable Floor Area z. 6 2b (Area x .3 ) (see above table) *if D is larger than E, a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Please consult w/Staff. Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8220 Site Development Data Area i Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq. ft. Addition sq.ft. A. Building footprint 27,100 27,100 B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area j �q E. Porches I Decks F. Other G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] 1-710 70748 H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq.ft. /acre] Fq49, ,�o lq7 oll f 91zo 9/ I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] 51 .1% Setback Reauirements, Area Required Existing Proposed Front[1 7 5 Front[2] Shoreline 7S_ 4, Side Yard [1 Side Yard [2] /o Rear Yard [1] Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor Height[max] 4o Permeability '30%, 4 V'-D % No. of parking spaces 175 8 dedicated Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning office.742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8220 501E-- ex�� § 179-9-080 Requirements for Site Plan AnprovaL The Planning Board shall not approve a Site Plan unless it first determines that such site plan meets the following Standards. Please prepare responses to each of the following topics. STANDARDS B. The proposed project furthers or is consistent with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. C. The proposed project complies with all other requirements of this Chapter,including the site plan review standards asset forth in Paragraph F of this section,the dimensional,bulk,and density regulations of the zoning district in which i is proposed to be located(Article 3 and Table 1), the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply. C. The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally and, if practicable, to and from the site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks connected to adjacent areas. D. The site plan must conform to Chapter 136 Sewage and Sewage Disposal, Chapter I47 Stormwater Management Local Law, and other applicable local laws. E. the proposed use shall be in harmony with the general purpose or intent ofthis Chapter,specifically taking into account the location,character and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the district n which such use is proposed,the nature and intensity of the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public services.and facilities which will follow the approval of the proposed use. F. The establishment,maintenance and operation of the proposed use will not create public hazards from traffic,traffic congestion or the parking of vehicles and/or equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the health,safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the town.Traffic access and circulation, road intersections, road and driveway widths, and traffic controls will be adequate. G. Off-street parking and loading facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to be generated by the new use. The establishment of vehicle links between parking areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible. This furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion_A twenty-foot wide connection is required. If adjacent properties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for future linkage, then a future connection must be identified and provided for in the site plan under review for such future linkage when the time arises. The Planning Board may require proof that the applicant has made contactwith adjacent property owners for purposes of coord inating linkages with adjacent properties. 1. The project shall not have an undue adverse impact upon the natural,scenic,aesthetic,ecological,wildlife,historic,recreational or open space resources of the town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision of supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project,taking into account the commercial,industrial,residential,recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project In making the determination hereunder,the Planning Board shall consider those factors pertinent to the project contained in the development considerations set forth herein under§179-94)80 of this chapter,and in so doing,the Planning Board shall make a net overall evaluation of the project in relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set forth in§179-9-080 of this Article. 1. The provision for and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation,walkway structures,control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate for pedestrian movement Pedestrian connections between adjacent sites shall be provided to encourage pede5trian use. J. Stormwater drainage facilities will prevent an increase of post development drainage flows as compared to pre-development drainage flows. Drainage of the site shall recharge ground water to the extent practical. Surface waters flowing off-site shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties or public roads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards of Chapter 147 of the Town Code and the Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulationswhere applicable. K. The water supply and sewage disposal facilities will be adequate and will meet all applicable and current requirements set forth by Department of Health regulations and Chapter 136 of the Town Code. L The adequacy, type and arrangement of trees, shrubs and other suitable plantings, landscaping and screening shall effectively provide a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands, including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and maintenance, including replacement of dead or deceased plants. M. Fie lanes,emergency zones,and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet the needs and requirements of emergency service providers. N. The design of structures, roadways and landscaping in areas susceptible to ponding, flooding and/or erosion will minimize or avoid such inpactsto the maximum extent practicable. 0. The site plan conforms to the design standards,landscaping standards and performance standards of this chapter. Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town ofQueensbury Planning Office,742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 518-761-8220 § 179-9-050 Application for Site Plan Review ('5;M 690Y.tJA`� PtL 1,/41 02YLS) Absent any waiver or waivers, an application for Site Plan Review shall include the following: REQUIREMENTS Sheet# A A vicinity map drawn at the scale that shows the relationship of the proposal to existing community facilities which affect or serve it, such as roads, shopping areas, schools, etc. The map shall also show all properties, identify owners, subdivisions, streets, and easements within 500 feet of the property.Such a sketch may be superimposed on a United States Geological Survey map of the area- B The site plan shall be drawn at a scale of forty feet to the inch(V=40 feet) or such other scale as the Planning Board may deem appropriate,on standard 24"x 36'sheets,with continuation on 8)12"x 11"sheets as necessary for written information.The information C3 listed below shall be shown on the site plan and continuation sheets. C Name of the project,boundaries,date, north arrow,and scale of the plan. D Name and address of the owner of record,developerr,and seal of the engineer,architect,or landscape architect. If the applicant is not c the record owner,a letter of authorization shall be required from the owner E The location and use of all existing and proposed structures within the property, including all dimensions of height and floor area, all exterior entrances, and all anticipated future additions and alterations. CZ F The location of all present and proposed public and private ways, off-street parking areas, driveways, outdoor storage areas, 7 sidewalks,ramps,curbs,paths,landscaping,walls,and fences. Location,type,and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown. G The location, height, intensity,and bulb type.(sodium, incandescent, etc.)of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown in compliance with§179-6-020. H The location,height.size,materials,and design of all proposed signs. I The location of all present and proposed utility systems including: 1. Sewage orseptic system, 2. Water supply system; 3. Telephone,cable,and electrical systems, and 77 4. Storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines,culverts,catch basins.headwalls,endwal Is,hydrants, manholes,and drainage swales- J Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater, erosion of soil both during and after construction, excessive runoff,and flooding of other properties, as applicable. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for all land development activities (excluding agricultural activities) on the site that results in land disturbance of 1-acre or more A SWPPP shall comply with the requirements of the DEC SPDES IVIS-4 General Permit and Chapter 147 of the Town of Queensbury Code- It shall be at the discretion of the Planning Board as to whether a SWPPP or an erosion and control plan shall be required for a site plan review project land disturbance of lessthan 1-acre. K Existing and proposed topography at two-foot contour htervals,or such other contour interval as the Planning Board shall allow. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic Bench Mark If any portion of the parcel is within the 100- year floodplain,the area will be shown,and base flood elevations given.Areas shall be indicated within the proposed site and within 50 feet of the proposed site where soil removal or filling 1;required,showing the approximate volume in cubic yards. L A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features that may influence the design of the proposed use such as rock outcrops, stands of trees,single trees eight or more inches In diameter, forest cover,and water sources, and all proposed changes to these features including sizes and types of plants. Water sources include ponds, lakes,wetlands and watercourses, aquifers,floodplan is. anddrainage retention areas. M Land Use District boundaries within 500 feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and dentified on the site plan,as well as any Overlay Districts that apply to the property. IOZ- Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road-Queensbury,NY 12804 518-761-8220 &Uex- Site Plan Review Revised April o0G Pre-Submission Conference Form/Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name:SC l 2. Tax Map ID j � Location: (� 3. Zoning Classification 4. Reason for Review: 5. Zoning Section#: 'e Oe tet LA r ` e 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed t/ General Information complete Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete Additional Project Information Complete FAR addressed Compliance Checklist items addressed Environmental Form completed �6q F Signature Page completed o r Axa© .. rrGr/ i,[�u.t?�-E. t VC T`P / ()t t`P �+? l �C ✓titt f� c:Lrrs SUL C.ai2k c 1 6t, �- ��c,,����.�..�-�G� � ap�.�e c.�2 c.vt �c�''t�c u1�rt� �.�,4� �c �i.1►� r,-- �� C' 2 — kv (GA rs-t. Gr k(�r, Ckj r SP( f , ( (n-'L c C C"1 f IN I Staff Representatives �f C Applicant/Agent: Date: Site Plan Review Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office•742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804.518-761-8220 8 Signature Page This page includes the 1)Authorization to Act as Agent Form:2.)Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II,LLC Designates: STEVEN SCOVILLE As agent regarding* Variance e I (z6gbdivi%�Ij—> For Tax Map NOction 3 .8 ck 1 Lot 66.1 Deed Reference: B 4366 age 292 Date 11/15/11 OWNER SIGNATURIE: DATE: 1,2 . APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM. Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party Owner Designates: SEE ATTACHED AGENT As agent regarding; Variance Site Plan Subdivision AUTHORIZATION FOR For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot APPLICANT Deed Reference: Book _Page Date APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein,the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board, It isthe applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It isthe practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application,and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED; I,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit, r certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and inconfbrmance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prbr to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read and l_!Vree to the above �2- SitZure. Applicant] Print Name[Applicant] Date signed _ Sgn re[Agent] Print Name [Agent] Date signed Site Plan Review Revised April 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Say Road-Queensbury, NY 12804-518-761-8220 Updated: 03/05/2004 C-1 3 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY FRESHWATER WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION NO.: APPLICATION DATE: This is an Application for a Permit to conduct/cause to conduct a regulated activity on or adjacent to a freshwater wetland pursuant to Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law - Local Law 1, 1976. TO: Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury - Please immediately forward this application to the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury by way of service upon the Planning Department of the Town of Queensbury. TO: Applicant- Please type or print the information required and complete all blanks and answer all questions. If the information requested is not applicable,please enter N/A. Please provide the original plus 14 copies of this application with a$100 application fee. INFORMATION FOR APPLICATION Applicant: Name: STEVEN SCOVILLE Address: 6 LAKE VIEW DRIVE WILTON, NY 12831 Phone: Property Information: 1. Name of wetland or any body of water/stream involved: NATIONAL(ACOE) AND NYSDEC REGULATED WETLANDS 2. Address of parcel upon which wetland is located and address of parcel(s)upon which work is proposed. 294 QUAKER ROAD, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Updated: 03/05/2004 3. Tax Map No. of parcel upon wetland is located and Tax Map No. of parcel upon which work is proposed: 302.8-2-66.1 4. Current zoning of parcel upon which wetland is located and current zoning of parcel upon which work is proposed: COM INT (CI) 5. Total area of property upon which work is proposed: 3.3 +/- 6. Total area of wetland: SEE SITE PLAN 7. Dimensions of wetland: SEE SITE PLAN 8. Existing uses of wetlands, if any: SEE SITE PLAN 9. Adjacent uses within 400 ft. of wetlands, if any: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL 10, State, County,Town property within 500 ft. of wetland: ROADS/HIGHWAYS Information About the Project: 1. Detailed description of proposed activity: DEVELOP PORTION OF SITE FOR PROPOSED SELF-STORAGE FACILITY 2. Purpose, character and extent of proposed activity upon or adjacent to wetland: PROJECT WILL NOT DISTURB WETLANDS, HOWEVER PROPOSES SOME DEVELOPMENT/IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE TOO REQ'D 100FT ADJACENT AREA 3. On a map to be submitted with this application, show the area of the freshwater wetland or adjacent area directly affected with the location of the proposed activity shown to scale thereon as well. 4. Will the project require any other Federal, State or local permits? YES ACOE - NONE/ NYSDEC FRESHWATER WETLAND PERMIT 5. Has work begun on the project? NO 6. Approximate starting date of project? SPRING 2017 7. Approximate completion date of project? UNKNOWN Updated: 03/05/2004 About the adjacent property owners: List the names of the owners of record of lands adjacent to the freshwater wetland or adjacent area upon which the project is to be undertaken: LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II, LLC Name of claimants of water rights which you have noticed and which relate to any land within or within 100 ft. of the boundary of the property on which the proposed regulated activity will be located: NONE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The foregoing information will be reviewed by the agency, and the agency, may if it desires, request any further information necessary to make a decision. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the information provided herein and all attachments submitted herewith are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: I hereby authorize VISION ENGINEERING, LLC to act as my agent and represent me in connection with this application on my behalf. Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part 1 Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information; indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A& B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part 1 is accurate and complete. A. Project and Sponsor Information. Name of Action or Project: SCOVILLE MINI-STORAGE PROJECT Project Location(describe,and attach a general location map): 294 QUAKER ROAD,QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Brief Description of Proposed Action(include purpose or need): SUBDIVIDE 11.2 ACRE PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS.LOT 2 TO BE DEVELOPED CONSISTING OF THE PROPOSED STORAGE FACILITY WITH FIVE BUILDINGS ARE VARYING SIZES AND RELATING SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRIVING,PARKING,LIGHTING,ELECTRICAL SERVICES, AND STORMWATER MITIGATION. Name of Applicant/Sponsor: Telephone: STEVEN SCOVILLE E-Mail: SCOVILLE584@GMAIL.COM Address:6 LAKE VIEW DRIVE City/PO:WILTON State:NY Zip Code:12831 Project Contact(if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role): Telephone:518-792-9264 DANIEL RYAN,P.E. E-Mail:DRYAN@VISION ENG.EMAIL Address: 206 GLEN STREET,SUITE 56 City/PO: State: Zip Code: GLENS FALLS NY 112801 Property Owner (if not same as sponsor): Telephone: LITTLE TREE PROPERTIES II,LLC E-Mail: Address: 14 CORPORATE WOODS BLVD City/PO: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code:12211 Page 1 of 13 B.Government Approvals B.Government Approvals,Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants, loans,tax relief,and any other forms of financial assistance.) Government Entity If Yes: Identify Agency and Approval(s) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a.City Council,Town Board, ❑Yes®No or Village Board of Trustees b.City,Town or Village ®Yes❑No SITE PLAN/FW PERMIT/SUP/SUBDIVISION JAN 2017 Planning Board or Commission c.City Council,Town or ❑Yes®No Village Zoning Board of Appeals d.Other local agencies ®Yes❑No BUILDING PERMIT/SIGN PERMIT/HWY MAR 2017 ENTRANCE PERMIT e.County agencies ❑Yes®No f.Regional agencies ❑Yes®No g.State agencies ®Yes❑No SWPPP GENERAL PERMIT/WETLAND PERMIT MAR 2017 h. Federal agencies ❑Yes®No i. Coastal Resources. i. Is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? ❑Yes®No ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? ❑Yes®No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? ❑Yes[Z]No C. Planning and Zoning C.I. Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption,or amendment of a plan, local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the ❑Yes®No only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part I C.2.Adopted land use plans. a. Do any municipally-adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site ®Yes❑No where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action ❑Yes®No would be located? b. Is the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway ❑Yes®No Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes, identify the plan(s): c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, ❑Yes®No or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes,identify the plan(s): Page 2 of 13 C.3. Zoning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. ®Yes❑No If Yes,what is the zoning classification(s)including any applicable overlay district? COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE(CI) b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? ®Yes❑No c.Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA. Existing community services. a. In what school district is the project site located?GLENS FALLS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT b.What police or other public protection forces serve the project site? NYS POLICE/COUNTY SHERIFF c. Which fire protection and emergency medical services serve the project site? OBY CENTRAL#1/WEST GF EMS d. What parks serve the project site? UNKNOWN D.Project Details D.I.Proposed and Potential Development a. What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential, industrial,commercial,recreational; if mixed,include all components)?COMMERICAL USE b.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 3.3 acres vN iy) b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 2.5 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 3.3 acres c. Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % Units: d. Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? ®Yes❑No If Yes, i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial; if mixed,specify types) COMMERCIAL USE ii. Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed? ❑Yes®No iii. Number of lots proposed? 3 iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum 3.0 Maximum 4.9 e. Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? ❑Yes®No L If No,anticipated period of construction: 6 months ii. If Yes: • Total number of phases anticipated • Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition) month year • Anticipated completion date of final phase month year • Generally describe connections or relationships among phases, including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: Page 3 of 13 f.Does the project include new residential uses? ❑Yes®No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family Multiple Family four or more Initial Phase At completion of all phases g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? ®Yes❑No If Yes, i.Total number of structures 5 ii. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: 9 height; 30 width; and 210 length iii. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: 150 square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any ®Yes❑No liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, i. Purpose of the impoundment:STORMWATER WETLAND ii. If a water impoundment,the principal source of the water: ❑Ground water❑Surface water streams®Other specify: RUNOFF iii. If other than water,identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source. N/A iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume: million gallons;surface area: .07 acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: 2FT height; 10OFT length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete): EARTH FILL AND GRADING TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL WETLAND TO STORE AND CONTROL RUNOFF 13.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? Yes No (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ii. How much material(including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? • Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): • Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? ❑Yes❑No If yes,describe. v. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? feet viii. Will the excavation require blasting? ❑Yes❑No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan: b.Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of,increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment ®Yes❑No into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: i. Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description):ACOE AND NYSDEC WETLANDS(GF-19) _ Page 4 of 13 ii.Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g.excavation,fill,placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: PROPOSED PROJECT INCLUDES DISTURBANCE OF WETLAND ADJACENT AREAS HOWEVER WILL NOT DISTURB ANY PORTION OF THE WETLANDS.APPROXIMATE ADJACENT AREA DISTURBANCE 0.9 ACRES iii. Will proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? ❑Yes®No If Yes,describe: iv. Will proposed action cause or result in the destruction or removal of aquatic vegetation? ❑Yes[Z]No If Yes: • acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed: • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation remaining after project completion: • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing,invasive species control,boat access): • proposed method of plant removal: • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used,specify product(s): v. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance: PROPOSED IS AN ARTIFICAL WETLAND FOR STORMWATER MITIGATION AND TO PROVIDE ENHANCED CONDITIONS NEAR WETLANDS c.Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? []Yes 014o If Yes: i. Total anticipated water usage/demand per day: gallons/day ii. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? ❑YesC3No If Yes: • Name of district or service area: • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? ❑Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes❑No • Do existing lines serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? ❑Yes E3No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: • Source(s)of supply for the district: iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district: v. If a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project: vi.If water supply will be from wells(public or private),maximum pumping capacity: gallons/minute. d.Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: gallons/day ii.Nature of liquid wastes to be generated(e.g.,sanitary wastewater,industrial;if combination,describe all components and approximate volumes or proportions of each): iii. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater treatment facilities? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: • Name of district: • Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? Yes[]No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes[:)No Page 5 of 13 • Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No • Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • What is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? v. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project,including specifying proposed receiving water(name and classification if surface discharge,or describe subsurface disposal plans): vi. Describe any plans or designs to capture,recycle or reuse liquid waste: e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point OYes❑No sources(i.e.ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e.sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or t.6 acres(impervious surface) Square feet or 3.3 acres(parcel size) U. Describe types of new point sources. iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? ONSITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM • If to surface waters,identify receiving water bodies or wetlands: GF-19/PERIMETER WETLANDS • Will stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? ❑Yes®No iv. Does proposed plan minimize impervious surfaces,use pervious materials or collect and re-use stormwater? ®Yes❑No f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions,including fuel ❑Yes®No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes,identify: i.Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) U. Stationary sources during construction(e.g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) iii. Stationary sources during operations(e.g.,process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) g.Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, ❑Yes®No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: i. Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet ❑Yes❑No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) • Tons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N20) • Tons/year(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(HFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Page 6 of 13 h.Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including,but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, ❑Yes®No landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: L Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric): ii.Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate heat or electricity,flaring): i.Will the proposed action result in the release of air pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as ❑Yes®No quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial ❑Yes®No new demand for transportation facilities or services? If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): ❑Morning ❑Evening OWeekend m Randomly between hours of 8 to 5 ii. For commercial activities only,projected number of semi-trailer truck trips/day: o iii. Parking spaces: Existing o Proposed 13 Net increase/decrease 13 iv.Does the proposed action include any shared use parking? ❑Yes®No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: vi. Are public/private transportation service(s)or facilities available within '/z mile of the proposed site? ❑Yes®No vii Will the proposed action include access to public transportation or accommodations for use of hybrid,electric ❑Yes®No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii.Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing ❑Yes®No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k.Will the proposed action(for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand [:]Yes®No for energy? If Yes: i. Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed action: ii. Anticipated sources/suppliers of electricity for the project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility,or other): di. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade to,an existing substation? ❑Yes❑No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply. L During Construction: ii. During Operations: • Monday-Friday: N/A . Monday-Friday: 6AM-9PM • Saturday: N/A • Saturday: 6AM-9PM • Sunday: N/A • Sunday: 6AM-9PM • Holidays: N/A • Holidays: 6AM-9PM Page 7 of 13 m.Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, ®Yes❑No operation,or both? If yes: i. Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: ONSITE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DURING WORK HOURS ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? ❑Yes®No Describe: n.. Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? ®Yes❑No If yes: i. Describe source(s),location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: 2 POLE MOUNTED LIGHTS-DOWNCAST CUTOFF FIXTURES 40 BUILDING MOUNTED LIGHTS AT PERIMETER OF BUILDINGS ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? ❑Yes®No Describe: o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? ❑Yes ONo If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: p.Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) ❑YesONo or chemical products 185 gallons in above ground storage or any amount in underground storage? If Yes: i. Product(s)to be stored ii. Volume(s) per unit time (e.g.,month,year) iii. Generally describe proposed storage facilities: q.Will the proposed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, ❑Yes ®No insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: L Describe proposed treatment(s): ii. Will the proposed action use Integrated Pest Management Practices? ❑ Yes ❑No r.Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only)involve or require the management or disposal ❑ Yes ONo of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: i. Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: • Construction: tons per (unit of time) • Operation : tons per (unit of time) ii. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: • Construction: • Operation: iii. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated on-site: • Construction: • Operation: Page 8 of 13 s. Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? ❑ Yes® No If Yes: i. Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): ii. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: • Tons/month, if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or • Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment id. If landfill,anticipated site life: years t.Will proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous ❑Yes®No waste? If Yes: i.Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: ii. Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents: iii. Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: v. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at an existing offsite hazardous waste facility? ❑Yes❑No If Yes:provide name and location of facility: If No:describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: E.Site and Setting of Proposed Action E.I. Land uses on and surrounding the project site a.Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,adjoining and near the project site. ❑ Urban ® Industrial ® Commercial ® Residential(suburban) ❑ Rural(non-farm) ® Forest ❑ Agriculture ❑ Aquatic ❑ Other(specify): ii. If mix of uses,generally describe: COMMERCIAL AREA WITH INTENSE COMMERCIALLY DEVELOPED PARCELS NEARBY AND ADJACENT TO PROPERTY b.Land uses and covertypes on the project site. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Covertype Acreage Project Completion (Acres+/-) • Roads,buildings,and other paved or impervious surfaces 0.01 1.6 +1.59 • Forested • Meadows,grasslands or brushlands(non- agricultural,including abandoned agricultural) 3.15 1.56 1.59 • Agricultural (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) • Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) 0.1 0.1 0 • Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) • Other Describe: Page 9 of 13 c.Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? ❑Yes❑✓ No i. If Yes:explain: d.Are there any facilities serving children,the elderly,people with disabilities(e.g.,schools,hospitals,licensed ❑Yes®No day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: e.Does the project site contain an existing dam? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: feet • Dam length: feet • Surface area: acres • Volume impounded: gallons OR acre-feet U. Dam's existing hazard classification: iii. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection: f.Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, ❑Yes®No or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: i.Has the facility been formally closed? ❑Yes❑ No • If yes,cite sources/documentation: ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: W. Describe any development constraints due to the prior solid waste activities: g.Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin ❑Yes®No property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: i. Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities,including approximate time when activities occurred: h. Potential contamination history. Has there been a reported spill at the proposed project site,or have any ❑Yes® No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: i. Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site ❑Yes❑No Remediation database? Check all that apply: ❑ Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Neither database U. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures: W. Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? ®Yes❑No If yes,provide DEC ID number(s):557018 ,557007 iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s): CLOSED SPILL FOR DUCK POND NEAR GARRISON ROAD Page 10 of 13 v. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? ❑Yes®No • If yes,DEC site ID number: • Describe the type of institutional control(e.g.,deed restriction or easement): • Describe any use limitations: • Describe any engineering controls: • Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? ❑Yes❑No • Explain: E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a.What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? >10 feet b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? % c. Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: UNDERLYING LOAMY SAND 100% FILL(TOP 2-4 FT+/) 100 % d.What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: 3-4 feet e.Drainage status of project site soils:❑ Well Drained: %of site ® Moderately Well Drained: 80%of site ® Poorly Drained 20%of site f Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes: ® 0-10%: 100 %of site ❑ 10-15%: %of site ❑ 15%or greater: %of site g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes,describe: h. Surface water features. i. Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, ®Yes❑No ponds or lakes)? ii. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? ®Yes❑No If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.2.i. iii. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, ®Yes❑No state or local agency? iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: • Streams: Name Classification • Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification • Wetlands: Name NYS Wetland,Federal Waters Approximate Size NYS Wetland(in a... • Wetland No.(if regulated by DEC) GF-19 v. Are any of the above water bodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired ❑Yes 0,4o waterbodies? If yes,name of impaired water body/bodies and basis for listing as impaired: i.Is the project site in a designated Floodway? ❑Yes®No j. Is the project site in the 100 year Floodplain? ❑Yes[Z]No k. Is the project site in the 500 year Floodplain? ❑Yesolo I.Is the project site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i.Name of aquifer:Principal Aquifer Page 11 of 13 m. Identify the predominant wildlife species that occupy or use the project site: BIRDS n.Does the project site contain a designated significant natural community? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Describe the habitat/community(composition,function,and basis for designation): ii. Source(s)of description or evaluation: iii. Extent of community/habitat: • Currently: acres • Following completion of project as proposed: acres • Gain or loss(indicate+or-): acres o.Does project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by the federal government or NYS as ❑Yes[Z]No endangered or threatened,or does it contain any areas identified as habitat for an endangered or threatened species? p. Does the project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by NYS as rare,or as a species of Yes®No special concern? q.Is the project site or adjoining area currently used for hunting,trapping,fishing or shell fishing? ❑Yes[Z]No If yes,give a brief description of how the proposed action may affect that use: E.3. Designated Public Resources On or Near Project Site a. Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in a designated agricultural district certified pursuant to ❑YesoNo Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 25-AA,Section 303 and 304? If Yes, provide county plus district name/number: b.Are agricultural lands consisting of highly productive soils present? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes:acreage(s)on project site? ii. Source(s)of soil rating(s): c. Does the project site contain all or part of,or is it substantially contiguous to,a registered National ❑Yesoio Natural Landmark? If Yes: i. Nature of the natural landmark: ❑Biological Community ❑ Geological Feature ii. Provide brief description of landmark,including values behind designation and approximate size/extent: d. Is the project site located in or does it adjoin a state listed Critical Environmental Area? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. CEA name: ii. Basis for designation: iii. Designating agency and date: Page 12 of 13 e.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district ❑YesO No which is listed on,or has been nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for inclusion on,the State or National Register of Historic Places? If Yes: L Nature of historic/archaeological resource: ❑Archaeological Site ❑Historic Building or District ii. Name: iii. Brief description of attributes on which listing is based: f. Is the project site,or any portion of it, located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for OYesONo archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? g. Have additional archaeological or historic site(s)or resources been identified on the project site? ❑YesONo If Yes: i.Describe possible resource(s): ii. Basis for identification: h.Is the project site within fives miles of any officially designated and publicly accessible federal,state,or local ❑Yes ONo scenic or aesthetic resource? If Yes: i. Identify resource: ii. Nature of,or basis for,designation(e.g.,established highway overlook,state or local park,state historic trail or scenic byway, etc.): iii. Distance between project and resource: miles. i. Is the project site located within a designated river corridor under the Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers ❑YesONo Program 6 NYCRR 666? If Yes: i. Identify the name of the river and its designation: ii. Is the activity consistent with development restrictions contained in 6NYCRR Part 666? C]YesQNo F.Additional Information Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project. If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal,please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them. G. Verification I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I I 11lApplicant/Sponsor Name STEVEN SCOVILLE Date k1 12-8 W Title , %�f�-let, PRINT FORM Page 13 of 13 EAF Mapper Summary Report Thursday, November 17, 2016 10:31 AM Disclaimer: The EAF Mapper is a screening tool intended to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environmental assessment form(EAF).Not all questions asked in the EAF are answered by the EAF Mapper.Additional information on any EAF question can be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks. Although the EAF Mapper provides the most up-to-date digital data available to DEC,you may also need to contact local or other data sources in order to obtain data not provided by the Mapper.Digital data is not a substitute for agency determinations. ta:�rrtgists uen4y f :F:°fa u<tesE3€t,HERE,D=_Lo ms,i SC--:fi interrnap, 114CREMENT 'F,NR rt.Esri sps�,fuTi.EsriCtrin,a :Hong ng�.E>gi E, Keres,Esri jTbailsind),Mscrrylndis,N CC. =:,�iurrtbu C2i ,Int�rmsp, t rtslreetMsp wr ri Ope -uta.,and tb'e CIS tt aPEIAENT F,NPICer,Esri USEF Crrx ommitp rirstt at 4 a � C ETi, E.>ri whirs%t rg B.i.i [Coastal or Waterfront Area] No B.i.ii [Local Waterfront Revitalization Area] No C.2.b. [Special Planning District] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. E.1.h [DEC Spills or Remediation Site - Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Potential Contamination History] Workbook. E.1.h.i [DEC Spills or Remediation Site - Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Listed] Workbook. E.1.h.i [DEC Spills or Remediation Site- Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Environmental Site Remediation Database] Workbook. E.1.h.iii [Within 2,000' of DEC Remediation Yes Site] E.1.h.iii [Within 2,000' of DEC Remediation 557018 , 557007 Site - DEC ID] E.2.g [Unique Geologic Features] No E.2.h.i [Surface Water Features] Yes E.2.h.ii [Surface Water Features] Yes E.2.h.iii [Surface Water Features] Yes - Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and waterbodies is known to be incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. E.2.h.iv [Surface Water Features - Wetlands NYS Wetland, Federal Waters Name] E.2.h.iv[Surface Water Features-Wetlands NYS Wetland (in acres):483.6 Size] E.2.h.iv[Surface Water Features- DEC GF-19 Wetlands Number] , E.2.h.v [Impaired Water Bodies] No E.2.i. [Floodway] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Full Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report E.2.j. [100 Year Floodplain] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. E.2.k. [500 Year Floodplain] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. E.2.1. [Aquifers] Yes E.2.1. [Aquifer Names] Principal Aquifer E.2.n. [Natural Communities] No E.2.o. [Endangered or Threatened Species] No . . . ya_. n_.n.m E.2.p. [Rare Plants or Animals] No E.3.a. [Agricultural District] No E.3.c. [National Natural Landmark] No E.3.d [Critical Environmental Area] No E.3.e. [National Register of Historic Places] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. E.3.f. [Archeological Sites] Yes E.3.i. [Designated River Corridor] No Full Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report 2 Stormwater Management Report and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the proposed Scoville Mini-Storage Facility 106 Everts Avenue, Queensbury NY 12804 Warren County, New York Prepared For. Steve Scoville 6 Lake View Drive Wilton, NY 12831 Prepared By: VISION Engineering, LLC 206 Glen Street Suite 56 Glens Falls, New York 12801 January 15, 2017 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility ATTACHMENTS SWPPP Certifications Rainfall Data NRCS Soil Information Site Resources and Verification Documentation Watershed and Drainage Mapping HydroCAD Hydrologic Models a. Pre-Development b. Post Development c. Extreme Conditions Analysis d. Cpv Analysis NYSDEC Notice of Intent (NOI) Water Quality and Stormwater Device Calculations Sample Stormwater Control Facility Maintenance Agreement NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity Permit No. GP-0-15-002 NYSDEC SWPPP and E&S Control Plan Checklists Construction Stormwater Inspection Manual NYSDEC Notice of Termination Form Construction Details & Drawings Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility PART I Section 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Description The Scoville self-storage facility proposes development of portions of a 3.26 acres parcel located in the Town of Queensbury. The site is situated in a commercial intensive zone and lies behind commercial establishments along Quaker Road, on lands subdivided as part of the project. The parcel consists primarily of vacant land, historically mowed with more recent vegetative growth occurring in the open field due to lack of maintenance. The predominant vegetation is tall grasses and field species, with saplings/small trees scattered in various locations. The periphery of the parcel is surrounded by regulated wetlands and forested area to the south and east, with small pocket wetlands occurring along the north and west edges as well. Adjacent to the parcel to the north is heavily commercialized development, and a single family dwelling occurs to the west. Historical records and site data obtained indicate the site had been previously elevated by filling with a mixture of clean fill and varying soil strata. The parcel will be access from an entrance drive on Everts Avenue. The parcel is 3.26 acres in total with +/- 1.64 acres planned for development including impervious pavements and buildings. The total area of planned site disturbance is approximately 2.5 acres. The project is zoning compliant and includes; 5 self-storage buildings, driving lanes, an entrance from the Town ROW, designated parking spaces, site landscaping and lighting, stormwater management, and electrical services for the facility. No sewer or water services are planned. This report will outline the Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be implemented on the site to control storm water runoff water quality and quantity for the proposed project as a result of planned impervious surfaces. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) is to demonstrate stormwater compliance with the Town of Queensbury Stormwater Code and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) stormwater management requirements for coverage under NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity Permit No. GP-0-15-002 for the project site. This SWPPP provides the calculations and results of the drainage analysis for the proposed development demonstrating compliance with stormwater water quality requirements and peak rate control measures required for the newly created impervious areas proposed on the project site in accordance with the governing regulations. The volumes and rates of generated runoff from proposed impervious cover (roads, driveways, and buildings) will be controlled such that they are reduced and where required less than or equal to pre-development levels up to and including the 50-year design storm event. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility Maintaining certain post-development runoff rates to pre-development conditions will result in minimal impact on adjacent properties and the existing drainage systems, along with minimizing impacts on downstream waterbodies and the nearby wetlands this site is tributary to. This project will also include stormwater best management practices to promote runoff reduction (when possible) and improve runoff water quality, affording an opportunity to minimize downstream sediment transport and pollutant loading which may be caused by the proposed development. The BMP's that will be used to control stormwater on the site will be: • preservation of undisturbed areas • preservation of existing vegetated or forested land • preservation of wetland adjacent areas and their corresponding riparian buffers • minimizing hard surfaces by omitting sidewalks, providing grass overflow parking, and narrowing driving lanes where possible • stormwater wetland/pond with sedimentation and water quality forebays • inclusion of grass-lined swales to reduce/control runoff and deplete pollutants/sediment • wetland protection through regulatory permits 1.3 Methodology This study was prepared using the Soil Conservation Service/National Resource Conservation Service's (SCS/NRCS) Method as contained in the USDA Soil Conservation Service Publication TR-55 "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds". The TR-55 method outlines procedures for calculating peak rates of runoff resulting from precipitation events to developing runoff hydrographs. The TR-55 procedure simulates a watershed using the drainage area, curve number (CN), and time of concentration (Tc) for each watershed or sub-area within the overall analysis area. The curve number is a land sensitive coefficient that dictates the relationship between total rainfall depth and direct storm runoff. Site testing indicates loamy sand soils exist beneath fill layers of sand, gravel, clean fill with minor debris, and some silt and clay fill. Shallow groundwater exists for a majority of the site varying in elevation but with an average elevation of 308 feet. Adjacent wetlands with standing water were measured to have a water surface elevation of approximately 307 feet at the time of the site investigation. Underlying soils at depth are of loamy sand which correspond to Warren County soil mapping for this location. Hydrologic curve numbers (CN) used to determine the runoff characteristics were assumed to be hydrologic soil group D soil type, due to the fineness in many areas and compactness of shallow fills, as follows; 84 for existing pasture/grassland/range, 80 in newly created grass/lawn areas, and 98 for impervious surfaces to include pavements and buildings. The time of concentration is defined as the time for runoff to travel from the hydraulically most distant point of the watershed to a point of interest. Times of concentration (Tc) paths determined for pre development and post development subareas were used to compute the peak discharge from an area. A minimum Tc of 6 minutes was used in the analysis. Sub-catchment areas CN numbers and Tc paths used for the project analysis are defined in the HydroCad Storm Water Modeling reports included in this report and are identified on Watershed Drawings SW-1 and SW-2 for both the pre- and post-development conditions. Stormwater calculations comparing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility analytically pre- and post-development runoff volumes and rates were performed utilizing SCS TR-20 and TR-55 methodology incorporated into HydroCad Storm Water Modeling Software for Type II storm events. The Type II rainfall amounts used for the 1-year, 2-year, 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24 hour storm durations were 2.1-inches, 2.75-inches, 3.8-inches, 4.9-inches, and 6.0-inches, respectively. 1.4 Design Requirements Design requirements for the proposed project are based upon the NYSDEC Stormwater Management Design Manual and the Town of Queensbury Town Code Chapter 147 for Stormwater Management that require stormwater water quality treatment, rate control, and volume control in the form of runoff reduction when possible. In addition erosion and sediment control measures and planning must be incorporated into the design to accommodate construction and land disturbance needs. This will prevent migration of sediment off site and prevent any contamination or impact on adjacent drainage features and/or regulated wetlands. The above referenced standards established stormwater water quality requirements for project sites and require that runoff from newly created impervious areas be "pre-treated" prior to being discharged from the site. This will help to attain pollutant load reduction standards and goals intended by the implementation of the regulations. In summary, the following requirements are necessary for compliance with the above referenced standards; • Meet or exceed Water Quailty Volume requirements (WQv) • Meet or exceed Runoff Reduction Volume requirements (RRv) (when site conditions allow) • Meet or exceed requirements for Channel protection Volume (Cpv) (1-year storm) • Meet or exceed requirements for Overbank Flood Control (Qp) (10-year storm) • Meet or exceed requirements for Extreme Storm Control (Qf) (100-year storm) Section 2.0 Design Concept 2.1 Design Objectives: ➢ Control and treat stormwater runoff in disconnected treatment train system that will protect the water quality of nearby wetlands, tributaries and/or other water features and resources. ➢ Implement low-impact design techniques for stormwater management to minimize adverse impacts on water bodies, disturbance of land, land clearing, creation of unnecessary impervious surfaces, and to maximize preservation of existing vegetation, buffers, and sensitive area on the project site. ➢ Provide advanced BMP water quality treatment of stormwater runoff and to promote groundwater recharge, when conditions allow, to offset increases in impervious pavement area or less permeable ground cover. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility ➢ Control pre- to post-development conditions in runoff rate from the ten and fifty-year twenty four hour duration storm event. ➢ Size the stormwater conveyance system of swales and structures/devices to convey the runoff generated from the design storm events. ➢ Provide emergency overflow protection to prevent downstream erosion, flooding, and damage to structures, roads, and subsequent stormwater conveyance systems by accommodating the one hundred-year twenty four hour duration storm event. ➢ Minimize erosion potential from new construction and site disturbance activities and to prevent sediment transport. ➢ Comply with Town of Queensbury Stormwater Management Regulations, NYSDEC Unified Stormwater Sizing Criteria and requirements for coverage under NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity. Section 3.0 Existing Conditions 3.1 Historical and Natural Resources or Habitat The project site was investigated relative to listed, threatened, or endangered species or habitat along with any possible impact that could result on the presence of cultural, historical, or archaeological resources. In addition, the Town of Queensbury Planning Board conducts its own environmental review (as part of the SEQRA) of the proposed project relative to similar possible impacts. VISION conducted an investigation into the possible presence or occurrence of rare, listed, threatened, or endangered species or habitat, in collaboration with Roberts Environmental Consulting and in coordination with the NYSDEC, New York Natural Heritage Program, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The results of the investigation have concluded there is no impact on or presence or occurrence of rare, listed, threatened, or endangered species or habitat on the project site (correspondence provided in appendices). In addition to the above outlined investigations, the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historical Preservation, Division of Historic Preservation was consulted to verify that the project would not result in any adverse impact on historical or cultural resources. Included in the appendices to this SWPPP is correspondence from the NYSOPRHP concluding that the project would have no impact upon cultural resources in or eligible for inclusion in the State and National Register of Historic Places. 3.2 Site Soils The project site primarily consists of varying soil conditions with lower elevations of the site (northern end) having shallow compact fill soils with varying amounts of sand, gravel, and fines Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility (silt and clay) to a depth of 12-24 inches. The upper portions of the site towards the south end have lesser amounts of shallow fill and fill quality appears to consist more sand and gravel and lesser fines. This area of the site also consists predominantly of underlying loamy sand which is well drained and corresponds to soil mapping for the area. Three soil designations exist on the site according to the USGS Warren County Soil Map, those being Oakville, Wareham, and Elnora loamy sands. Based on field investigations and testing conducted on site to verify the feasibility of infiltration (one infiltration test was performed towards the south end of the site) which resulted in an infiltration rate of 12 inches per hour. The test pit data has been specified on site plan drawings for the project. Because the stormwater design manual specifies a minimum of three feet separation between the floor of an infiltration practice to groundwater, infiltration can only be achieved were shallow devices can reasonably provide runoff mitigation at higher site elevations. 3.3 Existing On-Site Watersheds The existing site area totals 3.26 acres, and consists of three generalized drainage areas, all of which discharge off the parcel into nearby drainage systems or surrounding/adjacent wetlands. Included in this report is map SW-1 depicting the pre-development drainage areas or sub- catchments used in the pre-development analysis. Design points are points of interest where discharge from the project occur. There are three "discharge" points of interest utilized for the existing conditions calculations for the project; - EDP1 — Discharge Point #1 defined as runoff discharged offsite to the north and conveyed to the existing adjacent wetland. - EDP2 — Discharge Point #2 defined as runoff discharged offsite to the east and conveyed to the existing adjacent wetland. - EDP3 - Discharge Point #3 defined as runoff discharged offsite to the west and conveyed to the existing adjacent wetland. 3.4 Off-Site Watersheds Since the site contains the local high point in ground elevation, there are no offsite areas tributary to the site which require inclusion in the analysis. 3.5 Existing Condition Runoff Calculations Attached are HydroCad Hydrologic Models contain calculations for each of the existing drainage areas. A summary of the Pre-Development offsite runoff rates and volumes for the project site are as follows: Pre-Development Runoff Rate Discharge Drainage 1-year 2-year 10-year 50-year 100-year Point Areas (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Design Point 1 E1 1.76 2.78 4.69 6.76 8.87 Design Point 2 E2 0.54 0.90 1.51 2.18 2.85 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility Design Point 3 E3 0.27 0.45 0.75 1.08 1.41 Link ET Totals 2.42 4.18 6.73 9.72 12.75 Pre-Development Runoff Volume Discharge Drainage 1-year 2-year 10-year 50-year 100-year Point Areas (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) Design Point 1 E1 0.154 0.248 0.415 0.602 0.794 Design Point 2 E2 0.048 0.077 0.129 0.187 0.247 Design Point 2 E3 0.019 0.03 0.05 0.073 0.096 Link ET Totals 0.221 0.356 0.595 0.861 1.137 Section 4.0 Proposed Conditions 4.1 Watersheds The proposed project will include development of approximately 1.63 acres of pavement and building area, in addition to surrounding grass/lawn areas, preserved buffers and existing vegetation, and construction of a stormwater wetland/pond to enhance runoff quality and protection of adjacent wetland areas. The developed site in entirely internally drained in that 100% of impervious is directed to a stormwater control device which provides runoff quality and rate control measures. Other than areas that are left undisturbed the entire developed area is captured and conveyed on site to the stormwater wetland/pond located at the northern edge of the parcel. The proposed project will utilize a significant artificial wetland and pond area, which includes sedimentation forebays, among other conveyance and best management practices to attain runoff rate control and water quality treatment required by code. Internally the site is broken into several subcatchments each conveyed to their respective conveyance devices and sedimentation forebays prior to being discharged into the wetland/pond. The proposed wetland/pond device will employ a precast concrete outlet control device, strategically located in the embankment for a daylighted outlet point and which allows access for maintenance. A low flow orifice is provided for controlling the wetlands permanent pool water level and ensuring extended detention to the greatest extent for smaller design storm events. The orifice will be protected with a half-round CMP hood or shield for preventing clogging, which will also extend downward into the permanent pool to prevent freezing of the opening. The post-development watershed subareas are shown in the attached Post Development Drainage Map SW-2. There are two "discharge" points of interest utilized for the developed conditions calculations for the project; - PDP1 — Discharge Point #1 defined as runoff discharged from undisturbed lands offsite to the north and east and conveyed to the existing adjacent wetland. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility - PDP2 - Discharge Point #2 defined as runoff discharged from the developed portions of the site from the stormwater wetland/pond outlet offsite to the north east and conveyed to the existing adjacent wetland. A summary of the Post-Development runoff rates and volumes for the project site are as follows: Post-Development Discharge Rates Discharge Drainage 1-year 2-year 10-year 50-year 100-year Point Areas (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Design Point 1 P1 0.71 1.22 2.12 3.12 4.14 Design Point 2 P2-P6 0.23 0.35 4.57 6.70 7.41 Totals 0.91 1.46 6.59 9.65 11.29 Post-Development Runoff Volume Discharge Drainage 1-year 2-year 10-year 50-year 100-year Point Areas (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) Design Point 1 P1 0.039 0.066 0.115 0.170 0.228 Design Point 2 P2-P6 0.265 0.384 0.585 0.800 1.018 Totals 0.304 0.450 0.699 0.970 1.246 Section 5.0 Stormwater Management Plan NYSDEC Stormwater Management Design Manual presents a unified approach for sizing stormwater management practices to meet pollutant removal goals, reduce channel erosion, prevent overbank flooding, and to help control extreme flooding. The components of this approach are; • Meet or exceed Water Quailty Volume requirements (WQv) • Meet or exceed Runoff Reduction Volume requirements (RRv) • Meet or exceed requirements for Channel protection Volume (Cpv) • Meet or exceed requirements for Overbank Flood Control (Qp) • Meet or exceed requirements for Extreme Storm Control (Qf) To properly apply these criteria and control measures, the site has been divided into sub- watersheds and each sub-watershed has been analyzed for compliance with these regulations. Each of the requirements for the project is presented in further detail in the following sections. 5.1 Green Infrastructure Green infrastructure planning for a project generally includes provisions that will promote an overall reduction in runoff and the required water quality volume. Typical measures for such practices include, but are not limited to; preservations of undisturbed areas, preservation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility buffers and natural resources, reduction in clearing and grading or impervious surfaces, and locating development away from critical or sensitive areas. Techniques utilized for "green infrastructure" on this project and included in the current design are as follows; - Preservation of the natural hydrology is accomplished by providing periphery areas which discharge offsite to existing wetlands mimicking existing conditions. - Naturally vegetated buffers and riparian fringes are maintained near wetlands and within the wetland adjacent area. Further proposed development was shifted on site to provide the greatest buffer distance from primary wetland to the east. - The proposed development follows natural topography of the site with a gently sloped development area flowing south to north, generally mimicking natural conditions and requiring less change to and impact on the overall site. - Proposed development is smaller than originally proposed upon review of natural resources, adjacent areas, and in working with permitting agencies. As a result of efforts to protect wetlands surrounding the property and to minimize project impacts on the resources the size and scope of the project and planned development was reduced from 2.28 acres to 1.63 acres, reducing development area by approximately 0.65 aces. - No sidewalks are currently proposed and driving lanes for maneuvering were reduced to the minimum possible in order to keep impervious surfaces to a minimum. - To promote runoff reduction and water quality improvement we have incorporated the following measures; impervious area reduction, preservation of existing forest and riparian buffers, grass-lined swales with check dams, landscaping, disconnection of roof runoff into infiltration devices where possible, and stormwater day-lighting and water quality treatment through a series of swales, culverts, and an artificial wetland/pond. By analysis and planning to include the above measures and practices, we have achieved the general goals and intent of the green infrastructure planning requirements of the NYSDEC Stormwater Design Manual. 5.2 Water Quality The Water Quality Volume is designed to improve water quality sizing to capture and treat 90 percent of the average annual stormwater runoff volume. WQv is directly related to the amount of impervious cover created on the site. NYSDEC Figure 4.1 provides the 90% rainfall event amount (P) used for this region to be used in the WQv calculation. For this project site location the determined P is 1.2 inches of precipitation. The following equation has been used to determine water quality volumes for the project: WQv = [(P) (Rv) (A)] /12 Where: Rv=0.05+0.009(1) 1=Impervious Cover (%) Minimum Rv=0.2 P=1.0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility Calculations for water quality are included in the appendices. Water quality treatment has been achieved on site by using two primary best management practices including; wetland/pond forebays/sedimentation basins, and grass-lines swales with check dams within the conveyance planning. Sedimentation basins and swales will both pre-treat the stormwater runoff and provided water quality volume in order to deplete pollutant and sediment loads in runoff. These stormwater treatment techniques will provide the highest possible level of treatment of the stormwater for the site and protect the down gradient wetlands or other waterbodies from stormwater pollutants. The proposed practices have been designed with the following parameters; minimum three feet of separation to the seasonal high groundwater elevation, the basin shall fully dewater the entire WQv within 48 hours (See HydroCad Hydrologic Models for detention time), the forebays provide storage for 10% of WQv, the wetland micro-pool contains minimum 10% of the WQv required, the wetland pond is at least a ratio of 1:100 for the contributing area, and where possible infiltration is provided on upper gradients of the site. Calculations (See HydroCad Hydrologic Models and appendices) illustrate the satisfaction of the WQv analysis. The total WQv required for the site is 6985 cubic feet. A runoff reduction volume of 1663 cubic feet is achieved through swales and infiltration. Approximately 5322 cubic feet of water quality volume storage is required in the wetland pond, which is achieved by providing storage of the WQv by elevating the primary outlet above the WQv storage elevation. 5.3 Runoff Reduction Volume Runoff reduction of the total Water Quality Volume is not feasible on this parcel due to the presence of elevated groundwater. For the site it was determined from test pit data that the average groundwater elevation is at elevation 308.0 feet, just two feet below grade at the north end of the site and approximately six feet below grade nearest the south-west corner of the site. Most of the site would require extremely shallow infiltration devices or the site would need to be substantially elevated in order to provide runoff reduction by infiltration means. Due to site limitations the minimum RRv of 1357 cubic feet was achieved by use of BMP's including an infiltration trench for a small area of development planned at the highest site elevations, and using swales for some of the runoff conveyance system. A total RRv of 1663 cubic feet is provided. 5.4 Peak Flow and Volume Attenuation Stream Channel Protection Volume (Cpv) requirements are designed to protect stream channels downstream from erosion. This is accomplished by providing 24-hour extended detention of the 1-year, 24-hour storm event. The two conditions where the Cpv requirement does not apply include: reduction of the entire Cpv volume is achieved at a site through green infrastructure or infiltration systems; and the site discharges directly tidal waters or fifth order (fifth downstream) or larger streams. Precipitation for the 1-year storm at this site location is 2.1 inches. A Cpv analysis was conducted to determine the pond sizing and verify the pond outlet Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility requirements to detain the storm volume for a minimum period of 24-hours. The analysis indicated that the outlet orifice required to provide the extended detention would be smaller than 1-inch diameter. This outlet required to achieve the detention time would be too small to prevent clogging or winter freezing. Alternatively in this scenario the design manual allows for a 3-inch orifice with a protective hood to ensure proper function of the outlet and to prevent the pond outlet from clogging or freezing in winter months. As such, a three-inch permanent pool orifice is planned to maintain the wet pool elevation of the wetland pond. In order to achieve the greatest extent of detention time for the Cpv storm event and with using a minimum size 3-inch orifice, the primary pond outlet (control structure grate) was elevated to an elevation higher than the Cpv storage volume, thus the entire Cpv storm is retained in the wetland pond until fully dewatered through only the 3-inch orifice. Overbank Flood (Qp) control sizing criteria is to prevent an increase in the frequency and magnitude of out-of-bank flooding generated by urban development. Overbank control requires onsite storage to attenuate the post-development 10-year, 24-hour peak discharge rate (Qp) to less than pre-development rates. Calculations for each watershed on site are summarized below for the 10-year storm using a precipitation of 3.8 inches. Since the10-year peak runoff rates for the post-development conditions are less than the peak pre-development rates, this requirement has been satisfied. See attached HydroCad Hydrologic Models for calculations. Extreme Flood Control Criteria (Qf) requirements are designed to prevent the increased risk of flood damage from large storm events and to maintain the boundary of the pre-development 100-year flood plain. The 100-year extreme flood control is accomplished by providing storage on site to attenuate the post-development 100-year, 24-hour peak discharge rate (Qf) to less than pre-development rates. Calculations for each watershed on the site were analyzed for the 100-year storm using a precipitation of 6.0 inches. Since the peak runoff rates for the post- development conditions are less than the peak pre-development rates, this requirement has been satisfied. See attached HydroCad Hydrologic Models for calculations. The Town of Queensbury stormwater regulations require attenuation of the 50-year design storm event. The 50-year design storm attenuation is accomplished by providing storage on site to attenuate the post-development 50-year, 24-hour peak discharge rate (Q50) to less than pre- development rates. Calculations for each watershed on the site were analyzed for the 50-year storm using a precipitation of 4.9 inches. Since the peak runoff rates for the post-development conditions are less than the peak pre-development rates, this requirement has been satisfied. See attached HydroCad Hydrologic Models for calculations. 5.5 Operations and Maintenance Plan To ensure continuous and effective operation of the Stormwater Management practices, scheduled inspections and maintenance of the implemented practices will be completed periodically by the project Owner. Forebays and conveyance devices will be properly maintained through periodic inspection, cleaning, repairs, vegetative re-stabilization, and seeding of bare areas. Control structures, culverts, and sedimentation basins will be kept clean Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility and any waste present will be handled and disposed of appropriately. All infiltration trenches will be covered with a permeable stone layer, which the Owner will periodically inspect and maintain. Additionally the proposed practices will have direct accessibility for any repair or rehabilitation necessary in the future. Section 6.0 Conclusion After analysis of the existing site conditions, soils and natural drainage patterns, the proposed site design improvements will function to utilize existing soils, preserve natural drainage patterns, disconnect impervious flow and attenuate the peak runoff rate for the 1-year, 2-year, 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year storm events. The project utilizes low impact development techniques to reduce stormwater impacts from the newly created impervious areas and uses best management practices to treat and control stormwater runoff at the source. The stormwater control devices proposed for the project will maintain the post-development runoff rates to pre- development conditions and the project is anticipated to have no adverse impact on downstream drainage areas and/or wetlands. The proposed stormwater measures will provide the required stormwater runoff treatment and control measures necessary to have a minimal impact on adjacent properties, existing drainage systems and provide good protection of downstream water quality. PART II Section 7.0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Controlling sediment laden runoff transport from being discharged off site is an important aspect of the construction planning process. Erosion and sediment control practices are necessary to prevent or minimize the extent of erosion on site during construction activities, as well minimize or prevent the transport of sediment laden runoff to nearby streams and/or wetlands. NYSDEC regulates construction activities that plan to disturb greater than 1 acre. A permit is required to be obtained from the Department for this project prior to the start of construction operations on site by the Contractor. The following sections are provided to ensure that necessary procedures and the requirements of the permit are followed. 7.1 Pollution Prevention Practices Certain measures are required to prevent contaminants from becoming pollutant sources in stormwater discharge. Construction activities increase the amount of onsite chemicals, debris, and litter which need to be controlled to reduce potential pollutant sources. To prevent such sources, areas will be designated for refuse and recycling storage. When necessary, the materials will be handled and disposed of appropriately. Additionally, any debris accumulated due to construction activity will be recycled or disposed of in the same manner. Onsite handling and disposal of construction chemicals will be completed by qualified personnel to ensure the prevention of pollutant sources in stormwater discharge and the safety of the construction site. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility Section 8.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices are proposed to be implemented for the project and are shown on the site plans. Details have been provided for various erosion and sediment control practices, and the site operator is responsible to ensure their proper installation and implementation. The following temporary erosion and sediment measures will be utilized for this site: Sediment Control Fence: Silt fence shall be used to control erosion from sheet flow on slopes not to exceed 3 on 1. Concentrated flows shall not be directed toward the silt fence. The silt fence must be installed parallel to the contour lines to eliminate drainage along the fence. Temporary Sediment Trap: Basins will be excavated and provided as shown on plans. Temporary sediment basins shall be seeded with ryegrass to accept stormwater runoff from the construction site allowing sediment to settle out. Sediment Traps will be constructed in the location and be of the size and type specified to collect sediment laden stormwater. Temporary Seeding: Land that is stripped of vegetation will be seeded and planted as soon as possible. Any area that will remain cleared but not under construction for 10 days or longer will be seeded with a ryegrass mixture and mulched to stabilize soil until construction resumes. Temporary Diversion Swales: Temporary diversion swales shall be constructed either to divert clean stormwater runoff from newly graded areas or to direct sediment laden runoff to a sediment trapping device. Channel Stabilization: Drainage channels and temporary diversion swales shall be stabilized with seed, erosion control netting or riprap, as specified, to minimize deterioration of the channel bed. Stone Check Dams constructed of #2 stone shall be installed in the channels as necessary (heel to toe along the channel slope) to trap sediment and reduce channel velocity. Stabilized Construction Entrance: Entrance roads will be protected by installation of a crushed stone blanket for cleaning construction vehicle wheels. Blankets shall be placed at any intersection of a construction road with a paved or publicly owned road. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed as necessary. Dust Control: Measures for dust control during construction shall be implemented as needed (daily water sprays will be used during dry conditions. In addition to water sprays, temporary mulching, temporary seeding and covering stockpiles with tarps shall be implemented when necessary. Erosion Control Blanket: Fabricated straw or biodegradeable mesh blankets shall be utilized to protect and temporarily stabilize slopes of 3:1 or greater (or flatter slopes in highly erodeable Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility soils). Apply to graded, topsoiled, and seeded slopes. Attach blankets with staples or stakes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Maintain blankets in place until permanent groundcover is firmly established. Flexible Channel Liner: Fabricated coconut nylon-fiber mesh blankets shall be utilized to protect and temporarily stabilize any final drainage channels where runoff is concentrated. Apply to graded, topsoiled, and seeded channels. Attach liner with staples or stakes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Maintain liner in place until permanent groundcover is firmly established. (see "Channel Stabilization" above) Rock Check Dam: Small stone check dams shall be constructed in any temporary drainage channels during construction. These dams shall be constructed in the locations shown on the plans and as necessary to control any drainage from the construction site which concentrates in flow paths or channels. Dams shall be constructed as detailed on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Dams shall be cleaned of any sediment after each rainfall as needed. Rock Outlet Protection: Rock and/or stone liners shall be installed at all outlet devices where concentrated flow occurs. Outlet protection shall serve to reduce velocity or energy of discharged runoff and protect channel from erosion. All outlet protection measures shall be installed as indicted on the drawings. Section 9.0 Construction Procedures and Phasing 9.1 Requirements Prior to Construction At the start of construction the Contractor shall ensure all necessary permits and/or approvals have been obtained. The site operator shall review all requirements of the SWPPP and permit. The Notice of Intent shall be updated if necessary and submitted to NYSDEC for permit coverage. 9.2 Construction Phasing and Sequence At the start of construction all required postings, silt fence, and the construction entrance shall be installed. Planned staging areas shall be cleared and covered with 6 inches of #2 crushed stone. Once the site has been prepared for start of work, the site operator shall request initial site inspection by Engineer for certification prior to commencing site disturbance activities. Upon certification, the Contractor shall begin rough grading and clearing operations for the proposed driveway and building area while limiting the area of disturbance to the greatest extent practical during construction. The total approximate disturbance for the site is 2.5 acres. Topsoil and/or organic material shall be stripped and site grubbed in preparation for rough grading and filling/cutting as necessary. This material shall be stockpiled as shown on drawings and retained for later use. The temporary sediment trap and diversion swales shall be installed at the earliest possible stage of construction. Provide sediment trap outlet as specified on the plans. Provide localized erosion and sediment control measures where required for isolated work. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility After rough grading and clearing for the driveway and buildings, the Contractor shall prepare the site for utility installation and permanent stormwater measures. All driving surfaces, channels, and stormwater devices shall be rough graded and subbase installation should be scheduled after installation of all utilities. The area of stormwater basins/ponds shall be graded, topsoiled, seeded and mulched, and in the case of the stormwater pond/wetland, planted, once initial operations and entire site stabilization has occurred. All stormwater devices shall be protected at all times from sediment laden runoff. All disturbed areas shall be protected from erosion and routinely inspected for deficiencies by the site operator. Corrective measures shall be implemented as soon as possible when necessary. After the site is stabilized, the sediment forebays and conveyance devices shall be cleaned out and final grades established as shown on the Stormwater and Grading Plan. Sediment control fence shall be installed along the low side of each active work area to be disturbed to contain runoff from the construction site. The construction entrance should be installed at the start of work and prior to any site activity. Section 10.0 Maintenance Requirements 10.1 Maintenance of Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Devices The sediment traps shall be inspected by the Contractor at least weekly and after every rain event exceeding 0.5-inches of precipitation. When 50% of the volume of each device is full, the Contractor shall remove collected sediment and dispose of properly. Outlet devices from traps shall be maintained in a clean condition for proper draining of the basin. The Contractor shall inspect the sediment control fence, construction entrance, inlet protection measures, and rock check dams weekly and after every rain event and remove trapped sediment and maintain the devices in good working order. The site operator shall inspect and evaluate the erosion and sediment control procedures weekly. Deficiencies in protection measures shall be corrected, or an alternative or additional device shall be utilized, when necessary to further mitigate erosion or sedimentation of runoff. 10.3 Permanent Erosion Control All previous disturbed areas shall be graded, topsoiled, and seeded or planted as soon as practical. Seed beds shall be mulched with straw or hydro-mulch with tackifier and plant beds shall be mulched with pine bark mulch. Seeded areas on slopes over 3:1 shall be stabilized with erosion control netting as specified on the plans. 10.4 Permanent Stormwater Device Maintenance Maintenance of stormwater management practices is integral to the continued satisfactory function of the devices to provide the required treatment and flow attenuation as designed. Sediment shall be removed every two to three years or after 25 % of the total capacity of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Scoville Self-Storage Facility forebay has been lost. Additionally, the condition of steep slopes or embankments, outlet spillways, riprap outlets, culverts/end sections, and manholes shall be inspected yearly and following major storm events for erosion and/or debris blockages. Corrective measures shall be implemented immediately for deficient conditions found to exist. Site plan drawing details provide detailed maintenance requirements for each practice utilized. Site plan drawings and details provide additional maintenance requirements for each device.